Between Desire and Deception

Chapter 1

**Work Synopsis:**

Love has become a luxury; for Eleanor Ashford, desire holds no restraints.

They say that a throuple is the ultimate way to experience intimacy, fulfilling every desire from every angle. But what if two men harbored feelings for her that went beyond mere fleshly urges?

Eleanor Ashford finds herself at a loss and decides to indulge, giving in to her passions, fully embracing the pleasures of the moment.

This is a story of one woman and two men.

1 Woman, 2 Men; morals are shattered, respect is lost. Enter at your own peril.


Eleanor Ashford gazed out the window of her luxurious manor, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the lush grounds. She could hear distant laughter from the garden; it wafted through her thoughts, reminding her of the choices she’d made and the complexities of her desires. In the Kingdom of Loria, where societal norms were both a guideline and a prison, Eleanor felt suffocated by expectation.

Her heart raced at the thought of Gideon Fairweather and Lucius Everhart—two men whose paths had intertwined with hers, but whose intentions danced dangerously close to the edges of her understanding. While countless women might dream of romantic evenings or passionate escapades, Eleanor's aspirations lay tangled between the two men she held dear.

Gideon, with his charming smile and quick wit, invited her to revel in the heights of pleasure. He was a force heavier than gravity, his presence enveloping her in warmth and desire. On the other hand, Lucius was the tempest—mysterious and intense. Where Gideon illuminated her world, Lucius threw shadows that both intrigued and frightened her.

As the two swept through her thoughts, Eleanor instinctively knew that her conservative upbringing in the idyllic surroundings of Newhaven would never allow for what she longed for. But the truth was undeniable: these constraints felt suffocating, pushing her further into reckless abandon.

"Join us, Eleanor," Gideon had urged one evening, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Where’s the fun if you hold back?"

His invitation reverberated in her mind days later, even as she stood in the lavish Great Hall, preparing for a dinner that would see her wrestling with feelings and secrets she could barely comprehend. She toyed with her glass of wine, contemplating the stirrings of her heart.

As she adjusted the neckline of her dress—a gift from Lucius—she caught sight of her reflection; the woman staring back at her seemed unfamiliar yet emboldened. This was not merely about physical attraction; it was a maze of emotions wrapped around the thrill of the forbidden.

Dinner was both exhilarating and torturous. Gideon's laughter filled the air, while Lucius's gaze burned into her, both vying for her attention and affection. The air crackled with unspoken words, but Eleanor remained silent, lost in a whirlpool of feelings she was either eager or terrified to explore.

The meal passed in a blur. Between bites and laughter, Eleanor felt herself pulled between two worlds, both tantalizing and taboo. As the evening wore on, the tension rose, delicate as spun glass, and she could no longer ignore the urgency of her situation.

Under the soft glow of the chandelier, an unexpected thought settled in: what would it mean to lean into her desires, to abandon the guardrails society had built around her? The possibility both frightened and electrified her.

A sudden hush fell over the table. “Eleanor,” Lucius's voice broke through her thoughts. “What’s it going to be?”

She met their gazes and felt the weight of their expectations—a gamble had been placed on the table of fate. In that moment, she comprehended the depth of their feelings and the strength of her own. For the first time, she sensed the exhilarating taste of freedom, not merely in giving in to desire but in acknowledging the burgeoning love swirling between them.

Eleanor took a deep breath, her heart racing, knowing the path she was about to choose might change everything. The edges of her carefully structured life blurred, and a new, thrilling horizon beckoned her forward into the unknown.

With resolve, she smiled, ready to embrace whatever awaited her.


Chapter 2

**Bathing Chamber**

The serene tranquility of the manor district, even more profound than during the day, wrapped around the evening like a soft blanket. Shadows danced among the trees, and dim lights flickered gently, occasionally interrupted by the distant chirping of crickets. Gideon Fairweather stood silently before the large windows, his still-warm suit jacket blending him into the enveloping darkness of the room.

The living room was shrouded in shadow, the only source of light coming from the air conditioner’s display panel. Gideon could feel the heat in the air, a sure sign that Eleanor Ashford had just returned home. It had been days since he last saw her; it was unlike her not to reach out about their shared friend, Grey. With a frustrated toss, he threw his jacket onto the settee and headed toward the Bathing Chamber, knowing well that Eleanor always indulged in a shower as soon as she was home.

A soft glow emerged from the other side of the living room, accompanied by the gentle sound of running water. Gideon felt an involuntary dryness in his throat. He stepped to the Bathing Chamber door, hand poised to knock, but a soft moan drew his attention.

“...Take your hands away...,” Eleanor's voice, breathy and flushed, instructed someone behind her.

“I just want to help my darling loosen up a bit…,” came a deeper voice, filled with allure. Lucius Everhart’s dark eyes sparkled with desire as he wrapped one hand around Eleanor’s delicate waist, pressing against her curves. His fingers toyed with her as he withdrew slowly from her warmth. “It’s been days since Fairweather has come to see you.”

“What—” Eleanor paused, confusion momentarily evident on her flushed face. “He hasn’t been around for over two weeks.”

“By your tone, it seems you’re missing him a little, sweetheart,” Lucius said, a hint of displeasure in his voice. He pressed closer, his prominent endowment teasing at her entrance. “It’s been a while since I've been here too; don’t you miss me?”

“Ah…” Eleanor barely had time to think before Lucius’s ministrations ignited a fire in her. Pain and pleasure coursed through her as she instinctively wrapped herself against him, the reality of her situation slipping away. The heat of her body responded to every stroke, drawing Lucius closer.

“Do you miss me…?” he coaxed.

“Yes…” she breathed out.

“What do you miss about me?”

“Everhart…” Eleanor was consumed by desire, unable to articulate anything sultry beyond the raw responses her body betrayed. She raised her hips instinctively, grinding against him, while her fingers sought out Lucius’s, pulling him closer to her lips and tracing her warm mouth over his fingers.

Lucius couldn’t withstand the dual assault any longer. With a decisive thrust, he filled her completely, his size stretching her to the limit, pushing out her essence.

“So tight…” Lucius grunted, overwhelmed by the sensation of her warmth enveloping him, pushing close to his threshold. He adjusted his grip and drew her legs open slightly, anchoring himself against the sink's edge as he thrust with a primal eagerness, each movement a passionate pursuit.

The sensation built, her body trembling with a cocktail of pleasure and pain, groans spilling from her lips like soft music as Lucius thrust deeper. Each contact sent sparks of sensation coursing through Eleanor, her body responding instinctively, grinding and shifting beneath him.

“Do you like this?” he whispered, trying to contain his own hunger as he watched her pleasure reflected in the mirror's surface, her eyes glistening with a delightful mix of want and longing.

Chapter 3

Eleanor Ashford was determined not to answer that kind of question.

Seeing her reluctance and flustered expression, Lucius Everhart couldn't help but smile, his mischievousness taking over as he paused his movements. "You don't like it."

The sudden emptiness inside Eleanor was driving her almost to madness; she felt on the verge of tears. “Everhart, don’t do this…”

He flashed her a teasing smile. “Don’t do what? Darling, if you don’t clarify whether you like it or not, how am I supposed to know what to do next?”

“You're just feigning ignorance.” Eleanor squirmed, trying to regain some control. The light friction only served to heighten her restlessness. Frustrated, she said, “Just leave if you’re not going to move.”

“What a stubborn little thing you are,” Lucius replied, pulling out but then flipping her over, plunging back into her with force as she shot him an angry glare.


The sudden rush of sensation left Eleanor feeling breathless. She nuzzled against his shoulder, her long, slender legs wrapping around him, her chilly feet resting on his muscular thighs. Her breasts pressed against his strong chest as he tightened his grip around her waist. “You’re quite a handful,” Lucius said, fighting against the heat of his desire—it was almost overwhelming. His eyes darkened with hunger as he wanted nothing more than to consume her completely, to leave her unable to tease him ever again.

With a low growl, he quickened his pace and thrust deeper, his body moving with a primal rhythm.

“Mmm... ah…” Eleanor’s muffled whimpers escaped as she bit her lip, her face contorting with the pleasure and pain of their collision, her delicate body soon pushed to its limits. She could only cling desperately to his back, seeking a stable anchor in the tempest.

Her broken whimpers stoked the fire of his desire even more. He gripped her gently rounded hips and lifted her entirely off the marble countertop, her vulnerable body pressed against his powerful frame.

Suspended in midair, Eleanor felt a rush of panic. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, her legs entwined around his lean waist, completely reliant on him as her body responded to his every thrust. With the added weight, his penetration felt deeper, pressing against her core, the sensation blurring the lines between pleasure and pain, igniting a wildfire within her. “Everhart, it’s too deep. Ah, ah…”

She cried out, and he began to move again—every step thrusting into her deeper, threatening to tear her apart, her insides clashing against his as the world spun wildly. Pleasure surged through her, but so did pain as she writhed, unable to fully process the storm of sensations.

“Everhart… ah… um…” she gasped, her hands gripping him tighter, holding on for dear life.

“Now you know what it means to beg for mercy.”

Chapter 4

Lucius Everhart's deep, gruff voice echoed through the chamber as sweat dripped down his face. His dark eyes, gleaming with desire, locked onto the small figure in his arms. "Tell me, do you like it when I do this to you?" he demanded.

"I... do... I do," Eleanor Ashford responded breathlessly, her head thrashing about in a wild frenzy, unable to bear the intense pleasure he was inflicting upon her. "Everhart... oh, God..." she cried out, her voice breaking.

A wave of heat burst from deep within her, causing her to convulse uncontrollably. Her taut body clung even tighter to Lucius's hardened form. Sensing her shudders, he drove into her with renewed intensity, his hot length plunging and withdrawing rapidly until, with a low growl, he too was overtaken by a fiery surge of pleasure.

As the lust ebbed away, Eleanor reverted to her usual indifferent demeanor. She pushed Lucius away, washed off the sweat and the remnants of their coupling with a handheld shower, and casually wrapped a towel around herself before stepping out of the bathing chamber.

Opening the door, steam and light spilled into the room. Swathed in a loose robe, barefoot, Eleanor noticed Gideon Fairweather standing in the great hall.

"When did you get here?" Eleanor asked, switching on the light, which instantly brightened the cool-toned room.

"I’ve been here for a while. Everhart is in the bathing chamber," Gideon replied casually.

"Yeah," she acknowledged, walking over to sit beside Gideon. She saw custard and ice wine on the table and naturally picked up Gideon's glass to take a sip. Feeling less parched, she then cut a small piece of cake and ate it.

"Are you hungry?" Gideon asked, pushing the cake towards her. There was a suggestive undertone to his words. "Didn't Lucius satisfy your hunger?"

Eleanor’s hand, holding a forkful of cheesecake, paused mid-air. Catching the playful glint in Gideon's eyes, she smirked. "I never like to fill up completely on one thing; I always save room for something else."

Eleanor licked her lips. Her damp hair, still carrying droplets of water, draped over her graceful shoulders. Gideon couldn’t hold back; he pulled her into his arms.

"Yes, it's good to keep some appetite unfulfilled," he said, brushing crumbs away from her mouth with a finger. But his brow furrowed slightly. "Your lips are swollen. You two must have been quite fierce."

Eleanor showed no embarrassment. Instead, she asked, "Did you hear us out here?"

"Yes," Gideon replied, taking her hand and guiding it to the evidence of his own arousal. "It heard too."

Chapter 5

The Living Room Awakens

Gideon Fairweather's shirt was unbuttoned, revealing the tantalizing sight of his Adam's apple and neck. He guided Eleanor Ashford's hand toward the tent formed by his straining pants, a playful smirk dancing in his eyes as he spoke, "It heard everything."

He reclined back on the settee, his chest rising and falling with each breath. His voice, hoarse and low, carried a promise of something more salacious. Even Eleanor, though usually composed, couldn't help but pull her hand back, heat suffusing her face as she turned away.

Gideon wasn’t having any of that. He grasped her chin, turning her face back toward him. Slowly, he leaned in and captured her soft lips with his own. "You're not planning on ignoring it, are you?" he whispered against her mouth.

Eleanor remained silent, but Gideon didn’t need an answer. He claimed her lips again, his tongue darting into her mouth, teasing and exploring with a deliberate rhythm that left Eleanor breathless and flushed.

Their lips and tongues danced, and before she knew it, her robe was undone. Gideon’s hands cupped her breasts, their fullness spilling into his palms. The sensation was intoxicating, and despite having already reached a climax earlier that night, Eleanor felt another wave of heat building inside her.

Tonight, both Gideon and Lucius Everhart had decided to take her. Recalling that she didn’t know when she might get to rest, Eleanor opted for a quick resolution. With determined fingers, she reached for Gideon's waist, slowly unbuckling his belt.

The buttons were undone, the zipper pulled down, and the hard length restrained by his briefs was straining to break free. It was remarkably thick and long, almost peeking out from the waistband. Eleanor swallowed hard but continued her actions.

Finally, Gideon’s hand tore away the nuisance garment, and his impressive erection sprang forth. The head was a deep purple, swollen and glistening with excitement, matching the slick warmth pooling between Eleanor's thighs.

"See how much it wants you," Gideon said, his voice a low growl. He released her mouth only to bite down gently on her earlobe, his hands gripping her hips and pulling her closer so that her wetness pressed against his firm arousal.

His smooth, egg-like head slipped inside her with excruciating slowness, Gideon wanting Eleanor to feel every inch as he filled her. Each motion was measured, deliberate, as he made sure she could see and feel everything.

Eleanor was incredibly slick, allowing Gideon to slide in with ease. His length was fully enveloped by her tight warmth, the walls of her sex gripping him snugly. The pressure was almost too much to bear. He pulled back until only the head of his cock remained inside before thrusting back in, finding the deepest parts of her exquisite core.

As he moved, Eleanor felt the fullness, the initial sharp stretch giving way to a throbbing, pleasurable ache. Each thrust drove her further into a whirlpool of sensation, their mutual desire making the connection unbearably powerful.

Gideon wanted her to enjoy every agonizingly slow thrust, and as their bodies moved together, waves of pleasure rolled over them both. His cock, with its ridges and veins, pulsed with each stroke inside her, and the velvety smoothness of his sac nestled against her, the two firm spheres within shifting with their every movement, promising a torrential release when he finally let go.

Eleanor's body responded to his deep invasion, her inner muscles contracting with each stroke, drawing him deeper and demanding more of the intense friction. She could feel the overwhelming need building in Gideon; his control was slipping, and his initial measured thrusts began to grow faster, harder.

The living room had become their world, a private place where their only focus was on each other, on the rising crescendo of their shared passion. With each movement in that rhythm, another layer of restraint was stripped away, leaving raw, pulsing need in its place. Their breaths mingled with low moans and whispered endearments, the room echoing the sounds of their passionate connection.

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