Behind Closed Doors of Fortune

Chapter 1

**Title: "Rebirth Strategy Chronicles"**

**Author: Fu Hua**

**Story Outline:**

Each story is a unique world with its protagonist experiencing rebirth, flavored with sweetness. The tales traverse across modern settings, ancient times, futuristic realms, apocalypses, and western fantasies. This isn’t a quick-transport adventure but a compilation of rebirth stories.

**Rebirth Volume:**

* **Modern Rebirth:** A glamorous heiress reborn after a tragic death finds herself tangled between a cheating husband and a charming knight.

* **Ancient Rebirth:** A gentle girl traversing an ancient jungle befriends a naïve, fierce jungle creature.

* **Western Fantasy Rebirth:** A clueless knight and a brooding sorceress harbor feelings for one another while navigating a world of magic and intrigue.

* **Otherworld Rebirth:** An aristocrat from another world encounters a reborn Earth girl with a knack for surprises.

* **Apocalyptic Wasteland Rebirth:** A young girl who chooses to be a good sister after reviving steps up to care for her blind, adopted brother.

* **Future Rebirth:** A girl gifted with mind-reading ability grapples with a serious yet lively brother in a futuristic setting.

* **The Ancients Rebirth:** A beautiful yet unfortunate wife dies too soon, leaving her sorrowful husband to mourn for her loss.



- **Isabella Montague** () - The glamorous heiress navigating her new life.

- **Henry Wynters** () - Isabella's cheating husband.

- **Clarence Wynters** () - A charismatic knight vying for Isabella’s affection.

- **Lord Theobald Montague** () - Isabella's grandfather.

- **Eleanor Fairchild** () - Isabella's best friend.

- **Atticus Montague** () - Isabella's supportive brother.



The tale unfolds in the luxurious Montague Manor, contrasting with bustling urban landscapes and serene countryside backdrops that reflect the protagonist's emotional journey. The story captures the tension between old-world charm and modern aspirations as Isabella explores her rebirth.



Isabella Montague's life was a whirlwind of privilege, yet never without its burdens. The daughter of Lord Theobald Montague, she was conditioned to wear a mask of propriety while suppressing her true feelings. After confronting the harsh realities of betrayal, Ishabella sought hope within her second chance.

On a particularly sweltering afternoon, after a momentous event at Montague Manor, Isabella found solace in the garden. The vibrant blooms contrasted with the sadness suffusing her heart. As she contemplated the twists of fate, she caught sight of Henry, her husband, entwined in laughter with another woman. Bitterness churned in her stomach at his carefree demeanor.

That evening, during an extravagant gala at the estate, Isabella met Clarence Wynters. His arresting gaze brought a flicker of warmth to her soul. Their exchanges were filled with charming wit and ambient flirtation, hinting at a connection that went beyond mere attraction.

However, Henry, oblivious to Isabella's internal struggle, continued to flirt. The tension escalated, leaving her torn between the comfort of familiarity and the thrill of newfound affection. The path of betrayal intertwined with the flickers of sincere affection and romantic tension, creating an engaging tapestry of emotional turmoil.

Isabella's journey was not just about embracing her new life, but also about reclaiming her identity, learning to love and trust again, unbound by the tragedy that once haunted her. Compelled by newfound strength, she decided it was time to steer her fate, charting a course towards empowerment while nurturing budding feelings for Clarence.

The stakes rose as old secrets threatened to surface, challenging her growth and the fragile connections she attempted to forge. As Isabella unraveled the truth behind her past, she began crafting her own story—one that embraced the warmth of love, the joy of sisterhood, and the resilience of self-discovery.

As the night wore on, laughter echoed through the halls of Montague Manor, heralding the promise of redemption, and Isabella stood at the crossroads of her new life, ready to embrace the surprises that awaited her.


Chapter 2

The Bastard

The living room was eerily quiet, the only sound being the rustling of paper.

Isabella Montague sat on the couch, her gaze fixed on the hospital reports clutched tightly in her hands, lost in thought.

"Henry Wynters" sat beside her, attempting to gauge his wife's feelings. Given the news she had just received, it was easy to sense that things would not be well. He leaned in closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, his voice soft and soothing. “Isabella, medical technology is so advanced now. If we get a second opinion, I’m sure they can help you. You're only fifteen; we don’t need to rush into having kids. Don’t be sad.”

Isabella's downcast eyes glinted with a hint of sarcasm, but when she looked up, the mockery had faded.

“Henry,” she said slowly, “you’re thirty now. Waiting a few more years wouldn’t have been an issue, but now that we know I can’t have children, I’m sure your family's going to have some thoughts about that.” She stared at him, her voice steady. “Besides, don’t you want kids? If I can never bear a child, will you be disappointed?”

Henry hurriedly patted her hand. “Don’t think like that. Waiting a few years for kids is perfectly fine. In fact, we might choose not to have kids at all. I like the idea of having children, but I care about you more. If your family brings this up again, just ignore them. I’ll talk to my mom. Isabella, don’t feel burdened by this. I’ll handle everything; you just focus on being happy.”

Isabella looked at Henry Wynters, hoping to see the sincerity in his soft, loving expression.

It was that very face that had deceived her in her past life.

This man, who claimed to be uninterested in having children and always hoped she would be cheerful every day, was seen as a good husband by others—successful and devoted. But who knew that outside of their marriage, he kept a mistress and fathered an illegitimate child, publicly flaunting it after her family's influence waned, showing no care for her, even causing her death.

Though those horrid events hadn't occurred yet, for Isabella Montague, who had died and come back to life, it had only been three days since she had awoken from that nightmare.

Suddenly, Isabella chuckled and shook the health report in her hands. The two most reputable health institutions had confirmed it: Isabella Montague would never have children. She had been aware of this in her previous life, but that revelation had come years later. This time, however, she was confronting the truth face-on much sooner.

Henry was quite the performer. Isabella thought that if he had not entered the business world, his acting skills could rival those of the top Hollywood stars today. With a wicked smile hidden beneath her calm demeanor, she turned to the ever-sweet Henry Wynters and said, “If that’s the case, why don’t we consider adopting a child?”

Henry looked taken aback by her sudden suggestion, his expression momentarily frozen before returning to a more amiable look. “Why the sudden interest in adopting?” he asked gently.

Seeing the brief shock flash across his face, Isabella smiled. “But you said having kids wasn’t necessary. I want children, though. Since I can’t have my own, why not adopt one? Doesn’t that sound good?”

Chapter 3

Henry Wynters urged her, "Why do you feel the need to adopt a child? Let's check out some other hospitals tomorrow; they might be able to help you." After a pause, he added warmly, "Mandy, all I want is a child that's ours together."

Look who was talking. He had two mistresses outside, one who had given birth to a son and the other to a daughter, making a perfect family of sorts.

Isabella Montague felt a surge of irritation; her expression hardened, and she replied coolly, "I want to adopt a child, and you don't agree."

Isabella Montague was the youngest daughter of the Montague family, doted upon since childhood. Henry Wynters had worked hard to win her over and married her, relying on Montague Manor’s support to build his business. For the last three years, he had catered to her every whim, rarely arguing with her. Though unhappy about it now, he knew that when Isabella was in a mood, it was best to keep the peace. With a forced smile, he said, "Okay, okay, don’t be upset. Having a child around will be nice. Let’s plan to visit some adoption agencies during the company holiday in a few days."

As he spoke, a thought suddenly sparked in Henry Wynters's mind. Isabella Montague might never be able to have children of her own, but he had two bastards out there, a son named Zacharias Wynters who was only six months old and still too young to remember anything. If he could pull some strings to have the boy placed in an orphanage, then arrange for Isabella to adopt him, his illegitimate son could seamlessly become his legitimate heir. The more he thought about it, the more appealing it seemed. After all, Henry wasn’t particularly keen on raising some random orphan.

Isabella Montague was well aware of Henry’s nature. Seeing the flicker of his eyes, she guessed what he was concocting. She had anticipated his reaction; Henry Wynters was nothing if not shameless. This time, she wanted him to experience the consequences of his own schemes.

The idea of adopting a child had been lodged in Isabella’s mind since the first day of her rebirth, and the identity of the child she wanted to adopt was even more significant.

This child was the offspring of Henry Wynters and his first love, Mirabel Hastings. However, at this point, Henry had no idea the child existed.

When Henry was just eighteen, Mirabel Hastings, a classmate two years his junior, became pregnant after they indulged in their first romantic escapade. However, Mirabel's family discovered the situation and moved away before the child was born. Henry searched for her to no avail, and as weeks passed, he gradually forgot about her, only occasionally reminiscing about their youthful love. He never suspected that Mirabel had given birth to their child.

In reality, Henry Wynters was painfully selfish.

When Mirabel's pregnancy was uncovered, her family insisted that she should terminate it, but her frail health prevented her from undergoing the procedure, forcing them to let her carry the pregnancy to term. Unfortunately, just two months after the baby was born, Mirabel and her family clandestinely left the child at an orphanage, abandoning any trace of their connection.

The abandoned child grew up in the orphanage until, at the age of seventeen, he was finally found by Mirabel, leading to a fateful reunion with Henry Wynters. When this silent boy arrived at Wynters Keep, neither Isabella Montague nor Mirabel Hastings could have predicted that this quiet youth would eventually become the ultimate victor in their tangled web.

Chapter 4

Isabella Montague firmly resolved that this time, she would not allow that charming young boy—her pawn—to fall into Mirabel Hastings's hands again. No, instead, this useful child would belong to her, Isabella Montague.

She recalled that the boy was now about ten years old, residing at Blue Skies Orphanage.

It was essential for her to pay a visit and see what had become of this child—once a brilliant strategist who silently took control of Wynters & Co., swallowing up the failing Montague Enterprises. What did he look like now?

Henry Wynters had already left for the office. Isabel sat in the courtyard, leisurely finishing a cup of tea before she departed. She declined the offer of a driver and drove herself along the route she had researched to reach Blue Skies Orphanage.

Two hours later, she arrived at her destination, just as the sun was reaching its peak. The orphanage appeared older than the glossy photographs she'd seen online. Through the wrought iron fence, she caught a glimpse of sparse shrubs in the garden and noticed a few children milling about, clearly engaged in play.

Isabella perched in her car, glancing across the street at the chattering children. Just as she was about to get out, she caught sight of a few kids in uniforms heading her way.

They looked to be around nine or ten years old; Isabella initially turned her gaze away but, from the corner of her eye, spotted a familiar face and whipped her head back.

Among the group lagged a lone child, his demeanor dark and unapproachable. Despite wearing an identical uniform to the others, no one was beside him; he was clearly an outsider.

He was thin and small, his head bowed, looking no older than nine, though Isabella remembered he should be ten by now. Resting her chin on the window, she removed her sunglasses, focusing her gaze on the boy's face where a scar ran from the corner of his right eye to his brow—marring what would have been a strikingly handsome face.

The scar gave him a fierce appearance, and had it not been for that mark, Isabella would have struggled to believe that this frail, neglected child was the Clarence Wynters of her past life.

The first time she encountered Clarence Wynters, he had appeared slightly gaunt but stood tall like a birch tree. Now, he seemed like a stunted bean sprout.

She watched the quiet boy—this solitary bean sprout—walk into the orphanage, a faint smile curling on Isabella's lips as the urge to go inside faded. After all, she had seen enough. She could guess what kind of life Clarence Wynters led these days.

That was sufficient.

When Isabella returned home, Henry Wynters was already there. He stood up to take the shopping bags from her hands.

"You're back," he said.

"Yes," she replied, slipping off her shoes, "You’re home quite early today."

Henry smiled. "You mentioned wanting to adopt a child yesterday, so I thought I’d look into some options to see what’s available. Here are some details about the orphanages; they all have good reputations."

Isabella perused the beautifully designed brochures, each one showcasing children dressed neatly with bright smiles, far superior to what she'd witnessed at Blue Skies. The endorsements spoke highly of each institution, listing numerous awards they’d received.

With a faint smile as she finished her review, Isabella pointed to the brochure of the prettiest orphanage. "This one looks good."

"Graceful Haven Orphanage," Henry read, nodding in approval. "I also think this one is the best. I’ll set things in motion so we can visit and meet the kids this weekend."

"Sounds perfect," Isabella said, her smile widening.

As Henry hurried off to make arrangements, Isabella ascended the stairs and retrieved two documents. These had been procured by a private investigator she hired after her rebirth, detailing the two children fathered by Henry Wynters through his mistresses.

The boy, Zacharias Wynters, was only six months old, while the girl, Lucas Wynters, was already five.

She chuckled, admiring the photo of the adorable little boy, suddenly feeling inspired. Pulling out her phone, she called.

"Aunt Agnes," she greeted when her call connected.

"Oh! Ms. Montague, what a pleasant surprise! Is there something you need?" came the cautious voice of a middle-aged woman, who had served as a housekeeper at Montague Manor for decades.

"Actually, Aunt Agnes, I remembered that your son and his wife have been wanting children. I heard they are considering adoption?" Isabella asked.

"That’s right! My daughter-in-law is a wonderful woman, but she’s had two miscarriages. We’ve been hoping to adopt," Aunt Agnes replied softly.

"Aunt Agnes, I might have a solution for you. This weekend, I’d like your son and his wife to visit Graceful Haven Orphanage and adopt a child. I’ll send a couple of photos over, and they can choose which child they wish to adopt. I’ll inform Montague Manor to handle the paperwork on that same day," Isabella offered.

"Wonderful! Anything you can do to help would be a blessing!" Aunt Agnes eagerly replied.

Working for Ms. Montague always brought significant benefits.

Chapter 5

The Bastard

“Enough crying. I’ll do my part to ensure Isabella Montague notices Little Zacharias and brings him back. Once Little Zacharias officially becomes my legal son, he’ll inherit my company, and you—his mother—will also reap the benefits. Now, be a good girl; I’ll buy you that apartment in Greenwater Hollow you liked in a couple of days.”

Henry Wynters hung up the phone, deleted the call record, and adjusted his impatient expression into his usual mask of charm in front of The Luminous Mirror. He straightened his suit sleeves and exited the room.

Just as he stepped out, Isabella Montague emerged, carrying her handbag. Today, she wore a stunning red dress and bright red lipstick, her long hair cascading in loose curls behind her—she looked like a vibrant red rose. Henry’s eyes lit up with admiration as he approached her, extending his arm, his gaze filled with warmth and infatuation. “You look beautiful today, Mandy. But what made you decide to wear a red dress? I’ve never seen you in such a bold color before. It suits you wonderfully.”

Isabella Montague was known for her haughty demeanor; countless suitors had pursued her in the past. Back in school, she had a reputation as the cool beauty, always donning subtle hues like beige or muted gray. This vivid red was a first for him. Henry couldn’t help but admit, despite his reservations, that Isabella truly was a knockout, radiating elegance in a different style.

With such a wife, even if he didn’t particularly like her, Henry felt a sense of pride.

Isabella shot a glance at his outstretched arm but didn’t take it. Instead, she casually hung her handbag on his arm and turned towards the door, high heels clicking on the floor as she strode ahead. “Let’s go.”

Henry stilled for a moment, gripping the handbag tightly before putting on a smile and following her.

Their driver opened the car door for them, but Isabella just waved him off. “You don’t have to drive today; I’ll take the wheel.” She hopped into the driver’s seat without a second thought.

Henry wanted to protest but bit his tongue. There were more pressing matters at hand, so it was better to roll with Isabella’s whims today.

As they drove in the opposite direction of the Graceful Haven Orphanage, Henry couldn’t hold back anymore. “Mandy, this doesn’t seem like the way to Graceful Haven. Are you sure you know where you’re going? If not, I can drive …”

Isabella didn’t glance his way, her laughter light and airy. “Oh, I know. I just want to take you somewhere else first.”

Henry furrowed his brow slightly, still maintaining his gentleness. “What kind of place?”

“You’ll see when we get there. Just focus on the road, okay? I don’t want to get distracted and cause an accident.” Her tone was nonchalant, but it held an unmistakable undercurrent.

In her past life, because of Henry and Mirabel Hastings’s machinations, an accident had left her without legs, forcing her into a shabby rehabilitation center. She vividly remembered Henry’s face from that visit, a mask of faux sympathy while he delivered the news that Montague Manor had fallen, her father was dead, her brother imprisoned, and her life was utterly disregarded.

As the two drove in silence, their thoughts were miles apart, each lost in their own world, until they reached the Blue Skies Orphanage.

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