Beyond the Walls of Goldenwood

Chapter 1

The sounds of hard labor reverberated across the construction site in Cloudhaven, a bustling hub of activity. Black-skinned, muscular men heaved sacks of cement, maneuvering wheelbarrows laden with bricks. They were engaged in some of the toughest and most exhausting jobs imaginable, earning every dollar through sheer sweat and grit.
“Hey, Liam! Back at it again, huh?”
“Little teacher, guys like you with muscles aren’t easy to come by.”
“Liam, the materials you recommended for my daughter really helped her studies!”
As Liam Hawthorne stepped onto the site, his coworkers greeted him with warmth, clearly appreciating his presence. Although he wore the same dusty work clothes as everyone else, his refined demeanor set him apart. This gentle intellectual, a scholar by nature, was often looked down upon by hardened laborers, yet they treated Liam with respect. Not only did he often carry more than most, but he also engaged in little acts of kindness, helping his coworkers with their small problems.
Liam juggled two jobs. By day, he was a guidance teacher at the Youth Detention House, and by evening he took on odd jobs at the construction site to supplement his income. Whenever his coworkers faced difficulties helping their children with studying or choosing the right materials, they turned to Liam for advice, establishing him as a well-regarded figure amongst them. While they couldn’t fathom why a delicate intellectual would choose such a grueling job, the benefit of having a free tutor for their children made them quite happy.
Stacked high were hundreds of bags of cement, and Liam’s task today was to move them to a nearby elevator. With a slight effort, he hoisted a sack from the ground and expertly balanced it on his shoulder. He moved with ease, carrying one sack on each shoulder, as if he were taking a leisurely stroll rather than hauling a hundred kilos' weight.
“Buzz…” His phone vibrated in his pocket. Setting down his work, Liam answered the call. “Hello, Edward Strong? What’s the rush?”
After a brief conversation, he requested a short break from his foreman, quickly changed into a clean shirt, and stepped off the site.
Goldenwood Academy was nestled in the southern part of Cloudhaven, a prestigious private school set against a beautiful backdrop of mountains and rivers.
“Ugh…” In his office, Headmaster James Golden sighed heavily, dressed sharply in a well-tailored suit.
He was staring at a resignation letter on his desk, visibly frustrated. It was the fifth teacher to resign from Sophomore Guild Hall 10 this term. Despite Goldenwood Academy offering competitive pay and benefits, this particular class had become a nightmare for every educator.
Five teachers had thrown in the towel, and not even improved compensation could sway the last. This had never happened in the school’s history. Just moments ago, he had watched Sir Lucius, limping and bandaged, barely able to speak as he turned in his resignation. Golden couldn't find the words to convince him to stay; the burden of filling this position was weighing heavily on his mind.
“Knock! Knock!” A soft rapping at the door interrupted his thoughts.
“Come in,” James's voice carried an air of fatigue.
“Old James, what are you doing? It’s the weekend! Why are you here instead of resting? Look what I’ve got for you,” a cheery voice chimed, as his old friend strolled into the room, brightening the gloom of the morning.

Chapter 2

The door creaked open to reveal a robust man in a police uniform, carrying a net bag filled with tin cans. He appeared to be around sixty, about the same age as Headmaster James Golden. “Well, well, if it isn't Edward Strong, you old rascal. What brings you by?” Headmaster Golden said, still troubled by the earlier events, his tone reflecting a mix of annoyance and curiosity.
“Bam!” Edward tossed the bag filled with cans onto Headmaster Golden’s desk and grinned. “You know, you really make it hard to do something nice for you. My relatives sent me some homegrown tea—way better than anything you'd find in stores. I couldn’t resist bringing you a can.”
“Come on, old friend, what’s with the worry lines? The new school year just kicked off, and you teachers are practically on holiday. Why are you still exhausted from summer break?” Edward Strong and Headmaster Golden shared a deep friendship, which allowed for a certain unfiltered candor between them.
“Take a look for yourself.” Headmaster Golden handed Edward a resignation letter.
The letter read:
Dear Principal,
I regret to inform you that due to my insufficient abilities, I must resign from my position as the head teacher of Sophomore Guild Hall 10. I kindly request your understanding in this matter.
Sir Lucius
After reading the resignation, Edward chuckled. “It’s just a teacher resigning; why does it have you all bent out of shape?”
“You don’t get it,” Headmaster Golden replied, dropping any pretense of formality. “Sophomore Guild Hall 10 was formed only halfway through the last school year. We combined students who were struggling academically to try and set them straight, but within less than a year, they’ve turned into a liability for the entire school.”
“Come on, old pal, didn’t I hear you guys say there’s no such thing as a bad student? Isn’t this discrimination?” Edward questioned, suddenly serious, disapproving of Headmaster Golden’s approach.
Headmaster Golden sighed heavily. “You’ve got it all wrong. I’m trying to guide them, steer them down the right path. I’ve enlisted our best teachers for this. But guess what? Sir Lucius is the fifth head teacher to leave this position. The longest anyone has managed to stay on the job is two months, and we’ve tried every type of instructor out there.”
He continued, “The strictest, Sir Malcolm, took the role for just over a week. He had a motorcycle accident on the way home one day—a bolt on his wheel was tampered with. He lost a wheel on the road and ended up in the hospital for months. The school gave him a year off—he was our first hire.”
“Wow, and what happened next?” Edward, intrigued by the bizarre tales, leaned closer.
“The second was Master Tobias—he was our kindest and gentlest teacher. But after two months, he quit too. His son, an honor student in the past, fell in with the wrong crowd and ended up deep in debt to some dangerous people—about fifty grand in just one month. Tobias lost his passion for teaching altogether after that.”
“The third was Mistress Mirabel, known for her integrity and selflessness. Unfortunately, she ended up suffering a mental breakdown.”
“The fourth was Lady Winifred. She claimed to have encountered something unclean and freaked out so badly she lost her baby.”
“And now, the latest is Sir Lucius. He came in to resign today using a cane, wrapped in bandages. I couldn’t even find the words to convince him to stay.”
After hearing the grim stories of the teachers, Edward felt a chill run down his spine. If these incidents were truly caused by the students, it would be horrifying. Yet, there was no evidence linking the strange misfortunes directly to them.
“Wow, James, that class really seems cursed, doesn’t it?” Edward remarked, a sense of disbelief lingering in his voice.

Chapter 3

“How does it feel to be the homeroom teacher of this class? It’s like being cursed, with no hope in sight,” Edward Strong joked to Headmaster James Golden.
“Tell me about it. That’s why we can’t find a new homeroom teacher. Rumor has it there’s a ‘Curse of Sophomore Guild Hall 10’ going around. Teachers here are scared to take on this class, and with that reputation, we might not find anyone in Cloudhaven willing to step up,” the headmaster replied with a sigh.
“Ha!” Edward Strong chuckled. “I thought classes like this only existed in novels or TV shows. Who would’ve guessed you’d get stuck with one? I mean, you can’t just hire some armor-clad, tough-as-nails teacher to deal with it!”
Hearing Edward’s comment made Headmaster Golden even more frustrated. “The one who just resigned, Sir Lucius, was a provincial martial arts champion. I can’t believe even he couldn’t manage it. It’s Sunday, and classes start tomorrow.”
Edward looked at his old friend, deep in thought for a moment. “How about I introduce you to someone qualified?”
“You? Introduce me to someone skilled? Don’t kid yourself! You’re the director of a Youth Detention House, working with delinquents. What kind of talent do you know?” James teased.
“Come on, old man! What’s it to you? I might just have someone you’d want.” Edward retorted with a laugh, his frustration evident.
“Why are you looking down on my people? I’m leaving! You think you’re better than my staff?” Edward stormed.
“Oh, come on! Brother Leo, I was wrong, let’s not be like that.” James quickly grabbed Edward, his expression turning to one of flattery. “Remember when we were fourteen and you peeped on that widow taking a bath? Help a brother out this time.”
“Ugh!” Edward blushed, the memory clearly causing him some embarrassment.
“I’ll let this talent go, but you better never bring it up again,” he said, shaking his head. “Seriously? After all these years in education, you’re still the same old joker. Who would’ve thought you’d be in this profession? Absolutely ridiculous, an oddball in the world of seriousness!”
“Stop complaining and just tell me where this talented person is!” Headmaster James insisted. With no one willing to take the class, he had no choice but to consider a last-minute option.
Edward pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
“Hello, Liam Hawthorne?” Edward’s voice brightened as the call connected.
“Hey, Liam! What are you up to?”
“Oh, you’re working again? You’re always busy! Just don’t wear yourself out. Listen, your Uncle Chen needs your help. Can you come over to the principal’s office at Goldenwood Academy? And hurry!”
He ended the call and turned to James. “All set!”
James, noticing the warmth in Edward's tone during the call, raised an eyebrow. “Your tone was unusually gentle. I can’t help but wonder... is he maybe your lover?”

Chapter 4

"Really makes you wonder how deep brotherhood runs when he’s even willing to part with his woman."
Half an hour later, the phone in Julian Brightwater's office rang. He promptly set it to speakerphone. The call was coming from the security office at the entrance.
"Hello, Headmaster James Golden. There’s a Liam Hawthorne here who says he’s here to see your good friend Edward Strong," the voice on the line said respectfully.
"Alright, let him in," Julian replied.
About five minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Edward Strong, seated on the couch, stood up to open it.
Julian Brightwater also quickly rose to see who was arriving. In walked a young man, and the sight of him immediately caused Julian to glare at Edward with disbelief.
The young man appeared to be in his mid-twenties, standing around 5'10". His hair was unkempt, and he wore a blue and white plaid shirt covered in dust and dirt. His black pants were rolled up and splattered with a muddy yellow substance, and he sported army-green rubber boots. He left his shirt unbuttoned, revealing a white tank top underneath, which had the words "Skysea Builders" emblazoned in small red letters.
"Hey, Liam, you made it here pretty quickly," Edward Strong greeted him.
"Uncle Chen, what did you call me for?" the young man replied curtly.
"Come on in. Liam, this is my good friend, Headmaster Julian Brightwater. Julian, this is the talented individual I told you about, my reliable right-hand man, Liam Hawthorne." Edward introduced them.
Julian Brightwater's expression soured slightly, but he still managed to say to Liam, "Uh... hello."
Julian extended his hand for a handshake, wanting to show some degree of courtesy since Liam was recommended by an old friend. The atmosphere grew a bit awkward.
Liam glanced down at his dirty hands, feeling a tad embarrassed. He wiped his right hand on his shirt, making it look a bit cleaner before he reached out. "I apologize, Headmaster James Golden. I just came from the worksite and didn’t have time to change. I hope I didn’t embarrass you."
The worksite. Upon hearing Liam's comment, Julian shot a mournful glance at Edward Strong, as if to say, "What are you trying to pull by introducing a construction worker?"
However, while shaking Liam’s hand, Julian was surprised to find that the young man’s grip was not rough at all—it was surprisingly smooth. He realized that even someone working at a construction site could have softer hands than his own.
Edward Strong, used to his lecherous friend’s attitude, held back laughter. He turned to Liam: "Liam, Headmaster Julian here is a good friend of mine, and his school is facing some challenges. Would you be willing to help Uncle Chen out by managing a class here?"
"Since he’s Uncle Chen’s friend, I’m more than happy to help," Liam replied without hesitation.
"Great, Liam. Since you’ve agreed, I’ll fill you in on the details later. You look like you’ve been through a lot today; if you have things to take care of, you can go ahead," Edward said with a calm tone.
"Alright, Uncle Chen, Headmaster James Golden, I’ll take my leave," Liam said respectfully, addressing both elders before departing.
Once Liam was out of sight, Julian exploded, "Edward Strong, what are you playing at? You recommend me a talent, and you send me a construction worker? I asked for a teacher!"
"Liam Hawthorne is indeed a teacher. He’s the best counselor at our Youth Detention House. They also have educational classes there, and he teaches English. His students have shown exceptional improvement and many have opportunities for reduced sentences. Working at the construction site is just a personal preference. If you look down on the talent I provided, then I will keep him by my side instead," Edward feigned seriousness.
Upon hearing that, Julian Brightwater's expression immediately brightened, and he cheekily smiled, "When can we expect Teacher Liam at our school?"
Edward Strong, feeling a bit frustrated, replied, "As a prestigious school head, could you tone down the innuendo? You have no shame. He’ll come over after he finishes his current duties. It’ll be next month."
"That won’t do. We’re barely at the start of the month—I can’t wait that long. If those students go without a homeroom teacher for a month, who knows what chaos might ensue? One week, he comes next week to start teaching," Julian insisted.
"You sly headmaster! Not only do you steal my man, but you also want to cut down my time! Fine, you win. He’ll come after a week, but let’s not bring up those old stories again," Edward said, reluctantly conceding for his own reputation.
As old friends chatted and revisited memories, Edward also reminded Julian, "Remember Master Tobias from back in the day? Liam Hawthorne is Master Tobias’s grandson."
"What? I can’t believe he’s a descendant of Master Tobias. I wonder where Master Tobias is now. I never got the chance to repay his life-saving kindness," Julian’s face lit up with excitement.
"Master Tobias has passed on," Edward said, his expression growing somber.
After a moment of quiet reflection, Julian responded, "Then I think Liam Hawthorne can’t serve as the homeroom teacher for Sophomore Guild Hall 10. If anything were to happen to him, I wouldn’t know how to face Master Tobias’s legacy."
"You don’t need to worry about Liam; he can take care of himself. Don't forget, he’s Master Tobias’s son—not just an ordinary guy," Edward said, a bit surprised at such a statement coming from his opportunistic friend.
"Oh? So does Liam Hawthorne have the same capabilities as Master Tobias?" Julian inquired.
"I can’t say for sure; he hasn’t revealed any of his abilities yet, but I know he’s definitely not an ordinary person. You’ll need to keep an eye on him when he starts teaching at your academy," Edward expressed his continued worry about Julian.
Julian Brightwater replied earnestly, "Don’t worry, Edward." He stated it with utmost seriousness, but then quickly followed it with a grin.
"Rest assured, Edward, I will definitely take good care of this grandson of yours."

Chapter 5

Juvenile Ward. A place that strikes fear into the hearts of parents; they desire nothing more than for their children to stay far away from it for the rest of their lives. Kids who have spent time here often face disdain, with other parents casting judgmental glances at them. Liam Hawthorne's job is to teach cultural studies at the Youth Detention House. This position was arranged for him by Edward Strong, but becoming a teacher was also a dream he held. However, the kids at the detention center are far from ordinary. Today is Friday, and after wrapping up his classes, Liam will be leaving this place where he has worked for over two years.
At the moment, Liam is wearing his instructor's uniform. While his attire isn’t particularly stylish, the sharpness of the outfit gives him a youthful energy. He is a far cry from the disheveled figure who first met Julian Brightwater.
At the Youth Detention House, there are classrooms for cultural studies. Unlike a typical school, these classrooms are separated by iron bars.
Stepping into the classroom, Liam spots around forty children seated inside. As he walks in, their faces light up with hope.
Generally, kids in a detention center carry emotional scars. They often lose faith in their lives and go through their days like zombies, trapped in a monotonous cycle of labor and learning from Monday to Friday, attending simplistic cultural classes.
Liam's students, however, are different from those in other rehabilitation classes. They often wear bright smiles with a spark of sunshine in their eyes, despite their shaved heads and deep blue uniforms. Liam teaches cultural studies to kids aged 14 to 16. These kids need more encouragement, but society has labeled them with prejudice. After graduating from college and passing the teaching certification exam, Liam struggled to find a job due to a lack of connections. In today’s world, without a better pathway, it’s nearly impossible to secure a formal teaching position.
With Edward’s help, Liam became a teacher here.
“Class is in session.”
“Stand up!” A boy sitting at the front of the second row leads his peers in standing up, calling out, “Good morning, Teacher!” Their voices are bright and clear, their eyes holding a glint of hope. Though their short hair resembles shaved heads and their uniforms are the same, these kids are just like any other.
Liam scans the classroom and notices an empty seat.
“Harrison Greenfield, why isn’t Victor Ashby here today?” he asks the boy who led the greeting.
Harrison stands up and replies, “Report to Teacher Liam: Victor Ashby started running a fever yesterday, so he’s taking the day off.”
“Oh. You can sit down now. Let’s start our lesson.”
Liam takes a moment to collect his thoughts, as this is the last lesson he will teach these students. After a minute of silence, he suddenly asks, “Do any of you have dreams?”
The word "dream" makes the kids briefly pause, but their expressions soon turn somber.
“Teacher, do you think someone like us can still have dreams?” one child says, disappointment in his tone.
“Why can’t you have dreams? Everyone can have dreams! They can be big or small, but dreams are not about status. I hope each of you can have your own dream. Others may see you as hopeless, but remember, those who are successful live for others, while those with dreams live for themselves. Those with dreams can create miracles.” As Liam finishes speaking, the clouds of gloom lift slightly from the kids' eyes.
“Today, I want you to write an essay about your dreams. There’s no word limit, but the content should be specific. What will be your first step towards achieving your dream?” Liam says, handing out sheets of paper to his students.
In less than half an hour.

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