Bound by Secrets and Desire

Chapter 1


For Adelaide Harper, Sebastian Parker is the epitome of unattainable dreams.

"I transformed into the person you desired, and from that moment on, my world revolved only around you." — Sebastian Parker

"That day, when you lightly touched my shoulder, you unknowingly planted a vast ocean within my heart." — Adelaide Harper

**Keywords:** Redeemed Thomas, Long-Awaited Reunion, Humble Scribe's Pursuit of Love.


In the quaint town of Willowbrook, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the iconic Parker household. Adelaide Harper stood in front of the grand window of her family’s estate, her gaze drifting over the sprawling gardens once frequented by her childhood dreams. Memories of laughter and joy mingled with a sense of longing as she thought of the boy who once meant the world to her — Sebastian Parker.

Rumors had spread like wildfire throughout the town after the sudden return of Sebastian, once a rebellious spirit who had let her slip away. Now, he was polished and poised, an unapproachable figure, yet the heartache Adelaide felt was as fresh as the day she last saw him.

“Adelaide!” Her mother, Lady Harper, called from the hallway, breaking through her reverie. “You have a visitor.”

The sound of approaching footsteps made her pulse quicken. Could it be Sebastian? Or perhaps it was Charles Wright, her loyal friend who had always looked out for her, even when she was lost in Sebastian’s orbit. As she turned, hope surged within her.

In walked Thomas the Scribe, not the person she had anticipated. His presence, once every bit the embodiment of humility, now held a spark potent enough to rekindle old flames. “Adelaide,” he said, voice steady yet filled with warmth. “I heard about Sebastian’s return. I wanted to check in on you.”

“For old times’ sake?” Adelaide teased lightly, her smile wavering, unsure of whether to embrace the nostalgia or shield her heart. Thomas chuckled softly, the sound familiar yet tinged with a bittersweet edge.

“Maybe more than that. I hope to make up for lost time,” he replied, a trace of determination in his eyes.

The door creaked open once more. In he stepped, Sebastian Parker, his presence commanding not just due to his handsome features but an aura of unyielded promise. At that moment, the air thickened with tension, the silence heavy with unspoken words.

“Adelaide,” he said, his gaze locking onto hers as if he could read the depths of her soul. “I’ve come back to make things right.”

Her heart raced. The boy she once knew now stood before her, a man marked by experiences that had shaped him during their long years apart. “And what makes you think all can be forgiven so easily, Sebastian?” she challenged, half-defensive, half-hopeful.

“I’ve changed,” he insisted. “I realized what I truly lost.”

Thomas shifted uneasily, clearly aware of the electric connection that buzzed between them. “People change, but can a heart that has been hurt trust again?” he interjected, his voice a touch strained.

Adelaide’s heart ached. “Trust takes time, Sebastian. You vanished; I rebuilt my life. Why should I let you back in?”

Sebastian took a step closer, his expression unwavering. “Because I’ve learned that love is not a luxury; it’s essential. You inspired me to become someone worthy of your affection.”

As the evening sun began to fade, casting shadows around them, Adelaide felt the weight of her emotions. The tantalizing pull of the past mingled with the fear of where it might lead. Would she be brave enough to open her heart to the boy who had once shattered it?

Meanwhile, Thomas stood quietly, observing the exchange between them. He had harbored feelings for Adelaide, but in a time of such tumult, he recognized the complexities at play. His presence was no longer merely as the humble scribe but as someone willing to fight for a future he longed to share with her.

“Adelaide,” Thomas spoke softly, breaking the stillness. “Whatever your choice, just know I’ll always support you.”

Adelaide turned to him, warmth blooming at his steadfastness, but the magnetic pull of Sebastian's gaze was impossible to ignore.

As dusk settled over Willowbrook, a new chapter awaited, filled with the promise of love, redemption, and the delicate balance between longing and trust.

Chapter 2

1. The Encounter

Adelaide Harper never imagined she would run into Sebastian Parker again, especially not right outside her own building. She had just wrapped up her senior internship and planned to head home for a few days of relaxation. Walking into The Local Emporium from the front entrance, she intended to grab some snacks before heading upstairs and thought she could use the back entrance to sneak into Willowbrook quietly.

As soon as she stepped inside, the sight of a large crowd forming at the checkout greeted her—a group of rough-looking local kids packed into the already small space, more than a few of them holding cigarettes. Adelaide figured it was best to ignore them, set her suitcase down to the side, and grabbed a few snack bags from the shelves. She didn’t like being around crowds, especially when they were smoking.

Upon returning to the counter with her snacks, she called out cheerily, “Uncle Richard, how much is this?”

Richard, the shop's owner, glanced at her, surprised. “Isn’t it a bit early for you to be back? On break from school? That’ll be $19.”

“I didn’t have much going on at school, so I thought I’d come home for a bit. I’ve already sent you the payment through WeChat.”

Once she finished speaking, she felt someone watching her, a gaze that felt oddly familiar. Looking up, she met Sebastian Parker’s eyes. Their stares locked for merely a second before Adelaide looked away, dragging her suitcase and attempting to slip past the other patrons. But the space was blocked, and she had no choice but to wait for the two local kids to complete their transaction.

“Hey, I’ll toss in an extra hundred; can you give me cash?” one of them, brandishing the latest smartphone, said confidently.

“Sure thing,” Richard replied, handing over a hundred-dollar bill.

Then, glancing at his phone again, the kid changed his mind. “No wait, make that $70.”

Adelaide took a moment to reply to a text as she waited for them to finish, feeling their group stumble out the main entrance. Grabbing her suitcase, she headed toward the back exit, catching sight of Sebastian lingering just outside, where the group paused too. A shiver ran down her spine; it felt like they could see right through her.

That guy back there is Sebastian Parker.

Neither of them had changed much.

Sebastian was still Sebastian—baggy jeans, a loose T-shirt, effortlessly messy hair that seemed like it hadn’t seen a brush in days. The scent of cigarette smoke clung to him, exuding the same old rebellious vibe that had defined his youth, despite almost four years having passed.

Adelaide, on the other hand, had transformed. She was more captivating than ever, shedding the image of the once-innocent prom queen. College had liberated her from the pretense of being a perfect student as she embraced her boldness. Her blue trench coat contrasted sharply with her silver suitcase and sleek, short black hair that cascaded around her shoulders. She seemed entirely out of place in this small town.

It was early April in Willowbrook, and Sebastian couldn’t help but wonder if beneath that stylish exterior she wore a sultry little sundress.

Suddenly, an image of Adelaide in a tight-fitting sundress crept into his mind, making him distract himself for a moment.

But all Adelaide could think was: Four years, and he’s still aimlessly drifting through life.

Inside the Billiards Hall, Sebastian was sprawled out on a single armchair, his thoughts drifting unfocused. Since running into Adelaide, a restless itch had settled within him, leading him to an intriguing conclusion: Adelaide Harper had ignited something in him.

He opened his contacts, searching for a classmate from high school, and sent a message: “Can you send me Adelaide Harper’s number?”

As the notification chimed back with a response, he stood up decisively, striding out of the billiards hall. The remaining kids exchanged confused glances, bewildered by his sudden action.

Chapter 3

Sebastian Parker sat outside Harper Estates for what felt like an eternity, from dawn till dusk. The lively music from the dance square faded as the neighborhood women—affectionately known as The Aunts—strolled back to their homes. His phone twisted in his hands as he repeatedly edited and deleted the same message.

“Ding!” The notification chimed. Battery at 20%.

He crushed the last of his cigarette, unsure how many times he had opened the messaging app, typed and retyped his message.

“I’m at your place, Harper. —Sebastian Parker”

He stared at the typing interface, and soon saw “read” pop up, but there was still no reply.

He decided to keep trying.

“If you don’t come down, I’m going to shout your name from downstairs.”

Adelaide Harper, freshly scrubbed and sitting on the couch beside her mom, sighed when she saw his text. “My friend dropped off some papers; I’ll just run down and grab them.”

She shrugged on the same trench coat she had worn earlier, wrapping it more tightly around her before heading downstairs. As she reached the entrance of Harper Estates, she was suddenly pulled away, the familiar yet oddly nostalgic scent of cigarette smoke filling the air—Sebastian was still smoking that brand she remembered from high school.

“Sebastian Parker, what the hell are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

He dragged her into a dimly lit corner of the parking area, where street lamps barely illuminated their surroundings. At this late hour, the place was deserted.

“I want to take you to my place. We can’t walk there, can we?”

Adelaide ignored his playful tone, pulling her wrist free from his grip. “What’s your deal? We barely know each other.”

“We don’t know each other,” he said, sneering as if he looked down on her, “but I know you’re Adelaide Harper, and I’m Sebastian Parker. Yeah, we went to the same school, but I wouldn’t say we were close.”

“I know your name, but we’ve never really crossed paths. The only time we shared the same air was when you bumping into me in the hall. I recognized you but ignored you completely,” Adelaide retorted, her annoyance boiling over.

To be honest, she had always been proud and distant, but perhaps, just perhaps, there was a moment back then when her heart had skipped a beat.

“Let’s give this a try,” Sebastian said, interrupting her thoughts.

“Excuse me?” Adelaide almost gasped in disbelief.

“I think I felt something for you today. Let’s try this out,” he said, taking her hand, pulling her closer until she nearly stumbled into him.

“You’re out of your mind. This isn’t love, just hormones flaring up,” she blurted, realizing he was dragging her into a secluded corner almost like a confession.

The darkness wasn’t convincing her of his feelings; she found his passion rather ridiculous. She attempted to break free, but he tightened his grip without any sign of letting go.

He grinned, grabbing her other wrist too. With his strength, he easily restrained both of her slender arms.

“Let’s see if you’re wearing anything slinky under that coat,” he teased, pulling it aside, his fingers sneaking underneath to brush against her thigh.

“You’re insane! Get your hands off me!” Adelaide yelled, raising her leg to kick him back.

Chapter 4

“Try to kick me again, and I’ll tie your hands,” he muttered, grabbing her wrists and securing them behind her back with the belt from his coat.

“Now, if you raise your leg, I’ll have both my hands on you,” he added with a smirk.

Adelaide Harper recalled that back in high school, Sebastian Parker, despite his lack of ambition, always managed to look presentable with clean clothes and neatly groomed hair. They had barely interacted, and he appeared to be a decent guy then. But now, he had transformed into someone so unsettlingly creepy.

As Sebastian’s hand crept up her inner thigh, he discovered she was wearing a two-piece pajama set; a short-sleeved top and shorts. Just how short were the shorts? The moment he touched her, he could feel the lace of her underwear beneath.

“Oh, no slip dress, just Petra shorts,” he remarked, as if presenting a scholarly conclusion.

“Um…” Before she could respond, his hand slipped beneath her top, grasping her right breast and kneading it with a practiced ease that made her gasp. Adelaide immediately regretted not wearing a bra after her shower and the fragrant lotion she had applied left her skin feeling soft and inviting.

“This has grown since high school; I remember when it was so flat,” he taunted.

Adelaide bit her lip to suppress a sound, terrified someone might overhear. Lowering her voice, she finally pleaded, “Please, don’t touch me. Just stop.”

“Stop? But I thought it was polite to make my intentions known to an old classmate. Yet here you are, attacking me. I’m left with no choice. Can’t hit you, so...,” he said, continuing to knead her breast with one hand while the other slid into her loose silk shorts, fingers brushing against her lace-covered core.

At that moment, Adelaide felt a surge of panic at the thought of being discovered. She wanted to resist but feared he’d simply overpower her. She felt trapped, acutely aware of his experienced touch that drew out unwanted feelings of pleasure from her body, despite her deep-seated shame urging her to resist.

“I have a boyfriend now, so you can’t do this,” she blurted, hoping to shock Sebastian into stopping.

To her relief, his hands paused, but before she could celebrate, the hand gripping her chest tightened painfully.

“That was in college. We broke up,” he sneered.

No way! Adelaide thought defiantly, but his grip resumed, harsher now, as if he were taking out his frustration on her.

“Do you have no sense of decency? What you’re doing is disgraceful! I’ll call the police,” she realized talking it out with him would get her nowhere. She had to intimidate him with the threat of legal action.

“Call them. In this dump of a town, you think anything would happen to me? My dad could smooth it all over,” he laughed, crouching down to yank her shorts off, his fingers brushing against her panties.

Sebastian Parker's father was a businessman who had established a significant presence in town during their high school days. This man’s connections could easily make any trouble disappear. Adelaide knew all too well that Sebastian had gotten into plenty of fights, and his father was always there to bail him out.

Chapter 5

“’t...” Adelaide Harper whimpered as Sebastian Parker slid his fingers inside her underwear, pressing two fingers against her most sensitive spot. Adelaide knew she was wet.

“You’re soaked,” Sebastian remarked, moving his fingers faster.

“Please...stop...” Adelaide’s voice trembled, unable to form a complete sentence as she whimpered.

Minutes, or maybe more, blurred together until Adelaide cried out, her voice a mix of high-pitched and drawn-out notes. Sebastian finally stopped, a noticeable bulge beneath his pants. He took a deep breath, pulled her pants back up, and untied the belt binding her wrists.

“You're so sensitive,” he said, holding her close. Adelaide could feel his arousal pressing against her. She thought it was over, but Sebastian quickly started unbuttoning her nightgown again.

“What are you doing...don’t...” Adelaide's voice was soft and no longer aloof after her climax.

Sebastian didn’t respond, his urgency palpable. He buried his head in her chest, taking a deep breath as Adelaide stayed motionless, the sheer fabric of her nightgown offering no resistance. The faint moonlight made her breasts look even more inviting, and he couldn’t resist. He took one nipple into his mouth, sucking harder. Adelaide’s breathing quickened.

Finally, Sebastian left a mark on her chest as if branding her. He was satisfied with the love bites and red marks he had left on her skin.

After dressing her again, he said, “Break up with Thomas tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at four in the afternoon.”

“Did you hear me? Hm?” Seeing her look down without a word, he lifted her chin to confirm.

“Mm…” Adelaide’s response wasn’t particularly clear, but she nodded.

When Adelaide got home, her mother was still in the living room. As she walked towards her bedroom, Lady Harper turned off the TV and scolded her lightly.

“Why are you back so late? What kind of friend brings you something this late? Get it done earlier next time.”

“Mhm, I had some things I needed help with, and I had to send something in return. You should get some sleep,” Adelaide replied quickly, retreating to her room.

Inside, she felt like her shower had been in vain, her body covered in a thin layer of sweat, and her underwear soaked. Quietly, she changed into clean underwear and threw the damp one away. Snuggling into her bed, all she could think about was the lingering scent of Sebastian Parker on her skin.

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