Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

**Title: The Pretty Little Imposter Stole the Main Character’s Heart**

**Author: End of Summer**

**Chapter 1: A Declaration to the Main Character**

Friday, Canterbury University.

Typically, this would be the time when students wrap up their final classes of the week and launch into weekend relaxation mode. Usually, the area around the academic buildings would quickly empty out as everyone scatters.

Yet today, a crowd gathered, buzzing with excitement and whispering among themselves, fixated on the pair in the center of the square. Their murmurs weren't fueled by genuine curiosity; they were there to watch a spectacle, perhaps slightly amused by the embarrassment awaiting one of the individuals involved.

Evelyn Yew blinked, attempting to focus on the scene unfolding before him when a calm, measured voice cut through the chatter. “Evelyn Yew, do you have something to say?”

Before Evelyn could gather his thoughts, a voice from the crowd piped up, “Ayla Everhart, he’s here to confess his feelings to you!”

“Yeah, yeah! He knows his cover is blown and he can’t stay in the House of Yew any longer, so he’s just going to proclaim his love and hope to weasel his way into your family!”

A chorus of laughter erupted, stifled with hands covering grinning faces, all pointing fingers at Evelyn.

“Don’t you dare say yes, Ayla! Don’t fall for his tricks; being sweet to you is just a facade!” a voice warned.

“Exactly! He used to bully you because of his family’s power!” another chimed in.

Evelyn found this unexpected spectacle bewildering. Moments later, however, memories surged back, flooding his mind, leaving him momentarily stunned. He barely had time to process everything when the implications of this moment hit him like a freight train.

Evelyn Yew, the family's pampered youngest child, had never tasted adversity. He had always basked in the comforts provided by his older siblings, never needing to face challenges, let alone being the center of a school-wide spectacle. Suddenly, thrust into the role of an imposter in a wealthy family, he was caught off guard, needing to navigate against a backdrop of jealousy and rivalry.

The real heir had their sights set on him, driven by frustration over Evelyn's spoiled antics. Or at least, that's how it appeared in this bizarre narrative he'd found himself in.

Well aware of the reputation he had cultivated—one that painted him as insufferably arrogant and impossible to tolerate—Evelyn had only considered one option: find a strong ally among his supposed peers before it was too late.

In a rush of desperation, he decided to target Cyrus Lockhart, the man who lived next door and who seemed to command respect—even among the elders of the Yew family. Cyrus was everything Evelyn admired—charming, well-connected, and stunningly handsome. But there was a problem; Cyrus, with his moodiness, seemed as welcoming as a winter storm.

Building a connection with Cyrus turned out to be an uphill battle. No matter how many compliments Evelyn doled out, the man remained unyielding, unreactive, like a glacier trapped in time. Frustration bubbled within him, eventually leading to a moment of resignation after several futile attempts.

As he plotted a swift exit, an imposing figure blocked his way at the door—a young man with relaxed yet threatening posture and a glare that pierced right through him. “You think you can just steal someone then run away? Who taught you that?”

Evelyn gulped, feeling the weight of the situation settle over him like a heavy fog.

In front of him stood Cyrus Lockhart—the very embodiment of narrowed vision and pent-up frustration, the epitome of his desire.

Suddenly thrust into a showdown—the resonating laughter of his peers fading into the background—Evelyn realized he had a long way to go before he could win over his fellow classmate and emerge from his self-imposed shell. What had he gotten himself into?

Chapter 2

Evelyn Yew slowly raised her gaze to meet the eyes of the Young Man standing before her. His ordinary features sparked a flicker of confusion in her peach blossom-shaped eyes.

For a moment, the Young Man seemed taken aback by Evelyn's piercing glare. He pressed his lips together in apparent resignation, forcing a practiced smile as if to muster up the courage to speak.

But before he could utter a word, he was stifled by the unmistakable disdain reflected in Evelyn's striking eyes.

Evelyn Yew could hardly comprehend the strange twist of fate that had landed her in this peculiar situation—a character from a book, no less, and one whose role was to be mere filler in someone else’s story.

Time of her arrival was particularly inconvenient, just when the Former Master intended to confess his feelings to the so-called true heir.

As the youngest in the Yew family, Evelyn had always been the apple of her siblings' eyes; they would do anything to fulfill her whims, making her accustomed to getting her way.

This had left her with exceptionally refined tastes, forging a reputation among those who knew her as spoiled and temperamental. Simply put, Evelyn Yew was not known for her patience or kindness.

She had never laid her eyes on anyone she found appealing.

And now, here she was, expected to profess her feelings to someone who looked so ordinary, even insincere.

In a fit of incredulity, Evelyn nearly laughed out loud but suppressed it just in time.

Ayla Everhart noted the shift in Evelyn's expression and felt an unsettling pang of anxiety.

“Evelyn, you know that I…” Ayla began, his voice trailing off.

Evelyn quickly stepped back several paces, crossing her arms defiantly as she assessed him.

Though they stood at nearly the same height—just over five feet seven—her gaze carried a condescending weight over Ayla.

With her chin raised slightly, her stunning features were a stark contrast to the hostile expression she wore earlier; her porcelain skin glistened in the light like fine china.

Yet her previous scowl had significantly dulled her beauty.

Now, with an air of arrogance mixed with sarcasm, Evelyn's sharp gaze made Ayla furrow his brow in annoyance.

Evelyn turned to glance around at the people observing them. It was evident that the Former Master was not held in high regard; displeased eyes followed him, filled with disdain.

However, this was hardly a concern for Evelyn. There had always been more people who disliked him than liked him, but that didn't change the fact that there were plenty who would bend over backward to win his approval.

With a teasing smile, Evelyn fixed her blue eyes on Ayla, her voice clear and crisp. “You must have misunderstood something.”

“Understood what?” Ayla replied, perplexed.

“That I could ever like you? Clearly, my eyes must be playing tricks,” she quipped.

“Honestly, shouldn’t you be aiming for someone who looks at least half as good as you do? Even settling for someone slightly worse would do.”

Chapter 3

“Why is it that you assume I was about to confess anything to you?” Evelyn Yew’s voice cut through the murmurs like a knife, causing the crowd to fall silent.

Everyone exchanged glances, a mix of disbelief and confusion hanging thick in the air.

Word had spread that Evelyn Yew was going to confess his feelings to Ayla Everhart, and the buzz was practically electric. They were all from the same school and had noticed how often Evelyn sought out Ayla. Rumors had long deemed him the persistent admirer, but now it seemed he was throwing a curveball that left everyone in shock.

With Evelyn’s pointed remarks, both the audience and Ayla found themselves momentarily disoriented.

This was a clear jab at someone’s appearance. Even with Ayla’s generally good nature, she found herself feeling awkward under the sudden scrutiny. Her hands, which hung naturally by her sides, clenched tightly.

Yet she managed to put on a strained smile. “I didn’t say that.”

“I didn’t say that,” Evelyn repeated, eyes narrowed playfully, a teasing smile playing on his lips. He exuded a casual arrogance that was hard to ignore—one that was magnified by his good looks. It seemed effortless, an almost insouciant way of shaking off his comments. “I hope you didn’t think that.”

Evelyn had never liked Ayla much, a fact he had no trouble hiding. He had met enough people in various circles to see right through her flimsy attempts at disarming charm.

The young man's straightforwardness took the crowd by surprise; they were not used to such blatant honesty.

Ayla, despite her talent for putting on a façade, was caught off guard by his audacity.

Luckily, her positive reputation at school had her back. As Evelyn’s assertions made her feel vulnerable, she caught sight of others beginning to rally around her, rising to her defense.

“Evelyn Yew, what’s wrong with you? Is this because your confession didn’t go as planned?” came a voice from the crowd.

“Yeah, you only bully the innocent! You cornered him back during free period, and now you’re playing the victim?” another chimed in.

As soon as one person spoke up, a chorus of voices joined the call, anger directed solely at Evelyn. They were decidedly against him, eyes filled with indignation.

Not a single soul stepped up to support him.

Evelyn was left to confront the harsh reality of being the community's scapegoat.

Ayla kept her head lowered, her demeanor suggesting that she was overwhelmed by Evelyn's earlier comments. But had they looked closer, they would have seen a smirk teasing her lips.

From across the space, Evelyn spotted Ayla’s expressiveness—her slight smirk was far more revealing than any words she could have put forth. Even though he had distanced himself slightly, their proximity allowed him clarity to observe the satisfaction in her expression.

While the onlookers practically buzzed with glee, itching to confront Evelyn, many of them also harbored past grievances from encounters with him.

They completely overlooked Ayla, reveling instead in Evelyn finally facing repercussions.

All those times they had been intimidated by his family’s influence meant nothing now; it turned out that his claim to fame was built on shaky foundations. The rumor that he was the disgraced child of the House of Yew while Ayla truly belonged to it had spread like wildfire, and those eager to see him humbled lined up in their thoughts to devise a reckoning.

Chapter 4

Evelyn Yew noticed a hint of a smile at the corner of Ayla Everhart's lips. It seemed like Ayla could sense the gaze fixed on her from across the plaza, as she slowly lifted her eyes, her expression edged with a subtle, almost teasing challenge.

In that fleeting moment of eye contact, Evelyn immediately recognized that Ayla was putting on an act of innocence.

He couldn't help but furrow his brow, his soft pink lips pressed into a tight line, but quickly diverted his attention to the lively scene by Young.

Evelyn's dismissal startled Ayla, a feeling of unease washing over him. Fearing exposure, he swiftly concealed the emotions on his face.

The small courtyard beneath the teaching building buzzed with energy. Despite being right next to the faculty offices, the teachers usually paid little attention to the ruckus the students made.

Adjacent to the little square was the main teaching building of Canterbury University, and at that very moment, someone stood on the fourth-floor balcony, watching the scene unfold below.

Gideon Alden was reveling in the chaos, "Looks like Evelyn Yew is in for a rough ride this time."

"He’s ruffled too many feathers; everyone wants a piece of him now. Even those who usually have nothing to do with him seem to have gotten involved. I've never seen anyone stir up such drama," he continued, glancing at the guy beside him.

The Young Man leaned casually against the balcony railing, dressed in a short black tee, a lollipop dangling from his mouth. His demeanor radiated cool indifference, marked by an enthralling air of danger. High cheekbones, deep-set eyes, and a low brow gave him a formidable presence.

Hearing Gideon’s words, he glanced down at Ayla Everhart in the square, who still wore a facade of helplessness. With an enigmatic smirk, he turned his gaze back to Gideon.

Even from a distance, Evelyn Yew's pale skin was almost blinding, wisps of hair framing his delicate neck, encircled by the crowd. His silhouette appeared slightly vulnerable against the throng, yet he stood firm and composed.

Gideon was acutely aware that Cyrus Lockhart had little interest in the drama. He was simply enjoying the breeze from the balcony.

They had planned to have a skateboard competition later, hoping they could hit the little square for a match if classes ended early.

However, just before the final bell, they caught wind of the word that the square was out of bounds; someone planned to confess their feelings there, and it involved the school’s hottest gossip surrounding the House of Yew’s genuine son.

As more and more spectators gathered, the little plaza was soon overwhelmed, and no one could tell when things would settle down.

With their plans foiled, Gideon took the opportunity to drag Cyrus Lockhart over to watch the unfolding spectacle from their vantage point, saving themselves from pushing through the crowd.

Though Cyrus remained silent, it did not stop Gideon from chattering away, "I've heard a lot about Evelyn Yew's notorious reputation. He's known for his bad attitude and quick temper." With another glance at the scene below, he noted the crowd rallying almost in unison to condemn Evelyn Yew's actions, "I bet he’s about to blow his top any moment now."

Chapter 5

“Not necessarily.”

Cyrus Lockhart suddenly spoke up, leaving Gideon Alden momentarily stunned before bursting into laughter. “You really don’t know him. That guy is definitely going to lose it.”


Downstairs, Evelyn Yew was unfazed by the throng surrounding him; the noise was merely annoying. To declare his affection for Ayla Everhart in such a manner felt like a huge insult to him.

Evelyn Yew scanned his surroundings, a group animatedly chattering back and forth, mouths flapping like gaping jaws as if they were hungry for gossip. Anyone else might have crumbled under this pressure, but he held his ground.

They didn’t seem intimidated by his glare.

They were determined to lay out his supposed sins for him to hear.

Yet, Evelyn Yew, after taking in the scene, simply looked away, showing no signs of wrath, not even blushing as accusations rained down on him from every direction.

If only they could just shut up, he thought inwardly, puffing his cheeks in annoyance.

As a young master of Edinburgh, he had been spoiled rotten, indulged in a way that left him unable to cope with a situation like this. Already, the façade of pleasure was fading, giving way to visible irritation.

Evelyn Yew had a sharp sense for the feelings around him. Amidst a sea of disdainful and angry stares, he felt an odd yet comforting gaze from another Young.

Confirming the identity of that gaze, he suddenly turned and looked up, his gaze cutting straight across several floors to the fourth floor, locking onto someone who appeared completely unconcerned by the commotion.

Gideon Alden, who had been jokingly betting with Cyrus Lockhart moments earlier, now widened his eyes in shock. He was confident that Evelyn Yew would explode in fury, but Cyrus insisted he wouldn’t.

Just as they wrapped up the bet and resumed watching, Gideon suddenly spotted Evelyn Yew, surrounded by people, turning to look directly at them.

He whipped around to Cyrus Lockhart, exclaiming, “Wow! Why is he looking over here?”

Though Gideon had laughed a moment ago, the idea of shouting across a four-story drop and having Evelyn hear it was simply absurd.

Cyrus Lockhart remained impassive, leaning lazily against the railing, his relaxed posture barely shifting.

They exchanged gazes, one distant and indifferent to the chaos below.

Gideon, losing his composure, blurted, “He’s looking at you, man.”

What was that supposed to mean?

In the next moment, they watched as the previously fixated Evelyn Yew looked away, mouthing something silently.

The noise from the crowd below began to die down as they turned their attention to the fourth floor, following his gesture.

Gideon Alden felt a rising sense of confusion. Why did it seem like everything was growing increasingly tangled?

The two were too far away to hear what Evelyn had said.

His youthful, pink lips moved as he focused on Cyrus Lockhart, as if articulating something with deliberate emphasis. Instantly, the crowd erupted into chaos, all eyes now shifting towards Cyrus Lockhart and Gideon Alden.

Though Gideon was puzzled, the reactions from the gathered crowd hinted at something significant unfolding.

What on earth had Evelyn said to provoke such a response?

He turned to Cyrus Lockhart only to find the faint smile that had played on his lips fading, leaving behind a more intense gaze, his dark eyes deep with thought.

Even from a distance, it was clear that Evelyn Yew was unwavering and direct in his look.

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