Homecoming in Harbor City

Chapter 1

"Hey, Sophia, over here!"

Sophia Collins pushes her luggage out of the airport, and immediately locks her eyes on an Emily Marshall waiting in the crowd.

After three years, Emily was still as gentle and warm as ever.

"Emily, long time no see." Sophia took off her sunglasses, walked over to her friend and gave her a warm hug.

After they went to the parking lot to get their cars, Emily drove along the airport highway to the city.

Through the car window, Sophia quietly watched the scenery outside.

Five years had passed, and Harbor City had changed drastically. There were more than a dozen subway lines, and it was a cosmopolitan city with many buildings.

"Where's Xiao Xi?" Emily chatted with her as she drove, "Why didn't he come back with you? I really miss him!"

At the mention of Alex, a warm smile appeared on Sophia's face, and her whole complexion softened, she replied, "He's still young, I'm worried that he won't be able to adapt to bringing him back suddenly, so I'll settle down in Harbor City first, and then pick him up."

Emily nodded her head in understanding.

About half an hour later, the car arrived at Emily's apartment in Harbor City. She was a local, from a good family, her parents had bought the house for her, and she lived there alone.

Emily took Sophia up to the 18th floor and walked around, "I'm the only one here right now, and I've been feeling lonely, but now that you're back, we'll have some company."

Sophia was very grateful and said sincerely, "Thank you."

"Come on, we don't have to say that." In New York, if it hadn't been for Sophia, she would have had to sleep on the streets.

Sophia knew her character, so she didn't say anything polite, and went straight to her room to clean up.

After some organizing, she took a shower, Emily called her out to eat: "I don't think you have the strength to go out today. This is the takeout I ordered, let's just eat! I'll take you out for a good meal some other day."

Sophia smiled and nodded.

The two of them ate the takeout and chatted at the same time.

Emily swiped her cell phone, suddenly saw a piece of news, and exclaimed.

Sophia looked at her curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Gabriel Hartford, the Hartford family's fourth youngest, the number one golden bachelor in the city, is engaged to Pearl Vaughan, the Vaughan family's young lady."

Hearing the name "Gabriel Hartford", Sophia's chopstick hand gave a slight start, and then she continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

Emily, on the other hand, was like a chatterbox: "I forgot, Sophia, you're not from around here, so I don't think you know him! He's the man of the hour in Harbor City. His grandfather was a veteran military officer who was very influential in the army, and his father is the president of the Hartford Group, which has several successful publicly traded companies under its umbrella. The family was a mix of political, military and businessmen, all of whom were first-rate. He grew up in a rich family, he used to be a big shot in Harbor City, everyone was afraid of him, checking to see if he'd get into trouble, everyone said that when he stomped his feet, Harbor City would be shaken!"

Sophia was a bit sentimental, but was amused by Emily's words, "Why does it sound like you are talking about a character in a novel!"

"You can't tell, he's more than a character in a novel! The key is, he is especially handsome, with this face, it's a pity not to go to the movies!" Emily said and felt that she was getting more and more ridiculous, she couldn't help but laugh, "But if Gabriel goes to make a movie, who would dare to direct him? By that time, will the female lead role be up for grabs?"

Chapter 2

Just after 9 p.m., Sophia Collins opens up her WeChat and contacts Ethan Blake. "Out yet?" She sends it.

"Not yet, having dinner with Alex." Ethan quickly replied. Then he asked, "Want a video?"

Sophia thought for a moment, and replied, "Yes."

"Candy...... "Alex's cute little face quickly appeared on the other side of the cell phone, his short curly hair and big eyes shining like grapes, his wet little mouth pouting slightly, looking very naughty.

"When are you coming back to New York?Alex misses you......" he said, exaggerating the "la" sound, clearly pouting.

Sophia instantly felt sweetness and heartache welling up in her heart, she smiled brightly, leaned in close to the cell phone, and said softly, "I miss you too. Has Alex been good lately?"

Alex nodded his head vigorously, trying to act like a serious adult, but it made people feel extra cute. "Alex is very well behaved, ask Steven," he said, holding up his cell phone and pointing the camera at Ethan.

"Yes, Alex is very good, except for staying in bed in the mornings ......," Ethan teased, sensing that the mood was a little heavy.

Alex instantly blushed and looked at Sophia apologetically, "Candy, I promise you, only this morning. That's because ...... I missed you yesterday and couldn't sleep at all."

Sophia felt her eyes hot, tears rolling in her eyes, luckily she was at night, despite the lights on, her face was still a blur of light and shadow, she quickly ended the conversation, "Well, you should go out, remember to be obedient, don't fight with others oh."

Alex nodded understandingly though reluctantly, "Okay, bye, Iloveyou."

"Iloveyou, too."

Turning off the video, Sophia blinked hard, quickly retrieving her tears.

She'd learned a lot in those five years, including controlling her emotions.


The luxurious hotel, the green lawn, the beautiful round arch, the guests in their gowns, all smiling and laughing.

Sophia, wearing a white wedding dress, stood on the platform behind the arch, with a beautiful wall of flowers behind her. The host stood opposite her, holding up the microphone, and said loudly, "Next, let's give a warm applause, and invite the groom to come out."

With a tidal wave of applause, Gabriel Hartford, dressed in a black tuxedo, looked solemn and expressionless as he walked toward her from the end of the red carpet covered with flowers. Time seemed to have stood still for a moment, as if a hundred years had passed, but also as if it had passed in an instant. He finally reached Sophia's side.

The host smiled and asked, "Mr. Gabriel Hartford, do you take Miss Sophia Collins to be your wife, to have and to hold in marriage, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to love, to care for, to respect, to accept and to be faithful to her until the end of your days? "

Sophia was in a trance, her mind was in turmoil, she didn't know why she was standing here, but at the moment her heart was full of anticipation and joy, and she stared at him with bated breath.

The host and all the guests also looked at the stage quietly.Gabriel slightly raised his eyebrows, his narrow and cold eyes looked directly at her, slowly spoke: "I ......"

"He doesn't want to." A female voice came from the distance, with a lofty, unquestioning tone.

Sophia only felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, her body was cold.

Chapter 3

At breakfast, Emily was surprised by Sophia.

"Little Sophia, what's wrong with you?" Emily asked with concern.

Sophia touched her face, and realized that it was the dream last night that woke her up, and she had insomnia after that. She forced a smile, "Still adjusting to jet lag, didn't sleep well last night."

Emily nodded her head to show her understanding, and then handed her a key that she had already prepared. "There's a convenience store in the neighborhood, and Carrefour is two bus stops away. I bought some groceries in the fridge, so you can either stay home today or take the key with you if you want to go out."

After that, she rushed off to work.

Although Sophia didn't feel very well, she couldn't sleep. After breakfast, she lightly powdered her face and left the house.

First, she went to the sales office to apply for a card and sent her new number to Emily and Ethan, then she got on a bus, chose the last window seat, and looked out the window at the scenery.

She took bus number 519, a route that hadn't changed in five years. The bus is always crowded because it passes by some of Harbor City's most popular attractions, such as the Moonrise, one of the three most famous buildings in Central China, where many poets have climbed to see the great heights of the city and left famous poems.

A few stops after the Moonrise Tower is Harbor City University, which is famous for its Cherry Blossom Path.

As it was late fall and a weekday, there were not many pedestrians in front of Harbor City University, which is a century-old school and still has its charm after five years.

When the bus passed by, there was a red light, and after a short stop, Sophia looked at the school and let her mind drift to the faraway places.

That year, it was the same season, she came back from her part-time job, exhausted, and just walked to the entrance of the school, she saw Gabriel standing there waiting for her.

He was wearing a long trench coat with a black sweater, casual pants and sneakers that she had picked out together, hands in his pockets, his whole body was slender and straight, with an outstanding temperament, appearing young and mature.

At that time, the campus of female students have to throw appreciation and admiration of the eyes, and he seems to be unaware of, her eyes are full of figures.

"My Missy, it's finally you." When he saw her, he complained lightly with a hint of helplessness.

Sophia rushed over to him and he couldn't wait to scoop her up in his arms.

The memories that she once thought were embedded in the depths of her mind became as clear as yesterday as she passed by this place again.

Sophia was so annoyed that she turned her head away from the bus as it restarted, not looking at it again.

What she didn't know was that as bus number 519 drifted away, a Maserati parked in the empty lot in front of Harbor City University quietly pulled into the traffic, following the bus closely.

It was only when Sophia got off the bus, turned into the subway and could no longer be followed that Martin, the owner of the Maserati, stopped the car, took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Fourth Brother, guess who I just saw?" Martin was very respectful to the person on the other end of the line, but he couldn't hide his eagerness in his nervous tone.

"I'll give you three seconds, if you don't tell me, I'll hang up." Gabriel was in a meeting at the moment and seemed impatient.

"Don't hang up, it's Sophia, I just saw her on a bus ......"

Before the words were finished, there was already a hang-up sound on the other end of the phone without hesitation.

"Where were you? Continue." Gabriel faced one of the executives at the bottom of the conference table.

Though he kept his usual tone, those in the room instantly felt as if the air in the room had dropped a few degrees.

Chapter 4

"There are three companies currently submitting bids, one from Harbor International, one from Fireworks Creative, and one from ......"

The meeting continues in a tense atmosphere, but Gabriel Hartford's brow is furrowed and his eyes are slightly downcast, masking the intensity of the emotions swirling around inside him.

That woman, she's finally coming back?

She had left so decisively, but why, after five years, had she suddenly appeared?

Does she regret it? Does she want to reconnect with him?

No way!

What kind of person is she that Gabriel Hartford would forget?

There's no woman in the world more heartless than she!

There's no woman in the world who's more disgusting!

"Above, is the latest progress of the project, Gabriel, I don't know your opinion?" Michael Yang, from the project department, finally finished his PPT under great pressure, but his boss didn't give any response.

The whole conference room was silent for two minutes, until Gabriel's secretary Anna Carter gently reminded, "Gabriel......"

Only then did Gabriel return from his thoughts, he swept a glance at the projector, without even looking at the crowd, and said in a cold voice: "Let each of the three companies submit a final detailed implementation plan."

After saying that, he left the conference room with large strides.

When Big Boss and his secretary finally left, Michael Yang's nervous heart was only slightly calmed, worthy of being the fourth young man, obviously lost in thought the whole time, but still able to make the most perfect decision.

Back to the president's office, Gabriel flipped through the documents for a while, and handled a few urgent emails ......

So busy for half an hour, always workaholic him, at the moment on the computer that pile of data is a word can not read into.

He pressed the phone, asked: "I still have what trip in the afternoon?"

Anna has been by Gabriel's side for three years, is a typical workplace elite, never ask too many questions, never say too much, and know how to keep a distance from Gabriel, therefore, although Pearl Vaughan looks good, but Gabriel has never been sorry for her.

"Gabriel, you have a five o'clock appointment with Mr. Roth and an evening dinner with Miss Vaughan." Without looking at the itinerary, Anna had memorized Gabriel's upcoming schedule.

"Cancel or reschedule all your appointments, and ......" Gabriel continued after a rare pause, "book me a bouquet of flowers for Pearl Vaughan. "

Despite being newly engaged, however, Gabriel didn't seem to enjoy referring to her as his fiancée in front of others.

"Okay, Gabriel." Being a good judge of character was another advantage of Anna's position as the chief secretary of the president's office.

Before long, the door to the CEO's office opened, and before anyone in the secretary's office could react, Gabriel was already flying into the special elevator.

"Anna," Violet Miller, the new secretary, ran over to her with a curious look on her face, "What's wrong with Gabriel today? Not quite the same as usual."

Anna looked up, glanced at her coldly, and warned, "In this company, especially this office, talk less, do more, and you'll last longer."

She should be the one to ask about the fourth young man's business?

Violet was embarrassed, although she was dissatisfied in her heart, but due to Anna's seniority, she didn't dare to ask more questions, she could only return to her seat in frustration.

The other people in the office, pretended not to see anything, but their faces were all with obvious gloating.

Anna glanced at Violet and saw that she was wearing a white shirt, a small suit and a black skirt, a typical secretary's attire, however, it seemed that the buttons of the shirt were intentionally unbuttoned, and the top two were not buttoned properly; and then look at the A-line skirt, which seemed to have been deliberately selected in a small size, and worn on her body, tightly wrapped around her hips, outlining the elegant curves.

Anna couldn't help but shake her head.

This newcomer, with such an obvious mind, may not stay in Gabriel's company for long.

In this society, especially in the workplace, ability, education, appearance ...... these are not the key.

The most important thing is to learn to recognize the time, always recognize their own identity.

Chapter 5

Colorful lights flash, deafening music echoes, and hipsters dance like crazy. ...... At Harbor City's biggest nightclub, "The Club," business is booming on weekdays and weekends. The Club, Harbor City's largest nightclub, is the envy of all its peers!

However, these people only dare to envy. In this business, who doesn't have background and connections? Through their own connections, these people naturally knew that "The Club" was the property of Gabriel Hartford.

Who is Gabriel Hartford? He is the Marshall of Harbor City, the king of the city. When he is happy, Harbor City is calm and peaceful. If he's not, watch out.

Therefore, although everyone was jealous and red in their hearts, they realized that they absolutely could not compete with him. Not only could they not fight against him, but they had to be careful and restrain their own people at all times, never to cause trouble.

The last person who caused trouble at "The Club" was found lying in an alley in Harbor City with his arms and legs broken. Although the police were called, not only was the murderer not found, but he was locked up for a few months. When he came out, he was in a state of stagnation, and soon afterward, he fell ill and died.

That's what happens when you mess with Gabriel, you get yourself killed.

In a dark corner, a handsome man leaning on the sofa, expensive suit jacket thrown casually on the side, tie hanging loosely on the shirt, the whole person looks noble and elegant, there is a hint of charming decadence. The low table in front of him, has piled up several empty bottles of wine, each bottle look at the packaging to know the price is not expensive. If the insiders take a look, the value of these bottles of wine is enough to buy a downtown house in Harbor City.

At this moment, he opened another bottle, slowly pouring wine for his own glass.

Just after he poured a sip, an elegant hand stretched out beside him and took the glass in his hand. The hand was white and slender, with bright red nail polish and a large diamond ring, shining brightly in the misty light of "The Club".

"Handsome man, drinking alone is boring, let me drink with you." The owner of the hand is a beautiful young woman, wearing a gold sequined dress, shoulders, arms, collarbones, legs are exposed, and her feet stepped on incredibly high heels. Her features were exquisite, her make-up was alluring, and her curly, wavy hair rested lazily on one side, making her look both charming and flirtatious.

Seeing the man look up at her, the woman hooked up a bright smile, smoothly close to him to sit down, while pouring wine for him, while continuing to talk: "I'm Tracy, and you?"

The man frowned slightly, did not answer, just looked up at her, but another familiar face emerged in his mind.

It was a face in her mid-twenties, with curved eyebrows and big eyes, also wearing makeup, however, there was no hint of charm in her eyes, only stubbornness and alertness, just like a little hedgehog. She was also at "The Club" that day, sitting on this couch, looking at him with a wary eye, with the fear of the aftermath of a robbery, slightly trembling, but with a sigh of relief, she said: "Thank you, my name is Candy, what's your name?"

Tracy watched as he gazed at him with love in his eyes, and her heart fluttered with excitement. From the moment he walked into "The Club", she had paid special attention to him.

She had never seen such a good-looking man. Moreover, not only was he good looking, but his temperament, the way he dressed ......

She originally thought that he had a date, so she had been watching from the side, until she saw him drink bottle after bottle, the seat next to him was still empty, then she confirmed that he was alone, and then came over to the club with a sense of security.

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