Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

**Synopsis of "Lord":**

**Story Context:**

1. Gideon H’s 1v1

2. The first story: The Faux Twin and Her Brother (Completed)

3. The second story: The Unfaithful Housewife and the Underworld Young Master (Completed)

4. The third story: (Fake) Mental Patient and Physician (Completed)

5. The fourth story: The Niece and Her Young Uncle (Completed)

6. The fifth story: Young Aunt Ferdinand and Prince Ferdinand's Sister Garret (Completed)

7. The sixth story: The Single Mother and Her Daughter's Home Mistress (Completed)

8. The seventh story: Wayward Youths and the Young Mute Prince (Completed)

9. The eighth story: The Heterochromatic Boy and the Lord's Manor Concubine (Completed)

10. The ninth story: Phantom Arabella and the Young Wolfdog (Completed)

11. The tenth story: The Burden and Heir Edmund Hawthorne (Ongoing)

12. The nth story: The Female CEO and Her Male Bodyguard (In Concept)

13. The nth story: Phantom Leopold and the Naked First Love (In Concept)

14. The nth story: Regent Armand and the Famous Courtesan (In Concept)

15. The nth story: The E-Sports God and the Girl on His Phone Wallpaper (In Concept)

(Note: The order of stories may vary based on availability.)

**Other Works:** "Don't Leave with Gideon Fly (NPH)."

Chapter 2

### Chapter One: Little Icarus and the Eldest Brother

Martin Everett and Icarus Martin had a lively conversation.

In the backdrop was a tale of two girls, one a true genius and the other a mere pretender.

During summer vacation, Gideon Stormrage passionately persuaded Edmund Hawthorne and Lady Beatrice Hawthorne to let their daughter, Celia Nightingale, attend a mathematics camp in the neighboring kingdom for a week. It was Celia’s first time traveling away from home, and as she journeyed further and further, she unexpectedly discovered just how warm and comforting her home truly was, along with the depth of her attachment to it.

When Martin returned home, brimming with newfound knowledge and yearning, the driver opened the door to Hawthorne Manor. The moment she stepped inside, she failed to notice the curious expression on the driver’s face but instead joyfully dashed into the living room to find her beloved Beatrice.

To her surprise, instead of the familiar embrace of her caring mother, she encountered a girl she had never seen before. The girl was gently holding Beatrice’s hand, speaking in soft whispers, her expression radiating warmth and compassion.

When the girl turned around at the sound, the two of them locked eyes, and in that instant, a strange sensation filled Martin's heart.

She looked just like...

Just like her mother, Lady Beatrice.

Just like her brother, Alaric.

Even like her father, Edmund Hawthorne.

But she didn't look like Celia.

From a young age, Celia Nightingale had been the embodiment of beauty—a stunning blend of her parents' looks. The quality of the Hawthorne and Blackwood bloodlines was evident, not only in her father, Edmund, but also in her uncle, Gideon Stormrage, who had once been a dazzling star. The couple had two children, Alaric and Celia, whose looks alone could provoke admiration from onlookers.

Yet, while Celia was undeniably beautiful, she shared none of the distinct features of Edmund Hawthorne or Beatrice. It was most apparent in her strikingly charming, almond-shaped eyes, distinctively different from the traditional emerald gaze of her kin.

Standing there, side by side, they looked nothing alike.

As she began to understand murmurs overheard in passing—the casual conversations among acquaintances—she learned that she might not be the biological child of Edmund and Beatrice. One day, young Celia, filled with emotion, rushed into her father's office, ignoring all attempts to halt her.

That day, Gideon and Edmund were in the honeymoon phase of their marriages. Who would have imagined that their cherished daughter, spoiled and adored in their eyes, would barge in, tears streaming down her face, breaking into the sacred space of her father?

For just a moment, Edmund had been furious; his study was almost sacred in the Hawthorne Manor, known to be off-limits to all but his wife. Not even his son, Alaric—who had been groomed as the heir—would dare enter without permission, let alone his daughter, who rarely showed interest in books.

But as he saw his daughter, eyes shimmering like crushed starlight, the anger faded, replaced by the overwhelming love he had for her.

As if nothing else mattered, all other family members were relegated to the background, eclipsed by the significance of his daughter’s tears.

Chapter 3

She quickly pushed open the door, causing Princess Elenora to tumble forward into the astonished arms of her father, Garrett. With a swift motion, he flipped off the desk, rapidly smoothing out Elenora's disheveled dress while she raced into his embrace, managing to button up the last remaining button just as she dove in.

It must be said, Garrett had honed his reflexes and agility during his early days in the entertainment industry, where he started as a young extra and picked up useful skills.

"Sweetheart, what happened? Why are you crying like that? Who bullied you? Mama's going to take care of them!" he said gently, his voice soothing as he awkwardly wiped away the tears streaming down his daughter's face like a broken faucet.

"Hic... Mama... Mama..." Elenora hiccupped, burying her cherubic face deeper into the warm comfort of her mother's embrace, unable to contain a hiccup. "Mama... hic..."

"What on earth happened?" Cyrus, her mother, exclaimed in desperation, noticing that Elenora seemed too preoccupied with her tears and calls for 'Mama' to explain further. Occasionally, she would hiccup but remained silent, making her mother's worry deepen.

Turning her gaze towards the equally concerned Garrett, dressed in formal attire, Cyrus felt a sense of urgency written all over her face.

Garrett shook his head, quickly stepping toward Elenora and scooping her up from Cyrus's arms.

But Elenora resisted, still reaching out towards her mother's comforting touch.

Ever since starting kindergarten, although she still loved to play the little darling, Elenora rarely asked her mother for cuddles. Seeing her do so now melted Cyrus’s heart.

She reached out to take Elenora back into her arms.

However, Garrett simply waved her off.

Noticing Garrett’s determined demeanor, Cyrus withdrew her hand but kept her worried gaze locked on her daughter.

Garrett cradled the now heavier Elenora like he had when she was just a baby, softly patting her back and whispering reassurances.

“Be a good girl; don’t cry, Elenora.” His voice was tender, a special kind of warmth reserved only for his wife and daughter. “If you keep crying, you won’t be cute anymore.”

“I don’t want that! Elenora doesn’t want to be not-cute!” The little girl, being just that—a child—soon tired herself out from crying, and as an impressionable young girl who cared about how others viewed her, she quickly shifted her focus at her father's words.

“You know, Elenora, in our home, you are the cutest of them all.” Seeing Elenora no longer sobbing, Cyrus stepped closer to join Garrett and her daughter. “But tell me, why was our adorable Elenora crying in the first place?”

“If Elenora cries, then Mommy and Daddy will be sad too.”

Elenora offered no further response, resting her head on her father's shoulder, her little form looking a bit forlorn, her eyes reflecting sadness and a hint of helplessness as she gazed up at her mother.

Cyrus couldn’t bear to see her little girl in such distress. “Sweetheart, please tell Mommy who hurt you, and I'll help you get even,” she urged.

Garrett, hearing his wife's words, felt the urge to chime in. “Yeah, who dared to make our little princess cry? Daddy will call Constable Mason right away and have them dealt with.”

In this lighthearted back and forth, Elenora began to giggle despite her prior tears.

“There wasn’t anyone bad that bullied Elenora,” she murmured, her little voice so adorable.

“Then why were you crying?” Cyrus continued, gently stroking her daughter’s hair with a loving hand.

“Because…” Elenora bit her lip, moments of confusion passing through her shiny eyes. “Someone said you and Daddy aren’t really my mommy and daddy.”

At this, both Garrett and Cyrus’s expressions shifted, astonishment washing over their faces.

Chapter 4

Little Icarus was only just starting to understand who the elusive Lady Beatrice Hawthorne truly was, the mother she had never met. Her enchanting almond-shaped eyes now filled her thoughts like a delicate shroud of mystery.

Isabelle sat upright on the plush couch, her gaze fixed on a meticulously preserved old photograph prominently displayed on the mantelpiece. The image captured a younger version of her mother, a bright-eyed college student, alongside a youthful version of her father, Lord Edmund Hawthorne. He had a cutting smile and an arm around a woman in a traditional Chinese qipao – the striking Lady Beatrice.

"Is this really her?" Icarus wondered aloud, taking in the softness of Lady Beatrice's features reflected in the picture. Those same, captivating eyes did indeed run in the family.

Isabelle felt a pang of sadness. It grieved her that she could never meet the kind-hearted Lady Beatrice who looked so lovingly at her father. Yet, amid that melancholy was a flicker of pride. Here she was, still very much the child of her loving parents rather than the product of a mystery.

"I see you finally believe it now," Cyrus remarked, eyes brimming with affection, as he glanced at his obedient daughter.

"Absolutely." Icarus nodded vigorously, lifting her gaze to summon the spirit of her mother. "Mom."

"You've always been your mother's favorite," Cyrus teased, the corners of his mouth twitching upward.

"Isn’t it odd? Everyone always says daughters are their father's little angels, yet in our family, it's quite the opposite!" Martin chimed in, adorned with a mock jealousy while witnessing the tender exchange.

Cyrus shot him a quick glare to keep the atmosphere light.

Not entirely grasping what it meant to be “dad’s little princess,” Icarus looked from her mom back to her dad and then, with a swift movement, leaped off the couch to hug Martin around the knees. "Dad, I love you!" she declared, beaming.

The sight of her joyful spirit delighted both parents.

On the surface, the playful encounter passed without incident. However, deep down, it ignited a fierce fire of resentment within Cyrus and Martin. They undertook a severe reorganization of the household following what they deemed a failure in family loyalty.

To Icarus, it all faded from memory until the moment she stood again in the familiar yet now unwelcoming ambiance of her well-decorated home. She felt like a stranger, lost and disoriented.

It was a girl who first spotted her.

The girl’s clear, innocent eyes sparkled as she caught Icarus's gaze, her expression shifting to surprise and then to concern as she recognized her. In that fleeting moment, Icarus understood: the whispers of doubts weren't merely idle chatter; sometimes, they regrettably crept into reality.

The story that unfolded was remarkably mundane—a classic case of a baby swap. Just two oblivious families, both sharing the Martin surname.

However, the first Martin family was a prestigious dynasty, long-established in the nation and holding significant status in the city, while the other was a more modest household running a thriving diner. The lady of the latter bore a semblance of normalcy—she was a dutiful civil servant, and her husband appeared more than content with their simple existence. Together, they led a life filled with love—minus one missing child.

Through ten arduous years, Edmund and Beatrice Hawthorne’s hopes for a child had been dashed repeatedly. Only now, after almost a decade, did Beatrice finally grace them with the prospect of motherhood, and naturally, it sent waves of joy through their home like luxury champagne bubbling in a crystal flute.

Chapter 5

In Martin Everhart's memories, both Lord Edmund Hawthorne and Lady Beatrice Hawthorne were the court's gold standard. Despite their residence in a modest place called Ashford, they treated her like their own precious daughter. Life in the Hawthorne household, alongside her brother Ferdinand, was vibrant and full of warmth. However, such bliss was not meant to last. During Martin's sophomore year, tragedy struck when Lady Beatrice Hawthorne fell victim to a grievous illness, succumbing within a month.

From that moment on, Lord Edmund was a shadow of his former self—overcome with sorrow, lost in despair, and drowning in alcohol. Although he never raised a hand against Martin, she became as invisible to him as the air he breathed. Barely six months after Beatrice's passing, Flora Everhart, their steadfast housekeeper, ran out of funds and tragically chose to take her own life, leaving Martin completely orphaned.

It wasn't until a few days after Martin had left for a summer math camp that her world began to change. At a major product launch event organized by Douglas Langley, where Martin was working part-time, she unintentionally bumped into Cyrus Langley. Unaware of her importance, she politely apologized, and Cyrus, who had a soft spot for kindness, was drawn to Martin's unaffected charm, striking up a casual conversation.

To Cyrus's surprise, they chatted for almost ten minutes. Faced with a girl who appeared, at once, both noble and battered by life, Cyrus found herself intrigued by Martin's story. After the death of Lady Beatrice, Martin had been sent to an orphanage, but due to its poor management, it soon closed. Now, she rented a small apartment near the Prince’s estate, working to pay for her education and living expenses.

As they talked, Martin’s optimistic spirit shone through; despite her tragic past, she harbored no bitterness about her circumstances. Moved by Martin's resilience, Cyrus, whose own daughter was away from home, decided to extend an offer for Martin to work at her residence, hoping it would provide both company and a distraction.

Initially hesitant, Martin eventually accepted due to Cyrus’s persistent invitations and her admiration for the elegant lady’s kindness. Their paths intertwined as Martin began working in the Langley household, though even for a brief duration, she wasn’t exempt from the thorough vetting that came with being associated with the Langleys.

Surprisingly, this routine investigation revealed a shocking mix-up from years prior—a child-swapping incident involving Ferdinand, which took everyone aback. Both Cyrus and Douglas found themselves lamenting the cruel twists of fate that had led them to this revelation.

Although both felt an obligation towards Martin, their deeper connection was with their own son, Ferdinand, whose lineage questions caused a stir. In the ensuing commotion, with Martin and Princess Isabella present, they decided to take a middle ground.

On the day of their eighteenth birthdays, Douglas organized a ceremony wherein he announced that Martin was the long-lost daughter of the Hawthorne family, while Isabella was revealed to be the foster child of a friend of the Langleys. The gathering erupted in astonished whispers as the truth unfolded before their eyes.

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