Bound by Loyalty and Love

Chapter 1

**The Frame-Up**

“Take off your pants and lie down on the bed.”

The clinical tone resonated in Evelyn Linden's ears.

She blinked at the cold, unfeeling faces of the medical team, their scrutinizing eyes made her skin crawl.

With a foggy mind, Evelyn slowly peeled off her pants and lay back on the bed.

“Prepare for anesthesia.”

A sharp needle punctured her skin as the anesthetic coursed relentlessly into her veins.

Evelyn shut her eyes, trembling.

Six months ago, her sister's reckless driving left Alden Featherstone, the golden daughter of the Eastwood Family, in a comatose state. Evelyn took the fall and ended up in prison.

Dorian Caine—Alden's fiancé.

Their wedding was just around the corner, yet Alden had become a living corpse after the tragic accident.

A month ago, the Eastwood Family bailed her out, finally ending her six-month nightmare behind bars.

Now she found herself in this luxurious villa, where the Eastwoods laid out her options.

Either they’d file criminal charges against her, tossing her back into that dark prison for a lifetime sentence...

Or she would have to bear a child for the Caine Family.

With Alden unconscious, it was likely they would never see her awake again. Given the Eastwood Family’s dwindling fortunes, their sole hope was that Alden would marry Dorian to turn it all around.

The Caine Family would never align themselves with a mindless body.

Lady Agnes had declared that since Alden was now a shell of her former self, the Caine Family would not recognize her. However, a child from the Caine lineage would be welcomed with open arms.

The Eastwood Family wanted her to conceive a child in Alden’s name to secure financial support from Dorian’s family.

Evelyn felt trapped...

As the anesthetic surged through her, accompanied by piercing pain, she felt herself slipping into darkness.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted outside the room.

“Who are you?!”

“Who let you in?!”

“Lord Caine! What are you doing here?”

The door swung open with a violent crash.

A frigid gust rushed into the room.

Steady footsteps disrupted the stillness of the night.

That commanding presence surged in, invading every corner of the chamber, leaving her feeling utterly trapped.

Fear wrapped around her.

Though terrified, Evelyn tried to sit up, but no matter how hard she struggled, her body felt paralyzed, completely immobilized against the surgical table.

“Who... who is it?”

Who had entered?

Evelyn could only watch helplessly as the man approached closer and closer. Summoning her fading strength, she opened her eyes wide, and what she saw was a pair of icy, piercing emerald eyes glimmering under the moonlight, dark and cool, devoid of warmth.

Moonlight streamed through the window, illuminating the figure in an ethereal glow. Just as she was about to catch a better glimpse of his features, she was immediately swallowed into an abyss...


When she came to, sunlight flooded through the window.

Evelyn jolted upright in bed, realizing she was dressed in a fresh set of pajamas.

As the anesthetic wore off, a wave of discomfort washed over her.

A row of doctors and nurses stood by her bedside.

They looked at her with relief. “Miss Linden, you’ve finally awakened.”

Evelyn blinked in confusion.

Before she lost consciousness last night, she distinctly remembered a man entering, but everything else had become a blur.

Who was that man?

A mystery formed in her mind.

Tentatively, she asked, “Last night…”

“We performed the in vitro fertilization procedure for you; it was very successful. We hope you will soon conceive Lord Caine’s child.”

Chapter 2

Evelyn Linden had run away.

They didn’t speak a word about the mysterious man who had appeared.

Was it just a figment of her imagination? A dream?

“Miss Lark, don’t let your mind wander. Just wait patiently for good news. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call upon the staff here at the villa,” Dr. Elara said before stepping out.

Sitting on her bed, Evelyn felt a deep sense of despair wash over her.

For a moment, regret began to creep in; she was still so young, untouched by love, yet now she had to face this daunting reality. It felt too late to feel sorry for herself.

She was already at a dead end, where dignity became a luxury beyond her grasp.

Once the door closed, Dr. Elara turned to her assistant, lowering her voice to warn, “Don’t let anyone know that Lord Caine visited last night.”

“Understood,” came the firm reply.

Two months passed.

Evelyn received the results of her pregnancy tests.

Seven weeks along—she was expecting identical twins, already showing a heartbeat.

When the Eastwood family learned of the outcome, their delight knew no bounds.

No one had anticipated that Evelyn was carrying twins! This was a significant advantage for the Eastwood family.

In their excitement, they visited the villa, instructing Evelyn to take care of herself during the pregnancy, promising her freedom once everything was set.

Evelyn’s initial resistance gradually transformed. After experiencing her first pregnancy dream and feeling the babies grow inside her, her maternal instincts began to blossom.

The first sensation of a heartbeat, the joy of seeing a little kick—these experiences filled her with emotions she had never known.

She took such care of her growing babies, but with the looming reality that after ten months, the day would arrive when she had to part from them, her heart sank into despair.

She didn’t want to be separated from her babies!


Caine Enterprises, located on the bustling Municipal Avenue.

The rain poured relentlessly outside.

In the CEO's office.

Gregory Eastwood sat nervously at his desk, glancing around at the extravagant surroundings that practically screamed wealth.

The door swung open.

Gregory quickly rose as Dorian Caine stepped into the room, impeccably dressed in a fitted black suit that framed his tall, striking figure.

His sharp features were intensely handsome yet devoid of any discernible emotion.

Even from several yards away, Dorian radiated a commanding presence that left Gregory feeling somewhat breathless.

“Everyone, out,” Dorian commanded coldly.

“Yes, sir.”

The room emptied instantly.

Dorian took a seat at the desk, his piercing gaze revealing the air of a business titan.

“Dorian, sir… I’m here to inform you that two babies are due to be born tonight. I wanted to make sure you were aware of this.”

A lazy smirk tugged at Dorian’s lips as he raised his elegantly arched eyebrows. “As long as they are Caine’s children, the Caine family has no reason not to acknowledge them.”

Gregory nodded enthusiastically, hesitantly adding, “Then, how about the funding you previously promised...?”

Dorian’s long fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, and he interrupted him with a frosty glare. “Do you think I, Dorian Caine, would ever go back on my word?”

“No, that’s not what I meant…” Gregory stammered, “But if Alden Featherstone wakes up, does the engagement between our families still stand?”

Before Dorian could answer, his phone rang sharply.

Gregory forced a nervous laugh. “Sorry, I’ll just take this call.”

The voice on the other end was frantic. “Gregory, it’s bad! Evelyn is missing!”


Chapter 3

Snatching the Treasure

“Help me, my baby… save my child…”

In the bustling lobby of the hospital, a beautiful but disheveled woman burst through the doors.

Evelyn Linden was drenched in cold sweat, clutching her swollen belly desperately. “I’m going into labor, please, help me…”

“Quick! We have a woman in labor here!”

“Get her to the emergency room!”

Evelyn was swiftly wheeled into The Chamber.

Holding her belly, tears streamed down her face. “It hurts… it hurts so much…”

Though she wasn't due yet, Alden Featherstone was eager to inject her with oxytocin, preparing to use the child to secure funding from Prince Dorian.

Evelyn had never imagined Alden’s family would be so ruthless over these two children. How could she trust them with her precious baby?

She fled Alden's mansion, determined to protect her child at any cost.

Inside the operating room, the contractions came crashing in, and Evelyn let out a piercing scream.


“Hold on! The baby’s head is already out! One more big push!”

Evelyn summoned all her strength, and soon heard the nurse's excited cry. “It’s here! It’s out!”

“What? Why isn’t it breathing?!”

The first-born child remained silent, causing chaos as the staff feared the worst and rushed the baby to the Nursery for emergency care.

“Please, let me see my baby…” Evelyn implored.

Just as she finished speaking, another wave of pain hit her.

“There’s still one more child!”

The doctor and nurses crowded around her, and after more than ten minutes, her second child was born.


With a loud wail, the newborn's cries filled the room, and the nurse, relieved, cradled the tiny, curled-up infant, finally exhaling a sigh of relief.

“At least we saved one!”

Exhausted, Evelyn felt completely drained. She didn’t even have the strength to sit up and look at her baby.

Suddenly, a group of The Black Cloaked Men kicked open the door.

The nurses recoiled at the sight of these mysterious, intimidating figures. “Who are you!? You can’t come in here!”

“Get the child! Hand over the baby!”

“What baby…?”

One man spotted the just-born infant and rushed forward, snatching the child from its cradle.

“My baby…” Evelyn gasped in panic, “don’t take my child…”

“Is this it? What about the other baby!?” demanded The Black Cloaked Man.

The nurse turned pale. “The boy didn’t breathe at birth. He’s… he’s gone…”

“What? It’s gone!?” the man frowned.

“Yes, premature birth led to heart failure…”

“Forget about the dead child! Hurry, bring the baby back to Gregory Eastwood!”

Evelyn watched in horror as they took her child away, her blood pressure skyrocketing. “Return my baby to me…”

In an instant, darkness enveloped her as she collapsed on the operating table, losing consciousness…


“Lord Caine, one baby didn’t make it, but we saved the other—it's a girl…” Gregory Eastwood cautiously handed the swaddled baby to the man.

Dorian Caine accepted the child, glancing down at her.

The tiny girl, exhaustively wailing, had finally succumbed to sleep, her little red face still puffy from birth, her body soft and fragile after her bath.

“Let’s name her!” Gregory suggested.

“Serena,” Dorian pondered for a moment, “Serena Caine.”

“Serena—that's a lovely name!”

Dorian’s cold gaze focused on Gregory. “I promise to keep my word, but from today on, this child has no ties to Alden's family.”

“As long as the financing is secured… Lord Caine, you can trust me with this!”

Chapter 4

**Interviewing for a Nanny**

Time flies, and five years have slipped away in the blink of an eye.

In a rundown apartment, an alarm clock blares.

“Mommy, wake up! We’re going to be late for the interview!”

Evelyn Linden groggily opens her eyes to see her cute little boy peering over the edge of the bed.

Benedict, with his cherubic face and sparkling black-and-white eyes, is looking just adorable, his long lashes blinking with anticipation.

“What time is it, Benedict?” Evelyn mumbles, still half-asleep.

“It’s 9:30 AM! Mommy, don’t you have a 10 o’clock interview?”

Evelyn's heart leaps as she quickly realizes the time!

She scrambles out of bed and rushes to wash up and get dressed.

Her one-bedroom apartment is cramped, with a narrow living room that barely accommodates a small sofa and a modest dining table. Despite its shabby state, the rent is sky-high.

Though the living conditions are far from ideal, it provides enough shelter for the two of them to weather life's storms.

Watching her son carry a warm bowl of eggs and noodles to the table, Evelyn feels a wave of tenderness wash over her.

Five years ago, she had a premature delivery and nearly lost him; it was a long three days in the newborn wing, during which she drained her savings just to keep him alive.

She vowed to work hard to give Benedict the best life possible.

“Mommy, hurry and eat! We need to go!” Benedict prompts her again.

Benedict, cradling his adorable little face in his pudgy hands, mutters, “Mommy, do you think you’ll be able to take care of others if you can’t even care for me?”

Evelyn’s cheeks flush involuntarily.

Today, she has an interview at a prospective employer’s home for a nanny position.

Nanny work isn’t exactly glamorous; it means being beholden to others and constantly gauging their moods. But this particular employer is offering a salary that is almost too good to be true.

Fifty thousand a month.

Fifty thousand!

That number is downright enticing!

Evelyn has done her homework and is hoping for success at this interview. If she lands this job, she can enroll Benedict in a good preschool, buy him nice clothes, and maybe even afford a bigger place.

This neighborhood is rough, with the potential for encountering drunks on her way home at night.

After finishing breakfast, Evelyn heads out the door.

Before leaving, she reminds him one last time, “Benedict, you be a good boy at home. Don’t open the door for strangers, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy! You’ve got this! Work hard to make money for us!” he replies, a bright smile lighting up his face.

Evelyn gives him an affectionate pat on the head as she leaves.

The interview is at Riverside Manor.

That neighborhood is reserved for the well-to-do, where real estate prices soar to outrageous heights—properties here go for $500,000 a square foot, and entire homes can be worth billions.

After a bus ride, a transfer to the subway, and a final taxi ride, Evelyn finally arrives at the estate. Just as she approaches the entrance, she’s stopped by a security guard.

“Hey, you aren't a resident here, are you?”

The guard sizes her up, taking in her worn attire. Despite her attractive features, her bargain-bin clothing screams that she doesn’t belong in this affluent area.

“I’m not a resident—I'm here for an interview,” Evelyn explains, her heart pounding.

“What kind of interview?” the guard asks skeptically. “This is the most exclusive high-end subdivision in the Capital City. Not just anyone can come in here, you know.”

These snobs!

Evelyn fumbles for her reference letter and hands it over. “I’m here to interview with the Caine family.”

At the mention of the Caine family, the guards’ expressions shift dramatically.

Chapter 5

### Unwelcome Advances

Riverside Manor, a luxurious gated community, was home to the crème de la crème of Capital City’s elite. Among them, the Caine Family stood out as the pinnacle of prestige.

Evelyn Linden, head held high, approached the guard station with determination. But as she neared, the guard looked her over with a smirk, sneering, "I've never seen such a young girl looking to be a nanny. I doubt you’re the real deal."

The blatant insult hung in the air.

Evelyn shot back defiantly, "What's so wrong with being a nanny? Is standing by a gated entrance somehow more noble than caring for children?"

One of the other guards chimed in, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, so you look down on us because we’re guards, huh?"

Evelyn’s retort was swift and pointed. "I don’t look down on guards in general — just you types who think power comes from a uniform!"

"You—!" One guard began, but his words faltered at the sight of her fiery spirit. "If you weren’t a girl, I’d have slapped you already! Mind your manners! The guards at Riverside Manor are not just anyone off the street!"

Evelyn huffed, “Can we skip the theatrics and just let me in? I have an interview to get to!”

“Alright, alright.” Another guard, the supervisor this time, intervened to break the escalating tension. “Hand me your introduction letter. I’ll check it, and then I’ll let you through.”

She handed over the letter, and the guard took it, disappearing into the depths of the station.

As time ticked away, frustration bubbled within Evelyn. "Hey! What about my introduction letter? When can I get through?"

The guard returned with a bored expression. "What introduction letter?"

"The one I just gave you!" she exclaimed.

The guard’s smirk widened as he crossed his arms smugly. "We never saw an introduction letter. You’re just playing with us."

Evelyn’s anger flared. These men had clearly made up their minds to make her life difficult.

“Little girl,” one guard jeered, “you think you can challenge us? You want to be a nanny? Well, if we don’t let you in, what can you do? Unless... you come home with me tonight. Then my buddies can ‘evaluate’ your qualifications for the job!"

His hand reached out lecherously, closing the space between them.

Evelyn recoiled, swatting his hand away. “Keep your hands to yourself!”

“Aw, come on. Don’t be such a prude! You’re here trying to be a nanny. Stop pretending to be innocent! We know your type. You’re just looking for a way to get close to Lord Caine, aren’t you?”

“Watch your language!” she retorted, her face flushing with indignation.

“What do you think you are, talking to us like that!”

Suddenly, Evelyn found herself pushed hard to the ground.

Just then, a loud screech of brakes jarred her from the chaos.

She turned her head just in time to see a Rolls Royce Phantom nearly swerving to a stop inches from her.

The guards froze, momentarily caught off guard by the luxury vehicle's sudden arrival.

The car door swung open, revealing a sharply dressed driver. He stepped out, his brow furrowing at the sight of Evelyn sprawled on the ground. “What’s going on here?”

“Uh...” One guard stammered, recognition dawning as he caught sight of the license plate. "That’s Lord Caine’s car…”

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