My Secret Guilty Wife

Chapter 1

**Taking the Fall**

“Take off your pants and lie down on the bed.”

The clinical voice pierced through Elena Wood’s foggy thoughts like a blade.

She looked at the cold faces of the medical team surrounding her, their eyes scrutinizing her every move, making her skin crawl. The sterile smell of antiseptic only heightened her discomfort.

With numb fingers, Elena peeled off her pants, climbing onto the operating table as she fought the wave of anxiety rising in her chest.

“Prepare for anesthetic.”

A sharp needle pricked her skin, a chill racing up her arm as the drug flowed into her veins. Everything twisted around her, and she closed her eyes, trembling uncontrollably.

Just six months ago, her sister had been behind the wheel, her reckless driving turning Isabella Green, the heiress of the Green family, into a living ghost after a car accident. To shield her sister from the consequences, Elena took the fall and ended up behind bars.

Arthur Stone was supposed to marry Isabella. Their wedding was just on the horizon. But after that horrific crash, Isabella lay in a coma—an unresponsive shell of the vibrant woman she once was.

Last month, the Green family secured Elena's release on bail, bringing her nightmare of six long months to an end. But the reprieve was anything but a blessing.

She was taken to a sprawling mansion, the Green family’s seat of power. They offered her two choices, both grotesquely twisted. The first was to face criminal prosecution, leading her back to the suffocating darkness of prison for an unknown stretch of time. The second? To bear a child for the Stone family.

Elena was left with no real choice.

As it stood, Isabella’s chances of waking from her coma dwindled by the day. The Green family was in shambles, desperate to capitalize on her engagement. Marrying Arthur Stone was their only ticket to salvation, but they needed a child to secure his family’s investment.

The Stone family matriarch had made it clear: they wouldn’t accept a comatose bride. But they would recognize any child born under Isabella’s name as their own.

Elena had no way out…

As the anesthetic coursed through her body, dulling her senses, she felt herself drifting into an unsettling haze. Just before the darkness claimed her, commotion erupted outside the room.

“Who are you!?”

“Who gave you permission to come in!?”

“Arthur Stone, what are you doing here?”

The door crashed open, the cold wind slicing through the room.

Heavy footsteps entered, breaking the night’s stillness. An aura of controlled power swept into the operating room, suffocating her with an all-consuming dread.

Elena fought to rise, but despite her efforts, her body felt like lead. Panic coursed through her as she lay paralyzed on the table.

“Wh-who’s there?”

The looming figure approached, and she strained her vision. When their eyes met, she was met with icy, penetrating gaze—uknown and cold as the night.

Moonlight spilled through the window, casting a silvery glow over the man—a halo that did nothing to warm his demeanor. Just as Elena was on the cusp of recognizing him, darkness swallowed her whole.


When she regained consciousness, the sun was shining brightly outside, washing the room in light.

Elena jolted upright, confusion flooding her mind as she noticed she was now in a hospital gown. The remnants of the anesthesia faded, giving way to sharp stabs of pain coursing through her body.

A line of doctors and nurses stood by her bedside, their faces softening into relieved smiles.

“Miss Wood, you’re awake,” one of them said, his voice filled with warm encouragement.

Elena blinked rapidly, still disoriented. The last coherent moment she remembered was seeing that man enter the room. After that, everything was a blur.

“Last night... what happened?” she finally managed to croak out.

“Last night, we performed the in-vitro procedure,” the doctor replied. “It was a success. We’re hopeful you’ll carry Arthur Stone’s child.”

The weight of his words crashed down on her as Elena sat, stunned—her heart racing, her mind spiraling. She was trapped in a precarious game she had never wanted to play. And now, everything had changed forever.

Chapter 2

Elena Wood was on the run.

There was no mention of the mysterious man’s appearance—had he even been real? Was all this a dream?

“Elena, don’t overthink it. Just hang tight and wait for the good news. If you need anything, the staff here at the villa will help you,” the doctor said before stepping out of the room.

Elena sat on the edge of the bed, feeling utterly defeated.

For a moment, regret ran through her like a cold river. She was so young, yet she had never even been in love, and now she was facing this monumental reality—too overwhelmed by despair to linger on what could have been. Pride felt too extravagant to even consider at this point.

As the door clicked shut behind the doctor, she could see the young female assistant exchanging a wary glance with her colleague. Lowering her voice, the doctor warned, “Don’t let anyone know Arthur Stone came by last night.”

“Understood,” the assistant replied, her gaze shifting nervously.

Two months had passed.

Elena held the pregnancy report in her hands, disbelief washing over her. Seven weeks in—she was having twins—a boy and a girl. Heartbeats were already present, tiny signs of life thrumming within her.

The Green family was ecstatic upon hearing the news. Who would have thought that Elena, of all people, would bless them with not just one, but two babies? It was a monumental gain for the Greens, a promise of future prosperity.

Excited, they visited the villa, showering Elena with well wishes and insisting that she take care of herself during the pregnancy. They promised her that once everything settled down, she would regain her freedom.

At first, Elena had resisted this strange situation, but as her body began to change and she dreamt of the little ones growing inside her, she felt the stirrings of maternal instinct. The first time she heard their heartbeats, the first flutter she felt, brought her a joy she had never known.

With every passing day, she lovingly cradled her belly, yet a heavy dread loomed over her. The thought of carrying these babies for nine long months only to be separated from them at birth filled her with despair.

She didn’t want to say goodbye to her children!


The Stone family’s headquarters loomed on Municipal Boulevard—a location every bit as high-stakes as the games played within.

Outside, rain drizzled down, casting a dreary ambiance.

Inside, in the CEO's office, Richard Green sat stiffly at his desk, surrounded by opulent decor that felt like it belonged in a museum.

The door swung open, and Richard shot up as Arthur Stone walked in. Dressed sharply in a tailored black suit, Arthur’s imposing presence radiated authority and poise. His striking, chiseled features were accentuated by an inscrutable expression—there was no kindness to be found here.

Even from a distance, Richard felt the weight of Arthur’s intensity settle over him, making it hard to breathe.

“Everyone out,” Arthur commanded, his voice as cool as the weather outside.

“Yes, sir,” Richard said, his spine straightening.

Once they were alone, Arthur took a seat at the desk, his eyes piercing through the carefully curated chaos of Richard’s thoughts like a knife through butter.

“Arthur, tonight the babies will be born. I’m here to let you know that—” Richard started, choosing his words carefully as if treading on thin ice.

Arthur smirked slightly, raising an eyebrow. “As long as they’re Stone blood, the Stone family will recognize them.”

Richard nodded eagerly, catching the hint of opportunity. “Then, about the funding you promised…”

Arthur's slender fingers tapped a steady rhythm on the tabletop, his stony demeanor cutting through Richard's excitement. “You think I’m the kind to go back on my word?”

“N-no, that’s not what I meant…” Richard stammered. “But, if Isabella Green wakes up, will the engagement between our families still stand?”

Before Arthur could respond, his phone rang, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Richard chuckled awkwardly, “Sorry, let me take this.”

He answered the call, an anxious voice on the other end sending chills down his spine. “Isabella’s not well; Elena has gone missing!”

“What?!” Richard exclaimed, dread pooling in his stomach.


Chapter 3

**Stolen Baby**

“Help! Someone, please! My baby—!”

The hospital lobby was a frenetic swirl of bodies, but Elena Wood burst through it all like a desperate comet, fear etched on her beautiful face. Sweat clung to her brow, and she pressed her hands protectively against her swollen belly, her voice choked with urgency. “I’m in labor—please, I need help!”

“Quick! We have a woman in labor!” someone shouted.

“Get her to the OR now!”

In a flurry, Elena was whisked away into the sterile, white-lit room, her heart pounding in her chest. She clutched her belly, tears streaming down her cheeks. “It hurts… oh God, it hurts…”

The Green family had been so impatient. The baby was barely ready, and they were already pushing her way past her due date, desperate to exchange her child to secure funds from the powerful Stone family.

They had no idea what it felt like to have a child held hostage, and Elena could hardly trust them for a second with her little one. There was no way she would let her baby fall into their clutches.

Just when she thought she couldn’t bear the pain anymore, an intense contraction hit her like a freight train. “Ah—!”

“Come on, push! The head is out—keep going!” the nurse encouraged.

With every ounce of strength she had left, Elena pushed, and through the haze of pain, she heard something that made her falter. “It’s out! It’s out!”

But the jubilation was short-lived.

“Why isn’t it crying?!”

The small, fragile form of the first baby emerged, lifeless. Panic erupted among the staff, and they rushed the silent infant away to the nursery, murmuring frantic reassurances to one another.

“Please, let me see my baby…” Elena’s weak voice trailed off, barely a whisper, when another wave of agony hit her.

“Hang in there! You’ve got one more to go!”

Surrounded by bustling nurses, ten agonizing minutes later, the room broke into joyous cries. Her second child was here.


The sound of a healthy wail filled the air, and a nurse tenderly scooped up the squirming baby, the little one snuggled into a tight bundle. A wave of relief washed over the room.

“At least one of them made it!” someone said, finally exhaling.

As the overwhelming fatigue threatened to pull her under, Elena struggled to sit up and catch a glimpse of her newborn. But just then, the door burst open.

A group of men in black suits poured into the delivery room, their commanding presence silencing every voice.

“Who the hell are you!? You can’t be here!” one nurse screamed, stepping back.

“Hand over the child!”

“What child…?” Elena’s heart raced as the men expertly swept their gaze across the room, landing on the swaddled infant in the nurse’s arms.

In an instant, one of them lunged forward, snatching the baby away.

“My baby… don’t take my child!” Elena cried, panic clawing at her throat. “Please, don’t—!”

“Where’s the other one?” the man demanded, his eyes narrowing.

The nurse, pale with shock, stammered, “The first baby didn’t make it... it was born without a breath…”

“What do you mean it didn’t survive?!”

“Because it was premature. The heart and lungs… were too weak to hold on…”

“Then we won’t worry about the dead one. Just take the live one back to Richard Green. We need to report in!”

Elena’s world tilted. “No! Bring my baby back!” Panic surged within her, her blood pressure spiking as she frantically reached out.

But just like that, darkness engulfed her, and she collapsed on the operating table.


“Arthur, we lost one. Just one survived—it’s a girl…” Richard Green said carefully, cradling the bundled infant as if she were a rare jewel.

Arthur Stone took the child, his expression inscrutable as he glanced down at the small face. The baby had worn herself out from her cries and was now sleeping soundly, her tiny features scrunched in a way that made her seem so vulnerable, yet oddly peaceful.

“Name her,” Richard said, an eagerness in his voice.

“Fiona,” Arthur replied after a moment's thought, letting the name settle.

“Fiona Stone. I like it!” Richard leaned in with a sly grin. “You’ve got a good ear.”

Arthur’s cold gaze flicked up toward Richard. “I promise you'll get your investment, but from this moment, she’s not a Green.”

“Just ensure the funds come through, Arthur. That’s all I ask!” Richard insisted, a glint of desperation in his eyes.

Chapter 4

**Job Interview for a Nanny**

Time flies; five years have slipped by in the blink of an eye.

In a shabby apartment, a blaring alarm clock shattered the morning silence.

“Mommy, wake up! We’re gonna be late for the interview!”

Elena Wood blinked sleepily, her vision coming into focus as she caught sight of a cherubic little face peering over the edge of the bed.

Tommy, her son, was like a little dumpling, all round cheeks and bright, clear eyes—black and white, pure as daylight. His lashes fluttered as he beamed at her, radiating that innocent charm that melted her heart.

“What time is it, Tommy?” Elena mumbled, still trailing in the haze of sleep.

“It’s nine-thirty! Didn’t you say you had the interview at ten?”

With that, fear gripped her. She shot out of bed and rushed through her morning routine.

The space she rented wasn’t large—a tiny one-bedroom unit with a narrow living area, barely big enough for a small couch and a dining table that squeezed into the corner. The building was a relic from the ‘80s, its faded walls echoing stories of better days, yet the rent was outrageous. Despite the rundown conditions, it offered shelter for her and her son, a haven from life’s storms.

Elena watched as Tommy carefully set the steaming bowl of egg noodles and a glass of warm milk on the table. A pang of guilt struck her. Five years ago, she had delivered him early, fighting against the odds to keep him alive, with all her savings spent just to ensure he survived those first perilous days.

“I’m going to make a good life for you, I swear,” Elena whispered to herself, a silent vow etched in her heart.

“Mommy, hurry up and eat!” Tommy urged, his little face all scrunched up in eagerness.

Elena sat down at the table, cradling the warm bowl in her hands, feeling a swell of happiness.

“Mama, if you’re going to be a nanny, do you think you can really do it? You can’t even take care of yourself,” Tommy said innocently, his brows furrowing in thought.

Elena’s face flushed. Today, she had an interview at a wealthy family’s home. To be a nanny didn’t command much respect in society—she was basically relying on someone else’s mercy to earn a living. But the salary was enticing.

Fifty thousand dollars a year.

Fifty grand!

That was a game changer.

She’d researched every possible detail, hoping today would be the day her luck would turn. With this job, she could give Tommy a shot at a better preschool, buy him nice clothes, maybe even move to a bigger apartment.

This complex had its share of rough characters, and she feared for her son’s safety whenever night fell and drunken souls wandered the streets.

After breakfast, she threw on her jacket and stepped out the door, pausing to remind him, “Tommy, be a good boy and stay inside. Don’t open the door for strangers, okay?”

“Got it! Go get that job, Mommy! You’ve got this! Make that money for me!” he chanted, animatedly jabbing the air with his small fists.

Elena ruffled his hair affectionately before heading out.

The interview was at Rivercrest Estates—a neighborhood reserved for Kingston’s elite. Multi-million dollar mansions sprawled across pristine lots. The land was worth its weight in gold, literally—every inch a testament to luxury, going for upwards of five hundred thousand per square foot.

After switching trains and catching a cab, she finally reached the gated community. But just as she approached the entrance, a security guard intercepted her.

“Hold up. You don’t live here, do you?”

The guard surveyed her with a critical eye. Despite Elena’s striking features, her outfit of thrift-store finds made her stand out like a sore thumb among the polished residents of the estates.

“I’m not a resident. I have a job interview here,” she replied, her heart racing.

“An interview? For what?” The guard arched an eyebrow, skepticism thick in his voice. “This is Kingston’s top high-end community, you know most people can’t just waltz in here.”

“Look, I have an appointment with Arthur Stone for the nanny position,” Elena insisted.

As soon as she mentioned Arthur Stone’s name, the guard’s expression shifted, eyes widening with recognition.

Chapter 5

**Public Humiliation**

At Rivercrest Estates, the elite of Kingston mingled in their usual glamorous chaos.

But the Stone family stood out as the crème de la crème, their name whispered with a reverence tinged with envy.

The security guards, positioned like sentinels in their dark suits, exchanged amused glances as they eyed the newest arrival. “Never seen a girl so young trying her hand at being a nanny,” one of them sneered. “Bet she’s not your typical babysitter!”

The scorn dripped from his words, leaving no room for ambiguity.

Elena Wood shot back, “And you think being a security guard makes you noble? What’s so grand about standing around and judging others?”

“Oh, what’s that? You look down on us just because we’re security?” He puffed his chest, feigning indignation.

Elena raised an eyebrow, her voice crisp and lethal. “Not all security, just you pathetic excuses for it.”

“You—! If you weren’t a woman, I’d have already slapped you one! Watch your mouth! The guards at Rivercrest? They’re not just anybody you can brush off!”

“Are you done chatting? Can I get through, or what? I’m running late!”

“Calm down!” another guard interrupted, stepping in as the voice of reason. “What’s the fuss with a little girl? Just show me the referral letter, and I’ll let you through.”

Elena handed over her document, desperate to make it to her interview. But instead of helping, the guard vanished with it.

Time dragged on. Glancing around, Elena’s frustration grew. “My letter? When can I go in?”

“What letter?” the guard asked with false innocence.

“The one I just handed you!”

“Don’t play games with us. We’ve never seen any letter!”


Reality hit her like a punch: they were messing with her on purpose.

“Little girl, you really think you can outsmart us?” One guard grinned wickedly. “You wanted a job as a nanny? Well, good luck getting in. Unless… you want to come home with me tonight so we can ‘test’ your qualifications!”

His hand reached out, creeping toward her in a way that made her skin crawl.

Elena shoved his hand away, fury burning in her chest. “Keep your hands to yourself!”

“Aw, come on! Lighten up! You’re trying to be a nanny, right? Don’t pretend to be so innocent! We’ve seen girls like you before—using the job as a front to get close to Arthur Stone!”

“Watch your mouth!”

“What are you gonna do about it? You think you’re tough?”

In an instant, she found herself shoved to the ground, the breath knocked out of her.

The screech of tires pierced the air.

Elena barely had time to register the sound before a Rolls Royce Phantom screeched to a halt just inches from her.

If she had fallen a moment later, she would have been crushed.

The guards stared in shock, utterly blindsided by the car’s sudden appearance.

The driver, sharply dressed in a sleek suit, stepped out, his brow furrowing as he spotted Elena on the ground. “What’s going on here?”


“It’s Arthur Stone’s car…” one of the guards mumbled, recognition dawning once he saw the license plate.

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