Beyond Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

Title: The Path of Ruthlessness

In the world of high-stakes magic and intrigue, Isabella Greenfield faced a harsh reality. With a talent deemed suitable for becoming a "gathering vessel," she was expected to play the role of a sacrificial pawn for powerful forces that sought to use her. But Isabella was not interested in the luxuries of the elite or forging connections with powerful men; she resisted the fate of being a vessel.

Isabella was determined to tread her own path, and she sought out the teachings of the Order of Ruthlessness. Unlike the traditional sects that surrounded her, the Order advocated for a different kind of power—unforgiving and independent.

In this realm, where alliances could shift like shadows and betrayal was common currency, Isabella found herself questioning her destiny. Her companions, Lord Reginald and Lady Marjorie Greenfield, while nurturing, struggled to comprehend her fierce independence and determination to reject the so-called destined path.

"Elias, have you heard about Isabella?” Jonathan Swift, a close friend and confidant, asked Elias Darkwood, who was a skilled apprentice known for his quiet strength.

"She's no ordinary girl," Elias mused. "She defies the norms set for everyone like her. One way or another, her path will collide with ours."

At the prestigious Brightwood Academy, whispers travelled like wildfire. Isabella’s reputation grew as she not only excelled in arcane studies but also mastered the art of survival without losing herself to the whims of fortune. As she delved deeper into the lore of the Order, she began attracting the attention of others—both friends and foes alike.

One day, at an assembly, her gaze locked with Marcus Fairchild, a fellow student known for his charisma and magnetic charm. Their rivalry was palpable. Not only were they both vying for coveted opportunities, but Marcus also represented the epitome of what Isabella rejected: dependence on status and influence.

"I see the queen of defiance has decided to grace us with her presence," Marcus smirked, drawing laughter from their peers. But Isabella stood tall, undeterred by the mocking lilt in his voice.

"Your version of 'grace' is but a gilded cage, Marcus," she countered, her voice steady and clear. "I’ll forge my own fate."

Their mutual disdain fueled their determination, and through their conflict, a camaraderie began to blossom, fiery and fierce. As they battled not just for the sake of prestige but for their principles, Isabella realized that the true Journey was not just escaping tradition but about finding one's true self amidst the chaos.

Yet, the world outside continued to change. Tensions rose between the various mystical factions, foretelling a storm that would test Isabella’s resolve. The Sorcery Cabal, led by the enigmatic Lord Bloodbane, was stirring, threatening to unleash forces that would ravage the very fabric of their lives.

"They seek to summon the Beast of Wrath, and if they succeed, no one will escape its devastation," warned a distressed Oliver Bright, who often joined Isabella in her studies.

For the first time, uncertainty clouded her resolve. "If that is the path they choose, then we must be ready to confront it. I will not stand idly by while they wield the fate of innocents as a weapon."

Gathering her allies, including the vibrant Lady Seraphine and the enigmatic Rhea of the Moon, Isabella prepared to delve into the secrets of the world around her, willing to uphold her ideals even if it meant standing against the tides of fate.

In this tumultuous journey, it became increasingly clear that being part of the Order of Ruthlessness was not merely a method of survival but a declaration of independence. As Isabella faced the culmination of her battles and those intertwined destinies, she knew that the most significant conflict lay not just with external forces but also within her soul, as she fought to define not only what it meant to be powerful but what it truly meant to be free.

As the winds of change howled around her, Isabella Greenfield stood ready, not as a pawn but as a fierce warrior of her own making.

Chapter 2

**A Great Performance Begins**

The exam results from last time had just been released.

Isabella Greenfield stared blankly at the paper in her hands, dismayed by the series of C’s and D’s that greeted her. The best she had managed was a B.

She bit her lip.

Beside her, Oliver Bright leaned closer, curiosity getting the better of him as he peeked at the top paper in her stack. Sure enough, the grades were not pretty.

“Oh dear, Isabella,” he said, glancing at her with a mix of pity and amusement, “with an average like this, you're at the bottom of our class. If you keep this up, they'll kick you out before you know it. Honestly, you should consider applying for a dual apprenticeship, but with looks like yours, good luck finding someone to take you on…”

His voice dripped with a kind of cruel satisfaction.

The world was like this: the strong were revered, and the weak received no mercy or sympathy.

Isabella lowered her gaze.

“My only option is to go home,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, but Oliver caught the hint of bitterness in her tone.

A smirk danced on her lips, but she refrained from saying what she truly thought, out of respect for their shared desk.

After all, they were only in the D-track program… if she got expelled at this stage, it wouldn't just mean leaving school; it likely meant facing a future without job prospects in a society where even the bravest needed at least basic certification to operate vehicles imbued with mystical energy. If she couldn’t even maintain her place in this foundational class, she would leave the academy blind to the opportunities before her.

Three years ago, Isabella was not like this. Back then, she was the only student in her class who could contend with Oliver for top marks—she had a better aptitude and a more affluent background, strutting through the school like royalty.

Fortunately, she…

A flicker of envy crossed Oliver's eyes as he turned away from Isabella, humming a cheerful tune to himself, pride radiating as he admired his stack of A’s.

At this rate, in just six months he’d be advancing to the elite class, and that's when he and Isabella would truly be in different leagues.

Isabella noticed the change in Oliver’s demeanor and couldn’t help but find it amusing. The jealousy fueled childish rivalry, and it was exhausting to watch the young ones scheme and struggle against each other.

She had been in this strange world for three long years now.

In the beginning, Isabella was terrified because the world she found herself in was one inside a book.

To make matters worse, it was a romance novel drenched in postmodernism.

When she read it originally, she thought the author’s prose was captivating enough that even without the steamy scenes, the story was quite intriguing. Coincidentally, the secondary character named Isabella reminded her of herself, stirring her curiosity and drawing her deeper into the plot.

This world’s structure was radically different from the mechanized modern society she once called home. Here, it was a realm steeped in mysticism—a world where history shifted direction during the reign of Eldarin, an era dominated by practitioners of arcane arts. In the centuries that followed, the rapid advancements in society were not technological but mystical in nature.

Chapter 3

For centuries, the world had evolved into a sophisticated system known as the Malakar Realm by the time Isabella Greenfield crossed into it. In this strange universe, communication between people was conveyed through origami cranes instead of phones, and transportation took place on misty cloud vehicles instead of airplanes. Children were required to attend Malakar preschools, middle schools, and universities – institutions entirely dedicated to mastering the Malakar arts.

Everyone with spiritual potential yearned for the path of immortality, diligently pursuing the Malakar ways in hopes of becoming a long-lived practitioner. The chasm between ordinary humans and the Mystic Practitioners was vast, not only in power but in lifespan, yet this did not deter ordinary folks from desiring a better legacy for their children, often aspiring for just a single moment of fortune.

In this setting, the concept of fidelity held little meaning for a Mystic Practitioner who had attained the Golden Core or even the Great Ascension phase. Their lifespans stretched into the infinite, leading to an existence full of endless possibilities. Thus, this world could only be described as one where monogamy was merely an option amid a variously complicated harem.

Strength was the only currency of this realm; morality took a backseat. A powerful individual, whether male or female, could find themselves surrounded by countless admirers – a harem of thousands was not unusual. This reality was shaped by the harsh and unyielding rule of Isabella’s world, where the only law was one of raw power.

Isabella Greenfield, hailing from a prestigious family, enjoyed an untroubled life provided by her affluent background. Yet, it was her very potential that became her curse. Like many newborns in this world, Isabella was assessed for her spiritual roots immediately after birth. The results were promising; she was identified as having a natural water affinity. This meant her journeys into the water techniques should be smooth and prosperous. The Mistress of the Mist was beckoning her. This singular and pure talent quickly turned her into her family’s prized protégé.

This innate advantage, combined with rigorous nurturing, bred a haughty and arrogant nature in Isabella – a trait that led her into a fierce confrontation with Maid Annabelle during an auction. Annabelle, pure and innocent as a white lotus, didn’t hold a grudge, but the darkly charming and scheming Elias Darkwood couldn’t forget their clash. He began contemplating his revenge.

Just as fate circled around, Isabella turned eighteen, only to find her practice of the "Spring Water Technique" drastically regressing. Though her spiritual energy remained intact, she was utterly unable to wield it. Suspecting sabotage, she consulted her mentor for an examination, only to discover that her originally deemed "water affinity" was in fact a rare purity: the Pure Yin Constitution.

This Pure Yin body, often referred to as the Alchemical Cauldron, was highly coveted, even by advanced immortal practitioners. For them, having a vessel like Isabella for refining techniques could amplify their speed exponentially and protect against the darker arts infiltrating their minds.

The first to unveil Isabella’s true essence was none other than her mentor, Jonathan Swift, who also happened to be the first man to take possession of her form in this narrative.

As these concepts coursed through her mind, Isabella couldn’t help but shiver, realizing this was the reason she had settled for a BCD rating in her current pursuits. The Pure Yin body was a treasure even the most venerable ascended immortals sought to possess, for with it, they could rapidly advance in their practice without the interference of sinister thoughts.

Chapter 4

With a physique like hers, yet lacking the adoration shared by someone like Annabelle, wasn’t it just a living tragedy?

The original girl’s fate was tied to Jonathan Swift, a cold and aloof mentor. Upon discovering her secret, he forced himself upon her, and then, realizing he couldn’t solely possess such a precious “resource,” he conspired with his pack of wolves, sharing her among them—she was treated like a lifeless cauldron, devoid of joy, sorrow, or any emotion. Annabelle’s temperament shifted drastically, turning into a relentless tormentor of the original girl until she inevitably brought about her own downfall.

Thinking of Reed struck a chill through Isabella Greenfield.

All else could be dealt with, but Jonathan Swift was someone she genuinely dared not approach. This was why her academic results had plummeted to such a disgraceful level.

She knew that with her potential, achieving such low grades not only embarrassed her but also left people incredulous.

Jonathan was born with an innate talent, gifted beyond many, and was fiercely ambitious, solely focused on mastering the intricacies of Malakar. Such natural abilities brought an air of arrogance, as he disdained students who willingly wallowed in mediocrity.

In Isabella’s view, under the current circumstances, it was unlikely that Jonathan would pay her much mind.

She had considered the possibility that if she dedicated herself fervently to Malakar, maybe she could escape her predestined fate. However, that thought vanished almost as quickly as it came. Her original sin was her very essence, an unchangeable reality. She needn’t commit any wrongdoing; the moment her secret was discovered, her fate would surely turn grim.

Arriving here at the age of fifteen, with only three years until her eighteenth birthday, how could she possibly have the confidence to leap through foundational stages, skipping to the pinnacle of power directly?

It was absurd.

Thus, Isabella felt her path was clear: stay low-key, stay low-key, and stay low-key.

She had indeed been working hard on her studies, but what showed for it was consistently subpar performance.

Because of this, her parents, Lord Reginald and Lady Marjorie Greenfield, had all but given up on her. This year, they found her a source of shame for the family and had nearly stopped visiting her at school.

Perhaps this was better; since they lacked genuine affection for her, she wouldn’t feel guilty in the future. Once she had repaid the debt of being raised, she could feel free.

It wouldn’t be long now. Upon turning eighteen and obtaining her independence, she could finally live without restrictions.

Once she had her freedom, she planned to drop out, retreat to a quiet mountain, and disappear from the world. Nature was bountiful there, and hiding would be much easier than in modern society. The fear of her pure, negative energy being discovered, and spiraling her into a chaotic narrative loomed over her, making her thoughts revolve around one idea: escape.

But would she truly be able to desire that outcome?

As a bitter smile crept onto Isabella’s lips, ready to shove her paper aside and leave the classroom, the class monitor hurried over.

“Isabella, Sir Caspian Knight is looking for you,” the monitor announced.

“Sir Caspian Knight...” Isabella froze at the mention of the name.

While their school was large, there weren’t many with the surname Caspian. In fact, the only one she knew was Jonathan Swift.

Chapter 5

Isabella Greenfield gasped softly, her eyes darting to Oliver Bright, who sat beside her. A flicker of jealousy sparked in his gaze as their teacher, Jonathan Swift, nodded towards her. She cast a glance at Maid Annabelle's paper, feeling a twinge of envy. What a prideful young man Caspian Knight was. If one did not catch his eye, it would be as if they were invisible—he wouldn’t even acknowledge a simple greeting.

To Isabella, the only pursuit worth having was the path to greater heights.

She couldn’t understand how this Annabelle had caught the attention of the esteemed Swift. Her grades were dismal, and yet she’d been summoned to meet him. From the looks of it, however, she seemed reluctant to go.

Glancing at the displeasure flickering across their teacher’s face, Isabella knew that Annabelle’s failure to appreciate the opportunity was irritating him. With a soft sigh, she resigned, “Alright, I’ll go.”

“Come in,” came Jonathan Swift’s voice, crisp and clear from behind the closed door.

Isabella took a deep breath, gripping the doorknob tightly.

She had braced herself for the encounter, but when she entered the room, she froze momentarily. Apart from Jonathan, there was a striking young man sitting opposite him, his red hair glimmering like flame, his features sharp and captivating. The way he smiled—a friendly lift at the corners of his mouth—didn’t quite match the chill in his eyes, which glimmered with an intensity that left her unsettled.

In this world, the color of one's hair and eyes was often connected to their spiritual affinity. Isabella herself boasted long, light blue hair, a gift of her innate water element. But after her water affinity had been overpowered by a dark essence, her hair had turned to pure black, her eyes mirroring the same inky hue.

This young man, with his vibrant red hair, showed signs of a very powerful fire affinity.

Realizing this, apprehension set in her heart.

As expected, Jonathan’s gaze narrowed as he looked at her, his voice tinged with authority. “Isabella, allow me to introduce you to Elias Darkwood, a member of the esteemed ‘Foundation Class.’ I’ve been hearing about your recent academic challenges. Since other avenues have proven unfruitful, why not consider a fast track? You two would make a perfect match—Elias, with his innate fire affinity, and you, with your water talent.”

“...” So it was Elias Darkwood.

Inwardly, Isabella felt like rolling her eyes. Seriously? What was Jonathan Swift thinking trying to meddle in her academic fate?

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