Bound By Shadows And Desire

Chapter 1

In The Enchanted Tavern, the air was electric with pulsating music and flashing lights as a group of affluent men eagerly upped the bids.
At the heart of the dance floor, a woman was bound with shimmering golden silk ribbons to a pole. Clad in a revealing outfit, her eyes darted around in panic, taking in the lecherous gazes of the crowd.
Evelyn had no clue how she had ended up in this nightmare; her mouth was gagged, leaving her feeling utterly powerless.
"Six hundred fifty thousand! It’s the highest bid in history," announced the exuberant female host beside her.
Was this really happening? Evelyn's mind raced in horror. Were they truly selling her? She struggled violently against her restraints, but it was futile.
A middle-aged man, well into his sixties and puffing on a cigar, leered at her from across the room.
As the stage lights began to shift colors, Evelyn felt a sense of dread wash over her. In a surreal twist, her bindings were loosened, and she was hastily wrapped in a blanket and carried away.
This can't be real! Unable to scream for help, tears streamed down her face as the cacophony of noise and terrified screams surrounded her. At that moment, she felt like a lamb being led to slaughter.
Two men tossed her onto a lavish bed in a room, and as the door clicked shut behind them, Evelyn anxiously yanked off the blanket and pulled the stuffing from her mouth. With a burst of newfound determination, she scrambled for the door when it suddenly swung open.
"Hey there, little enchantress, where do you think you’re going?" The old man swaggered into the room.
Evelyn recoiled, but the man advanced, his hands reaching for her as he leered with intent.
“Let me go…” she cried out, struggling fiercely. In a moment of desperation, she kicked him where it hurt and stumbled past him.
Panic surged through her. As she fled, her fingers grazed the wall, finding another door, miraculously unlocked. She hurriedly slipped inside, pressing herself against the surface, barely daring to breathe.
“She's escaped! Find her!” she heard a voice shout from the hallway.
Evelyn leaned against the door, heart racing. Suddenly, a low, chilling voice broke through the silence, “Who are you?”
A figure emerged from the shadows. She turned, her face paling as she recognized a tall man with piercing eyes fixed on her.
Nathaniel White narrowed his gaze, exuding an intimidating presence. Was this the surprise Liam had arranged for her that night? It seemed he had become braver.
He stepped forward, ready to push her away, but felt her small, cold hands wrap around his neck, her voice soft and pleading, “Help me.”
A jolt of unexpected energy coursed through Nathaniel. Their eyes locked, and he was struck by the tears glistening in hers. She looked so vulnerable, it was hard to turn away.
He inhaled the faint scent of lavender from her hair—an aroma he cherished since childhood. Despite her heavy makeup, he could see the genuine fear in her eyes. Normally, Nathaniel disliked women getting too close to him, but this time, he found himself strangely unaffected by it.
What was happening? For the first time, he didn’t want to shove her away; instead, an uncontrollable urge urged him to draw nearer. A heat surged through him.
“Boss, once you taste the charm of a woman, you'll love this feeling,” Liam had teased him while offering the last drink that night. Now, Nathaniel understood the seduction behind Liam’s grin—Liam had drugged him!
No, he thought, desperately clinging to his last shred of logic. This wasn’t right.
Yet, Evelyn’s delicate hands were moving restlessly—her touch igniting a chaos in his mind. Until she made contact with him, he had retained some semblance of clarity, but now, he was losing himself.
“Help me…”
She nibbled on Nathaniel’s ear before kissing him fiercely.
His arms enveloped her automatically as he reciprocated her kiss, their entwined bodies losing themselves in the heat of the moment.
The next morning,
Nathaniel woke up in a lavish hotel room, a dizzying realization rushing over him. He turned to the empty space beside him; sheets lay crumpled where she had been. Sitting up in bed, he noticed a delicate red flower blooming on the bedspread.
So this was her first time. Guilt twisted in Nathaniel’s gut as he noticed her torn clothing still scattered about while his own clothes were missing, along with his phone.
Annoyance bubbled up within him. He hastily slipped on a bathrobe from the night before just as a knock echoed at the door.
It was Liam’s voice. Flames of fury ignited in Nathaniel’s eyes. The mastermind had finally appeared.
He flung the door open, and Liam peeked in with a grin, “Boss, how was the night?”
“Get me some clothes and my backup phone, now!” Nathaniel bellowed, slamming the door shut.
Liam recoiled at Nathaniel’s explosive anger, sensing that not only had his boss failed to enjoy himself, but the situation had spiraled dreadfully wrong.
Twenty minutes later, dressed in a fury while seated on the sofa, Nathaniel glowered at the anxious Liam standing beside him. He was already aware that the woman Liam had arranged had not shown up.
“Liam, have you lost your mind? How dare you play around with me?” Nathaniel was incensed.
“I’m sorry, boss. I thought you were being too principled for one who betrayed you. There have been some nasty rumors going around,” Liam murmured.
Nathaniel halted, recalling that three years ago, he’d believed he was in a genuine relationship. The girl he loved had no idea he was wealthy, yet she still claimed to love him. Ultimately, she left him for a mere hundred grand. Since then, he had closed himself off from love, developing a bitter disdain for all women.
As for the rumors, he had heard several unsavory versions but hadn’t paid them much mind.
“Liam, are you in cahoots with her?!” Nathaniel’s suspicious gaze pierced through him.
A cold sweat broke out on Liam. Despite their long-standing friendship, some matters crossed the line.
“Boss, I swear, this is purely coincidence!”
“Hmph.” Nathaniel glared at him. “We’ll discuss this later. Right now, I want to know more about that woman and get my phone back.”
“Yes,” Liam complied, feeling a surge of frustration at the thought of letting that woman off the hook.
Recollections from the previous night flooded back—he distinctly remembered the clarity in that woman’s eyes. So it was all a ruse.
Though he believed Liam was a loyal friend, he refused to think he would stoop to such treachery.
Yet, important resources on his phone were at stake, crucial for the ongoing project. If they fell into the wrong hands, the outcome would be catastrophic.

Chapter 2

Evelyn returned to her apartment, shedding the men’s suit she had worn and spending nearly an hour in the shower. Yet the humiliation clung to her like a second skin, a stain on her purity that no amount of water could wash away.
Every inch of her ached, and those memories she desperately tried to forget replayed over and over in her mind, leaving her even more restless. How did she go from sleeping in her own bed to waking up in a stranger's room in a matter of hours? It felt like a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from.
“You don’t have to worry. If that girl dares to come home, I’ll make sure to drag her back to you,” she overheard her stepfather, Marcus Summerfield, say as he returned.
Evelyn quickly stuffed the suit into her closet and hid, shaking as she pieced together the horrible truth—her stepfather had sold her. The years of mistreatment suddenly made sense; now that her mother was hospitalized, he had decided to use her as collateral for his gambling debts.
Marcus cursed as he swung open the door to her room. Seeing it empty, he stomped off, leaving Evelyn alone to process the betrayal. When she was sure he was gone, she emerged from her hiding spot, gathered a few clothes, and bolted out the door, breathless.
There were no classes at the university that day, and she had promised her mother she would visit her in the hospital. If she didn't show up, worry would consume her.
After hopping off the bus, she quickly bought some fruit and rushed towards Healing Hall. Just as she reached the entrance, a hand gripped her arm. Looking up, her heart sank at the sight of Marcus, who had followed her.
“Come with me,” he barked, yanking her toward a waiting car.
“Let me go!” Evelyn fought back. “This is your debt to pay, not mine!”
Marcus’s surprise at her knowledge was short-lived; he quickly regained his composure and glared at her. “Did I raise you for free? Your mother’s in the hospital, draining my money. If you won’t pay the debt, who will?”
“It’s your fault my mother is sick and in debt! You’ve gambled away her money and now act like you get to dictate my life!” She spat, tears welling in her eyes, defiance shining through her fury.
“Look at your mother! Pregnant at nineteen and with you as the result. Without me, you’d both be nothing. You’re lucky I’ve kept you alive this long,” Marcus sneered.
Evelyn felt the flush of anger rise up her neck, her dignity sliced to pieces in front of passersby. Just as a crowd began to gather, familiar figures emerged from the clinic—Nathaniel White, holding a medical report, and his friend Liam Hawthorne.
“Looks like something's going down over there,” Liam murmured.
Nathaniel’s gaze sharpened as he noticed the commotion. “Is that Evelyn?” he asked.
“Yeah, that’s her,” Liam nodded with a smirk. “You got personal with her, didn’t you?”
Nathaniel’s throat tightened as he processed the sight of Evelyn looking more vulnerable than before, an image so different from the one he encountered just last night.
Liam had done his homework—Marcus had auctioned her off due to gambling debts. As for why she ended up with Nathaniel, he joked about it being fate.
“You’re breaking the law,” Evelyn stood her ground, defiance in her voice.
“I am the law!” Marcus shouted, his voice rising in tempo as he raised his hand to strike her.
Before he could, a large hand seized his wrist, holding it in an iron grip.
“Ow...” Marcus winced, his face contorting with pain.
Evelyn braced herself for the worst, only to encounter Nathaniel, her unexpected savior.
“Who do you think you are? Stay out of our family affair,” Marcus’s bravado dwindled as he faced Nathaniel’s imposing presence.
“Let her go,” Nathaniel’s tone hardened, and the menacing chill in his eyes silenced any further protest. Without giving Marcus a second thought, he gently but firmly took Evelyn’s shoulder, declaring, “She’s with me.”
Evelyn froze. How was she his? Just because of what happened last night?
Nathaniel marched toward their car, leaving Marcus sputtering behind him. Liam stepped forward to block Marcus’s path. “Let’s talk, old man.”
Inside the car, Evelyn sat stiffly, stealing glances at Nathaniel’s profile. He was good-looking, but his expression was void, like a shark circling its prey.
“My phone?” he asked abruptly, breaking the silence.
“Phone?” Evelyn felt lost, her mind a whirlwind. Facing Nathaniel was overwhelming, suffocating. All she wanted was to escape.
Suddenly, he leaned closer, and her breath hitched, instinctively shutting her eyes to shield herself from the looming menace.
“Listen, I—” Nathaniel began, but just then, his phone buzzed. He glanced at the caller ID, irritation flashing across his face. It was his grandfather.
“YinTing! I heard you spent the night with a girl!” his grandfather’s tone was unexpectedly cheerful.
No wonder—rumors about Nathaniel's love life had spiraled into ludicrous tales, even suggesting he didn’t like women at all. This revelation surely pleased the old man.
“Grandpa, it’s a misunderstanding,” Nathaniel pinched the bridge of his nose. He could already feel the pressure of yet another matchmaking campaign now looming.
“You need to take responsibility! I want great-grandchildren before it's too late!” Lord White continued, unabashed.
Nathaniel didn’t know whether to laugh or scream. He’d escaped before, but not this time.
“Look, if you think she’s not suitable, I’ll set you up on blind dates starting tomorrow. Surely you’ll find someone you like?” Lord White persisted, rattling on about how he couldn’t die in peace until Nathaniel settled down and raised a family.
“Grandpa,” Nathaniel interrupted hurriedly, “I came to get your medical report. You’re in better health than I am.”
“I don’t care. You’ve got the message now—until you find me a granddaughter-in-law, no more work. Otherwise, don’t bother returning to the office,” Lord White threatened.
Nathaniel stared, caught between a rock and a hard place. The stakes were too high—his absence could cost the company dearly. He glanced toward Evelyn. If he had to bring someone home, it might as well be her.
Of course, this wasn’t about love or desire. His mind raced with calculations and plans, a storm of options swirling until clarity began to emerge.
Evelyn, meanwhile, had overheard everything, her heart racing. She wanted no part of this messy entanglement. If the old man was in a rush for grandkids, it felt like more than enough reason to run away now more than ever.

Chapter 3

“I have to go,” Evelyn hurriedly said as she got out of the car.
“Let’s get married,” Nathaniel White replied, caught between his commitments at work and his desire to avoid future complications.
“What?” Evelyn exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock. “I don’t need you to take responsibility. Let’s just pretend last night never happened, and we’ve never met.”
Nathaniel was taken aback. For many women, marrying him was a dream come true. But here was this woman, rejecting his proposal.
“I want to get out of this car. I hope I never see you again,” Evelyn said, her hand trembling as she reached for the door.
“Do you really think your stepfather and those people will leave you alone without my protection?” Nathaniel replied coolly.
Evelyn hesitated, her hand resting on the door handle. A chill ran down her spine.
“I heard your mother is in this hospital too. If she needs surgery, it’ll cost at least $200,000. Can you really bear to watch her die for lack of money for the operation?” Nathaniel continued, his voice unyielding.
“You…” Evelyn was stunned. She had no idea Nathaniel was so well-informed about her situation.
But didn’t her mom say she wouldn’t need surgery? Had she lied to me? Thoughts of her mother lying in a hospital bed filled her mind, leaving her torn.
With Nathaniel by her side, they made their way to the oncology department. After speaking with the doctor, Evelyn learned her mother needed surgery urgently; otherwise, her condition could worsen and become life-threatening.
Now, Evelyn found herself with no choice. She stood outside her mother’s hospital room, peering through the glass at her frail figure in bed, tears streaming down her face.
“I can provide your mother with the best treatment. I’ll cover all the hospital, nutrition, and living expenses, and I’ll handle your stepfather too. All you have to do is marry me,” Nathaniel said from behind her, his tone cold.
“Fine,” Evelyn replied, the weight of her decision heavy upon her.
Her mother was her only family left in this world. If she lost her too, she would be utterly alone.
Satisfied with her response, Nathaniel took her to the courthouse to obtain their marriage license. At the same time, he arranged for Liam Hawthorne to move Evelyn’s mother to a better VIP room, ensuring she could have her surgery the next day.
Back in the car, Evelyn received a message from Yvette Lowe, asking why she hadn’t arrived for Rowan Qad’s basketball game in the afternoon.
Seeing Rowan’s name made Evelyn's eyes well up. He was the first person she met since entering college, and the guy she had secretly admired.
“Come home with me to meet Grandpa,” Nathaniel urged. Just one last step, and he would have completed his mission.
It was a bit unfair for Evelyn, but it also compensated her in other ways; this transactional relationship meant no one came out entirely loss.
“I want to go back to school,” Evelyn replied, her eyes glossed over in confusion.
“First, you’ll come home with me to see Grandpa,” Nathaniel insisted, his voice sharp. His matters took precedence.
“I’m going back to school!” Evelyn snapped back, anger coursing through her, this was her last stand.
Nathaniel struggled to control the anger rising within him; few dared to oppose him after all these years.
The two held their ground for a while, but ultimately it was Nathaniel who relented, curious about what exactly Evelyn planned to do at school. Twenty minutes later, they parked outside the campus.
Slamming the car door behind her, Evelyn rushed to the gymnasium where the game had already started, and Yvette was thrilled to see her.
“Why are you so late? I told you about the time yesterday!”
Evelyn remained silent, her gaze locked on the vibrant figure moving on the basketball court. Many girls were screaming Rowan's name; he had a significant fan club within the school.
This was enough; a glimpse was all she needed. Tears began to blur her vision as she turned to leave, not wanting too many eyes to catch her in such a vulnerable state.
Just then, she heard someone call her name from the court. It was Rowan’s voice.
Evelyn turned around, and the game paused abruptly. Rowan raced toward her, snagging a bouquet of roses from one of his teammates.
“Wow!” The crowd gasped in surprise.
“Evelyn,” Rowan stood before her, holding the flowers as he exclaimed, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Oh my god!” Yvette jumped up, shaking Evelyn with excitement. “Did you hear that? He just confessed!”
Evelyn felt her heartache deepen. He really did like her, but this confession was far too late; she felt unworthy now.
Students throughout the gym began murmuring, casting glances filled with envy, sorrow, and resentment toward Evelyn.
“Are you really just going to stand there? Say something!” Yvette pushed her, urging her to respond.
A bitter smile crossed Evelyn's lips as tears flowed freely. Through her blurred vision, she saw Rowan’s sun-kissed smile and the bright, vivid roses—the very scene she had long dreamt of. But today, all it brought her was heartache.
“Evelyn, I like you. Be my girlfriend,” Rowan reiterated with a radiant smile.
“Rowan…” Evelyn trembled, her heart feeling as though it were being sliced. She couldn’t find the words to turn him down.
At that moment, a strong hand suddenly gripped her shoulder, and she turned in shock to find Nathaniel standing beside her.
“This woman is already mine,” Nathaniel declared, surprised to discover he had a rival.
And here was his newlywed wife rushing back to school strictly for this young man.
“Who are you?” Rowan asked, surprised.
“Who I am doesn’t matter. Just stay away from my woman from now on,” Nathaniel stated firmly, turning his back and walking away, still holding Evelyn.
“Evelyn…” Yvette was momentarily dumbfounded, trying to grasp the situation.
The gym erupted in chaos as Rowan abandoned his game in his failed confession, while the rumor of Evelyn being Nathaniel’s keptmen spread like wildfire throughout the campus.
Once back in the car, Evelyn couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. Nathaniel, frazzled, pinched the bridge of his nose and barked, “I’m still alive, you know!”
Evelyn looked at him through teary eyes, mourning her love, her youth, and blaming him for it.
Nathaniel’s brow furrowed in annoyance. “Think about your mother in the hospital. Compared to that kid, he’s nothing.”
“You’ve killed my chance at love before it even began,” Evelyn mourned.
Nathaniel seized her chin, his gaze intense and cold as he replied, “Don’t forget your current situation with me, and don’t cause me any trouble.”
“Don’t worry. I might not love you, but I know how to show gratitude. I’ll stay in my place,” Evelyn stated, her watery eyes fixed on Nathaniel, completely devoid of any emotion.
For reasons she couldn’t quite understand, her indifference ignited Nathaniel’s possessiveness. He was accustomed to being the one looking down at others—never had he anticipated someone else would treat him with such casual disregard.

Chapter 4

Liam Hawthorne grabbed the keys and headed over to Evelyn's Residence to pick up Nathaniel White's suit and phone, while Nathaniel himself was driving Evelyn back to The Old Estate.
Henry White, nearing eighty but still sprightly, was thrilled to hear that Nathaniel had really brought his granddaughter-in-law home. He immediately instructed the kitchen to prepare more dishes for dinner.
Evelyn felt a knot of anxiety in her stomach as she carefully followed Nathaniel inside. When she saw Henry—a kind-looking old man with a warm smile—she relaxed a little.
“Hello, Grandpa,” Evelyn greeted him.
“Ah, my dear! You look like such a good-hearted girl,” Henry beamed, patting the seat next to him. “Quickly, give me a grandchild so this rascal Nathaniel can settle down.”
“Grandpa, I’m still a student!” Evelyn blushed, the thought of having children never crossing her mind.
Nathaniel hadn’t even considered what fatherhood would entail. He tossed their marriage certificate on the table in front of Henry—the whole thing felt like a mere business transaction to him.
“You’re married now; that eases my mind a bit,” Henry smiled, picking up the certificate and studying it with growing delight.
“Grandpa, I’ve done what you asked, but please don’t interfere with my work. Just enjoy your retirement,” Nathaniel said firmly.
Henry immediately frowned. “What do you mean? I built this company! You may think you’re flying high now, but you’re still in my nest.”
“Grandpa, you know how much effort I’ve poured into the company…” Nathaniel felt a surge of frustration.
“I don’t want to hear it! All I care about now is a great-grandchild, and believe me, the company can run just fine without you,” Henry waved his hand dismissively.
Evelyn sat uncomfortably; she thought getting married was enough, but now it seemed they were expected to start a family. She looked down at her flat stomach, feeling a mix of apprehension and dread.
“Grandpa, you’re being a bit much,” Nathaniel’s face grew serious.
“What’s wrong with wanting you to marry and have children?” Henry said with a grin, glancing at Evelyn. “You’re the one who will have to fulfill this task, dear. Don’t let me down!”
“Uh, haha,” Evelyn laughed awkwardly, unsure how to respond.
Nathaniel’s expression turned cold. He felt as if he had stepped into a trap laid by his grandfather—proving that experience often wins out.
Fortunately, at that moment, someone from the kitchen announced dinner was ready, diffusing the tension in the air. The table was laden with fragrant dishes.
Henry was quite generous, serving Evelyn, asking her about her background. Despite his reservations, he didn’t voice any concerns. Nathaniel, on the other hand, remained silent, creating an overwhelming atmosphere of discomfort.
Halfway through the meal, someone approached the old man with an update. “The Second Young Master has returned.”
Henry’s face darkened, and the mood in the room shifted drastically. Nathaniel sighed, clearly resigned, while Evelyn looked puzzled, curiosity piqued about this Second Young Master.
Soon, a remarkably handsome young man entered, clad in a light purple traditional outfit, his long hair tied up neatly. He wore subtle makeup, his demeanor melancholic, and he carried a string instrument, completely ignoring everyone as he glided towards the staircase.
“Stop right there!” Henry barked suddenly.
The young man turned his head to them, his gaze landing on Evelyn. He frowned and questioned, “Who is she?”
Evelyn froze, unsure of how to introduce herself, glancing at Nathaniel, who avoided eye contact as if the situation didn’t concern him.
“Felix, meet your sister-in-law, Evelyn. You should treat her with respect,” Henry scolded Felix for his rudeness.
“Sister-in-law,” Felix moved closer, but his focus was clearly on Nathaniel.
Evelyn quickly realized this young man in traditional clothing was Nathaniel’s younger brother. Regardless of the circumstances, she had to handle this interaction.
Before she could even stand, Felix closed the gap to Nathaniel, a mocking tone creeping into his voice. “How could you forget Isabella so fast and take a new interest so quickly?”
Nathaniel’s face darkened in silence. Evelyn froze, the name Isaiah dropped hanging ominously in the air. Who was Isabella?
“Don’t say another word about her!” Henry interjected angrily.
Felix smirked, leaning dangerously close to Evelyn as he scrutinized her. “Did you really pass grandpa’s test, or are you just fooling my brother? You calling you sister-in-law is a joke.”
Evelyn felt insulted; why would she crave a title from someone so unkind?
“Felix, that’s enough!” Nathaniel finally spoke up.
“Oh, you care for your woman now, huh? I didn’t hear a peep from you when Isabella was mentioned,” Felix sneered.
“Get back to your room; that woman chose money over love. She was never truly devoted to Nathaniel,” Henry’s displeasure grew palpable.
“Isn’t money part of my brother? How do you know she didn’t fall for him for his wealth?” Felix countered defiantly.
Evelyn wished she could tell him that the truth of her marriage was indeed tied to wealth, but she'd find no opportunity as Nathaniel stood abruptly.
“Felix, Evelyn is my wife now. Treat her with respect and forget about Isabella. We’re finished,” Nathaniel’s voice wavered, barely concealing his emotions.
“Whether it’s truly over, you know in your heart,” Felix shot back coldly, turning to leave, clutching his instrument.
The once-pleasant dinner had soured. Evelyn stayed silent, noting the way Nathaniel's eyes glistened at the mere mention of Isabella.
It became painfully clear he had once loved deeply, only to feel abandoned for financial reasons. That must have hurt tremendously.
With a sigh, Evelyn reminded herself of her own reality—a relationship built on convenience and money.
The ride back to Hawthorne Villa was steely and tense, Nathaniel’s profile frozen and brooding.
As they approached the villa, Nathaniel answered a call from Liam—he found the suit but, unfortunately, Nathaniel’s phone had vanished.
The sinking feeling of unease gripped him, and he cast a sidelong glance at Evelyn.
“I’ve honestly never seen your phone,” she said, feeling unnerved under his intense gaze.
Nathaniel assessed Evelyn; she didn’t seem like she was lying. “Maybe you mislaid it?” Evelyn ventured.
“Not a chance.”
Evelyn pouted, recalling how often those who insist they never make mistakes do exactly that.
Whatever hands had turned up Nathaniel’s phone would bring trouble; he couldn't foresee the fallout. All he could do was prepare for the worst.

Chapter 5

Evelyn stepped into The Manor, a world away from her previous life. Thanks to prior notice, Steward Li and Auntie Jo were ready for her arrival, waiting expectantly at the entrance.
This house had always felt eerily empty, but now, with the new mistress finally in place, both of them felt a wave of relief and excitement for her.
Evelyn couldn’t shake off her nerves; their politeness only heightened her discomfort. Having faced so many changes recently, she felt caught between realities—she hadn't just landed in a new home; she was now standing in an extravagant mansion that seemed to amplify her insecurities rather than lift her up. It felt less like she’d become a princess and more like an unwelcome guest.
“Excuse me, where is my room?” she asked, wanting nothing more than a small space to catch her breath and regroup.
“Ma’am, your room and the master’s are upstairs. Allow me to show you,” Auntie Jo replied with a warm smile.
“Thank you,” Evelyn said with a subtle nod, following Auntie Jo up the grand staircase.
“Ma’am, you needn’t be so formal. Young Master Nathaniel has been alone for years, working late into the night in his study. We’ve all worried for him. Now that you’re here, perhaps you can help keep him in check,” Auntie Jo continued, her eyes brimming with concern.
Who am I to control him? Evelyn thought to herself. He doesn’t truly care for me; it’s barely more than a business arrangement. But she kept her silence, not wanting to voice her thoughts.
Meanwhile, Nathaniel retreated to his study to tackle some business affairs, though he felt unease gnawing at him. He too was struggling to process their marriage.
When he stepped back into his room, Nathaniel expected to find Evelyn resting. Instead, he discovered her sitting on the floor, clutching a diary, her tears soaking the pages.
The moment she noticed him, her panic shone in her eyes as she hastily tucked the diary behind her.
“What are you hiding?” Nathaniel raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“Nothing,” she stammered, a guilty hint echoing in her voice.
Evelyn’s attempts to conceal her secret were in vain. Overpowering her, Nathaniel snatched the diary from her, flicking through pages filled with her feelings for Rowan Qad.
His expression darkened.
“Give that back,” she demanded, her earlier sadness now replaced by a rush of anger. She had intended to destroy the diary herself, not let it be taken away.
With a mocking smirk, Nathaniel pulled out his phone. “Find out about Rowan Qad. He goes to the same school as Evelyn."
“What are you doing?” Evelyn cried, trying to snatch the phone from his grasp.
“Consider this a warning; don’t make things difficult for me.” He ripped her diary to shreds right before her eyes.
“Nathaniel, you jerk!” The pain in her heart felt like it was bleeding out.
He was determined to destroy her cherished memories, but she wanted to bury her feelings in her own way—not like this.
“I’m warning you one last time; stay in line,” Nathaniel declared, frustration cracking his voice.
Fuming, Evelyn shot daggers at him, her face flushing with indignation as she picked up anything she could find and hurled it at him.
As the room filled with the sound of breaking items, Nathaniel moved like a flash, grasping both of her wrists firmly.
“Let go of me!” Her bloodshot eyes bore into his.
“This was your own doing,” Nathaniel shot back as he pushed her onto the bed, looming over her.
What felt like a night of torment followed.
The next morning, Evelyn awoke to an aching body, every inch of her feeling broken. As daylight streamed through her window, her heart remained heavy with despair.
Today was the day her mother was scheduled for surgery. Regardless of her suffering, she had to go to the Healing Hall and be by her mother’s side—after all, Yvonne was her only family.
The room was in shambles, the consequence of her turmoil. This marriage was never what she wanted, but it seemed it was the price she had to pay.
As she made her way downstairs, Auntie Jo greeted her. Nathaniel had left early, especially instructing that she should not be disturbed, asking Auntie Jo to convey his message.
“Steward Li has said I can assist you directly with anything you need, as you have the day off,” Auntie Jo added. “Young Master can be grumpy, but I’ve never seen him care for anyone the way he does for you.”
Evelyn swallowed hard, her throat feeling constricted as the anxiety about her mother’s surgery gnawed at her appetite. She opted to head straight to the hospital instead of eating.
“Is breakfast not to your taste?” Auntie Jo inquired.
“It’s not that, Auntie Jo. I’m just worried about my mother and can’t eat,” Evelyn replied, not wanting to place any burden on them.
“A good point. Your mother needs care, and you must take care of yourself as well. Young Master arranged transport; you’re headed to the hospital?”
Evelyn was surprised that Nathaniel had thought ahead. Her heart weighed heavy as she rode to the Healing Hall. She took a deep breath and steeled herself before entering the patient's room.
“Mom, I’m here,” she said, forcing a smile. Nurse Margaret stepped out upon seeing her.
“Evelyn,” Yvonne said nervously, her eyes scanning her daughter’s face. “What’s going on? Where did you get the money?”
“Don’t worry about that,” Evelyn said, deliberately keeping her distance, not wanting her mother to see the remnants of her tears.
Yvonne’s eyes widened in shock, and she lowered her gaze, her frail fingers twisting the blanket. “I’ve suffered my whole life for you. If I die now, I don’t want to bear any more burdens.”
“Mom, what are you saying?” Cassandra, her sister, stood beside Yvonne, interjecting hope.
Yvonne grasped Evelyn’s hand tightly, her voice trembling. “I don’t need the surgery. I’ve lived enough; I can’t endure any more!”
“Mom, you’re going to have a better life ahead,” Evelyn felt the sting of tears behind her own eyes—how could she ever bear to do nothing for her?
“Evelyn, where did that money come from?” Yvonne pressed urgently.
“I borrowed it,” Evelyn replied, the lie escaping her lips.
But just then, Nathaniel entered, carrying a fruit basket, while his driver followed with bags of supplements.
Yvonne looked at him in surprise, while Nathaniel walked toward Evelyn confidently. “I came by to check on my mother-in-law before surgery,” he announced. “Hello, Mrs. Song, I’m Nathaniel White. Evelyn and I got our marriage license yesterday. I hope you’re satisfied with the hospital arrangements I made?”
“You did this?” Yvonne stammered.
“Yes, I’ve brought a highly regarded specialist to perform your surgery today. You have nothing to worry about; it’ll be a success,” Nathaniel reassured her.
“Evelyn?” Yvonne looked confused.
There was little that Evelyn could say then, so again she resorted to deception; she told her mother that she and Nathaniel had been dating for a long time—she just hadn’t mentioned it until now.
Yvonne’s expression softened with relief. She nodded appreciatively, reassured by the good-looking, wealthy man standing before her, who seemed to care for her daughter.
“Nathaniel, please take good care of my Evelyn,” Yvonne said sincerely.
“Of course, Mrs. Song. It’s my responsibility,” Nathaniel said, offering his patience.
Evelyn felt a surge of gratitude, realizing this made her previous night's behavior seem overreaching. But then she remembered his harshness, a blush creeping over her cheeks.
As they wheeled Yvonne into surgery, Evelyn discreetly pulled her hands away from Nathaniel’s embrace; being close felt all wrong.
Nathaniel smiled slightly, pulling her back to him, resting his hands on her waist. “Make sure to come home early tonight,” he said softly.

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