The Luna's Secrets

Chapter 1


My brain was having a hard time processing her words, so I asked, "What?"

“You’re pregnant, Selena. Congratulations,” Mira said with a smile.

I froze up for a moment, wondering if I was dreaming. I pinched my arm, and it hurt. I wasn't dreaming. This was as real as it got. I was carrying Blanc's baby.

For the past week, I've been feeling queasy and tired. At first, I thought it was just a common cold but the symptoms weren't letting up. I called Mira yesterday, and she ordered me to come to the clinic.

I looked down at my stomach and placed my hand on it, “I can’t believe this.”

“You better believe it, honey. You’re having a little cub,” Mira said.

I looked at Mira, who was staring at me with a big smile on my face, and I returned her smile with an even bigger one.

"We've been married for three years, and even I've begun to lose hope that I was ever going to get pregnant. It's a miracle."

"No, Selena. It's not a miracle. That's what happens when you have sex and with your hunk of a husband; I'm guessing you guys indulge in the act a lot."

I laughed at Mira's joke. She was the only one who could turn an emotional moment into a joke, and that's why we were best friends. 

“I’ve told you several times, Mira. I’m not going to give you details about my sex life so you can stop your coy attempts,” I said.

“I don’t think I need to pry anymore because you’re carrying the future alpha of the Blackforest Pack. That’s proof enough for me.”

“I can’t wait to tell Blanc. He’s going to lose his mind,” I said.

“I thought he would have accompanied you to the clinic since his wife was ill and all.”

"He's been so busy at work that he hasn't been home often in the past week, so he doesn't even know about the hospital visit," I said.

Mira nodded. “So you plan to surprise him then?”

"Yes, I do. He finally wrapped up the deal he had been working on, so he should be home by his usual time. You can't say a word about my pregnancy to anyone until I've told Blanc. You know news travels fast in this pack."

Mira made the motion of zipping her mouth and throwing away the key before she lifted her right hand to her chest, “I won’t say a word about this. Scout’s honor.”

“Thank you. You’re the best.”

"I know that," Mira replied. "Now, before you leave, I want to do a quick ultrasound to check if we would be able to see the baby."


Mira instructed me to lie back while she inserted a wand inside me. The image wasn't clear enough to see the baby, but when the heartbeat filled the room, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing even if I tried.

After the ultrasound, she prescribed a few medications to help with my morning sickness and scheduled another visit before I left.

I was able to make dinner and set the table on time for Blanc’s arrival. It was like I found some kind of strength after learning about the pregnancy.

Although my marriage to Blanc was arranged by his father, I couldn't be more happy. I've always loved him and I believe he loved me too. He might not have said the words but his actions are proof of that fact.

My husband was the respected alpha of the Blackforest Pack, and I was his luna. Blanc was one of the fiercest werewolves there was but the most gentle partner I've ever had.

When it was almost time for Blanc's arrival,  I changed into a sundress that he would like, touched up my makeup a bit, and slowly counted down the minutes till he got home.

Minutes turned into hours and at almost midnight, Blanc was still not home. All my calls went straight to voicemail and I was going out of my mind with worry.

This was unusual. Sure, he kept late nights, but I was always aware and have never been left in the dark.

There was nothing I could do. It was too late to call anyone else, so I stared at the untouched dinner I made while pacing the living room.

I was about to get my car keys and drive to his office when I heard the click of the front door unlocking. 

My legs turned wobbly as I felt immediate relief.

Blanc was safe, and he was home.

I started toward the front door just as he turned the corner into the living room, and I stopped dead when I saw him.

Blanc had a murderous look on his face, and the glare was directed at me.

I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, but his next words shocked me.

“Why did you force Erika to leave me three years ago?” Blanc grunted in a low voice.

“I’m sorry?”

"Don't try to act dumb, Selena. Answer my question, and you had better reply truthfully."

"I swear I don't know what you're talking about," I replied while trying to control my breath.

Erika was my half-sister from my father's affair with another woman. The affair brought disgrace to my mother, and I've never really had a good relationship with my half-sister.

No, that's not it. Erika was a mean bitch, and I didn't want anything to do with her. However, she was also Blanc's first love, and my marriage to him was only arranged because she left him three years ago without so much as a word.

As much as I didn’t like my sister, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her or even stand in the way of her happiness. Blanc had also never spoken about her since we got married so there must be something seriously wrong for him to act this way towards me.

“Erika’s back,” Blanc said.

I tried to keep my expression neutral, but I was sure my face portrayed my hurt when I said, "I still don't know what it has to do with your accusation."

"It has everything to do it. You're a pathological liar, and I'm glad I finally realized what a conniving bitch you are," Blanc replied venomously.

It was like I'd been hit by a truck. The glare in his eyes and the hatred in his voice, all directed at me, was too much for me to take. I stumbled a bit and landed on one of the sofas.

My eyes were blurry with tears, and I couldn't seem to make out my words, but Blanc crossed his arms over his chest and just kept on staring at me.

“Blanc-c,” I stuttered. “I mean it when I say that I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Then he stalked towards me and dropped a manila envelope I didn’t realize he was holding on my lap.

“Then maybe this would clear up any confusion you have,” He said.

I held the envelope up with shaky hands and asked, “What is this?”

“Divorce papers,” he answered. “Sign it.”

Chapter 2


This had to be another dream because there was no way I had just heard Blanc right.

“You’re joking,” I said.

"Oh, I'm as serious as a heart condition. Which, by the way, you knew Erika suffered from, and you used it to threaten her."

He was hitting me with one thing after the other, and I was beginning to get whiplash.

“What are you insinuating?”

"Drop the fucking act, Selena!" Blanc screamed in my face. "The cat's out of the bag. Stop pretending to be innocent."

“I’m not pretending to be anything!” I yelled back. “Just explain to me why you’re doing all this.”

Blanc took a step back and ran his hand through his jet-black hair. He did that whenever he was frustrated, and seeing him like that only made me want to understand him more.

I slowly stretched and took his hand but he wrenched it back so fast as if he had just come in contact with garbage.

I reluctantly withdrew my hand and asked, “Please just talk to me.”

“Fine,” he huffed. “If you choose to play it this way, then I’ll play along. Erika came to see me today.”

I wondered why she had chosen to show up after all these years, so I asked, "What did she want?"

"She finally got the courage to expose you to who you are. Erika told me she had a heart condition three years ago that needed to be fixed surgically. She came to you for help, and you used that opportunity to get rid of her so that you could marry me."

Hearing him accuse me of such a hideous act, he felt like he was driving a knife straight into my heart.

I raised my head to stop the tears from falling while he continued, "As if that wasn't enough, you've been blackmailing with the threat of her mother's death if she failed to cooperate."

"I swear on our marriage vows, Blanc, I never did any of those things, and I don't know why Erika would accuse me of such acts."

"If you think I would accuse you without proof, then you must forget who I am," Blanc said. "I found the paper trail of the payment you made to the countryside hospital where she was operated on and you still have the guts to deny it right in my face."

“I can’t admit to something I didn’t do, Blanc!”

“That’s because you’re a pathological liar!”

I tried to control my erratic breaths because I was suddenly feeling nauseous and lightheaded. I hadn't eaten dinner and didn't have enough strength to keep arguing.

"I'm your Luna, Blanc. You're supposed to be the one who knows me best. Whatever evidence you found seems to be an attempt to frame me with a bad image, and you fell for it. Don't let this ruin our marriage," I said.

"You're not my Luna, and I regret ever welcoming you into my pack," he replied.

"I know you're tired and angry. We can't resolve this issue if we continue like this," I said. "Why don't we get some rest, and then we'll pick this up again in the morning?"

"There is nothing more to be said between us," Blanc replied. "You've been served the divorce papers, so it is in your best interest to sign them.

“Why should I sign it? So that you’ll be free to run back to Erika?”

He didn't answer, so I continued, "You're my mate, Blanc. You carry my mark, and I, yours. Our bond can't be easily severed."

“Then I’ll go through the rejection ritual if it means that I get to be rid of you,” he retorted.

Blanc's words gutted me, but I held my ground. "I won't sign these papers."

I threw it in the air and watched it slowly land on the ground between us.
“You have three days to sign the papers,” Blanc growled and stalked out of the house.

* * *

It was only after he left that I let the dam loose, and my tears fell without restraint.

I couldn't believe that something like this was happening to me. And worse, my husband didn't believe me. That hurt more than the false accusation.

I sunk to the floor and put my hands over my stomach. I still couldn’t tell Blanc that he was going to be a father. There was no way I could’ve told him when the tension during our earlier conversation was so thick.

I briefly wondered what would happen if I ended up getting divorced, and the thought of Erika around my child scared me to death. There was no way I was letting my child go anywhere near her.

Though I didn’t dare voice it out, I knew Erika was the one behind this, but how was I going to prove my innocence when I’d already been condemned?

I woke up the next morning with a red face and swollen face, which was evidence of my sleepless night. Blanc was out all night, and knowing how he is, he might not come back to the house until I've signed the divorce papers just like he ordered me to.

I forced myself out of bed to get ready, at least for the sake of my child. While in the bathroom, the reflection of my face in the mirror showed how exhausted I felt. My cheeks were puffy from crying too much, and my eyes were red, but underneath all that, I could still see the beautiful face that Mira claimed made me a head-turner.

My morning sickness also made it so that during breakfast, I could only stomach a piece of dry toast and a cup of honey tea. Not the most ideal meal for a pregnant lady, but I would just have to make do. I was stirring my cup of tea and staring into space when I was startled by the sound of my phone ringing.

I wanted it to be Blanc, but a quick look at the caller ID told me it was Mira. I guessed she wanted to know how he got the news about my pregnancy.

“Hello,” I answered.

“Hi, Selena. Would you be able to come over to the clinic for another ultrasound today?”

I immediately tensed up. After the ultrasound yesterday, I made an appointment for another ultrasound in a week, so the only thing that would make her request I come in urgently was if something was wrong with the baby, so I asked, "What's wrong?"

I held onto my tea cup with all my might, and it was almost crushed by how tightly I was gripping it. I didn't think I would be able to take it if something happened to my baby.

I was saved from letting  my thoughts spiral when Mira replied, “Do you know you’re pregnant with twins?”

Chapter 3


"Is everything okay?" I asked Mira, who was looking closely at the fetal monitor.

“There’s nothing wrong with the babies,” she answered.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding.

When Mira dropped the bombshell about me being pregnant with twins, I drove to the hospital in a daze while silently hoping that nothing was wrong with my babies.

Considering my night, I didn't think I could take any more bad news.

“That’s good, right?”

Mira nodded. "While there's nothing wrong with both fetuses, you have grown weak," she said.

“What? That’s not possible. I’m one of the strongest female werewolves in the region.”

“That is true, but you’re now a pregnant werewolf,” Mira said.

“What does that have to do with anything?”

"It means you're now responsible for not just one but two lives. Plus, your morning sickness has made it difficult to keep your strength, which is very important to developing the cubs you're carrying."

"Okay. What do I need to do to increase my strength? Are there medications that you can prescribe me?"

"I could prescribe you some drugs, but they may not be as effective, and even if they were, it could take a while before they have any effect," Mira answered.

“Are you trying to say there’s nothing you can do?”

“No, there’s actually something that can help.”

“What is it?”

“You need your husband.” she answered.

I scrunched my face in confusion. “Blanc?”

“Who else would I be referring to?”

“I don’t understand. Why would I need him?” I asked.

"You need his alpha powers to soothe the babies in your womb. That way, you can get your strength up while getting rid of the morning sickness."

Right. I haven't even told Blanc about the pregnancy. Not that he wants anything to do with me at the moment.

My mind wandered to the divorce papers on our living room floor and what it would mean for my future.

“Hey, Mira.”


“If I were to sever the mate bond in my current state, would it harm the babies?” I asked.

She was taken aback by my question, but she quickly recovered and answered, "If that were to happen, nothing would happen to the babies. However…"

“What is it?”

"However, you would be hurt, and in the worst-case scenario, you might not be able to conceive again."

I nodded in understanding.

“Do you have any more checks to do?” I asked.

Mira shook her head. No, so I got dressed to leave, but not before making one last plea.

"Uhmm…I know you promised yesterday, but I would still like you to keep the news of my pregnancy a secret. At least until I tell Blanc."

Mira looked puzzled, and I could tell she had a lot of questions for me but thought better about asking. We've been friends for so long that she knew I would confide in her when I was ready.

"I won't tell anyone, Selena," she said. "But just know I'm here for you, whatever you need. All you have to do is ask."

I smiled at her and said, “Thanks.”

I got into my Range Rover and rested my head on the steering wheel. I hadn't had a chance to rest properly today, and I was exhausted. I couldn't even bask in the joy of my pregnancy. 

I let my mind wander to Blanc and how he would take the news. He had always wanted to be a father, so I imagined he would be ecstatic when Blanc found out, and maybe he would soften up towards me a bit so we could resolve our issues. I had a feeling that Erika would stop at nothing to separate Blanc and me, but I wasn't going to let her win easily. 

I let my mind flashback to when Blanc told me he would love to have a daughter.

We were in bed early in the morning, and we were both basking in the afterglow of morning sex.

“You have such beautiful eyes,” Blanc said.

"Not as beautiful as yours," I replied.

He held me closer while still twisting my hair in his hands.

“I don’t think I can compare, darling,” he argued. “You have the most captivating purple eyes I’ve ever seen.”

"You do know that my eye color is quite unusual, right?" I asked.

“That’s what makes it more special. What makes you special,” he answered.

I felt my cheeks heat up, and I couldn't stop the tingling sensation in my happy place. Blanc's compliments always affected me that way.

“I’m glad you see me that way,” I said.

“I just hope our future daughter would have eyes like yours,” he said.

“What makes you think we’re going to have a daughter?” I asked.

“I just have a feeling that my little Pearl would have eyes like her mama’s,” he replied.


“Yes, Pearl. That’s what we would name our daughter because she would be as precious as a pearl to me,” he answered.

I couldn't help but smile. "In that case, should we start practicing?."

Then he smiled and said, “I thought you’d never ask.”

The sound of a car horn jolted me back to reality, and I realized I was smiling at the memory. I decided not to waste any more time, so I started my car and headed towards Blanc's office.

I parked my car in front of the designated parking lot in front of his office building and took the elevator to the top floor.

The receptionist was used to seeing me, so I did not need to make an appointment. Instead, I simply waved and headed for Blanc's corner office.

He chose that office because it was the biggest and offered privacy that the other offices did not.

I rounded the corner and saw through his glass door that he was focused on work.

I smiled as I approached him. I had always admired his serious demeanor while working, and if I was being honest, it also turned me on a little.

I was three feet away from his door when I saw Erika walk towards him and sit on his lap. She was scantily dressed in a top that was so tight it was a wonder her boobs didn't spill over and barely there shorts with boots that went up to her thighs.

I quickly stepped to the side of the door before any of them could see me and listened in on their conversation.

“Are you in love with her?” Erika asked.

"Of course not. Now that I know who she truly is, the mere sight of Selena disgusts me," Blanc answered.

“Then why aren’t you divorced when you know all that she’s done to me?” Erika asked.

"Selena is just being stubborn, but I'm handling it," he replied.

“Except you love her and don’t want to get divorced,” Erika said.

“I have never loved her. You’re the only one that has ever had my heart,” Blanc said.

"Okayyyy…I booked a hotel room for us tonight. Would you like to join me?" Erika asked.

Unable to hear anymore. I fled from the office as quickly as my feet could take me.

I couldn't believe I had been so stupid to think that Blanc loved me when, to him, I was just a replacement for the one he couldn't have.

Why did I have to give my heart to someone who shattered it into a million pieces?

Never again. I promised myself.

I wasn't going to beg for love, and my children were better off without a father than one who would reject them.

Chapter 4


I glimpse Selena's skirt disappearing and push Erika away from me.

She staggered but quickly regained her composure.

“What the hell, Blanc?”

"Sorry," I said noncommittally. "I need to get back to work."

"You could have just said that instead of pushing me off you like I was garbage or something," she said.

You might as well be garbage.

"I've been distracted lately, and I have a lot of work to do," I said.

She gave me a smug smile that I'm guessing was supposed to be flirtatious, but it just pissed me off.

“Do you want me to give you a massage? You always did say I had magic hands.”

I’d rather shoot myself with a silver bullet.

“No, I’m good. Thanks. I just really need to concentrate on work right now,” I answered.

“But you’ll meet me at the hotel tonight, right?” she asked.

"I don't think so. I'm going to have to work late tonight, so maybe we should take a rain check," I said.

She pouted but replied, “It’s okay. We can always do it another time.”

How about never? I wanted absolutely nothing to do with her but had to keep up pretenses, so I said, "Sure."

I watched her leave reluctantly, slumped in my chair when she shut the door.

I ran my hands over my hair and thought of how Selena must've felt when she overheard the mean things I said about her. 

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the hurt in her eyes and the way I treated her yesterday, and it pained me even more that I was the one who hurt her.

I didn't plan to fall in love with Selena, but these past three years we've been married have been the best of my life. She was just so lovable. Now, I have to part ways with the love of my life, and I wasn't sure I could ever recover from that.

A soft knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts, and I looked up just as Rio, my beta, walked in.

“You look like shit,” Rio said.

Don't I know it, but trust Rio to always say things as they are?

“You’re not saying anything I don’t already know,” I replied.

I was awake all night worrying about Selena.

“What do you have for me?” I asked.

Rio sat opposite me on one of the chairs and handed me an envelope.

I took it from him and opened it while he explained, "Just as you instructed, I ran a background check on Erika, and I can tell you for sure that she never had a heart condition, and there's no hospital record to indicate otherwise."

I suspected as much, but it felt good to have evidence. I looked through Rio's report and asked, "So, where has she been for the past three years?"

"That's the problem. I couldn't find any trace of Erika at all. I even got one of our best trackers to sniff out her scent, but I had no luck whatsoever."

"That means someone was helping her hide. Someone with the power to make her disappear without a trace. But my question is, why is she back?"

“My guess is as good as yours,” Rio said.

We both know that the only reason why Erika would have resurfaced is if she had an agenda, and I was determined to figure out what it was.

“We have to get ahead of this, Blanc.”

"I'm well aware of that, but until we know exactly what her plans are, we just have to play along," I said.

“Do you think we should maybe investigate, Selena?”

“No,” I reply. “My wife has nothing to do with this.”

Selena had the kindest soul but lacked a deceptive bone in her body. If anything, I suspected that they needed to get rid of her so that their plans would succeed.

“What about the recent attacks on the pack?”

"We were able to capture some of the perpetrators, but they turned out to be drifters who refused to give up the mastermind. My guess is that they're just hired hands, and even they don't know who their boss is."

“You need to get to the bottom of this, Rio. I can’t have the safety of my pack compromised,” I said.

"I understand. You can rest assured that I am on it."

I nodded.

“If there’s nothing else, I better get back to work,” Rio said.

After Rio left, I found it hard to concentrate. 

The Blackforest Pack is formidable, and we've not experienced attacks like this in decades. This is mostly because people were smart enough to know that you don't attack my pack and live to tell the story.

These attacks started a few weeks back, and at first, I thought it was just a bunch of clueless drifters. However, they became frequent, and although we were strong enough to ensure that they didn't succeed with any attack, it was becoming annoying.

I suspected an opposing pack was using the drifter to do its dirty work, but I wasn't the type to point fingers until I had all my facts. Once I did, I would burn whatever pack it was to the ground.

Nobody gets to mess with me and get away with it, especially not when I haven't done anything to provoke them.

On a closer look, these attacks started shortly before Erika came back. I didn't believe in coincidences, and Erika's sudden reappearance, just when my pack had been the target of random attacks, was certainly not a coincidence.

They were both connected, but the question was how? 

I hated being made a fool of, and whoever was the mastermind behind this had bitten off more than they could chew, and I'll be sure to return the favor soon enough by biting off their head.

I twirl my wedding ring around my finger before removing it and walking towards the bookshelf in my office.

I pulled the dummy book on the shelf, which parted to reveal my secret safe.

No one knew about this safe.

I removed my ring, which was also the key to the safe, and used it to unlock it.

I opened the safe, which contained a ton of extra cash I kept for emergencies, confidential documents, a few of my family heirlooms, and valuables. I put my hand in the safe and retrieved what I wanted.

Several letters without a mailing address. These letters all had the same content. They threatened me to leave Selena or else I'd be endangering not only my entire pack but also my wife.

I remember how hard I laughed when I got the first letter. I thought it was a prank and tossed it into one of my office cabinets. But the letters kept coming, and the attacks on my pack started. 

Then Erika decided to return after all these years, and I concluded that these weren't just empty threats. Someone was toying with me and making good on their promise, leaving me no choice but to play along with their schemes.

Chapter 5


I rushed out of the office, not minding the employees staring at me with confused faces.

That was probably because of the tears streaming down my face, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get as far away from Blanc as possible.

I left the building, and instead of heading towards my car, I turned to the busy streets and kept walking. I had no destination in mind but wandered, thinking that maybe if I walked far enough, my problems wouldn't catch up to me.

I didn't know how long I had been walking, but I found myself in the park. I decided to sit on a park bench and look around.

It was a Saturday, so the park was filled with parents and children running around and having fun. I  wondered if any of those parents had any troubles. But then again, children were such a gift that whatever problems they might have wouldn't matter when looking at the smiling faces of their kids.

A little girl ran past me while her mother chased after her. The girl blew bubbles while screaming, "You can't catch me, mummy!"

Her mother pretended to run after her while keeping a slow pace, allowing her little girl to get far ahead. They both had such bright smiles on their faces, and their laughter was so loud that I felt it in my heart.

I suddenly missed my mother and how she would take me to the park when I was younger so that I could play with my friends.

Lya might not have been a perfect mother, but she did her best. We had our good times before our relationship became strained. 

It all started when my father abandoned her for Erika's mother. Since then, she had always resented my father, and I think she resented me a little because even though she gave birth to me, I was also my father's daughter, which meant I had half of his DNA.

I've had very little contact with her ever since Blanc, and I got married, but I knew she still lived alone in her house.

If I had a daughter, I wondered what kind of relationship I would have with her. Feeling guilty for neglecting my mother, I decided to visit her.

Luckily, her house wasn't so far from the park I wandered to, so I was able to walk there. 

When I got to her house, I knocked on the door. Lya opened the door and couldn't hide her surprise at seeing it was me. Staring at my mother, I couldn't help but burst into tears, and she immediately held me in her arms while whispering soothing words into my ears.

I didn’t realize how much I needed my mother’s comfort until I saw her.

“It’s okay, dear. Everything is going to be alright,” Lya said.

“I don’t know, mom. I don’t think it will,” I said in between sobs.

"Why don't you come inside the house and tell me all about it? Then we can try to come up with a solution together," she suggested.

I nodded and allowed her to lead me into the living room, where I told her everything that happened yesterday night. How Blanc asked for a divorce and the nasty things I overheard him say about me this afternoon.

I watched my mother’s expression change from worry to outrage.

“That bastard. How dare he treat my daughter this way?” she said.

“I’m so confused, mom. I don’t know what to do,” I told her.

"You need to divorce that useless man and carry on with your life," she said. "I should have opposed your marriage to him, but I knew how much you loved him, so I didn't say anything in the hopes that you'd find happiness. It turns out that all men are the same—completely unreliable."

"We were so happy, Mom. I don't know how it all went awry."

"It's okay, my dear. I'm here for you. You'll be okay once you say goodbye to the useless man who calls himself your husband."

"It's not that easy, Mom," I said.

"It's never easy, honey, but I'm sure that you'll be alright."

When I didn't say anything, she stood up and suggested that we go for a walk. I agreed, and we both left the house.

I felt a little relief now that I had spoken to someone about it, and walking side by side with my mother reminded me of old times, so I said, "I've missed this."

She glanced at me in confusion, so I continued, "I've missed spending time with you."

“Me too,” she said.

“I’m sorry I haven’t visited often.. I’ll try to change that.”

“It’s okay, honey. How about we go for a drink?”


She points at the sign above us, and I look up to see that we are standing in front of a bar. 

I couldn't drink, but I still agreed, and we walked inside and sat down at the bar.

A female bartender approached us and said, “What can I get you both?”

Lya replied, "I'll have a margarita, and my daughter here would have…"

“A glass of water,” I responded.

The bartender nodded and proceeded to make Lya’s drink.

“Why aren’t you drinking?” 

“Because I’m pregnant,” I answered shyly.

To my surprise, she looked so excited, and I was pretty sure she would have screamed if we hadn't been in public.

“That’s amazing, honey. Congratulations!”

“Thanks, mom. That’s why everything happening at the moment is just so complicated.”

She grabbed my hands and faced me, "Listen, I know I wasn't a good mother to you. I made a lot of shitty decisions that strained our relationship, and I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, but you don't have to be like me. You can be a good mother. Learn from my mistakes and do things differently."

"Hearing you say those words means a lot to me, Mom. Thank you," I replied.

“You’re welcome, honey.”

“But if I’m going to be a good mother, I’ll need help from grandma,” I said.

That made her smile, "I'm available whenever you want. I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother."

“That makes two of us.”

The bartender slid our drinks across and said, "Enjoy."

"Thanks," I said, sliding a twenty-dollar bill over to her.

“Cheers to bringing new life into the world,” Lya said, raising her glass

“To new life,” I replied and clinked my glass to hers.

I was taking a sip of my water when a drunk man passing by me suddenly held a knife to my throat.

"Oh my God," Lya screamed. 

"Give me your money!" the man ordered. 

I went still in terror while he asked me to give him money. The entire bar was in an uproar. "Nobody moves or I'll slice her throat," he threatened.

I didn't want to die, not when I had to protect my kids. I could easily disarm him, but I wasn't willing to take the risk. 

"It's okay, Mom. I'm okay I'll just give him what he wants," I said in an attempt to calm down my mother who was also visibly terrified. 

"But he has a knife to your throat," Lya replied. 

Yea. I was well aware of that. 

"Don't waste my time lady, I said give me your money!"

It was clear he was losing patience from the sound of his voice. 

I was stretching towards my bag when he was pulled off me and cuffed almost immediately.

"Put down the knife!" 

A group of police officers suddenly burst in, pointing their guns at him.

Overwhelmed by the officers, the man was quickly subdued. I could barely stand, with my heart racing as if it were about to burst out.

Lya pulled me in a tight hug but my head was still spinning. Everything happened so fast. 

“Oh my god, are you okay?” Lya asked.

I nodded in response. Soon one of the police officers called her over to ask her some related questions.

That was when I noticed the note that my assailant shoved into my hand. I opened the note and it read:


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