Behind the Spotlight of Love

Chapter 1

Winter had blanketed Yonder City in a heavy layer of snow, creating a magical landscape as Seraphina Fairchild stood before the mirror, trying on wedding dresses. She inhaled deeply, sucking in her stomach as the soft, white fabric hugged her figure. Adjusting the strapless neckline, she turned to the side, watching as the light blue hem danced like flower petals, the golden threads glimmering in the dim light.

The delicate shoulder straps formed floral shapes, blooming like blue ice blossoms against her smooth skin. Her elegant form reflected in the floor-to-ceiling mirror as snowflakes swirled outside, framing her like a vision from a fairy tale—a modern-day princess.

In Andersen's story of the Princess and the Pea, the real princess could feel a single pea hidden beneath dozens of mattresses. Just as Seraphina, accustomed to high-end couture gowns, felt the discomfort of the dress that didn’t quite fit right at her waist and shoulders. This was the fifth dress she had tried on.

Finally, after recording over ten videos from one side, Elena Cloudridge stifled a yawn, her hand covering her mouth as she watched Seraphina with sleepy eyes.

Seraphina turned to her and asked, "Does this floral accent on the shoulder look too much?"

"It looks beautiful, babe. Let's go with this one," Elena replied, her excitement breaking through her drowsiness.

With a thumbs-up from Seraphina, a sales associate approached them, asking, "Have you decided on this dress?"

"Yes," Seraphina nodded. "Could you have it delivered to Harmony Hall tomorrow?"

"Of course! Please leave your contact information," the associate said cheerfully.

As Seraphina headed to the fitting room to change back, Elena moved to the front desk to fill out the order. The sales associate caught a glimpse of the name Elena wrote and excitedly whispered to her coworker, "You won't believe it; that's Seraphina Fairchild!"

"I thought I recognized her! It's unbelievable. It's not every day you see the daughter of the Fairchild family shopping for a dress here," the other replied.

"Time changes everything, right? No one stays on top forever," the first replied thoughtfully.

In the meantime, Elena threw down her pen, displeased about the whispers, and snapped back, "It's just a performance, not the Oscars—no need for high fashion."

The two sales associates fell silent, realizing their mistake as Seraphina emerged from the fitting room. She shook her hair free from her coat and handed over her card, ready to pay.

Unfortunately, the sales associate returned moments later, saying, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but your card might..."

Seraphina's face turned pale, her confidence slipping. "Is there any chance I could—"

Elena stepped in, generously pulling out her own credit card. "Use mine!"

Grateful, Seraphina nodded silently as they completed the transaction.

As they pushed through the door, the wind whipped snow into their faces, and Seraphina squinted against the flurry. Turning to Elena, who was slightly taller, she smiled and said, “Thanks, Cloud. I’ll pay you back once my paycheck clears this month.”

“Stop it! You don’t need to pay me back. You’ve done so much for me in the past, remember?” Elena replied, putting her arm around Seraphina’s shoulder.

Seraphina felt a twinge of guilt. “Thank you, really. Sorry it took so long. Let me treat you to hotpot dinner as a thank-you.”

“Let’s hurry then; I’m starving!” Elena exclaimed, dragging Seraphina toward the nearest subway entrance.

Little did they know, a blizzard had begun in Yonder City, but for Seraphina, each snowflake felt like a promise—a turning point in her journey as she prepared to step into a new chapter of her life.

Chapter 2

Seraphina Fairchild chuckled, "Are we getting the spicy pepper or not?"

“Sure, sure, let’s go!” Elena Theloudridge was already pulling her toward the subway entrance.

As they stood in line to enter, Seraphina absentmindedly glanced at her phone. The chat window with Henry Riverstone blinked with a glaring green—he hadn’t replied in three hours. She had sent him a series of messages, asking if he had eaten, if he could join her to try on dresses, and even a few videos of her trying outfits on. But there was no response.

“What's up? Still waiting for handsome Henry to respond?” Elena teased, noticing Seraphina’s distracted expression.

With a hint of disappointment, Seraphina slipped her phone into her pocket and replied, “He must be too busy. I heard his new album is going up for pre-sale soon.”

Elena scoffed, “You come back home, and he doesn’t pick you up from the airport; he skips out on dress fittings—are you really sure he’ll show up tomorrow? I’m not buying it.”

Seraphina fell silent, her heart sinking at Elena’s words.

After a moment, she murmured, “We’re apart too much.”

Elena tapped the top of her head playfully. “Do you think he misses you as much as you miss him?”

Her gaze lowered, and she spotted the picture of Henry on her phone's lock screen. “I mean, he is handsome, but…” she hesitated before pointing out the image, and teasingly remarked, “I really don’t see what’s so special about him. It’s easy to find a two-legged man when three-legged frogs are rare, you know? Maybe it’s time to move on.”

The lock screen featured Henry at a recent fans’ meet-and-greet, a candid shot she had snagged online. He was holding a microphone, singing with a captivating yet distant aura, dressed in a simple white shirt, reminiscent of the cool, ethereal charm he had back in school.

Looking at that photo pulled Seraphina into a whirlwind of nostalgia, carrying her back through the corridors of time. It was exactly such a serene singing boy who had drawn her attention years ago, during a school anniversary celebration when she accompanied her instrument. During rehearsals, she had been spellbound, watching Henry sing his heart out on stage. As she stepped onto the stage with her instrument, she didn’t watch where she was stepping and nearly tripped on the stairs.

A hand gripped her wrist.

She looked up, meeting his warm, gentle gaze.

“Good thing you didn’t fall,” he said, relief washing over his charming smile that sent her heart racing.

That performance had been spectacular, and their photo had circulated across the campus forums, where everyone referred to them as the perfect couple, meant to be together.

Now, watching fresh performance photos on her phone, with that same white shirt and clean-cut look displayed, those feelings felt worlds apart from where they used to be.

His eyes were still mesmerizing, serene even in chaos, but Seraphina sensed a mix of something deeper lurking beneath.

“Do you like princes or knights?” Elena’s voice cut through her reverie.

Seraphina turned her gaze to an ad posted on the subway wall—an illustration of a grand ball. The prince was dressed elegantly in a tailcoat, kneeling as he held the princess's wrist, while a knight stood protectively behind her.

“Definitely the prince,” Seraphina replied without thinking.

Elena challenged her, “But knights are excellent too—they quietly watch over their princesses.”

When Seraphina glanced back at the advert, the image had vanished, just like the knight had disappeared into thin air at the metro car’s end.

Chapter 3

In the shadows that often went unnoticed, Seraphina Fairchild found herself momentarily lost in thoughts of loyalty as she followed Princess Lily into a quaint little restaurant located deep within a long alley.

“It's quite a change of pace for us,” Seraphina remarked as they stood in front of the hot pot place, a wave of nostalgia washing over her. “I haven't been here in ages.”

A small dog tethered outside began barking eagerly.

“Oh, look at that adorable little mutt!” exclaimed Elena Cloudridge, nudging Seraphina as they stepped closer.

Seraphina smiled slowly, her heart warming at the sight. “That’s Lucky. He’s our good luck charm.”

Across the street loomed Yonder Academy, Seraphina’s alma mater. This street held countless memories for her; every tree and shop was steeped in the shadows of her past.

As they pushed the door open, warmth enveloped them like a comforting embrace.

“How are things with your dad?” Elena inquired as they settled down and browsed the menu.

Seraphina unfurled her scarf while cracking open a can of soda, responding thoughtfully, “There are a lot of uncles and cousins at home. They’ve lent us some support, helping to keep the finances afloat, but The Company is still under investigation. My parents are currently in Port Haven and they’ve got a few small businesses still operating.”

“Don't worry too much. If you’re in the right, there's nothing to fear. It’s just a temporary hurdle,” Elena reassured her, raising her straw to sip from her drink.

Seraphina took a cool sip of her Sprite, the effervescence cutting through the heaviness of her thoughts.

The chaos had begun three months ago. Her father, Zachary Fairchild, who ran Fairchild Branding Guild, found himself embroiled in a scandal. A major shareholder had been caught in a tax evasion scheme, resulting in his arrest. The fallout sent The Company’s stock value plummeting, and with the media storm that ensued, every aspect of Zachary's business came under scrutiny.

The group had ceased operations, and the Fairchild name had lost its luster. Many partners abandoned ship, with only a few loyal allies offering help.

There was truth in the saying that trouble reveals true friendships.

Seraphina didn’t add anything more, and the heavy topic was quickly brushed aside. Elena encouraged her to suggest some dishes.

As Seraphina flipped through the menu, snippets of lively chatter filled the air as more patrons entered the diner, gossiping enthusiastically.

“Did you see the trending news? Henry Riverstone and Courtenay Greenleaf—are they for real?” a voice chimed in.

The mention of Henry's name piqued Seraphina’s attention, and she found herself caught in a fleeting daydream.

“Henry Riverstone. The singer, right? And who's Courtenay Greenleaf?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, she's just this major socialite, you know, quite the drama queen. She’s pals with Chloe Dawnstar. Word has it, she was in the front row at Henry's concert and had his manager get her through the VIP entrance,” the newcomer explained with a tone of disbelief.

“No way! Henry’s really moving up in the world, it seems,” Seraphina murmured, her thoughts swirling.

She accidentally brushed against the cold can, causing her to flinch. Pressing a napkin against the condensation, she tried to regroup her focus, unveiling a small smile despite it all.

Chapter 4

Elena Theloudridge heard the gossip from the next table and glanced over briefly, noticing that the idle chatter from passersby had finally died down. She then turned her attention back to Seraphina Fairchild.

Seraphina was staring at her phone, scrolling through the news with a distracted frown. It struck her only after a moment that the drama surrounding Henry Riverstone and Courtenay Greenleaf had been trending for over two hours.

Just as Seraphina was lost in thought, Henry's call came through.

“Did you pick out your outfit?” his clear voice cut through the silence on the other end.

Though his tone was calm and unaffected, there was a cold edge that sent a shiver down her spine.

“What’s all this about the trending topics?” Seraphina asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Henry hesitated for a beat before responding, “Just rumors. Don’t believe it. The studio’s already preparing a statement.”

“I saw the photo,” she replied.

He chuckled lightly, “Because I needed her dad’s approval for the concert venue. She wanted to see it, so I couldn’t say no. Besides, that was ages ago. Reporters are just desperate to stir things up. Don’t dwell on it; they’re just digging up old news.”

Even if his words were dubious, they still eased Seraphina’s anxieties, if only a little.

“By the way, the ice-blue outfit looks great. I hope your show goes well,” he added.

Seraphina hesitated, her heart still heavy. “It’s my last performance tomorrow. Will you be there?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” His reassurance was gentle yet firm.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Seraphina ended the call, setting her phone aside.

Still, a knot twisted in her stomach. She had heard of Courtenay Greenleaf, a socialite known across the capital, but never imagined that Henry Riverstone, with his stellar reputation, would ever associate with someone like her.

Courtenay was the epitome of privilege in their circles. Seraphina didn’t even need to ponder her character or looks; in the world they occupied, those qualities paled in comparison to the influence Courtenay wielded—she was a stepping stone to loftier heights.

Suddenly, an array of dishes landed on the table—beef tripe, pork throat, and fresh duck blood, all crimson against the steaming pot.

As Seraphina witnessed the stark red liquid bubbling ominously, her unease fluttered back, and she pulled out her phone again.

The internet was buzzing unexpectedly.

It wasn’t merely the rumors surrounding Henry that had ignited the chatter.

Seeing the hashtag #Zachary Fairchild trending felt like a punch to the gut.

Innocents were getting dragged into this scandal.

A particular gossip account posted: “Does no one realize that Henry Riverstone's actual girlfriend is Zachary Fairchild's daughter? If he’s really with Courtenay Greenleaf, isn't he playing both sides?”

User 1: “Is this the Zachary Fairchild I know?”

User 2: “I’ve known this for ages. Henry's been dating her for nearly half a year!”

User 3: “So, with the Su family in ruins, does Henry think he can swap to a richer partner?”

User 4: “Isn’t Su’s daughter the lead cellist for the Cloud Ensemble? I saw her live, and she was stunning—a total dream. How does Henry manage to charm two such beautiful women?”

User 5: “The Su family’s troubles haven’t been fully investigated, so let’s not exaggerate. Wealthy people are all the same—just different ropes.”

User 6: “Someone check into the Su family; I’ve heard Zachary likes to play around too—allegedly has a ton of lovers.”

Seraphina lost her composure and replied to User 6: “Everything needs evidence. Stop tarnishing someone’s reputation without proof.”

Her response found little traction, her private account and few followers marking her voice as almost invisible. Disheartened, she was about to turn off her phone when she received a notification:

“Kalimera_ has shared your comment.”

Initially unfazed, she was struck by how familiar the username sounded.

Curiously, she tapped on the profile.

The account had only a handful of posts—twenty-five in total. Besides her recent comment, the last post dated back two years, a generic share about programming.

It was clear that this tech enthusiast had a substantial following—over a hundred thousand fans.

Suddenly a memory sparked.

The comments from others solidified her hunch.

In place of her father’s name, the name that emerged at the top of the trending list was Matthew Silverwind.

A distilled image of his handsome face appeared in her mind.

Matthew Silverwind.

The name ran through her head like an echo.

He was her friend.

But it had been years since he had entered her life, enough time that he felt quite distant now. They had known each other since childhood but drifted apart after high school.

While she moved south for her studies, he’d gone off to the other side of the world alone.

Their final connection happened on the night of their graduation.

Counting the years, six had passed since then.

The social media feed was refreshingly fast—posts flying in like a whirlwind—

“Ah! My love just updated!”

“Even the rich kids are gossiping?”

“Oops, did he slip up?”

“Matthew Silverwind doesn’t have to pick sides; what’s he trying to do during a scandal like this?”

“Will he delete it? Stay tuned for updates!”


Amid the logical theories, a flood of exclamations filled the screen, and the page felt like a bottomless pit with every “My love!” capturing the excitement of the users far beyond the realm of facts.

Seraphina thought Matthew had probably just hit the wrong button as well.

But oddly enough, nothing got deleted; Kalimera_ left their initial comment up.

Upon refreshing his page, Seraphina noticed two new comments of support:

“Zachary Fairchild's daughter is simply gorgeous—pure beauty. Too bad she’s got questionable taste if she’s looking at Henry Riverstone. [shrug]”

“Finding a good man is hard, beautiful ladies! Don’t waste time on losers—keep your standards high!”

Seraphina Fairchild was left speechless.

It was all ignited by a wealthy bachelor, sitting oceans away, with merely a flick of his finger, stirring a wave of chaos from afar.

Chapter 5

She was convinced that some people, even though they had faded out of the spotlight for many years, continued to live on through legends in the industry.

Even if he said not a single word, the moment he appeared, public opinion would shift dramatically.

Quinn Featherstone once thought that the most unreachable distance in the world was loving someone from the sidelines, exchanging heartfelt notes while pretending not to see him in a crowded space.

That was the bittersweet nature of unrequited love.

She had witnessed waves of fierce affection crashing around him, the excited gazes of countless admirers chasing after him at games. And there he was, the center of attention, as girls flocked to him the moment he settled into class.

Winston Oakleaf had the sort of face that could captivate, with a nonchalant smile that barely concealed his charm. He glanced casually at the girls standing awkwardly outside the crowd, then looked at the bottle of water in her hand, asking, “Did you get that for me?”

Quinn's heart skipped a beat, and she smiled nervously, “It’s from the next class over.”

Winston raised an eyebrow, thoughtful, as he took the bottle from her. “Thanks.”

Years later, Quinn Featherstone found herself on stage.

She could hear the roar of the crowd cheering for her. Finally, she had twenty million fans gathered for her concert, every seat filled.

Yet, a twinge of sadness hit her as she realized the only audience member she truly wanted to see—the boy who sat behind her in class—wouldn't be there.

They met again at a reunion.

On the way back, he caught a ride with her as a heavy rain poured down. She watched him dash off into the downpour.

Soon enough, she noticed the umbrella he deliberately left behind in her car.

One day, out of the blue, as she scrolled through fan posts on social media, Quinn stumbled across a sea of faces from that concert night. There he was, sitting in the crowd, pulling down the brim of his hat but revealing those strikingly deep eyes that mirrored the boldness of his youth. He was focused, completely engrossed in the performance on stage.

Along with this surprising discovery, a small—as if hidden—social media account of his surfaced, featuring a photo of her accompanied by a few simple letters: my girl.


Chapter 2

◎ Long Time No See ◎

The steam swirled around in the hot pot restaurant.

Seraphina Fairchild had already tried a few bites when Elena Cloudridge, particularly slow, was finally peeling fruit.

“Who’s Matthew Silverwind?” Elena mused, then looked up at Seraphina. “Do you know him?”

“Uh…” Seraphina stammered slightly. “Why are you asking about him?”

“Someone was talking about it. Isn’t he from your school? Are you close? I hear he’s really mysterious and quite handsome—is that true?”

Seraphina felt a wave of confusion as Elena fired off question after question. After a brief pause, she chose her words carefully, narrowing it down to two responses. “Yeah, he’s pretty good-looking. We’re… old classmates.”

After some thought, that felt like the safest way to put it.

The Suyin and Silverwind families had been family friends for years, and they had known each other since childhood. But in truth, Seraphina felt closer to his father than to Matthew himself.

Having said that, a hint of guilt washed over her, wishing for the topic to shift quickly, and she lowered her gaze.

She opened the comments section of the trending post: Who is Matthew Silverwind? Someone educate me.

Comment #1: The Silverwind heir from Lindenwood—how does anyone not know him?

Comment #2: He’s my husband [Eyes rolling emoji]

Comment #3: Someone wake the one above up!

Comment #4: No one is allowed to not be charmed by this picture [View image]

Seraphina clicked on the picture in the comments.

As she expected, it was an old photo of him that had circulated widely online.

The picture was taken at a business gala held in Edinburgh a few years back, where, framed within a blur of colorful figures from the crowd, Matthew was sitting alone, a tall glass of wine in hand, lounging against the window. Outside, the snow was illuminated in a warm glow from the streetlights.

The warm orange light from the vintage chandelier traced shadows across his striking bone structure—a profile that could easily compete with European aristocrats.

In the photo, he appeared both absorbed in watching people dance and yet disconnected from the vibrant atmosphere. He wore a faint smile that couldn’t quite conceal his tousled charm. His narrow eyes seemed to communicate something deeper, exuding an innate star-like presence.

He looked like a charming rogue out of an old movie—a distinctive blend of nobility and effortless style.

The first time Seraphina saw that picture, it wasn't about whether he was handsome or not; it struck her that he had grown up too.

Matthew Silverwind held himself with an air of confidence. But perhaps only Seraphina could sense the layer of loneliness and weariness beneath the facade.

In a world of wealth and fame that didn’t quite fit him.

“Do you think this photo is edited?” Elena inquired from the other end, also examining it.

Seraphina shook her head, replying truthfully, “Nope, that’s just how he looks—he's incredibly handsome.”

She remembered how someone once jokingly called him “The Beauty.” It was ridiculous, yet so fitting.

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