Shadows in the Executive Office

Chapter 1

The corridor, surrounded by darkness, was disturbingly silent. Around the corner, a faint light pours through the shadows.

Ethan Rivers is clad in a black cloak, his figure blurred in the darkness, and through the faint light, his deep eyes can be seen beneath a mask with an odd and confusing design.

In front of the boardroom door of the high-rise building, he clicks the combination lock on the wall with his black glove, and the door opens instantly. Taking a quick look around, Ethan quickly burst into the Executive Office.

With the weak light of a flashlight, he eagerly searched for what he needed. Looking around, the Van Gogh "Sunflowers" hanging in the corner of the office seemed to be out of place. He subconsciously pushed the frame, and under the flashlight's beam, a square depression protruding from the wall was clearly visible, and there was a File Folder hidden inside.

That's right! This was what he was looking for.

The moment Ethan touched the File Folder, the alarm of the whole building suddenly sounded, and he realized with a shock that he had exposed his whereabouts. Without thinking, he grabbed the old bag and quickly ran out of the building, and just as he stepped out of the director's office, he was surrounded by a group of people in police uniforms, no doubt the security guards had been alerted.

Ethan hid the dossier and assumed a tai chi hand position, signaling everyone to come together!

A group of security guards rushed up, Ethan utilized the flashlight to shoot directly into their eyes, easily destroying their resistance. Although he wasn't a professional killer, he was able to seriously injure his opponents without killing them. After all, his mission was only to obtain the dossier.

"Leave the stuff behind!" A sudden voice rang out, Damien Shaw of Damien Shaw appeared around the corner.

Ethan didn't want to continue delaying, and fiercely shot the flashlight in his hand towards Damien, the strong light caused the other party to subconsciously shield his eyes with his hands. Taking this opportunity, Ethan drops the flashlight and escapes through the window.

Damien angrily chases after him.

The darkness in the endless night sky was as thick as spilled ink, and not even the faintest glimmer of stars could be seen.

"Leave the stuff!"

"That's up to you."

Two Damien Shaw's flashed by, blindingly fast.

On the top floor of one of the conglomerate's high-rises, Damien stopped.

"I thought you were interested in me." Ethan's voice was low and calm, and through his mask, he exuded a neutral beauty that made him look good.

"Leave your stuff behind, and I'll let you live!"

Damien's face was unreadable, but he was barely recognizable as a slender man by the faint light.

Ethan leisurely shook the File Folder in his hand, not afraid of Damien's threat, but flirted with him with a smile, "Man, I'm really sorry, but I have to take this thing with me. As for your life, if you can take this thing, I can consider returning it to you, how about it?"

"I'll make your words come true!" Damien's voice was cold as ice.

Before the words left his mouth, he rushed forward without hesitation, like a wild horse out of control!

Ethan was stunned to see Damien about to touch him, and quickly dodged to the side, barely escaping the attack.Damien's speed was indeed surprising, but it was also beyond his ability to withstand.

"So that's it." Ethan was provocative, "If you want to take something from me with that kind of speed, it's really a joke from the sky."

Damien was clearly enraged! This time he came forward without mercy, attacking with a vengeance, aiming straight for the heart!

The File Folder flew through the air, Ethan was forced to dodge it, and was increasingly outmatched. Getting out of here alive tonight seems impossible.

Eventually, he takes a blow, and Damien kicks Ethan hard in the chest, sending him flying instantly, slamming into a hard pillar and spitting out blood.

Ethan held his chest in agony, struggling to breathe. The power of that kick was as heavy as steel, and he could almost feel the pain of his broken ribs. It seemed that Damien's strength could not be underestimated!

His heart tightened, he could not admit defeat at this moment, especially when his brother was still waiting for him to take care of him!

"You want this." He raised his hand with difficulty, making a gesture to throw it away, "Here you go!"

Before his words fell, Ethan threw the object in his hand!

Damien, not expecting such a move, quickly catches the flying object, only to realize to his dismay that it's just a card, not a dossier! He's been duped!

Turning to look again, Ethan has reached the edge of the penthouse and leaps down, his cape fluttering in the wind and his hair disheveled.

Damien cursed, and rushed down after him.

Perhaps even Damien himself did not notice that the hard pillar was stained with blood, the bright red liquid continued to drip down, it was obvious that this blood was left by Ethan.

As the chase continues, Damien is unable to find Ethan, and it is clear that she has escaped.

His cold eyes fell on the white card in his hand. On the front of the card was a personalized black lettering - "Xiu".

Ethan leaned weakly against the wall, blood pouring from his left shoulder, dripping down and soaking the ground.

She struggled toward the center of the street, the distant glare coming straight up, the harsh sound of horns and brakes intertwined into a symphony, the amber pupils reflecting the vehicles close at hand ......


In the white Hospital Room, Ethan snapped his eyes open and sat up, breathing heavily. The dream, again.

It's been a year, a whole year, and who is the person behind her injuries?

Outside the window, the sky was clear, but it was blinding in this bright scene. Occasionally a few pigeons flew by, and the fragrance of cherry blossoms wafted in the air, refreshing people.

Her eyes moved along the window.

Dressed in a wide hospital gown, her corn-colored hair was naturally curled, and on her left ear there was an earring that sparkled with blue light. The corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and her amber-colored pupils exuded unspeakable beauty. She pursed her lips and smiled, reflecting the ear diamonds more and more bright and dazzling.


"Uh-huh." She looked toward the source of the voice.

At the door to the hospital room, Jake Rivers walked in carrying a white plastic bag. His short, silver-gray hair was mismatched, his amber eyes, similar to Ethan's, showed a unique emotion, and his handsome face seemed to be flowing with an aristocratic air, even with his messy, crinkly hair. The blue diamond in his right ear adds a touch of uninhibited luxury.

This was her brother, Jake Rivers.

Jake put the plastic bag on the bedside, saw the fine sweat seeping from her forehead, and frowned lightly, "Did you have that dream again?"

"They say that when you dream, you dream, and it seems to be true."

"You can rest assured, I will find out who did it!"

"No need." She shook her head helplessly, "I can only blame it on my lack of skill. By the way, what kind of delicious food did you buy? I'm a bit hungry right now."

Jake opened the plastic bag, the fragrant rice porridge came to his nose.

A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, "It's Joe's Bakery's rice porridge, right? Brother really knows me, thank you."

Jake looked at this sister who was full of joy, a sense of helplessness surged in his heart, he handed her the rice porridge and said in a bad mood, "I don't understand, why does a girl have to pretend to be a boy."

Chapter 2

She took a sip with a look of enjoyment on her face, and politely swallowed the contents of her mouth before saying, "A woman's heart is like a needle at the bottom of the sea. You wouldn't understand!"

"A needle at the bottom of the sea, just waiting for the Monkey King to pull it up." Jake Rivers puts his arms around his chest and laughs vaguely.

"Yo, you know a lot." Elena Rivers looked at him with a sly smile and said, "I think you're not too young, why don't you find a girl to marry, like Samantha Moore for example, I think that girl is good, she's well-read and well-mannered, and she's very intelligent. I know you have high standards, but she's more than enough for you."

"Elena," he leaned over, the corners of his lips rising slightly, "as the eldest daughter of the Rivers family, you have not yet decided on the object of your desire, it's not very good for me as a younger brother to intervene, right? Besides ......" he got up, looking at her look, "You are always like this, I am worried whether the future one will be a sister-in-law or brother-in-law?"

You're always like this - isn't it just talking about the way she dresses up as a boy?

Elena puts the congee in her hand on the nightstand, lazily lies back, and leisurely says, "Whichever one it is aren't you going to accept it with a smile on your face?"

Jake: "...... "Is he indulging this sister too much?

Looking at the pure black uniform on his brother, he remembered something: "By the way, if I remember correctly, today should be the end of my suspension, right?"


A year ago, she graduated from middle school and enrolled in Maplewood High, but she was suspended for a year because she was seriously injured by the person who caused the accident, and then suffered a Car Accident that resulted in a massive fracture of her entire body. So today would be her return to the first high school.

"So, I've decided, I'm getting out of the hospital today!"

"I don't agree!"

"Jake, no objections. Make up your mind, I'm getting out of the hospital today to go to my first high school class. If you're going to stop me, then we'll just have to rule by the old rules."

The so-called old rules was to use force to decide the winner, although the strength of the two might not be comparable, but because Elena had just recovered from a serious illness, he naturally would not easily use this method.

"This is the only time, it will not happen again!" After he finished speaking, he walked out from the hospital room.

Elena folded her hands as a pillow, leisurely lying on the bed, watching Jake's departing back, the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

At this moment, the cell phone on the bedside table rang.

She glanced at it, although it was just a string of numbers, it was very familiar to her.

"Long time no see, little sister." The female voice on the other end of the phone was lazy and pleasant.

"It's been a long time indeed, but Coach Helen how come you remembered to call Little Sister when you were so busy?"

"That hurts my heart, after all, I still love you."

Elena subconsciously touched her arm, got goosebumps, and said grimly, "Coach Helen better give me a break, I don't want to be hunted down by your ferocious fiancé, I'm timid and scared."

"It's all right." The other party said easily, "With me around, he wouldn't dare to touch a hair on your head!"

Elena raised her lips and smiled, "Indeed, with an expert like you covering me, it's really a blessing. If I go to the first high school, I should thank you and salute you!"

"Well ......" the other side thought for a moment and said, "You're getting out of the hospital today to go to the first high school class, am I remembering correctly?"

"What are you trying to say?" From years of experience, she knew Coach Helen wouldn't call for no reason.

"Dear little sister." The tone of the other party was slightly regretful, "Should I say you're not having much luck? Just out of the hospital and there's a mission coming up."

She raised an eyebrow, if Coach Helen put it that way, it seemed like her luck really wasn't that good. She'd just been discharged from the hospital and then a mission came along, which didn't really give her a chance to catch her breath.

"I mean, Coach Helen, being so lazy all the time, it's not good for your health, it's easy to get diseases, like breast cancer ......"

There was a clear laugh from the other end of the phone, like a silver bell, making people think endlessly.

Elena frowned lightly, felt Coach Helen this laughter is a bit wrong.

"With all due respect, little sister, do you know what causes breast cancer?"

She was silent for a few seconds, then thought for a moment and said, "Coach Helen, you claim to know everything, don't ask me everything, it'll tarnish your reputation as a female Zhuge."

"Reputation is just something external. Besides, Little Sister, you are saying this in such a grandiose way, but you actually don't know at all, don't you?"

Obviously, the other party did not care about her rebuttal.

The corner of her mouth wiped, "Yes, I don't know anything, please enlighten me!"

"Alas ......" a sigh came from the opposite side of the phone, "I've been excessively lazy lately, this matter won't trouble me."

Elena: "......"

"Yo......" the other party suddenly exclaimed with joy: "Little sister, Coach Helen's business came, in advance to welcome you to high school, have a good time!"

The phone hung up.

Elena stared at the hung up cell phone screen, couldn't help but smile.

It's been a year, but she's still the same.

On the surface, Coach Helen seemed to be laughing and joking, but in reality, she was unpredictable.

Shouldn't she be glad she didn't mess with this Buddha? And if she's looking forward to her coming to Ichigo, there won't be any surprises, right? After all, Coach Helen is not the kind of person who can cause social panic, and she has always been unconventional.

She glanced at the time on her cell phone screen, it was almost time to pack up and leave.

Instead of worrying about Coach Helen's meet and greet, she should go to Ichigo to see and experience what would happen.

After all, something exciting would fit Coach Helen's unique sense of fun.


Elena changed out of her hospital gown and put on a long, baggy T-shirt, paired with baggy rolled-up jeans and black boardshorts, and stepped out of the elevator.

The lobby of the large hospital was so cold and quiet that you could hear the footsteps of pedestrians hurrying by.

The same scene, the last time I passed by here was because Car Accident was sent directly to the emergency room, but this time I was leaving.

More than a year had passed, and time had flown by.

But a lot has changed for her, especially her body, which is not as strong as it once was.

After being in a coma for almost half a year after her serious injury, her body was now getting thinner and thinner, so much so that she weighed less than ninety pounds.


Subconsciously touching her left shoulder, she suddenly heard a crisp drop, and then saw a coin roll to her feet. Following the coin's path, she saw a little girl sitting on a blue bench not far away, staring timidly at her.

Was this an indirect way of telling her that the child was afraid of her?

She looked at the little girl and pointed her chin to the coin on the ground, indicating that it was the little girl's?

The little girl hesitates, nodding her head carefully.

She shrugs her shoulders and bends down to pick up the coin.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Hurry! There's a patient here!"

"The one in front, get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The moment his hand touched the coin, a thunderous shout exploded in his ears, followed by the sharp sound of the wheels of a moving hospital bed scraping against the floor.

Elena looked up sharply, the figure of White's coat in front of her eyes shifted, and the moving hospital bed approached like a beast.

In an instant, her pupils constricted.

The memory of being hit by a car came to her mind, fear spreading to her entire brain, her trembling heart almost forgetting her ability to dodge.

Close at hand!

Chapter 3

The wrist that touched the ground suddenly gained an inexplicable force, pulling her away from the ground in an instant, and the image that caught her eyes left her stunned, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

That is a nearly perfect face, but from that pair of eyes as if to freeze can not see any feelings, in addition to the perfect appearance, there does not seem to be other points.

His body Frost big slender, wearing a pure black uniform, looks more and more cold and arrogant, and even exudes a kind of mesmerizing charm. His hair is black, windy, through a domineering and cold beauty ......

The unfamiliar male scent that came to her face made her heartbeat accelerate involuntarily.

This should be in addition to her brother, the first time with other boys so close contact it?

Shouldn't she show her appreciation?

"Should I thank you for saving my life?"

The boy smiled coldly and pushed her away without mercy.

Face is expressionless, bad comment!

Cold attitude, bad review!

Compassionate, Poor rating!

Elena Rivers silently mentally rates him on a few of the top rude behaviors.

Then she felt a little sorry for him, "It's a pity that he has such a good skin, I don't know if he'll be dumped when he gets a girlfriend in the future."

That being said, she seemed to have forgotten that she looked like a boy too.

Obviously, the young man in front of me is not surprisingly compassionate.

"Big brother you are all right?" Do not know when, a little girl has come to her side, pulling the corner of her coat whispered inquiry.

Hear "big brother", she only came back to God, realize the current appearance.

She smiled and rubbed the little girl's hair: "Big brother is fine, thank you for your concern."

"Look, your coins."

"Thank you big brother." The little girl took the coins in her hand, thought for a moment and asked, "Big brother, am I disturbing you?"

"Interrupting? Us?"

What the hell?

"Yeah, am I interrupting you guys, big brother? Aren't you guys going to play kissy kissy?"

"......", which made Elena Rivers giggle a little.

Are kids that precocious? Why do they know how to play kissing at such a young age?


Jake Rivers checked out of the hospital and waited for Elena Rivers at the lobby entrance, but there was no sign of her, and he couldn't even get through on the phone.

I thought he said he'd be waiting for him in the lobby, but what's taking him so long?

Finally, waiting in vain, he went to ask Elena's doctor. He found out something very important.

"You are the patient's guardian, right? I have something to tell you. Although the patient has repeatedly emphasized not to tell anyone else, it's important for you as a family member to know."

"It is indeed a miracle that the patient recovered within a year, and all aspects of his recovery are quite good, but there is only one joint that is critical. According to the examination of the left shoulder wound, the steel needle penetration injured the tibia, and even if you utilize a year's time to recover, it will still leave aftereffects. After discharge from the hospital, care must be taken not to make excessive movements or engage in strenuous activities for a long period of time, otherwise the patient's shoulder may never heal."

Doesn't that mean the left shoulder is ruined?

Elena didn't even tell him such an important thing!

A busted left shoulder is not a child's play!

Elena Rivers, do you even have a brother in mind?

If you're not going to tell him, wait for him to question you.


A warm wind whipped through the trees, birds chirped in the branches, and the green leaves rustled.

The sunlight pours down on a brilliant gold sign with the words Maplewood High in bold letters, and in the center of the entrance is an oddly shaped boulder with four large, bright red letters: Maplewood High.

This was the school she had enrolled in last year before she could even start classes.

The sound of her cell phone text message broke through her memories and brought her back to reality.

She tapped on her cell phone, and it was a message from Coach Helen: "Little Sister, I've prepared a gift for you, and I'm sure you'll like it very much. When you go to Maplewood High, there will be a large Cherry Blossom Grove, that's my gift to you, don't thank me too much."

Cherry Blossom Grove?

How come she hadn't heard of such a place in Maplewood High?

Speaking of cherry blossoms, she personally loved this plant, not only because of its beauty, but also because of the cherry blossom's flower language: love only one person for a lifetime.

It's this single-mindedness that makes her so attracted to cherry blossoms.

Now, Coach Helen even used this as a gift, was it really just for her to appreciate?

"That mushroom head over there, don't you know it's class time? What are you doing here? Put on your school uniform!" The doorman shouted at her.

Elena turned her head sideways, with a high nose, elegant face, and a smile on her lips, especially the earring in her left ear which was shining brightly and gleaming with blue light.

"Can you let me say something ......" She felt wronged by the reprimand.

"Cut the crap, no one is allowed in without a school uniform!"

She subconsciously looked at her own civilian clothes, knowing that Maplewood High had always been strict in managing school uniforms, she didn't expect it to be true this time.

"Uncle, are you sure?"

"Not negotiable!"

Just when she wanted to protest, a silver-white high-class sports car came whizzing by, stopping in front of the school gate in a high-profile manner.

The doorman immediately ran over to the car, and the window was lowered, revealing a demonic face. Even with black sunglasses, he could not hide his dazzling temperament, his face was like a carving, his features were distinct, and his skin was fair.

"Zach, I should have told you earlier, don't just drive in the college!"

"Uncle." The man smiled and handed him a bottle of water, "Uncle stood all morning should be tired, drink some water to moisturize the throat."

The uncle laughed and scolded, "Count on your conscience!"

"You can't say that, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't have a conscience!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you, Mr. Zach, have the most conscience!"

This made Zach satisfied, but he didn't have much heart to continue this topic: "Uncle, the next class is Mrs. Exterminator's class, you won't see me standing here, right? I have tender skin, if I get sunburned it will be a big problem."

Uncle finally reasonable, thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I let you in, but next time do not drive a sports car!"

"Okay, Uncle, let me in!"

He was just about to drive when he noticed Elena standing not far away, a familiar face, especially that earring.

"No, isn't that Jake?"

Wait a minute, I just saw him today, how come he's already lost weight? And, why are you still there?

The doorman frowned, "Zach, aren't you busy? Why don't you leave?"

"Huh?" Zach reacted, "Go, go, go, who said I'm not going! Don't talk nonsense!"

He glanced at Elena, who was still standing in the same place, and with a sudden change of heart, he said quietly to the uncle, "Uncle, can I ask you to tell Jake that I borrowed his math homework for me?"

When the doorman heard this, he was a bit embarrassed, although he was close to the brother, but it was not appropriate to ask him to pass on the message.

"That's a great routine!" Elena couldn't help but tsk, tsk, tsk.

The doorman squinted at her, "What do you mean?"

"Elena, I want to ask, that handsome guy just now said his name is Zach, is it true? I think I heard him right, right?"

"Yes, why?"

Elena looked playfully in the direction Zach had just left, so that was Zach, the secret fiancé who was a year younger than Coach Helen.

The doorman, as if realizing the problem, wondered why he had to answer the mushroom head's question!

"Mushroom head."

She frowned in displeasure: "Uncle, I'm a boy, being called mushroom head doesn't sound very comfortable."

The same old argument was meaningless, the uncle glanced at her coldly, "Of course I know you're a boy, if I don't call you Mushroom Head, what should I call you? I can't call you 'Oba' affectionately?"
"How's this for a good time."

"Hit you!" He reached up and flicked Elena on the forehead.

"Hiss ......" Elena sucked in a breath of cold air in pain, rubbing her forehead indignantly, "Uncle, what are you hitting me for?"

"This is a lesson that you don't know manners!"

This is a typical example of giving some sunshine.

"That's not even what you said yourself, Uncle."

"Stop arguing!" He once again wanted to give her a blow.

Elena flexibly took a step back and covered her forehead, "Uncle, if you hit me again, I'm going to complain about you bullying a student!"

The uncle was unimpressed: "Mushroom head, how can you complain if you are not a student of this school?"

"Come on, uncle, let me show you something." She waved her hand, not wanting to argue with the uncle.

She took out a white paper from her pocket and handed it to him.

The uncle took it and read it carefully.

At the top of the paper were the words: Leave of Absence Certificate.

Elena is taking a year's leave of absence due to an attack of an old illness, and would like the college's permission.

The year off was the week before last year, so the end date is today?

That's why Mushroom Head doesn't wear a school uniform. It's because school didn't start yet, and uniforms are only given out on the first day of school.

"Can you confirm my identity now?"

The doorman returned to his senses, returned the Leave of Absence Certificate to her in good condition, and said with a smile, "Of course you can, Elena, since you've already taken a leave of absence from school, please report to the school soon."

"Thank you, Uncle!" She smiled at the uncle, just walked a few steps and returned to ask, "Uncle, do you know Cherry Blossom Grove?"

"Cherry Blossom Grove?" The uncle stared blankly and warned her, "Mushroom head, Cherry Blossom Grove is not a place where ordinary people can go. If you want to live safely in Maplewood High, you must not go there. Uncle is giving you a kind advice for the sake of misunderstanding you just now."

Seeing this grave expression on the uncle's face, it seems that Cherry Blossom Grove is really not ordinary, and it seems that Coach Helen has given her quite a lot of meeting gifts.

She simply smiled, "Thank you for reminding me, I'm just casually asking."

Chapter 4

Cherry blossoms flying in the sky, the air is filled with the unique fragrance of cherry blossoms. A piece of cherry trees in full bloom, the ground is like a layer of pink and white carpet, the warm wind gently blowing, cherry blossoms such as elves like dancing, people are mesmerized.

In this sea of white cherry blossoms, a conspicuous black in the treetops quickly flashed. Cold face through a sense of oppression, light black hair fluttering with the wind, eyes cold and deep, people shudder. His face was almost perfect, his nose was high and straight, his thin lips seemed to be able to seduce people's heartstrings with a slight movement, and his arrogant posture and sharp eyes did not fail to make the onlookers' heart beat faster.

Dressed in a pure black uniform, he appeared even more cold and arrogant, his unique charm was hard to resist. His long fingertips gently turned the chemistry textbook on his lap with incredible elegance.

"So beautiful ah ......" a strange voice broke the young man's quiet reading time.

Elena Rivers let go, marveling at the beauty of her surroundings and inhaling the scent of the cherry blossoms. Reaching out to catch a falling petal, she gently blew on it, and it danced in the air, a breathtaking sight.

"The cherry blossoms bloom for ten days, and do they not hesitate to go around the blossoms for a thousand times?" Elena couldn't help but sigh, as if the beauty of cherry blossoms will never get tired of looking at them.

"What a noise!" A voice from the sidelines spoke coldly, causing her to quickly determine the source of the voice, which was in the white cherry tree directly in front of her.

How could someone be hiding in the tree? She hadn't realized it at all, so it seemed that this person was something else!

"Look at you, I didn't know you were hiding in the tree, so how can I count the noise as bothering you?" As the cherry blossoms fell, Damien Shaw slowly landed.

Wait, isn't that the person who saved her in the hospital before ......?

That black uniform, she should have thought that no one but Adrian Frost would wear such a uniform.

He glanced over at her, a frown that never lasted long, before returning to his usual indifference.

"I was wondering if you were the one who saved me at the hospital today." She smiled and moved over, "Classmate, it's been a long time, I've missed you in particular."

The teenager remained speechless.

Elena approached, but accidentally stepped on something, foot slipped, the whole person jumped over, ludicrously fell in his arms, a hand accidentally touched his chest ......

This ......

"Sorry, sorry!" She laughed awkwardly, "I didn't mean to, really didn't mean to."

It was embarrassing!

Based on what she just said, he would definitely think she did it on purpose.

Adrian glanced coldly at her hand, and quickly changed it to the other one, however ......

another obvious intrusion!

The slender fingers were as merciless as cold ice, and an instantaneous chill hung around him, causing Elena to feel a pang of danger.

"Accident! A complete accident! Explain it to me!" She rushed to her defense.

"You want to die!" The teenager angrily grabbed her by the collar, lifting her up easily, his language dripping with extreme indifference.

"I ...... I really didn't mean it, I haven't had a seizure yet!" She explained sheepishly.

"Put me down!"

She was inwardly indignant, since he was a boy, why did he have to punish her so condescendingly?

"I won't?"

"You don't?" After she thought about it, she reached out and grabbed his hair, laughing mischievously, "It's good hair."

The teenager was furious and broke her hand without mercy.

"Hiss ......" she couldn't help but suck in a mouthful of cold air, it's not easy, a touch of hair can make him so angry.

"Want to die, I don't mind sending you on your way!"

"What do you mean by dead or not dead, it's too unlucky! You are so handsome, what if you can't find a girlfriend in the future?" She teased, seeing that he was still speechless, continued to add, "In fact, it's not bad to find a boyfriend, like you are so handsome, it's not a problem at all, I believe in your ability!"

The young man's face thus darkened, his hand reached out to her neck, his eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to strangle her to death in an instant.

"Stop!" An unexpected voice rang out-it was her brother, Jake Rivers.

Jake glanced at Elena unflinchingly, then said to Adrian, "Senior Leng, what's going on? What did my sister do to offend you, to make you treat her like this?"

The only reason he could make it here was because he met the guard uncle in front of the first high school gate to ask about it, and then he learned that Elena had already arrived early, and that it was really too much of a hardship for him to pursue in order to find Sakura Grove.

"Your brother?" It was then that Adrian realized the connection between them, and felt a momentary shock.

"We're both named Rivers, don't you think?"

"Then keep your brother in line!" Six short words later, he put down the man in his hands and turned away in silence and determination.

Elena rubbed her sore butt from the fall, and slowly asked, "Who was he?"

It was so arrogant! Did the doorman call her and Jake arrogant, and what happened to her didn't count for anything?

"Adrian Frost."

"Stay away from him, he's got a temper, and this place belongs to Adrian, so you better not come back."

Wait a minute!

What did Jake just say?

Cherry Grove is Adrian's territory!

Oh, so that's it... She understood, the real meaning behind Coach Helen's meet-and-greet gift.

So, should she be grateful for the meet-and-greet gift, after all, it allowed her to see her savior once again, and learn his name.

She looked up to say something to Jake, only to realize that he was looking strange at the moment. She patted the dust off her body and asked, "What's wrong with you? You don't look too happy, and if it's because I'm early, don't take it that way."

Jake froze for a few seconds, then said, "Not really, because the Chairman is out for the day, let me take you to class first."

"That's fine."

"What class are you in?"

"I think it's third year A class, as I recall."

Jake's expression froze for an instant, quickly followed by a flash of alienation.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" She sensed something was wrong with him.

"Nothing, it's just that there are a few more troublemakers in Class A, but I'm sure you can handle it." The mysterious one would still offer some help, even if he wasn't around.

"It's rare that my brother believes in me so much." She joked as she rested on his shoulder, looking full of confidence.

"Even though you only entered the first high school last year, don't skip class, and let me know if anything happens. Now I'll take you to Mr.'s office. And ......" he emphasized, "don't reveal your silly nature!"

Elena was speechless and could only laugh and cry.

Silly ...... Am I that silly?


Inside the third year A classroom.

"Today our class will welcome a special new student, why he's special, you'll find out soon enough." Class A's homeroom teacher was young and talented, and had accomplished a lot at such a young age. Although he was a dull man on the outside, he was definitely active on the inside. For this special student, he even retained some mystery, making all the students here full of curiosity.

"Mr., are you sure this is just a special student, not a special new student?" Someone caught the keyword.

"You guess." The homeroom teacher raises an eyebrow, leaving a wide suspense.

The students in the room were instantly intrigued by this particular student.

"No way, there are still people transferring to another school in the third grade, can they keep up with their studies?"

"Are you nuts? Didn't I just say that? He's not a new student, just a special one."

"Special? He's not a freshman, not a transfer, not a transfer student? Don't be ridiculous, I haven't heard of any transfer students in the first high school lately."

The homeroom teacher smiled mysteriously, "You'll find out when the time comes, now please give a warm welcome to this special student."

The classroom applauded loudly, everyone was looking forward to how special this "special" student was.

In the midst of everyone's anticipation, this special student walked in the doorway of the classroom.

Her long white T-shirt completely covered her figure, but only the rolled-up loose jeans outlined her slim legs.

Her features were fair and clean, with light amber eyes that were clearly smiling, a high nose, and thin lips with a dazzling smile. Especially the unique style of her left earrings, radiating blue light, appear particularly charming.

She put one hand in the jeans pocket, elegant and back sunshine stance like a comic in the second generation of teenagers, people can not take their eyes off.

The classroom was quiet, everyone looked at each other, even the sound of birds chirping outside the window could be heard clearly.

"Hello everyone, my name is Elena Rivers, please be my guest."

Chapter 5

Elena Rivers raised her lips, "Hello everyone, my name is Elena Rivers, much obliged."

The simple and short self-introduction made the classroom instantly boil with applause, even louder than before.

"Class A is really the place where high-caliber students gather, isn't it? This is the first one!"

"I really think I'm so lucky, Class A's eye candy is just too powerful, so powerful that I can't even describe it."

"Oi oi oi oi ...... everyone consider us boys, is there still a place for us here?"


Amidst the clamor, Elena Rivers winked at Jake Rivers in the doorway, an uncollected smile at the corners of her mouth.Jake glanced at her, nodding slightly.

Mr. Bennett, the homeroom teacher, said to Elena, "There's room in the back row, Elena-san make do, we'll readjust afterward."

"Have a nice class Elena."

He finished politely to Elena, turned and walked out of the classroom, just in time to see Jake leaning against the wall.

"I've seen a lot of girl-control, but this is a first for a brother-control." Mr. Bennett approached Jake, flirting leisurely.

Jake raised his eyes, looked at him and said, "You know my brother's situation, I hope you can take care of him, after all, my brother is a rare talent."

"That's true. But if Jake-san could be in my class, I'd be more than satisfied."

"That day will come." After saying that, he stopped paying attention to Mr. Bennett and got up to leave.

He had been worried about Elena's ability to fit in with her new class, but now he seemed to have been overly concerned. As for the injury, he would ask about it sometime.

Elena, if you're hiding something like this from me, how many other things do I not know?

Last year, a week before today, everyone had been happy to receive their high school acceptance letters, and even though there had been a big difference in treatment, he hadn't really cared, because we were all in the same high school, and it didn't matter if they only had one year of school together. The night before class, you had a car accident.

How bad was the accident, it was horrifying. Your whole body was fractured, three ribs were broken, three steel pins as thick as thumbs were inserted into your left shoulder, you were almost a bloody mess, but luckily you were able to protect your face.

Taking a year off from school, only you could endure it.

Otherwise, with your ability, you should have gotten a doctorate from the first university by now.

Passing by the playground, I saw a familiar figure, he held the ball in his left hand, quickly changed direction, accelerated towards the basket, and then jumped up high, and sent the basketball into the basket from his fingertips, the whole action in a single breath, domineering.

That man was Adrian Frost.

His black hair fluttered gently in the warm wind, and sweat dripped from his forehead. ......

That kind of innate aura of the king, let anyone have to retreat three times.

The basketball in Adrian's hand intentionally smashed into the basket and bounced out, flying towards Jake's direction.Jake didn't dodge, the basketball was steadily caught by him before he was about to be smashed, casually patted it twice, put it in his hand, and laughed: "Senior is really leisurely."

Adrian did not pay any attention to him, and walked straight to the bench next to him to look for water to drink.

"Senior, although I don't know what my brother did to you before to make you so angry, but my brother has always been playful, to do something unhappy to you still hope to be more tolerant, after all, you are in the same class."

Adrian's action of drinking water didn't seem to have any reaction from what he just said.

Finished drinking the water, wiped off the sweat, coldly said, "Can't do it!"

"Can't do it?" Jake suddenly laughed, "Senior should not know, right? My brother, she took a year off from school, if she hadn't taken a year off, she would have been your senior, do you still want to do this?"

"If only." After saying that, Adrian took his stuff and left, leaving Jake standing in the same place holding the basketball.

Four simple words, obviously stating the facts, but with a cold and domineering sense of oppression, no intention to back down at all.

That's right, if Adrian knew how to back down, he wouldn't be Adrian.

He thought for a moment, took out his cell phone, and clicked on the text message page: It was your idea to send Elena to Cherry Blossom Grove, wasn't it? Although I do not know what you are playing, but I hope Coach Helen can be merciful, after all, Elena has just recovered from illness, if unilaterally to challenge Adrian's bottom line will be very difficult.

He then hit send and a familiar number appeared on the screen.

Elena was new to the city and probably didn't even know Cherry Blossom Grove existed. As for Adrian, he was sure that although he was usually cold, he would never do anything for no reason.

He couldn't think of anyone other than Coach Helen who'd be so bored to begin with!

Coach, can't you just leave well enough alone? You can't even leave someone who's just been discharged from the hospital alone!

Not a moment later, his cell phone rang, it was Coach Helen sent a text message: Little Brother's short-guarded really no words. However, since junior brother has given his word, I reluctantly agree to you. But I haven't finished the gift for my little sister, I hope you'll be kind enough to let me go, otherwise I won't be able to sleep! You can rest assured that the gift will not kill you! (Smiley)

Jake frowned, a non-lethal gift?

Then sending Elena to Cherry Blossom Grove is also harmless?

He pondered for a while, and replied, Since Coach wants to send Elena a meet and greet, I won't stop it, but if it's too big, please forgive Jake for having to get involved personally!

In less than a minute, the other person replied, short and sweet: Sure, I'd love to.

Jake's mind flickered.

Coach was a man who didn't play by the rules, and no one knew what he was going to get in return, but the only thing he knew for sure was that it wasn't going to be a good one!

-Coach is a very unorthodox man.

Class 3A, English class

Elena sits lazily in the back row, her amber eyes not on the podium, but on the view from the window.

A warm breeze ruffled the hair on her forehead, and the corners of her lips flicked lazily.

"Elena." A bright female voice broke through her thoughts, accompanied by the sound of fingertips tapping on the desk.

She turned her head toward the podium and saw the person's devilishly hot body, a head of wavy blonde curls shining brightly, long slender thighs paired with tight black leather pants, showing the flawlessness of her figure.

It was her English Mr., Ms. Stone.

To others, this might just be their high school English Mr., but to her, it was not only her high school English Mr., but also her middle school one.

Having been friends for at least three years, it was only natural that she would know Ms. Stone.

She smiled slightly, and her fluent and standard English blurted out, "Ms. Stone is so pretty, getting angry can cause wrinkles."

Ms. Stone's brows slightly knit, also answered in fluent English, "I know Elena's English is very good, but always so not listening to the class, Mr. is also very distressed."

"I thought Ms. Stone didn't remember me." She suddenly switched to Chinese.

The students looked at the two suspiciously.

Finally, they understood why Mr. English didn't introduce himself when there was a newcomer in the class today, so it turned out that the two had known each other for a long time!

"I heard that every student wants Mr. English to forget himself. Doesn't Elena want that?"

Elena pretended to frown, "But Ms. Stone has already revealed the fact that we know each other."

"Then it's only Elena's fault for not listening properly."

She laughed softly, "That's quite a coincidence that Ms. Stone said that."

"I've heard that if you want someone to concentrate, then go for a run. As I recall, Elena-san is very athletic, so she should be fine, right?"

I've seen this kid's sportsmanship in junior high school, and she's really above average. Moreover, she was almost a decathlon athlete, knowing nine out of ten sports events, and had won the championship.

Not only is she athletic, but she's also good at the piano, chess, calligraphy, and singing!

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