Bound by Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

Alyssa Fairchild awoke in a haze of pain, feeling as though her world had turned upside down. All it took was a hit from an enemy's latest weapon to unravel her life. The resulting genetic twist transformed her into a submissive, a person designed to obey, and to make matters worse, she was being forced into marriage with her rival, the woman who always stood in her way.
But that wasn't even the worst of it. No one understood better than Alyssa, the oft-abused subordinate, that her soon-to-be husband, Lord Cedric Ashford, was a monster disguised in military garb. Beneath his polished exterior lurked a heart of darkness, a cruel man who thrived on control and lies.
The thought of the impending wedding loomed over her like a dark cloud. Across the nation, supporters were willing to celebrate this union, but for her, it felt like a gilded cage. As she lay in a hospital bed, a sense of urgency gnawed at her. If she didn’t act soon, she would be trapped in a marriage that promised nothing but heartache.
Alyssa’s mind began racing. The doctor—with his faux compassion—insisted she focus on her recovery, but thoughts of rebellion surged within her. How could she possibly accept her fate when the man who wanted to claim her wasn't just an enemy but the bane of her existence? It was imperative she found a way out.
Days passed as she navigated the mounting pressure. Friends turned enemies, and allies became acquaintances. General Reginald St. Clair loomed as the orchestrator of her fate. Meanwhile, Lady Isolde Gray whispered sweet overtures about loyalty and duty, but Alyssa’s heart beat fiercely for defiance.
Whispers traveled through the halls of the Ashford Estate, gossip igniting a fire of betrayal within her. For them, she was a pawn in a game much larger than herself. An arranged marriage, a battle for power, and the cruel twist of fate awaited her at the altar.
Meanwhile, lurking in the shadows was Sir Edmund Blackwood, always nearby but too elusive to count on. Alyssa found herself at the intersection of strength and vulnerability. Allies felt scarce, and trust seemed a distant memory, yet something deep within urged her to fight back.
At the crowded Blue Night Tavern, she caught whispers of an underground resistance—the First Action Brigade. While the glamorous lights and easy laughter surrounded her, the bitter truth was that her life was hanging by a thread. Enlisting was a dangerous gamble, but what other choice did she have?
Determined, she began playing a double strategy—maintaining the façade of compliance as she unmasked the steel within. Until the day of the wedding arrived at the Plaza of Imperial Glory, Alyssa planned her escape in stealthy silence.
The night before, drifting between rest and anxiety, she envisioned a different life, where she was not just a tool for her enemies but a force to be reckoned with. Alyssa was done being the obedient pawn and ready to take her fate into her own hands.
When dawn broke, it wouldn’t herald a day of compliance; it would signal the beginning of her rebellion. Standing tall, Alyssa prepared to defy the chains of her fate. She would not go quietly to the altar.
With every tick of the clock, her heart raced at the idea of crashing the wedding and voicing her truth. The echoes of her past struggles fueled her resolve. She knew, amidst the chaos, that the true fight for her freedom was just beginning.

Chapter 2

Alyssa Fairchild jolted awake, her body wracked with pain, as if she were trapped in a furnace under the blazing sun. Everything hurt; not a single part of her felt free from agony.
She struggled to piece together what had happened, but her mind was a blank slate. She couldn't remember her circumstances or even if she was still alive. The sheer terror of that realization sent her into a panic, her body instinctively thrashing against the restraints.
The medical instruments around her began to beep erratically, alerting to her distress. Footsteps echoed in a chaotic rush. Someone grasped her arms tightly, holding her still.
"Brainwave interference, blood pressure and heart rate skyrocketing. She's resisting."
"Hold her steady, prepare the tranquilizers."
"Her muscles are tense; the needle won’t penetrate. What should we do, Major?"
Amidst the chaos aboard the *Eagle's Nest*, a cold, detached voice cut through the noise, "Stop. No need for unnecessary effort. Just remove these restraints. She appears to be conscious now."
The voice was like lightning slicing through fog, and Alyssa's struggles halted abruptly. There was something familiar about it—familiar enough that she felt a wave of repulsion before even seeing the person.
As the weight of her bindings was lifted, her consciousness slowly returned. She opened her eyes to behold a vast galaxy, stars twinkling like diamonds scattered across a dark canvas, leaving her momentarily disoriented.
With great effort, she propped herself up. But as soon as she tried to look around, a fresh wave of pain shot through her, and she gasped, collapsing back down.
“Best not to move too much. If you open another hole in your abdomen, there won’t be anyone to save you.”
The same icy voice chimed in again. Alyssa instinctively turned her head. Against the light, she could just make out a tall figure seated nearby, legs crossed.
Clad in a sharp navy military uniform, he exuded an air of authority. The severe lines of his broad shoulders tapered into a narrow waist, his powerful legs encased in polished black boots, projecting strength and control.
He was engrossed in a book, but when he noticed Alyssa’s gaze, he slowly lifted his eyes, removing his gold-rimmed glasses to reveal piercing, dark eyes.
In that instant, realization struck Alyssa like a cruel twist of fate.
Lord Cedric Ashford.
“…What are you doing here?”
If she had known her first sight would be of him, she would have preferred to faint again, anything to avoid that unwelcome face first thing.
Lord Cedric Ashford acted as if he hadn’t heard her. Without sparing her another glance, he signaled to the crew nearby. Instantly, five or six medical personnel rushed in, each beginning a hasty examination.
One checked her eyes, another listened to her heartbeat, and yet another pressed against her abdomen. Alyssa could only stare in bewilderment, feeling like a puppet being manipulated without her consent.
After what felt like an eternity of invasive poking and prodding, one finally smiled and saluted her. “Congratulations, Major Alyssa. Your body is starting to recover. It’s miraculous that you survived such serious injuries, but you will need a complete medical examination once back home. Given your current state, if you take it easy, a full recovery should be ahead.”
The words spun in her mind, leaving Alyssa lost and confused, as if she were hearing a tale about someone else entirely.
I… was severely injured and survived against the odds.

Chapter 3

Seeing the expression on his face, Lord Cedric Ashford's demeanor instantly turned cold. He waved off the doctor, saying, "Since there’s no danger to life, you all can go rest now. Alyssa Fairchild might not be completely lucid at the moment. I’ll need to give her some 'personal' explanations."
His gaze was as sharp as a knife as it swept over Alyssa. In that instant, a bad feeling washed over him. It felt as if the word "personal" held some hidden meaning.
The doctor complied, offering a few parting words before leaving, and as the door of the medical pod clicked shut, an oppressive silence enveloped the small chamber, leaving only Alyssa and Lord Cedric.
Lord Cedric stood immobile like a statue, his eyes fixed on Alyssa without any intention of speaking.
Alyssa had always disliked his arrogant demeanor. It was obvious that he had chosen to stay, yet he remained completely silent, clearly waiting for her to say something—waiting for her to ask him for something. Who does he think he is?
Rolling her eyes internally, Alyssa chose to close her eyes and remain silent as well.
But in the moment her eyes fluttered shut, a sudden 'beep' broke the silence, and the lid of the medical pod began to open. It dawned on her, only now, that she was completely naked inside.
What the hell... This is just too much.
Alyssa gasped, her face flushing with embarrassment as she suddenly realized the awkwardness of her situation. Lord Cedric, having taken his hand off the control switch, casually strolled over with his hands in his pockets.
She knew lying naked in a medical pod was perfectly normal in this context, but seeing Lord Cedric fully dressed while she was exposed filled her with an overwhelming sense of shame and anger.
He is being cruel to force me to speak first.
"What do you want, Lord Cedric?" she demanded, her tone sharper than intended, yet it was the best she could manage in this ridiculous situation.
It wasn’t that she was bashful about being looked at; she simply had no desire to engage in pointless conversation with him. After years of mutual disdain, even being under the same roof felt unbearable—let alone being scrutinized like a piece of meat.
Lord Cedric glanced at her, his expression devoid of warmth, an unusual smirk gracing his lips. "Finally decided to speak, have you? I haven't even asked you what you want, but you launch into accusations against me."
"What do you mean by that?"
He raised an eyebrow, letting out a derisive laugh. "Alyssa, you can't possibly be serious about pretending to have amnesia. I didn't bother to call you out in front of everyone earlier, but now that it’s just the two of us, it seems you still want to play dumb. What are you trying to achieve?"
"You think I’m putting on a show?" Alyssa furrowed her brow tightly.
"Isn’t it obvious?" Lord Cedric advanced a few steps closer, mocking amusement shimmering in his piercing gaze.
"If you’re going to pretend, at least do a better job. You can recall who I am, and your own identity, yet you’ve conveniently forgotten all the trouble you’ve caused me? Don’t tell me that’s just coincidence."
Who's really stirring up trouble here?
Alyssa felt the sting of his words, losing control of her temper momentarily. She let out a cold laugh, "I'm the one causing you trouble? Lord Cedric, who do you think you are to think I’d ever want to inconvenience you?"
"It appears you truly intend to keep this act going. Fine. Since you claim to remember nothing, I'm more than willing to help you recall everything."
As he said this, a sly smile crept onto his lips, a look that sent alarm bells ringing in Alyssa’s mind. Before she could ask what he was about to do, he pressed his arms against the edges of the medical pod, effectively trapping her between the pod and his chest.
In an instant, the distance between them vanished, and Alyssa felt her heart race as she lifted her gaze, practically nose to nose with him.

Chapter 4

Alyssa Fairchild's heart raced as she stared at Lord Cedric Ashford's lips drawing ever closer. Her instincts kicked in, and she instinctively raised her hand to block his face. "Lord Cedric, what exactly are you trying to do?"
But nothing she anticipated happened. Lord Cedric merely lowered his head, sidestepping her to pick up the recorder resting beside the Healer's Quarters.
With an elegant step back, he distanced himself, leaving Alyssa’s panicked voice to echo within the vast confines of the Eagle's Nest spacecraft.
Hearing her own voice reverberating, Alyssa's face flushed a deep shade of crimson.
Watching her from the side, Lord Cedric's eyes danced with amusement. After savoring her embarrassment, he finally spoke, "Major Alyssa, whatever has you so worked up? Surely you didn't think I was going to kiss you."
"Rest assured, I'm not that desperate. Stow your pathetic fantasies; we need to discuss something important first."
Without waiting for Alyssa's retort, he waved the recorder in his hand and pressed the power button.
The screen flickered to life, projecting a life-sized holographic image onto the floor that instantly showcased a war-torn battlefield.
This recorder was something Alyssa always carried, so as the familiar sounds of gunfire erupted around her, she froze, momentarily lost for words.
After a grueling day of fierce combat, the last five remaining enemy soldiers had been forced to land on a strange planet, and the First Action Brigade had paid a devastating price. The entire brigade was wiped out, leaving only Alyssa, the squad leader, to complete the final extermination task.
With their ship destroyed and no means of retreat, their mecha energy reserves perilously low, and the enemy lurking in the shadows, ready to strike, there was no avoiding this fight.
Alyssa inhaled deeply and raised her weapon, ready for action, when suddenly Lord Cedric’s voice came through her communicator.
"Major Alyssa, cease all operations immediately; do not engage. Fall back at once."
Her movements stilled, thinking she must have misheard. "The ship is wrecked; where am I supposed to fall back to? If I don’t fight, are we just supposed to wait here to die?"
"Major Alyssa, don't make me repeat myself."
The moment the words left Lord Cedric's lips, the positioning device emitted a piercing alarm. With sweat beading on her forehead, Alyssa glanced at the five ominous red blips rapidly closing in on her. She couldn’t hold back any longer, her voice rising in frustration. "If you want me to pull back, you owe me a reason!"
"I am the commander of this operation. I do not need to justify my orders to you—it is a command."
His mechanical and cold tone felt utterly devoid of humanity given the dire situation. Just then, a vile flash struck from behind her. Alyssa turned her head just in time to dodge the blow. There was no time to deal with Lord Cedric anymore; raising her weapon without a backward glance, the battle ignited, with chaos erupting around her.
Amidst the clash, familiar scenes flashed before her. Alyssa felt her head thrum as countless memories whirled back into her consciousness like a tempest, plunging her into that moment once more. She witnessed the holographic projection of her "self" efficiently dispatch all the enemies, and just as she thought she could finally breathe easy, a dark muzzle appeared silently behind her…
In the next instant, the world spun violently as she was struck with ferocious force, crashing heavily to the ground.
The searing pain hit like a battering ram, her insides feeling like they were turned to liquid, gushing from her mouth. The excruciating sensation struck her head like a hammer, forcing her to regain all her memories in a flash.
She remembered, just before slipping into unconsciousness, catching sight of a figure rushing toward her, urgently calling her name. Then she fell into a hot, firm embrace, using every last bit of strength to open her eyes, only to find Lord Cedric's face glaring back at her.
At that moment, she thought she must be imagining things, otherwise why would she see the face of her rival right before death?

Chapter 5

As the holographic display flickered out, the entire space pod succumbed to an excruciating silence. For Alyssa Fairchild, the moment felt interminable, like time itself had taken a break. If she could rewind time, she would gladly trade it to be blown up by the enemy instead of enduring this mortifying situation. Nothing could be worse than being saved by her rival, only for him to gloat about it right in front of her.
Once the object of her scorn and annoyance, this man had transformed into her "savior," leaving her utterly at a loss for how to confront him. She could toil for the rest of her life to repay this debt, but she could not bear the thought of it being Lord Cedric Ashford. Just imagining that possibility sent shivers down her spine.
Lord Cedric Ashford took his time, watching her face flicker through confusion and indignation, before finally speaking up, expression inscrutable. "Looks like you remember everything now. It’s truly a blessing from your recording device; otherwise, I would have been left with quite the mess."
Just as a flicker of gratitude surged within Alyssa, it was extinguished by his sardonic tone. She inhaled deeply, barely managing to suppress the "thank you" that was on the tip of her tongue, only to swallow it back down.
He might be clueless about others, but he knew precisely how to play her like a violin. This guy could have simply explained everything directly, but instead, he had to play it this way—reminding her that she owed him her life, all to ensure she couldn’t weasel out of it. He relished in her discomfort.
“Do you find this amusing, Lord Cedric Ashford?” she snapped.
“Absolutely,” he replied with a curt nod, as if it were the most logical answer in the world. “There’s nothing more entertaining than teaching a disobedient puppy a lesson. You fell right into my hands; wouldn’t you seize the opportunity to take revenge if you were me?”
His words snatched away the last remnants of her appreciation, igniting a firestorm of anger within her. Some individuals just had the unique talent of pushing all your buttons at once.
“Are you looking for a fight, Cedric? Who’s the real dog here?”
She had long known better than to harbor any goodwill toward Lord Cedric Ashford. The man was charming on the outside but had a heart of stone. Riding high on the prestige of his military family, he never spared a thought for anyone else. He wore the mask of a refined gentleman, exuding politeness, but underneath, he was a master of schemes, always ready to attack when it suited him.
Back at the Military Academy, this was precisely who he had been—looking down on others with a disdain only a so-called chosen one could muster. He was the child everyone else's parents wished they had—outshining her efforts at every turn. Yet, it always seemed like that wasn’t enough to satisfy Cedric's inflated ego. Soon enough, she had become a thorn in his side, an obstacle he felt the need to challenge at every opportunity, whether it was for grades, food, or the affections of others. It didn't matter to him.
The more she recalled their shared history, the more shame she felt for how he had saved her. And it seemed Cedric was enjoying her torment, his eyes gleaming with mockery, as if saying: "What are you going to do about it?"
Unable to contain her rage any longer, Alyssa, despite her still-healing wounds, swung a fist toward his irritatingly smug face.
She couldn’t take it anymore.
Clearly expecting this, Cedric caught her fist in mid-air and raised an eyebrow, eyes alight with amusement. “Alyssa Fairchild, is this how you treat your savior? You seem remarkably spry for someone who just survived an explosion.”
“Who the hell…” Alyssa struggled to find her words, stunned that despite his easygoing demeanor, he was restraining her hand effortlessly.

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