Between Love and Loyalty

Chapter 1

**Title**: The Inescapable Wedding: Deep Love of the CEO
Evelyn White describes her husband, James Sterling, as a handsome, wealthy jerk—an infuriating man who betrayed her trust. On their wedding night, he confessed: “I have feelings for another woman, Evelyn. Before we fully commit, it might be best if we keep our distance.” And just like that, they became a couple in name only for three long years.
But just when Evelyn thought her marriage was reaching its breaking point, Dominic North, a captivating force of nature, swooped into her life. A billionaire heir, Dominic pursued her, a divorcee, with a determination that made headlines and drew laughter across the city.
“What do you think of this situation, Lord North?” Evelyn asked, eyebrow raised, meeting his piercing gaze.
Dominic smirked, “Only the shoe knows if it fits. And trust me, you fit my requirements perfectly.”
Evelyn stared, taking a moment to process his words. “Seriously? We’re clearly not on the same wavelength here.”
In her eyes, Dominic North was an enigmatic man—a mix of allure and suppressed desires. Cornered and desperate, she confronted him. “You said you wouldn’t pressure women.”
“Congratulations, you’ve become my exception. You can submit willingly, or I can make you.” His grin was lazy, yet predatory.
This charming tempest brought sunshine into her life, promising to grant her the moon. But as the layers of his motives peeled away, Evelyn realized that what seemed like kindness was simply another shade of a soft, deceitful trap.
Time and again, the deepest heartache doesn’t stem from love’s end but arises when love lingers long after everything else has dissipated.

Chapter 2

The weight of her marriage felt like a heavy burden, one that was draining her completely.
"I'll be honest, I still have feelings for Lydia. Can you really forget your first love, Evelyn? Before we get too tangled up in this, it's best we take a step back," James told his new wife on their wedding night, his tone as grand as the occasion itself.
In Evelyn's eyes, those words could be summed up in just two: shameless.
If he couldn't let go of his old flame, why was he marrying her in the first place?
"I can give you time, James, but you need to choose—it's either me or her," she had said firmly.
What she didn't grasp was just how difficult that choice was for him, leaving them stuck in limbo for three long years.
For three years, they lived as a couple in name only.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning tore through the sky, followed by a rolling clap of thunder that dragged Evelyn out of her memories and back to the present.
Standing by the window, her pale fingers pressed against the cold glass, tracing the thin streams of rain that slid down like tears on a sorrowful face.
Evelyn felt utterly exhausted; this marriage was truly wearing her out.
There was a knock on the door, more a symbolic gesture than anything, as it swung open with a push. She turned to see Vivian strutting in, clad in high heels and a determined expression.
"What are you doing here instead of on set?" Evelyn frowned, a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"Didn't you hear? Your husband just replaced me with his new favorite lead actress. Thought you would've known by now," Vivian shot back.
Evelyn's elegantly arched brows knitted together. How could she, as the producer, not be informed about such a significant change?
Silently, she turned and walked out.
Taking the express elevator, she quickly arrived at the door of James Sterling's Chamber.
"Sorry, Evelyn, you can't go in right now," the secretary said nervously, her demeanor suggesting that something was off.
"Step aside, and don't make me say it twice," Evelyn replied, her voice cool yet commanding enough to be taken seriously.
The ornate mahogany doors creaked open, revealing a scene that froze in her mind. James lounged in his executive chair, enjoying a massage from a woman whose voluptuous figure he leaned against, his head resting comfortably on her chest.
"Who are you? Didn't you knock before entering?" the woman exclaimed, startled as she sprang away from James.
But James remained nonchalant, casting a lazy glance at Evelyn, utterly unfazed.
Evelyn kept her composure, her gaze icy as she assessed the figure in the work attire. "You're fired. Now leave."
"What right do you have to say that?" The woman, quite clueless about the situation, turned to James with a pout, "James..."
James shifted slightly, a smirk playing on his lips, "Did you not hear Evelyn? She said get out—need me to call security?"
Begrudgingly, the woman stormed out. Then James stood and sauntered over to Evelyn, his long, charming eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, you finally decided to talk to me?"
Evelyn's fists clenched slowly, recalling that they were still in a silent battle.

Chapter 3

Evelyn White slammed the file down on James Sterling's massive office desk, the sound echoing through the sleek, modern space. “James Sterling, I don't care who you're trying to impress, but don't mess with my project.”
His smile was easy, almost disarming. “Got it. Just a minor misunderstanding, nothing worth getting worked up over.”
Evelyn rolled her eyes. She had said what she needed to say. Turning to leave, she felt his hand grasp her arm, a familiar warmth mixed with a hint of mischief.
“Why not stay for a bit?” he asked playfully.
She jerked her arm free, meeting his gaze with a frosty stare. “What do you expect from me? I won't play your games or follow your lead like those other women.”
Evelyn glanced at her watch. “I have to catch Dominic North’s exclusive interview in five minutes. It’s crucial to understand this guy if I want to win his business. North Enterprises is thinking about investing in the film industry, and I’m not going to let someone else snag that opportunity.”
James raised an eyebrow, his tone turning teasing. “What if his interests lie in women? Planning to throw yourself into the mix?”
Evelyn shot back, “I might just send your string of admirers his way instead. They’d be of better use there.”
His smile broadening, James found her conversation amusing – at least for the moment. But then she unexpectedly dropped a bomb.
“If sending Celeste Ford to Dominic North’s bed would seal the deal with North Enterprises, would you be okay with that, James?”
The look on his face shifted immediately, the warmth fading to something icy and dangerous. “Don’t joke about that.”
Evelyn held firm, captivated by the sharp angles of his striking face. In this moment, she felt an unusual weight in her chest, as if an invisible knife were cutting her heart into pieces.
She had always known he was both gentle and cruel – he reserved the warmth for his other women and coldness for her.
Once back in her office, the live stream of the interview had already started.
Dominic North appeared on screen, clad in a tailored black suit that accentuated his sharp features. He exuded an air of sophistication that was hard to ignore, moving with a refined grace that could only be attributed to the upper crust.
Evelyn had spent years navigating the harsh waters of the entertainment industry, but she’d never encountered someone like him. He was deep, enigmatic, and beneath the surface, there was a hint of rebellion – a cheetah trying to mask its raw power.
A reporter asked, “I heard you have a doctorate in medicine and even funded the construction of a medical building at your alma mater. Why abandon that for your current profession?”
A slight smile touched Dominic’s lips, his voice steady and mature for his years. “Because I’m ambitious. Besides, not everyone gets to chase their dreams.”
The reporter pressed. “And what about your engagement to Sophia Hart? Is it ambition that drives you into this marriage devoid of love? Do you really think you can make it last forever?”
Dominic remained unruffled, responding with a question of his own. “How can you know I don’t love her?”
“She's known for squandering money and lacking substance. What could you possibly love about her?”
The smile on Dominic’s face deepened, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “It's a common belief that wisdom often wears the guise of simplicity; a woman with fewer complexities can be far more charming.”

Chapter 4

Evelyn White switched off the TV, instinctively rubbing her temples as a sharp headache pulsed through her head. A man like him was dangerous, whether as an enemy or a collaborator. One wrong move, and he would chew her up and leave no bones behind.
"Why did you turn it off?!" Vivian Blythe exclaimed, still leaning against the sleek flat screen, her expression starstruck, teetering on the edge of drooling.
"Cut the infatuation! A man like him is beyond any woman's control. Don’t set yourself up for heartbreak," Evelyn warned.
Vivian wrinkled her nose at the advice, as if they belonged to different generations. She raised an index finger and shook her head. "A god like Dominic North isn’t someone you control; he’s someone you fantasize about!"
"But I just want to fantasize about the money in his pocket,” Evelyn said, her eyes sparkling with mischief as a sly smile crept onto her lips.
Every time that look appeared on her face, Vivian knew Evelyn was hatching some outrageous scheme.
True to form, Evelyn produced a file from her briefcase and handed it over, accompanied by a photograph. "This guy is Nathaniel Green, Dominic's right-hand man. I’m giving you a week to get him to spill all of Dominic’s whereabouts. Rumor has it he’s a fan of yours, so charming him should be a piece of cake."
Vivian flipped through the dossier. The man in the photo wasn’t exactly handsome but had a decent presence. He had shown up at every one of her fan meet-and-greets, yet she barely remembered him.
"Alright, I’ll keep you posted," she replied, giving Evelyn an enthusiastic thumbs-up.
In a world obsessed with efficiency, Vivian managed to make quick work of things. Not even a week later, she was practically on fire with Nathaniel.
Confidently, she greeted Evelyn over the phone, “Evelyn, my dear supervisor, you definitely owe me a reward. Nathaniel just let slip that Lord North will be at the Royal Noble event tonight around…”
After hanging up, Evelyn raced toward the Royal Noble, conducting a thorough search, but to her exasperation, Dominic was nowhere to be found—not even a shadow.
"Ugh, Vivian, you're becoming increasingly unreliable!" Evelyn huffed as she clicked her heels in frustration, entering the restroom with her cheeks flushed in anger.
Washing her hands at the sink, she suddenly noticed faint sobbing from the last stall. It was weak and barely perceptible, becoming more unsettling in the dimly lit, closed-off space.
Though Evelyn considered herself a realist, unease prickled within her. She tightened her grip on her purse and instinctively moved toward the sound.
The tears came from the innermost stall. Taking a deep breath, she bravely reached out, slowly pushing the slightly ajar door open.
To her surprise, a small boy tumbled into view. Sitting there on the toilet seat, he looked no more than four or five, his cherubic face stained with tears, big black-and-white eyes blinking up at her with innocent sadness.
"Oh, so it’s just you crying in here," Evelyn sighed in relief, her tense body relaxing. She knelt in front of the little boy and gently wiped his tear-streaked cheeks with her fingers.
"Little guy, how did you end up here? Are you lost? Let’s find your mom together, okay?" she said kindly, extending her hand toward him.

Chapter 5

“Dad says I was a bonus gift,” the small boy mumbled, his voice a mix of pride and loneliness as he placed his soft little hand in Evelyn White's palm. He puffed out his cheeks, looking utterly lost without the typical defenses children cling to.
Evelyn raised an eyebrow, surprised. “I didn’t know there was a service like that in America,” she replied, half-joking.
She led the boy out of the restroom inside the hotel, asking a few staff members if they recognized him. Unfortunately, no one had any clue who he belonged to. With no other options, Evelyn decided to call the police and took the child back to her apartment.
Evelyn lived in a cozy two-bedroom apartment in the Golden Estate Community. After her wedding night three years ago, she had made this her home.
Setting a glass of orange juice in front of the boy, she smiled and ruffled his hair. “What’s your name, little guy?”
“I’m Finnigan,” he replied, munching on the straw with a hint of shyness.
She sliced up some fruit and dug out some snacks. Finnigan wasted no time making himself at home, chattering away, “Pretty lady, I want to watch cartoons!”
“Alright,” Evelyn laughed, turning on the TV and snuggling up on the couch next to him to watch *Boonie Bears*.
After a while, Finnigan, full and satisfied, melted against Evelyn and drifted off to sleep.
Vivian Blythe burst through the door, her eyes widening at the sight of them cuddled together on the couch. Sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains, casting charming patterns on them, creating a surprisingly picturesque scene.
“Where did this little one come from?” Vivian asked, still in shock.
“I found him,” Evelyn replied, shooting her a warning look. “And I almost tore the Royal Noble apart looking for you!”
“Hey now, don’t blame me! There was a last-minute issue with the North family; I think one of their kids went missing, and they canceled the event,” Vivian said, raising her hands in a gesture of surrender.
Just at that moment, the doorbell rang. Vivian seized the opportunity and merrily bounced over to answer it.
The heavy security door creaked open, and Vivian froze at the sight of the man standing there. She rubbed her eyes hard, convinced this must be a mirage.
“Dominic… Dominic North?” she stammered.
“Hello, did you call the police? I’m Finnigan’s father,” he said, his deep, magnetic voice smooth and captivating. He conveyed the essentials in just a few sentences, no wasted words.
“Uh, yes, the child is inside,” Vivian blurted out, stumbling over her words, utterly affected by his commanding presence.
Dominic North nodded coolly, maintaining a polite distance.
“Vivian, who’s here?” Evelyn called out, her voice trailing off as a tall figure stepped into the living room.
Dressed in a formal black suit, with neatly combed hair and gold cufflinks glinting subtly at his wrists, Dominic had obviously just come from a high-profile event. A faint scent of tobacco mingled with an alluring hint of cologne surrounded him.
As he passed by Evelyn on the couch, he offered only a slight nod, exuding an air of innate arrogance and unyielding confidence.
He stopped next to the sleeping boy, carefully ensuring not to wake him. Gently removing his suit jacket, he draped it over Finnigan before lifting him effortlessly from the couch. The juxtaposition of his stern demeanor and tender actions was fascinating to behold.
Evelyn gazed up at the handsome man in his thirties, a pit of regret forming in her stomach. Had she known that this little rascal was Dominic North's son, she would have given him the royal treatment instead of letting him snooze on the couch.

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