Behind the Curtain of Fame

Chapter 1

This is also known as "Three Years of Marriage Later, I Finally Spend a Night with My Idol."
Legendary genius singer Sir Geoffrey has a tall, slender neck, pale skin, and a noticeable freckle next to his Adam's apple.
In a special feature by *Time Magazine*, he was dubbed “the sexiest freckle in the world, unfortunately matched with the world’s most indifferent man.”
The day after that issue came out, a gossip magazine leaked a new photo of Sir Geoffrey.
In the picture, he maintained his typically cool and restrained demeanor.
But next to that freckle, there now appeared a series of delicate bite marks.
As public speculation surged, Sir Geoffrey casually tweeted:
“Stop obsessing over the freckle. Do you really want to see her get mad enough to bite it off?”
The internet was ablaze, buzzing with guesses about the identity of “her,” widely believed to be a top-tier female star.
Lady Seraphina is a struggling actress, barely an “A-lister,” often accompanied by scandalous rumors.
Whispers circulated that entertainment mogul Lord William is her “sugar daddy.”
There’s talk that she has slept with half the industry for better roles.
Then one day, while scrolling Twitter, Lady Seraphina mistakenly posted on her idol Sir Geoffrey’s page, declaring, “Honey, I love you.”
In an instant, her popularity skyrocketed—she was blasted with hate for three days straight.
Just as they were gearing up for another round of insults, two people slipped and tweeted:
**From Lord William**:
“@Lady Seraphina, she’s my daughter, you know.”
**From Sir Geoffrey**:
“@Lady Seraphina, she’s my wife. Keep it up, and you’re getting blocked.”
The world reacted:
**“You are both my dream and my highest honor.”**
The cool and aloof genius vs. the wild and quirky D-list starlet.
**Content Tags: Genius, Entertainment Realm, Industry Elites, Sweet Romance**
**Character Analysis:**
Genius singer Sir Geoffrey returns home after training abroad, reconnecting with his wife Lady Seraphina, who, after three years of a marriage that felt more like a business arrangement, is like a stranger to him.
Through a series of events, Sir Geoffrey begins to uncover the true nature of his “wife,” understanding the realities of their arranged marriage and the complexities of Lady Seraphina’s feelings. They embark on a journey of vulnerability and exploration, pushing the boundaries of their relationship. However, looming between them are Lady Seraphina's father and her own struggles with the future she envisions for herself...
Lady Elenora pushed the door open to find Lady Seraphina sprawled on the tatami mat, focusing intently on her phone, her feet playfully lifted in the air, swaying like pendulums.
Lady Elenora cleared her throat.
No response.
Lady Seraphina was completely absorbed, as if she hadn’t heard the door creak.
Curious, Lady Elenora stepped closer.
“What are you up to, Lady Seraphina?”
“Just scrolling Twitter,” the girl replied without turning around.
Lady Elenora jumped, startled.
Before heading upstairs, she had seen a rare buzz beneath Lady Seraphina’s latest tweet—vicious comments flooding in, targeting her.
As an actress who has never truly gained fame, Lady Seraphina shouldn’t have drawn such ire.
But a small-budget drama she starred in six months prior premiered just a couple of days ago. One of her co-stars had finally made a name for himself and zealously attracted a fandom. To add fuel to the fire, the production team shamelessly used Lady Seraphina and the young actor to stir up a ridiculous real-life “couple” storyline.
That single spark ignited a storm, and Lady Seraphina’s feed erupted with hateful comments from the young actor’s fans.
Feeling empathy for the girl’s emotional turmoil, Lady Elenora softened her tone. “Don’t let them get to you, boss. Just wait—one day you’ll—”
Before she could finish, the words caught in her throat.
To be precise, they were stifled.
Lady Elenora had spotted what Lady Seraphina was dealing with on her phone’s screen.
Instead of her verified main account, it was a secondary handle.
And on the display wasn’t the anticipated stream of vitriol, but rather a full-length shot of none other than the acclaimed genius Sir Geoffrey, labeled “the last national idol.”
In that moment, Lady Seraphina, the girl Lady Elenora imagined to be on the verge of a meltdown, had only just been joyfully “fangirling.”
It seemed she sensed Lady Elenora’s presence.
Turning her charming, unmade-up face towards her assistant, a smile broke across her features.
Lady Elenora: “…”
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.
Lady Elenora’s frustration simmered as a mere assistant to a struggling starlet. She could only sigh, crouching to peer more at the idol's breathtaking picture on Lady Seraphina’s screen.
Wow. The legs, the torso, the face… “Exquisite Asian beauty, you don’t get it without reason!” she marveled.
“That is so true,” Lady Seraphina agreed, giving the photo a genuine-like before returning to her home feed.
Ready to return to her tasks, Lady Elenora caught sight of the nickname on Seraphina’s secondary account, causing her to frown back down at the screen.
“What’s with this nickname?” she prodded.
Lady Seraphina looked back at her, puzzled.

Chapter 2

The impressive music career of Sir Geoffrey began when he achieved fame in his youth, dropping out of the country's top music academy, and releasing his debut album, "The Knight Geoffrey," which skyrocketed him to fame overnight.
In that album, "The Divine" was his most popular single.
As a result, the nickname "The Divine" has always been the most beloved and frequently used by Sir Geoffrey's fans, overshadowing titles like "Sir Leonidas," "X God," and "Mr. Geoffrey."
Within the fan community, a popular saying has circulated for years—
**"Stars Beneath My Feet, The Divine Above."**
With that thought, Lady Elenora wiped her face.
"I get it."
She swiped her finger across the screen, revealing the latter half of the four-character nickname.
"But can you explain to me, ‘Heaven, God, Above, Me’... is this word what I think it means?"
Lady Seraphina sat quietly, looking innocent.
After a few seconds of silence, realizing she couldn't escape, Lady Seraphina raised her eyebrows and teased, "Guess."
Lady Elenora felt frustrated.
"I'm not guessing."
She sighed again, giving Lady Seraphina a serious pat on the shoulder.
"Boss, please don’t get famous. If you ever hit it big, and people dig up this cringeworthy little alias of yours..."
Just picturing that scene made Lady Elenora shudder, leading her to conclude, "Then we’d just have to mourn the loss of your dignity."
On this topic, Lady Seraphina seemed much more at ease.
The aspiring star waved her hand dismissively, "Don’t worry. My chances of making it are slimmer than Sir Geoffrey going back home today."
Lady Elenora froze for a moment.
"You heard that Sir Geoffrey is going back home today?"
"The Sir Leonidas fan group has been buzzing with rumors; how could I not?"
Lady Elenora frowned, "Are you sure it's just a rumor? Sir Geoffrey has been studying abroad for three years; it’s about time he comes back. It might be true."
"No way."
Lady Seraphina dismissed it without a second thought.
"I haven't heard a thing about it; how could he return?"
Lady Elenora stared at her in disbelief, "Sometimes I’m really impressed by your complete lack of realism."
Lady Seraphina simply laughed, without offering an explanation.
"So what brings you here today? I thought I didn’t have any gigs scheduled for the past month."
Lady Elenora looked at her, exasperated. "Do you really think someone who's been sidelined would have gigs? Didn’t I tell you a week ago that they needed the apartment cleared for new talent, and that I’d be here to help you move?"
“Oh, I just remembered!” Lady Seraphina said slowly as if she were waking up, “I forgot.”
Lady Elenora sighed, “I didn’t expect you to remember.”
She stood up, rolling up her sleeves.
"That’s why I’m your assistant, so let me handle this."
Lady Elenora headed toward the bedroom.
Lady Seraphina also got to her feet, starting to gather her scattered belongings in the living room.
Suddenly, the bedroom door swung open.
Lady Elenora stepped out, a red booklet in her hand, eyes wide with surprise. "Boss, is this your marriage certificate? I haven't seen one before—"
Before she could finish, the lounging woman in the living room seemed to flip a switch, suddenly springing into action with grace and agility.
Lady Elenora felt a blur before her eyes.
The booklet slipped from her grip.
Two seconds later, she looked up blankly to see Lady Seraphina holding the little red book, leaping several feet away.
"How is your husband that secretive, Boss?"
Lady Seraphina suppressed the racing of her heart, responding with a straight face, "How secretive? So secretive."
Lady Elenora raised an eyebrow, "Right... how ugly must he be?"
Lady Seraphina's mystery man had been hidden from sight for a full three years. Lady Elenora couldn’t help but estimate the lowest possible standards about her boss's enigmatic husband.
Gathering the few belongings Lady Seraphina had, Lady Elenora couldn’t shake the feeling of pity—
She had followed Lady Seraphina ever since the latter joined the industry. In those three years, by refusing to compromise her morals, Lady Seraphina had not only gained nothing but had also unknowingly offended high-ranking figures, leading to her sidelining. She possessed a face that could launch a thousand ships and curves to match, yet she remained an unknown background player.
In those same three years, her husband—the one she had shared a marriage certificate with—had never made an appearance, not even a call or a text.
Lady Elenora sighed internally, the words slipping out before she could stop them, "Boss, have you considered... changing careers?"
Lady Seraphina was sealing the last small box when her delicate hand paused at the corner.
With her gaze lowered, she fell silent for a few seconds, her profile as stunning as a painting.
But soon, those finely curled eyelashes fluttered, and a hint of a smile colored the corners of her eyes, bringing the “painting” to life.
“I haven’t considered it."
“Didn’t I tell you? I had a falling out with my family to enter this industry; I almost got cut off.”
“I know, but…”
Lady Elenora paused, deciding to be bold and straightforward, “Boss, this industry isn’t providing you a chance. Aren't you worried about starving?"
At her words, Lady Seraphina chuckled softly.
"Not worried; I have alimony."

Chapter 3

Lady Elenora crossed her arms, her expression filled with incredulity. “Your husband? The one who doesn’t even bother to show his face? I’ve been your assistant for three years, and I’ve never even heard his voice. What are you doing wasting your time with a guy like that? Just get a divorce!”
Lady Seraphina sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. “I can’t. It’s a family arrangement.”
This caught Lady Elenora off guard. After a brief pause filled with tension, she snapped, “Family arrangement? So you mean it’s like some girl from the grocery store marrying the florist's son?”
Lady Seraphina glanced at her sharply, her eyes lighting up with sudden realization. “Wait, does that mean I can still use my grocery store membership card for a discount at the flower shop?”
“Get real,” Lady Elenora retorted, rolling her eyes. She was barely able to tolerate the absurdity of it all.
Just then, Lady Seraphina’s phone, resting on the nearby couch, began to vibrate incessantly. The sudden noise startled Lady Elenora, making her jump.
Calmly, Lady Seraphina replied, “Probably just someone from the fan club @everyoneing. Can you check it for me?”
“Sure,” Lady Elenora said, picking up the phone and casually glancing at the screen. But within moments, she froze, her eyes widening in shock.
Her voice trembled as she uttered, “Boss...”
“Yes?” Lady Seraphina prompted, her brows furrowing in concern.
“Sir Leonidas is back in the country.”
In silence, Lady Seraphina processed this information, her mind racing. For what felt like forever, she struggled to find the right expression.
“Give me my phone,” she finally requested.
“Ah, right,” Lady Elenora replied, handing it over with a hesitant smile. Little did she know, in that moment, Lady Seraphina looked nearly peaceful compared to the whirlwind of emotions stirring within her.
Lady Seraphina stared at her phone for several moments before tapping into her messages. After taking three deep breaths, she typed out the first message she had sent to "The Shadow" in three years:
**“You’re back.”**
Holding her breath, she waited.
Ten seconds ticked by, and then her phone chimed.
Lady Seraphina leaned down, eager to see the response.
The response contained nothing more than that single word, devoid of punctuation.
It felt as if a bucket of ice water had cascaded over her head, leaving her heart cold. A feeling of defeat set in, like a newborn chick crushed under the weight of an impending storm.
After sitting in shock for a few minutes, Lady Seraphina finally spoke up. “I can’t make it to lunch.”
“Okay?” Lady Elenora paused, surprised by her abruptness, then turned back to what she was doing.
Lady Seraphina was already on her feet, ready to leave. “My long-dead husband has just risen from the grave, and I need to pay my respects.”
Lady Elenora opened her mouth to object, but no words came to her. All she could think to do was let her boss go.
Once downstairs, Lady Seraphina quickly located a bus stop. Just as she settled into her seat, her phone erupted with notifications from her bag.
Under the bemused gaze of an older woman sitting in front of her, Lady Seraphina pulled out the phone, muting it while hastily scanning through the barrage of messages lighting up the fan club group.
The chat was buzzing with a full-body shot of Sir Geoffrey.
Her heart raced as she caught words flying by — “Sir Leonidas,” “new album.”
Lady Seraphina’s eyes sparkled with excitement. Sir Geoffrey’s new album had been highly anticipated for ages. The record label had clearly mastered the art of timing, riding the wave of Sir Geoffrey's return to flood social media with promotional material for the new album.
Like countless other devoted fans, Lady Seraphina couldn't wait to dive into the new music.

Chapter 4

The moment Lady Seraphina noticed a notification in the group chat, she clicked on the image without a second thought.
As soon as it loaded, she was instantly taken aback.
The album promotional poster was striking in its simplicity, drenched primarily in black and white.
The background was pure black. In the center sat a tall, elegant armchair, and perched upon it was a man.
His face, dubbed the "Eastern God’s Face" by the world’s media, held an indifferent expression. It seemed as if he was staring at the camera, yet simultaneously looking through it, his dark eyes carrying an air of unimpressed detachment. His lips curled ever so slightly, an ambiguous smirk that hinted at aloofness.
In this almost ascetic image, the man wore a pair of silver handcuffs.
The chains were pulled from the black armrest of the chair, leading into a void of insidious darkness.
On either side of the poster were the bold letters:
Album Name: **The Iron Chains**.
Lady Seraphina held her breath for several seconds, slowly releasing the pressure that was suffocating her.
Unconsciously, she bit her lip and turned her gaze to the window.
But that didn’t help.
A shadow flickered past the glass—a memory from a few years back when she went to find her childhood friend, Lady Isabella, and stumbled upon Sir Geoffrey returning home one night at The Merchant's Tavern.
When the maidservant, Lucille, ushered her into the hall, there he was, lounging on the sofa with long legs sprawled out, an arm resting casually to his side. His tousled hair hid closed eyes, casting a faint shadow across his fair, porcelain skin.
Lucille had whispered that he was drunk.
But at the sound of their entrance, he opened his eyes lazily and looked over, neither speaking nor frowning—an odd smile danced at the corners of his lips.
His gaze held a cool and enticing light.
It was precisely this sort of look.
The kind that made one yearn, to tear away his indifference, to unbutton his meticulously structured shirt, to feel the warmth of his neck beneath her lips, craving the sound of his rough voice murmuring softly, to seek the longing that might flicker in his otherwise indifferent stare...
In the reflection on the car window, Lady Seraphina felt her cheeks flush.
The bus came to a sudden halt, jolting her back to reality. She cleared her throat, redirected her focus to The Broadcaster, and shared the image with a caption:
**"This album shouldn't be titled *The Iron Chains*; it should be called *Life and Death*, right?"**
As she pressed send, Lady Seraphina returned to the fan group chat.
The chat was already buzzing:
“Ahhhhh, Mom, I'm losing my mind! What kind of divine beauty is this?!”
“Damn, I could spend an entire year swooning over this man.”
“Girlfriend, that thought is a little dangerous.”
“Upstairs, I’d give it two years.”
“[The internet is not a lawless land. jpg]”
“[Chicken coop warning. jpg]”
Despite herself, Lady Seraphina couldn't help but smile.
Just as she prepared to scroll down further, a shout erupted next to her—
“Ah! You’re Lady Rosalind, right?”
Lady Seraphina froze, her expression shifting slightly as she looked up.
Beside her stood two high school girls in their uniforms, one of whom had just spoken, excitement bubbling in her eyes.
“I’m a real fan! I loved your recent show so much—but you look much more stunning in real life than on TV or in promo shots, seriously.”
Lady Seraphina smiled politely.
“I’m not her; you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”
This wasn’t the first time Lady Seraphina had been misidentified.
Her features were classically beautiful, with every aspect of her face so perfectly sculpted that it was theoretically hard to confuse her with someone else.
But unfortunately, her contemporaneous co-star, Lady Rosalind, somewhat resembled her in looks—according to Lady Elenora, she was merely the “budget version” of Lady Seraphina.
Yet, thanks to the magic of professional makeup and editing, the resemblance in publicity shots jumped from a mere two out of ten to about seven or eight.
As Lady Rosalind soared in popularity, the relatively unknown Lady Seraphina had become accustomed to this mix-up.
However, this particular girl was different. She was stubbornly adamant:
“No way! Lady Rosalind, I’m your fan; how could I not recognize you?”
Lady Seraphina raised an eyebrow, completely speechless.
Just as the girl was about to pull out her notebook to ask for an autograph from Lady Rosalind, her friend awkwardly tugged on her arm.
“You’ve got it wrong!”
“She’s really not Lady Rosalind. Lady Rosalind is at the airport right now.”
“Check your phone! The Broadcaster and the news are exploding—look at this, *Rising Star Lady Rosalind Shares an Intense Ten Seconds with Sir Leonidas at the Airport, New Romance Rumors Spark!*”
The moment those words were spoken, not only did the girl pause in confusion, but Lady Seraphina also couldn’t help but take out her phone.
She scrolled to the fan group, which she had silenced, and found the atmosphere had shifted from festive to frantic.
Beside her, the high school girl exclaimed dramatically—
“If she wants to create rumors with Sir Leonidas, she’s got guts.”
Lady Seraphina was momentarily stunned, then burst into a laugh.
“Didn’t you say you were a fan of Lady Rosalind?”
The girl turned around glaringly.
“Most are casual fans. Sir Leonidas? That’s my one true love—who dares touch Sir Leonidas, we will not rest until we’ve fought!”
“X-Reveal,” they referred to themselves, Sir Geoffrey’s fan group, meaning “X is the only light in their world.”
Within mere seconds, new headlines popped up, causing the two girls to explode with excitement once more:
“The news says Sir Leonidas was splashed with coffee by an overzealous fan!”
“Damn, who’s the fan in charge of the airport welcome today?”
“The driver’s turning around. We need to head to the airport!”

Chapter 5

Lady Rosalind took another glance at her fan group, her expression shifting from shock to amusement as she lowered her gaze and closed her phone.
Well, it seemed she didn’t need to rush.
After all, someone would be late.
Aldermere, International Airport Hotel.
Top floor suite.
The frosted glass bathroom door stood open.
Beads of condensation gathered on the misty mirror, slowly merging and eventually flowing down in streams.
In the mirror.
Between the rivulets of water, the sharp and chiseled profile of a man emerged, resembling a finely carved slab of jade—deep contours, cool and pale.
A droplet slid through his unruly black hair, tracing the lines of his strong jaw. The man’s brows were dark and deep-set, his nose straight and proud, lips slightly thin, lending an air of aloofness to his otherwise striking features.
The droplet traveled from his long neck, cascading over his prominent larynx, then rolling past a light mole nestled beside it.
A thin layer of mist coated the mirror, obscuring much of his tall, slender figure, but failing to hide the sharp and defined silhouette.
A few minutes later.
Wrapped in a bathrobe, the man emerged from the bathroom just as the doorbell rang.
Without any luggage in hand, the coffee he’d poured had spilled unexpectedly, forcing his manager, Lord Cedric, to go fetch some fresh clothes for him.
Assuming it was Cedric returning, the man, Sir Geoffrey, ran a towel through his damp hair and made his way to the door.
The door swung open.
Their eyes met, and Sir Geoffrey hesitated.
Standing outside was a woman clad in a sleek black strapless dress, her face lighting up with surprise as a seductive smile graced her lips.
“Sir Reginald, I can’t believe it’s you! I’m so sorry about what happened at the airport; I didn’t expect such a response. Please don’t hold it against me. I’ll clarify everything soon…”
“Who are you?”
His chilling tone carried remnants of steam from the bathroom, low and slightly hoarse, his dark gaze pressing down with a faint hint of impatience.
The woman’s smile froze.
“Oh, come on, you’re just joking, right? I’m Lady Rosalind, remember? We just saw each other at the airport!”
Lady Rosalind’s eyes subtly roamed over the man’s handsome face and the smooth muscles visible just beneath his robe.
That light mole by his larynx only accentuated the elegant line of his neck, drawing attention.
But his expression remained cold, with no warmth in those dark eyes.
Rosalind instinctively swallowed hard, then lowered her head demurely.
“I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused you; I promise to be more careful in the future… Can you forgive me, Sir?”
As she spoke, Lady Rosalind leaned in slightly, her ample curves almost brushing against the arm he rested on the doorframe.
Just a couple of inches away from that beautifully sculpted arm, there was a sharp “bang” as the door closed, nearly hitting her chest.
Lady Rosalind stood in shock.
And the echo of his unemotional voice lingered in the air—
“I don’t know you.”
Lady Rosalind felt her blood boil in frustration.
With her looks and figure ranked first in the industry, she had always been effortlessly charming—never had she encountered a man who remained so indifferent to her advances.
Even for the man known as “The Herald” Sir Geoffrey, notoriously cold…
Just half an hour ago, he had stared at her for a solid ten seconds at the airport.
The self-proclaimed brightest star of the current entertainment industry couldn’t bear to remain there any longer. Fuming, she turned to leave.
Then her eyes widened in alarm.
“Lord Edward…”
Sir Geoffrey’s manager, Lord Cedric, stood in front of her, two young assistants carrying clothes trailing behind him.
Lord Cedric, in his forties, was known for his eternally jovial round face, yet he had a fearsome reputation in the industry for his connections and tactics.
Recalling the actions of her own team, Lady Rosalind felt a bead of sweat form at her back, forcing a smile as she met him.
“Lord Cedric is here to drop off clothes for Sir Geoffrey.”
Lord Cedric continued forward with a smile.
Lady Rosalind felt a sense of relief, but just as Cedric was about to pass her, she overheard him say softly, “Youth is indeed daunting.”
“……” Lady Rosalind was momentarily taken aback.
Lord Cedric had already walked by, adding over his shoulder, “Just know these waters run deep—be careful not to capsize.”
Lady Rosalind’s body tensed suddenly.
After a few seconds, she gritted her teeth and muttered, “Thank you for the warning, Lord Cedric.” With that, her face shifted from red to white before she hurried away.
Five minutes later.
Inside the suite.
Now dressed, Sir Geoffrey stepped out of his bedroom.
Lord Cedric and the two young assistants paused their conversation, turning their attention to him.
“Sir Geoffrey.”
After observing him for a few moments, seeing no change in the man’s expression, Lord Cedric cautiously initiated the conversation:
“Lady Rosalind has clearly come prepared; it seems the news will be hard to contain this time.”
“This was a company mistake; I apologize on behalf of my colleagues.”
Walking to a single chair beside the sofa, the man settled down.
“Lady Rosalind.”
Lord Cedric paused, realizing, “You really don’t know her.”
Sir Geoffrey remained silent, his gaze drifting toward Lord Cedric.
Fresh from the shower, his wet hair and dark eyes blended with his pale skin, which shone like marble. His lips, tinged with a hint of red, curled slightly.
But he didn’t smile, only emanating an air of chill that made one feel uneasy.

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