Bound by Blood and Secrets

Chapter 1


“Drop your pants and lie down on the bed.”

A mechanized voice echoed in Eleanor Meadow's ears.

She looked at the group of cold-faced female doctors, their scrutinizing gazes making her skin crawl.

Numbly, Eleanor slowly removed her pants and reclined on the examination table.

“Preparations for anesthesia.”

A sharp needle pierced her skin, and the anesthetic flowed continuously into her veins.

Eleanor closed her eyes, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Six months ago, her sister, Alice Featherstone, had been rendered a vegetable due to dangerous driving. Eleanor had taken the fall, landing herself in prison.

William Coldwell, Alice's fiancé.

With their wedding approaching, Alice was left severely injured, a living corpse.

A month ago, she was bailed out by the Featherstone family, finally ending her six-month nightmare of confinement.

Now, she found herself in this manor, facing two choices dictated by the Featherstone family.

Either they would file criminal charges against her, and she’d return to that void of a prison, facing a potentially endless sentence.

Or, she must bear a child for the Coldwell family.

Since Alice lay in a coma with little hope of waking, the Featherstone family, struggling financially, was betting everything on Alice's potential marriage to William to reverse their fortunes.

The Coldwell family would never marry a woman in a vegetative state.

The Dowager Lady declared that the Coldwell family would not acknowledge Alice, now a lifeless entity, but would embrace any child that bore the Coldwell name.

The Featherstones aimed for her to bear a child in Alice’s name to solicit funding from the Coldwell family.

Eleanor had no other choice…

As the anesthesia seeped into her body, accompanying pangs of pain made her feel dizzy.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted outside the door.

“Who are you?!”

“Who let you in here?!”

“Sir Walter, what brings you here?”

With a loud bang, the door swung open.

Cold wind rushed into the sterile room.

Steady footsteps shattered the night’s stillness.

An overwhelming aura charged into the surgical chamber, enveloping every corner, leaving no escape.

Fear tightened around her.

Eleanor desperately tried to sit up, but her body felt as weak as water, refusing to budge no matter how hard she fought.

“Who… who is it?”

Who had entered?

Eleanor could only watch helplessly as a man approached inch by inch. Summoning every last ounce of strength, she opened her eyes, finding herself staring into cold, piercing eyes that offered no warmth.

Moonlight streamed through the window, casting a silver hue upon the man. Just as she was about to discern his face, she was suddenly plunged into an abyss of darkness...


When she next regained consciousness, bright sunlight streamed through the window.

Eleanor shot upright in bed, startled, realizing she was now dressed in a hospital gown.

As the anesthesia wore off, she instantly registered an unusual pain pulsing through her body.

A line of doctors and nurses stood beside her bed.

They looked at Eleanor with a mixture of relief and joy. “Miss Meadow, you’re finally awake.”

Eleanor stared in disbelief, her eyes wide.

She distinctly remembered a man walking in before she lost consciousness, but what happened next was a blank.

Who was that man?

A mystery rose within her heart.

Tentatively, she asked, “Last night…”

“Last night, we conducted the in vitro fertilization procedure. It went well. We hope you will successfully conceive Sir Walter’s child this time.”

Chapter 2

Eleanor Meadow is missing.

No one mentioned the strange man’s appearance.

Was it all a figment of her imagination?

Was she just dreaming?

“Alice, don’t overthink this. Just wait for good news. If you need anything, the staff at the manor can assist you,” the doctor said as he stepped outside.

Eleanor sat up in bed, a deep sense of loss washing over her.

For a fleeting moment, regret started to creep in. She was still so young, yet she had never truly been in love. Now she was faced with such a monumental challenge, but it felt too late for her to backtrack or to regret her decisions.

She was at a dead end, and feelings of dignity felt far too luxurious for someone in her position.

As the door clicked shut, the female doctor turned to her assistant. In a hushed tone, she warned, “Don’t let anyone know that Sir Walter visited last night.”

“Understood,” the assistant replied.

Two months later.

Eleanor received the results of her pregnancy test.

Seven weeks pregnant with twins—a boy and a girl, both already showing signs of life.

The Featherstone family was ecstatic at the news.

No one had anticipated that Eleanor would manage to conceive twins!

For them, this was an incredible opportunity.

In their joy, they had visited the villa once to check on Eleanor and advised her to take good care of herself. They assured her that once everything was settled, she would regain her freedom.

Initially resistant and apprehensive, Eleanor began to embrace the reality of motherhood. After she experienced dreams about her babies and felt their movements as they developed inside her, her maternal instincts awakened within her.

Hearing their heartbeat for the first time filled her with emotion; witnessing their tiny movements sparked joy.

She tenderly cared for the babies growing inside her. But with each passing day, she was haunted by the thought that after ten long months, when the time came for them to be born, she would have to part with them. It brought her untold despair!

She couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from her babies!


Coldwell Estate stood imposing on the bustling Main Avenue.

The rain pattered endlessly against the windows.

In the Executive Office.

Richard Featherstone sat nervously in his office, glancing around at the opulent decorations, each piece priceless.

The door swung open.

Richard immediately rose as William Coldwell entered, clad in a perfectly tailored dark suit that accentuated his commanding presence.

With sharp features and striking good looks, the man radiated a chilling aura. Even from several feet away, his intense energy made Richard feel somewhat breathless.

“Everyone get out,” William Coldwell said coolly.

“Yes, sir.”

All the staff quickly filed out of the room.

William Coldwell settled into the office chair, his eyes cold yet authoritative—a true titan of industry.

“Mr. Coldwell… Tonight, the twins are due to be born, and I'm here to inform you that these two children…”

A smirk crept onto William’s lips as he arched his raven-black eyebrows, cutting Richard off, “As long as they carry the Coldwell name, they are indeed part of the Coldwell family.”

Richard eagerly nodded, cautiously asking, “Then, about the financing you promised…”

William rapped his long fingers on the desk, his icy gaze interrupting Richard, “Do you think I, William Coldwell, am someone who goes back on my word?”

“No, I didn’t mean that…” Richard stammered, then hesitated before asking again, “But what if Alice wakes up later? Will the engagement between our families still hold?”

Before William could respond, Richard’s phone buzzed urgently.

“Excuse me, I need to take this,” Richard said, his face flustered.

As he answered the call, a frantic voice from the other end broke through, “Mr. Featherstone, it’s bad news! Eleanor is missing!”


Chapter 3

**Stolen Baby**

"Help my child! Please, save my baby!"

The hospital lobby was crowded when a stunning yet disheveled woman barged in.

Eleanor Meadow was drenched in sweat, clutching her swollen belly as she pleaded desperately, "I'm in labor! Please, help me!"

"Quick! We have a pregnant woman in labor!"

"Get her to the operating room!"

Eleanor was swiftly transported to the surgery room.

She held her belly tightly, tears streaming down her face. "It hurts... It really hurts..."

Though not yet due, Featherstone House was hastily administering pitocin, intending to seize her baby to secure funding from Coldwell House.

She never imagined Featherstone House could be so ruthless regarding the lives of her children. How could she trust them with her baby?!

Eleanor had desperately fled the Featherstone House estate, ready to do whatever it took to protect her child!

In the operating room, a new wave of pain hit her, and Eleanor screamed in anguish.


"Come on! The baby's head is out! Just one more push!"

With all her strength, Eleanor quickly heard a nurse's joyous exclamation: "It's here! It’s here!"

"But there’s no breathing?!"

The first baby, silent and still, sparked panic among the medical staff, who assumed the worst; they raced to the neonatal unit to revive the infant.

"Please... let me see my baby..." Eleanor gasped, but just then, another sharp pain seized her.

"There’s another baby!"

The doctor and nurses hurriedly surrounded her, and after several frantic minutes, her second child was born.


As the baby’s loud cries filled the room, the nurses sighed in relief, cradling the tiny bundle whose body was curled up. Finally, they could breathe easy.

“At least we saved one!”

But in her state of weakness, Eleanor felt utterly drained, lacking the strength even to sit up and catch a glimpse of her baby.

Suddenly, a group of men dressed in black burst through the door.

The nurses recoiled in fear at the intimidating newcomers. "Who are you?! You can't be here!"

"Hand over the child!"

"What child..."

One of the men quickly spotted the newborn and rushed to snatch her from the nurses' hands.

"My baby..." Eleanor cried out in terror. "Don’t take my child...!"

"But there’s another one! Where's the other baby?!"

The man pressed for answers.

A nurse, pale and trembling, stammered, "The first one... It didn't breathe when it came out... It’s gone..."

The man furrowed his brow in disbelief. "Gone?!"

"Because it was premature... with weak heart and lungs..."

"Forget the one that didn’t make it! Hurry and take the healthy one back to Richard Featherstone. We need to report!"

Eleanor watched helplessly as her baby was snatched away, her blood pressure skyrocketing. With a hoarse voice, she screamed, "Give my baby back!"

Before she could react, darkness closed in, and she fainted on the operating table, unconscious...


“Sir Walter, we lost one baby but saved the other; it’s a girl...”

Richard Featherstone carefully placed the swaddled infant into the man's arms.

William Coldwell accepted the child, gazing down at her.

The little girl, exhausted from her cries, had fallen asleep. Her scrunched face was flushed, just washed, and her tiny body felt soft as a cloud.

Richard Featherstone smiled. "Let’s name her!"

"Eleanor Winters."

William Coldwell pondered for a moment before continuing, "Lady Sophie Coldwell."

"Eleanor Winters, that’s a lovely name!"

William Coldwell shot a sharp glance at Richard. "What I promised you will be kept, but from this day forth, the child has no ties to Featherstone House."

"As long as the funding is secured... Sir Walter, you can count on me regarding this!”

Chapter 4

**Interviewing for a Nanny**

In the blink of an eye, five years had passed.

In a worn-down apartment, an alarm clock blared noisily.

“Madam Elinor, it’s time to wake up! You’re gonna be late for your interview!”

Eleanor Meadow groggily opened her eyes, blinking as a sweet, cherubic face came into view.

A small, plump child was perched at her bedside, his striking eyes—brilliantly clear and bright—sparkling with anticipation, his long eyelashes fluttering adorably.

“What time is it, Oliver?” Eleanor murmured, still half-asleep.

“It’s nine-thirty! Didn’t you say your interview was at ten?”

Eleanor jolted awake!

She hurriedly scrambled out of bed, rushing to freshen up and get dressed.

Her apartment wasn’t large—a one-bedroom with a cramped living area that barely fit a tiny sofa alongside a modest dining table.

Even though the building was a relic of the 1980s, riddled with wear and tear, the rent was sky-high.

Yet, despite the less-than-ideal living conditions, it provided enough shelter for her and her son.

As she watched Oliver carefully set a bowl of hot milk and egg noodles on the table, her heart swelled with love and a hint of guilt.

Five years ago, she had delivered Oliver prematurely, almost losing him in the process. He had been so frail that she spent three harrowing days and nights in the neonatal ward, exhausting all her savings.

Eleanor had vowed to herself that she would fight tooth and nail to give Oliver the best life possible.

“Madam Elinor, hurry up and eat your breakfast!” Oliver nudged.

Eleanor sat down, cradling the steaming bowl of egg noodles, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness wash over her.

Oliver, with his little face scrunched up with concern, mumbled, “Madam Elinor, are you sure you can be a good nanny? If you can’t even take care of me, how will you take care of others?”

Eleanor's face flushed red.

Today was the day she had to interview for a nanny position at a potential employer’s home.

Being a nanny wasn’t perceived as a glamorous job; it meant depending on others and constantly reading their moods. But the salary this employer was offering was especially enticing.

Five thousand a month.

Five thousand!

It was an irresistible figure!

With great caution, Eleanor had prepared meticulously for this interview, hoping it would lead to success.

With this job, she could afford Oliver a spot in an excellent preschool, buy him nice clothes, and maybe even move to a larger apartment.

This neighborhood was chaotic; sometimes, on her way home, she encountered intoxicated individuals, and the safety was far from reassuring.

After finishing breakfast, Eleanor stepped outside.

Before leaving, she reminded Oliver sternly, “Oliver, be a good boy while I’m gone. Don’t open the door for strangers!”

“Okay, Madam Elinor! Go earn money for us!” he replied, smiling brightly as she gently ruffled his hair.

The interview was located at Riverside Estates.

That was a place where only the elite of Capital might call home. Real estate there was gold; you’d be looking at houses priced at around five hundred thousand per square foot, and some mansions went for billions.

After taking the bus, switching to the subway, and then hailing a cab, Eleanor finally arrived at the estate. Just as she was about to step through the gate, she was halted by the security guard.

“Halt! You don’t live here, do you?”

The guard scrutinized her, and although she was undeniably attractive, her cheap clothing screamed that she didn’t belong to this affluent community.

“I’m not a resident. I have an appointment,” she explained.

“What kind of business do you have here? This is the most exclusive neighborhood in Capital. Not just anyone can come in, you know?”

Such snobs!

Eleanor pulled out her introduction letter and said, “I’m here for an interview at Coldwell House.”

“Coldwell House?” Upon hearing that name, several guards’ expressions shifted dramatically.

Chapter 5

**Public Humiliation**

In the Riverside Estates, the elite of the city gathered, flaunting their wealth and status.

But Coldwell House was undoubtedly the crown jewel among the elite.

The security guard glanced at her, a smirk barely concealing his mockery. "I've never seen such a young girl applying for a nanny position. You're not a legitimate nanny, are you?"

There was no mistaking the insult in his words.

Eleanor Meadow shot back, “Excuse me, do you security guards really think you can look down on someone for being a nanny? Is being a guard somehow more prestigious?”

“What? You think you're better than us just because we're security?”

Eleanor’s words were sharp as daggers. “It’s not about looking down on security guards; it’s about having disdain for you lowlifes in security!”

“You—! If you weren’t a woman, I would have slapped you already! Watch your mouth! What’s wrong with being a guard? You think the guards at Riverside Estates are just anybody that wanders in off the street?”

“Quit yapping. Are you going to let me in or not? I’m running out of time!”

“Alright, alright,” chimed in another security supervisor, trying to ease the tension. “Why argue with a young girl over this? Hand over your recommendation letter. I’ll check it, and you can go in.”

Eleanor handed over the letter, but soon there was an awkward silence.

Waiting impatiently, Eleanor exclaimed, “Where’s my letter? How long does it take to let me through?”

The guard’s demeanor shifted instantly. “What letter?”

“The one I just gave you!”

“Stop lying; we didn’t see any letter!”


A sudden realization hit Eleanor; these men were deliberately making her situation difficult.

One guard snickered, “Little lady, you think you can outsmart us? You want that nanny job, huh? If we don’t let you in, what can you do about it? Unless… you come home with me tonight, and my buddies and I can thoroughly check if you have what it takes to be a nanny!”

He reached out with a lewd grin, his hand creeping toward her.

Eleanor recoiled, swatting his hand away. “Have some respect!”

“Oh, come on, don’t be so uptight. You’re here for a nanny interview, so quit pretending to be innocent! We’ve seen all types; you merely want an excuse to crawl into Sir Walter Coldwell’s bed!”

“Watch your mouth!” she shot back, incensed.

“And what are you going to do about it?” one of the guards sneered.

Suddenly, Eleanor was shoved to the ground.

A shrieking brake screeched in her ears.

She turned to see a Rolls Royce Phantom, just inches away from her!

Falling earlier was pure luck; if the driver had delayed even a split second, she might have ended up underneath the wheels.

The guards stood dumbfounded.

They hadn't anticipated a car would pull up like this.

The door swung open, and a sharply-dressed driver stepped out, eyebrows knitted in concern as he spotted Eleanor on the ground. “What’s going on here?”


Horrified recognition hit the guards. “Sir Walter’s car…” One glared at the license plate, understanding they had just crossed paths with a figure far above their rank.

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