Bound by Enchantment and Desire

Chapter 1

On a cool summer night, a bolt of silvery lightning sliced through the sky, followed swiftly by a booming thunderclap. Within moments, a torrential downpour erupted, blanketing the desolate wilderness with an air of foreboding.
In the midst of this chaos, four burly men were huddled in a cavern known as the Cave of Echoes, sharing jokes to lighten the mood despite the relentless rain outside. Their laughter echoed off the cavern walls, creating a sense of camaraderie amidst the storm.
The leader of the group turned to one of the men, "Hey, Sir Alistair, why don't you go check on Lady Seraphina? You know, the notorious criminal? If we lose her, we might as well kiss our lives goodbye."
Sir Alistair rolled his eyes, unable to suppress his displeasure. Why was it always him? They had three other city guards of equal rank—yet here he was, being singled out. He had been ready to share a funny story about his escapades with his mistress!
Though he bristled with resentment, he managed a reluctant, "Fine, I’ll go…" he pouted as he glanced over at his mirthful companions who continued to chuckle, blissfully unaware.
As he reached the entrance of the cave, he found that the torrential rains had finally ceased. He peered out and spotted Lady Seraphina sprawled on the ground, still unmoving.
Suddenly, something strange happened.
Sir Alistair’s eyes widened in horror as he shouted, “Help! Something’s wrong! My God—someone save me!”
The other three guards leaped to their feet at the sound of his panicked voice and rushed outside, where they were met by an astonishing sight.
They stood transfixed as the woman on the ground began to shrink, reducing in size until she was no larger than a house cat. The iron shackles that once bound her fell away as her form transformed; her hands morphed into furry paws, and her face contorted into a sharp, snouted visage. The spectacle was unnerving, surreal, and horrific.
Before their very eyes, what had once been a grotesque woman transformed instantaneously into a stunning, pristine creature. An eerie white monster stood where she had been, its body the size of a domestic cat but with an unmistakable magical essence. A long, fluffy tail swayed behind it, strikingly clean against the muddied ground of the rain-soaked wilderness. The contrast was otherworldly and unsettling under the midnight sky.
This creature bore a striking resemblance to a mythical nine-tailed fox; yet peculiarly, it had only one tail.
In stunned disbelief, the four men froze, their minds racing with fear and confusion, utterly incapable of speech.
Then, one of them finally broke the silence. A realization hit him like a ton of bricks: reflecting on their day spent escorting Lady Seraphina, they recalled the merciless beatings they had inflicted upon her. If she was indeed a monster now, what would prevent her from seeking revenge? The thought sent shivers down his spine. Would they perish in some nightmarish manner?
Without thinking further, he fell to his knees and pleaded for mercy, weeping as he begged, “Oh great spirit, have mercy! I swear I’ll never mistreat another female prisoner again!”
Seeing their comrade in such despair, the other three quickly followed suit, hitting the ground and crying out in frantic appeals for forgiveness.
Yet, the creature remained silent, its gaze fixed ahead, unresponsive.
Realizing the gravity of their predicament, the four exchanged terrified glances, seemingly reaching an unspoken agreement. In a panic, they scrambled back into the wilderness, heedlessly fleeing from the scene.
Left behind was only she.
No, it was now it.

Chapter 2

Jasper Waverly finally regained some consciousness and felt as if her entire body was aflame, so painful that she couldn’t muster the strength to open her eyes.
In her hazy state, she strained to remember what happened before she lost consciousness. The last picture that flashed in her mind was of herself going on a blind date for her friend Eleanor Newsom, where she carelessly spent some of her date’s money, racking up charges on several of his cards. They had even gone on an outing aboard the Yacht of the Horizon. It was there, on the edge of the boat, that Lady Isolde had stripped in front of her, demanding a bodily “reward” in return. When Jasper refused, a struggle ensued, and they both plunged into the Deep Sea Abyss.
Now, though Jasper could still not open her eyes, the intensity of pain all over her body was unmistakable, along with a profound sense of discomfort.
Suddenly, a glimmer of hope washed over her. Could it be… she was still alive.
Yes. She remembered hearing that as long as someone feels pain, especially sharp pain, it meant they weren’t dead and definitely not dreaming.
But soon, confusion set in. Why was only she, the one who fell into the water, in such excruciating pain?
As she lay there, dazed and clueless, an absurd thought crossed Jasper's mind:
Could it be… that Lady Isolde had violated her while she was unconscious?
Her goodness. If that were true, she'd make sure he’d never walk again.
Fighting against the pain and the heaviness of her eyelids, Jasper forced her eyes open. To her surprise, the first thing she saw was a towering, muscular figure—Wolfgar.
Jasper Waverly realized that waking up to find a naked man beside her wasn’t the worst scenario. No. The truly terrifying thing was…
A massive gray wolf, actively licking its own wounds, was standing right next to her.
At that moment, while the great wolf towered over her, its coarse, warm tongue began to lavish her cheek with unwanted, slobbery affection.
Jasper blinked rapidly, struggling to comprehend the bizarre scene before her, yet the wolf, with its eyes gleaming faintly green, merely glanced curiously at her, showing no signs of retreating.
Throughout this bizarre encounter, the Direwolf continued to lick her enthusiastically, showing no intention of stopping.
The shallow pool of water by her side reflected the sunlight, causing the wolf's green eyes to shimmer unnaturally, adding to their eerie glow.
In an instant, she found herself frozen in shock.
The wet, rough tongue repeatedly brushed against her face, leaving sticky trails behind.
The sight was utterly horrifying.
Finally, the feeling of being “kissed” by the wolf jolted Jasper back to reality. She now understood her situation: she was prey caught in the jaws of a Direwolf, and the most terrifying part was that she was still very much alive.
This felt akin to biting into an apple only to discover a half-decomposed worm crawling within—she was that worm.
“Ah~” Jasper’s high-pitched scream shattered the eerie silence of the desolate wilderness.
She could no longer contain her dread and let out a blood-curdling scream.
The enormous wolf, however, appeared unfazed by her terrified shriek, utterly engrossed in its 'meal.'
Unable to withstand such hellish torment, Jasper continued to scream to the point where her throat felt raw.
The massive wolf, seemingly at its limit with Jasper's relentless cries, finally paused its licking, lifted its head, and turned away, lumbering off a few feet.
In an instant, Jasper was overwhelmed with relief.
She knew that for a wolf to abandon its prey was akin to winning the lottery.
Yet, to her astonishment, the wolf merely moved away a few feet and sat down directly across from her, eyeing her intently.
Jasper halted her screaming and glared defiantly at the Direwolf, her fierce gaze promising a vengeance she couldn’t truly execute. In her mind, she scolded it furiously: You damn beast. How dare you even consider me a meal with this tender flesh? You must be tired of living!
At that moment, she distinctly heard the wolf utter a single word.
“Scrap.” Wolfgar’s tone was laced with disdain.

Chapter 3

Jasper Waverly felt a surge of anger rise within her, a flood of indignation and confusion that made her almost want to shout. Just as she was trying to process the absurdity of the situation, the Direwolf in front of her spoke again, its tone dripping with disdain. “Pathetic! Totally pathetic! Just plain pathetic!”
In that moment, Jasper froze, her blood pressure spiking dangerously high. She thought, If I have a stroke right now, I’ll be done for.
She genuinely wished she could just pass out, but she knew she couldn't! If she fainted, it would only serve as a feast for this Direwolf.
Jasper Waverly was the type of person who would rather shatter than give in easily—determined to fight back to the end!
She locked eyes with the Direwolf in front of her, noticing that the creature didn’t seem to have any intention of devouring her. Instead, it looked as if it were mocking her, as if it could see right through her, filled with derision.
“Foolish princess,” the Direwolf scoffed, “you are the dumbest, most ridiculous, most shameless princess in the entire Kingdom of Aurelia! I’m healing you, and you’re yelling at me? If it weren’t for my woman—Merla the Enchantress—turning you into the ugliest creature alive, causing this mess, I wouldn’t waste my time on you!”
After that proclamation, the Direwolf stood up and approached her, its tongue hanging out, ready to licks her face once more.
Terrified, Jasper instinctively raised her hands to shield herself, yet amidst her panic, she caught an unexpected thread of information: Princess? Kingdom of Aurelia? Merla the Enchantress? What on earth is going on?
“Wait, what princess? What Kingdom of Aurelia? Clarify yourself! I’m a real Chinese person, living in China!” she exclaimed, shocked.
The Direwolf, however, ignored her questions and continued to lean in, its tongue heading for her arm.
Jasper’s gaze fell onto her own hands as the Direwolf brought its attention there. In an instant, her expression shifted to one of shock.
What she saw was nothing short of unbelievable. Her hands had changed. While her hands had always been fair, they were nothing like the ones in front of her. These hands were notably smaller, softer, and appeared several years younger than she truly was.
But what shocked her most were the blood-red whip marks that crisscrossed her delicate arms—some even deep enough to reveal dried clots of blood, and scars of all sizes; the sight was horrifying.
A chill went down her spine. Who could have inflicted such cruelty on this girl?
Jasper recalled the moment she had fallen into the ocean and looked around at her surroundings–Wilderness Peaks, a landscape resembling the outskirts of a primeval forest, with mountains all around. There was no ocean, no yacht, not even the luxurious villa of Lady Isolde.
Realization struck her—had she crossed over into another world?
As Jasper pondered the nature of her transformation, she was once again jolted by the spectacle before her.
In this bizarre world, the most astonishing scene unfurled—her formerly monstrous wounds vanished in an instant! The pain dissipated, and the skin where the Direwolf had licked transformed from scarred and rough to smooth and soft, as if she had never been harmed at all!

Chapter 4

Jasper Waverly was so taken aback that she couldn't utter a single word, let alone stop the Direwolf's awkward "kisses." Taking advantage of her shock, the Direwolf began to lick each wound on her back with eager persistence.
As the Direwolf tended to her injuries, Jasper found herself engulfed in confusion, pondering repeatedly: Had she truly been reborn? Reborn as the most unattractive princess or, perhaps, a noble from a different realm?
Dazed, she lifted her gaze and carefully observed her surroundings.
She found herself in a wild landscape radiating an ancient charm, with rolling hills in every direction. Various broadleaf trees grew on the slopes, and through the mismatched foliage, she could see the distant clouds and striking blue sky, appearing exceptionally vibrant and clear.
Jasper recognized the broadleaf shapes of the trees, allowing her to deduce that this place must belong to a region with a warm, southern climate.
Looking down at her reborn body, she estimated her age to be around fifteen or sixteen. Clad in a set of coarse, tattered clothing stained with blood, she was a picture of dishevelment. Just then, she became speechless again; emblazoned across her chest was a large character meaning “Prisoner.”
Prison garb.
Had she really crossed over into the body of a female prisoner who fainted after escaping through this desolate wilderness?
In that moment, confusion wrapped around her once more. She wanted to question the heavens, why was it that others crossed over to become queens or concubines, or at the very least, the wives of grand estates, all living lavishly without cares? Why did she, upon crossing over, end up in the rags of a prisoner loathed by all?
Was it because she had stepped in too much misfortune in her past life?
If that were the case, she felt an overwhelming urge to shout to the sky: Oh heavens, change me back! I swear I will never step into bad luck again.
Jasper had been a rural kid in her previous life. Growing up, she heard adults talk about how some people had terrible luck, yet they were gaining promotions and riches nonetheless. Back then, she hoped to one day rise in status and fortune, and thus, she paid little attention, unwittingly stepping into misfortune.
At this moment, she regretted her streak of bad luck.
Lost in her regrets, she suddenly sensed the Direwolf’s “kisses” invading her face. Instinctively, she raised her small hand to push him away.
But for Jasper's minor resistance, the Direwolf merely glanced at her with a fierce stare, making her calm down instantly. Squinting her eyes, she pouted her lips, displaying a brave facade of self-sacrifice.
Cautiously retreating while anxiously allowing the Direwolf to lick her, she knew he was helping her heal, but the sensation of a wet, slimy tongue on her skin was unsettling.
Jasper endured what felt like an eternity, as if a century had passed, before the Direwolf finally healed her wounds. He withdrew his tongue and licked his own lips, as if savoring her essence.
Then the Direwolf spoke again, his tone filled with relief. He let out a long sigh before saying, "Alright. The wounds on your back and hands are healed. However, the scars on your face will take a day or two to mend, as those on your arms and back are from human blows, while the one on your face is a curse from a beast. My current strength cannot completely heal you all at once. I shall return tomorrow to tend to your wounds."
With that, the Direwolf turned his long body, proudly raised his head, and flicked his fluffy tail with a show of superiority before trotting away.

Chapter 5

In a strange new world, Jasper Waverly felt a desperate urge to call out to the man she had seen, seeking answers about her whereabouts. However, just as she summoned the courage to shout, something inexplicable happened once again.
Direwolf vanished into thin air, as if it had transformed from a tangible being into an ephemeral whisper in the wind. There were no warning signs, no trace of smoke—nothing.
It took a long moment for her to regain her senses, and she found herself collapsing to the ground, utterly disoriented.
With a mixture of frustration and despair, Jasper cried out to the heavens, “God, please tell me what kind of bizarre world this is, and who I even am!”
At last, she unleashed the torrent of confusion that had been flooding her heart.
After Direwolf’s sudden departure, Jasper wandered aimlessly along a mountain trail, scrutinizing her surroundings as she sought an escape from this desolate, unfamiliar wilderness. She desperately tried to piece together the strange events that had unfolded in this new reality: first, she encountered a talking wolf; then, a Wolf Maiden had kissed her to heal her lash wounds, only for the Wolf Maiden to mention a princess—Lord Cedric Fortune’s daughter—before simply vanishing into thin air.
It dawned on her that she was indeed in a realm filled with supernatural entities. If this wasn’t an alternate reality, then it had to contain beings of otherworldly nature, such as—perhaps—fairy creatures.
If that was the case, what exactly was she in this rebirth? Was she human or some other being? This question gnawed at Jasper’s mind.
Just then, as she was lost in thought, she heard footsteps approaching in the distance. With a natural fear of the unknown, she instinctively looked up, on high alert for any sudden attacks from a wild beast.
To her surprise, what she saw was not a fearsome creature, but a woman clad in a vibrant red wedding gown, rushing toward her, breathless.
Could it be a vengeful ghost in a red dress? This thought flickered nervously through her mind.
In this bizarre new world, Jasper had begun developing a kind of tunnel vision; upon seeing something new, she immediately leapt to conclusions about ghosts and spirits. And considering the existence of Wolf Maiden and Merla the Enchantress, the appearance of another supernatural entity wouldn’t be all that unexpected.
However, Jasper quickly dismissed this notion.
While the woman in red did look striking, common sense told her that ghosts didn’t breathe—and the woman before her was panting and moving energetically. It was clear: the woman was very much alive.
With a sigh of relief, Jasper approached the woman, eager to ask about the nature of this strange world.
This woman was the first person Jasper encountered in this unfamiliar realm, like a lifeline for a drowning person. Desperate for survival, she had to seize this opportunity.
The bride turned at the sound of Jasper’s voice, instinctively glancing back with caution. Upon laying eyes on Jasper, she let out a startled scream echoing across the mountains.
After a moment to steady herself, the young bride covered her mouth with her hand, appearing terribly nauseous. With her other hand, trembling and pointing at Jasper’s face, she exclaimed in distress, “You… you… you’re so ugly!”

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