Beyond the Mirror of Secrets

Chapter 1

**Book Synopsis:**

In William Blackwood's *The Chosen One*, our hero dreams of becoming a legendary knight-to-be, destined to save the world.

Surprisingly, that dream becomes reality.

This is a tale of campus adventures and romance featuring knights and princesses, intertwined with the lives of ordinary yet extraordinary students.

**Chapter 1: The Dream**

As the sun rose over the Royal Academy of Kingsbridge, its golden rays spilled into the dormitory where William Blackwood lay dreaming. His heart raced with visions of bravery, battles, and the elegant princess he was destined to protect. In his mind, he wielded a gleaming sword, fighting off dark forces threatening the kingdom—a scenario he often depicted in his sketches during classes.

He jolted awake as the bell chimed, groaning at the loss of his adventurous dream. "Another day of history lectures and homework," he muttered, rolling out of bed. He quickly dressed, determined not to miss breakfast.

In the bustling dining hall, students crowded around long tables, their chatter filling the air. William spotted his best friend, Zachary Morningstar, who was already engrossed in his breakfast of eggs and bacon.

“Did you finish your history paper?” Zach asked, his mouth full.

William chuckled, “No way. I was too busy dreaming about becoming a man-at-arms.”

Zach rolled his eyes, “You know they won’t just magically knight you because you dream about it, right?”

“Sure, but it’s a nice thought. Besides, isn’t life more exciting with dreams?” William replied, a broad smile spreading across his face.

Just then, Elena Bright, the spirited captain of the archery team, swept into the hall. With her fiery red hair and confidence radiating like a beacon, she was hard to miss. “Hey boys! You ready for the tournament this weekend?”

William’s heart skipped at her enthusiasm. “Absolutely! I’m counting on you to snag that first place for us!”

Elena shot him a teasing look. “Only if you promise to stop daydreaming and actually practice this time.”

The morning passed swiftly, with classes filled with camaraderie and mild chaos. Mistress Beatrice’s lectures on chivalry were particularly captivating. William's mind drifted occasionally, picturing himself in a gallant duel, saving damsels in distress.

After class, the students gathered on the training grounds, where Captain Gregory presided over the day’s drills. Tall and imposing, he commanded respect with a single glance. “Today, we’ll be practicing swordplay and archery. Pair off!”

William paired with Zach, both eager to showcase their skills. Sweat dripped as they sparred under the watchful eyes of their peers. However, as William shifted to execute a spin, he lost his balance and fell, landing squarely in a puddle.

Laughter erupted around him, and Elena couldn't help but giggle as she tossed him a towel. “Looks like you picked the wrong knight to fight today!”

William flushed, brushing off the dirt with a grin. “I can still take you all down, just wait.”

Just as the practice ended, rumors began to swirl around school of the upcoming Great Tournament. Excitement buzzed in the air. Legends spoke of champions, epic battles, and opportunities for anyone brave enough to compete. It promised glory—perfect for a young man like William, brimming with dreams of knighthood.

Days passed in a blur, with practices intensifying as the tournament approached. Each member of the training squad motivated one another, but William found himself particularly motivated by the thought of impressing Elena.

On the eve of the tournament, William stood in his room, nerves knotting his stomach. What if he fell again? What if he embarrassed himself in front of Elena?

“Stop it, Will,” he scolded himself. “You were born for this.”

As the sun rose on the day of the Great Tournament, excitement filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of fresh bread from the kitchen. William could feel it in his bones—this was his moment.

With his heart pounding, he stepped onto the fields of the Castle Grounds, ready to show everyone that he was not just a dreamer but a contender. The crowd roared as they gathered, anticipation crackling as electric as a summer thunderstorm.

The tournament was about to begin, and with it, the chance for William to step into the role he had always imagined—a knight worthy of legend.

Chapter 2


In the Scholars' Hall of the Royal Academy of Kingsbridge, a large phrase "Entrance Exam" was written in white chalk on the blackboard. Students were hunched over their desks, anxiously scribbling answers, except for one girl sitting in the corner. Little Annabelle had been staring blankly at her test paper for what felt like forever. The proctor, Mistress Beatrice, had already passed her several times with a pointed look, even stopping by her desk to tap lightly on its surface.

William Blackwood snapped back to reality, feeling as if this dream was too vivid—every face around her, every sound of summer crickets was crystal clear. If this was a dream, she decided she might as well embrace it. She picked up a pen resting on the desk and started answering the questions with newfound determination.

After what felt like ages, William Blackwood stepped out of the exam room, still puzzled about how this dream involving Elena had yet to end. Behind her, the sound of rapid footsteps approached, "Blackwood! Blackwood! Why didn’t you wait for me?"

William turned around to see a girl with a single ponytail sprinting toward her, seamlessly linking arms with her. William gazed at this familiar yet strange young face, lost in thought; it was twelve-year-old Elena Bright, her childhood friend from the time they were children. Elena had moved to America a year ago and recently received her green card. The last time William saw her was during Christmas a few years back. It dawned on William that she was dreaming of their early days together, and the entrance exam had merely been a reflection of their initial placement test—no wonder it seemed so easy! She remembered struggling during that test; her parents, Sir Edward and Lady Margaret Blackwood, had to pull some strings just to get her into the same class as Elena...

“…Blackwood! Blackwood!” Little Annabelle’s round apple-like face suddenly got close to hers, creating a sense of urgency, “Are you even listening? I hope we get to be in the same class again. I don’t want to be separated from you!”

William came back to reality and smiled at Elena. “Me too.”

The two friends laughed as they made their way home together. As they walked through the neighborhood, William couldn’t shake the feeling that this dream felt incredibly real. The moment was interrupted when a soccer ball came sailing through the air, hitting her leg hard. She rubbed her sore thigh, a flash of pain jolting her back to her senses. Ouch! That hurt! She pinched herself - still hurt.

In a sudden burst of energy, she dashed up the stairs, reaching her home’s entrance. Trembling slightly, she fished out her keys from her backpack and opened the door to a sight that felt achingly familiar yet strangely foreign. Her family had moved during her college years to a spacious 1200-square-foot house, but to her, home remained this old 900-square-foot place. It was the very first house Sir Edward Blackwood and Lady Margaret Blackwood had when they married. Back in the '90s, as young professionals, they could hardly afford much; the house had only simple renovations. The walls were whitewashed, still showing her crayon doodles from childhood, the living room decorated with a set of wooden sofas and a matching coffee table, a sturdy TV sitting on a wood cabinet.

William walked into her bedroom; on the right was her low bed, bought because she loved climbing up and down, even though she was the only child at home. On the left stood her desk, which had accompanied her throughout her formative years, cluttered with sixth-grade textbooks and her first diary.

Chapter 3

William Blackwood ran his fingers across his desk, tracing the name of his favorite anime character, Man-at-arms, painted in nail polish by his sister. It felt astonishingly real, every detail matching his vivid memories... He looked up and caught his reflection in the full-length mirror by the window. He took a step closer, examining the girl in the mirror.

Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail, framing a heart-shaped face that expressed sheer astonishment. Her cheeks still held a hint of baby fat, and her skin was clear and porcelain-like. When she pressed her lips together, two dimples appeared in her cheeks, accentuating her large, expressive almond-shaped eyes, a delicate upturned nose, and beautifully shaped lips reminiscent of cherry blossoms. Could she really be that beautiful? While her aunt's features mirrored his own closely, they had been subtly refined, giving her a more polished appearance.

William stood before the mirror, studying the reflection for what felt like an eternity, trying to make sense of it. Just then, Lady Margaret Blackwood returned home.

“William’s back!” Lady Margaret exclaimed, slipping off her high heels. “You didn’t watch TV today? Come help me with dinner!”

Lady Margaret Blackwood was a civil servant, frequently busy with her demanding job, often returning home late. Today, she surprisingly beat the clock home for dinner. William obediently followed her into the kitchen, where she looked at him with astonishment at his cooperative demeanor. Throughout his student days, he tended to be well-behaved, except for the moment during sixth grade when he hit a rebellious phase. Just a while ago, he had lashed out at his mother when his cousin accidentally broke his treasured music box. The incident had left a lasting impression on William, and he could still recall that day's anger.

Once dinner was ready, Sir Edward Blackwood arrived home. Sir Edward, a stoic university professor, was known for his reserved nature and difficulty connecting with his son. Their relationship had never been particularly close, and as they grew older, William found no time to mend that bond. The family of three didn’t maintain a habit of silence during meals; Lady Margaret usually brought lively conversation.

“William, how’d you do on your entrance exam?” Lady Margaret asked, her voice brightening the table.

William paused mid-bite. “I did well enough.” If things went as expected, he would make it into the best class, the same one Lady Margaret had once pulled strings to get him into.

“Just remember, after starting middle school, you need to study hard. Don’t just sit around watching TV; it’s bad for your eyes..."

Unbeknownst to her, William felt a sting in his eyes as he listened to her familiar nagging. He quietly mumbled an agreement and focused his attention on his plate.

After the meal, William helped with the dishes, and Lady Margaret encouraged him to practice piano. He walked over to the family’s prized possession—the piano—lifting the dust cloth with familiarity before opening the lid and pulling out the stool.

It had been ages since he last touched the keys. He had studied piano since childhood, a lavish gift from his parents as they heavily invested in his education. However, entering high school meant living on campus and having no time for practice. Over the years, he found that nearly everyone around him knew how to play much better than he did, and he simply gave up.

Now, sitting before the familiar instrument once more, he tentatively placed his fingers on the keys—but no sound emerged. It had been far too long. He flipped through the sheet music, starting with fingering exercises to reawaken his long-dormant skill.

Chapter 4

It was still summer break, and without any homework looming over her, Blake was savoring the last few days of freedom before school started up again next week. After finishing her piano practice, William Blackwood turned on the TV; by 9 PM, her mother, Lady Margaret Blackwood, was already urging her to take a shower and get ready for bed, insisting that she be asleep by 10 PM to support her growth.

William walked into the bathroom, peeled off her oversized t-shirt and jeans, and looked up at herself in the mirror. She was momentarily stunned. She ran her hands over her stomach, turning to get a better view in the mirror. She remembered how she had struggled with her weight since fifth grade, and how she had gone through her teenage years feeling heavy and self-conscious. But now, in front of her was a reflection of someone who was lean—no extra pounds, just the body she had always dreamed of. She marveled at her slender arms, her straight, toned legs, her narrow waist, flat stomach, and delicate shoulders. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes. Those who are naturally thin can never understand the constant battle with weight that others face. Dream or reality, it didn’t matter right now—she wanted to celebrate this moment. William spun around in front of the bathroom mirror, letting out a silent scream of exhilaration.

After nearly a 50-minute shower, it was Lady Margaret's worrying knocks from outside that finally coaxed William to emerge, albeit reluctantly. When asked about her lengthy bath, William felt her cheeks turn red with embarrassment. How could she, a mature woman, admit to spending almost half an hour admiring her own slimmer figure? It was a secret that would stay locked away in her heart.

That night, William found herself attempting to sleep unusually early. She thought she would toss and turn for a while, but despite the sounds of the TV from the living room, she quickly drifted off. As she fell asleep, a thought crossed her mind: if she woke up still looking like this tomorrow, she must have been reborn...

The next morning, when William opened her eyes, she found herself gazing at the soft patterns of her childhood quilt and the worn wooden frame of her low bed. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had indeed gone back in time. While a part of her recognized that going back meant facing old regrets, she had genuinely come to love her current life. Now a graduate student, she had settled in her favorite city, secured a satisfying job, and was just waiting for her thesis defense. To be transported back to her youthful days—wasn’t that equivalent to reliving the dreaded exams all over again?

With a sigh, William accepted her peculiar new reality and carefully climbed out of bed. As she was running her fingers through her hair, a childish voice suddenly piped up, “William Blackwood, William Blackwood!”

Startled, William spun around to face an unusual creature, round and winged, with wide, anime-like eyes fixed on her.

“—What on earth?” Even though terror gripped her, she remembered it was the weekend, and her parents, Sir Edward Blackwood and Lady Margaret Blackwood, were still sleeping, so she managed to restrain her scream.

The creature flapped its tiny wings and floated closer. “Don’t be afraid; I’m here to talk to you.”

“What… are you?” William finally found her voice amidst the shock.

“I’m a messenger from the future,” it exclaimed, puffing up proudly (or as proudly as a creature without a chest could). “You are the chosen one, destined to save the world!”

William blinked, taken aback by the sheer silliness of the statement. As a teenager, she might have entertained thoughts like these, but she was grown-up now, all too aware of the absurdity of such claims.

“Seriously? Is this some prank from a reality show or something?”

The creature huffed in frustration. “No, it’s not! I’m telling you the truth.”

Chapter 5

**The Dawn of Power**

William Blackwood was not one to believe in strange tales. Yet, as he stood in his room, he heard the unlikeliest story imaginable. A peculiar being, identifying itself as Sir Henry Stone, claimed to hail from the year 2120. In that time, a class of warriors known as "Man-at-arms" faced extinction. Thus, a division from the Department of Time and Space sent it back to the present to aid the chosen Man-at-arms in altering the course of history.

“I... I’m the ‘chosen Man-at-arms’?” William pointed at himself in disbelief.

Sir Henry Stone's face was buried in the sweet jelly snacks William had brought, mumbling indistinctly, “Yep, yep.”

Watching Sir Henry devour the snacks with gusto, William couldn't help but feel that this was hardly the reliable savior of the world he had anticipated. "I don't want the responsibility," he said, attempting to regain his composure.

Sir Henry finally pulled his head out from the sugary abyss, eyes wide with concern. “Why not?”

“Because I’m just an ordinary 12-year-old kid! I don’t have what it takes to save the world. And if the Man-at-arms become extinct, that won’t happen for years after I’m gone. It’s not my problem,” William stated firmly, meeting the creature’s gaze.

Sir Henry Stone clearly hadn’t prepared for the possibility that the chosen Man-at-arms might refuse such a monumental task. It began to pace frantically. “If you don’t save the world, who will?”

“Go find someone else, I’m not cut out for this whole saving-the-world business,” William replied bluntly. He had never even considered taking on a leadership role in school clubs, let alone shoulder the fate of the entire Man-at-arms class.

Sir Henry grew increasingly frantic, “No, it has to be you! You’re the only one with the purifying abilities.”

“The what abilities?” William arched an eyebrow, puzzled.

“Yes! In the 22nd century, the Man-at-arms class faces an incursion from a species known as ‘The Gluttonous Beast.’ They don’t have physical forms but attach themselves to those harboring darkness in their hearts. The possessed become twisted, amplifying all their evils, leading them to commit unspeakable acts. Soon, The Gluttonous Beast consumes their life force, and they perish.” Sir Henry paused, gulping down some milk. “Through rigorous scientific study, we discovered that The Gluttonous Beast first appeared in the 21st century. Back then, their power was weak, and their numbers few. If they had been purified in time, the future catastrophe could have been avoided.”

With an earnest expression, Sir Henry leaned closer to William. “So you are the only savior of the alliances, the leading Man-at-arms, the scientists of every field, and every citizen of Earth in the 22nd century.”

William couldn’t help but smirk, “Let’s not get too dramatic. I...”

“William Blackwood! Get up! Breakfast is ready!” Lady Margaret Blackwood called from outside his door, twisting the doorknob.

With swift reflexes, William shoved the still-chattering Sir Henry into his desk drawer. The creature squeaked as it was squished, protesting, “You’ll be fine! Your mom can’t see me!”

Hesitating at this odd reassurance, William paused. Sir Henry seized the moment to wriggle around inside the drawer. Just then, Lady Margaret walked in, completely oblivious to the writhing Sir Henry, and simply called William to breakfast.

Once Lady Margaret exited, William observed Sir Henry still trying to make a ruckus inside the drawer. He waved his hand, and as Sir Henry fell silent, William swiftly shoved the creature into the closet.

“Let me out! What are you doing?” Sir Henry called, his voice softer now, tinged with a hint of panic.

“Still don’t trust you,” replied William, firm in his decision. “I’ll keep you in there until I finish breakfast.” He left the room, shutting the door behind him without a second thought.

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