Knight in Shining Armor

Chapter 1

"Rather than being a protected princess, I want to be an all-powerful knight, standing proudly by the side of my beloved prince, and breaking through all obstacles with him."

-- from Mia Anderson's declaration of love


"Oh my God, it's gonna be late, it's gonna be late, Stella wait for me, I'm gonna come get you!"

Mia Anderson, who had escaped from her class, ran as fast as she could through the campus, she ran left and right to avoid the school security and stopped at the back entrance of the school.

The back door of the school had always been her base, every time she wanted to escape from class, she came here, because the wall on this side was relatively low, with her jumping power, she could leap over it very easily.

Mia took a few steps back, and finally jumped over it with the speed of a hundred meter sprint. The moment she landed on the ground, she saw a boy with blonde hair lying on the ground, eyes closed, seemingly in a beautiful dream.

At that moment, the boy felt an abnormal wind blowing above his head, and when he opened his eyes, an unknown object slammed down, and his eyes immediately turned black ......

A soft thing pressed on his face.

Uh ......

So heavy!

He subconsciously reached out to push.

The other man suddenly jumped up, and slapped him in the face, "Pervert!"

Liam Hayes received the slap solidly, and froze.

He looked straight at Mia, his blue eyes narrowed slightly.

Only then did Mia meet his eyes.

He had blond hair and blue eyes, his face was handsome, the lines of his features were like the most perfect carvings in the world, giving people a feeling of wildness but not lacking charm, making people naturally feel a little bit of awe.

Mia was his aura made a little weak: "Doesn't it mean that I'm a real girl, you're actually rude to me."

Liam finally spoke, his voice low but nice, "Rude? Who fell from the sky and ruined my dreams?"

"It's class time, how can you not go to class, instead of sleeping here, this is truant behavior."

Liam asked, "If it's class time, why are you here?"

"I I I ......" Mia stammered, finally confidently flicked her ponytail: "Sister told you, I skipped class can also get the first grade, capricious so what."

Liam didn't intend to argue with her, and said with a cold face, "Girl, you can get up now."

Mia realized that she was sitting on his waist.

It was an embarrassing position to be in, she blushed and stood up quickly, but stumbled because she was moving too much and pounced on Liam again.

Then ......

Heaven's lightning struck the earth!

They just accidentally kissed!


Mia jumped as if she'd been electrocuted!

She covered her mouth with both hands, her face blushing like a flame. That warm and wonderful touch just now, still reverberated in her heart.

Wait, wait ......

Beautiful my ass!

This isn't even her dream kiss, okay?

After a long time, Mia huffed and pointed at Liam's nose: "Bastard, you you you you ......"

This was her first kiss, and she lost it just like that!

"Damn!" Mia was so angry that her tears were about to flow out.

Although this matter was due to her own recklessness, she was still very angry: "Brat, why don't you let go?"

"I still want to ask you, dead girl!" Liam's face was cold, "My first kiss was stolen by you, how are you going to compensate my loss?"

Chapter 2

Love is about two people giving to each other, how can I hide behind you and enjoy the love you give me? In order to be a good match for you, I must try to become a princess, so that all the people who laugh at me for being a high climber will shut up. --Title


"What do you have to lose?" Mia Anderson crossed her arms angrily, "Obviously you're the one taking advantage."

"Huh?" Liam Hayes raised his eyebrows in displeasure, "I'm the one taking advantage, know how many girls want to get close to me?"

Thinking about it, Liam seemed to realize, "You're trying to get my attention on purpose, aren't you?"

KAO, I've seen self-absorbed boys, but I've never seen such self-absorbed boys with no sense of shame!

Mia was going to argue with him, but after looking at the time, she said, "Hmph, don't tell anyone about today."

With that, she made a "click" gesture: "If you dare to mention it to the public, I'll break your neck!"

After saying that, she quickly turned around and ran towards the front.

Liam sat up straight, leaning against the wall, his blue eyes gazing at her distant back.

For a long time, he raised his hand and touched his lips.

Well, in retrospect, that kind of touch felt quite marvelous.

Also, this girl looks very interesting, it seems that this time back home is not as boring as he thought.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he looked at the unfamiliar number on his cell phone, his eyes changing.

After a while, he answered it, and a rough voice came from the phone: "Where have you been? There will be a firefight soon, don't come over quickly."

Liam smiled slightly, his voice was low but exceptionally beautiful: "I'll be right there."


Mia ran all the way to the Pub not far from Starlight Academy, it was her first time to come to such a noisy place.

Inside, the lights were flashing, and a group of men and women were dancing and drinking like crazy.

Mia weaved her way through the crowd and finally arrived at a private room.

In the box, a boy with a scar on his face, about eighteen or nineteen years old, was smoking a cigarette with his legs crossed, with two bodyguards sitting beside him and five or six delinquents standing behind him.

"I'm already here, where's Stella Zhang?" Mia looked straight to the boy sitting in the center.

His name was Blade, he was a delinquent from another academy, he used to cheat, five days ago he openly molested her best friend Stella Zhang, so he was beaten up by Mia.

This time, he takes control of Stella and her boyfriend, Ryan Lee, and tells her to get to the Pub in half an hour.

She was told to come to the Pub in half an hour, and since she was on short notice and had no cash on her, she had to come on foot.

Blade looked at his watch, "You're ten minutes late, and according to the rules, you should get down on your knees and kowtow to me."

Mia frowned, and said forcefully, "I want to see Stella, and if she's missing a hair, I'll shave you bald."

"Yo, I'm really scared, how dare you yell in my neighborhood." Blade said as he smoked, "But isn't it a bit of a cart before the horse that you don't prioritize worrying about your boyfriend, instead you're more concerned about your bestie?"

But he couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his head, he was really afraid that he would be shaved bald, after all, the woman in front of him was a "non-human", a female devil with explosive output.

"Cut the crap, I want to see Stella."

Mia, no longer patient, took three steps towards Blade.

Blade, green with fear, immediately shouted, "Stop her!"

However, Mia stepped forward aggressively, the bodyguards and delinquents around Blade rushed up, however, she took one in one hand, kicked one away, and arrived in front of Blade in less than a few seconds.

She grabbed Blade's collar, and with her other hand, she pulled out the cigarette from his mouth, and pointed the burning cigarette butt at Blade's face: "I'll give you three minutes, if I don't see Stella, this cigarette butt will burn your face!"


Chapter 3

Blade heard the legs are soft, he did not think he invited these two called the strongest adult gangsters, but in front of Mia Anderson instantly became useless. He immediately begged for forgiveness: "Something good to discuss, as the saying goes, hit people do not hit the face, my face ......".

Mia Anderson will smoke the hand to his face closer: "Is my request is not clear enough to understand?"

"Clear and understandable enough." Blade yelled as hard as he could towards the delinquents that were on the ground, "Bring Stella Zhang and Ryan Lee over here yet."

A few of the less injured delinquents got up in a huff, and quickly ran towards the outside of the box.

As they rampaged, one of them saw a blonde haired, blue eyed pretty boy walking in, and immediately went forward and pulled the other's arm, "Lucas Monroe, why are you coming now, go save the day!"

Lucas Monroe impatiently brushed away the other's hand, "Who did you mess with this time?"

"Just go and see, women usually lose their judgment when they see your face, now is the best time for you to come out." The other said, while taking a drink at the bar, put a pill in it, and handed it to Lucas: "Go in there and pretend to apologize first, let the other drink, and then deal with her."

That's mean.

Lucas despised in his heart, but still took the glass. These punks have always been arrogant, in this area is almost unbeatable. The fact that they called him today to save the day meant that their opponent was even stronger this time. He wanted to see what kind of person they were.

When Lucas entered the box, he was shocked by the scene he saw: there were people lying on the floor, and a girl with a ponytail grabbed Blade's collar with one hand, and held a cigarette butt to his face, making a threatening gesture.

A girl actually have such a strong fighting force, Lucas is not the first time to see, but in such a small A city is the first time to encounter. Just ...... why does the other party s back look so familiar?

When the girl heard the sound and turned her head, she met with Lucas.

"It's you?"

Both of them were shocked at the same time.

Blade saw that they seemed to know each other, at this moment, he didn't have the time to investigate deeply, he only wanted to get rid of the demoness in front of him, so he hurriedly said, "Lucas Monroe, what are you still standing there for, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Ms. Mia."

Mia Anderson didn't pay any attention to Lucas, she said again, "Don't distract me, I just want to see Stella."

"Lucas, why haven't you brought Stella here yet?" Blade scowled towards Lucas, "Isn't she on her way already? Why don't you quickly apologize to Miss Mia instead of me, what are you frothing for, and quickly pay your respects with the wine in your hand ......"

Lucas did not wait for him to finish, directly came to a sentence: "This cup of wine to Ms. Mia is not good right."

"Why not?"

"Stella just put something in it, like lime or pills or something."

As soon as Lucas's words left his mouth, Blade cursed a hundred times in his mind, "This kid is a pain in the ass."

Once Mia Anderson heard this, she quickly stepped forward and snatched the wine glass from Lucas' hand, squeezing his mouth tightly, "If you don't hand over Stella, I'll give you this glass of wine."

Blade's face rose as red as a pig's liver, he craned his neck and hissed, "Hurry up and bring the people up." After saying that, he glared fiercely in Lucas' direction, with a caricatured smile and a gesture of "you wait and see".

Chapter 4

Lucas Monroe, however, stood with his arms folded around his chest, watching the play with great interest and anticipating the subsequent developments.

Within two minutes, Stella Zhang and Ryan Lee were pushed in.

"Mia," said Stella, seeing Mia Anderson as if she were a lifesaver.

Mia slammed her wine glass on the floor and put her arm around Stella's shoulder, gently wiping away the tears from her eyes. Every time she saw her cry, Mia's heart was overwhelmed.

This was her best friend since she was a little girl, bar none. Over the years, she had tried her best to protect her. And now these punks actually dared to bully her best friend, completely intolerable!

"Stella," Mia said, pulling Stella to one side, and then squinting at Ryan, "You keep an eye on Stella, and if you let her get taken, you're dead."

Ryan was scared by the look in Mia's eyes, even though he was her boyfriend, Mia didn't have him in her heart at all. He wasn't even as important to her as Stella's finger.

Mia craned her neck, and then she was ready to kick Blade's ass in the booth.

When she was satisfied, Blade fell to the floor and cried, "I'll never do it again, please."

Mia clapped her hands together as she walked over to Stella again, casually yanking Ryan, who was standing beside her, to one side, before placing her hands on Stella's shoulders, "Stella, what brings you to a place like this?"

"I ...... I ......" Stella looks sheepishly at Sterling Ryan.

In fact, she came here because Ryan invited her three times, so she followed her in, but she didn't expect to meet Blade, and was immediately arrested by him.

Mia doesn't try to force Stella to talk when she's so reluctant to do so. Like a big sister, she tidies up Stella's long, messy hair: "When you go to dangerous places in the future, you have to call me, or if you get hurt, I won't forgive myself!"

Lucas stood up a little bit straighter.

He looked at this strong young girl, the bottom of his heart had a moment of softness, his heart welled up with inexplicable feelings. She was obviously a tough girl, when she spoke to Blade, she was strong and hostile, but when she comforted Stella just now, the softness in her eyes could not be stopped.

Especially the way she smiled, warm and bright, like a blooming rosebud, with thorns but so beautiful that people could not take their eyes off her.

Almost at the same moment, several middle-aged men came over, the leader said: "How dare you make trouble in our Pub, quickly arrest these people."

Blade saw the situation is almost even crying and crawling up to hold the man's thighs: "Vince, that's her ......Mia, she is here to smash the scene, knowing that it is your Pub, still do not put you in the eyes, look at my face, woo woo woo woo ... ..."

Vince took a look at Blade, who had been beaten up so badly that he couldn't recognize his parents, and immediately looked at Mia. he hadn't expected the other party to be just a girl, but having his own turf smashed up by someone, even a girl couldn't be spared.

At his command, a bunch of security guards and bodyguards rushed up.

In the chaos, Mia took Stella's hand and broke through the crowd.

Suddenly, a man cracked a bottle of wine and stabbed at Stella!

The heroine is not a yuri or a lesbian, she is a kind of guardian to Stella. Mia attaches great importance to friendship, and in her eyes, friends are also like family. In her eyes, friends are like family. Family, lovers, and friends are on equal footing. She can fight for her parents, she can risk her life for her lover like Lucas, and she can go through fire for her recognized best friend.

Chapter 5

Mia Anderson kicked the guy beside her, then hurriedly scooped Stella Zhang into her arms, taking the bottle's attack, the sharp shards cutting into her skin, the stinging sensation spreading down her back.

OnePlus... Stella saw the flash of panic in her eyes as she tried to protect herself from getting hurt.

However, Mia Anderson smiled at her and said, "It's okay, this little injury is nothing."

Said, she used one hand to protect Stella, both feet and use, struggling to "kill" a road, rushed out of the Pub.

Vince originally wanted to send his men to chase after them, but he saw Lucas Monroe leaning against the doorway, with one foot propped up on the other side of the door, in a position that clearly prevented them from leaving.

Seeing this, Blade said angrily, "Lucas Monroe, what do you mean?"

The corner of Lucas's mouth slightly hooked up, showing a disdainful expression: "Nothing, just can't see a group of big men bullying a girl."

"If you hadn't reminded Mia Anderson that there was something wrong with the wine just now, how would I have been so miserable?" Blade pointed angrily at his face, which was beaten like a pig's head, then stomped his foot, "Lucas, you're one of my men, betraying me is the same as ......"

"Your man?" Lucas sneered, "I'm afraid you can't afford it."

He just arrived in A city, but only in order to cover people's eyes to mix with these people, never intended to be anyone's henchmen, but they are self-interested, thinking they are his "boss" just.

Before, I didn't bother with them, but since they are looking for their own death today, there is no need to be polite.

Blade didn't expect Lucas to taunt him, and in order to build up his credibility with Vince, he strides forward with a bottle of wine, ready to smash Lucas's head.

Lucas grabbed his wrist and gave it a slight push, the sound of misaligned bones was loud and clear, followed by Blade's scream, the bottle fell to the ground and broke in half.

Vince subconsciously wanted to bring his men with him, however Lucas had no intention of causing trouble, he just threw a stack of information to Vince: "This is what Blade and his men have done in this generation, as well as his private collusion with your Pub's finances and stockists, he's stolen quite a lot of money over the years."

Vince took the information, although he was skeptical, but flipped through it a few times, his face then changed dramatically.

Blade saw the situation, the situation is not good, kneel down to beg for mercy: "Vince, you do not listen to this kid, he is ...... he ......".

Vince flipped to half, closed the information, and then instructed his men: "Take him away, I want a good trial."

Instantly, a group of people will Blade dragged away.

Lucas raised the corners of his lips again, revealing a playful smile.

He didn't have time to dwell with these trash, at this moment ......

For him, the most important thing, is to follow that interesting girl.


Mia led Stella to a safe place, and after making sure no one was following them, they stopped to rest.

At this moment, Mia's back was drenched in blood, she did not have time to deal with it, and was concerned about whether Stella was hurt.

However, before she could get close to Stella, she saw that the other woman had already walked up to Ryan and grabbed Ryan's hand with both hands, "Ryan, your hand is hurt."

Mia glanced at Ryan's hand and realized that his fingers were just a little skinned.

And she herself ......

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