Between Love and Duty on Sonita

Chapter 1

Time has flown by, and humanity’s development has reached as far as outer space. The concepts of nation, race, and even gender have long faded into the past.
After thousands of years of excessive exploitation, Earth has become unable to sustain itself, leading humanity to migrate to other planets. Millennia of evolution have drastically transformed the human body, with one of the most significant changes being the blurring of gender distinctions.
In the history of this evolution, the delicate and subtle traits of the female form have gradually merged with those of the male. In the present day of Sonita, the ancient notions of male and female have become outdated.
This is the tale of Ian Devereux, a story of love that comes after marriage...
**Ian:** “What we have is more than just a marriage.”
Ah… a cunning yet tender-hearted hero and an introverted queen?
**Background:** General John Frost married Lieutenant Anselm. Under the gentle pursuit of his partner, General Frost gradually softens. Yet, within his heart lies a lingering hatred that makes him hesitate when faced with Anselm's desire for children. Just as he resolves to lead his troops into battle, he discovers, quite unexpectedly, that he has become pregnant due to the use of forbidden substances. In an empire where birth rates are steadily declining, the military cannot allow a pregnant woman to command troops in battle. The general receives Anselm's understanding and, ultimately, chooses to keep the pregnancy a secret as he heads into the field with their child.
This narrative picks up after General Frost has avenged himself, giving birth on the battlefield. He returns home to face the Imperial Council for his actions of concealing his pregnancy while leading troops.
Sitting in the austere Council Hall, Ian was acutely aware of the weight of judgment hanging heavy in the air. The flickering lights above cast shadows across the stern faces of the council members, a stark reminder that the Empire was not one to take transgressions lightly.
As he recalled the moment he discovered his condition, a mix of fear and determination surged through him. “You had no right to keep this from us,” one of the council members, Colonel Bartley, spoke sharply, his voice echoing in the vast chamber. “A pregnant commander on the front lines? This undermines everything we stand for!”
Anselm, seated beside Ian, reached for his hand, his touch a calming force. “We did what we had to survive,” he whispered, his gaze unwavering.
“Survive? Or defy every regulation?" Colonel Bartley pressed on. "The Empire’s strength relies on discipline. Are you saying you couldn’t resist your weaknesses?”
“Could you have?!” Ian's voice rose, fueled by the pent-up struggles of their situation. “I did not ask for this, but I will not let it dictate who I am or my duty to this Empire!”
The room fell silent, the tension palpable as icy gazes turned to Ian. They had come to expect unwavering loyalty, but this situation was different. It was uncharted territory.
Outside, the sky turned a smoky hue, reminiscent of the battle days only a short while ago. As memories of chaos and courage flooded back, Ian found a moment of clarity.
With the birth of his child, he had become something more than just a soldier or a general—he was now a testament to the resilience of existence itself.
"General Frost, you’ve challenged the norms too far this time," warned General Rolota, a seasoned military strategist. “If we allow such exceptions, where does it end?”
Ian straightened in his chair. “Where it ends is where we decide that humanity and compassion deserve a place in our Empire. We are not just soldiers; we are also human beings navigating an uncertain future.”
Murmurs rippled around the hall as faces shifted from stern disapproval to contemplative surprise. Perhaps they had seen something in Ian that they, too, had been suppressing.
“We will deliberate,” said the head of the council, his voice grave. “But know this: actions have consequences, and we will weigh these heavily against the good of the Empire.”
As they adjourned, Ian felt Anselm squeeze his hand reassuringly, their bond now stronger than before. The fight for recognition in more ways than one was just beginning, and he was ready for whatever the future had in store.

Chapter 2

As time marched on, humanity's development journey stretched far beyond the bounds of outer space. The contemporary focus on nations, races, and even gender had faded into obscurity, lost in the ceaseless passage of time.
After millennia of overexploitation, Earth could no longer support its disintegrating state. Humanity migrated to another planet—Sonita—where they established a unified planetary empire known as the Empire of Sonita.
The Empire of Sonita is governed by a parliamentary system overseeing both the welfare of its citizens and developmental progress. The War Department ensures the security of the Empire. The parliament consists of an Upper Chamber, managing scientific development and the Empire's finances, and a Lower Chamber, which handles local administration. Below this parliamentary structure lies the Imperial Guard, tasked with general law enforcement. Additionally, a central oversight system governs matters of marriage and procreation.
After thousands of years of evolution, humanity has undergone tremendous physical changes, the most significant being the blurring of gender distinctions. Throughout history, as humans adapted to their environments, the traditionally perceived frailty and delicateness of females gradually merged with the physicality of males. In present-day Sonita, the ancient concepts of male and female no longer exist. All Sonitans exhibit external characteristics akin to ancient Earth males, though internally, their bodies have distinct male and female organs. Evolutionary changes have led to genetic mutations, resulting in a society with notably low birth rates. Procreation no longer follows the ancient Earth model of combining sperm and egg to form a fertilized egg. Instead, new life is generated through the fusion of paternal cells, which demands precise genetic compatibility. The central oversight system was created to facilitate this process.
This brain system contains the identity IDs and genetic records of all citizens within the Empire. Every three months, it pairs adult singles for genetic matching, selecting the most suitable candidates for procreation and monitoring the adherence to marital duties, imposing penalties for violations. Due to the higher absorption rates of female genes in reproduction, the Empire of Sonita has a significantly larger population of females compared to males. As a result, the marital structure on Sonita prioritizes male presence—regardless of social standing—that dictates that men take precedence over women in all marital matters.
Marriages on Sonita are based on three-month matches, with education emphasizing alignment with the oversight system. This promotion of genetic propagation takes precedence above all else. Consequently, the three-month partnership timeframe has become the norm. However, a minority of individuals, known as the “Classical School,” adheres to a notion of “lifelong marriage.” According to Sonitan marriage principles, if a couple does not produce offspring after three months, the male has the first right to initiate separation, while the female shares equal rights regarding their continued existence. In the broader context of Sonita, most citizens opt for immediate separation.
Once a couple has children, the female loses the right to decide their fate, with all decisions falling to the male, who can choose not to separate. He may continue participating in the three-month matching process, while the female is excluded from further participation. Yet, if a male decides to keep the offspring and separates from his partner, both are free to engage in subsequent matches. This structure addresses the societal imbalance created by the predominance of females, preventing a shortage of males. The structure supports a dynamic where males can have multiple partners while females are limited, although this narrative will not showcase that aspect. Those adhering to traditional “Classical School” beliefs can forgo matching rights and remain faithful to their partners for life. However, this deviation from propagation principles incurs penalties from the oversight system: nobles face the loss of aristocratic privileges, while commoners must pay hefty fines.

Chapter 3

In the Empire of Sonita, the differences between male and female Sonitans are identified even before birth. The fetal stage marks the beginning of the extensive records kept on young individuals in the system. As they grow up, it is required that females grow their hair long while males keep theirs short. Female Sonitans inherit the ancient Earth duty of nurturing and nursing their young, possessing a unique birth canal connected to their gestation sac, separated from their intestines by a delicate membrane. Meanwhile, male Sonitans exhibit physical traits akin to Earth males, except instead of sperm, their bodies contain a distinct fluid.
The Empire of Sonita has upheld a feudal system, dividing nobles into the upper and lower classes. Nobles benefit from territorial autonomy and superior genetic matching privileges, as their very births are contingent on strict elite selection criteria. The established marriage principle dictates that high-ranking nobles must marry other high-ranking nobles; if no match is possible, they may pair with lower-ranking nobles, and as a last resort, with commoners. This is the case for John, a commoner whose genetic database yielded no matches for six long years until Anselm reached adulthood. As privileged members of the Empire, nobles also bear the burden of responsibility towards it. Selection for frontline military officers begins among the nobility, and the rise of young nobles in the military has always been a history of honor and blood.
A catastrophic black hole storm erupted, introducing the Empire of Sonita to a new neighbor nearly 30,000 light-years away—Zechata.
The Zechatians are known for their aggressive and combative nature. Before the storm, Sonitans had heard legends of Zechata, but the billions of light-years that separated the two planets rendered Zechata merely a myth, even with Sonita's advanced technology. However, the advent of Zechata as a neighbor predictably led to an invasion of Sonita.
War broke out, resulting in the tragic loss of countless Sonitan lives on the battlefield, worsening the already low birth rates. Yet, Sonita's highly developed technology inflicted significant losses on the belligerent Zechatians as well. As the war dragged into a stalemate, both sides took the time to recuperate and reinforce themselves, bracing for the next major conflict.
The society of Zechata is heavily mechanized, and their biological system remains largely mysterious to the Sonitans, who understand only that the two species share a similar outward appearance, with little insight into their internal structures stemming from ancient Earth.
Ian Devereux stepped out of the Council Hall, where his driver had been waiting for a considerable time.
He settled into the Skyboat, breathing a sigh of weariness as he leaned back against the seat. He discarded his coat carelessly beside him, aware that it landed atop a neatly arranged stack of electronic documents—urgent materials Yves had prepared for tomorrow's meetings. These were conveniently placed in his Skyboat to peruse on his way home.
Ian Devereux, eldest son of the storied Devereux family, a member of the Empire's Upper Chamber, was born into a legacy of power and prestige. Young and seated high in a prominent position, he usually came across as fantastically arrogant, his cunning nature often leading rivals into traps. Yet, at this moment, workaholic Ian tossed aside the urgent documents, his gaze drawn to the scenery outside the Skyboat, a hint of a smile gracing his features.
At this moment, Ian felt in good spirits, determined not to allow the chaotic matters of the council to dampen his mood.

Chapter 4

Ian Devereux was making his way to Devereux Manor, preparing to attend the grand celebration for his two nephews’ first month.
Little Anselm and Little Andrew, the twin sensations recently returned to the Empire of Sonita, were being celebrated today. As the first grandsons of the Devereux family, their rarely seen father had finally decided to host a lavish affair for them, despite his own tumultuous circumstances preventing a public announcement. Nevertheless, this private gathering was Devereux's way of asserting the family's status, and many believed their father would ensure that John would not suffer the same fate as his late brother.
As Ian's skyboat glided into Devereux Manor, he noticed that quite a few guests had already arrived. He stepped out, handed his coat to a busy maid, and scanned the crowd with an impatient glance, effectively blocking those eager to approach him.
“Master Devereux,” came the familiar titles from the family elders, who used this term at home, while in public, he was addressed as Sir Ian.
He nodded, striding forward as he asked, “Has Little John arrived?” The eldest of the clan, Griffin, was referred to as “the eldest son,” while John was “the youngest master.” Since returning home, John had been staying at Anselm’s small residence. With the celebration in honor of the twins unfolding, it was crucial he remembered the importance of arriving early.
“Yes, he’s upstairs in Little John’s room with Mr. Anselm. The other two grandsons are also there,” replied the maid, dutifully updating Ian on everyone’s whereabouts.
“And my father?”
“Master is in the backyard.”
Ian let the maid continue her work and made his way through the front half of the manor toward his father’s private quarters.
He tapped lightly on the door before standing in front of Victor Devereux’s study.
Ryder, his elder brother in both blood and duty, opened the door.
“Good evening, Uncle Ryder. Is Father in?” Ian flashed a charming smile and embraced Ryder, whose silver hair still held an air of elegance and youth.
Ryder nodded, beckoning him inside.
He pointed toward the study, indicating that Victor Devereux was currently within.
With a grateful nod, Ian entered the study.
As Ryder moved through the living room into an adjacent room, Ian softly knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
Following the instructions, Ian stepped inside. At that moment, the current head of the Empire of Sonita, Victor Devereux, was seated behind his desk, holding two aged photographs and studying them with a mix of nostalgia and warmth.
“Father.” Ian closed the door softly behind him and took a seat in front of Victor's desk while a service robot glided in, presenting him with a drink.
“Ian, look how quickly time flies. You’ve all grown so much—John is already a father. If our brother were still with us, he would be overjoyed...” Victor let out a slight sigh as he set down the photographs, revealing one of their brother in his youth alongside a picture of the newborn grandchildren. It was clear he had been reminiscing in solitude about their brother.
Ian smiled as he examined the pictures of Little Anselm and Little Andrew, his fingers caressing their tiny faces, his tone suggesting a subtle concern.
“Hmph, the Empire might not be safe for those two little ones…”
At this remark, Victor’s tender expression shifted coldly as he focused on Ian’s smiling face, letting out a scoff.
“Ahem, with your skills, you still can't protect your own nephews?” Victor leaned back, as if to say he was aging and the weight of the world must now fall on the younger generation.
Ian propped his chin on his hands, absentmindedly stroking the corners of his mouth, contemplating the weight of the family legacy and the upcoming celebration for the twins.

Chapter 5

“Yeah, protecting my nephew is not an issue. It's just that some of the rats are too big to catch right now. I’m afraid that if they feel cornered, they might jump the fence…”
Duke Victor fell silent for a moment, letting out a soft snort.
“Rats are still just rats, even if they jump over a wall. They don’t become biting dogs. But just in case, I’ll take it upon myself to warn a few people. You just focus on your work.”
“Alright.” Ian responded with a smug smile, satisfied that he had received the answer he came for.
Duke Victor let out a chuckle and said with a mock reprimand, “You little fox, go on.”
“Yes, Father. I’m off now.” Ian nodded decisively and left the study.
As the door closed behind him, Duke Victor’s gaze fell on the vibrant figure in the photograph before him.
Glasgow, I’m not the same Victor Devereux who merely holds a noble title. This time, I won’t let our children repeat the past.
Stepping out of the small building, Ian turned back to share a brief embrace with Ryder, his eyes drifting across the living room when he caught sight of a cold glance passing through. He looked again, but there was no one there. Raising an eyebrow slightly, Ian released Ryder and turned away.
Returning to the main hall, he noticed that the party arrangements were finally in order and the servers were in place. Ian habitually checked everything and found most things had been handled neatly—Anselm certainly had some merit in this regard. Finally, he would be able to escape the burden of planning John’s birthday celebration.
Noble gatherings were simply a means of networking and measuring the social winds; regardless of the theme, even during this baby shower for the Devereux twins, how many genuinely cared about the two little ones? Most were more interested in the implications behind the Devereux celebration or perhaps an opportunity to encounter him or Duke Victor.
Ian scoffed internally, yet as the only host present, he had to stand in the banquet hall and greet a few familiar guests.
Of course, the nominal hosts, John and Anselm, remained holed up in a room holding the baby, waiting until the event began to make a brief appearance, after which John would likely vanish.
With a light sigh and an amused smile, Ian outwardly engaged with those around him while his mind wandered elsewhere.
His distant gaze skimmed across the banquet hall and abruptly halted at a somewhat secluded entrance to the terrace.
A striking woman with flowing red hair stood there—her coloring reminiscent of a certain male council member had caught Ian’s attention.
Then Ian noticed her relaxed demeanor, casually undone military uniform, which verged on disrespectful. The style of her uniform seemed similar to John’s, indicating she was a Brigadier General.
Ian stood at a distance, scanning the woman. She was vibrant, lazy, yet exuded a sense of rebellious free-spiritedness.
More acquaintances approached to exchange greetings, drawing Ian's attention back.
Throughout the evening, Ian found himself exchanging banter with a colorful variety of guests. Just as expected, John made a brief appearance and then disappeared, taking Anselm along with him, which meant that Ian had lost the chance for any support.
So when he recalled the woman on the terrace, the once-quiet space had already cleared, leaving no trace behind.
Hmm, I should still be able to find her again. It's not every day to encounter a female Brigadier General…
Ian wore an enigmatic smile at the thought.

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