Breaking the Chains of Devotion

Chapter 1

Everyone knew that Evelyn Whitmore was the favored one of Duncan Blackwood.
Beautiful and sensible, she was gentle and demure, devoted solely to Duncan.
After following him for eight years, Evelyn had come to understand all his likes and dislikes. She had witnessed both his glamorous side and his darker, more beastly nature.
She had become Duncan's perfect partner.
Perfect enough that everyone in Duncan's family believed her devotion was unwavering, that she loved him above all else.
But after eight years, she chose to leave Duncan. He merely raised an eyebrow, surprised, and said softly, “Oh.”
When Evelyn walked away, she didn’t even glance back at Duncan.
Friends inquired about her departure, and Duncan replied with indifference, "He hasn’t done a single thing for eight years. I’ve spoiled him rotten."
Later, as he stared into the mirror at the man who couldn't fend for himself, a gloomy expression overtook his face:
So, why was he the one who had been spoiled?
Meanwhile, during those eight years, Evelyn had quietly amassed a significant fortune. Not only was she living comfortably, but she had also secretly adopted a little wolf pup!
Duncan was left in disbelief.
“Wait, I’ve been cheated on???”
A stunning beauty with a hidden agenda x A powerful, wealthy man who was unaware
* This is a story of pursuing a lost love, with no change in dynamics.
* 1v1, though someone pursues the protagonist midway, it’s not about really raising a wolf pup.
* Everyone assumes that the devoted partner loves their partner deeply, but in truth, the partner has always been independent.
* Classic romantic tale with a tinged sweetness, more to be added upon reflection.
Tags: Wealthy Families, Devotion, Reunion, Sweet Romance
One-line summary: A story of a love chase & a partner awakening to reality.
Theme: Love is mutual; respecting your partner is what fulfills oneself.

Chapter 2

The night spread its dark cloak over the bustling city, and the moon hung high in the stillness. "Good evening to all you night owls out there, this is the Midnight Radio Show. I'm your cozy winter blanket, Mordecai..."
In the quiet of the late night, the soft, soothing voice of the male host streamed out alongside gentle background music, wrapping those unable to sleep in a warm, comforting embrace.
A young man, weary and groggy, blinked awake on the Sofa Lounge, finding the remnants of his dinner congealed into a solid mass in the cold air. He slowly propped himself up, his gaze wandering over the ten neatly arranged dishes on the table, and he yawned silently.
Reaching for his phone, he dialed the top number in his contacts.
"The number you have dialed is not in service. Please try again later..."
With a frustrated sigh, he hung up and tossed his phone aside. Stretching his long legs, he found his shoes buried beneath the cushions.
Evelyn Whitmore gathered the remaining meat dishes, placing them in the fridge with care, and then heated up the leftovers for a late-night snack. Afterward, he made his way to the bedroom, washed up in the bathroom, and quietly slipped into bed.
Duncan Blackwood wouldn’t be returning tonight.
Though he had assured Evelyn that this would be the last negotiation of the day and promised him he’d cook more as a celebratory gesture, it was already late—he wouldn’t come back.
Evelyn knew Duncan’s character all too well.
When he had helped him tie his tie that morning, he cheekily asked, "You won't just stand me up again, right?"
Duncan's gray eyes, which turned a pale, aloof hue in the sunlight, met Evelyn's with surprising innocence. "Have I ever stood you up?"
With a nonchalant shrug, Evelyn knew better—he could count on two hands the number of times he’d been left hanging by Duncan over the last eight years. But every time Duncan needed anything, Evelyn dutifully obliged and patiently waited in return.
Perhaps it was because he had never actually lost his cool over such things that Duncan constantly forgot their agreements were often non-binding.
As he was about to drift off to sleep, Evelyn's phone rang. He grabbed it and held it to his ear, speaking softly, "Hello?"
There was a brief pause on the line. "It's me."
"Strategist Bartholomew." Suddenly alert, Evelyn asked, "Why are you calling so late?"
"Sorry, I forgot about the time difference. Anyway..."
"It's fine," Evelyn replied. "What’s up?"
"I secured the project Duncan had been working on for Goldwin Enterprises."
Evelyn couldn’t help but smile, despite the late hour. "Good afternoon."
"…Good night."
After a restful sleep, the next morning, Evelyn made himself a simple breakfast and spent some time scrolling through financial news. Two hours later, he took a nap, and just as he woke up, the phone rang.
He quickly pressed it to his ear and recognized the voice of Duncan Blackwood's new assistant, Seraphina Lark. "Mr. Whitmore, Mr. Blackwood has returned to the States."
Just as expected.
Evelyn grunted in response, and Seraphina continued, "I’ve booked your flight; it's at eight tonight. You can come back."
After a moment, she prompted, "Do you have any messages for Mr. Blackwood?"
"No, thanks."
Hanging up, Seraphina's expression turned to one of disbelief.
This Evelyn Whitmore was truly compliant.
Over a week ago, Duncan had taken his private jet abroad for a business meeting. Once there, he had complained about the Western cuisine, so he had Seraphina book a flight to bring Evelyn over. Obliging as always, Evelyn had flown across just to cook for him for several days. Yesterday, Duncan had returned on his private jet, immediately falling asleep as soon as he boarded. After several hours of meetings today, he had finally remembered to summon Evelyn back.
Honestly, Seraphina was a bit shocked. She had heard rumors that Duncan had a bit of a lover, but she had expected someone more... delicate. At the very least, anyone would throw a fit or pout in response to Duncan’s callous treatment.
Yet, there Evelyn was, accepting it all with such indifference.
Duncan Blackwood had traveled back and forth in a private jet while leaving Evelyn to face budget airline travel, with Seraphina playing the messenger. Even a pet would deserve a better welcome than that.
Was Evelyn even truly Duncan's lover? To accept such treatment without a word of complaint was commendable... or absurd.
From Seraphina’s perspective, she couldn't reconcile the situation. With Evelyn's looks, he could easily command attention and affection from others, yet here he was, seemingly devoid of self-worth, acting like the perfect example of a submissive partner. Her feelings about it were highly complicated.

Chapter 3

A chilling voice cut through the air, jolting Seraphina back to reality. “Duncan Blackwood.”
She had only recently encountered Duncan, but it was clear he was in a foul mood, his face twisted in an unsettling scowl. “Let everyone know,” he ordered, his tone icy. “In ten minutes, the entire project team must report to the conference room. Anyone who can’t make it should consider this their last day at work.”
He raised the documents he had been working on, stacked them neatly on his desk, and strode out of the office with purpose.
Seraphina rushed after him, immediately relaying the orders as she went. The other assistants exchanged worried glances; they could tell something was off with Duncan. “He seemed fine when he returned this morning. Why the sudden outburst?”
“I heard he lost a deal to someone else.”
“Someone else?” Another assistant gasped, incredulous. “Who would dare take a project from Duncan?”
The first assistant shrugged, lowering her voice. “Even if he lost it, given Duncan's usual demeanor, he’s not the type to throw a tantrum…”
They had no idea, but Seraphina understood perfectly well.
Duncan wasn’t one to wear his emotions on his sleeve; he believed in fair competition and didn’t get overly worked up about losses. But this time was different. The company that had snagged his project was Goldwin Enterprises.
Goldwin was a newcomer in the investment realm, having burst onto the scene in recent years. Though they had a nominal board member, the true power behind the company remained shrouded in mystery, known only by the code name “Mr. A.”
Seraphina had noticed Goldwin for a reason; one of their employees had received confidential materials from Duncan himself. It seemed Duncan had been unknowingly feeding them information. What was even more bizarre was that Goldwin appeared to be zeroing in on Duncan’s projects, as most of their successful deals had been ones Duncan had discarded or outright terminated.
The discarded projects weren’t unprofitable—just lacking in meaningful returns that Duncan didn’t wish to pursue further.
Duncan, by nature, was not envious of talent. He appreciated the skill it took for someone to find value in what others might overlook.
He had even confessed a desire to meet the elusive Mr. A.
But this time around, the stakes were different.
The project Goldwin had signed was one Duncan intended to stow away, a source of endless frustration for him.
Duncan was a businessman through and through; he didn’t indulge in charity or fund the dreams of others. If a similar project emerged in the market, he wouldn’t discard his initial investment since that would mean taking a loss. However, if that new project posed a threat to his existing investment, he would simply acquire it and bury it without a second thought.
Goldwin had inadvertently become a thorn in Duncan's side. His pride was matched only by his capability; he might allow someone to pick through his leftovers, but he would not permit anyone to snatch food from his plate.
Seraphina could empathize with Duncan's rationale. Having worked in capital for quite a while, she recognized that his stakes ran higher than those she had encountered before. His methods were more ruthless than anything she had experienced.
If Duncan discovered the true identity of Mr. A, he would go to any lengths to crush the competitor, seeing to it that they were eradicated from the business landscape entirely.
In the tense atmosphere of the conference room, Seraphina wiped the sweat off her forehead nervously.
To be honest, she admired A as a businessman; unfortunately... he had no business crossing Duncan. It had been only five years since Duncan had taken control of the Quinton Consortium, and already old industries hesitated to challenge him.
Goldwin had truly picked a fight with the wrong person.
Evelyn Whitmore meticulously packed his belongings, ensuring everything was neatly organized in his suitcase. He had visited this country several times, but had never had the chance to truly enjoy it. Each visit was as Duncan’s caretaker and lover.
On the way to Falcon's Landing, Evelyn watched the greenery and buildings whizzing by outside. He opened the window, letting a gust of wind rush in, sending his long hair dancing wildly.
Taking a deep breath of the cool air, Evelyn thought to himself that the next time he came, it would be for a different reason.
While waiting at the airport lounge, Evelyn received a brief phone call from Duncan after he wrapped up his work for the day.
“Duncan,” he answered softly.
“Yeah,” Duncan sounded fatigued, leaning back on the sofa in his home, missing Evelyn’s warmth. “When will you be home?”
“Ten-thirty AM.”
“I’ll come pick you up.”
Evelyn’s demeanor shifted to a cool indifference, though his voice remained gentle. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
Duncan caught on, sensing the tension. “Are you upset?”
“I’m not.” Just annoyed.
“I should have told you—something came up yesterday, and I forgot,” Duncan explained, annoyance creeping into his tone. “You should be used to this by now.”
“Yeah.” Evelyn replied, “It doesn’t matter whether you come or not; I’ll always get home.”
That was the essence of Evelyn—he returned to Duncan's side regardless. Duncan’s expression softened as he assured in a lower voice, “I will come to pick you up.”
“Okay, bye.”
“I’m not done yet.” Duncan’s mood soured again, prompting Evelyn to respond, “What else is there?”
“I’m angry today; Goldwin Enterprises' A had the audacity to steal my project…”
Duncan vented, pouring his frustrations out. Evelyn had seen all sides of Duncan—his virtues, flaws, highs, and lows; he never hid anything from Evelyn.
Evelyn’s gentle and soothing demeanor, accompanied by tender whispers, could calm Duncan like nothing else. Above all, he adored Duncan, willing to give everything for him, accepting all of Duncan’s imperfections.
At least, that’s what Duncan believed.
He felt completely at ease with Evelyn, free to be himself without worrying about how Evelyn might take it. Evelyn never got angry and never raised his voice.
If ever Duncan showed the slightest hint of displeasure, Evelyn would immediately apologize.
As he held his phone, Evelyn listened quietly, his gaze falling on the clock as he calculated his boarding time.
Finally, Duncan’s tone grew ominous, reminiscent of a child swearing revenge. “I swear I will bring him down and ruin him completely.”
Evelyn felt a shiver run down his spine.

Chapter 4

Evelyn Whitmore didn’t think Duncan Blackwood was joking around, so he gently urged him not to let outsiders’ words get to him. He meant to say more, but the conversation reached its natural end, and he had to hang up for the time being.
Evelyn had been by Duncan's side for eight years, and Duncan had never skimped on his comfort, so this time was no different; he was traveling in first class.
The flight was long, but the luxurious leather seat made it easy to doze off. When he woke, it was already past eight.
Evelyn lazily opened his eyes and gazed out at the fluffy white clouds. Suddenly, he sensed someone beside him. Turning his head, he was met with a clean, youthful face framed by striking blue eyes.
With a cheerful smile, the stranger asked, “Hey, are you having dinner soon?”
Evelyn had long hair that cascaded down to his waist and a delicate, gentle face, exuding an immediate, captivating charm. He had spent eight years transforming himself into the person Duncan adored.
His only frustration was that people often confused his gender.
Evelyn replied softly, “It’s bro, not sis.”
His voice was smooth and melodic, but the underlying resonance made it clear he was male. The boy froze momentarily, his face flushed, before quickly retreating.
Evelyn went to freshen up, returned to grab a small bite, and ignored Caspian Azure’s curious glances as he reclined in his seat once more.
After a while, he heard a hesitant voice ask, “Why do you have such long hair?”
“Someone likes it,” Evelyn answered honestly. The boy hesitated for a moment before quietly inquiring, “Is it a girlfriend or a boyfriend?”
Evelyn put on a sleep mask and smiled slightly. “A girlfriend.”
The cabin fell into comfortable silence again.
The plane landed on time, and just as Evelyn suspected, Duncan hadn’t come to pick him up as promised.
As light rain fell, he dragged his luggage over to a coffee shop nearby called The Brewed Awakening, glancing at his watch.
As Duncan had mentioned, he had long since grown accustomed to Duncan’s unreliability and tardiness. Nevertheless, since Duncan promised he would come, Evelyn wouldn’t dismiss his commitment so easily. He ordered a coffee, grabbed a straw, and settled quietly by the window.
He needed to ensure that Duncan would spot him immediately—if he indeed showed up.
With the straw between his lips, his long arms occupied most of the small table as he busied himself with his phone. Suddenly, he heard a soft cough.
“Wow, fancy running into you! Are you waiting for your girlfriend?”
Caspian Azure slid into the chair across from him, placing his milk tea on the small bit of table that hadn’t been commandeered by Evelyn’s belongings.
That tiny space looked pitifully cramped.
Evelyn didn’t respond, nor did he reclaim the table space.
Caspian fiddled with his straw, glancing toward him awkwardly. With no one paying attention to him, he retrieved his phone, engaged in a game, sneaking glances at Evelyn every so often.
If looks were ranked, Evelyn was definitely at the top tier. Anyone who laid eyes on him would feel the urge to strike up a conversation.
Yet, most people he met were experienced flirts, whereas this boy was the shy type—persistent yet awkwardly bashful, a true contradiction. After a moment, he finally retracted his arms from the table and lifted his gaze.
Caspian instinctively straightened up, his bright eyes reminding Evelyn of his younger brother, Isabella. His expression softened slightly. “Want my WeChat ID?”
The boy’s cheeks flushed again, but being a guy, he mustered the courage to nod. “I’m just curious, your girlfriend must be pretty beautiful if you’re with her.”
Evelyn took it as a compliment.
He pulled out his phone and showed his WeChat QR code. “I have a younger brother around your age. You two might hit it off.”
“You have a younger brother?” the boy remarked, absorbing the information while scanning his WeChat.
Evelyn nodded, but when he was about to look away, he caught sight of someone outside holding an umbrella. He froze for a moment, lost in thought, but just as he regained focus, the figure’s expression darkened, and they turned back to the car.
Evelyn frowned and withdrew his hand as the car drove off, leaving him puzzled.
Caspian lowered his head, saving Evelyn’s contact, and then glanced at him again.
Just then, Evelyn’s phone rang. Duncan’s cold voice came through the speaker. “Take a cab back.”
The call ended without another word.
Evelyn stood, picking up his luggage. Caspian quickly piped up, “Hey, your girlfriend is here.”

Chapter 5

The rain began to pour harder, quickly coating the car windows, the droplets streaming down like tiny rivers across the glass. Evelyn furrowed his brow, reaching out to touch the icy surface; even through the glass, he could feel the cold of the rain.
The downpour intensified, forcing the windshield wipers to work overtime just to provide a glimpse of the road ahead.
When the car finally reached its destination, Evelyn paid the driver and prepared to get out. The driver, noticing his plight, kindly advised, “Why don’t you call your family to have them bring out an umbrella? It’s coming down really heavy, and you'll get soaked the minute you step out.”
Evelyn hesitated, pulling out his phone to dial the landline. He knew "Duncan Blackwood" was likely in a foul mood, but "Steward Alistair" ought to answer.
The phone rang twice before it was abruptly disconnected.
“Uncle Harold” would never hang up on him; it had to be "Duncan."
Reluctantly, Evelyn tucked his phone away and said, “Could you pop the trunk for me?”
As predicted by the driver, the moment he stepped out of the car, he was drenched, the chilly rain soaking him to the bone. Shivering, he hurriedly retrieved his luggage from the trunk. The driver turned around and drove off, covering nearly a hundred feet before glancing back in the rearview mirror to find the young man still standing in the downpour.
The driver frowned in confusion, “Is there no one home?”
In the relentless rain, the water cascaded down Evelyn's chin and hair like a waterfall. The early winter chill sent shivers through him, and he anxiously pressed the doorbell, his teeth chattering.
No one answered.
He looked up; through the misty rain, he spotted a tall figure standing on the second-floor balcony, looking down at him with cold indifference.
His eyes burned from the rainwater, and, feeling defeated, he lowered his gaze, standing there motionless.
"Duncan" was utterly intolerable, appearing perfectly refined but harboring a cruel nature beneath the surface.
He treated Evelyn as a possession, forbidding him any contact with others, punishing him in whatever way suited his whims.
Evelyn bit down on his quivering teeth, trembling slightly as he forcefully closed his eyes and opened them again.
About half an hour later, "Duncan" finally picked up the call. Evelyn held the phone silently to his ear, feeling the biting cold numb his fingers, turning them almost white.
"Duncan" stayed silent, and Evelyn understood perfectly; this was a wordless judgment, waiting for him to admit his fault.
Wiping the rain from his face, he pressed his lips together, resolutely meeting the doorbell with his steady gaze, his presence as sharp and honed as a finely forged sword.
His voice, however, came out soft and trembling, “I’m sorry.”
"Duncan" hung up.
The heavy iron gate swung open, and "Steward Alistair" rushed over with an umbrella. Evelyn let his phone drop from his hand as Alistair took charge of his luggage, guiding him inside while gently murmuring, “The young master is being unreasonable again; just don’t let it get to you.”
Who would dare to confront "Duncan"? Evelyn knew better than to get angry with him; he had long accepted his place. He was just one of many employees, albeit in a different role.
"Duncan" was his boss, and challenging him would mean risking his job.
Evelyn was a dedicated worker, planning to stay until the end of November, just two days away. He had met "Duncan" in December eight years ago and never imagined they would still be together those many years later.
Now, he aimed to conclude this chapter of his life on a satisfactory note.
As he entered the house behind "Steward Alistair," a large towel was placed on his head. "Duncan" stood before him, wiping the chill from his cheeks and temples. His face was pale and frozen, akin to a chunk of jade. "Duncan" grasped his chin forcefully, compelling him to meet his gaze, his own eyes filled with confusion and vulnerability.
"Duncan's" expression darkened slightly, “This won’t happen again.”
Evelyn nodded in submission.
A droplet of water slipped from his nose to the floor.
Over the course of eight years, every glance, expression, and reaction from Evelyn had been meticulously tailored to "Duncan's" preferences. He had spent years sculpting Evelyn into the perfect partner he desired.
Every inch of Evelyn held a fatal allure for him.
In response, Evelyn knew "Duncan's" intentions all too well, stepping back instinctively as he felt the weight of their dynamic settle in the air.

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