Behind the Glamour and Lies

Chapter 1

Evelyn Greenwood slowly blinked her eyes open, the harsh hospital lights stabbing through the fog of her mind. She felt weak, every muscle in her body protesting as she tried to move. Panic surged as she realized she was immobilized, chains binding her wrists to the bed frame.

Her breath quickened as last night’s memories rushed back—a blurred sequence of betrayal, heartache, and a horrific confrontation. There was Edward, her boyfriend, wrapped in a secret embrace with her so-called best friend, Sophia Silvers. The image pierced her heart like a dagger.

She could still hear the ringing sound of her slap as she stormed into the room, fury igniting her blood. “How could you do this to me?” she had screamed, the betrayal clawing at her insides. Edward’s dismissive words echoed in her ears: “Evelyn, don’t be foolish. If it weren’t for your sister's big bucks, I’d have never even entertained your advances.”

In the heat of the moment, she lost her balance, the world spiraling as she tumbled down the stairs—painfully and abruptly blacking out.

But now, here she was, trapped in this sterile room. Had Edward done this? Kidnapped her? Confusion swirled in her mind, cobbling together the shards of her shattered recollection.

Suddenly, the sound of clicking heels echoed from the corridor. It was Isabella Greenwood.

Her sister strolled in, looking effortlessly glamorous in a Chanel dress, her luxurious hair cascading in waves down her back. Her perfectly made-up face glowed, but there was an unsettling air to her smile, one that made Evelyn’s skin crawl.

“Evelyn…” she said, her tone feigning sweetness as she stepped closer.

“What is going on? Why am I tied up?” Evelyn’s voice trembled, confusion mixed with anger.

Isabella, completely unfazed, leaned against the edge of the bed. “You’ll never guess! I’m about to get engaged to William Blackwood.”

Evelyn’s confusion only deepened. “Congratulations, I suppose?”

“Of course! It wouldn’t have happened if it weren't for you,” Isabella replied, her voice dripping with condescension. “You see, the Blackwoods wouldn’t even look my way if it weren’t for your talent.”

It hit Evelyn like a freight train; Isabella was the head designer for the Blackwood fashion house, the industry titan that was known for its glamorous creations. But what the world didn’t know was that all her success came from Evelyn’s hidden sketches. Whatever glittering glory Isabella basked in was courtesy of her, the so-called illegitimate child.

“Evelyn, I really appreciate all you’ve done for me,” Isabella continued, her gaze sharp. “But right now, I need your help again. You wouldn’t want to refuse, would you?”

Evelyn felt an ominous weight settle in her stomach. “What do you mean?”

With chilling nonchalance, Isabella declared, “I have a heart condition. The doctors say I won’t last another year unless I have a transplant.”

Evelyn’s heart raced. Her parents had told her they found a match… “Are you saying—”

“Yes,” Isabella interrupted, her eyes glinting with an unsettling mixture of triumph and malice. “The donor will be you.”

In that moment, the world narrowed to a tiny point of horror. “No… I won’t let you do this.”

Isabella leaned closer, her voice a cold whisper. “Evelyn, you don’t get a say in this. You’re here for a reason, and you’ve always known that your life was solely to serve the Greenwood family. You’ve been pampered like a princess your whole life because of it. I never expected my little country bumpkin sister to have such a talent for design. You’ve given me the advantage to seize the life I deserve.”

The room spun, and Evelyn felt as if she were drowning. Edward’s words from the night before crashed back into her consciousness, and she realized the cruel truth: what she thought was love and family was just a façade.

“But now, you’re no longer useful,” Isabella continued, pulling a syringe from her handbag, her expression as icy as her words.

Evelyn’s heart raced in terror. “No! Please, I’m begging you,” she screamed, struggling against her restraints. “I’ll expose you! I’ll tell the Blackwoods your designs come from me! You’re nothing without me!”

But all the fighting was futile. She could feel the cool prick of the needle against her arm as darkness threatened to overwhelm her.

“Doctor, we’re ready for the procedure,” Isabella said, her voice unnervingly calm while Evelyn's world turned to black, her body consumed by anguish and hatred.

While the moon hung high, dimly lighting the Grand Silver Inn's opulent suite, Evelyn found herself in an unfamiliar tangle of limbs.

She woke to find herself in a lavish hotel room, the familiar setting of her twenty-year-old self, the morning after her graduation party. The realization hit her like a freight train: she had somehow been given a second chance.

Evelyn pinched her arm, disbelief washing over her. Rebirth—she was back three years in time.

The corners of her mouth curled into a sly grin. Fate had given her another shot at life, and this time, she wouldn’t let the Greenwood family toy with her like a puppet. They would pay for every torment from her past.

Then her mind raced back to last night’s escapades; she’d been the center of attention, the darling of the party while Isabella simmered in jealousy. It was in that moment of twisted irony that she’d found herself drugged by her own sister, only to wake up in this luxurious bed.

Her heart raced with clarity now. The man beside her was William Blackwood—the very man Isabella had coveted.

William stirred beside her, running his hand through his disheveled hair, finally meeting her gaze. “So, I guess we can negotiate now?”

Evelyn’s heart sank. “William, I don’t want your money.”

He barely acknowledged her words, pulling out a checkbook. “Got a price?”

“I said, I don’t want any of that.” The anger flared in her chest; she wasn’t about to be bought.

“Then what do you want?” he asked, finally looking her square in the eye with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

“I want to be your girlfriend,” she stated boldly, surprising even herself with the audacity of her request. Isabella had taken everything from her in the past; this time, she would turn the tables.

William's lips twisted into a sardonic smirk. “You really think you’re worthy of that?”

With those final words, he tossed a check on the nightstand and walked out, leaving Evelyn alone with her determination and a plan to turn the tables.

Chapter 2

Evelyn Greenwood felt her temper flare as she watched William Blackwood walk away. How dare he? “You’ll regret this,” she muttered under her breath. It wasn’t just about the job; it was about respect. One day, she’d make sure he was the one begging for her help.

With a jolt, she remembered she had an interview at Blackwood Corporation that morning. Her clock read 9:00 a.m. - the meeting was at 9:30, and her sister Isabella was also in the running.

Today was the day Isabella would charm her way into the corporation with her design pitch. Evelyn could already envision her sister sauntering in, portfolio in hand, ready to strut her stuff.

Traffic snarled her plans. By the time Evelyn screeched into the parking lot, it was already 9:40. She rushed through the lobby and rode the elevator, but when the doors opened, there was Isabella, just leaving the room where dreams could be made or shattered.

A chill coursed through Evelyn. She hadn’t made it in time. She swallowed hard, knowing all too well what that meant.

“Evelyn, why are you late? You’re killing me here!” Isabella exclaimed in a panic. “I’m done! What are we going to do now?”

“Wait, are you holding my design pages?” Evelyn’s heart sank as she spotted her sister’s hands. “Give them to me! I can talk to the interviewer. Just let me try!”

Isabella’s face shifted from annoyance to guilt. “I tried calling you this morning! You didn’t pick up. I assumed the worst... So, I used your designs for my interview. You’re late.”

Evelyn’s jaw tightened. It felt like déjà vu. How many times had Isabella manipulated their relationship, always playing the sisterly card when it benefited her? Evelyn had come here to expose the truth about her sister, but now? Now, she wasn’t so sure.

“Look, just go home, okay? Let’s leave it at that,” Evelyn said, brushing past Isabella toward the office.

“Evelyn! Wait! You can’t just give up!” Isabella’s desperation clawed at the air.

“Why not? I’m going to fight for myself,” Evelyn shot back, stepping into the office without a backward glance.

As she entered, the panel of interviewers looked up, eyebrows raised. Their expressions read a mix of surprise and skepticism.

“Excuse me, miss,” one of them said, a balding man with a clipboard. “The interview slot has ended. Is there something you need?”

“Hi, I’m Evelyn Greenwood. I’m late, I know. But if you could just give me a chance...” She felt a mixture of embarrassment and determination wash over her.

Just then, another voice piped up from the corner. “Hold on. This is Evelyn Greenwood? From A University? The one who won every design competition?”

“Yeah, but I don’t have my portfolio on me; I lost it on the way here. If you give me ten minutes, I can sketch something fresh right now.”

The room fell quiet. Everyone exchanged glances, shocked at her boldness. The guy who had first spoken smirked. “Ten minutes? That’s quite a lot of confidence for a latecomer.”

“Please. Just give me a shot.”

Surprisingly, the head of design, Robert, nodded. “You heard her. Give her some materials.”

Evelyn grabbed a sketch pad and some pencils, her heart racing. Could she pull this off? She had ten minutes to impress them, to change their minds about her potential.

As she worked furiously, the atmosphere in the room shifted from skepticism to intrigue. Robert and the others watched, their eyes widening as she produced a design that embodied the corporation's theme in an unexpected and innovative way.

When the timer dinged, a blend of expectancy and disbelief was etched across their faces. “We’re glad you’re here,” Robert said slowly, still absorbing what he had just seen.

“Please, I know I messed up. But I promise, I won’t disappoint if you give me a chance,” she urged.

Just then, the door swung open and in walked William Blackwood himself, dressed impeccably in a tailored black suit, his presence commanding immediate attention. The atmosphere shifted again, tension crackling in the air.

He cast a quick glance at Evelyn, then shifted his eyes away as if she were an unimportant detail in the room. “What’s happening here?” His voice was smooth but authoritative.

Robert spoke up, explaining the situation and handing over Evelyn’s sketches. “This is what she drew in just ten minutes.”

William’s eyes flicked over the pages, revealing nothing. “She was late. We don’t keep tardy candidates.”

The energy deflated. Evelyn clenched her fists. “What? You’re just going to throw me out because I was late? You didn’t even look at my work!”

“Because you were late,” William replied coolly, his gaze shifting to the door, as if discussing a minor inconvenience.

“So what? You might lose out on a real talent over a stupid rule,” she shot back.

The room went silent. Evelyn could practically feel the shockwaves from the others around her. The audacity!

“Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I said we’re strict about punctuality,” William replied, his expressions inscrutable, just like the rumors suggested.

“Even if my lateness was due to your freaking traffic jam?” she challenged, not backing down.

William narrowed his eyes, appraising her. The tension hung thick in the air, and for a moment, they held each other’s gaze, an unseen battle brewing.

“Everybody out. Now.”

When the others filed out, leaving Evelyn alone with him, she felt an odd mix of fear and excitement. He was just as intimidating as the rumors claimed. But today was different; she wasn't the same Evelyn she had been before. She had faced worse.

“Listen, William, we had a night together, right? Let’s just say you owe me one. If you keep me on, I’ll make sure you don’t regret it.”

His lips curled slightly in an amused smirk. “You think last night was a favor? You’re dreaming, Evelyn.”

“That’s rich coming from you. Either you let me stay, or I’ll be spilling details of just what went down between us,” she threatened, letting every ounce of her frustration fuel her confidence.

William chuckled, meeting her defiance with his trademark arrogance. “Not a chance, Evelyn. If you think you can bend my rules because of your melodrama, think again.”

Evelyn squared her shoulders, ready for whatever he threw at her. This was just the beginning. She had time to play her cards right—and for Isabella? All bets were off.

Chapter 3

That afternoon, Evelyn Greenwood trudged home, her spirits as low as her gaze.

Inside the living room, her father, James Greenwood, was planted stiffly on the couch next to her stepmother, Grace Morrow, and her half-sister, Isabella. They all turned towards Evelyn as she stepped through the door.

“Evelyn, how’d it go? Did Blackwood keep you on?” Isabella rushed forward, her voice laced with concern.

Evelyn shook her head, the gesture heavy with disappointment.

Isabella’s heart finally sank to her stomach. She had known Blackwood wouldn’t take on someone who showed up late—this was just the icing on the cake.

“Evelyn, what’s the deal? How did you end up late?” Grace chimed in, her tone dripping with false concern. “You didn’t come home after graduation last night. Everyone was worried sick… and now this?”

James’s gaze darkened, a storm brewing behind his eyes.

“Isabella, as the older sister, shouldn’t you have made sure your sister got home safe?”

“I was at the karaoke bar!” Isabella protested, her innocence feigned. “I saw Evelyn leave with some guy, Edward Hawthorne, I think. Didn’t think anything of it. How was I supposed to know...?”

“Isn’t Edward supposed to be out of the country on business?” James’s brow furrowed further.

“Uh, I had no idea about that! I just thought maybe…” Isabella fumbled for words, momentarily flustered. “Evelyn, you’re okay, right?”

The whispers circling the room painted a picture of Evelyn's late-night escapade with another man, and James’s displeasure grew heavier as he turned his full focus on his daughter.

“That guy was my classmate. I stayed at a hotel for one night—nothing happened. But you, sister, why don’t you explain why you decided to use my design sketches for your interview after I worked on them for a month?”

Evelyn's words sliced through the mounting tension, leaving Isabella stunned. She hadn’t anticipated Evelyn would call her out in front of their father. What was she thinking?

James was the only one of the bunch with a firm sense of right and wrong, and now he directed his fury at Isabella. “Isabella, you passed that interview by stealing Evelyn’s work. It’s as plain as day.”

He’d known all along that his granddaughter lacked any real talent in design. “How did you manage to convince them when your work is, frankly, subpar?”

“Grandpa… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I thought I could help Evelyn by taking the sketches to the interview, but when she didn’t show up, I lost my head. I’m really sorry, Evelyn.”

Isabella’s voice cracked, and tears streamed down her face. Anyone watching might have believed her, but she alone knew her deceit had started long ago.

She needed to stick with Blackwood—staying close to that man was worth any sacrifice.

James's hand twitched, nearly slapping Isabella's face for her deception, but he caught himself just in time.

“Dad, don’t be mad. Isabella just… got carried away. She realizes now that what she did was wrong. Please, just forgive her.”

James sighed heavily, turning a glare towards Isabella. “You need to go to Blackwood and tell them the truth. Those sketches belong to Evelyn.”

Isabella’s face went pale at the thought.

Grace, protective as ever, jumped in. “Dad, you can’t do that! Isabella already secured her spot at Blackwood.”

“Exactly. She barely made the cut, and Evelyn… well, she missed out because she showed up late. Don’t take this from Isabella.”

“And what about Evelyn? Her work has been used without her consent! Have you even thought about how she feels?”

Everyone’s attention swung to Evelyn, and as James and Grace continued to debate, she finally spoke up, a soft smile hidden on her lips. “It’s okay, Grandpa. I’ll let it go. It’s just a sketch, and if it helps my sister, that’s a good thing.”

James, against his better judgment, relented. “Fine, but you’re still getting punished, Isabella. You’ll spend a day reflecting at the family shrine.”

Evelyn excused herself upstairs, claiming exhaustion. Isabella sank back into her seat, casting a venomous glance at the retreating figure of her sister.

Why, of all people, did this wild country girl have to be smarter and prettier? The only reason she survived was that heart of hers—she had no right to outshine Isabella.

Fingers digging deep into her palm, Isabella mused, Evelyn, everything you have belongs to me.


Evelyn’s room was spacious, filled with rolls and stacks of her design sketches. Familiarity wrapped around her like a worn blanket, and a faint smile played at her lips.

She gathered the sketches and set them ablaze in a fire pit, watching them curl and blacken in the flames. Each flicker of fire took with it a decade’s worth of creations.

In her past life, Isabella used those sketches to worm her way into Blackwood, while Evelyn, unable to gain an entry, bounced from job to job, manipulated by James’s family until she was left jobless.

A year later, James passed, leaving her vulnerable and isolated. The moral pressure then multiplied, demanding she create designs for Isabella.

The once-promising second daughter, who shone so bright in college, faded into obscurity. In contrast, the eldest, Evelyn, eventually rose to become the lead designer at Blackwood and the envy of many, marrying the illustrious William.

As the sketches burnt, a cold smile crept on Evelyn’s face.

Things would never resemble her past again. She was Evelyn, reborn—sparks of fury igniting her resolve.


Later that night, fresh from the shower, Evelyn lay in bed, her mind spinning with plans on how she’d secure her place at Blackwood. A glance at the calendar sparked a memory.

After tossing on new clothes, she dashed out of the house.

Across town, William stepped out of his villa just as Evelyn parked at his driveway. The window rolled down, revealing the striking contours of her face.

“William, where are you headed? I’ll give you a ride.”

Surprise flickered across William’s face, quickly morphing into annoyance. “Evelyn, do you have any idea? Digging into my life and stalking me just makes me dislike you even more.”

With that, he moved toward his car, but Evelyn dashed in front of him, blocking his way.

“William, you might die if you get in that car tonight.”

Her conviction was palpable, shaking him to his core. It sounded ridiculous, but behind her words was the chilling prospect of fate. In her previous life, an accident orchestrated by his brother Henry left William unconscious for three months and almost doomed Blackwood altogether.

He dismissed her concern with a laugh, stepping around her. But Evelyn, determined, slid into the passenger seat the moment he opened the door, ready to confront whatever lay ahead.

Chapter 4

“William Blackwood, someone tampered with your brakes. If you don’t believe me, just test them out yourself,” she said, her voice steady, unwavering.

William’s brows knit even tighter. What kind of hold did this woman have over him? Reluctantly, he slid into the driver’s seat, turning on the ignition. After a quick press of the brake pedal, the truth hit him hard. If he’d been on the road, it could’ve been disastrous.

A brooding aura surrounded him as he pondered the identity of whoever wished him harm. He glanced sideways at the woman still sitting in the passenger seat. “Evelyn Greenwood, was this your plan? Sabotage my car and then swoop in to claim you want to stay with Blackwood Corporation?”

Evelyn’s eyes widened in surprise, but then she chuckled lightly. “William, you really give me too much credit. You think I could just waltz over and mess with your car? You should check. One of your people is linked to Henry Blackwood.”

An ominous silence enveloped them, and William’s expression darkened. He knew better than to believe Evelyn was behind this. She lacked the guts.

With a smirk, Evelyn leaned closer. “William, this isn’t just juicy gossip. Now, surely you won’t refuse my presence in Blackwood Corporation anymore?”

He pursed his lips, contemplating.

After a moment, he finally asked, “Who’s the mole?”

He was shocked to discover that there was someone loyal to Henry within his ranks—it was a careless error on his part.

Evelyn flashed a mischievous smile. “That’s going to cost you extra, darling.”

With that, she stepped out of the car and drove away, leaving a considerable storm brewing in William’s chest.

He paused, his gaze deepening with thought. Why did she know this? Was Henry laying a trap, and was Evelyn just a pawn in his game? The night she’d appeared, drugged and vulnerable in that hotel room; her urgency to find a place in Blackwood Corporation; her knowledge of hidden dangers… Was it all just a coincidence?

William watched her car disappear into the distance, temporarily dulled by a heavy sense of dread. Evelyn Greenwood, you better not be in league with Henry Blackwood.


The next morning, Isabella Greenwood bounced into her day regardless of the punishment James had dealt her the night before. She wore a flawless face of makeup and designer clothes, exuding confidence.

Spotting her sister, Evelyn, in the car, Isabella asked, “Evelyn, what’s with you getting all dressed up this early?”

“I’m headed to Blackwood Corporation,” Evelyn replied casually.

Isabella’s brow furrowed. “Oh, planning to give me a ride to my job? I guess that works; these heels are killer.”

Evelyn suppressed a laugh. Did she really think she was doing her a favor?

But she held her tongue. Let Isabella think what she wanted.

When they arrived at Blackwood Corporation, Isabella watched curiously as Evelyn parked and stepped out, following her inside. “Evelyn, I know you’re eager to get in, but this isn’t just any job; they don’t hire just anyone. Watch out for security; they might kick you out.”

“I got this, sis.”

Isabella said nothing further, keen to see how Evelyn would get tossed out, as she expected.

However, as they entered the design department, Isabella’s confusion deepened. Robert Smith, a senior employee, approached with a bright smile. “Miss Isabella, congratulations! You made it into Blackwood Corporation. Victor Blackwood just reviewed your designs and thinks you’ve got something special!”

His praise was like music to Isabella’s ears, and she could hardly contain her excitement. How thrilling—was Victor actually interested in her?

“Thank you, Robert,” she replied, her head spinning with delight. To keep up appearances, she added, “Oh, this is my sister, Evelyn Greenwood. She arrived late to her interview yesterday. If you know of any good openings, Robert, she’s just as talented.”

Evelyn felt her stomach churn. Just as talented? Please.

Robert paused, brows raised. “Actually, I was talking about Evelyn. She’s the first candidate the president’s ever made an exception for. Latecomers usually don’t get that chance.”

The color drained from Isabella’s face, a churning mix of disbelief and fury washing over her.

To salvage the situation, Robert sought to ease the tension. “Isabella, your designs are impressive too. You both have to give it your all!”

“Thanks, Robert,” she mumbled, seething inside.

After he left, Isabella balled her fists in frustration. “Evelyn, what’s going on? You’re in Blackwood Corporation now? Did you deceive Grandpa? Did you fool us all?”

“No, sis, I just heard this morning. It’s all so unexpected. Maybe Victor saw something in my designs that impressed him,” Evelyn said, lowering her gaze. “Why aren’t you happier for me? Don’t you want me to succeed?”

Isabella caught herself, realizing she’d lost control. “Of course I’m thrilled! Working together will be great.”

Evelyn’s smile lit up the room. “I thought you were upset. Now I can breathe.”

As she settled at her new desk, Evelyn felt a rush of satisfaction. She shot a quick message to William Blackwood, revealing who the mole in his organization was.


Time slipped by quickly; two weeks vanished in the blink of an eye.

Right from the start, Robert assigned everyone a task—a project that would showcase their work at the company’s year-end gala.

When the competition wrapped up, no one anticipated the winning submission would come from a fresh graduate.

Evelyn claimed the title, her designs stealing the spotlight. With her newfound talents from her second chance at life, she knew what stood out.

Everyone could see how her work shone through; Isabella’s project, on the other hand, didn’t even see the runway. Isabella had planned to steal from Evelyn, but when she reached into her sister’s workspace, all she found was vacant air. That dangerous game was off-limits; James Greenwood was already keeping tabs.

Meanwhile, a few jealous employees, who typically complimented Isabella on the gifts she’d handed out, whispered amongst themselves. “I can’t see what’s so special about her designs. How did she outperform the veterans? Isabella, did you see Evelyn’s design?”

Isabella fought back the fire of envy boiling within her. “I’ve been ill lately; my designs weren’t up to par. But I’m happy for Evelyn. It’s great that her work was recognized.”

If only they knew the truth. Isabella internalized her mounting rage; losing to Evelyn was one thing, but being invisible to William Blackwood after two weeks was another—it didn't bode well for her plans.

No, she had to make a mark at the gala and finally get his attention.

Chapter 5

Another week zoomed by in the blink of an eye, and tonight, the annual Blackwood Corporation gala was taking place in a swanky five-star hotel.

The banquet hall was decked out extravagantly, with cocktails flowing and guests decked out in sequined gowns and tailored suits.

Meanwhile, in the design department’s restroom, Evelyn Greenwood was on the verge of losing her mind.

She had only been at the company for a month, but her standout performance had evidently ruffled someone’s feathers. Just as she was wrapping up her work and preparing to leave, someone had locked her in the bathroom. She had no idea if Isabella Greenwood, her sister, had a hand in it.

“Is anyone there?” Evelyn yelled, a mixture of frustration and panic rising in her voice.

It wasn’t just that she was missing the party; she was supposed to showcase her design tonight. After the main event, the designer had to speak about their vision, and her piece was the grand finale. If she didn’t make an appearance, her designs could easily be replaced.

As her voice grew hoarse from calling out, she was about to give up hope when she heard footsteps outside.

“Hello? I’m stuck in the bathroom. Can someone please help me out?”

The door swung open, and to her utter surprise, it was William Blackwood standing there.

“William… uh, Mr. Blackwood, what are you doing here so late?”

“Just finishing up some work,” he replied casually.

“Really? At the gala? You’re dedicated to the job, I’ll give you that. Are you heading to the party? Any chance you could give me a ride?”

“Is this how you plan to attend the gala?”

William’s gaze swept over Evelyn, who was still wearing her office attire. Her stunning gown, the one she intended to wear tonight, was back home. There was no way she’d have time to change and make it to the event.

“Let’s go.”

“Go where?”

Evelyn quickly followed William up to his office on the top floor. He handed her a sleek black box.

Inside was the jaw-dropping black dress from a renowned international brand—one she recognized immediately. Why did he have this?

Despite her confusion, she slipped into the bathroom to change, applying a simple touch of makeup. The dress fit like a dream, enhancing her pale skin and accentuating her every curve. Her tousled waves cascaded perfectly over her shoulders, the subtle makeup making her look effortlessly stunning.

It was the first time William truly appreciated Evelyn’s beauty, stirring memories of that heated night when something unexplainable pulled him closer to her.

Evelyn, oblivious to the tension, emerged from the restroom, a bright smile on her face.

“Mr. Blackwood, I can’t thank you enough! Why did you help me?”

“Just settling a debt. I, William Blackwood, never owe anyone favors.”

The mention of the traitor turned her stomach, and she sighed, momentarily letting herself daydream about William actually liking her.


When they arrived at the gala, their entrance sparked a wave of whispers.

“OMG, it’s Mr. Blackwood!”

“Who’s that stunning girl with him? They look amazing together!”

“Isn’t that the new designer, Evelyn Greenwood? What’s she doing with Mr. Blackwood?”

The crowd buzzed, but Isabella Greenwood stood frozen, her nails digging into her palms. Beside her, Olivia Morrow, a sly smile on her lips, had been schmoozing with Isabella before the event started, clearly leveraging the Greenwood name to her advantage.

But the real drama unfolded when Olivia’s eyes lit up. The gown Evelyn wore had been her gift to William to give to any girl he liked. She hadn’t expected him actually to bring her along!

Evelyn was soon swept away by Robert Smith for some work-related matters.

William strode toward his mother, and as he approached, Isabella felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. But through Olivia’s introduction, William only offered a polite nod without really acknowledging Isabella, who could barely swallow her jealousy as Olivia’s focus never drifted from Evelyn.

“Who was that girl just now? Where’d she run off to? I wanted to meet her,” Olivia said, her excitement palpable.

With every question, Isabella’s unease grew. She quietly backed away and dialed a number on her phone.

William took the stage, delivering a speech before the Blackwood Corporation’s fashion show commenced. Gasps of admiration filled the room when the final piece—a striking red gown—was revealed.

The design was unusual, and on the model, it radiated beauty, drawing every eye in the room. When the show wrapped up, Evelyn took her turn, sharing the inspiration behind her work, and the applause was thunderous.

“Wow, you’d never guess she’s a newcomer to the field! Blackwood Corporation has struck gold here.”

“No kidding. She’s gorgeous and talented. Talk about a double threat!”

Olivia, beaming from her seat, knew she might have just found a gem for her son.

It was then that Isabella realized her sister’s success as she exchanged pleasantries with Evelyn after the show.

“Evelyn, you were incredible! I’m so proud of you,” Isabella said, forcing a smile.

“Thanks, sis!”

“Oh, by the way, Evelyn, this is Mr. Blackwood’s mother,” Isabella quickly added.

Evelyn smiled warmly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

Olivia’s joy was infectious as she wrapped her arm around Evelyn. “Ma’am? Just call me Olivia! No need for formalities. Your designs blew me away. Come by my place sometime; I’d love for you to create something for me. And if your boss gives you any trouble, just tell me, alright?”

Evelyn felt the heat of embarrassment creeping in, while William was left speechless.

Isabella, feeling like a ghost, sat in silence, her reputation overshadowed by a mere designer from the same bloodline and trying to compete with Olivia’s attention.

Just then, a suave voice cut through the noise.

“Isabella! There you are. I’ve been searching for you.”

Edward Hawthorne strolled in, sharp in a white suit, exuding effortless charm as he approached the pair.

Evelyn tightened her jaw, memories of Edward tangled with her ex-best friend flooded her mind—how had she ever pursued this guy?

“Bella, I got back early from my trip to surprise you,” he said, a huge grin plastered on his face, unaware of the tension that his presence created.

Evelyn felt her stomach twist.

“Oh, hi! And you are?” Olivia asked, caught in the awkwardness.

“Mr. Blackwood, Olivia, I’m Isabella’s boyfriend, Edward Hawthorne.”

Isabella laughed lightly, teasing, “Oh look, my brother-in-law is back with the relationship updates! Have you two been together for two years? Aren’t you adorable?”

Her gaze slipped toward William, who, despite his poker face, was emanating frustrations that mixed jealousy with irritation.

Unwanted heat rose within him—why was this other man getting a rise out of her?

Olivia’s expression soured, realizing how inappropriate Isabella’s teasing behavior was, especially if she was trying to manage her own son’s interests.

Evelyn wished she could disappear into the floor.

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