Between Two Hearts We Dance

Chapter 1

**Title: I’m Together with The Protagonist's Dream Girl**

*Author: Jiang Chenyang*



Elias Wainwright finds himself in a predicament: he’s become the character he despises the most—the cliché heroine from an old-school romance. This woman, beautiful and born into privilege, had the world at her feet in the entertainment industry but managed to ruin everything because of a misguided romance with a wandering knight. To make matters worse, they share the same name.

The novel is filled with heart-wrenching elements: a stand-in, tragic losses, memories fading into oblivion, and countless misunderstandings between the main characters. After 2,000 chapters of drama, the heroine donates a kidney to The Protagonist and dies cradled in his arms.

Elias can’t help but express his frustration, thinking, “Seriously?”

As a 2.0 version of the original heroine, he’s determined to rewrite the narrative and live as the empowered leading lady, ready to conquer both career and love.


The Protagonist has an unattainable dream girl: Amelia Fairchild, a star whose radiance outshines all in the entertainment world. With zero scandals or controversies, she’s a fixture at prestigious events and a favorite of legendary directors like Lord Aelfric.

Frequently compared to Amelia due to their similar looks, Elias often faces criticism, accused of being a discounted version of Amelia Fairchild. The rivalry between their fan bases intensifies with each passing day, leading to heated social media clashes.


Everyone believes that Elias Wainwright and Amelia Fairchild can’t stand one another. That is until their first collaboration brings them together in an unexpected encounter at the airport. There, the supposedly cold personality of Amelia Fairchild surprises everyone by sweetly linking arms with Elias.

Not long after, both Elias and Amelia find themselves trending on social media. With a single tweet, a heart symbol from one and a simple tag from the other culminates in a public announcement of their marriage—a photo of their marriage certificate included.


Elias took a deep breath at the bustling Royal Port, the echoes of passengers fading into their chatter as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder. His heart raced as he was about to embark on this unfamiliar path. It felt surreal, stepping into the limelight as someone else, a pawn in a game he never wanted to play.

"You're Elias Wainwright, right?" a voice chimed.

Elias turned to see a fan, bright-eyed and filled with excitement. He smiled, trying to embrace the moment despite the anxiety bubbling beneath his surface. Little did he know, his name was already stirring rumors across the online community.

As he made his way to his terminal, whispers of his impending collaboration with the elusive Amelia bubbled in the background. He braced himself for the inevitable comparisons and criticisms—"the replica" being one of the milder names thrown around in fan forums.

The serenity of the airport was shattered when, unexpectedly, he spotted Amelia. Elegant in a flowy dress that danced like sunlight across her form, she strolled toward him with an uncharacteristic warmth.

“Elias!” She called out, as if they were old friends. He recognized the glimmer of mischief in her dark eyes, striking against the backdrop of her angelic appearance. Elias hesitated, his instincts screaming that this was a set-up. Was she playing a part, or was there something genuine here?

Then, without warning, she looped her arm around his, the sudden gesture sending shockwaves through the gathered crowd and igniting a frenzy online. Capturing the moment, fans began to speculate—had they really crossed the line from rivals to partners?

Days later, as they unwittingly became the talk of the town, both Elias and Amelia took to social media, sharing their news with the world. A tweet from her read, “Excited for our upcoming project together! @Elias is going to shine!” followed by a montage of joyful memories—one image standing out above the rest: a vibrant photo of their marriage license.

In an era where the plot twists are endless, Elias was ready to turn the page on his story. No more tragic endings for him; he aimed for a grand narrative, blending heart and ambition into a saga all his own. The spotlight wasn’t just for the protagonist anymore—it was time for him to claim his rightful place.

Chapter 2

"Elias Wainwright, can you just leave me alone? Why does the world have to have a woman as shameless as you?" Knight Errant sneered, pulling at his tie in frustration. He then slammed the box labeled “East House” down in front of the woman who looked utterly lost in thought. "Take your East House and get out of my sight. I'm busy and don't have time for you."

The woman, frozen in place, did not budge, and Knight Errant's expression grew increasingly impatient.

"Elias Wainwright. Are you leaving on your own, or do I need to call security to throw you out?"

Elias Wainwright, feeling slightly dazed, glanced at Knight Errant and then at the box on the floor, swiftly picking it up just before he barked the word “leave.” She wanted to throw it back at him, but the unfamiliar environment made her hold back. The moment she stepped outside the Grand building, she felt dozens of eyes on her.

Confused, Elias recalled that she had been taking a nap in her room. How did she end up here?

She settled on a stone bench at the entrance.

The sun was blazing like nothing she’d ever known, and the stone was so hot she could have cooked a meal on it.

It took her ten minutes to sort through the chaotic memories in her mind, and then she realized she had somehow become a character in a book.

Not just any book, but an old-school romance novel; she had transformed into the painfully naive female lead who shared her name.

Elias felt a chill run down her spine. Was she dreaming? But the scorching bench beneath her told her otherwise.

She remembered reading this book and cursing the protagonist from start to finish.

"Elias Wainwright" was the most pathetic, love-struck character she had ever encountered. She fit the trope of "The Protagonist can treat me poorly a thousand times, yet I will regard The Protagonist as my first love" perfectly.

Although Wainwright Manor in Kingston was a top-tier establishment, she managed to become nothing more than a dog at the feet of the Protagonist.

The person who had just hit her with the East House box was the Protagonist, Lysander Hawthorne. He was indeed attractive, but his temper was absolutely horrible.

Elias had no fondness for the Protagonist; he epitomized every bit of the insufferable overbearing man.

Sighing, she rubbed her temples. According to the original character’s memories, she knew the female lead was still in the phase of obsessively pursuing her love interest, before any memory loss, miscarriage, or organ harvesting occurred.

This was good; if she had already reached that point, she feared she might go insane.

Feeling a bit relieved, Elias got up, following her recollection to find her car. As soon as she settled into the driver’s seat, her phone rang—it was her agent, Sebastian Bright.

“Hey. Miss Lydia Crowe, did you go looking for Lord Xander Thorne again?”

“What’s the matter?”

“Someone took a picture of you sitting on that stone bench, and now it’s trending.”

Elias Wainwright: ...

“Get it taken down.” Elias rubbed her temples, momentarily forgetting that in this world, she was still a celebrity. Mentioning this career inevitably brought to mind the Protagonist’s white moonlight, Amelia Fairchild.

The female lead entered the entertainment industry to prove she was better than Amelia Fairchild, and they shared a striking resemblance. Since her debut, Elias had been compared to Amelia Fairchild endlessly, a quintessential victim in an old-school romance where everyone treated her with animosity.

“Are you okay?” Sebastian Bright hesitated, sensing the calmness in Elias’s voice.

Chapter 3

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me. It’s just the sun; I’m feeling a little lightheaded,” Elias Wainwright rubbed his temples. “I’ll head home and rest for a bit.”

“Okay,” Sebastian Bright replied, somewhat distracted.

Elias waited a moment, but Sebastian didn’t say anything further. “I’ll hang up if you’re not busy.”

“Yeah, yeah. There are plenty of fish in the sea, you know?” Sebastian added.

“Right,” Elias said, sounding a bit bemused.

Sebastian seemed taken aback. “Wait, what?”

“I’m saying that there are plenty of options out there. I’m over this Knight Errant guy. I’m ready to focus on someone else,” Elias said more firmly, trying to convey his resolve.

Silence stretched on the other end of the line before Sebastian quickly grew anxious. “Are you serious? You’re kidding, right? What happened? Where are you? I’m coming over to make sure you’re okay. Don’t do anything rash.”

Elias felt a twitch at the corners of his mouth—exasperation mixed with amusement. “I mean it. I’m fine. I’ll just rest at home for a while. I have money, looks, and talent—why would I settle on just one person?”

Sebastian fell silent again, even checking to see if he’d dialed the right number.

“Forget it; I’m hanging up. We can deal with the latest drama later,” he said finally.

“Sure, but don’t do anything stupid, alright?” Sebastian warned.

Elias ended the call and took a mental snapshot of his day before heading home.

Living as the Grand Lady of Wainwright Manor, Elias resided in a sprawling villa located in an affluent neighborhood. The place was immense, featuring all the luxuries anyone would expect—like a pool and a sauna. There was even a fancy gym and a game room, complete with a private elevator for the staff. And in one corner, like something out of a mystery novel, there was The Hidden Chamber.

Sitting on the plush couch, Elias massaged his temples again, staring at the empty swimming pool, and sighed. He felt an internal conflict about possibly leaving. While he had no ties to the place, he’d just finished paying off his mortgage on the villa and hadn’t even fully settled in yet. It felt like a waste.

After another deep sigh, Elias showered and climbed into bed, wrapping himself in the cozy embrace of his sheets, hoping for a good night’s sleep.

At around six in the evening, Elias was jolted awake by the chime of his calendar reminder. Today was the tenth anniversary of his meeting with Lysander Hawthorne. He had made reservations at a fancy restaurant and planned to drop by his office today, largely because of this special date.

Elias sat up for a moment to gather himself before getting ready and heading out to the restaurant. Notably, he hadn’t reached out to Lysander yet; the choice to go was purely based on memories of how hard it was to book a table here—a privilege he had only because of his status.

When he arrived at the restaurant, the dinner rush was in full swing. In places like this, Elias was bound to run into people he knew. Of course, that meant that everyone was aware of the tumultuous saga between him and Lysander.

He could feel their stares; it was uncomfortable enough, but hearing their whispered comments was even worse.

Every time Elias came across situations in stories where people talked badly about the main character right in front of them, he found it cringeworthy.

The Wainwright family stood at the top of the social ladder, yet Elias was often targeted with backbiting from people who hadn’t the gall to confront him directly. He couldn’t help but wonder what emboldened them.

“He’s totally not even interested in her, yet she keeps chasing him,” one woman scoffed.

“Just embarrassing,” another added dismissively.

“What does my life have to do with you?” Elias interrupted, striding toward them with a steely glare. “Care to share which families you represent?”

The two gossiping women shifted uncomfortably, clearly taken aback by Elias’s approach.

“Can’t a girl say what she wants without being judged?” one of them gathered the nerve to retort.

“Am I breaking some law or protocol? Do you think I need your approval?” Elias shot back, his expression challenging as he leaned in slightly. “It seems I’ll have to ask my dad why certain people think it’s alright to step on my toes. I guess Wainwright Manor must be failing if that’s the case.”

Chapter 4

The two faces turned visibly pale.

“So, does Lysander Hawthorne know how much you two are helping him from behind the scenes?” Elias Wainwright chuckled after saying this. “Probably not, since he doesn’t even know who you are.”

Elias narrowed her eyes. “Who I choose to like or how I choose to pursue them is none of your business. Understand? I’m still better than you pitiful creatures who only dare to badmouth others behind their backs.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear, her lips curling into a slight smile. “Don’t let me hear any more of your nonsense. I’ve let you slide in the past because I was too lazy to confront you. Got it?”

With that, Elias strode towards her reserved table in her high heels, only to pause momentarily as she spotted someone entering through the door.

Amelia Fairchild.

What a coincidence.

She remembered this scene from the book. The original character eventually called for Lysander Hawthorne, but when Amelia Fairchild showed up, Lysander dropped the original character to chase after her instead. Of course, Amelia turned down Lysander’s dinner invitation.

Elias hesitated and then approached Amelia Fairchild with a smile. “Dining alone?”

Amelia nodded, glancing curiously at Elias.

“I’m alone too. How about we share a meal?”

Amelia scrutinized Elias for a moment.

“It’s just dinner. I won’t bite,” Elias said with a bright smile.

Typically, the original character avoided Amelia, never appearing at the same events, so they had hardly ever shared the same space.

“Alright.” Amelia nodded, surprised at Elias’s straightforwardness.

Elias had steeled herself for rejection, not expecting Amelia to agree so readily.

Now, it was Elias’s turn to scrutinize Amelia.

In the book, Amelia didn’t have many scenes, mostly depicted in a supporting role as someone invested in her career; it seemed she never entered a romantic relationship by the end of the story.

The two settled at the table that Elias had reserved, silence blanketing them.

Elias propped her chin on her hand, observing Amelia. To be honest, they didn't look much alike, so she couldn’t understand why people thought they resembled each other.

“Lydia Crowe, do you have something to say to me?”

Elias thought for a moment, then shook her head before nodding again. “Can I add you on WeChat?”

Amelia looked taken aback, eventually saying, “We’ve actually connected before.”

A hint of awkwardness filled the air; Elias’s memory didn’t include this detail, but a quick search confirmed Amelia’s existence in her contacts.

Good thing she was thick-skinned; she could still laugh it off in times like these.

“Don’t feel nervous, Lydia. I just didn’t want to eat alone, and since you’re here by yourself too, I thought I’d invite you. I’ve always liked you and wanted to meet you, but the opportunity never came.” Elias picked up her glass of red wine.

Amelia cast Elias a puzzled glance, but still said a polite thank you.

Though they agreed to chat, the conversation lingered hesitantly in awkwardness.

Chapter 5

Elias Wainwright called out to Amelia Fairchild with genuine curiosity.

Having downed two glasses of red wine, Amelia Fairchild's cheeks were flushed, and her gaze had taken on a dreamy quality by the time Elias noticed.

"Are you okay, Lydia Crowe?" he asked.

"Ah," Amelia's response was noticeably sluggish as she looked up at Elias. "I'm fine."

Elias thought to himself, More like, "Yeah, right."

She set her knife and fork down, signaling the staff to take away her wine. Frowning, Amelia directed a mildly annoyed glance at Elias.

"I've eaten enough. How are you getting home, Lydia Crowe?"

With a hand over her mouth, Amelia let out a soft hiccup. She met Elias's gaze but remained silent.

"I'll take Lydia Crowe home. I drove here," Elias offered, having only sipped juice—he never drank alcohol when unfamiliar faces were around.

Elias picked up his bag and got up to leave, only to notice that Amelia was still seated, unmoving.

"Lydia Crowe."

Amelia extended her hand toward Elias, her chin tilted slightly upward.

Elias hesitated for a moment, then took her hand and helped her to her feet.

Amelia seemed satisfied, nodding in appreciation.

Elias thought, What an odd play we're acting in.

Together, they made their way to the parking lot. Amelia’s steps were unsteady, relying heavily on Elias for support as he guided her.

“Good thing this place is discreet, or we’d definitely be trending on social media,” Elias mentioned as he helped her into the car.

Amelia sunk into the passenger seat, tilting her head to watch Elias intently.

“Where do you live?” Elias asked.

Amelia shook her head.

“I don’t know,” she yawned. “I’m tired.”

Elias suppressed a sigh.

“Lydia Crowe, I’m calling your manager.”

Her eyes flew wide open, filled with shock and disbelief, her voice tinged with irritation. “You can’t report me! How could you?”

“I just want to get her to come pick you up,” Elias replied, finally realizing she was tipsy.

Who gets drunk from just two glasses of red wine?

“No way,” Amelia declared firmly, shaking her head.

“Then you’ll just have to crash at my place.”

After a moment of contemplation, Amelia scrutinized Elias intently and finally responded, “Okay.”

Elias couldn’t decide whether to admire Amelia’s bravery or cringe at it. Somehow, even her worst enemies thought she was an alright person.

“Are you not worried I might sell you?” he asked lightly.

“You wouldn’t do that,” Amelia replied confidently.

Elias raised an eyebrow at her conviction.

“You look too dim-witted to even think about it,” she quipped.

Even though he wasn’t the original character, Elias felt a sliver of indignation.

“Take a good look in the mirror.”


“See if you look silly like this.”

Amelia frowned and lightly swatted his arm.

“Get out; we’ve arrived.” Elias parked the car in the garage, hopped out, rounded to her side, and opened the door, extending his hand to her.

Once she stepped out, Amelia leaned against him, causing him to stagger slightly, which she clearly didn’t appreciate.

“I’m not heavy.”

“True, mostly because you’re short.”

Amelia squinted at him. “I’m five-six, not short at all.”

“Oh, I’m five-eight.” Elias steadied her. “So you’re shorter than me.”

“You usually drink like this?”

“Nope.” Amelia tugged on his shirt. “Just tonight.”

Elias settled her onto the couch.

“I’m going to make you some honey water.”

“I don’t want honey water; I just want to sleep.”

“Such a princess,” he chuckled.

Elias’s home only had one room; she wasn’t even aware of the sleeping arrangements.

“I need a shower,” Amelia insisted, clutching his shirt again as if it was her lifeline.

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