Between Love and Betrayal

Chapter 1

Elena White sat on her bed, wrapped in a blanket.

Her smooth, olive skin glistened, dotted with rosy marks. Though she appeared lost in thought, there was no denying that she exuded an alluring charm, strikingly beautiful yet subtly dangerous.

The sound of water from the bathroom stopped abruptly.

A moment later, Maxwell Black emerged, a white towel wrapped around his formidable physique.

He had the kind of body that could grace magazine covers: impressive chest and abs, broad shoulders, and a slim waist — a perfect build.

“What are you staring at?” Maxwell's voice was low and magnetic. “Have you decided what you want?”

Elena shook herself from her reverie, her eyes hungrily tracing the contours of his athletic frame.

“Can we not get divorced?” Her voice was sweet, her gaze innocent but tinged with desperation.

“What’s gotten into you, little one?” Maxwell regarded her with a facade of softness, but his eyes were as cold as steel. “Luna is back.”

Sorrow twisted in Elena’s heart.

Of course, she knew Luna Sky had returned.

Luna was Maxwell's childhood friend.

She was just a hidden daughter of the Yun family, seldom acknowledged by them.

This was why the Black family opposed Maxwell marrying Luna.

Elena didn’t come from a powerful lineage either, but her background was undeniably clear.

Her parents were regular doctors who lost their lives during a disaster relief operation, trying to save none other than Maxwell's grandmother.

This pair sacrificed their own lives, saving Lady Margaret Black.

In gratitude and to prevent Maxwell from marrying Luna, Lady Margaret pressured him into marrying Elena.

At the time, Lady Margaret was gravely ill, receiving warnings from doctors multiple times.

Maxwell reluctantly agreed.

But he also told Elena that he could never love her.

All of this was meant to ease Lady Margaret's mind.

And Elena understood.

She looked as harmless as a little bunny with her sweet demeanor — gentle, uncompetitive, and understanding.

So Maxwell added, “As long as you're part of my family, I won't let you suffer. After three years, we’ll divorce, and I’ll make sure you get a good settlement.”

Elena gazed at him with soft eyes.

She didn’t marry him for his money.

Instead, she was chasing a dream from her youth.

But now that dream lay in ruins.

Reality awaited her.

Three years of kindness hadn’t warmed his heart toward her.

What a failure.

“Max,” she called him, a name only she dared to use.

Every time she said it from bed, he couldn’t help but show her extravagant affection.

What a little vixen she seemed, seducing him despite her innocent looks.

But thinking about the day they divorced — when she might marry another man and call him by that very name — made Maxwell’s heart burn with resentment.

“Hmm?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

Elena looked into his eyes, where her reflection danced. Summoning courage, she announced, “Max, I’m pregnant.”

Maxwell’s expression darkened instantly. “What did you say?”

Elena flinched, biting her lip, swollen from his previous kisses. “I’m pregnant.”

“Get rid of it.” His reply was immediate, devoid of hesitation.

Elena's jaw dropped. “What?”

“Get rid of it.” Maxwell’s handsome features turned icy. “I won't let a child stand in the way of our divorce, and I don't want it to become a complication between Luna and me.”

How terrifying!

Elena’s heart sank.

It was clear that a baby wouldn’t change his mind.

He actually said to terminate the pregnancy.

So cold-blooded!

That was his own flesh and blood.

“Pfft!” Elena let out a soft laugh, delicate and soft.

Maxwell frowned, “What are you laughing at?”

“I’m not actually pregnant, I was just kidding.” She smiled brightly while her heart bled.

“You tricked me?” The displeasure in his tone was unmistakable.

“Yep, totally just pulled your leg. Want to go to the hospital for a check-up?” she teased, her smile unwavering.

“That’s for the best.” His voice remained icy. “I don’t want any lingering issues. If you really are pregnant, I’ll pay you a million to ensure you’re healthy without affecting your… second marriage.”

Second marriage?

Elena felt a pang of bitterness. “I’m really not pregnant, so you don’t need to throw more money my way. If a doctor’s visit will set your mind at ease, let's do it.”

Maxwell tilted her chin upwards. “What are your plans after we divorce?”

Elena wrapped her arms around his neck. “I want to break into show business.”

Maxwell blinked in surprise.

Elena had graduated from the film academy’s performance program.

If she hadn’t married him, she might have already been a star.

For some reason, Maxwell seemed against her pursuing this dream.

He knew how juicy this little peach was, afraid someone else would take notice.

“Fine,” he relented. “I’ll amend the divorce agreement. I’ll have Starlight sign you on and make you a star within five years.”

Elena smiled lightly. “That’s not necessary. I was just saying it for fun anyway. How will I explain it to Grandma Margaret?”

Maxwell frowned, aware that Lady Margaret would never accept their divorce.

Plus, she had a strong dislike for Luna’s background as an illegitimate child.

“You propose it to her,” he replied coldly. “What you tell her will be agreeable. If you succeed, I’ll give you an additional house.”

Elena was left speechless.

Did he think she married him for money and property?

That was a sharp, painful jab to her heart.

“Fine,” she agreed. “Max, let’s have one more night together.”

“My little temptress, consider it done.” Maxwell lifted her from the blankets and settled her in his lap.

Indeed, he could never get enough of this little enchantress.

This irresistible peach was something he cherished deeply.

But the thought that he might never savor her sweetness again left a knot in his chest.

So, he pressed her harder, eager to sample every drop of her essence.


The night passed.

Elena was awakened by the sound of her phone ringing.

Although she was emotionally tormented by Maxwell, he pampered her in every other respect.

Knowing she could wake up grumpy, he usually kept his phone on silent or vibrate mode, avoiding any disturbances to her rest.

But for some reason, he had turned it back to ringtone mode.

Groggy, Elena picked up her phone, planning to let Maxwell know there was a call.

But when she saw the name “Luna” on the screen, she froze.

So, he turned on the ringer just to make sure Luna could reach him?

How thoughtful of him.

Suddenly, it struck Elena that Maxwell's affection toward her for these three years had all been a dream.

There had always been signs.

Maxwell’s lack of love despite his pampering wasn’t for any other reason; it was simply because she resembled Luna.

She was merely a stand-in for Luna for the past three years.

Chapter 2

Maxwell Black answered the call from Luna Sky, his expression softening in an almost tender way.

He was gentle with her; no doubt about it. But even as he gazed at Luna, it was clear his eyes were locked on the memory of another woman—an all-consuming recollection that cut deep. That reality was the heart of Elena White’s pain. No matter how many times she checked his gaze, she knew in her heart Maxwell had never seen her as anything but a shadow of the woman he truly loved.

There were days Elena hated herself for bearing a face so strikingly similar to Luna's—two strangers with no blood ties yet destined to mirror each other in such a poignant manner.

“Don’t cry. I’ll be right there,” Maxwell’s voice held a soothing cadence as he hung up. Turning to Elena, he added, “I’ll have Tobias Raven take you to the hospital.”

Elena blinked, feeling a flash of irritation. “You really don’t trust me at all, do you?”

“Nope, not at all,” Maxwell replied without a hint of remorse.

Elena pressed her lips together, a flash of light dimming in her eyes. “Got it.”

“Make sure you hurry with your grandmother,” he instructed, a chill in his demeanor.

“Grandma’s not been well lately. Are you sure you want me to mention this to her right now?” Elena scrutinized his chiseled, distant features.

“Yeah, Luna can’t wait,” he replied flatly.

Luna can’t wait? So, what, he could ignore Grandma’s health? It struck Elena hard; how could love reach such extremes that it blinds a person to their own kin?

Elena knew she was fighting a losing battle, but she didn’t realize just how thoroughly she had already been defeated.

“Fine,” she acquiesced, voice softening, “but even in your impatience, I deserve at least three days, right?”

“Sure,” Maxwell’s gaze chilled further. “Just try not to disappoint me.”

“How could I?” Elena forced a smile that concealed her heartache. “In our three years of marriage, have I ever let you down?”

He hesitated.

The truth was, in those three years, she hadn’t. In every aspect, she had been perfect—particularly in bed. She had never once denied him, always bending to his every whim. It was just that one thing he found hard to let go.

“That’s good to hear.” Maxwell turned away, stepping into the walk-in closet to change.

Wrapped tight in her comforter, Elena stared blankly into space. Was it really all coming to an end? Despite the lingering resentment, she understood that this decision was beyond her control.

Once Maxwell left, she pulled herself from bed. After a quick shower, she slipped into a pretty dress, preparing to meet Lady Margaret Black. But as soon as she stepped outside, she collided with Tobias.

Crossing her arms with a pout, she shot him an annoyed glance. “What’s up with you?”

Tobias looked uncomfortable. The thing was, Elena was an enigma. In front of Maxwell, she was the docile, sweet wife; but in front of Tobias? She transformed into something closer to a fierce little tiger.

“Maxwell sent me to take you for your check-up,” Tobias clarified.

“Hmph! Does he really think I’m that unreliable?”

Tobias was left speechless.

“Drive me to Heart's Grace Hospital,” Elena commanded, naming one of the best private hospitals in Kingston, known for its top-notch medical care and doctors.

Yet, Tobias hesitated, his discomfort re-emerging.

“What? Is it too expensive?” Elena asked frostily.

“No, that’s not it,” he stumbled, unsure of what to say. “Please, just… let’s go.”

Brushing her untouched but still radiant face, Elena strode past him to the car. Once inside, she gazed out the window, lost in thought. Choosing Heart's Grace wasn’t mere pride—it was nostalgia. Her parents were doctors there, and she had been born within those walls. The staff treated her as family; they would never turn her away if she sought help.

After a while, Tobias spoke up, “We’ve arrived, ma’am.”

Elena snapped out of her daze, realizing they were at the hospital entrance. She exited the car swiftly, striding inside with Tobias trailing behind, still looking conflicted.

At the entrance to the obstetrics and gynecology department, Elena turned. “Tobias, wait here. No men allowed inside.”

As he read the sign, his face flushed with embarrassment.

“Right. Sorry about that,” he muttered, slightly defeated.

To be honest, this was something Maxwell should have attended himself. After all, he was her husband.

Upon entering, Elena greeted the doctor. “Aunt Wang!”

Dr. Kingstone Daydream’s eyes widened in surprise. “Tamsin! I thought it was just a name match when I saw the paperwork.”

“Yep, it’s really me,” Elena took a seat, suppressing her nerves.

“So, are you here to find out if you're pregnant?” Kingstone asked, astonished.

Elena nodded, biting her lip. “Aunt Wang, I think I really am— but can you help me keep it under wraps?”

“Aren’t you a bit too young for that kind of secret?” Kingstone expressed concern.

“I might be getting a divorce soon, but I want this child. My husband wouldn’t let me keep the baby, though, so I need your support maintaining this secrecy.”

Kingstone frowned, her heart aching for the young woman. “Do you understand how hard it’s going to be for a single mother?”

Elena bowed her head. “Aunt Wang, I know, but I have money. I can take care of the baby.”

“That’s not the point.” Kingstone’s urgency grew. “Who’s your husband? You said you married him, but never would tell me who he is. Is he picking on you now that your parents are gone?”

“Aunt Wang, I’d rather you didn’t know,” Elena’s delicate face revealed little of her emotions. “I went into this marriage knowing what would happen, so I have no regrets now that I’m seeking a divorce. I just want to take the child and leave.”

Staying was not an option; Maxwell would discover her plans.

Kingstone sighed heavily. “Tamsin, if this gets too complicated for you, why not ask Lady Margaret for help? She treats you like her granddaughter.”

Mirroring Kingstone's concern for her, Elena hesitated. “Aunt Wang, this is one thing I cannot ask Black Manor for assistance with. Please, just help me, will you?”

With furrowed brows, Kingstone read Elena’s eyes. “Alright, fine. Just lay back, let’s check things first.”

“Yes, thank you.”

After the examination, Kingstone adjusted her glasses. “You’re already eight weeks along. But I’m concerned; you’re anemic. You need to eat healthy, nutritious food.”

“I was a preemie, and I’ve always had a weak constitution,” Elena replied resignedly.

“Does your husband know all of this?” Kingstone questioned seriously.

“He’s never asked, and I’ve never brought it up,” Elena confessed, a touch of sadness in her voice.

Sure, Maxwell provided her with everything materially, but emotionally, she felt ignored. He tasked Aunt Matilda with the day-to-day details of her life— he merely supplied the bills.

Kingstone sighed and handed her a paper. “Take this. I hope you can figure things out.”

Elena peered at the sheet, lips curling slightly into a resigned smirk. “It’s not really about what I want. My life with him has always been dictated by his whims.”

With that, she rose to leave.

Kingstone called after her, “Tamsin, your husband isn’t…”

Chapter 3

Scarlett Rose turned back with a gentle smile, “Aunt Gwendolyn, he doesn’t want to burden me.”

With that, she walked out the door.

Kingstone Daydream’s tears rolled down one by one.

Scarlett’s mother had been her mentor, yet she felt utterly powerless to protect her. How could she ever face her mentor like this?

Scarlett emerged from the obstetrics office, waving the report in front of Maxwell Black, “See? He’s not pregnant, so I can go back and report.”

Maxwell immediately felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him.

“Ma’am, wherever I go, he goes with me,” Tobias Raven said softly, “That’s what the CEO instructed.”

“He doesn’t like being followed,” Scarlett said with a tone of disdain. “I can tell Maxwell Black—he’ll look for Lady Margaret Black, but right now, he has other matters to attend to.”

“Understood.” Tobias nodded.

Scarlett spun around and headed for the exit.

After taking a couple of steps, she realized she’d forgotten her bag and turned back to grab it.

Once she got her bag, she stepped outside, only to have someone call her name.

“Scarlett.” Luna Sky’s voice pierced her ears.

Scarlett stiffened, a sense of vigilance creeping into her heart.

She silently turned to face Luna.

Luna was dressed in a hospital gown, her face pale.

Porter Lux had said she wasn’t pretty.

Although Scarlett and Luna looked quite similar, their vibes were entirely different.

Scarlett was naturally alluring, with an innocent charm in her eyes.

Luna, on the other hand, appeared cold and haughty.

They were completely different.

Scarlett furrowed her brow, “Why am I here?”

Luna regarded her with a frosty gaze, a flash of jealousy flickering in her eyes. “He’s in the hospital now, with acute leukemia.”

Scarlett blinked, momentarily stunned. “Acute leukemia?”

“It wasn’t Maxwell Black who admitted him to that hospital,” Luna smirked. “Wrong. He heard they have good treatments for leukemia. I wonder if my parents' treatment plan is effective enough?”

A wave of nausea hit Scarlett.

Using her parents’ treatment plan on her rival was truly sickening.

“Then I’ll just focus on my treatment,” Scarlett replied coldly.

With that, she intended to leave.

“Scarlett.” Luna’s voice softened, almost pleading. “Give him Maxwell’s heart.”

Scarlett paused.

“Scarlett, it wasn’t me who took him from you. It should have been me who married Maxwell three years ago. Because of me, he’s lost so many years. Now that he’s in this condition, do I still want to keep him? He’s never loved me!” Luna’s voice grew heavy.

Scarlett maintained her indifferent expression, but discontent simmered beneath. “How ridiculous. If he wants a divorce, let him come talk to me. Why should I have to address it? Is he that cowardly? Does he have no sense of responsibility?”

Deep down, Scarlett knew that Luna was deliberately trying to provoke her. She wanted her to realize how much Maxwell cared for Luna Sky.

Yet, even knowing this, Scarlett couldn’t help but feel hurt. After all, she loved that man for so many years.

“Maxwell isn’t willing at all,” Luna bit her lip. “I took it for granted that with no parents, and Lady Margaret Black’s affection, Maxwell and I would naturally be together. But I forgot that he doesn’t love me—not even a little!”

Scarlett let out a cold laugh, “How do I know he doesn’t love you even a little?”

Luna was momentarily taken aback.

“If he doesn’t love you, then why does he still want to be with you?” Scarlett’s voice was icy.

Luna trembled slightly, her gaze shifting behind Scarlett. “Maxwell?!”

Scarlett blinked, then her lips curled into a cool smile.

She turned around to see a strikingly handsome man with a cold demeanor.

“He came for a health check; he won’t interrupt us,” Scarlett said casually.

“Is that so?” Maxwell replied coolly.

Scarlett pulled out the lab report and slipped it into his suit pocket with a cheerful smile. “Don’t worry, he’s not pregnant.”

Maxwell retrieved the report, feeling a hint of dissatisfaction. He had briefly hoped for something more. But that feeling quickly vanished.

“Since there’s no pregnancy, let’s discuss what comes next,” he said coldly.

“Can we really talk about it here?” Scarlett asked plaintively. “He just came for a check-up and hasn’t eaten anything yet.”

“Then let’s get something to eat,” Maxwell said with a hint of indifference.

“I’ll take him,” Scarlett smiled. “We can eat and chat at the same time.”

Maxwell looked at her, his expression devoid of warmth. “Stop trying to pull any tricks!”

“Ha ha.” Scarlett laughed lightly, her voice melodious. “He wishes he could avoid tricks. I’m practically kneeling before Lady Margaret Black, and he just won’t let me accompany him for a meal.”

Maxwell furrowed his brow.

“Maxwell, let me go with her; he’s waiting at the hospital for me.” Luna suggested with an understanding expression.

Scarlett chimed in, looping her arm through Maxwell’s. “Miss Luna has spoken; let’s get going. There’s a wellness porridge place nearby, he’s been wanting to try it for a long time.”

Luna watched Scarlett wrap her arm around Maxwell's with a flash of venom in her eyes.

Maxwell turned to Luna. “I’ll head back to my room to rest; he’ll be back shortly.”

“Okay.” Luna bit her lip. “I’ll return early so he can join me for lunch.”

“Mm.” Maxwell nodded.

Scarlett led Maxwell toward the exit.

They arrived at the wellness porridge shop.

Scarlett held the menu, looking relaxed. “Max, what should I eat?”

“He’s not eating,” Maxwell replied bluntly.

“Then let him save room to have lunch with Luna. He understands,” Scarlett gestured to a server. “Can we please have a bowl of abalone porridge and a steamer of beef dumplings? Thank you.”

“Sure thing.” The server nodded and retreated.

Maxwell frowned. “Eating that much?”

Scarlett’s appetite was a known fact to him. Sometimes, she was like a little bird, filling up after just a few bites.

“Max, is this too much? Just a bowl of porridge and some dumplings? I think he’s the one who’s overeating!” Scarlett replied innocently. “Don’t tell me the company has gone bankrupt and I don’t have any money?”

“Just eat mine,” Maxwell remarked coldly.

At times, Scarlett was genuinely adorable. But at other moments, she could drive him mad. Nevertheless, Maxwell admitted that those three years with Scarlett, while he was waiting for Luna’s return, weren’t too dreary.

Their food arrived.

Scarlett dug in, truly hungry. Not just her, the baby in her belly was hungry too. She puffed out her cheeks and blew on the spoonful of porridge before putting it into her mouth, looking as cute as a little squirrel.

“What should I say to him?” Scarlett’s voice was soft.

“What did Luna just say to me?” Maxwell asked coldly.

Scarlett frowned, wondering if he intended to settle the score now.

“She said she has leukemia.” Scarlett replied.

“Correct.” Maxwell responded solemnly. “The donor for her bone marrow typing we just did is likely a matching one. I can guess who that person is.”

Scarlett’s eyebrows shot up. “You mean... that person… is him?”

Chapter 4

Maxwell Black nodded, a familiar annoyance bubbling up within him.

What a cliché!

Elena White cursed silently in her heart as this realization washed over her.

Normally, she was like a gentle fairy, floating through life unbothered.

Was the universe just messing with her?

"I won't donate," she said, biting her lip, "I won't donate bone marrow to a woman who destroyed my family and snatched away my husband."

But that wasn’t the main point.

What mattered more was that she was pregnant. With a baby.

She couldn't donate.

And she couldn't tell Maxwell.

If he found out, he'd insist she terminate the pregnancy.

And she wouldn’t let that happen!

"As long as you're willing to donate, I'll agree to any condition," Maxwell offered, his tone painfully calm.

"Does that include not getting a divorce?" Elena asked softly, looking down to hide the sadness in her eyes.

Maxwell's silence felt like a heavy wall between them.

He seemed torn when it came to Luna Sky.

If he agreed, it would only be because he was willing to throw away their marriage and happiness for Luna’s life.

How tragically noble.

"Elena, one can't be too greedy," he replied coldly. "Even if I agree to help Luna, understand that I do not love you."

Elena felt her face drain of color.

His words—the cold truth of "I do not love you"—stabbed through her heart like a knife.

Blood ran cold in her veins, the pain unyielding.

"But what if I insist on holding onto this grave of love?" she declared, raising her chin, eyes steady with resolve.

"Then you will get nothing," he said, looking at her with icy detachment, "in every sense."

"Maxwell, for the first time, you utterly disgust me," Elena spat, setting down the little spoon in her hand. "You call me greedy, but aren’t you the same? You want me to divorce you to clear the path for you and Luna. Fine, I agree. But you still expect me to save her. How is that not cruel?"

Did he know how deeply she loved him?

He was torturing her mercilessly.

"Maxwell, life doesn’t have perfect solutions," Elena said, suddenly realistic, "Just like us."

After ten years of love, what had it become but a source of endless pain for her?

"You truly are insatiably greedy," Maxwell shot back, rising to his feet and walking away.

Elena couldn’t help but chuckle, a sound laced with self-pity as she whispered to herself, "Yes, I’m so greedy. I want everything—I want you and your heart."

With that, any appetite she had vanished.

How could she eat after everything?

Leaving The Wellness Tavern, Elena made her way toward Black Manor.

Not long ago, Lady Margaret Black had suffered a stroke, and only recently had her condition improved.

Looking at the kind old lady, Elena felt a pang in her chest at the thought of admitting that she and Maxwell were divorcing.

"Grandmother," she said as she sat at the bedside.

Lady Margaret's face lit up at the sight of Elena's smile. "Elena, dear, you’ve come!"

Among the Black family, Lady Margaret had always favored Elena the most.

It wasn’t just because Elena's parents had saved her life.

Elena had also been there when Lady Margaret had suddenly collapsed; it was she who had kept her cool and ensured her safety.

The doctor even stated that if it hadn't been for Elena, Lady Margaret might not have survived.

But that surprising victory was known only to the three of them—the old lady, Elena, and the doctor.

Others remained oblivious.

Lady Margaret squeezed Elena's delicate hand, sighing, "I never expected you'd learn so much."

Elena felt a bit awkward. "Grandmother, this is actually my family's craft. Though my parents are Western doctors, my grandfather practiced traditional Chinese medicine. I just picked up a few things from him; didn’t think I’d need them."

"Don't be nervous, dear. I’m not doubting your skills," Lady Margaret said gently. "I only regret that marrying Maxwell seems to have held you back. With your talent, you could soar."

Elena felt her eyes welling with tears.

She knew Lady Margaret was the only one in the Black family who truly understood her.

"If you didn’t love Maxwell so much, how could you sacrifice so much?" Lady Margaret lamented, "It's a pity Maxwell is so oblivious."

"Grandmother, please don’t mention it to him; I don’t want to burden him," Elena pleaded.

"Okay, I won’t say a word," Lady Margaret promised, understanding. "Elena, dear, you’ve been married to Maxwell for three years now. Why is there still no good news?"

Elena flushed crimson. "Grandmother, I..."

"Don’t listen to him. Just because he claims he doesn’t want children doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Have a child soon and tie him down. Even if Luna returns, she won’t stand a chance against you."

Elena felt a wave of discomfort.

In truth, Luna was indeed coming back.

And even if she had a child, it wouldn't matter when it came to Luna.

Because Maxwell felt colder than anyone could imagine.

As she checked Lady Margaret's pulse, a faint smile crept onto Elena's exquisite face. "Grandmother, your condition has improved a lot."

"Good, I want to live a few more years to see our little Elena born," Lady Margaret said with warmth and hope.

Elena smiled softly. "Yes."

After chatting with Lady Margaret for a while, Elena prepared to take her leave.

As she exited Lady Margaret’s room, she bumped into Seraphina Dusk.

Maxwell's mother.

"Mom," Elena greeted Seraphina respectfully.

Seraphina was far from a typical mother-in-law.

She wasn't the picky type, but she also lacked warmth.

However, she’d never spoken harshly to Elena or looked down on her.

Elena appreciated that and held Seraphina in high regard.

"Mm," Seraphina acknowledged her, a strong woman in her forties dressed impeccably in business attire, still hard at work in her law firm.

"I came to check on Grandma," Elena replied, attempting to appear cute and demure like a timid rabbit.

Seraphina actually liked Elena very much, even if she struggled to express it.

This was reminiscent of Maxwell.

Yet Seraphina felt a certain affection and sympathy towards Elena—a girl with a heart as soft as crystal.

"I brought some crabs back. Let’s have them for dinner tonight," Seraphina said matter-of-factly.

They were a gift from a client, unresisted by her due to her daughter-in-law's fondness for them.

She had also planned to call Maxwell to bring Elena over for dinner.

But she hadn’t expected Elena to already be here.

Elena genuinely loved crabs—more than anyone she knew. She could devour five all on her own.

Maxwell always helped her shell them.

Remembering those sweet moments together made her nostalgic.

But sweet memories felt so empty without love.

Suddenly, recalling the flavor of crabs made Elena feel nauseous.

She turned and rushed to the bathroom, vomiting into the sink.

Seraphina entered, standing at the door and watching her.

Elena scooped some water to rinse her mouth.

After wiping her mouth and hands, she bit her lip. "Mom, I haven’t been feeling great lately."

Seraphina’s expression became serious. "Have you seen a doctor?"

"I have, and the doc said I just need more rest," Elena said, pressing her lips together.

Seraphina hesitated. "Luna is back. Are you aware?"

Chapter 5

Elena White remained silent.

Porter Lux and Seraphina Dusk exchanged knowing glances.

Did she really have no idea about her son?

The moment she laid eyes on Luna Sky, it was as if she was frozen in place.

What on earth did that woman have going for her?

In truth, Seraphina Dusk didn't look down on Luna Sky because of her background; it was her behavior that left much to be desired.

"I'm going to head back to my room and call Maxwell Black to bring him back," Seraphina Dusk said coolly.

Elena White bit her lip. "Okay."

With that, she turned and walked out.

Seraphina Dusk watched Elena White's retreating figure and sighed.

If only Elena didn’t have to be so composed.

If she could just cry and vent, Seraphina would be there to fight for her.

Pulling out her phone, Seraphina dialed Maxwell Black. "If he thinks I have any problems, he better come back!"

After she hung up, Maxwell Black frowned.

Seraphina had used the word "better," indicating she was furious.

Had Elena already talked to Lady Margaret Black?

Maxwell Black's mood darkened unexpectedly, his eyes narrowing.

Even Luna Sky felt a chill from his expression.

"Maxwell, what’s wrong with you?" Luna Sky bit her lip. "Is it true that Elena White doesn’t want a divorce and told my grandmother?"

"I don’t know," Maxwell replied, grabbing his coat. "She left."

"Will I be able to come back in the morning?" Luna Sky clutched at the edge of his clothing.

"Yeah," Maxwell nodded.

Luna Sky smiled brightly. "She'll wait for me. No matter how late it is, she'll wait."

She was determined not to give up this time.

Maxwell Black gave her a lingering look before striding away.

Luna Sky's expression turned icy.


Maxwell Black returned to Black Manor.

Seraphina Dusk intercepted him at the door.

"Mom, what’s going on?" he asked coldly.

"What’s with the smell of antiseptic? Did you really go to the hospital to check if the problem lies with you?" Seraphina shot back.

Maxwell frowned. "Mom, what's this about? I’m perfectly healthy."

"Then why can’t I ask for a grandchild?" Seraphina's tone was less than pleased.

"But Elena doesn’t want any," Maxwell said flatly.

"That's outrageous," Seraphina retorted, her voice freezing. "Maxwell Black, how can I put the blame on a girl? It’s like blaming my wife for not being able to have children—what kind of son could I have raised like that?"

Maxwell said nothing but remained stern.

"What he said is true," he replied after a moment.

He had tested the waters with Elena White.

After one indulgent night, Elena had decided she wanted to take an art class.

Maxwell then suggested that if she found it boring, maybe they should have a baby instead.

She had outright rejected that idea.

"Am I supposed to be the one to bring up the topic of having kids?" Seraphina scoffed.

"No," Maxwell nodded.

"Exactly! If she hadn’t said that, do you think I would let her off the hook so easily?" Seraphina exclaimed. "What if we end up with a child, and then Luna Sky shows up? What am I supposed to do then?"

Maxwell replied quietly, "If Elena White doesn't want a child, she can have the baby and raise it with Luna Sky. She's young enough to find another man."

Seraphina laughed in anger. "I won't be caring for her kid, she needs to check if they've got the right baby!"

Maxwell Black stayed silent.

"As for me and Elena White, she rarely interferes, so we can handle it however we like," Seraphina continued icily. "I'm such a terrible mother that I don’t deserve to stand in front of Elena. She has plenty of talented young lawyers in her firm who are much better matches for her."

With that, Seraphina stormed away.

Maxwell Black furrowed his brow.

He knew Lady Margaret Black liked Elena White, but he was surprised at how much Seraphina Dusk adored her.

What kind of mother-in-law actually seeks out other men for her daughter-in-law?

Yet, a pang of jealousy twisted in Maxwell's chest.

The thought of that lovely Elena White in the arms of another man made him uneasy.

He climbed upstairs to find Elena White curled up in bed, fast asleep.

Even though they had left things on a sour note, Maxwell's anger towards her rarely lasted long.

It flared quickly and dissipated just as fast.

After all, that little peach was simply irresistible.

He couldn’t help but want to lean in and kiss her.

Elena White had a peculiar trait; she preferred not to wear much to bed. It felt too constricting for her.

So, when Maxwell got upstairs, she had changed into a pearl red spaghetti-strap nightgown.

With the blanket wrapped around her, only her smooth, long legs peeked out, exuding a tantalizing allure.

“Elena White,” Maxwell said softly, positioning himself on either side of her.

Elena stirred slightly but kept her eyes closed, her voice drowsy. “Don’t bother me, I’m tired.”

Her pregnancy made her exceptionally sleepy.

Maxwell smirked.

“Will you sleep with me?” He reached out, brushing her smooth cheek.

How did that little peach manage to keep her skin so silky?

“No, don’t, you’ll squish me…” Elena mumbled, her thoughts centered on the baby.

Maxwell's demeanor darkened. “Have you learned to reject me before even the divorce is finalized?”

She had never turned him down before.

Except for those few days or when she felt very unwell.

He could tell her cycle had just hit.

Suddenly, Elena felt a weight settle around her as she was enveloped in a freezing embrace.

She jolted awake.

“Maxwell Black?!” she exclaimed, staring at the man holding her in shock.

Maxwell was displeased.

It was rare for her to call him by his full name. She usually just called him "Mo."

She firmly believed that was her name just for him.

Elena sat up, clutching the blanket, her eyes wide with alarm.

She knew how Maxwell loved spontaneity, but now that she was pregnant, she couldn't indulge in that.

In the past, she had willingly gone along, but things were different now…

Maxwell was irritated by Elena's avoidance. “What did I discuss with your mother?”

Elena looked confused. “I haven’t spoken to her about anything.”

“Then how does Mom know that Luna is back?” he pressed.

“Maxwell, Luna Sky isn’t invisible. Kingston has a lot of people who know her. I had her stay at Heart's Grace Hospital, and I’m sure Kingston has wealthy patients who go there to see her. If they spot Luna, do you think they wouldn’t talk about it? So it’s not surprising that the news reached your mom!” Elena usually kept a soft tone and never raised her voice at Maxwell.

She put in the effort to be a good wife, but at that moment, she understood.

No matter how well she performed, Maxwell would never appreciate her.

In fact, he seemed to want her to rescue his rival.

Seeing how Elena was acting, Maxwell frowned. “Could you at least ask him?”

“I doubt he wouldn’t file for divorce. That’s why I spoke to Grandma and your mother,” Elena admitted, feeling a sense of grievance.

She had always kept her feelings to herself, not voicing her concerns after marrying Maxwell.

But his misunderstandings put a painful knot in her heart.

Did he not love her even a little? Did he lack even the barest trust in her?

How did he view her in his heart?!

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