Behind the Facade of Love

Chapter 1

**"As You Requested, I Entered an Arranged Marriage"**
A seemingly cold exterior hides a turbulent heart of a beautiful but battered star, Elias Grey, who struggles against the odds. Enter the proud and enigmatic Liam Hawthorne, a domineering mogul in the industry.
Elias Grey, a rising star in the entertainment scene, has been frozen out for two years following a tragic event on the set of *The Atlas*. While drowning his sorrows at The Drunken Knight bar, Elias makes a reckless move and kisses a handsome stranger. He later discovers that this stranger is none other than Liam, his powerful financial backer. Liam forgives the incident and extends a hand to help Elias reclaim his lost glory.
However, joining Liam's company comes with a catch: Elias must maintain a façade of being married, which raises a troubling question—am I signing a contract or a bond of servitude?
Just when it seems like Elias is on the path to a victorious comeback, the truth about Liam's intentions begins to unravel, revealing a complex web of deceit that shadows their unexpected connection. The most passionate hearts are often ensnared by their own making.
**A Pure Love Story, Entertainment Industry Drama, Power Struggles, and a Chase that Turns to Ashes**
**Elias Grey's Comeback**
*“Is he really going to try and revive his career after what happened? Does he think he won't be ripped apart by the online mob?”*
*“I’m curious about this Elias Grey everyone’s talking about. He used to be a hot actor, right?”*
*“Elias Grey? He was on *The Atlas* when the fire broke out and cost Samantha Reed her life... That precious talent and they just left him standing. It’s a miracle he made it out alive.”*
*“We live in a civilized society, it’s the twenty-first century. Why does someone with such dirt on them think they can bounce back? Let’s just lock him up where he belongs.”*
Under the garish lights of the club, Elias Grey swirled the heavy glass in his hand, the deep red liquid sloshing inside. He turned his head to take in the vibrant figures dancing onstage, expressionless as he downed his drink, waiting for the fog of intoxication to lift.
His phone buzzed with social media outrage, topics trending about the tragic incident — “Elias Grey owes her a life.” Accusations of moral bankruptcy and negligent behavior haunted him like a relentless ghost, tarnishing his name.
The fallout forced him to split with his boyfriend and left him hidden away by the studio for two years. Just before his contract was set to end, the company reached out, desperate to squeeze out one final payday from the derelict star.
The bartender returned with ice clinking in his glass, disrupting his trance. “Mr. Grey, your time is almost up.”
“Wow, that went fast,” Elias replied, glancing at his phone, the time reading 9:52 PM. He scrolled through a message from Oliver Fox about an audition and lingered on the mention of Zuri Film Studio, but quickly locked his phone and took another sip.
He noticed a man who had been watching him from afar making his way through the crowd. The vibrant music echoed around them as a rich, magnetic voice broke through the din. “Drinking alone is dangerous—where’s your friend?”
Catching a buzz from three stiff drinks, Elias surveyed the man with an appraising gaze. Clad in a sleek black shirt that hugged his athletic frame, the stranger’s confident demeanor and strikingly sharp features commanded attention, revealing a maturity beyond his years.
“Are you talking about a boyfriend?” Elias quipped.
Liam Hawthorne’s brow arched in amusement. “Do you have one?”
Elias deflected the question. With an engaged air, Liam continued, “I know who you are.”
“What’s it to you?” Elias retorted sharply. The term 'artist' felt like a misplaced label, given his tarnished reputation.
Liam sensed a tension in Elias's response and shifted his gaze, “I can make you a star again.”
Another talent scout trying to hit on him in a bar, Elias had always brushed off such advances, but something about this man’s confident charm piqued his interest. Checking the time again, he smirked, “You’ve got 6 minutes. Go.”
“Hi, I’m Liam Hawthorne,” he said, extending his hand.
“Elias Grey—‘River’s’ Elias,” he replied, connecting fingertips briefly in a handshake.
“I know you.”
Elias could infer Liam’s innuendo, tapping his fingers on his glass to mark the time. Five minutes remained.
Liam glanced toward the dance floor bathed in colorful strobe lights, “Wanna go have some fun?”
Elias nodded, letting the alcohol guide his impulses for once.
As Liam returned with another drink, he spotted Elias boldly striding into the center. The lights danced across his features, rendering him almost ethereal with their flickering glow. His dark lashes glistened like frost, the deep contrast of shadow playing on his lips added to an allure that stirred intrigue.
But then came the disappointment—this dazzling figure didn’t know how to dance.
In the pulsating heart of the club, Elias seemed out of sync with the feverish rhythm. He floundered, trying to mimic the moves of others while pretending to be lost in drunken abandon.
On the contrary, Liam owned the space. His body flowed with the beat, each movement creating a magnetism that captivated everyone around him as if he had been born for the stage.
Elias subconsciously stepped closer, drawn into the atmosphere as the intoxicating haze filled his senses. With laughter threading through his speech, he leaned in playfully, “Who are you?”
“Someone who can make you famous again.”
“Let’s hear the details.”
Elias squinted, challenges woven into his gaze as he scrutinized Liam.
“This number,” Liam gestured significantly, indicating a promise of assurance.
Elias's eyes widened momentarily as Liam's ambition registered.
“And what’s your angle?”
“Mutual benefit.”
Elias chuckled lightly, “I don’t play games, especially not the unrealistic ones.”

Chapter 2

Elias Grey’s reputation in the entertainment industry was hardly holding together, leaving him to ponder who he could truly trust to share victories with.
As the last note of the dance faded, Elias’s phone buzzed. He fished it out and silenced the pre-set alarm. “Time’s up, it was nice meeting you, Liam Hawthorne... but this is where it ends.”
“Is that so? We could at least talk some more. Or, I could give you a ride home,” Liam Hawthorne replied, watching Elias down two shots of whiskey. Elias’s capacity for alcohol was impressive—he was still standing, at least for now.
“Thanks, but really, there’s no need,” Elias responded. The offer Liam made was tempting—it was a lucrative prospect—but Elias knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch. Even if Liam’s looks were just his type, that alone wouldn’t sway him.
Elias emerged from the dance floor, swiping his card at the bar and paying off Liam's tab before signaling the bartender goodbye. The vigorous dancing had sent his intoxication levels soaring, and each staggered step felt like walking a tightrope between clarity and oblivion.
In a daze, he felt a firm hand grasp him, pulling him away from the crowd. He looked up into Liam’s deep, expressive eyes—they sparkled with an enigmatic warmth. When their gaze locked, Elias’s heart skipped a beat. Fueled by the alcohol, he leaned in and pressed his lips against Liam’s.
Liam seemed slightly taken aback, but that brief halt gave way to an intense fervor, their kiss transforming into a passionate demand, fueled by disdain for the mundane world around them.
As they pulled apart, Liam savored the taste of whiskey and smirked, “So, Mr. Grey, when you mentioned ‘ending it here,’ I didn’t realize that’s what you meant. I find I could happily continue.”
Every Friday at ten sharp, the driver would arrive outside The Drunken Knight to pick up Elias. Today, however, he was taken aback to see Elias being supported by a stranger—a sight he’d never witnessed before; Elias rarely engaged anyone at the bar.
Elias stumbled into the backseat, lips mumbling inaudibly as if still tasting something lingering in his mouth. With each deep breath, the scent of whiskey filled the car, forcing the driver to thank Liam before setting off.
The car barely moved before screeching to a halt at a junction. A black Mercedes, its hazard lights blinking, blocked their path. The driver attempted to maneuver around, but the Mercedes steadfastly followed, maintaining its position.
It turned out that high concentrations of alcohol could bring even the strongest to their knees. Elias was far too far gone to respond to the driver’s warnings.
Liam maneuvered his car to clear a way, spotting Elias’s vehicle rushing ahead, and he followed closely. The driver took several turns down various streets, but still couldn’t lose them.
Finally, at the hotel, the driver parked and approached Liam’s window, preparing to exchange pleasantries when he was greeted with a disarmingly innocent smile as Liam handed over a small bag. “Here, take these hangover pills. They’ll help a lot.”
The aftermath of a hangover always felt like waking up from sweetness into harsh reality—a painful cycle Elias was growing weary of.
Whiskey’s effects came on swiftly and dissipated just as quick. Reflecting on the previous night, Elias found himself feeling significantly better today. His tousled hair framed clear eyes that revealed exhaustion—a stark reminder of two days without proper rest. Even in disarray, Elias held onto an air of elegance.
Splashing cold water on his face in an attempt to shake off the lingering fog, Elias caught a glimpse of two boxes of hangover relief tablets in the bathroom trash. The events of last night were hazy; he recalled someone helping him into the car, but not much else until he woke up in a hotel bed.
He pulled out his phone and saw a failed message attempt. A bittersweet smile crept across his face before he deleted the record.
Yesterday at the bar, some guy named Liam Hawthorne had tossed him an alluring lifeline, appealing in both looks and offers. Perhaps it was time for Elias to approach his feelings from a fresh perspective.
Suddenly, his appetite for breakfast surged as he steeled himself for an audition at Zuri Film Studio.
Elias was aiming for a major production, where roles were scarce and the male lead had a mere five minutes of screen time throughout the entire film. The director was particular, making it a rare chance for many to test their luck. For Elias, this scarcity felt fortuitous.
Inside the audition room, Director Yates flipped through the actors’ dossiers, his attention caught by a pair of bright and vibrant eyes. “Elias Grey,” he mused, slightly surprised.
Liam, hearing Elias’s name, paused his note-taking, taking the file in hand. A dapper graduation photo stared back at him, capturing the essence of youth and vitality.
“You must know him.”
“His past made headlines; your mother even sought him out,” Director Yates added, implying something only Liam understood. He had plucked Elias’s audition paperwork from the rejected heap, slotting it into today’s audition pile. Yates quickly grasped Liam’s intention.
Interesting. Elias had even crossed paths with his mother.
Liam’s interest perked up at this coincidental discovery. “Let him in.”
Elias knocked thrice politely on the door, waiting for the cue before entering.
The audition space was compact, and the directors appeared weary, probably from the morning drudgery. Elias stepped in, only to find he was momentarily frozen in place. The familiar figure beside Director Yates was none other than Liam Hawthorne.
Catching sight of Elias, Liam momentarily raised his gaze, but returned to scribbling diligently without engaging.
Director Yates scanned through the papers. “Elias Grey, 26 years old, no prior credits to his name…”
“I remember correctly, didn't you work on ‘The Atlas’ two years ago?” the director continued. That project had met with scandal following a disastrous fire, effectively burying it under a wave of public condemnation.
Among newcomers, at 26, Elias was considered past the prime for debuts. And notably, he still hadn’t secured any televised role.

Chapter 3

Liam Hawthorne responded softly, his gaze fixed on the nervous Elias Grey, who seemed intimidated by Jasper Knight’s piercing stare. The stark contrast from the drunken man of the night before was striking.
But really, Jasper was infamous for his harshness in the industry, which was why Liam had chosen to partner with him.
With a tight smile, Liam said, “There are advantages to having a newcomer in the cast—clean slate, no baggage. He perfectly fits Director Yates’ casting style. Let’s give him a shot.”
Director Yates shrugged in agreement and asked, “What are your special skills?”
Elias Grey replied earnestly, “I have some skills, but I wouldn’t say I’m an expert at any of them.”
Liam couldn’t help but let out a laugh. While other auditioning actors would have bragged about their middle school scholarships, Elias’ honesty was refreshingly amusing. “I thought you’d say dancing is your strong suit.”
“Liam, you’re joking.”
Getting even
Director Yates, intrigued, leaned closer. “Do you two know each other?”
Elias avoided answering, not wanting to lie. He had crossed paths with Liam Hawthorne but wouldn’t exactly call him a friend.
Not one to miss details, Director Yates tapped on the table. “Let’s dive into a scene interpretation.”
He randomly selected a card from the scene script and read aloud, “In the wake of an earthquake, everyone is hurt, and in that helpless moment, you see an exit ahead. Above you, debris is precariously teetering, and in the end, you’re the only one who escapes.”
“Now, give a performance that reflects facing your greatest fear given this scenario.”
Elias stood still, his eyes wandering to Liam, who stood with arms crossed, seemingly appreciating Elias as if he were a piece of art under inspection.
Elias closed his eyes, letting the turmoil of a trembling earth wash over him. When he opened his eyes, panic and helplessness poured forth from them, and the depth in his gaze held a powerful, soul-piercing sadness. In a daze, he heard screams and sobs echoing around him.
Suddenly, fear and despair surged within him, veins on his neck bulging as his once clear eyes turned deep and anxious.
Driven by the instinct to survive, he broke free from the imagined wreckage. The dread buried deep in his heart surfaced, suffocating him as tears of red tinged his eyes. Even after escaping, he found it hard to loosen up, still wound tight in shock.
“That’s enough.” Director Yates picked up Elias’ file and scrutinized it again; first in his class at the drama department, with none other than Professor Caldwell as his mentor, who had reportedly not taught in years.
It was unfortunate that Elias was such a standout name; it overshadowed his other accomplishments.
“Your emotional range in your eyes is impressive. The ability to evoke empathy is crucial for an actor. Congratulations, you nailed the audition. We want you on set starting next Monday.”
Elias had prepared for this moment, anticipating that if asked about the Great Fire, he would politely decline to discuss it. But Director Yates didn’t mention it at all, which, given the industry’s notorious standards, felt unusually fortunate.
“Thank you, Director Yates.”
“No worries. You can head out now.”
“Wait, Director Yates, I have a few questions.” Facing Elias’ curious gaze, Liam Hawthorne smiled, “Is that alright, Elias?”
“Of course.” Elias wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity.
“Have you ever been in a relationship, Elias?”
Elias nodded, “I have, but I’m currently single.”
Liam bit his lip, reminiscing briefly about the flavor of his last drink. “What are your thoughts on being kissed without consent at a bar?”
Director Yates flinched slightly. Was that a major shift in topics? It was an audition, not a personal inquiry.
Others in the room exchanged puzzled looks. Surely Liam asking about Elias’ love life stemmed from concerns about public image affecting box office sales. But what did an unwanted kiss have to do with any of that? Perhaps Liam was simply contemplating his own romantic interests.
For some reason, Elias felt like Liam Hawthorne was keenly waiting for a solid answer.
Elias maintained his composure, replying evenly, “Every person has the right to defend their personal boundaries in any environment, and if violated, they should pursue the proper channels for protection and safety.”
An odd question met with a thoroughly serious response led to an unexpectedly relaxed atmosphere in the room.
Liam’s next question of whether Elias wanted to grab a drink wouldn’t have seemed out of place. His instincts warned him that Liam might not be easily intimidated.
Liam appeared pleased with Elias’ reply. After exchanging a few light-hearted words with Director Yates, he got up and exited.
“Your audition is a success. Details regarding the script and your start date will be coordinated with your agent.” Director Yates, clearly satisfied, gave Elias a pat on the shoulder before leaving.
Many wondered why Liam Hawthorne showed little interest in so-called international stars. Director Yates sometimes pondered this too. Given Liam’s status, he could have any actor, yet he claimed the entertainment world lacked a certain arrogance, an ability to rise above the mundane, with that untamed spirit being what he truly desired.
Elias had just stepped out of the audition room when his phone buzzed. It was Oliver Fox calling. “You got the part.”
“Wow… news travels fast. I just finished the audition.”
Oliver sounded surprised but also slightly displeased. “Why would you audition for a minor role? Sure, opportunities with Director Yates are rare, but still...”
After washing his hands in the restroom, Elias held his phone between his shoulder and ear and smiled. “At this point, just getting any role is promising.”
“I remember when I set you up for leading roles…” Before Oliver could finish, Elias felt a shadow loom behind him. He turned to avoid it, only to bump into the sink, dropping his phone on the floor.

Chapter 4

Liam Hawthorne's frame loomed over Elias Grey, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "What’s up with you?"
Elias stiffened, bracing himself against the sink, his arm muscles tensing under the pressure. He suppressed his irritation. "Liam, Mr. Hawthorne, this feels a bit... misleading."
Elias felt a pang of anxiety under Liam's piercing gaze. He didn't want to offend him, especially not when he was on the brink of a promising role. "If you could just step aside, I really need to get going."
On the phone, Oliver Fox continued to speak, his voice crackling through the line. "Well, well, if you’re filming a movie, you wouldn’t count as breaching your contract. Wait for me at Zuri Studios; I'll be there in ten minutes."
As Elias reached for his phone, Liam's hand settled just above his waist, brushing against the defined muscles of his abdomen. The contact felt electric, almost like a sculptor admiring his work. Liam chuckled softly, "I only came to reclaim what’s rightfully mine, nothing more."
"What do you mean 'rightfully mine'?" Elias was at a loss. What had he done to offend Liam? Maybe it was the fact that he had turned down Liam's invitation at The Drunken Knight last night, only to find out this morning that Liam was behind his audition.
"You really don't remember, do you?" Liam leaned in closer. Their noses almost touched as he exhaled, deliberately into Elias' space. "Fine. I guess I'll just have to assert my rights through proper channels."
Caught off guard, Elias paled. Then it dawned on him, connecting Liam's words with his earlier encounter. He instinctively shut his mouth, pretending he hadn’t understood. "Sorry, Liam, I'll just be on my way."
"At least leave me your number. Yesterday's promise is still valid. Reach out whenever you need," Liam stepped back, allowing a path forward as he handed Elias his phone, and only after Elias entered his number did he reclaim it.
"Thanks for your kindness, Liam. I'll think about it." Elias didn't want to shut him out completely, but he needed time to decode Liam's true intentions.
By the time Oliver Fox and the driver arrived at Zuri Studios, Elias was already waiting in the basement. After getting in the car, he exchanged a quick glance with the driver, who promptly turned his head away.
"What was that about?" Elias laughed, breaking the tension.
"Last night, a guy named Liam helped Mr. Grey out of the bar," the driver recalled. "Something like that."
"Liam Hawthorne?" Oliver was quick to put the pieces together, knowing full well the stir Liam was causing in the industry, which might influence Elias's staging at Steedhold.
"Yeah, tall and handsome, right? I thought he was a celebrity."
So, that rumor about the kiss wasn’t just a fabrication. Elias realized he should have moderated his drinking better—he needed to keep a clearer head.
"Do you know Liam Hawthorne?"
"I met him at the bar last night," Elias confessed to Oliver, comfortable sharing details with him.
Oliver sighed. "Liam's got some serious connections. It's hard for even our company executives to get a meal with him. Rumor has it his schedule is booked until the end of the year."
Really? He had seemed so relaxed chatting with everyone. Elias had assumed he was just a talent scout.
Oliver wasn’t going to get sidetracked with gossip. He handed Elias the script for a new show. "You should start preparing for your role. We can have some discussions on solidifying your character afterward."
Elias found himself distracted by the thought of Liam’s earlier statement about defending his rights. Once composed, he smiled wistfully. "We've still got three months until my contract ends; don't waste your energy on me."
Oliver turned to him, brows knitted in concern. "Have you made up your mind? You’re already signed on with the crew."
"I'm sure. Help me set up a meeting with the higher-ups in a few days. I want to discuss my termination."
Understanding Elias’s stubborn nature all too well, Oliver didn’t push further. "Fine. The industry is small; you might work with them again someday."
"Absolutely." Elias had no intention of abandoning his opportunities in Showbiz Realm. Acting was a form of soul expression for him. Given the chance, he wanted to continue performing.
Oliver scheduled the meeting for two days later. He felt it was wise to bring up the termination before Elias's contract officially expired. Over the last three years with Steedhold, Elias rarely visited the company. Most of his work coordination was left to Oliver, especially during his two-year hiatus from the spotlight.
After getting ready, Elias lounged on the couch, water droplets cascading down his damp hair onto the back of his hand. He grabbed the towel hanging around his neck, drying off as he stared at listings on his phone.
The hotel he was currently in was provided by the company for its talent. If he was going to terminate his contract, he also needed to find a new place to live. His parents weren't in this city, so a modest apartment would suffice.
He selected a few properties in the city center and reached out to the owners to schedule viewings. Suddenly, a message alert flashed on his screen.
Typically, no one sent him messages like this, so he assumed it was just junk and swiped it away. Just as he was about to check another property, the notification popped up again.
Intrigued, Elias opened it, and the images inside froze him in place.
The first photo showed a scene outside the bar, Liam with his eyes half-closed, his fair skin accentuating his swollen lips, traces of a light lipstick kiss still visible. Elias felt his cheeks flush crimson.
The second photo was taken from inside a car, showing the back of Elias's vehicle. The angle revealed the logo of the Elysium Inn, implying Liam now knew where he was staying…
If it wasn’t for the drunken slouching against Liam’s shoulder captured in that photo, Elias would have doubted the memory altogether. He couldn't recall any of this.
What was Liam's reaction at that moment? Surely he had to despise such situations. If this misunderstanding twisted Liam's opinion of him, Elias would really regret it. After all, making a partnership with someone as exceptional as Liam was an opportunity worth pursuing.

Chapter 5

Elias Grey glanced at the incoming call on his phone, matching the number that had sent him a mysterious text. After a moment of hesitation, he answered. The sound of honking horns filled the line, indicating that Liam Hawthorne had just wrapped up work. There was a hint of exhaustion in Liam's voice as he said, “I got the photos.”
“Yeah, I saw them.” Elias swiped through the images, intending to exit the app, but accidentally saved one instead. In a fluster, he quickly clicked delete.
Liam let out a sigh. Just then, a loud motorcycle roared past him, startling Elias. Liam seemed unfazed. “I took those photos to make sure you wouldn't back out once you sobered up. So, Elias, what’s the best way to deal with this situation?”
“What do you suggest?” Elias mulled it over. A kiss shouldn’t be a big deal, right? He was relieved to have woken up in his own hotel room. Yet, a pang of disappointment hit him because it was Liam—the one person he had complex feelings for.
After a brief pause, Liam replied, “How about you sign with my agency? We can become partners.”
“Not gonna happen.” Elias denied him outright. With Liam’s wealth and status, the more he pursued Elias, the more suspicious Elias became of his intentions.
“Or I could help you regain what you lost.”
Regain what was lost.
That wasn’t a bad idea.
Elias smirked, “You can’t possibly be interested in me, can you?”
“Why else do you think I’d be chasing you?”
Liam’s openness threw Elias off guard. He couldn’t help but smile a little. “If you want to discuss potential collaboration, why don’t we meet?”
“I have a meeting at eleven on the day after tomorrow. Let’s grab lunch before then.”
“Sure.” After hanging up, Elias began to consider where they could eat. There was a restaurant known for its Aussie lobster—perfect for a lunch of reconciliation. He hoped Liam would enjoy it.
The next day, Elias slipped on a black leather jacket before heading out. As he stepped off the elevator, the hotel receptionist hurried over. “Mr. Grey, there’s an Emma Winthrop here to see you… We didn’t let her in, but she charged straight through, visibly upset, and she’s carrying a child.”
Upon hearing Emma’s name, Elias furrowed his brow. “Got it. Lead the way.”
The receptionist must have misunderstood. Elysium Inn, being the hotel specifically reserved for entertainers, was highly secure, and it was rare for civilians to get through, especially someone with a child. They probably thought she was involved in some celebrity scandal.
Emma was seated in a nearby café, engrossed in an article about the fire that had engulfed the set of “The Atlas” two years earlier. The report claimed the crew had used an outdated dry ice machine, leading to an electrical fire. Samantha Reed, the crew's rising star, thought someone was still inside and ran in to save them—never to return. Coincidentally, Elias had been downstairs at the time, completing additional shots...
The article exonerated Elias, yet public opinion had turned against him completely. The room that had caught fire had originally been his; however, he had switched rooms with another actor the day before.
Such a coincidence was hard to overlook.
“How did that scumbag Elias not just disappear?” one commenter wrote. “Anyone with a shred of guilt would end up paying for it.”
“Is blind justice at play? Elias should have been the one to pay… Samantha has been gone for two years, and Elias has said nothing. Does he not fear being haunted?”
“Don’t you see? This is all a ruse orchestrated by Elias—the fire was a part of his elaborate scheme to drag Samantha down with him… Click my profile for the inside scoop!”
Emma never imagined that Elias, the one blamed amidst all this chaos, would have to bear the brunt of such harsh judgment. It was like a storm had erupted overnight. To her dismay, instead of defending him, the agency had chosen to bury him, effectively endorsing the online vitriol.
Upon spotting Elias at the entrance, Emma quickly shut off her phone and waved, “Over here!”
Elias approached, and his eyes fell on the toddler nestled in the stroller beside her. The child had chubby cheeks, thick lashes, and adorable ears that stuck out—though so young, Elias could already see traces of someone he once knew.
“What’s going on?” Since their split from the production, Elias hadn’t seen Emma, and this sudden invitation left him baffled.
Emma noticed how much thinner Elias had become. She scanned the room before locking eyes with him, her expression a mix of guilt and concern. “I heard you’re breaking your contract with Steedhold.”
“Yep, it’s almost up.”
“What Steedhold did is just wrong.” Emma, having once been a trainee under their wing, understood better than anyone the agency's underhanded tactics.
Elias gave a vague nod, still fixated on the child.
Emma caught his gaze and smiled brilliantly, her features radiating like blooming flowers, compelling anyone to look twice—no wonder Samantha had adored her.
As she pulled back the stroller’s cover, she grinned. “He looks a lot like someone you know, right? I’ve never seen such a strong resemblance, especially with those ears. It’s been two years already…”
“Elias.” Seeing the turmoil surrounding him, Emma felt her heart ache more. The pain of those lost years washed over her, and her eyes turned wet with tears as years of unhealed emotions bubbled to the surface.
For two years, she had watched as Elias's career spiraled down, now even losing the agency that was supposed to protect him. She choked out an apology, “I’m so sorry. If only I hadn’t insisted on switching rooms that day, Samantha wouldn’t have…”
“It’s all in the past. Samantha wouldn’t want you to feel this way,” Elias said gently, handing her a napkin from the table. Despite the emotional weight between them, he recognized that Emma, too, had suffered.
Emma wiped her tears and retrieved a bank card from her bag. Cradling the child, she placed the card in the toddler's hands, her tear-streaked face transforming into a smile. “Here, this is a little gift from Mom and Dad for Uncle. I hope you’ll accept it.”

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