Breaking Boundaries of Love and Loss

Chapter 1

I was indifferent to his pheromones.
Lysandra Grey was a common man who fell in love with an Alpha Male.
Everyone was shocked that someone as cold and unfeeling as Cedric Grey would pursue Lysandra so relentlessly, ultimately winning his heart.
But no one knew better than Lysandra that Cedric resented him for being an unrefined commoner, unable to smell the pheromones, and lacking the obedient nature of an Omega.
So, when Cedric went abroad to fetch his little lover, the world heard only that Lysandra calmly left behind a divorce agreement and died in a tragic car accident.
Cedric went mad.
Lysandra did not.
He stood by the water’s edge, gazing at his “corpse,” calm as ever.
The one who had died was not him, but he recognized this as the perfect opportunity to escape Cedric.
**Chapter 1: The Divorce**
A new bakery, **The Elven Bakery**, had opened at the corner of the street.
Its somewhat secluded location made it an unexpected sight when a young man walked in, prompting Merrick and a few young employees to wonder if he had stepped straight from a long-forgotten painting of nobility.
Lysandra stood at the counter, eyes downcast as he admired the array of fresh pastries just pulled from the oven.
With his pale skin, perhaps the cold outside had given his porcelain face a hint of color. The soft yellow light in the shop surrounded him, casting a warm glow that made him almost impossible to look away from.
The Alpha owner instinctively went to catch a whiff of the young man's pheromones.
He figured such a beautiful and gentle Omega would surely emit a sweet and comforting scent.
But he was disappointed; there was no sign of any Omega pheromones from the young man.
This could only mean one thing—he was merely an ordinary commoner.
Feeling a bit regretful, he pulled his gaze away, but the serene young man was already making his way over, hesitating for a moment before smiling, “Are you hiring?”
Everyone thought Lysandra's sudden appearance was downright peculiar.
How could a commoner possess the beauty that matched—if not rivaled—that of any Omega? He was well-mannered, articulate, and willingly started from scratch to learn how to make pastries.
Amidst the skeptical gazes, the next day, Lysandra produced a remarkably well-crafted cherry tart.
With a delicate touch, he slightly leaned over and placed cherries and fine embellishments on the cake, making it seem as though he were painting or sculpting rather than baking.
His looks were flawless, making it hard for anyone to breathe as they witnessed his deep, gentle gaze even towards the cake, made all the more radiant as he looked up at them with a hint of polite amusement.
“Is he a model? But I haven’t heard of any commoner looking this good.”
“Maybe he’s escaped from a wealthy family?”
“Seems unlikely, could be a kept lover; after all, he’s just a commoner…”
Lysandra merely smiled faintly when Merrick finally approached, inquiring about the matter.
“I’m not looking for anything specific; I just want to know about your romantic history.”
Merrick could tell he was battling his inner gossip, “Um, considering you’ve been here for a while, we haven’t seen you with a boyfriend or a girlfriend…”
“I’m divorced.”
Merrick was left momentarily dumbfounded, staring at Lysandra with his mouth agape, trying to find words, his tongue tangling in his mouth, “Well, I guess when it’s old news, new things can come in.”
As an Alpha, Merrick was certain he saw a cold smirk cross the gentle young man’s face. Just as he questioned his own eyes, Lysandra casually added, “After all, my ex-husband is dead.”
Merrick was momentarily speechless.
He wanted to comfort the young man in front of him, yet he sensed something odd about Lysandra. The young man’s pale eyes seemed to shine with a chilling clarity in the window’s light, freezing anyone who dared to meet his gaze.
But then Lysandra smiled again, the shimmer of frost melting away from beneath his lashes.
He gently tucked a few stray strands behind his ear, looking at Merrick with a soft smile, “If there’s nothing else, I think I’ll head back now.”
Merrick stood momentarily frozen as he stared at Lysandra.
He had seen many beautiful and gentle Omegas, but none had the quiet intensity that could ensnare someone’s soul like Lysandra, resembling a siren singing beneath the waves to charm sailors.
Merrick nodded repeatedly, wondering if someone like Lysandra would be a wonderful partner to have at home.
Lysandra’s neighborhood was quite shabby.
The older gentleman sweeping the fallen leaves looked up at him, and the nearby women playing cards whispered curiously as they watched his retreating figure.
“This young man finally took off his mask.”
“He’s quite handsome, but so odd. He never speaks; the last time he came by with mooncakes for the community center, he refused to open the door.”

Chapter 2

Lysandra Grey pondered the hushed whispers around him, the sound of gossip hanging thick in the air. With a set of keys in hand, he lowered his head, unlocking the door to his apartment.
Before stepping inside, he cautiously checked the door lock, inspecting the windows as well. Only when he felt satisfied that everything was secure did he finally bring in the groceries he'd bought, entering the kitchen quietly.
From his vantage point, he could easily see the neighbors below, still engaged in their endless chitchat. He let his lashes fall, methodically slicing the fresh vegetables on the cutting board.
It suddenly struck him why, even during video calls, his twin brother insisted on wearing a mask. Their aging apartment building, with its creaky floorboards and thin walls, felt like it was saturated with prying eyes and ears lurking everywhere.
The apartment was a legacy from their parents, left to Lysandra and his brother when their world had been turned upside down. When he had moved out, he left behind the home along with a card for his brother. Just recently, he received a message from his brother saying he wanted to drive over for a visit.
But Lysandra never imagined that message — and the last missed call — would be their final goodbye.
His brother had been in a car accident. By the time Lysandra reached the scene, the flaming wreckage was already sinking into the shallow water, thick black smoke climbing into the sky.
Only moments before disaster struck, as Lysandra was buried under a mountain of work for Cedric Grey, he'd received that desperate call from his brother, asking for their address amid his chaotic work environment while Cedric berated him.
"I've waited for you all day," Cedric exclaimed, disbelief painting his face. "Lysandra, do you really think these tasks are more important than me?"
Lysandra bent to gather the scattered documents from the floor, meticulously putting everything in order. He met Cedric's gaze with calmness. "Did Keegan not meet you? If he stood you up, you should be seeking him out instead of yelling at me."
Keegan Ashford, that familiar face, had spent more time in their shared house than Lysandra ever had.
He never avoided appointments deliberately, but when he had stepped into the foyer and spotted two figures entwined, overhearing Cedric's cheerful laughter, "If only Lysandra were as sweet and charming as you," he felt a wave of reality crash down.
Lysandra knew he was neither sweet nor charming. In fact, the good looks he once possessed had faded away with time. To keep Cedric's company afloat, he had sacrificed so many hours, even risking his own reputation just to reclaim the company’s stake from those opportunistic relatives.
He had been warned that if he dared to leave Cedric's firm, there would be consequences.
Yet, years flowed by like water without leaving any trace.
Lysandra found himself more than once staring into the mirror, realizing he no longer compared to the youthful Omegas with their unspoiled allure.
So when Cedric, in a restless fit, attempted to wrench the documents away from him — tearing them apart as he had so many times prior — Lysandra finally grasped Cedric's hand firmly. "Let’s get a divorce."
The words hit like a thunderclap.
Cedric's expression turned rigid, caught between anger and confusion. "Come on, Lysandra, don’t treat me like a child. This company can keep running without you."
But Lysandra thought, if that were truly the case, then he wouldn’t even be standing here.
Cedric’s father had been a lifeline for him.
Years ago, when both of Lysandra’s parents died unexpectedly, they left behind overwhelming debts and his autistic brother. Just when he intended to abandon his education to care for his brother, Cedric’s father offered a much-needed helping hand.
Lord Grey helped him clear the debts, allowing him to continue his studies while also hiring the finest doctors for his brother to ensure Lysandra could focus without worry.
After graduating from a prestigious university, he had turned away countless job offers from other companies, resolutely stepping into Cedric’s firm as repayment for the Generous act.
As fate would have it, just when Lysandra sought to return the favor, Lord Grey's health plummeted rapidly.
He knew Lord Grey’s only concern was for Cedric’s well-being.
In the midst of chaos and everyone’s bewilderment, Lysandra knelt by Lord Grey's bedside and made a solemn vow. "I swear to stand by Cedric in difficult times, until my last breath."
Tears streamed down Lord Grey's cheeks, knowing he could rely on Lysandra. He tightly grasped the hand of this frail young man and placed the burden of Cedric and the company upon him.
Then Cedric was just a child, thrust into a brutal world after his father's sudden passing, beset by relatives eager to seize their family's fortune. He was overwhelmed, sharp with defensiveness, wanting to hurt anyone who dared come too close.
It was Lysandra who, like a protective hen, wrapped him in a safe embrace, defending him against the oncoming storm.
He poured his heart and soul into House Grey, yet the whispers behind his back were cruel.
They claimed he succeeded through his looks, and even when he proved his worth, those hurtful comments never ceased.
Lysandra brushed off the rumors, but Cedric could not.
It was only when they got to the Guild Hall that Lysandra realized Cedric desired them to marry. There was no ceremony, no engagement ring — nothing of the sort. It all felt so chaotic and rushed.
"I hope you know you'll regret this," Lysandra murmured softly.
"I won’t," Cedric assured, a bright smile lighting up his face as he took his hand. "If I’m sharing my life with you, I could never regret that."
But what defines forever, anyway?

Chapter 3

Cedric Grey regretted it himself, and so did Lysandra.
An Alpha shouldn’t be with a Beta.
A Beta couldn’t soothe an Alpha in their sensitive period and couldn’t detect the pheromones that pulsed from them.
Two people who had once been so close had taken steps, one after the other, down irretrievable paths, leading them in opposite directions.
But through it all, Lysandra had never forgotten the words Cedric had once spoken.
He had helped Cedric reclaim those stocks, the ones lost when Lord Grey’s unexpected accident caused the price to plummet and led to a buyout, allowing him to finally secure his place in the company. The hardships he faced during that time were memories Lysandra wanted to forget.
Yet strangely now, he felt as if he had actually and thoroughly accomplished that.
After all, to everyone else, Lysandra had died in that car crash.
He bowed his head and let the memories dissipate into the air.
In earlier days, he had mourned the fact that he wasn’t an Omega, that he couldn’t smell Cedric’s pheromones or comfort him during his sensitive periods.
Now, he was glad he wasn’t an Omega, grateful that he wouldn’t be bound by the mark of mating or forced to cling to past promises that would leave him bruised for life.
Love could indeed bring hurt and pain. But love didn’t only mean that.
His realization had come too late; leaving with bleeding wounds wasn’t dignified. It was better to let this relationship end abruptly.
After all, Lysandra had fulfilled all that he promised Lord Grey.
He no longer owed anyone anything, nor did he need to use his once fervent love to approach that spiny child who had become unrecognizable.
Nor did he have to witness the once passionate love being drained until it flickered out.
… And so they parted ways.
No one truly couldn’t live without the other.
Three years later.
Morning sunlight streamed through the clouds, and the glow of dawn peeked through the airplane window, revealing a vibrant sun.
In the spacious first-class cabin, there sat a young man in a tailored suit, fast asleep with a sleep mask over his eyes.
A flight attendant intended to check if he wanted breakfast, but suddenly, a voice broke the silence.
His expression stirred with a mixture of urgency, joy, and even a hint of panic, all wrapped together like a storm.
The flight attendant jumped at the sound but didn’t probe further into whether the guest was having a pleasant dream or a nightmare; instead, she returned with a cup of warm water.
When she returned, the man who had booked the entire first-class cabin had already removed his mask and was staring intently out at the sunrise.
The flight attendant set down the water, wanting to say something but hesitated at the sight of his darkened expression.
She stepped away to the galley, but before she could pull the curtain shut, she overheard her colleagues buzzing with excitement.
“Isn’t that Cedric? The one who’s always on the financial news? I can’t be seeing things.”
“Wild! I thought he only flew domestic and international routes. What’s he doing on our flight?”
“He’s definitely handsome. That aura... It’s making my knees weak…”
“Don’t kid yourself. A big shot like Cedric has probably enjoyed the best Omegas around. He wouldn’t look twice at any of us.”
Cedric was in a restless mood.
It had been a long time since he dreamed of Lysandra.
Since he received the news of Lysandra’s death, sleepless nights plagued him, haunted by memories.
Even when he managed to drift into a heavy sleep with the help of medication, Lysandra would not appear in his dreams, as if he were being punished.
At first, Cedric wouldn't believe that Lysandra had truly departed. He insisted on multiple investigations into the cause of death.
Everyone cautiously observed his reaction as they delivered the “no hope of survival” message, repeating it over and over.
But Cedric wouldn’t accept that Lysandra was dead.
“He’s not dead.”
Cedric stood firmly on the bridge where the accident had occurred, stubbornly stating, “The person in that car wasn’t him.”
“But the make and license plate match.”
The investigators looked at him with pity and sympathy. “We’re doing our best to recover…”
“That’s absolutely impossible.”
Cedric found their logic absurd; he clenched his fists and spoke slowly. “Impossible… Why would he take that route? That isn’t even a road Lysandra frequents.”
Before the investigator could finish, an older colleague pulled him aside, whispering, “You must give the family time to accept…”
“I told you, Lysandra wouldn’t die.”
Cedric’s eyes were bloodshot. “He promised me he would always be by my side, until…”
He couldn’t finish the sentence.
Lysandra knelt at his father’s bedside.
At that moment, Lysandra looked so fragile, a gentle breeze almost enough to snap him in two, yet his words were unwavering.
He swore he would stay with Cedric until death.
And he had kept that promise.
The only thing recovered was a Crescent Pendant.
The police didn’t dare tell Cedric directly that the body might have been cremated, leaving only ash behind. Instead, they indirectly shared that they had found this personal belonging of Mr. Lysandra.
If not for the strong Alphas who restrained Cedric, everyone believed he would have done something unimaginable in his rage.
The instant Cedric locked eyes on the pendant, he lost control, his eyes brimming with bloodshot fury, lunging forward to seize it.
Everyone gasped in shock, even more surprised that such a simple Crescent Pendant could elicit such raw pain from the usually unfazed Cedric.
Only Edgar, who had been by Cedric’s side for a long time at Grey Manor, quietly turned his gaze away.

Chapter 4

Cedric Grey held in his hand a Crescent Pendant that mirrored the one hanging around his neck.
This particular pendant had been a gift from his mother, Lysandra Grey, on the day he came of age.
At first, Cedric was perplexed—why would Lysandra gift him something that seemed worn and smoothed to the touch?
But when Lysandra gently hung the pendant around his neck and stepped back to admire it, a sense of warmth washed over him.
Only later did Cedric learn that it was a cherished keepsake passed down from Lysandra's parents, an item of profound significance to her.
He found himself staring at her, uncertain, yet filled with a surge of hope. Did this mean he was someone special to her?
As weeks turned into months, Cedric took it upon himself to apprentice with a local craftsman. After countless attempts, he crafted a rough version of the Crescent Pendant as a token for Lysandra.
When he presented it to her, her eyes widened in surprise.
Cedric's heart raced with concern—would she deem his creation too shabby? To his relief, she lowered her lashes, clasping the pendant tightly in her palm, murmuring, "I love it."
During their little quarrels, when Cedric sulked and refused to see her, he would grasp the pendant around his neck, longing for Lysandra.
What was she up to now? Did she miss him too?
...In truth, the thought of Lysandra leaving him had never crossed his mind.
The memory of her stood like a distant silhouette at the edge of his dreams, smiling at him.
Cedric felt a tightness in his throat, his eyes stinging. "Lysandra, how could you be so cruel?"
"How could you really just abandon me... and leave me all alone?"
Lysandra continued to smile, as she always had.
Cedric momentarily believed she had forgiven him, excitement bubbling within him as he reached out, only to witness her stepping back calmly. "Cedric, no one in this world truly cannot live without another."
Cedric stood frozen, watching as she walked away, step by step, into the engulfing flames of despair, disappearing into the rushing waters that seemed to swallow everything.
He couldn't bring himself to admit that for three long years, the dreams he had of Lysandra had turned into nightmares.
He meticulously cleaned both Crescent Pendants, re-threaded them carefully, and wore one around his neck once more.
A flight attendant approached him with a warm cup of coffee, graciously reminding him that their plane was about to land.
Cedric glanced out the window at the rising sun, giving a curt nod.
The attendant left a travel brochure by his side, but he merely glanced at it before turning away.
He wasn’t here to tour.
In this city, he felt there was a truth he had been seeking.
...And the specter of his long-lost friend, who had long since departed from his dreams.
As dawn broke, Grey Hollow stirred to life with its residents walking their dogs or carrying birdcages.
Three years had gone by, yet here was Lysandra, waiting at the bus stop with her bag in tow.
Though he was friendly with many locals by now, he instinctively shied away from interactions, choosing to linger where the crowd was thinner.
That was when he felt a gentle tug on his shoulder.
It was the same neighbor who had brought him the pendant last time, her smile warm and inviting as she pulled Lysandra aside to explain something quietly.
Initially thinking it was nothing, Lysandra’s expression suddenly darkened upon understanding.
She instinctively took a step back, but the woman continued to chatter animatedly.
"I'm telling you, you should really consider it! Your current salary doesn’t cut it, and who knows? Someone important might take notice, and you’d never have to worry about money again!"
With a conspiratorial whisper, she added, "You won’t be marked like one of those servants since you're not a servant, just an ordinary girl—think of the advantages!"
Lysandra could read between the lines.
Massaging her temples, she gazed at the dilapidated building where she had lived for three years, feeling fatigue wash over her from these neighborhood dramas.
She smiled politely and declined.
The neighbor’s expression shifted dramatically, disappointment sweeping over her face.
Lysandra could hear her muttering under her breath, "If it weren't for your resemblance to him, do you think any opportunity like this would come to a common girl like you?"
Lysandra stood there momentarily, stunned.
She watched the neighbor walk away and then sprang after her, grabbing her shoulder.
Realizing her voice quivered, she fought to maintain her composure, yet her skin paled in the harsh daylight, “Who did you say I resemble?”
The neighbor mistook her urgency for curiosity, grinning as she turned back. Grabbing Lysandra's hand, she led her to a secluded corner.
Once they were out of view, the neighbor pulled out an old portrait, urging Lysandra to take a look.
Nervously biting her lip, Lysandra slowly unfolded the image.
"Have you heard of House Grey? Just think of Cedric Grey—young and charming, incredibly good-looking."
The woman scrutinized the portrait with delight, "But, alas, his wife passed away young, which is such a pity. Cedric is still young though, and there are talks about finding an assistant for him; everybody knows it’s really a quest for a new wife…”
As she absorbed the woman’s words, Lysandra's grip on the portrait slackened and fell away from her fingers.
With slow deliberation, she folded the image and returned it to the neighbor, saying politely, “I see...thank you.”
"Well, what do you think? Want to give it a shot?"
With a beaming smile, the neighbor insisted, "You’re just an ordinary girl, and you wouldn’t have the complications that a servant might, You could really gain something lucrative here!"

Chapter 5

Lysandra knew she had a good pitch for the boy. After all, with a successful introduction, a nice commission would be on the way.
But unexpectedly, the young man who had seemed so anxious moments ago had regained his composure, shaking his head gently. “I’m actually quite content with my life right now.”
Lysandra’s skepticism deepened as she observed the young man before her. With his refined looks and poise, he seemed far too graceful for someone who belonged in this rundown neighborhood.
“Everyone wants different things,” he added, a light smile breaking across his face.
“Thank you, but please don’t come knocking on my door for this kind of stuff again,” Lysandra replied with a polite firmness.
The older woman standing in front of her felt momentarily stunned as she watched Lysandra walk away. Frustrated, she slapped her thigh, baffled. “He’s handsome enough, yet he doesn’t seem to have the sense to match.”
Meanwhile, Lysandra stepped into the sweet little shop where she sold desserts, ready to prepare for the day ahead.
Her apprentice, Clarissa Wren, was slumped over the counter, half-heartedly staring at entertainment news on her phone. When she noticed Lysandra, she managed a weak greeting. “Master, good morning.”
Lysandra couldn’t help but chuckle; Clarissa usually burst with energy. “What’s wrong? Up late binge-watching again?”
“Not just that,” Clarissa sighed dramatically. “I just had my heart broken.”
Lysandra blinked in surprise as she washed her hands by the workstation. “But you haven’t even been dating anyone.”
“Exactly,” Clarissa wailed. “But just now, my crush declared that he’s never getting married. My heart is shattered!”
Lysandra couldn’t hold back a soft laugh. Clarissa seemed to have a parade of crushes, yet every time she brought them up, Lysandra found herself utterly confused. She squirted some soap into her hands, still puzzled. “Which crush, exactly?”
“Cedric Grey!” Clarissa exclaimed, her voice full of conviction. “He’s truly something special! Let me tell you how—”
But Lysandra froze as the name struck her like a bolt from the blue.
Clarissa, lost in her own excitement, rambled on about Cedric’s success in turning the fading House Grey into a booming enterprise. Meanwhile, Lysandra carefully rinsed off the excess soap, the water running over her hands as she attempted to calm the tumult brewing in her mind.
For three years, she had hidden away in this small cake shop, believing she could erase all memories of Cedric from her life. But, just this morning, he had invaded her world without any warning.
Finally, she faced Clarissa, forcing a smile. “Really?”
“Absolutely!” Clarissa lit up, eager to share every detail.
But when she met Lysandra’s eyes, Clarissa instinctively hushed and quickly turned her attention elsewhere, dashing into the changing room to put on an apron.
Clarissa didn’t quite grasp why Lysandra, an ordinary commoner, bore an unyielding presence that commanded her respect. Even a mere glance from Lysandra had a way of making her feel submissive.
As Clarissa slipped into the workspace, she noticed Lysandra, focused and composed, expertly creating cake layers with an elegance that seemed flawless.
When she first joined as an apprentice, hearing that Lysandra would be her mentor left Clarissa feeling a little doubtful. After all, she believed experience mattered. She had been under the impression that Lysandra had been in the industry for as long as she had.
At first, Clarissa resisted everything Lysandra suggested, practicing the fundamentals with reluctance. But when Lysandra handed her an independent order one day, Clarissa was thrilled. That excitement quickly turned to panic when she realized her untrained hands couldn’t even evenly spread cake batter.
Hiding in the restroom, she sobbed, hoping to escape the looming reality. When Lysandra came to the door with a gentle knock, wearing a reassuring smile as she offered, “It’s okay, you can do this,” Clarissa felt an unexpected surge of confidence.
The boy was a commoner, frail and delicate, yet when he knelt and touched her head, it felt as though he’d protect her from anything the world threw her way.
Since that moment, Clarissa transformed, shedding her initial doubts to side with Lysandra like a loyal shadow.
Now, as Lysandra worked diligently, Clarissa finished her tasks only to rush back to her master’s side, whispering excitedly, “Have you heard there's a big shot in town?”
Distracted, Lysandra recalled the woman she encountered earlier that morning. She adopted a neutral expression. “What big shot?”
“I don’t know, but they say he’s a hopeless romantic,” Clarissa eagerly filled her in on the juicy details. “Word has it he lost his wife early and is out looking for a new partner. He’s been searching with her portrait in hand—isn’t that something?”
Lysandra’s hands paused mid-motion at the mention of a replacement. “So, he’s looking for a stand-in?”
“Exactly!” Clarissa nodded. “They say there’s even a whole team out there looking for lookalikes to match. They’re handing out flyers to the local folks, promising a hefty payday for anyone willing to step in.”

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