Bound by Shadows and Stars

Chapter 1

In the tangled web of love between the notorious Gideon and his shining star, Isabella St. Claire, there lies an unsung hero—the quiet pawn in their passionate game, destined to help their relationship thrive before disappearing into the shadows.
Elena Brightwood was that pawn. Often tormented by Gideon’s whims, she endured both physical and emotional scars. But life had a way of offering second chances, and she found herself reborn into a world where she could rewrite her narrative.
Determined to carve a path of her own and fiercely chase her career goals, Elena never expected to capture the attention of Gideon’s radiant Isabella.
“Don’t you think we share a striking resemblance?” Julian Ashford, a new rising star, remarked one day, his expressive eyes scanning her face with curiosity.
Elena's heart skipped a beat. "Is this really happening?" she wondered, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment.
Julian smirked, a hint of mischief dancing in his gaze. “No wonder I feel such a strong connection when I look at you."
Words slipped away from her. What was she supposed to say? Their lives were worlds apart—a love story twirling in a realm of chaos.
However, just a few months later, the tabloids were ablaze with headlines about the rising star, Julian Ashford. Notoriously labeled the “Next Big Thing,” he was stepping into the limelight with the shadow of “the great Elijah Brightwood,” her late brother, hanging over his head.
“He's riding high on your coattails,” people would whisper, convinced that the two shared a bitter rivalry, barely concealed behind their forced smiles.
No one anticipated what would unfold when someone inadvertently caught a glimpse of Julian pulled into a heated embrace by none other than Elena herself, pinned against the cool brick wall in a moment filled with stolen breaths.
The industry gasped. Gone were the tales of rivalry, replaced instead with the sizzling chemistry of two passionate souls entangled in a whirlwind romance.
Now, as Elena navigates the bustling world of Hollywood with Julian by her side, she finds herself at a crossroads. The very people who doubted her now cast her in the light of a rising star herself.
There, among the glimmering lights, she would not only strive for her dreams but perhaps, just perhaps, find love in the least expected of places.
But as whispers of scandal waft through the air, will Elena succumb to the fate of the pawn once again, or can she emerge victorious with her own story—the one she is determined to create?
The tale of Elena Brightwood and Julian Ashford was just beginning, the air thick with uncharted territories and the promise of new adventures ahead.

Chapter 2

Elena Brightwood stared at the man sitting across from her, caught in a moment of disconnection. His handsome features and tall stature were so familiar, so painfully recognizable.
Anyone could see that Victor Thorn was lost in thought, gazing at the phone resting on the table between them. Elena knew exactly who he was texting. A sharp pang shot through her as she stole a glance at her own reflection in her coffee cup, seeing the similarities between her face and his—more like seven-tenths than a mirror image. A wry smile crept onto her lips in self-mockery.
"The coffee's getting cold," she said, finally breaking the silence.
After collecting her thoughts, she looked up, putting on the gentle facade that he’d come to expect.
Victor seemed momentarily taken aback, his focus shifting abruptly. He murmured an "Uh-huh," offering her a faint, apologetic smile before taking a sip from his cup.
Elena’s heart fluttered awkwardly, but she half-heartedly remarked, “Is it about Julian Ashford?”
The mention of that name changed the mood instantly; Victor's brows knit together in an all-too-familiar expression of irritation. They’d been together long enough for her to tread carefully, and never had she dared to ask about him in such a direct manner. His annoyance barely concealed as he replied, “Why are you bringing him up all of a sudden?”
Elena pressed her lips together, opting for silence, as the atmosphere descended back into uncomfortable quietness. The tension lingered sharply between them, but finally, Victor set his phone down. He glanced at her and then ordered a slice of Black Forest cake, stating, "I remember you liked this."
His words stung her subtly. It wasn’t her favorite; it was Julian's. Victor had always seemed to project his own preferences onto her, never bothering to truly see her for who she was.
If given a choice, she’d rather watch movies than hit the gym, and she preferred tea over coffee…
But it seemed Victor was entirely oblivious to her true likes—or perhaps he didn't care. After all, she was just a substitute; who would concern themselves with the hobbies of a stand-in?
Elena’s gaze remained fixed on her coffee cup, and she whispered, “I don’t actually like it.”
Victor blinked in surprise, an unpredictable reaction that left him momentarily speechless. Then he quickly recovered, chuckling lightly, “I must’ve gotten that mixed up. My bad.”
Elena sensed something unusual about this Victor; he wasn’t typically this chatty. Normally, he was quiet and nurturing, which was precisely why she had kept him in her life for so long.
They completed their meal enveloped in this odd silence. When the time came to pay, Elena inadvertently caught a glimpse of the neatly arranged photographs nestled in his wallet, making her heart freeze.
One particular photo captured a young man with a beaming smile framed against the emerald expanse of the ocean.
It was Julian.
Upon closer inspection, she could see the faint resemblance between their features; however, the differences were stark. Elena’s facial lines were soft and clean, while Julian’s were striking and chiselled.
But the most glaring contrast lay in their eyes.
Elena’s were a pale hue, shimmering in the sunlight with a peaceful warmth, while Julian’s were a profound, unexplainable black—impossible to read even when lit with joy.
She turned her gaze away, her vision drifting to the glass window, realizing with a start that it had begun to rain.
“Let’s head home," she said softly, breaking the tension that hung heavily in the air.

Chapter 3

Victor Thorn watched Elena Brightwood, who seemed lost in thought, and furrowed his brow. He cleared his throat and spoke in a low voice.
Elena turned her head, her gaze fixated on his face, seemingly contemplating something. Then, unexpectedly, she asked, "How long have we been together?"
Caught off guard by the suddenness of her question, Victor pondered before responding, "Um, maybe a year or two?"
Elena chuckled softly. "Actually, it's been three years and eight months."
Victor raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Has it really been that long?"
Elena laughed again, and the realization hit him—they had indeed been together for a long time. She was openly gay, and Victor, with his handsome looks, impressive family background, and charisma, had relentlessly pursued her from the start, making it difficult for her not to fall for him.
She didn’t want to label their relationship as mere sugar daddy and trophy partner. To her, it felt more straightforward—just a couple in love. However, over the years, her career had been on the decline, largely because Victor didn’t like her being in the limelight. At first, she thought it was just a possessive streak from him, but now she recognized how naive she had been.
It was obvious that Victor was afraid her rising connection with Julian Ashford, the heir of the Ashford family and someone who looked strikingly similar to her, would overshadow him. They shared not only similar looks but also acting styles, making them natural competitors.
Now, she had missed her chance to flourish in her career, slowly becoming just another fading star.
What she never anticipated was that after investing so much in this relationship, she would find herself in such a pathetic position—being a stand-in for Isabella St. Claire, the woman Victor truly adored. All he seemed to appreciate was her face, and nothing more.
Victor was truly infatuated with Julian Ashford, whom he had secretly admired from afar while pursuing an education overseas. For a full seven years, he had harbored feelings for Julian but had never mustered the courage to confess. After all, Julian was a straight man, absolutely disinterested in any romantic feelings toward another guy, and as for the Ashford family, they would never accept Victor. Knowing he wanted Julian would have dire consequences for him, which was why he had turned to Elena.
Elena quietly observed Victor for a long moment before finally offering him a soft smile.
"Let’s break up," she said casually, as if discussing the weather.
Victor's expression shifted dramatically, shocked by her words. It took him a moment to regain his composure. "Why?" he asked.
Elena's gaze was steady as she replied, "It’s simple—I no longer want to be a replacement."
Victor noted the sting in her words and frowned. "When did you figure that out?"
Elena smiled lightly. "That’s no longer important."
Understanding that the matter was beyond salvage, Victor sighed, "It’s your choice." After a pause, he glanced at the frayed cuffs of her shirt and added, "I’ll deposit some money into your account, and you can take care of yourself from now on."
Elena chuckled softly, but as she laughed, tears began to well up in her eyes. She wiped her face and resumed her usual gentle demeanor, though glistening tears still lingered on her lashes.
Then, unexpectedly, she made a move that caught Victor off guard.
With a playful smirk, she raised her middle finger at him and silently mouthed, "You're an idiot."

Chapter 4

Elena Brightwood had never been one to curse or make inappropriate gestures, but even amidst this surprising outburst, his trademark gentle smile remained on his face, creating an odd sense of normalcy around him.
Victor Thorn, sitting across the table, read the lips of his former lover and froze in shock. But just as quickly, he composed himself, unable to say anything before he saw Elena stand up and walk briskly out of the coffee house without looking back.
The rain continued to patter softly against the pavement outside. Elena seemed oblivious to the droplets soaking his clothes as he walked upright into the dreary weather.
It wasn't until he reached a deserted corner that he paused, crouching down to bury his face in his arms, like an abandoned child, and quietly wept.
“Eli, wake up!”
Elena blinked his eyes open, startled to find he had dozed off while getting his makeup done. The makeup artist, waving her hands frantically before him, had finally roused him from his slumber.
“Sorry,” Elena mumbled, rubbing his eyes and flashing a warm smile. A delightful dimple appeared on his left cheek, enhancing his charm.
“No worries, Eli! You and I go way back, remember?” the artist blushed, sneaking another glance at Elena's face, her mind racing in admiration. Child star or not, the years had only ever seen him grow more handsome.
Elena merely smiled and turned his gaze to the mirror, feeling a little lost in thought.
He’d just dreamt about his past life again.
In that previous life, after breaking up with Victor, he had planned to retreat from the spotlight for some soul-searching travel. Little did he know, a hiking trip would end in disaster when an avalanche struck, burying him under tons of snow. He thought it was the end, but when he opened his eyes, here he was, four years back in time.
Back then, he was newly twenty-four, having not yet met Victor, at the height of his fame. He was inundated with lucrative advertising contracts, and in this industry, everyone respected him. Even the big-name directors would give him a second glance, unlike the struggles he faced later when he faded into obscurity, waiting for hours under the cold for minor roles.
The universe had pulled him back to this moment, surely because it understood his unfulfilled desires. If he was given a second chance, he intended to make the most of it.
But why this sudden dream about his previous life? Was it a sign of something?
His pupils dilated in realization.
“What’s today’s date?” he suddenly grabbed the makeup artist's hand, his face turning pale.
“Today’s the 17th. Why, Eli?” she replied, confused but courteous.
Elena closed his eyes briefly, recalling the significance of this date. Yes, today was the day he met Victor.
At that filming set, he remembered noticing a sharply dressed man standing next to the director, silently puffing away on a cigarette while staring at him. After finishing a scene, the stranger approached him with an unexpected dinner invitation, one he initially refused. But thereafter, Victor seemed entranced, persistently seeking him out until ultimately, Elena's heart softened, and he agreed to dinner.
Little did he realize that taking that first step would plunge him into a deep abyss.
“Hey, what are you doing here? This isn’t your makeup room,” the artist suddenly chimed, her voice tinged with unmistakable annoyance as she directed her words at a figure standing at the door.
“Sorry, I must have taken a wrong turn,” the man mumbled, keeping his head down, a picture of deference.
Elena squinted at the familiar profile, furrowing his brow. “Look up,” he said softly.
The man froze as if he'd angered someone important, anxiety flooding his expression.
Elena’s frown deepened; his makeup artist assumed he was about to reprimand the clumsy newcomer and prepared to speak on his behalf, but a deep, magnetic voice interrupted.
“Apologies, he’s just a bit shy. Please forgive him,” said the figure at the door, standing tall. The newcomer, strikingly handsome with chiseled features, bore a striking resemblance to Elena—he was Julian Ashford.
A jolt of shock struck Elena as he stood frozen in disbelief. In his previous life, he had only crossed paths with Julian a handful of times and hardly exchanged words. Today’s encounter should not have happened, either with Julian or this timid newcomer.
Was it possible that his rebirth had created a ripple effect, altering the course of events?
If that was the case, would he avoid meeting Victor today? The thought inexplicably brought him solace.
“Elena?” the makeup artist tugged gently at his sleeve, pulling him back.
Only then did Elena snap back to reality, noticing the flicker of hostility flickering in Julian’s eyes.
Hostility? Why?
As the reasons settled in his mind, he struggled to suppress an amused smile. In that moment, he must have appeared as the rude veteran intimidating a greenhorn.
Making no haste to clarify this misunderstanding, Elena felt a web of emotions tangle within him. His feelings for Julian were complicated at best, and this mix-up might mean they would have fewer interactions moving forward.

Chapter 5

"It's fine," Elena said, noticing the concerned expression on the makeup artist's face. She could tell that she doesn't look her best right now, so she shook her head to signal that there was no need to worry. Then she turned and gave a slight nod to Julian Ashford, a casual greeting.
Julian studied her for a moment before smirking, "I hope you don't hold a grudge against newcomers, do you?"
Elena blinked in surprise, glancing at the timid boy standing next to Julian. Suddenly, it clicked – this was the guy who had been a thorn in Victor Thorn's side.
Sebastian Grey.
He was nothing like his soft-spoken appearance suggested. Filled with ambition, he was resourceful and ruthlessly determined to climb to the top of the industry. In his previous life, he had become a top-tier celebrity, seizing opportunities that should have been his.
The reason Julian disliked him so much was that Sebastian constantly hovered around him.
Julian had this instinctive need to protect those weaker than himself, while Sebastian was the ultimate self-serving opportunist, quick to exploit anyone who could offer him an advantage.
Elena shook off her musings and summoned a smile. After all, why should any of this concern her? She had no intention of getting entangled with anyone related to Victor Thorn. Let them weave their own web.
"It's okay, you guys can head out," she said, spinning in her chair. Her eyes moved between them, an easy smile gracing her lips as if she couldn’t care less.
Julian frowned at her for a moment, then gave a slight bow as a farewell before turning to leave. Sebastian hurried to catch up with him.
Once the door closed behind them, the makeup artist sighed, still appearing upset on Elena's behalf. "These newcomers today have no manners!" She grumbled while adjusting Elena's hairstyle.
Elena leafed through her script, an amused smile still on her face. "They’re something else. I can’t say too much about them, though.”
“Who wouldn’t show Elena Brightwood respect?” the makeup artist protested, her voice tinged with indignation.
Elena shrugged, feeling somewhat detached even though his past as a child star and numerous hit dramas had cemented her status as a top-tier talent in Hollywood. She had her connections, but the entertainment world was a fickle beast where today’s shining star could be tomorrow’s memory.
In her past life, she had experienced that fall from grace firsthand.
Her casual response wasn’t just about that though; it was also about Julian. He was born into wealth, and acting was little more than a hobby for him, a game he could put away when it was time to take over the family business. Despite his laid-back attitude, his connections far surpassed her hard-won ones.
Life was unfair that way. After years of relentless uphill battles to reach her point, she understood that not everyone had to toil as she did. Some were born with silver spoons in their mouths, set at unreachable heights.
Meanwhile, outside, Julian and Sebastian strolled side by side down the hallway.
Sebastian bit his lip nervously, gathering his courage before speaking. "Thanks for today."
Julian waved it off dismissively. "It was nothing. Don’t give it another thought."

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