Between Pets and Promises

Chapter 1

In Glenford, just outside the Riverside Estate, it was seven in the evening. Lydia Tamsworth walked alongside her striking Husky, Cyril, while Oliver Rivers carried a cushioned basket containing a chubby ginger cat named Henry.

Dressed in a purple strapless mini dress cinched at the waist with a bright pink bow, Lydia's knee-length pink hair bobbed softly in the evening breeze. On her head, she sported a pair of plush pink fox ears and a cartoonish cat-eye mask. Her outfit was a tribute to her favorite character, the charismatic dog from her beloved animated series, and this event marked her last cosplay gathering before graduating high school.

As they made their way down the street, passersby couldn't help but snap pictures of her vibrant costume. Though Lydia had a penchant for the dramatic and enjoyed the attention, as a dance arts student used to performing under the spotlight, she had grown used to being in the limelight. Tonight was special; she had invested her entire afternoon making her costume perfect—a flawless rendition of her character, and she felt no fear of being identified in the process.

“Evening, sir,” Lydia greeted Guard Robert as she reached the entrance to the Riverside Estate.

The guard peered out, momentarily unable to recognize her until he spotted Cyril, and then his face lit up. “Oh, it’s the Lightkeeper’s sister! You’re here for the party!”

Lydia nodded, a smile lighting up her face as she remembered her dog’s name, Lightkeeper.

“Go on in. If you need me to keep an eye on Lightkeeper, just let me know,” Guard Robert said, swinging the gate open. He had already seen his fair share of uniquely dressed individuals tonight, including a few party-goers from number 105 who had greeted him earlier.

“Mysterious as ever, but Lightkeeper is part of my costume tonight too,” Lydia chuckled, waving at him as she stepped inside. She lived in the neighboring Yural Grove and frequently walked her dog past here, eventually forging a friendship with Guard Robert, despite never attending any events at Riverside Estate before.

Navigating her way through the estate’s pathways, Lydia arrived at the grand entrance of number 105. The sign confirmed she was in the right place. The yard was buzzing with energy; a crowd had gathered, sporting an array of cosplay from various anime, games, movies, and original characters. Feeling a wave of familiarity wash over her, Lydia felt at home.

“There’s Big Joe!”

“Whoa, she looks just like Big Joe from the game!”

“That dog is so cool!”

As soon as Lydia entered the yard, eyes turned toward her, followed by exclamations and the sound of camera shutters clicking in excitement. They were awestruck; this Big Joe could have stepped right out of the video game.

In response, Lydia struck a classic Big Joe pose, inviting everyone to take their pictures. Soon enough, a girl in a frilly maid costume pushed through the crowd, her eyes wide with admiration upon spotting Lydia.

“Big Joe, you look amazing!”

Ethan Hawthorne, known as Little Rain in their online circles, was equally impressed, having never seen such a perfect rendition of the character before. Excitedly, he reached out his hand. “Hi! I’m Little Rain; I’m the host for tonight's festivities.”

At first, Lydia had thought the maid was another girl, but when he spoke, his voice revealed his young age, caught in the awkward phase between childhood and adulthood. “Hello, I’m Pear.”

They exchanged titles they used in their community, silently acknowledging they both knew each other’s real names too.

“The party is about to start, feel free to wander around,” Ethan said, noticing more guests arriving and quickly making his way to greet them.

Chapter 2

Lydia Tamsworth waved her goodbyes, then found a spacious spot in the yard. Soon after, people began gathering, coaxing pets and sharing their experiences with cosplay. The photo-sharing and chatting session went on for over an hour, and next came the socializing segment. With her cat and dog in tow, it was much easier for Lydia to mingle. Spotting Ethan Hawthorne, she approached him.

“Hey, do you have a place where I can keep my cat and dog for a bit?” she asked, glancing down at her companions.

“You’re looking to drop off your pets?” Ethan asked, looking thoughtfully at Cyril, her dog. “You can put them in my brother's room. It's the last one down the hallway upstairs.”

“Your brother?” Lydia was surprised; she hadn't seen anyone else in his household all evening.

“Yeah, he’s up there. He enjoys cosplay too, but he’s great with pets. Just go on up; it’ll be fine.” Ethan chuckled lightly.

With no other options, Lydia leashed Cyril and her cat, Ginger, and headed upstairs.

At the end of the hallway, she stood before a closed door and rapped on it gently. On the other side, Ethan's brother, Oliver Rivers, was just coming out of the bathroom, towel in hand. Hearing the knock, he opened the door expecting his younger brother, but instead, he was stunned when Lydia stumbled into his arms.

His hands froze in mid-air, still wet from drying his hair.

Caught off guard, Lydia's grip on the leash loosened, and before she could react, Cyril rushed past them and darted into the room, dragging her along with him. She found herself pressed against Oliver's chest, flustered and wide-eyed.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” she stammered, stepping back, her cheeks flushing. “That was accidental!”

As she looked up, she saw Oliver’s surprised expression and quickly recognized him. “Oliver Rivers?” she exclaimed, recalling that he was the captain of the school basketball team.

Oliver, who was already irritated about his peace being interrupted by what he believed was an uninvited guest, took a moment to register the absurdity of the situation: an unexpected visit from Lydia, dressed in a tight, purple outfit, her low-cut dress leaving little to the imagination.

“Can I help you?” he asked, trying to mask his discontent and sound patient.

“Oh, right! I came up here because Ethan said you could watch my pets while I hang out,” Lydia replied, holding out a pet carrier. “This is Crow Callum, and the one that just ran in is Lightkeeper.”

As she pointed to Cyril, who was happily basking in the cool air of the room, her eyes inadvertently landed on a lip print right over Oliver's chest. It was the mark she had accidentally left when they collided, uncomfortably close to where she didn't want to look.

Suddenly acutely aware of his bare feet and the thin shorts he wore, Lydia felt her face burn. Realizing how inappropriate the situation seemed, she quickly averted her gaze.

Oliver, noticing her blush, glanced down in confusion. His irritation turned to embarrassment, and a flash of realization crossed his face. “Uh, you should… let me clean that off,” he said sternly.

Flustered, Lydia instinctively reached toward him to wipe the print away, but realizing she was wearing cat paw gloves, she stopped. Before she could take them off, Oliver's large hand shot forward, capturing her wrist.

“Don’t touch me,” he said firmly, pushing her gently out of his room. With a decisive slam of the door, he left her outside, leaving her flustered and alone in the hallway.

Lydia stood there for a moment, feeling a mix of confusion, embarrassment, and disbelief at how she had ended up in that situation. She glanced back at the closed door, half-tempted to knock again, but deciding against it. This was not how she planned to kick off her evening.

Chapter 3

Ethan Hawthorne shut the bathroom door behind him, glancing down at the lip mark on his chest before turning towards the sink. "What a pain," he muttered.

Standing in front of the mirror, he wet a towel under the faucet, ready to wipe away the mark. But as he stared at it, his actions froze. The mark was perfectly shaped, clear enough that he could make out the fine lines of her lips. Ethan found himself lost in a fantasy, imagining the mark had landed just a little lower... on his nipple.

"Damn it."

He slammed the towel against the mirror in frustration. It made him angry to think he was fantasizing about that woman’s mouth on him. Yet before he even realized, that fleeting thought had ignited an unexpected desire beneath his waist.

Looking down at the rising bulge in his jeans, he clenched his fist. At twenty-seven, he had never experienced such arousal. His friends and younger brother teased him, calling him asexual, suggesting he was missing out on the urges everyone else seemed to enjoy during their teenage years. He quietly agreed with them, believing that resisting such biological impulses was simple enough; he, too, occasionally woke with morning wood or felt half-interested while showering.

But at this moment, he craved release, an experience that now felt almost maddeningly necessary. The heat grew unbearable, straining against the fabric of his pants. After a long moment of hesitation, Ethan finally unzipped and pulled out his hardening length.

In the mirror's reflection, he saw himself—expression a mix of hesitation and unexpected pleasure. He lightly traced the lip mark with his fingers, and to his surprise, his arousal intensified, quickening the rhythm of his movements.

“Ah… damn.”

He muttered to himself, both annoyed and thrilled at the notion that he would stoop to such actions. But the image of that woman filled his mind, fueling his desire. Ethan wished he could reel her back in, to feel her lips kissing along his chest, maybe even worshipping him.

He pictured seizing her soft, inviting body, pinning her against the sink, lifting her skirt, and exploring what lay between her legs—a passionate entanglement, surely exhilarating.

With the essence of her kiss lingering on his fingers, he brought them to his mouth, tasting her lingering scent. Fully overcome, he bit down on his lip, bracing himself for the approaching climax.

A low growl of pleasure escaped him, followed by an intense release that left him breathless, slumped against the sink as he gasped for air, as if he had just returned from the dead.

After a few moments, he collected himself, wiping away the remnants that had splattered across the countertop, cleaning the mirror before stepping back out of the bathroom.

His spirited husky, Cyril, sat waiting at the door with intelligent eyes, while his orange cat, Ginger, looked up from its basket.

Ethan knelt down to unclip the leash from the pets’ collars and dressed quickly in a T-shirt. He turned on the TV, settling down on the blanket at the foot of his bed to watch some gaming tournament footage.

Ginger leapt onto his lap, paws landing softly on him as she nuzzled against his chest, emitting gentle mewls. A wave of warmth surged in Ethan's chest as the cat’s affection melted away the remnants of his earlier tension.

He reached down, scratching Ginger behind her ears, enjoying the comforting purrs resonating from her small body. So easily pleased, just like her name suggested—Crow Callum, indeed.

Cyril, sensing the moment, ambled over and plopped down beside him, resting his head on Ethan's leg.

Chapter 4

Ethan Hawthorne couldn’t believe his luck when he suddenly found himself with both a cat and a dog to care for. He felt a surge of happiness as he animatedly explained the ongoing game on TV to the two furry companions nestled in his arms.

Downstairs, Lydia Tamsworth felt at ease leaving her pets in Ethan's care. After two years at Three Oaks Academy, she had heard no bad stories about him. In fact, all she knew was that he excelled both academically and athletically, but his temper was as mysterious as his past. It was understandable, she thought; anyone would be a little grumpy if they had been suddenly pinched on the chest.

The party went on until eleven at night, and out of consideration for Ethan's neighbors, Clara decided to wrap things up early.

“Hey, Clara, could you do me a favor and go upstairs to get Lightkeeper and Crow Callum? Your brother seems to have taken a liking to me,” Lydia awkwardly requested, still reeling from what had just happened.

“Sure, wait a sec,” Clara replied, waving goodbye to the guests before making her way upstairs.

She knocked twice on Ethan's door. Not waiting for a response, she turned the handle and stepped inside. The atmosphere was surprisingly cozy, with Ethan sitting on the couch, a dog and a cat curled up in his lap as he watched TV.

“Hey, bro, Lydia wants to take them back down. I’m just helping her out,” Clara said, picking up the dog leash and cat carrier.

Ethan paused, raising an eyebrow as he took in his sister’s maid outfit.

“What are you wearing?” he asked, frowning at her attire. When he saw her lift the cat from him, a flicker of disappointment crossed his face.

“Shouldn’t the cat’s owner be here to take her?” Ethan muttered half-heartedly, absentmindedly glancing toward the door, surprised to realize he was hoping to see that mysterious woman.

Damn it. Why was she on his mind again?

Clara noticed her brother's bad mood, but she was used to it and continued fastening the leash around the dog. “Lydia’s downstairs. She said you might have a problem with her, so she sent me up.”

“Why do you dislike her? She looked great in her cosplay today,” Clara pressed, stepping closer to Ethan in her curiosity.

He grimaced at the thought of her. She was too easy for him to desire in ways he’d never felt before.

“She looked ridiculous. Just—go away,” he scoffed, giving her a light kick to hurry her along.

Once Clara left, Ethan rose and moved to the window. He pulled back the curtains, peering outside at the woman waiting in the yard with the pets.

After what had just transpired in the bathroom, his feelings toward her had become vexingly complicated. He knew her well but couldn’t shake the unsettling longing gnawing at him as he watched her pull the dog and cat out of the gate.

Grabbing his phone, he made his way downstairs.

Seeing him, Clara looked up from tidying the living room. “Where are you off to this late?” she asked.

Without breaking stride, Ethan replied coolly, “Just going to grab some food.”

He wouldn’t tell her the real reason; it was about making sure that woman got home safely without any trouble.

Yeah, right.

He was worried about her—about the pets, really.

Following her down the street, he saw her wave goodbye to the guard at the entrance before she turned toward the Yural Grove apartments. Did she really live this close?

He waited at the entrance for what felt like ages, and when she didn’t reappear, he eventually turned to head back home.

Chapter 5

On the first day of her senior year, Lydia Tamsworth woke up bright and early. She changed into her school uniform, grabbed her oversized backpack filled with summer assignments, study materials, dance clothes, and shoes, and headed out the door.

Standing in front of the class assignment board at Three Oaks Academy, she searched for a while before finally spotting her name—she had been placed in Science Class Eight.

As she entered the bustling classroom, her gaze immediately landed on Ethan Hawthorne, who was sitting by the window in the back row, lost in thought. He was also assigned to Science Class Eight. Lydia couldn't help but recall the previous weekend when she'd accidentally bumped into him at his house. The thought made her heart race, and with a sense of embarrassment, she averted her eyes, opting for a seat as far from him as possible, hoping he wouldn't recognize her.

During the morning reading period, everyone was preoccupied with settling into their new classes. The bell rang for the first period, and most students had arrived.

Their new homeroom teacher, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline, strolled into the room. "Good morning, everyone! I'm Oliver Rivers, your homeroom teacher for this year, and I teach English. We’ll be spending a lot of time together, so let’s make it a great year!"

After his introduction, a few students started to cheer. They seemed to be from Mr. Rivers' previous class.

"Class Eight is an exceptional class, and each of you was at the top of your game last year," he continued, "I want to highlight two particularly talented students: Ethan Hawthorne, our star athlete, and Lydia Tamsworth, our exceptional dancer."

Mr. Rivers pointedly looked at Lydia. He recognized Ethan but wasn’t quite sure who Lydia was, so he called, "Lydia Tamsworth and Ethan Hawthorne, please stand up and say hi to the class."

Caught off guard, Lydia felt her cheeks flush. She hesitated for a moment, especially since Ethan was being called alongside her. But she mustered her courage and stood up.

"Hi everyone, I’m Lydia Tamsworth. I’m a dance major," she introduced herself quickly, glancing at her classmates.

Ethan didn’t even connect her name with the girl he had met days before. He regarded her just like any other student. "I’m Ethan Hawthorne, the athlete," he said succinctly, and with this simple introduction, he sent a wave of whispers through the classroom.

“Wow, the school heartthrob!” someone exclaimed, and it piqued everyone’s interest.

"Alright, settle down," Mr. Rivers said, raising his hand for silence. Then, pointing to Ethan, he added, “Lydia, you and Ethan will be desk partners. You’ll need to train during study hall, and heading back from the rear might disturb the others.”

Lydia cringed inwardly. Could she really avoid him now? With a resigned sigh, she picked up her bag and trudged over to Ethan’s desk, sitting down beside him.

The morning passed without further interaction between them. When noon arrived, Ethan headed home while Lydia opted for lunch in the school cafeteria, followed by some much-needed downtime in the classroom.

Since her place was quite a distance away from the academy, it took her about forty minutes on foot, and she preferred to walk both to and from school in order to stay active. It made sense to take a break during lunchtime.

When Ethan returned to school that afternoon, he carried a cup of bubble tea with him. He entered through the back door, took his seat, and nudged Henry Plump, who was sitting in front of him, with his foot.

“What’s up?” Henry turned around, surprised.

Ethan handed him the bubble tea with a grin. Henry looked astonished, “Wait, are you giving this to me?”

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