Bound by Betrayal and Vows

Chapter 1

Eldric Blackwood, blessed with striking looks and a privileged background, has always lived under the spotlight, admired and envied by many. However, a sudden twist of fate shatters his world, revealing the downfall of his family's legacy and a heartbreaking loss.
Taking down petty rivals and harshly dealing with enemies once came easily to him. Having been given a second chance at life, Eldric is determined not to let the culprit who betrayed him escape unscathed. However, the unexpected twist of a forced marriage to the ruthless Lord Cedric becomes the biggest complication in his meticulously laid plans.
Trigger Warning: Involuntary circumstances. The cunning Lord Cedric plots to have Eldric firmly in his grasp, leading to an unexpected pregnancy.
Eldric, a brilliant and stunning individual, finds himself ensnared by the shrewd schemes of Lord Cedric!
Eldric Blackwood stood at the edge of his family's sprawling estate, the late afternoon sun glittering against the lavish façade of Blackwood Keep. Once, this was a place of joy and laughter, filled with warmth and the sounds of family. Now, it felt cold and hollow, a shell of its former glory. As he gazed out over the well-tended gardens, memories flooded back—happy gatherings, joyous celebrations—but the shadows of recent events twisted the joy into sorrow.
His life had changed irrevocably. Eldric had witnessed his lineage crumble under the weight of greed and betrayal. The whispers of ruined alliances and shattered relationships echoed in the wind. He had felt the betrayal deeply, the dagger-like sting of loss piercing through him. Yet here he stood, alive and determined to right the wrongs done to his family.
Rebirth had bestowed him with a fiery resilience. With clarity came vengeance, and he intended to exact it on those responsible. But fate had other plans in store for him—no sooner had he begun to plot than he found himself ensnared in the web of a forced marital union with Lord Cedric.
Lord Cedric was notorious for his cunning and ruthless ambition, a man whose heart seemed as hard as the stone walls of Lavelle Manor. Eldric knew that this alliance was not one born of love, but rather a strategic move in a dangerous game. And in the scheme of things, it left Eldric feeling trapped, as if he were a pawn being moved on a chessboard of deceit and desire.
Their first formal dinner was set in the Great Hall, a typically grand affair overshadowed by the growing tension between them. The candlelight flickered, casting shadows that danced across the cavernous room. Eldric maintained his composure, but inside, a tempest raged; he would not submit to Cedric's controlling nature.
“Your family name means little when your actions speak so loudly,” Eldric remarked coolly, raising a delicate wine glass filled with the finest vintage.
Lord Cedric smirked, his gaze unwavering. “Actions, my dear Eldric, are simply the beginning of this game. But don’t mistake me—I intend to have you by my side, whether you like it or not.”
The heat of anger surged through Eldric, a flame he struggled to contain. No one had the right to dictate his life, especially not a manipulative lord with an agenda. Yet, as time wore on, a chilling realization dawned on him—Cedric's determination was not merely a whim; it was a calculated obsession.
Eldric found himself spiraling deeper into a world he despised, filled with secrets and manipulation, where each encounter with Cedric pulled him further into the labyrinth of desire. Despite the conflicts ahead, one truth broke through with undeniable clarity: Cedric's grip was tightening, and the direction of their fates was becoming inextricably linked—a binding woven through passion and power.
In the midst of this turmoil, Eldric was confronted with a harrowing predicament—his heart was beginning to respond to Cedric's relentless charm and commanding presence. Conflicted sentiments surged through him; could love blossom in a garden of thorns?
As days turned into weeks, the unthinkable occurred, solidifying their bond in an irreversible way. The implications of their union left Eldric breathless and reeling, thrusting him into a future he hadn’t expected—a future where he would become a father, helplessly entwined in the provocative game set forth by Lord Cedric.
No longer was this simply about vengeance; now it was about the survival of his family’s name, his legacy, and the unexpected life growing within him. Faced with this new reality, Eldric had to make choices that would alter the course of his life forever. Whatever lay ahead, one certainty remained—he would rise from the ashes, stronger and fiercely determined to reclaim everything he had lost.

Chapter 2

The dim room was cloaked in a deathly silence. Eldric Blackwood leaned against the cold wall, his consciousness slowly slipping away.
He shook his head in an attempt to clear the fog, but three days and nights of confinement, compounded by the effects of drugs, had nearly drained him of strength. His fatigued body was whispering for him to surrender to unconsciousness.
Suddenly, the door creaked open, and bright light flooded the room. The prolonged darkness made it nearly impossible for him to adjust to the blinding glare, forcing him to squint.
Amid the haze, a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared first in his line of sight. He hardly had to look up to know who owned those shoes, and he could imagine the condescending expression that was likely plastered on Solomon Lee’s face as he looked down at him. Thus, he chose to keep his eyes shut.
However, it seemed Solomon had no intention of letting him off so easily. In the next moment, Eldric's chin was seized, forcing him to make eye contact.
“I have two pieces of good news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?”
Eldric Blackwood, visibly repulsed by Solomon's grasp, furrowed his brow. “Get your hands off me.”
His gaze was laced with disdain, as if sizing up a piece of trash.
Solomon Lee appeared to be provoked by that disgusted look. Hatred flared in his eyes as he said, “Your useless brother took a dive off the thirtieth floor. ‘Boom!’—he splattered into a pile of mush; they couldn’t even recognize his face. It took a while for the cops to confirm his identity.” A malicious grin crept across his lips. “Surprised?”
Eldric Blackwood remained completely still, staring at Solomon. Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood.
Solomon burst into laughter, yanking Eldric's collar to drag him closer. With his hands shackled behind his back, Eldric had no leverage, and he was jerked forward, landing hard on his knees.
“Your brother’s dead, too bad he didn’t know that the son he pampered for over a decade is actually mine,” Solomon mocked, his smile twisted. “I should thank him for raising my son all this time.”
Still holding Eldric’s collar, Solomon clicked his tongue. “Even though you’re pathetic, you’re quite the looker,” he taunted, lightly slapping Eldric’s face. “No wonder, even at this point, someone’s willing to pay to keep you.”
He was about to deliver another insult when a shrill ringtone echoed through the room. Solomon tossed Eldric to the ground with a sigh, brushing his hands off as he pulled out his phone. But the moment he saw the caller ID, his expression changed dramatically.
“Hello,” Solomon answered, his tone suddenly ingratiating. Something on the other end must have surprised him because he shot a peculiar glance at the sprawled Eldric, but reluctantly replied, “Yes, don’t worry, he’s fine… No injuries.”
After exchanging a few more remarks, Solomon nodded repeatedly until the call ended, at which point a sardonic smile returned to his face.
He crouched down, yanking Eldric toward him once more, sneering, “The other piece of good news? Although the House of Blackwood is finished, you don’t have to worry. Someone has shelling out big bucks to keep you. Soon enough, you’ll be living in a mansion much better than your old home, treated like a spoiled canary...”
But in the middle of his rant, Eldric’s expression shifted as he glanced strangely over Solomon’s shoulder. Solomon instinctively turned to see what caught his attention. In that instant, Eldric shot his hand up—the handcuffs that previously bound him were now somehow in his possession, and he swung them hard against the back of Solomon’s head.
Fearing Eldric might try to escape, Solomon had opted for a reinforced standard set of handcuffs. This choice turned out to be beneficial for Eldric, who wielded them like a weapon.
As Solomon plummeted, Eldric seized a vase from the shelf and smashed it down multiple times on Solomon’s head. He tightened his grip on the vase, stopping just short of continuing his assault, knowing he wanted to kill Solomon, but it was not the right time yet. First, he needed to escape and save the financially crumbling House of Blackwood.
He tossed the vase aside. Eldric understood that Solomon’s earlier visit likely instructed the guards to leave, but if he took too long to come out, they would surely grow suspicious.

Chapter 3

Eldric Blackwood lay sprawled on the floor like a discarded piece of meat, his body aching and disoriented. After rifling through his pockets and taking his car keys, Solomon Lee didn’t leave at once. Instead, he picked up the phone that had been tossed into the corner, scrolling through the call history.
The latest call was from an unlisted number—just a string of digits. Eldric memorized the numbers, slipping the phone into his pocket before rising to his feet. He walked to the window, parting the heavy curtains to look outside. It was well past midnight, and the stillness of the suburban area enveloped him. He knew Solomon's bodyguards patrolled the premises every half hour, and it was one-twenty—ten minutes until their next round.
Earlier, fearing he might use tools to escape, Solomon had stripped him of everything upon his arrival. Yet to Eldric, anything could serve as a tool for freedom.
He moved back to where Solomon lay and quickly unfastened his wristwatch, snapping the band and extracting a small piece of metal from it. Returning to the window, he used the metal to easily lift the lock and spring the window open.
Checking his phone, it read one-twenty-three.
Eldric pushed the window wide and noted he was three stories up, staring down at the lawn below—about six or seven meters. With a deep breath, he climbed up to the ledge and jumped.
When he landed on the soft grass, a jolt of disorientation hit him. Although he had developed a remarkable tolerance to the muscle relaxant Solomon had injected him with just three days prior, the lingering effects still left him weak.
He steadied himself, but time was short—he needed to leave immediately.
Solomon seemed to have come here on short notice; the car was parked outside instead of in the garage, which worked to Eldric’s advantage. Swiftly, he reached the vehicle, started it, and pressed his foot to the accelerator, racing toward Blackwood Manor.
He was still in the tuxedo he had worn three days earlier at the annual Watch Captain celebration. He had just finished his speech for the Special Contribution Award when news broke of his father Ethan Blackwood’s heart attack and the looming bankruptcy of Blackwood Enterprises. He’d barely had time to change before rushing back home, only to be seized at the airport by waiting bodyguards.
Who would have thought that his father's adopted son, Solomon, whom they'd treated like family, was capable of betrayal?
Eldric's hands trembled on the steering wheel as he fought to control his fear. He couldn’t think about that now. He had to stay focused. The debts his brother and House of Blackwood owed had yet to be settled; he couldn’t allow himself to falter at this moment.
Though his body fought against him, Eldric’s mind remained sharp. To avoid being tracked, he chose manual driving over the automated systems.
As he sped toward the mansion, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. The line rang just once before an answer came through.
“Lord Benedict,” he greeted, his voice steadier than he felt.
There was a brief silence on the other end before a shocked voice replied, “Blackwood? Is that you? Where are you? Whose phone is this? Do you understand—”
“I don’t have time for your questions. Tell me about my father,” he interrupted.
“Eldric, he’s out of immediate danger and in the ICU.”
“I’ll be at the company in fifteen minutes. Have everything ready; I need a full briefing on what’s happened.”
“I will… I will,” the voice stuttered.
Ending the call, Eldric pressed the gas pedal to the floor, determined to reach the company before Solomon realized he was missing. He had to turn things around before they took a turn for the worse.
Suddenly, his phone erupted with a barrage of ringing. He glanced down, frozen as he recognized the number—it was the last call Solomon had made. Eldric’s heart raced—he needed to answer. He was desperate to uncover the true mastermind behind Solomon’s machinations. There had to be someone orchestrating events from behind the scenes—surely Solomon couldn’t be capable of dismantling the massive House of Blackwood alone.
But he knew it wasn’t the right time to react. If they discovered Solomon's phone was in his possession, it would set off alarms, putting him at risk. He couldn’t take that chance.
Eldric's gaze remained fixed on the flashing number, the key to exposing the person in the shadows, the one responsible for unraveling everything.
The phone kept ringing, and when it finally stopped, Eldric caught a glimpse of a black sedan following closely in his rearview mirror. He had anticipated Solomon's guards would pursue him after discovering his absence; he just hadn't expected their response to be this swift.
He refocused on the road, flooring it.
Eldric navigated the winding streets with precision, trying to shake off the pursuers, who seemed hell-bent on keeping up with him. His phone continued to ring incessantly from his pocket.
Then, with a deafening roar, a massive explosion rocked his car, sending it skyward, turning it into a shower of metal fragments against a backdrop of fire and thick black smoke that stained half the sky crimson.

Chapter 4

Eldric Blackwood felt as if he were engulfed in flames, every inch of his skin seared by the intense heat, every bone in his body screaming with pain. He couldn’t help but let out a short gasp, and in the next moment, a familiar voice pierced through the haze of agony.
The voice was so familiar that Eldric's eyes fluttered open wide immediately. “Brother Alaric?”
Alaric Blackwood sat next to him, his handsome face etched with concern. “Is it still hurting? The doctors said the anesthesia would wear off and it would be painful. Just hang in there…” His expression was filled with sympathy. “If it’s too much, we can ask the doctor for another dose of pain relief.”
Seeing Eldric stare at him with unblinking, glassy eyes as if he didn’t hear his words, Alaric’s heart raced. “Eldric, what’s wrong?”
Then, two streams of tears slipped down Eldric's cheeks.
Alaric was momentarily stunned. His younger brother had never cried before, no matter what trials he faced. Even when he fell from the mobile cabin as a child and broke his leg, he hadn’t made a sound. The sight of Eldric weeping now drove Alaric to the brink of despair.
Ethan Blackwood had three sons: the eldest, Eldric; the middle child, Alaric; and a surprise baby, Eldric, born when Ethan was forty. Eldric was adored and doted on by the Blackwood family; any minor scrape could evoke a wave of sympathy, let alone enduring such a serious accident.
The Blackwood family had a legacy of business; they were a prominent clan in West Enclave. The House of Blackwood dealt in jewelry, real estate, oil, and various industries, with Blackwood Jewels being the pinnacle of luxury in the jewelry world. After taking over the business from his father, Hugo Lavelle, Ethan threw himself into running the company. His elder sons both studied business management overseas and assisted in the family’s ventures.
As for their youngest son, Eldric, Ethan granted him the freedom to choose his own path academically. Unlike his brothers, Eldric had no interest in the family business; he aspired to become a Watch Captain. He had a knack for it, shining brightly even in high school as the champion of the West Enclave Youth Boxing Tournament. After scoring highly, he smoothly entered the Watch Academy. After four years of study, he became an International Watchman, and after two years stationed in a European branch, he earned the title of the youngest inspector.
After a whirlwind of emotions, Eldric began to realize something was off. He remembered that the last thing he had experienced before losing consciousness was the explosion of his car. Even though he was a special human with exceptional physical resilience, surviving such a violent blast without anything more than discomfort was improbable. Moreover… he looked at Alaric, who, frankly, seemed to look too young.
“Eldric, does it hurt that much?” Alaric asked, his worry deepening at the sight of Eldric’s unresponsive stare.
“I…” Eldric started, but he barely got his words out before the door to his hospital room swung open with a bang. A graceful woman with refined poise appeared at the threshold; it was Ethan’s wife, Lady Amara.
Lady Amara rushed over to Eldric, enveloping him in a tight embrace. “My poor baby, how could you go through such suffering?” She lifted her head, her eyes shimmering with tears as she scolded, “Didn’t I tell you to be careful? Do you think it’s smart to sneak off to participate in some ridiculous tournament?”
Eldric blinked, taken aback. “Tournament?”
“That crazy free-fighting tournament,” Alaric chimed in.
“You sneaked off to compete, and then you ended up in deep trouble,” Lady Amara snuffled. “You’re still so young! Why would you even think about entering a professional one?”
Eldric’s heart sank further, and he hesitated. “What about the family business…”
Wiping her tears, Lady Amara replied, “Oh, now you seem concerned about the business? You’re the one who doesn’t care about it and instead just enjoys running into trouble and fighting.”
Eldric fell silent, realization dawning on him: he had indeed been reborn.

Chapter 5

Eldric Blackwood recalled the summer of his sophomore year when he had secretly signed up for a professional-level mixed martial arts tournament. Lacking formal training, he had suffered a humiliating defeat and ended up with a broken rib or two. Ethan Blackwood, his father, was furious when he found out. It was the first time Eldric had ever seen him lose his temper, and he had grounded him for an entire month.
During that month, Eldric didn't just sulk; he secretly dove into mixed martial arts tutorials. By the end of the month, not only had he gained a bit of weight, but his fighting skills had improved significantly. When Ethan realized his son had a genuine interest in joining the police academy, he stopped pushing him to pursue a business degree. After all, there were Gaius Lavelle and Alaric Blackwood to manage the family business; if Eldric wanted to chase his dreams, that was fine with him.
However, a wave of regret washed over Eldric. If only he had paid more attention to the company rather than his personal ambitions, he might have prevented the financial crisis that led to his father’s heart condition and his older brother’s tragic death.
Eldric lifted his head, his eyes filled with remorse.
The sight startled Lady Amara, his mother. While she was angry that Eldric didn’t take his responsibilities seriously, she didn’t intend to scold him. Seeing his regretful expression, she gently ruffled his hair and spoke soothingly, “It’s alright, sweetheart. Mommy doesn’t blame you.”
Eldric composed himself, desperately wanting to see his father and brother. He turned to Lady Amara and asked, “Where's Dad?”
She thought he was worried Ethan was still upset with him, so she reassured him, “Your father is no longer angry; you don’t have to worry.” She tenderly touched Eldric’s face, “You’ve grown up in my arms. You shouldn't have to endure such heavy injuries—let’s make sure Madam Li prepares some nourishing soup for you when we get home.”
She surveyed the hospital room and declared, “Since you’re really okay now, let’s head home tonight. It’s uncomfortable being at the hospital; there’s no place like home.”
Although Eldric's injuries looked severe, they weren’t serious. His opponent was a skilled fighter who had aimed for technique over brute force. Fortunately, Eldric possessed a remarkable healing ability; within a month, he had nearly fully recovered. As he healed, the new school year approached.
At the dining table in Blackwood Keep, Ethan set down his tea and looked at Eldric, who was slicing through some toast. “School starts soon, doesn’t it?” he asked.
“Yeah, it’s less than a week away,” Eldric replied absentmindedly.
“About your transfer to the police academy,” Ethan turned to the family butler, “We should handle that before school begins.”
Eldric froze. He remembered his strong desire to join the police academy, but both Ethan and Lady Amara had disapproved. After the mixed martial arts tournament and realizing he still yearned for that path, they softened. Now, however, he felt ready to change course.
He put down his knife, looked up at Ethan, and said firmly, “Dad, I don’t want to go to the police academy anymore.”
Solomon Lee, who lived with them since his own family had fallen on hard times, gasped. “Eldric, haven’t you always wanted to be in law enforcement? Why the sudden change of heart?”
Eldric shot Solomon a cold glance. “It was just a phase. I don’t find it interesting anymore.”
Solomon shuddered at Eldric's glare, which felt almost icy. But when he looked closely again, Eldric’s expression was calm, the earlier intensity seemingly a figment of his imagination.
“Eldric, what are you planning on studying then?” Alaric Blackwood asked, noticing the sudden shift in Eldric's ambitions.
Eldric pondered for a moment before responding. “Gemology.”
“Gemology? What made you decide on that?” Alaric inquired, surprised.
Eldric smiled slightly, “I just developed an interest in it and thought it could be useful for the family business.”
Ethan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. His once-distracted younger son seemed to be taking an interest in the family enterprise for the first time. With a chuckle, he teased, “Glad to see you’re finally wanting to contribute! Let’s hope this isn’t just a passing fancy.”
Gaius Lavelle grinned, “Get over to the company and lend a hand. Maybe Alaric and I can take it easy for once.”
In contrast to the smiles lighting up the Blackwood family, Solomon’s expression darkened for a fleeting moment. However, he quickly masked it, unaware of Eldric's keen observation of his unease.
Eldric turned back to his plate, slicing his bacon. For him, abandoning the police academy felt like sacrificing his dream. But having been selfish in his past life, he resolved not to repeat that mistake this time around.
He had missed one chance; since fate offered him another, he would ensure that it came with significant consequences for those who had wronged him.

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