Broken Dreams and Hidden Truths

Chapter 1

"Michael, you're such an asshole!"

In the late afternoon, Michael Carter stood in his bedroom doorway, eyes red and swollen, staring angrily through the doorway at what was going on inside.

His mother, Elaine Carter, stands in front of the bed with her head bowed and a basin of hot water in her hand. His wife, Nina Smith, is cold in bed.

"You wash well, and I might consider what you say." , she said coldly, dropping both legs casually.

"Nonno, mom will do whatever you say, and from now on mom can wash your feet. Can you not divorce Michael?"

"He's a failure now, he has nothing left, if you file for divorce again, I'm afraid he won't be able to handle it!"

Michael's face was blue with anger, his palms were clenched tightly, his fingernails pinched deep into his flesh.Nina even asked her mother to wash her feet!

When Nina was in her prime, she behaved so well with him, as gentle as a little girl next door.

At least half of his hard-earned money had been spent on her and her family. Now that she's down and out, she's even letting her mother-in-law wash her feet, what a wonderful wife. ......

"The water is cold, go change the basin!"

Nina had just put her feet into the basin and kicked it to the side, Elaine couldn't react and the hot water immediately spilled all over her.

"Okay, it's mom's fault, don't be angry, I'm going to get you another basin!" Elaine lowered her head, while holding the basin, said: "NuoNuo, mom listen to you, as long as you don't divorce Michael, mom all listen to you."

Seeing his mother so humble in front of his wife, Michael outside the door could not help but feel his eyes moist.

His father died early, his mother was almost the only one who paid for the university, these years when he was bright and beautiful, although he often gave money to his mother, but he seldom came home to visit her.

When she and Nina got married, Elaine was against it, thinking that they were not the same people. But now that she has nothing, her mother is the first to come home, begging her not to abandon her.

"Then squeeze my feet, and I'll think about it."

Seeing this scene, Michael's eyes red, could not bear the anger in his heart, and violently pushed open the bedroom door.

"Nina, you really don't go too far!"

His sudden appearance made both Nina and Elaine freeze for a moment. But when Nina saw that it was Michael, the corners of her mouth lifted into a disdainful smile.

"How dare you yell? You're in this shape now and you're still yelling?"

"Who do you think you are? I'm only pitying you if I don't kick your ass right now!"

When Elaine saw her son come in, she didn't care about her own wet clothes, she hurriedly walked to Michael and grabbed his hand, "Son, don't be angry, it's not Nina's fault, it's mom's own fault that she had to wash it for her, so don't fight over mom!"

Michael's anger had already rushed to the top of his head, but seeing his mother's concerned look, he forced down his anger.

"Mom, I want to eat roast pork, there is no meat at home."

"Okay, mom will go and buy it, and come back to make it for you."

Elaine glanced at Michael, then at Nina, and left the bedroom in a hurry without even changing her clothes, not forgetting to tell Michael not to lose his temper before she left.

After Elaine went downstairs, Nina coldly leaned half on the bed: "Since you're back, I'll just say it, we're divorced, you have to leave the house, and the house has to be given to me!"

"I'm leaving the house? Why?" Michael couldn't believe his ears.

When he was in his prime, he bought a house for his in-laws, and one for Nina as well. Now that his business has failed, the only property left in his name is this house, which was his last hope. He didn't realize that his wife wasn't even going to leave him this.


Nina laughed coldly: "I married you when I was twenty years old, I've been with you for six years, I gave you the best of my youth, I was hoping to be rich and famous, but you're such a loser that you went bankrupt!"

"I gave you six years of my youth, can't I get something for my divorce?" Michael said angrily, "I bought you a house before, your six years of youth is youth, my six years of youth is nothing?"

"You bought me that house voluntarily, now it's my personal property!"

When Nina heard Michael mention the past, she instantly screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "You're so poor now that you don't even have the right to die, how can you compare with me? You should compensate me for your six years of youth!"

"Your six years of youth is your own licking face to chase, you deserve it!"

"You fucking ......"

Michael couldn't stand it any longer, and raised his hand as if to strike, but finally stopped it in the air.

Nina was startled, but saw that Michael didn't strike, instead he put his face up, "I've been with you for so many years, I've been guarding my home, and you actually want to hit me!"

"Fine, go ahead and hit me! Let me see how this punk hits a woman!"

Michael looked at Nina, and finally lowered his hand.

Nina wasn't the wife she used to be, no, she was, but she had always pretended to be virtuous, and now that he was broke, she didn't bother to pretend anymore.

At that moment, the door was opened, and a man with yellow hair walked in with a couple of punks.

It was Nina's brother and Michael's brother-in-law, David Smith.

"Finally, Chi, your brother-in-law hit me!" Nina immediately became empowered, pointing at Michael and screaming.

"Fucking hell, how dare a poor bastard do it!" David saw his sister say that, immediately greeted the brothers behind him and rushed up.

Michael didn't even have time to explain, he was knocked to the ground by a stick, followed by a beating and kicking, blood instantly blurred his vision.

It hurt, it tore his lungs apart.

When the beating ended, David crouched down and patted Michael's face, coldly asking him if he was convinced.

Michael had been beaten to the point of being unable to resist, and simply spat a mouthful of blood-stained phlegm in David's face.

"Fuck, keep beating!"

David wiped his face, kicked Michael hard, and then the crowd gathered behind him.

At first Michael could feel a stabbing pain, but then even his senses disappeared.

Before he lost consciousness, he saw his mother on her knees begging David to let him go.

"If I don't die, I'll make you pay for today's humiliation a hundred times over."

That was Michael's last thought, and then his head lolled and he passed out completely.

When he woke up again, he was in a hospital room, his head covered in gauze, and Elaine was lying beside him.

Michael tried to sit up, but felt pain all over his body, and took a breath of cold air.

"Son, you're awake, all right!"

Elaine was awakened, looked at her son with concern: "The doctor said it's fine, no bones were hurt, it's just a flesh wound, but you lost a lot of blood, you need to be hospitalized for a few days."

Michael, however, looked bitter, but quickly hid it, "Mom, I'm fine, I'm going to be discharged in a few minutes."

He had only five hundred dollars left on him, no savings, and he couldn't afford to pay for food even if he stayed for a day.

After some bargaining, Michael finally convinced his mother to let him out of the hospital, and went downstairs to pay the $300 medical bill.

Then he went to the station to buy a ticket for his mother to go back to her hometown. Watching his mother's car leave, Michael was finally relieved.

The next problem was more difficult.

He had no place to stay!

After this mess, home is absolutely can not go back, as for living in a hotel ...... he only has more than a hundred dollars left, can not afford to live.

Under no circumstances, Michael remembered his own store.

Although now bankrupt, many things have been taken away by creditors and the bank, but the store still needs a period of time to expire.

He didn't even bother to take public transportation, but walked the seven or eight kilometers to Antique Street in the south of the city and found his store.

When he opened the door, a Bronze Tripod stood in the empty room.
Looking at the Bronze Tripod, Michael's expression becomes even more helpless.

It could be said that this Bronze Tripod was the reason why he had become the way he was now.

Chapter 2

He majored in Antique Authentication & Restoration in college, and after graduation, he worked as an apprentice in an Antique Shop on Lincoln Antique Street. As he was a good learner, he was able to do his job with ease, which made him a favorite of the store's owner. When the store owner was selecting items, he would ask him to assist him and secretly teach him the secrets of the trade.

In addition to Michael Carter's own learning ability, outstanding business skills, and the Antique industry is a typical profitable industry, these years he frequently hit, the number of times almost zero. In just three or four years of time, he opened his own store in this antique street, reputation also in the Antique circle, who mixes in Jiangcheng have heard of Michael appraiser's name.

It was then that he met Nina Smith and married her. Everything should have gone smoothly, however, with the appearance of a Bronze Tripod, everything changed. To buy it, Michael had to spend everything he had and scrape together a few million dollars. But when he gets his hands on it, he realizes that he's been blindsided. It's the first time in his appraisal career that he's ever failed, and it's the worst, not only bankrupting him, but also destroying his reputation.

Now that all the contents of the store had been removed, only the infamous fake remained in the center of the room. "Damn it, I'll make a comeback!" He gritted his teeth in anger, "And Nina and Dave, I'll make you all pay for the humiliation you suffered today!"

The more Michael thought about it, the more chaotic his mind became, he found a piece of wood to use as a bed for himself, and tossed and turned until the middle of the night before he could barely fall asleep. At the end of the night, the bright moonlight poured through the window on the Bronze Tripod, under the moonlight, the Bronze Tripod suddenly drifted up a green smoke, the smoke swam in the room, and finally dug into Michael's body, Michael rolled over, and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

...... "Master San, you have to believe in my eyesight, I can rise again, can you lend me a thousand dollars ......" "Hey, hey hey? What did you say, Damien? My signal here is not very good ...... hang up first ...... beep beep beep ......" This gang of snobs! Listening to the busy tone in the cell phone, Michael's face was gloomy, put away the cell phone. People in the antique circle more or less believe in a bit of metaphysical luck, even if it is just a glimmer of hope. If someone's luck is good, they will take the opportunity to approach, just to dip a bit of luck; but once encountered unlucky, they immediately avoided far away, do not want to have anything to do with it. Like this loan money, a thousand dollars for them, is just a meal, but they are not willing to push the hand, worried about getting into the bad luck Michael.

After briefly washing his face in the store's restroom, Michael walked out of the store and began to wander down Antique Street. He had slept late last night, and now it was 10:00 a.m. Antique Street was filled with stalls. He's lost this time, but he's still got it in him, and it's clear that he's still got to work on his Antique business to turn it around.

Michael is a well-known figure on Antique Street, both in his glory and in his downfall. When he wandered the street, the surrounding stallholders also have cast a glance, whispering. Michael can only pretend not to see, hard to find items that can be seen, at least to solve the money for a few days of meals. However, after half an hour of shopping, Michael felt helpless, the street stalls in which there is not a single product to his satisfaction.

In desperation, he turned around, squatted down in front of a stall at the corner, and casually picked up two Red Books to look through. These old books are not too old, recorded inside are some quotes of famous people, this is a common commodity, not valuable, only love this kind of collectibles buyers, will pay a little money to buy.

Michael remembers a few collectors in his mind who love to collect old items, and plans to buy them at a low price and resell them to make a little profit. Although the profit was not much, at least it could solve the problem of food for a period of time. "Huh?" He looked at the Red Book in his hands, suddenly felt a strange energy rushed into the brain, everything in front of him instantly became blurred, as if there are things around the fast receding, seems to be back in time.

Eventually, the flashback stops and Michael sees a man, wearing a tunic and glasses, a professor, carefully folding something and placing it carefully into the Red Book. At that moment, the door suddenly opens, and a group of soldiers with red armbands on their shoulders rush in, Michael feels a flash of light, and when he regains his senses, he is still on Antique Street.

"What happened to me? What did I see? Was it something that happened in this Red Book's past?" Michael wondered, then remembered what the professor had hidden in the title page that he held so dear. Instantly, he gripped the Red Book in his hands, realizing that this book was anything but simple.

"Yo, if it isn't Mr. Michael, you're also shopping at a stall in your position!" When he was thinking, a disdainful voice came from his ears, making him look up. In front of his eyes was a sharp-tongued man sitting on a small stool, staring at himself with a sneer on his face.

"Do I know you?" Michael asked tentatively. He didn't remember seeing this man, but the other man was clearly hostile. "You really have forgotten a lot of things, I went to your store to apply for a job, obviously passed, but you personally brushed me off, my name is Tom Johnson, have you forgotten?" Hearing these words, Michael's memory was awakened, suddenly suddenly realized.

Back then, Tom came to the store for an interview, although his performance was not bad, but he was too publicized, the antique circle does not want to be impatient, Michael felt that he was not suitable for this business, so he did not let him pass. At that time, Tom looked white and had a good temperament, but he had become dark and thin in the past few years, so Michael did not recognize him for a while.

"It is said that the wind and water change, I wonder when Boss Carter blew me away, did he ever think that you would be here today?" Tom put up his legs and looked at Michael, Michael knew that Tom was harboring a grudge, he didn't want to argue with him, and casually asked, "How much are these old books?" "Eight hundred dollars!" Tom answered with a sneer.

"Eight hundred is a bit steep, isn't it?" Michael frowned. As a member of the antique circle, Michael understood that this kind of old book, usually vendors in the countryside to scrap paper prices, simply not worth this price, even collectors are at most four or five hundred.

"Too expensive?" Tom coldly smiled, once again crossed his legs: "It does not matter, you stand in front of this stall, give me a bow, take a bow I will sell you a book for ten dollars, counting as I pity you." He deliberately raised his voice to attract the attention of the people around him.

All of a sudden, the surrounding people have pointed, Michael's face also became ugly, the heart burns with anger, thinking "Tom, do people leave a line ......". However, the words have not finished was interrupted by Tom: "want to bow to me, or else get out!"

Michael heart angry, but did not attack, glanced at the Red Book held in his hand, and just reproduced the scene. He gritted his teeth, stood up, and finally bowed to Tom. "That's right, Michael, you have your day!" Tom sat there, the corners of his mouth raised, looking smug.

Looking at his complacent look, Michael lowered his head but revealed a cold smile. "Laugh, when I acquire these Red Book, it will be your turn to cry."

Chapter 3

"I've done what you asked me to do, here's ten dollars, take it." He said, drawing a crumpled ten-dollar bill from his wallet, and handing it over.

Tom skimmed his lips slightly, secretly pleased with himself, finally able to step on top of those who looked down on him. He took the money with his chin up, and casually waved his hand, his heart full of excitement, thinking about the scene that he had rehearsed countless times in his dreams, and now it finally came true.

Looked at the hand pinch of money, he plans to go back to save it, when the mood is low will take out to see. As long as he thought about today's triumph, even the greatest grievances could be dissipated.

"Michael, didn't you buy a Bronze Tripod? Now you are actually bowing down to me for such a worthless thing, haha, I didn't think that you, an appraiser, would have a day, what a pain in the ass!" Tom's eyes were wide open, slightly red from excitement, and he looked a bit crazy. He scoffed loudly at Michael.

The people around him were attracted by his noise, and they all gathered over, pointing and pointing, the sounds of mockery and ridicule were endless, filling his ears.

"Michael, you don't have the luck to pick up the pieces anymore, much less the vision. Resign yourself to your fate, fool." As the number of onlookers increased, Tom insulted him even more recklessly.

"Heh." Michael smiled coldly, a cold light flashing in his eyes. He looked around and saw the crowd of people who were watching the show, and a sense of malice was born in his heart. He thought, don't they just want to see their own bad luck? Want to see himself another mistake, he did not follow their wishes, go blind once so what, does not mean anything.

"What kind of attitude is this, still dare to be arrogant, you think you are a famous treasure connoisseur? Now you are just a lost dog, take away the waste paper you bought, and get lost." Tom pointed at Michael's forehead, just a few inches away, his voice getting louder and louder, as if he wanted the whole Antique Street to hear.

He waved his hand in a gesture more like he was shooing away an animal. The arrogance of the moment, in light of Michael's temporary predicament, was truly villainous.

Michael clenched his teeth, clutched the Red Book in his hand, and glared at him. Then he closed his eyes to calm his anger. When he opened his eyes again, the corner of his mouth curled up into a cold smile, and he held up the book in front of the crowd, flipping open the cover and groping for it. In the eyes of others surprised, he looked toward the sunlight, the secret hidden in the eyes emerged.

"Really hidden inside the mystery." He pondered in his heart, remembering the marvelous images he had seen earlier.

"You're not going to be stupidly enraged by me, are you?" Tom watched his behavior, holding his arms in mockery.

Michael ignored him and smiled coldly, gently lifting the book cover with two fingers, and as the book cover parted, something in the center was revealed.

"Stamps!" Michael saw the three stamps revealed inside, his heart was slightly shocked, before he only saw what the man had hidden in the book, but not the secret now. The stamps were well preserved in the sealed book cover, from the design on them, they seemed to have some years of age, although not so much that he could make a comeback, but at least he could sell them to solve his urgent needs, and finally have some money for his expenses these days.

He put the Red Book in his armpit, measuring the three stamps in his hand, with a meaningful smile on his face at Tom, although not a word, but Tom's face became more and more difficult to see, suspicion appeared in his eyes, his voice trembled slightly: "Impossible, how can there be stamps in here? Is it a trick you use?"

The more he thought the more likely, after all, just now he embarrassed Michael, the heart of the anger, then came up with such an excuse to prove their luck.

"Don't waste everyone with your scraps, take your scraps away." Tom said, while walking forward, trying to push Michael away.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, in the crowd of onlookers, a middle-aged man walked out, he was also a famous treasure connoisseur, his eyesight was not small. At this moment, he was staring at the stamps in Michael's hand, and after a short while, he smiled and said: "Michael, what a good luck, actually managed to get three stamps with real collector's value. Although this one is not worth a lot of money, it can still be sold for a few thousand dollars."

The people around them all looked towards Michael's hands, and one of them said enviously, "What you bought for ten dollars can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars, you've made a lot of money, you're really lucky."

"Is Michael's luck back again?"

The voices of the onlookers were like a loud slap on Tom's red face. He stared at the stamps in Michael's hand with his eyes fixed on the stamps, his heart was unwilling, and it was hard for him to believe that he could have such good luck.

"Michael, you are in need of money now, I will definitely not suppress the price, three thousand dollars a piece, how about selling it to me?" The middle-aged man considered for a moment, and made a decision.

"No way, he's cheating you guys, be careful!" Tom looked at someone willing to spend so much money, almost about to explode with anger.

"This is just a stamp, my eyesight is not bad, who are you looking down on?" The middle-aged man couldn't hold back his retaliation.

Tom is just a small vendor, simply unable to refute, only to shut his mouth in anger, can only watch Michael and the middle-aged man to trade.

"Three thousand dollars for one is a reasonable price, I'll sell you all three together." Michael was in need of money and made a decisive decision.

"Good." The middle-aged man couldn't help himself, his cell phone quickly transferred the money, a total of nine thousand.

Listening to the account beep, Michael's face revealed a smile, handing three stamps to the middle-aged man. Next to Tom but hate to bite his own teeth, how can not understand, Michael this unlucky guy, how to pick up such a big leak in front of him.

Chapter 4

The deal is done, the money and the goods are clear. Seeing that there is nothing to see, everyone left one after another. Some are traveling together, still discussing today's events.

Tom Johnson vaguely heard someone mention himself: "That Tom said that other people are stupid, I did not expect the most stupid is his own, 90,000 stamps actually sold ten dollars. If it were me, I'd be furious."

Tom, who was already feeling aggrieved, felt a stuffy feeling in his chest when he heard this. He watched Michael Carter leave easily with his pockets in his pockets, and his heart was filled with hatred.

He was unhappy, obviously a penniless kid, he was kind enough to give him a handout, but he ended up earning 90,000 dollars, which should have been his.

Looking at Michael's back, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was, a vicious idea emerged in his mind, and decided to contact his buddies who usually hang out together, ready to block Michael.

At the same time, Michael from the morning until now, in the antique street do not know how many turns, but still did not find a decent thing. He was a bit disappointed, walked towards a store, and touched the cell phone in his pocket. After getting this 90,000 dollars, temporarily not worry about the next life, finally can be a little bit of a sigh of relief.

"Michael, hand over my money!" Corner of the alley, suddenly burst out three figures, the leader is Tom.

"Your money? How come your money is here? I think you want to rob money." Michael said coldly.

Tom did not care what he said, today he was determined to get back the 90,000 dollars that belonged to him. He brought two accomplices, approaching arrogantly said: "obediently hand over the money, kneel down and call us grandpa, then kowtow and apologize, then let you leave, otherwise..."

He did not finish his sentence, but the threat, Michael clear. This ninety thousand dollars is all his belongings, of course, can not be easily handed over. His heart was disgusted, why should he give his things to a beast?

"It's impossible to ask for money, nor will I give my life." Michael coldly smiled, his eyes were firm, exuding an aura of breaking the boat.

Everyone says, those who stay in power are afraid to stop those who are hardened, and those who are hardened are afraid of those who don't want to die. At this moment, Michael, is some of the meaning of life-threatening, Tom behind the two people began to hesitate.

For the sake of some money, if it really causes death, it's not worth it.

Tom gritted his teeth and stared at Michael, saw the hesitation of his two accomplices, and shouted: "He has a total of 90,000 dollars, we split it equally between the three of us, 30,000 dollars each, let's do it!"

Under the temptation of money, two people still move. The three swung their fists at Michael, seeing this scene, Michael's face was ugly, feeling that today this beating seems to be inevitable.

But he couldn't just sit there and watch them, looking for a possible escape. What surprised him was how their punches felt so slow, as if they were watching slow-motion TV. The fists passed in front of his eyes, he easily dodged them, and when he saw the trio's staggering steps, Michael blinked, shaking his head in disbelief.

What the hell was going on here?

Before he had time to think, the three men came charging at him again. Watching their slow movements, Michael dodged the attacks effortlessly, and after a few times, he grew accustomed to the situation.

He also tried to reach out and grabbed their fists as they approached, Tom didn't think Michael would have the guts to fight back against the three of them, threatening, "Let go of your hands and hand over the money, or you're not leaving here today."

In Michael's eyes, their movements were like a turtle crawling, nothing to be afraid of. He had heard enough threats, he was tired of them.

With a cold face, he gripped his wrist hard, with a loud "kaboom", Tom's eyes shook, his body trembled, and only after a long time did he let out a miserable scream: "Ah, my hand!"

Michael let go of his hand, and when the two people next to him didn't react, he kicked them over, knocking them over. Michael let go of his hand, and when the two men next to him didn't react, he kicked them over, knocking them over. His fists kept swinging, and in just a few moments, they were so bruised and swollen that they didn't even recognize their own mother.

Tom, who was covering his wrists and wailing, saw someone approaching him, sucked in two breaths, endured the pain, and clumsily began to move backward, begging as he moved: "Don't hit me, I won't dare to do it again. michael, please let me go, I beg you."

Michael approached, this little man had made himself suffer before, and now he was joining with others to try to rob the money. He was so angry that he wanted to strangle him, his fists clenched and unclenched, after a few times, his eyes flashed a trace of disgust, kicked Tom's shoulder hard, and coldly said, "Get lost, don't let me see you again."

Tom's forehead broke out in cold sweat, covered his wrist and stood up in a hurry, turned around and ran, and the brothers around him couldn't care less. He simply did not expect Michael will have such a horrible side, just now his eyes, simply like to kill themselves.

Too many things in a day, back home Michael showed fatigue. He simply ordered takeout, ate, and then sat in the room staring at his hands. He was still his original self, but why did the slow-motion scene appear during the fight? And those things he saw when he touched the Red Book, what was that all about?

The doubts in his heart were heavy, and he was puzzled. Everything was normal before, but this abnormality seems to have started today. Then something special must have happened yesterday, carefully recalling what unusual things I did yesterday.

The only difference was that he was homeless at midnight and spent the night in the store. And now the only thing left in the store, was...

Michael hesitantly turned his attention to the Bronze Tripod.

Could it be because of the Bronze Tripod, after spending a night with it, that this special situation had occurred?

Although he wasn't sure, he couldn't think of any other reason. He walked over to Bronze Tripod and took a closer look at it, and found that it was still the same as before.

Regardless of whether it had anything to do with the Bronze Tripod or not, there was nothing wrong with offering it up first.

He held the Bronze Tripod with both hands and put it on the place where he had worshipped before, since the statue of the God of Guan had been taken away by the Bijin, it was the right place to put it. After placing it, he found three pieces of incense that were still intact from the broken pile and lit them up.

As the smoke lingered, Michael prayed earnestly, "If you really have a spirit, bless me to rise again."

He opened his eyes and took a deep look at the smoky Bronze Tripod, then stacked the few remaining items in the store on top of each other, checking them out one by one. On the one hand, he wanted to try to see if he would be in the same situation as he was in the morning, on the other hand, he had a little bit of luck in his heart, in case there were still treasures left in his house, which was also not known.

However, the fact gave him a pot of cold water in the head, several things are not a real thing, are some worthless things. michael rubbed his brow and laughed to himself: "if there is really good things, they have long been taken away, how would they leave me? I really think too much."

However, after only looking at a few items, he felt that his head was heavy, as if he had consumed too much mental energy. The fatigue in his body became more and more obvious, he closed his eyes helplessly and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 5

'Boom, boom, boom.'

Inside the room, the sunlight poured onto the Bronze Tripod through the window, and the original black surface seemed to shimmer with a shimmering light.Michael Carter was awakened by the sound of knocking on the door, and put down his arm which was covering his eyes, and cast his eyes towards the door.

"Who's knocking at the door this early?" He looked out in confusion, and could only vaguely see two figures standing outside through the window. He rubbed his temples, trying to dispel the sluggishness he felt when he first woke up.

"Open the door, Michael, we know you're in there, don't think you're okay if you play dead." Came a voice that sounded somewhat familiar.

Michael frowned, he should have known he'd end up in such a mess, and his nemesis had become the main protagonist of the taunting. He stood up and slowly opened the door.

Seeing the person outside, his heart flashed a trace of "really so" emotion.

"You are not in your store to watch, ran to my place for what?" Just woke up voice a little hoarse.

The store across the street was also an antique store, and there was always friction between peers. In addition to the proximity of the two, the business philosophy is very different, resulting in the two owners of many years of incompatibility.

Now that Michael is down and out, the other side naturally wants to take a look at the fun. They met Michael's landlord early in the morning, and immediately went to talk to him. Hearing that the lease of the store was about to expire, the landlord told the other party about Michael's bankruptcy.

"I heard you went bankrupt, so I came to see what you look like now. Gee, you are actually sleeping here, what a shame." His rival's face was full of mockery.

After yesterday's mockery, Michael's heart did not think so, just coldly responded: "Cats cry for rats, if you have nothing to do, get out of here, I don't welcome you."

"You still want others to go out, pay next month's rent first." The landlord said coldly from the side.

In the world of antiques, luck is crucial, business is not good store, it will be more difficult to rent in the future. The landlord was secretly pleased with himself, thinking of Michael's former glory, and curled his lips in disdain.

"If you can't get the money, get out of here. I'm going to keep renting out, and I can't be dragged down by you." The landlord seemed to be convinced that Michael could not pay the rent, and his attitude was extremely harsh.

Michael's hands were clenched in fists and his eyes were like ice. He was just unlucky for a moment, and he was furious that they were so eager to wipe him out.

"Who says I can't pay the rent? I will continue to rent this place." Michael said in a deep voice.

The landlord froze for a moment, his eyes probed into the house, realizing that it was indeed empty inside, and the place that was once full of antiques now appeared to be exceptionally cold.

"You don't have anything, how are you going to pay the rent? You're not cheating, are you? This is your fault, no money but still insist on really ridiculous." The enemy said, while shaking his head, tone with a deliberate sneer.

"If you want to continue renting, you have to give me the rent today! Otherwise you will leave immediately." The landlord said bluntly.

Michael did not want to waste time, directly took out his cell phone and transferred the rent to the landlord. When the billing notification sounded, he put away his cell phone and looked at them coldly.

The landlord got the rent and left with a smile on his face. The rival did not realize that Michael actually had money, and his plan to evict them failed, so he could only run away helplessly.

"Hmph, there is nothing to be proud of, a broken store, there is nothing inside, even if the life of a beggar." With a cold snort, he turned around and left.


The door slammed shut, Michael's heart violently rose and fell. He would never admit defeat just like that, not just one mistake, and everyone came to throw stones at him? It was too soon for them to see him as a joke.

The walls were falling down. He vowed to be a wall that couldn't be toppled.

The only way to make a comeback in the antiques business was to seize the opportunity with precision and thought, and make up for the deficit.

Looking at the balance on my cell phone, I only have a few hundred dollars left after paying the rent. It's almost impossible to buy expensive antiques, so you have to look for opportunities to pick up the pieces.

His heart rekindled confidence, thinking about the ability that suddenly appeared yesterday. He will be able to become a famous antique appraiser again, and gradually return the humiliation he suffered today one by one.

The entire Antique Street he was very familiar with, outside the stalls have also seen once, there is nothing eye-catching. As for the store...

His eyes lit up, and he looked at the antique store across the street with a sneer. Since the other side so like to see him down, he will let the other side down, not only to rise again, but also from the other side of the store to find the opportunity to revitalize.

After organizing his emotions, Michael slowly walked towards the antique store across the street. When the man saw him enter, he immediately showed his flattering face, but when he saw his figure, he said: "What are you doing in our store? Get out of here, you poor man with no money."

The fellow's voice was very loud, the boss behind the counter heard it, looked up in confusion, and seeing Michael's figure, he immediately mocked, "You've really come to my door to let me humiliate you, what a good opportunity."

The owner quickly stopped the fellow: "Shut up, come in the door is a guest, how can you kick out the guest?" He stopped beside Michael, a sinister smile on his face.

Watching Michael ignore himself, the boss wandered around the store, eyes flashing, pointing to a celadon porcelain introduction: "This is absolutely genuine, buy it to ensure you turn over a new leaf."

"I just handed over the money this morning, didn't you see it? I don't have the money to buy it." Michael straightened his chest and continued to walk around.

Most of the items on the shelves were in the thousands of dollars, and he couldn't afford them, so he looked into the corners, searching for dusty items. Finally his eyes landed on an Incense Burner.

"How do you sell this incense burner?" Michael held the incense burner for a while, from the appearance of just a high-fashion, but when he touched his fingers to the interior of the incense burner, feel the bumps and bumps, in front of the eyes of another strange scene.

He saw a bundle of hair old man, with a knife in the incense burner seal engraving something. Time is in a hurry, he did not have time to see the old man's clothes and appearance, but he can be sure that this incense burner is not worthless.

"Two thousand dollars." Seeing the incense burner in his hand, his rival's eyes averted and said.

Michael did not hesitate to hand over the money, after the transaction was completed, his rival could not help but scoff: "I have seen this thing many times, are all fake, you actually bought a trash high imitation. Looks like you're really screwed."

Looking at his nemesis's mockery of him, Michael smiled confidently, "You do have a good eye, you can see that the incense burner is a high imitation." He said coldly, "But you are not careful enough, what I see is not the incense burner, but the carving inside the incense burner."

He held the incense burner with one hand, staring sharply at the other side, said loudly: "This is a masterpiece, even if the incense burner is fake, the inscription inside is definitely not worth less than 100,000 dollars. Even if the incense burner is a fake, the inscription inside is definitely not worth less than 100,000 dollars. You are the one who is blind, and you are the one who is unlucky."

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