Balancing Hearts and Ambitions

Chapter 1

The early spring sun looked warm but had a chill to it.

“How long until the test results are out?” Elenor Vale asked, her hands busy replying to messages on her phone while glancing at the doctor.

“Forty minutes. You can pick up the report over there by the machine,” the doctor replied.

Forty minutes.

Her assistant, Thomas, chimed in, “I’ll have the driver take you back to The Guild. I can wait for the report here.”

Elenor was a vital part of Stark Enterprises. Just during this brief time away, she received an unending stream of messages from their office, all inquiring about her whereabouts. Thomas had counted a staggering thirteen attempts to reach her.

Elenor snapped her phone shut and settled into a chair, “I’m not going back to The Guild today; I’m taking a day off.”

A day off?

Thomas was taken aback—when had she ever really taken a break? It seemed, finally, that this time, Lord Stark had truly hurt her.

Elenor had been by Lord Tyrion Stark’s side since he first arrived at The Guild, her contributions invaluable. But in a cruel twist, he had disrespected her over some trivial matter involving another woman, Sonya Yang.

Turning to her assistant, Elenor added, “Do I need your permission to take a day off?”

Her smile was playful, but her gaze pierced right through him, and he felt his thoughts laid bare.

Realizing the hint of finality in her tone, Thomas hurriedly replied, “Of course, enjoy your day off… or I could stick around with you.”

“Just let me be. You can head home. Tomorrow, you can tell everyone you spent the day keeping me company at the hospital,” she said with a downward glance.

Caught off guard, he couldn’t help but beam at the idea, saying, “Thank you, Elenor.”

His boss was known for being a workaholic, and it had been forever since he had free time to spend with his girlfriend. But Elenor looked pale, the dark circles under her eyes telling a story of exhaustion. The past few months had been nonstop negotiations, leaving her little time for anything else.

“Elenor, let me stick around. You’re still recovering…” He felt guilty leaving her alone.

“Go away.” Her eyes shot daggers at him this time, her expression unwavering.

“Understood…” Thomas mumbled, retreating.

Stark Enterprises was a premier business group in the country, with interests spanning various industries. After the retirement of Old Lord Benjamin Stark, leadership fell to his grandson, Lord Tyrion Stark, who was ambitious and eager to innovate, causing the company’s rankings to soar.

Elenor had come along with Lord Stark back when he first joined The Guild; she was undoubtedly his right hand.

Unlike Lord Stark’s unforgiving and decisive nature, Elenor was known for her affability. She never argued with the HR department and always handled her responsibilities without a hitch—efficient, graceful, and meticulous.

Many whispered that with her credentials, she could easily rise to an executive position at any other corporation or even start her own uniquely successful venture within five years. Yet, she devoted herself to Stark Enterprises, all because of Lord Stark’s charm.

Everyone in the office knew how deeply Elenor cared for Lord Tyrion. Not only did she tirelessly resolve workplace issues, but she also catered to some of his more… personal needs.

However, it was common knowledge that Lord Tyrion only had eyes for one woman—an ethereal figure, the one who looked down on the rest: Sonya.

No employee had ever met this illustrious woman, but rumors circulated about her, tales of a goddess whose mere presence would leave one speechless.

Elenor would often shake her head when discussing this rival, stating, “Lord Stark has high standards.”

After years of devoted service, Elenor had never once taken a day off, racking up vacation days that could add up to a whole month. Fortunately, Lord Stark would always convert unused leave into a substantial bonus. Yet, there was no personal life to speak of; bonuses meant little when they came with the caveat of being on call to the top executive.

Today marked the only time outside of routine checks at The Guild that Elenor found herself in a hospital. Her assistant found it puzzling why she would choose a public clinic miles away instead of the private hospital linked to Stark Holdings, where she could have VIP service.

Yet, Elenor had always been methodical; she had her reasons.

As Thomas turned to leave for the elevator, fate would not let him go unchallenged.

Sonya Yang emerged from the elevator, laughing with her friends until she spotted him. The expression on her face shifted dramatically. “You’re… Elenor’s assistant? Quite a leap for a secretary to have an assistant, huh? Don’t you know your place?”

Thomas, caught off guard, managed a polite smile. “Sonya, right? I’m Thomas.”

She smirked. “Oh, right. The Stark and Yang business meeting is coming up. Will Elenor be joining us?”

Chapter 2

In the business world, the collaboration between Snow Holdings and House Stark Enterprises had its critics, particularly from Elenor Vale. However, Lord Tyrion Stark had made his decision, and he was determined to see it through.

Mr. Snow wanted to tighten the ties between their families, and conveniently, Elenor had taken a liking to Lord Tyrion. This led to discussions of a potential union—several dinner dates were arranged, which didn't escape the cameras of social media.

Elenor had urged HR to document their outings, and Lord Tyrion Stark, a charismatic and accomplished executive, naturally drew attention on social media. Elenor, fond of flaunting her wealth, found no better way to boast than through her dashing and affluent fiancé.

Yet, the posts capturing their moments together were ultimately deleted at Elenor's behest. Frustrated and unable to restore them, she began harboring resentment toward Elenor, convinced that her rival was jealous and deliberately undermining her.

Assistant Thomas chuckled, "This is a major deal between Snow Holdings and House Stark—Elenor must be invested in it."

Elenor shot him a glare, finding his smile as irritating as the circulating rumors around the office. It was a façade, one she couldn't quite figure out how to dismantle.

With a huff, she turned to walk away but caught sight of Elenor resting, eyes closed, in a chair nearby.

Elenor pivoted on her heel, striding toward her.

Thomas’s expression shifted to one of concern, quickly following after her.

“Elenor, how can you be napping at the hospital? Are you unwell?” Elenor’s voice was sharp, loud enough to attract attention from several HR personnel.

Elenor opened her eyes, looking momentarily lost before they regained focus, and her familiar smile returned.

“Miss Elenor, what a surprise,” she replied, her disheveled hair contrasting with her usually impeccable appearance.

Elenor had never seen Elenor like this before; she paused, caught off guard.

She seemed… a bit fragile and worn down, which intrigued and unsettled Elenor.

Regaining her composure, Elenor snapped her fingers and said, “How does it feel to be kicked off the project team? I assume last year’s bonus wasn’t much to celebrate?”

Elenor pondered for a moment before responding, “Last year’s collaboration with Snow Holdings was a priority for House Stark. Lord Tyrion was quite invested, ensuring your contributions were well coordinated.”

Elenor’s expression shifted, rising above the moment.

Thomas stood awkwardly beside her, unsure whether to laugh or remain serious.

Elenor’s steady tone felt more like an authoritative command than a casual chat, yet Elenor, lacking worldly experience, naively thought Elenor was praising her.

“Well, with my rapport with Lord Hugo, this isn't exactly a stretch for me. But you've hung around him long enough and remained so... devoted, it’s quite something.”

Rumors abounded that Elenor was merely Lord Tyrion's loyal dog, forever chasing after him but never quite catching up.

Those words hung in the air, clearly meant to belittle Elenor.

While a seasoned HR professional like Elenor should have brushed off the quip easily, for some reason, it struck a nerve.

Elenor’s smile faltered momentarily.

Elenor continued, “If I do have a child with Lord Tyrion, should I call you 'Father'? No, 'Brother' seems more fitting.”

Elenor’s smile vanished completely, her expression turning frigid. “A child?”

Elenor’s face remained composed, but the tension in the room escalated, that classic "perfect assistant" showcase faltering before an unexpected challenge.

Chapter 3

Sonya felt a chill seep into her bones, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

But she steadied herself and declared, “Yes, I’m engaged to Lord Tyrion Stark.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Sonya suddenly had a thought. She glanced around and added, “Oh, do you know why I came to the hospital today? It’s because I’m pregnant.”

At this announcement, the room fell silent.

Her best friend stared at her in disbelief, then, recovering quickly, glanced around and said, “Ah… right. I came with Sonya to, to… what department were we here for?”

Elenor, standing nearby, interjected calmly, “Antenatal House. If you've just found out about a pregnancy, that’s the department you need.”

“Yeah, that’s it,” Sonya’s friend chimed in.

Sonya continued, “Two months ago, one day Kang Shi drove me home, and he ended up staying over. Do the math, it must be it. I haven’t told him yet, so you have to keep it a secret.”

Squire Thomas stood speechless, taken aback by the dramatic air she carried.

Elenor maintained her serene demeanor and said, “Congratulations, Miss Sonya. Once Lord Tyrion finds out, I’m sure he’ll be delighted.”

Her smile was impeccable, even appearing genuinely warm.

Sonya bit her lip, feeling irritation rise within her. She despised the mask Elenor wore, wishing she could rip it off. To her surprise, Elenor didn’t show even a hint of discomfort at Sonya’s bold statement.

Now, Sonya felt a twinge of regret for her sharp words.

With a glare at Elenor, she pulled her friend away.

Elenor ambled leisurely behind them, remarking, “If you’re looking for obstetrics, you might want to consider Stark Hospital. Lord Tyrion’s father was born there.”

Sonya quickened her pace.

As she disappeared into the HR crowd, Elenor’s smile faded, revealing a trace of fatigue and vulnerability.

Squire Thomas asked, “Lady Elenor, what do we do about what Miss Sonya just said… Should we inform Lord Tyrion?”

“No need. No one is to say a word,” Elenor massaged her temple, appearing slightly unwell.

Just as Squire Thomas was about to respond, Elenor added, “I’ve handled all sorts of HR matters for Lord Tyrion—none were female HR. The Sun family is keen on a union, and they don't even inform her about these things…” She sighed, “Sonya probably just wanted to irritate me. It would be a real problem if this got out.”

Thomas felt uncertain about Elenor’s true feelings towards Lady Sonya.

His gaze involuntarily drifted to Elenor.

She was strikingly composed for her age, possessing a tranquil demeanor that belied her years. While not the most visually striking among Lord Tyrion's circle of acquaintances, she was undoubtedly the most competent.

Chapter 4

Amidst juggling work responsibilities, Lady Elenor Vale found herself assigning tasks even for the informal HR team while also trying to manage the more intimate necessities of the household.

She felt a twinge of sympathy for Lord Tyrion Stark, who was often overwhelmed.

Just then, Elenor noticed someone looking her way. “What are you thinking about?” came the voice of Squire Thomas, the assistant.

“Nothing, nothing,” he stammered, thinking she had read his mind.

“Then stop daydreaming and let's go,” Elenor replied casually, waving her hand as she returned to her seat in the corner.

In the bustling hospital HR office, she felt isolated, almost fragile compared to the dynamic environment around her.


Chapter 2: Edwin Blackwood

After estimating the time, Elenor decided it was about time to retrieve the report. She stood up and headed toward the self-service kiosk when her phone, which had been on silent, buzzed unexpectedly. She lowered her gaze for a brief moment, its sound cutting through the noise of her thoughts, but her face remained expressionless as she quickly redirected her attention away before leaving the hospital.

Half an hour later, Elenor stood quietly outside Lord Tyrion Stark's residence, shopping bags in hand. She hesitated to knock, raising her hand for a moment before dropping it again. The door opened with a beep after she entered the code.

To her surprise, Lord Tyrion was nowhere in sight. Instead, a young man lounged on the sofa, idly scrolling through his phone, wrapped in a bath towel. He looked up as the door opened, revealing a strikingly handsome face that belonged to Master Edwin Blackwood, recently praised by fans as the “Chill Moon God” of the HR world.

Currently, this so-called “chill god” slouched on the sofa, his bored expression betraying no grandeur. “Oh, so you must be Elenor, the famous secretary. They say you're quite the whiz,” he said with a hint of mockery.

Elenor tossed her shopping bag onto the coffee table, choosing not to respond.

Noticing her lack of reaction, Edwin sat up straight, an amused glint in his eye as he added drily, “Lord Tyrion is in the shower. He told me to make myself at home.”

Elenor maintained her usual impeccable etiquette, smiling politely, although Edwin found it grating. “Mr. Blackwood, feel free to relax. I hope you enjoy your time here,” she replied.

It was a thinly veiled implication that Lord Tyrion was only having a casual fling with Edwin, and Edwin certainly understood the implication. Nonetheless, he didn’t take offense and veered the conversation elsewhere, reaching into the bag Elenor had brought. “I heard this item is hard to come by,” he remarked as he pulled out a limited edition gift box. “The brand Dr. suddenly announced they’d post something, and my manager ran all over Havenbrook trying to snag one, but Lord Tyrion said to ask the renowned secretary for help.”

Elenor internally braced herself as Edwin paused, seemingly primed to drop a bombshell: “From now on, I'll need to bother you frequently for little things like these. Starting today, I’m moving in!”

Lord Tyrion's residence had always been a frequent stop for a colorful cast of characters, but never had anyone stayed overnight. That was an unspoken rule for his companions. Even Elenor knew she needed to leave before dawn.

Everyone in the HR circle was aware that Elenor's feelings weren't exactly pure toward Lord Tyrion. Although no one said it out loud, the unspoken truth lingered: Elenor was not the one Lord Tyrion held in his heart. Edwin was smart enough not to consider himself that person. Yet, in this moment, he couldn’t resist throwing out a bold statement, eager to see if it would crack the stoic facade that seemed impervious to other emotions.

But in that moment, the anticipated shattering silence never came.

Chapter 5

When Elenor Vale was serious, her face bore a striking resemblance to Sir Alaric Snow's, but while Alaric's features were marked by a delicate vulnerability, Elenor's were defined by an icy aloofness. However, the moment she laughed, any hint of tension in the room melted away, warming the atmosphere as if the air conditioning had just cranked up a notch.

“Lord Grey has always preferred this flavor. I hope you both enjoy tonight,” Elenor said politely as she nudged Dr. Andrew Hall’s shopping bag, which still seemed to have items inside.

Sir Alaric reached inside, pulling out a box of condoms.

Sir Alaric: "..."

Elenor was indeed as perceptive as they said.

She continued, a hint of jest in her voice, “Do you have any engagements tomorrow? If so, you should let the stylist know in advance so they can prepare a turtleneck.”

The implications behind her words were unmistakable, and Alaric's expression darkened. He did have an obligation, and the high-fashion outfit he'd borrowed a month ago couldn’t be altered at the last minute.

“Are you trying to provoke me?” he shot back coldly, his gaze piercing into Elenor.

Elenor maintained her serene, almost ceremonious smile, betraying no hint of emotion. At that moment, Alaric wondered if she was indeed the HR professional who endlessly pined after Lord Tyrion Stark, or if she simply played the part well.

Elenor said, “I’m just providing you with useful information. You're the HR that caught Lord Grey's attention. If scandal arises just two days later, it wouldn't be good for Stark Holdings.”

Alaric found himself losing patience, snapping, “You've followed Lord Tyrion for years. Besides physical intimacy, has he given you any other titles? You’re not even a friend with benefits—you’re just a side piece.”

But instead of reacting to his words, the mood shifted as Lord Tyrion Stark’s displeased voice floated in from behind. “What’s all this noise about?”

Alaric turned abruptly, his face paling in surprise.

Lord Tyrion Stark stood wrapped in a towel, damp hair clinging to his forehead, exuding an enigmatic presence. The belt around his waist was askew, the outlines of muscle hinting at something more.

With a furrowed brow, Lord Tyrion glanced over Alaric and spoke directly to Elenor, "You made quite a fuss over just purchasing an item."

Elenor replied, “Lord Grey, the item has been secured. Tomorrow, I'll have a cleaning service come by to thoroughly tidy up the house.”

“Alright,” Lord Tyrion nodded.

The two HRs resumed their back-and-forth, easily brushing past Alaric as if he were merely an ornament caught in their conversation.

Feeling a twinge of humiliation, Alaric could almost imagine himself as a decorative piece in a display case, only there for show, his thoughts unacknowledged as they discussed preparations without concern for how he felt.

He managed a smile, the kind he practiced countless times until it felt genuine, and said, “I’m not used to having others handle my things. I can have my assistant and I take care of the cleaning the day after tomorrow.”

“It's not safe. Just follow Elenor's arrangements,” Lord Tyrion insisted.

Alaric almost uttered “Don’t worry,” but caught himself. He realized that Lord Tyrion wasn’t truly worried about his safety; it was the safety of the house, of their address that concerned him.

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