Behind the Silver Screen

Chapter 1

At eight o'clock in the morning, on the set.

"What? Deleted so many of his scenes?"

Outside a nanny van, Demi South was flipping through a thick script with obvious dissatisfaction in her voice.

"Is that what Master Morgan said?" She turned to her assistant, and upon seeing her nod, she angrily put the script down, yanked open the car door, and headed for the male lead's lounge.

The assistant, seeing Demi's furious appearance, wanted to stop her, but it was too late, so she could only follow her closely.

Demi pushed open the door first, the sound inside was interrupted by her action, everyone looked at her with surprise and froze in place.

She ignored the crowd, walked straight to Blake Morgan, slammed the script on the table, crossed her arms, and angrily questioned him: "Blake Morgan, don't think that I don't have the title of movie star, so you can be bullied by you! If I really dare to touch your part, it's really asking for trouble! Are you colluding with the director?"

Blake's face had turned gloomy after hearing Demi's words. Just when she was about to continue to be angry, he reached out and picked up the script from the table, threw it directly at her feet, and said coldly: "Get out."

Demi's eyes widened, no one had ever dared to speak to her like that. She looked straight at Blake, and emphasized, "He! Just! No! Told me! If I don't get his part back tomorrow, he's gonna embarrass me!"

Makeup artists and assistants are silently watching this confrontation, seeing Demi and Blake going head to head, they are all holding their breath. In the whole of Hollywood, who dares to talk to Blake like this, Demi really doesn't know the sky and the earth, how dare she threaten him.

Blake finally looked at Demi, slowly got up and walked towards her. But Demi didn't flinch at all, instead, she met him in a defiant manner.

Blake steps closer, revealing an evil smile, and whispers, "Not convinced? Then let's see who's going to make who suffer!"

After saying that, he crossed over Demi, and walked straight towards the door of the lounge.

With the "bang" sound of the door closing, Demi came back to his senses, thinking angrily about what Blake had just said, so furious that he could hardly bite his teeth, he raised his foot and stepped on the script he had thrown down, as if he was trampling on his reputation, "Aaaaaaahhhh, Blake Morgan, I'll remember you! You! Asshole!

After venting his emotions, Demi didn't look at the people in the lounge again, and walked straight towards the door.

The sound of the door being closed again was even louder than when she came in, the whole lounge was slightly trembling due to this sound, the crowd couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: the male lead of this drama can't be dealt with easily, and the female lead doesn't seem to be simple either!

Chapter 2

September 1, St. Eden Academy.

On the morning of the first day of school, there were a lot of cars parked in front of the school, and the low-profile black nanny car looked particularly calm in the traffic. The door slowly opened, Demi South dressed in a simple white T-shirt, with black leggings and a pair of sneakers, carrying a school bag, jumped out of the car.

Although the movie Gentle Breeze and Light Rain, in which she co-stars with Blake Morgan, has already begun promotion, the identity of the lead actress is still a secret. So Demi strutted toward the school gates without a care in the world.

She had just taken a few steps when brakes suddenly sounded behind her. Instantly, the hustle and bustle of the school's entrance became silent, followed by a group of journalists and students rushing out from the direction of the school's entrance, heading straight for her.

Demi's eyes were wide open, in a panic, she had a jolt, trying to dodge the crowd to avoid being trampled. However, the plan could not catch up with the change, just as she raised her feet and was about to escape, she was hit squarely, her body lost balance, and fell straight backward.

As her center of gravity tilted, Demi's first reaction was to cover her face, fearing that the accident might ruin her appearance, and that Blake would surely take the opportunity to cut her scene! Instead of falling to the hard ground, she was caught in a warm embrace.

"Ah !!!!!!"

Before Demi could react, the sound of countless girls screaming and the sound of shutter clicking came to her ears.

She was so scared that she froze there, but she forgot to withdraw from that person's embrace. At this moment, a magnetic male voice came from above her head: "How much longer do you want to stay in my arms?"

Demi was stunned, thinking that the voice sounded familiar. However, she still hurriedly withdrew from that person's embrace, looked up and said, "I'm sorry, there's ......"

Before she finished her sentence, she met the eyes of the person behind her, and next, she really couldn't say a word.

"Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao to!" Demi cursed in her heart, in front of her stood Blake Morgan, no wonder the screams and the crowds were so violent, it turned out to be this asshole who showed up!

Blake ignored her anger, slightly leaned on the body, touched his chin, raised his eyebrows and said: "What? Look at me like this, is it like me?"

Demi almost couldn't hold back from spitting in his face, but looking at the fans and reporters gathered around her, she knew that this would definitely lead to a bigger public outcry, and sooner or later, she would be drowned in rumors all over the city the next day.

While Demi was thinking about how to get out of the situation, the curious reporters had already rushed forward, pointing their microphones at Demi and Blake, and eagerly asked, "Blake, is the girl you were holding your girlfriend?"

"Blake, did you come to school here for your girlfriend?"

"Blake, do you have plans to announce your relationship?"

Just when everyone agrees that Demi is Blake's girlfriend, a reporter suddenly interjects, "Blake, I heard that you've recently shot a new movie, but the female lead hasn't been revealed yet, it can't be this girl, right?"

Demi's heart sank, this reporter was simply too perceptive.

Chapter 3

However, despite the current curiosity about Blake Morgan's new show and the fact that the reporter's statement made some sense, the crowd was more inclined to believe that Blake and Demi South were in a relationship, after all, such news is more sensational. As a result, the question was largely ignored, and the conversation turned to the question of whether or not Blake and Demi were lovers.

Demi, observing the situation around her, reluctantly, but out of an abundance of caution, took a slight step back, but pretended to be thankful, and said to Blake, "Thank you, Master Morgan, for your help!"

In her heart, she silently rated her performance, thinking, "Acting is a basic quality of an actor.

After Demi's words, the reporters and fans who had been discussing their relationship seemed to have their doubts slightly cleared, and everyone began to believe that Demi was just an ordinary girl who was saved by Blake by chance.

Just when the crowd is gradually trusting, Blake suddenly straightens up, and inserts his hands into his pants pockets casually. This casual action, but he interpreted as a movie screen like a dashing, causing the surrounding girls to scream again.

Demi skimmed her lips, thinking in her heart, "It's true that a thousand years of evil will be left behind!

Blake walked up to Demi without haste, slightly lowered his head to meet her eyes, and said slowly and clearly, "Oh? That's not what you said the other night."

"Wow!" Not only did Demi freeze, but everyone around her was speechless at Blake's blunt words.

As the woman of the matter, Demi's cheeks were flushed red, forgetting where she was for a moment, pointing at Blake angrily, "Asshole, what are you talking about!"

"I'm bullshitting?" Blake easily put his hand on Demi's shoulder and continued in a voice that the reporters could hear, "Were you not the one who came into my lounge the other night?"

"I ......" Demi choked on his words, pointing to herself and then to him, "You!"

Blake saw that she had a mouth to speak, took the opportunity to avoid the reporters' eyes, slightly raised his eyebrows, exuding a hint of provocation.

This makes Demi realize that Blake is doing it on purpose, waiting for her to take the bait!

A burst of anger in her heart made Demi's face turn red, but then, she raised a wry smile.

She smiled slightly as she faced Blake, grabbed his arm with one hand, and stomped down on the back of his foot, spinning it around and crushing it with all her might.

"Ugh!" Blake's grip on Demi's hand suddenly hardens, and he bends over slightly, a hint of pain on his face.

Although it seemed to the onlookers that the two of them were just hugging each other intimately and nothing had happened, Demi could already feel how much pain Blake was in from the strength of his grip on his shoulders.

Chapter 4

Demi South raises a hand, quickly slapping Blake Morgan's hand away, mimicking his stance, eyebrows raised, corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Master Morgan, please behave yourself!"

She finished, directly on the back of the small schoolbag, with their own small body, quickly squeezed out in the crowd, as if a wantonly flying bird, happily ...... ran away!

At this time, Blake is surrounded by a group of fans and reporters, simply can not catch up with Demi, can only be behind her silently staring at the back of her fading away, couldn't help but mumble in a low voice.

Demi walked to the front of the school building at a fast pace, stood in front of the new sophomore building, and began to look for her class's new location. The new location of her class was on the first floor of the building, and as soon as she reached the door, she heard the clamor coming from inside.

She gently pushed open the door of the classroom and walked straight towards her original seat. Because she was late when she enrolled in the first year of high school, the class number was odd, so she was the only one in the whole class without a table, which made her seem a bit lonely. Demi, however, was happy to be alone at her own table, enjoying her time alone.

As soon as she sat down, the boy in front of her turned sharply, with a gossipy gleam in his eye: "Hey, did you hear about Blake Morgan? Did you hear that Blake Morgan is coming to our school?"

Demi pulled a tissue from the drawer on her desk, wiped her desk gently, then rolled her eyes and responded, "He's coming, what's it to me?"

She thought to herself, "What bad luck, running into Blake at the school gate, so he's transferring to this school".

The boy looked incredulous, pounding his chest, "You're not even interested in the movie star anymore? He's the youngest movie star, the movie star! You have no reaction at all?"

Blake has not only come so far by virtue of his handsome appearance, but also by his acting skills, so both boys and girls have almost worshipful respect for him.

Demi looked up the moment his words fell, her eyebrows suddenly blossomed with light, her tone exaggerated to the extreme: "Wow, my God! The movie star actually came to our school, I'm looking forward to it! I really like him!"

Boys: ......

The whole class: ......

Demi then realized that after she had finished speaking, the classroom was dead silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on her, with different looks, some laughing, some sympathizing, and some seeming to be watching the show.

She was embarrassed, in fact, I did not mean that! I was just kidding, don't look at me like that!

At that moment, Demi wanted to find a hole in the ground to escape the stares. However, things didn't stop there, just as she didn't react, the teacher's voice from the podium came with a smile, "Well, Demi, although I know you're excited about Blake Morgan coming to our school, I'd like to ask you to restrain yourself a little bit."

Demi froze for a moment, her head instantly becoming stiff, and slowly turned toward the podium, finally meeting the teacher's kindly smile and gaze ......Blake Morgan!

A subtle wave of emotions tumbled through her.

Chapter 5

I'll go!

Demi South's eyes widened, and in her mind, she swore she saw the scorn that filled Blake Morgan's eyes, the naked mockery that was unmasked!

The teacher didn't seem to mind this star-crossed behavior of the students, and after cracking jokes at Demi's expense, she turned to Blake and said, "Blake, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Blake nodded, and said to the class, "I'm Blake Morgan."

These simple words were short and concise, Blake stood on the podium with a calm face, but it was this gesture that made the female fans in the class scream.

"Pah-pah-pah!" As soon as he spoke, the class burst into thunderous applause, especially the girls, all of them red with excitement, shouting, "Blake, Blake, we love you!"

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

Seeing how crazy the girls were, Demi immediately felt that what she had just said might not have been too much, and she hoped that Blake would ignore her and forget about it.

But the more she hoped it wouldn't happen, the more it would.

The teacher, seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, let Blake choose his own seat, while she tried to control the out-of-control girls from the podium.

When the girls found out that Blake was choosing a table, they all tried to kick out their male peers and let their idol sit next to them. The boys looked sad, thinking they'd never been left out of anything like this before.

The teacher, noticing Blake's hesitation, asked suspiciously, "Blake, why don't you go choose a seat?"

Blake scanned the classroom and realized that there was an empty seat next to Demi and a few empty desks in the back, so it looked like no one wanted to sit there.

His eyes in the process of scanning, finally locked on Demi who is trying to reduce the presence, "Since ......"

Blake opened his mouth and said the first sentence of the day other than the self-introduction, those girls who were still arguing immediately quieted down, looking forward to the idol's next sentence, full of devotion to the look that Demi could not help but think to herself, this guy is really a pest!

"Since that student likes me so much, then I will sit next to her!" Blake said, pointing his finger at Demi.

Demi was shocked, looked up and met Blake's serious gaze, helpless, he looked like "I'm only doing it because you like me too much", which made Demi really want to go up and give him a punch.

However, before she could put this thought into practice, she was already shot through by the eyes of the girls in the class.

She didn't dare to look around, the girls were staring at her, and even if she blocked them with her books, she could still feel the cold pressure.

After Blake finished speaking, she walked straight towards the seat next to Demi, placing her bag on the desktop and resting her elbows on the table, as relaxed as if she hadn't caused any commotion at all.

This action caused another commotion in the classroom.

The teacher shook her head helplessly, and hurried to maintain order, "Class, from today onwards Blake is a member of our class, there are still many chances for everyone to see the real person, now please ask him to get used to the environment, okay?"

"Ha ha ha!" The students were amused by the teacher's strong cute, although there are still many people looking back at Blake, but at least it is not as conspicuous as just now, also much quieter.

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