Bound by Pheromones and Dreams

Chapter 1

“Hey, you smell amazing…”

The tall guy in front of Elena Stone suddenly turned around.

His gaze flicked over Elena's face, momentarily stunned by her beauty before it fixated on her neck.

Elena wore a black choker. The satin ribbon was wrapped tightly around her slender, fair neck, exuding an allure that made Merlin, a merman, feel a strange tightening in his throat.

This style, originally called a suppressor ring, was intended to help Omegas control their pheromones. Though now it had become a popular accessory, especially among women, for some Merlins, such a look carried an ambiguous implication.

The boy seemed entranced, leaning closer to Elena, his nose hovering near her neck. “That scent—did you use pheromone perfume?”

Elena stood there momentarily dazed, her mind racing as she heard an internal voice scolding her: **Elena Stone. Time to get to work. The plot’s begun.**

**Oh, right.**

Elena was caught up in a fantasy world, known for featuring rearranged destinies and unexpected romances. She had been thrust into this life as a professional side character, working late shifts across three different stories.

Each day, she diligently contributed to the romance of the main leads, desperately trying to ensure they found happiness together. But alas, her co-star Merlin seemed to fumble the ball repeatedly when it came to crucial moments.

In one particular story set in the ABO universe, she was acting as a bait for an Alpha, planning to befriend the Beta male lead before swooping in for his Alpha boyfriend.

“I like you.”

“I like you too.”

“Wait, what?” Elena was flabbergasted.

“What's the deal? He's just an Alpha, right?” murmured the Beta, feeling a mix of disbelief and annoyance as he processed this twist.

Hold on—wasn’t the story supposed to have the Beta transitioning to an Omega? Instead, they were fighting over an Alpha!

Elena realized she would have to spend her weekend in another tale—this time as a misguided antagonist. While the main character found comfort with her General named Moonlight, she would be left in the torrential rain, nursing a broken heart.

“I regret it—I don’t care about General Moonlight anymore! I only care about you.”

The Beta’s response was cold. “I don’t believe you—unless you never see him again.”


“I knew it. You were just lying to me.”

Wait, why was she being locked in a dark room?

Later that evening, Elena had to rush into yet another story, this time featuring adorable pets. The main character was supposedly the last endangered Wild Mermaid, yet here she was: a cruel caretaker bent on capturing him so the Alpha hero could swoop in and save the day.

“Want a snack? You’ll have to plead with me.”

“I’d rather eat you,” shot back the merman with a teasing smirk.

“Whoa…” Elena felt her face flush.

“I’ll take what I want if you don’t give it to me,” he teased.

Next thing she knew, both the Alpha and Beta were intent on keeping her around.

And to Elena's utter shock, the main characters from all three stories found a way to meet…and chaos ensued.

**A knife-wielding antagonist versus a lovestruck Merlin fan**—what a mess.

**Notable Highlights:** Elena was born to cause drama. The Alpha was hopelessly romantic. Expect plenty of clichés.

**Tags:** Love-struck, love wars, interstellar, transmigration.

**Keywords:** Main Character: Elena Stone | Side Characters: Aldric Northman, Lysander Hunt, Siren Selene | Others: Dramatic encounters, Merlin fandom, jalousie.

**Story Essence:** A clash of emotions between a sharp antagonist and a loyal Merlin admirer.

Chapter 2

Elena Stone, her usually calm and expressionless face suddenly lit with surprise and a hint of indignation, turned to face the boy standing before her. Her ears turned pink with the flush of embarrassment.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't touch me!" he exclaimed, pushing her away.

The boy hesitated for a moment before expressing his frustration at being pulled back by Elena's wrist. "What’s your name? You’re the one who doused yourself in that strong perfume!”

Elena's wrist was delicate and slender, easily caught in the boy's grasp. He seemed taken aback, a look of panic flickering across his face as he hurriedly tried to extract himself from the situation. Suddenly, he released her, causing her to stumble back several steps and bump into someone behind her.

“Ah!” Elena spun around.

Standing there was a figure with strikingly symmetrical features. His deep-set eyes and sharp jawline exuded an undeniable masculinity, and though undeniably handsome, the chill in his expression was palpable.

He towered over her, standing straight with broad shoulders and a trim waist. The shirt was meticulously buttoned all the way up, accentuating the contrast of his body—a fully honed physique that boasted strength and refinement, like a well-sheathed sword.

His icy demeanor softened momentarily when their eyes met.

Elena thought, **This must be the main character... the one getting all the attention.**

“Correct. Target confirmed: he is indeed the protagonist," chimed a voice in her mind, which she recognized as The Oraculum.

Without questioning it further, Elena instinctively stepped behind Aldric Northman, causing him to blink in surprise.

The boy in front tried reaching for Elena once more, but Aldric instinctively caught the boy's arm, shielding the girl safely behind him. "What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded.

The boy shrugged off Aldric’s hold, irritation clear in his voice. "Stay out of this."

Elena, sensing her knight in shining armor, gripped the hem of Aldric's shirt tightly. "This guy suddenly tried to kiss me and grabbed my hand!" she exclaimed.

The boy’s face flushed with embarrassment as he stumbled over his words. "I didn’t! It’s your fault for wearing that overpowering perfume…"

His face flushed again, this time with anger and humiliation. “And isn’t it true that you all dress this way just to attract an alpha?”

Aldric's gaze followed the boy's finger, landing on Elena's neck for a fleeting moment.

Elena looked up, their eyes locking. Heat crept into her cheeks, and she nervously touched her own neck, a pout forming as she felt wronged. “No! I didn’t mean to send that impression…”

Aldric lowered his lashes, contemplating his next move. He didn’t respond immediately, instead pivoting to confront the alpha. "You need to apologize."

His expression was placid but commanded authority, leaving no room for defiance; it was as if he expected the boy to comply.

The older-looking alpha wasn’t overtly opposed to the idea of apologizing to Elena, but his pride flared at the prospect. "Why should I apologize just because you say so?" he stuttered, unsure how to regain his footing.

Chapter 3

Aldric Northman towered over everyone in the room, exuding a presence that was hard to ignore. His height and confidence made even the bravest think twice, and standing next to him, Elena Stone felt small. That didn’t sit well with the other guy—Merlin the Merman—who instinctively let out an aggressive pheromone that lingered in the air.

Immediately, Elena felt uncomfortable, retreating further behind Aldric, who remained unfazed, his gaze unwavering. “This is a school, not a battleground,” he stated flatly, making it clear that he wouldn’t tolerate any nonsense.

Merlin blinked in confusion, finally recognizing Aldric for what he was. “Wait, you’re a Beta,” he stammered, the cocky bravado faltering.

“Why would I be anything else?” Aldric replied, his tone sharp.

Merlin was taken aback but quickly processed his mistake; Aldric’s strength had led him to mistakenly assume that he was an Alpha. But knowing Aldric was a Beta didn’t ease the tense atmosphere—the way Aldric carried himself was anything but ordinary. The strong and composed presence of a renowned member of the Northman Clan made it clear that Merlin was out of his league.

“Uh, sorry. My bad. Total misunderstanding,” he mumbled, looking sheepish.

Aldric glanced back at Elena, giving her a reassuring nod before turning to Merlin. The Merman wasted no time apologizing. “I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... I just thought you were, um, really nice-looking, and I... I—”

Elena raised an eyebrow, trying to process the compliment and confusion at once.

Merlin continued, shifting uncomfortably closer to Elena with a softer tone, “I’m sorry! Anyway, it’s on me. I said something stupid, so just forget it?”

Aldric's patience thinned as he interrupted, “Just leave.”

Merlin went pale at the order and hastily walked off, realization sinking in.

As the tension in the air lifted, Elena let out a sigh of relief, prepared to thank Aldric. But Aldric’s face turned serious again as he grasped her hand. “Come with me.”

“Uh, okay…” she managed, bewildered.

Aldric strode down the hallway, leading her into a small, dimly lit supply closet. He shut the door, sealing them off from the world outside. Dust motes danced in the thin beam of light, illuminating clutter that had gone undisturbed since the start of the term.

Elena coughed at the musty air and then spun to face Aldric, who had gathered unsettling intensity in his eyes. “What’s this all about?” she asked, her heart racing.

“Listen carefully,” he said, standing at the door and radiating authority that was impossible to ignore. “You’re not just a Beta. You’re an Omega.”

Her insides churned at the accusation. She shook her head, her voice shaky. “No, I’m not…”

Aldric stepped closer, invading her space and forcing her against the wall, his stature overshadowing her. “There is no place for an Omega at the Royal Military Academy. I need you to explain how you got in.”

Elena’s back stiffened, disbelief pouring over her. “I-I haven’t… I’m not…”

As panic coursed through her, a small yet significant part of her wanted to deny it all, but the truth bore down on her. The pressures of expectations, the stakes at hand—they felt real, and daunting.

And in the silence that followed, the weight of the moment bore down heavily.

Chapter 4

Elena Stone stepped back carefully, but the dim light in the storage room was made even worse by the clutter, and she nearly tripped over a pile of forgotten items. A small gasp escaped her lips, and just as she was about to lose her balance, Aldric Northman quickly reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back to safety.

His strong arm effortlessly steadied her, but Elena couldn’t help but lean into him slightly, caught off guard by the unexpected closeness. Aldric’s chest was solid, and the lingering cool scent of his cologne wrapped around her, a mix of fresh and sophisticated. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his slim waist, fingers gripping his fitted uniform as she struggled to catch her breath and regain her balance.

Aldric froze for a moment, clearly taken aback, his brow furrowing in discomfort. He instinctively stepped back, putting even more distance between them until his back pressed against the door behind him.

“Your suppressor is broken," he said, his voice low and serious, avoiding her gaze. "The scent it’s emitting isn't just detectable to A-types; I can smell it too.”

Surprised, Elena lifted her head, and without thinking, she hastily removed the choker from around her neck. The fragrance intensified as it escaped her collar, filling the cramped space with its potency.

In mere moments, the air felt warmer, charged with unspoken tension.

Aldric remained rigid, his posture stiff, and his expression clouded with disapproval as he examined Elena. His dark eyes focused intently on her face, drawing attention to the deepening flush that spread across her cheeks, making her look like a deer caught in headlights.

“I-it’s not broken, it’s just full…” she stammered, her eyes darting away as if ashamed. Her hands were fidgeting with the back of the choker, which had a metallic glint—no doubt a genuine suppressor. In a flustered attempt, she fiddled with the glass ball inside, hoping to extract the pheromone storage unit from its surrounding casing.

“Just swap it out for a new one,” he replied, shaking his head as his gaze finally broke away from her. The coolness in his tone didn’t waver. “You reported a false gender to get into the Military Academy. If they find out, you’ll be expelled immediately.”

Elena stiffened at his words, anxiety flashing across her face. Bitten lips, she looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Please don’t expose me,” she begged. “I really want to go to school; I worked so hard to get accepted. I promise I’ll keep a low profile, and I won’t cause any trouble.”

Aldric’s expression hardened, his voice low and unyielding. “What if something goes wrong? Don’t you realize what that could mean?”

“About a third of the students here are A-types,” she argued softly.

In the United Federation, the majority of the population was made up of B-types, with A-types being a rarity—less than ten percent, while omegas were even more scarce, often accounting for merely one percent. Many people lived their entire lives without ever mingling with one.

Chapter 5

But the Royal Academy of War is a gathering place for the elite, a place where the ratio of alpha students is astronomical.

While alphas possess many exceptional qualities, they come with distinct flaws. The presence of a heated omega can turn them into mindless beasts.

"With this many alphas, who’s going to keep them under control?"

Elena Stone’s face paled, her eyelashes trembling ever so slightly, a mix of fear and internal struggle reflected in her eyes. Suddenly, she blinked, and tears began to fall.

“I don’t want to transition into an omega,” she confessed.

“I absolutely refuse to be forced into marrying Merlin, only to be trapped at home for the rest of my life, cooking and cleaning for some alpha I don't even know. I won’t be nothing more than a breeding tool.”

Elena peered up at Aldric Northman, tears cascading down her beautiful cheeks like pearls. “I’m a Northman too! I’m not a toy or a tool. I have dreams!”

[Her dream is to find a handsome and wealthy alpha.]

The Oraculum had grown used to Elena’s casual disregard of the script before the show began. Yet, Elena's raw talent was undeniable; she had never stumbled in her performance, leaving the Oraculum feeling both anxious and compelled to keep giving her lessons.

[She didn’t want to be forced into marrying Merlin; she wanted to find her own husband. Any Northman capable of entering the Royal Military Academy must be either wealthy or powerful. All she had to do was lock onto her target, reveal her omega status at the right moment to lure him in, and then that alpha would mark her, changing their relationship irrevocably.]

Watching Elena's delicate shoulders shake as she wept, the handsome elder felt a pang of regret at the display. Realizing her blunder, he awkwardly dabbed at her face, inadvertently making it redder. “If I can’t choose my own life or my love, then what’s the difference between living and dying?"

[Exactly. That’s why she had her eyes set on the admirable main character. This antagonist role was critical in the story, destined to seduce the hero only to be harshly rejected, allowing the hero to see the depth of his own feelings for her.]

Elena sighed, [It’s so cliché.]

The Oraculum, enthralled by the beautiful love story, blatantly ignored her sarcasm. [But you absolutely cannot be expelled now. How would we progress the plot?]

Elena Stone didn’t say anything further. She lifted her head and gazed at Aldric Northman with a pleading look.

He remained silent for a moment, his face a mask of unresolved indifference. Yet, the sight of Elena crying made a flicker of compassion appear in his demeanor.

He pressed his lips together and finally spoke, “Stop crying.”

Elena instantly collected herself, hope lighting up her face, much like a small animal begging for scraps. She leaned closer to him, “Please don’t tell anyone, alright?”

Aldric glanced at Elena once more, then turned away, remaining still.

Before he could respond, a loud knock echoed against the door.

“Is there a Northman in there?”

It sounded like several male students were gathered outside.

Elena could hear them whispering, “Weird, why does it smell so good in there? Like… an omega.”

Chapter 2

Elena froze, anxiety curling her lips as she tried to say something in response to their inquiry, but was abruptly silenced by Aldric's long fingers covering her mouth.

The unexpected pressure startled her.

The storage gem she had just pulled from her suppressor slipped from her fingers, clattering onto the floor before rolling beneath a cluttered shelf.

Confused, Elena glanced up at Aldric. He gestured for her to be quiet, then spoke to the door, “One of the Northmans spilled pheromone perfume. I’m just cleaning it up.”

Perhaps it was the deep timbre of his voice, but the interest of the outside Northmans seemed to wane. “Oh.”

One of the Northmans, standing further back, commented, “I told you, there can’t be an omega at school.”

“Sounds like you’re the one going crazy wanting an omega,” another teased.

“Whatever! If there was one, you’d definitely want them.”

As Elena listened to their banter, it seemed they were about to leave. She let out a breath, instinctively crouching down to retrieve her fallen gem.

The darkness of the storage room made it hard to see, and while kneeling, she bumped her head against the shelf. “Ow!”

The noise attracted the attention of the Northmans outside again. “Is there another Northman in there?”

Boys around eighteen or nineteen years of age, full of youthful bravado, exchanged knowing laughs. “Is this school really that wild?”

“Why not just get a room?”

Elena cursed under her breath, pressing her hands against her head and cautiously glancing at Aldric.

With a resigned sigh, Aldric leaned over and quickly pulled her behind a stack of clutter.

Elena could almost swear he muttered “dummy” under his breath as he did.

When she looked up again, she noticed Aldric had draped his coat over her head. “Stay still.”

With her vision completely obscured, Elena caught a trace of that unique, cold scent—soft yet sharp, unmistakably Aldric's pheromones.

However, as she was a beta, the aroma felt fleeting, dissipating in an instant.

Once she was hidden, Aldric stepped out of the storage room, closing the door behind him with a calm, composed demeanor.

His tall, lean figure stood in front of the Northmans, his eyes lazily surveying them. “Can I help you?”

The Northmans froze upon seeing Aldric emerge, and the leader quickly waved a hand.

“No, no… Sorry about that.”

He didn’t linger, hurriedly ushering his companions away.

As they faded into the distance, one of them murmured in disbelief, “I didn't just see that, right? That Northman—was it Aldric Northman?”


“The next heir of the Northman Clan.”

“Exactly. How did you not recognize him?” His voice carried a hint of pride, as if having met Aldric himself validated his own social standing.

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