Between Hearts and Dreams

Chapter 1

Evelyn Winter feels like she’s living in a fairytale, albeit one where her fiancé treats her with a level of devotion that’s almost excessive—Alexander Longfield just can't seem to help himself.
When he goes out with friends and doesn’t come home all night, it’s Alexander who stays behind, burning the midnight oil to whip up a gourmet dinner just for her.
When it's time to promote his latest film, the spotlight shines brightly on Alexander, but he’s right there cheering her on, fostering rumors and gossip that surround her every move.
Whenever he throws a fit and retreats to his family’s side, Alexander helps her pack her bags with a charming smile, telling her to simply remember to come back when she’s ready.
Her friends look at Evelyn with a mix of envy and admiration, marveling at the way she seems to float through life unburdened and adored, a cosmic free spirit answerable to no one.
But then the fantasy starts to crack.
Where's the domineering CEO persona? Where's the excitement of their "playbook"? What happened to the passionate adventures they promised each other?
Evelyn can’t help but voice her concern: this is not what they agreed upon!
**Main Characters:**
- Evelyn Winter and Alexander Longfield share their perspectives in a tale that intertwines their lives and emotions.
This is a story of indulgence and adoration, depicting a tumultuous heroine and her tenacious fiancé, crafted for those who dare to delve into the complexities of love and relationships.
Warning for readers: Those who favor strong leads in their stories may find their expectations challenged, as this narrative unfolds in unexpected ways.

Chapter 2

Evelyn Winter covered the phone and glanced around warily. After confirming that the crew was too busy to pay attention, she sighed in relief and replied, “I’m learning from Sir Adrian Blackwood.”
His concerned voice came through the line, “How’s the food? Are you sleeping well? No coughs, I hope?”
“I’m doing great.” Evelyn Winter didn’t want him to worry, so she added proudly, “Before shooting, I even cooked a nice meal for everyone. They all praised my cooking skills.”
“Ah, my Evelyn is truly amazing.” Just hearing his gentle tone made Evelyn imagine Alexander Longfield tenderly running his fingers through her hair from miles away.
But the mood quickly shifted. “I miss you so much,” she admitted, her heart heavy.
Alexander hesitated, “So, sweetheart, do you want me to come see you?”
“It’s okay,” she perked up, patting her cheeks to boost her spirits. “I’ll try my best. You focus on work, and when I return, I’ll make you something delicious.”
“Alright, I’ll be waiting.”
They shared affectionate words over the phone for a while before saying goodbye. As was their habit, Alexander insisted on letting her hang up first. Evelyn Winter couldn’t help but smile, unable to mask her happiness, even as her assistant, Catherine, teased, “Are you on the phone with your girlfriend?”
She almost corrected her, saying “fiancé,” but remembering Alexander’s advice, she held back and simply nodded. “I miss him.”
Catherine looked envious. “Of course! With how often you two talk, the bond must be strong. Can I ask, is she busy with work? If it’s feasible, maybe she could visit you on the weekend? Our crew has no policy against friends checking in. Sir Adrian wouldn’t mind.”
“He's really busy. It’s fine.” Although she said that, a sense of unease gnawed at her. Initially, she had expressed a desire to be involved in the shooting of the series, and Alexander was fully supportive. Once promotion began, her existing reader base and decent looks garnered plenty of fans. Naturally, some reporters began probing into her personal life.
Evelyn Winter felt that after being with Alexander Longfield for so long, it would become difficult to keep hiding this part of her life if she wanted to continue in the industry. Besides, she didn’t genuinely aspire to become a star; she'd seen filmmakers and writers come out before and survive it. While she didn’t want to say something insincere to the press, she worried about the impact on Alexander’s company, so she sought his opinion.
To her surprise, her fiancé advised her, “Evelyn, I think it might be better to hold off for now. The pressure of coming out publicly can be hard to understand. It won’t just be strangers; people you've previously dated and acquaintances might come forward, potentially causing stress for you and your family. Let’s wait until your career is a bit more stable before we tackle this, okay?”
Alexander was always thinking of her, and he approached this issue from her perspective.
Since he was older and had more life experience, Evelyn Winter trusted his judgment and didn’t push the matter further.
However, the days spent without him holding her at night were a struggle. She had faced this challenge before, but it felt even harder to bear now. The only thing supporting her was her ambition; Evelyn Winter was determined to endure the remaining four months with her unwavering drive.
But then, two weeks later—
Evelyn Winter held a takeout box, squatting by the roadside with a group of single friends carrying props, munching on snacks while they ate. Today, Thomas Bright, the boyfriend of the crew’s cinematographer, Henry Goodwin, had come to visit. Being behind the scenes, Henry didn’t engage in promotions much, and his sexual orientation was nothing he felt the need to hide.
Over there, Thomas Bright was earnestly trying to convince Henry to eat the lavish nutritious lunch he had brought. This meal, which sounded like a typical takeout, was actually a seafood feast delivered by a van.

Chapter 3

Evelyn Winter was the kind of girl who was too shy to stir up trouble, so instead of joining the noisy crowd, she quietly set her lunch down in a secluded corner and began to unwrap her meal from the catering provided for the film crew.
Her self-imposed isolation was somewhat noble. If she had ventured into the crowd, someone like Thomas Bright would have bulldozed his way over, dragging people into whatever mischief he had on his mind.
Yet, even in the corner, Evelyn and her presence felt palpable. She took a bite of her chicken leg and overheard someone nearby muttering, “These days, people are so open about their relationships. It really makes being single feel like a tragedy.”
Despite not being single herself, Evelyn couldn't help but feel a twinge of that sentiment. Her boyfriend, Alexander Longfield, was known for his romantic gestures. He once traveled thousands of miles back from the States just to surprise her with a candlelit setup outside her building in the middle of the night. He had even crafted a life-size pillow of her, taking pictures wherever he went just to make it seem like they were constantly together, despite the distance.
Compared to someone like Thomas, whose impulsive nature often landed him in hot water, Alexander knew how to be calm. But, as Evelyn thought about it, she started to feel confused. She wiped her hands and quickly typed a message for advice.
[Evelyn, if your relationship lacks spontaneity, that means you’ve entered the comfort zone—like an old married couple. Old married couples focus on emotional connection, and at your age, it looks like you’re settling for a mellow romance.] —her well-seasoned friend, Billy the Messenger, replied.
In reality, it wasn't so much about entering a comfort zone; it was more about how Alexander just didn’t possess those impulsive moments. He was always gentle and attentive—no matter how small her requests were, he would try his best to meet them, and he never got angry.
Evelyn thought it best not to let her mind dwell on unnecessary worries.
[Alexander loves me so much because he wouldn’t dare expose me to other people's judgment—he's not the kind to rush over and disrupt things. My husband is the most gentle person in the world, humph!]
Billy the Messenger snorted upon reading her reply, mumbling as he shoved his phone back into his pocket, “What a silly girl.”
Meanwhile, Alexander was sitting at his desk, reviewing the report from the company’s social campaign from last week when his assistant began to fidget restlessly.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, not looking up.
“Your girlfriend, Evelyn, is cracking jokes again. She just said you’re the gentlest person in the world. It’s hilarious!”
Alexander remained unfazed and calmly turned the page of the report. “If she says I am, then I am.”
“Haha.” Billy the Messenger chuckled awkwardly, pointing at his phone screen. “Honestly, is your reason for not visiting her on set and keeping your engagement under wraps really because of what she says? I think you’re just worried about how your reputation at New Joy Society and Longfield Group might take a hit. You’re ambitious in your career.”
Alexander glanced at him with a cool expression. “Less guessing, more doing.”
Billy stared at his nonchalant demeanor, playing with his fingers as he pondered. He never truly believed that Alexander was genuinely in love with Evelyn. This skepticism wasn’t just born out of jealousy from his own unrequited romantic desires. Firstly, Alexander was the kind of person who was often ruthless; there was nothing dreamy about him. Secondly, his approach to Evelyn had always baffled him. He claimed to like her but seemed devoid of any basic possessiveness – back when he had taken Evelyn to a bar, he hardly monitored what happened.
Now that Evelyn was diving into the chaotic world of entertainment, he hadn’t once visited the set, seemingly unbothered by the lack of desire to see her. Was this really how someone who was in a normal relationship should act?
Most troubling of all, Billy suspected there might be something mentally off with Alexander.
“Come in.”
Billy turned to see Lillian approaching, her head down as she handed him a file. “This is the finalized contract we discussed with Liam Stonemason. He’s requested to have lunch with you. Should I arrange that?”
“No, don’t bring such obvious questions to me next time.”
“Yes,” Lillian answered quietly as she exited.
Billy looked at Alexander’s meticulously styled hair and thought, at least this guy wasn’t out there cheating on Evelyn while she was busy. Perhaps that was his greatest strength, but it also struck him as odd.
“It’s noon, let’s eat,” Alexander said, clearly not inviting Billy to the meal.
He knew better than to take that literally. As they approached the elevator, Billy contemplated taking a different one when a New Squire, freshly assigned, nearly collided with Alexander while fixated on his phone.
In an instant, Alexander’s expression darkened. He stopped the newcomer abruptly and asked coldly, “Did Lillian inform you of the rules when working in the president's office?”
The newbie faltered, “Y-yes, she did.”
“What’s the most important rule on this floor?”
The icy tone left the new hire breathless, struggling to think straight. After a moment, Alexander softened his harsh glare a bit and said, “Don’t touch me. That’s a basic rule here. Make sure you remember it next time.”
When the elevator doors finally closed, even Billy sighed in relief. He knew that when Alexander said “don’t touch me,” he meant it literally—it wasn’t an invitation for any kind of intimate contact.
Regardless of gender, a mere brush against him felt like poison, like he carried some sort of virus that made him feel physically repulsed. Wasn’t that a kind of illness too?
Keeping his distance, Billy surveyed Alexander, who was still processing what just happened, and joked, “What if I just reach out and poke you? Will you throw a punch?”
Alexander loosened his tie. “Be my guest.”
Billy, never one to hold back, had to admit: Alexander’s looks and physique were undeniably perfect. The way he simply loosened up his tie exuded a kind of sexiness no one else could manage. It made sense that someone so privileged and impressive would take a liking to Evelyn. Couldn’t argue with the facts, right?
But Billy had an underlying concern; what if someone else came along who was also immune to whatever made Alexander chaste? Would Evelyn lose her special place in his life? Oh, that naïve girl, why couldn't she ever think ahead?

Chapter 4

Evelyn Winter was still waiting for her fiancé when her younger brother showed up instead. Isabella Hart had just started college, finally freed from the grueling constraints of high school, and was curious about everything. Spotting the stars performing in front of the camera, he excitedly asked, “Sis, can I go ask them for autographs?”
“Sure, but, Liam, you just started college. Your journey is only beginning, and you can't afford to slack off,” Evelyn replied.
Liam Hart felt a knot tighten in his stomach; he couldn't bring himself to look up at his sister. Although Evelyn Winter had a youthful face with charming crescent-shaped eyes when she smiled, she often adopted a serious, almost matronly demeanor while lecturing him, exuding a sense of responsibility that belied her age. “Learning is the foundation of a secure future. You must cherish the educational resources you have now. Invest time in your studies so you can become a respectable, contributing member of society,” she insisted.
Liam wanted to give her a half-hearted response like he used to, but after a month of enjoying the newfound freedom of college life, he couldn't hold back any longer. “But, sis, your grades weren’t great either, and look at you now, a successful author and a director.”
“I can’t do what you can,” Evelyn pulled him aside, her voice tinged with frustration. “You’re different; your math skills aren’t like mine. You can’t coast by with scores in the twenties, and aside from English, the rest of your grades are utterly unacceptable.”
“But that just means learning isn’t the only path to success! I just don’t understand why you’ve been so obsessed with academics since you were little,” Liam countered.
For a moment, Evelyn felt lost in his words. Yes, she had never been a stellar student; not only did she struggle with science subjects, but she never grasped the essence of politics or history questions. Yet, she worked tirelessly to attend a third-tier university, feeling immensely relieved at her accomplishment. Even after gaining fame through her writing, a lingering sense of insecurity remained—maybe she could have and should have worked harder, perhaps pursued a more stable career.
“I don’t care. The president once said we must learn for a thousand years; don’t think about that nonsense—just study hard,” she instructed firmly.
Ugh, talking to her was pointless. Next time, he’d enlist Alexander Longfield to help reason with her.
Quickly dismissing Evelyn’s advice, Liam scanned the area for any celebrities he recognized.
“Hey, sis! Isn’t that Liam Stonemason, the Best Actor from last year’s Golden Pear Awards? Can I go ask him for an autograph?”
It hit Evelyn then that The Players Guild was indeed hosting Liam Stonemason today. She had adapted her well-known martial arts novel into a play, and due to its viral success online, they had cast top-tier actors for the lead roles, all thanks to Alexander Longfield’s backing. However, it felt a bit strange that Liam Stonemason, a prominent movie star, was taking a guest role.
Nearby, she overheard whispers: “Did you hear? Liam Stonemason paid a hefty fee to break his contract and join New Joy Society. They say it’s because of Alexander Longfield.”
“Oh wow, Alexander Longfield’s got that magnetic charm. I’d jump ship too!”
“First, you’d have to have the cash…”
Liam cautiously glanced at his sister’s expression and decisively said, “Never mind, I won’t bother him for an autograph. It’s just a big-name actor, it’s not a big deal…”
“Seriously? You’re passing up a chance to meet your idol just because of some rumors? That’s absurd.” Evelyn was well aware that her brother had admired Liam Stonemason since he was a mere extra in films. Besides, she didn’t take those rumors seriously.
She approached the actor, who was currently perusing his script, and extended her hand. “Mr. Stonemason, hello, I’m Evelyn Winter, the original author of this play. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Liam Stonemason stood from his folding chair, shook her hand, and smiled warmly and politely. Meanwhile, Liam Hart stood frozen, completely starstruck and at a loss for words. Evelyn nudged him, saying, “This is my brother. He’s been a fan of your movies for years. I wondered if you could spare a moment to sign something for him.”

Chapter 5

Liam Stonemason chuckled, “I'm a fan of Isabella Hart too. How about we get a picture together?”
Before long, Liam's social media was buzzing with a new trio photo, where Isabella was clearly overshadowed by the presence of the recently popular influencer writer, Evelyn Winter. It didn't take long for the news to break that Liam Stonemason would make a cameo in "The Moonlit Heroes," generating a buzz for the show even before its premiere.
Later that evening, after the crew wrapped for the day, Evelyn Winter decided to call Alexander Longfield. “Longfield, you had Liam Stonemason come in for a cameo, didn’t you? You said you wouldn’t meddle in my shoot. That’s just not true.”
A warm flutter filled her heart; she thought about how considerate her Alexander always was, grabbing the acclaimed actor for promotional support right after signing him.
Alexander, however, firmly denied it. “Evelyn, you’re misunderstanding. I didn’t do that on purpose. Liam approached us about the cameo himself.”
Evelyn Winter processed this, muttering, “Sounds just like you, Alexander.”
“Regardless, the attention for ‘The Moonlit Heroes’ has certainly increased.” Evelyn excitedly shared the latest happenings on set, noting how well the crew treated her; Alexander was particularly interested in that aspect. To Evelyn, the attention was affirming. Only Sir Adrian Blackwood was aware of her concealed connection as the president of New Joy Society, and even he didn’t delve too deep into her past.
Despite having graduated from a reputable filmmaking program, Evelyn was still basking in her recent success as a prominent author. These days, the value of intellectual property was widely recognized. Plus, Alexander maintained a clean image with no scandalous rumors lingering over him, which helped Sir Adrian treat her with polite propriety, giving her a chance to learn on the job.
“But are you feeling okay? Anything bothering you?” Alexander asked, his tone laced with concern.
“I'm fine,” Evelyn replied boastfully. “I've got Catherine looking after me, and we fill our days with so much activity. Plus, with you calling me every day, I—" she cleared her throat to suppress a cough.
Suddenly, the atmosphere grew uneasy, and Evelyn could hear crows cawing overhead, adding to her sudden wave of apprehension. “I just—uh, I got a little choked up there,” she hastily clarified.
A soft sigh came from the other end of the line. “Evelyn, don’t worry. I’m not the type to force you into anything medical. I understand how important it is for you to witness your novel transform into a series. That’s something I respect wholeheartedly. So, please share anything with me. I won’t overreact or pry if you want to keep some things to yourself…”
She recognized this endless rambling that belied his normally composed demeanor. It took her back to when she first heard it, all those years ago when she was in middle school, and Alexander was merely an upperclassman helping her and Isabella with schoolwork, cutting costs by living with them.
Evelyn had always struggled in her studies. Her father, Gabriel Hart, said she looked like her mother but inherited her father’s lack of academic aptitude. Yet, she had a strange obsession with learning. Despite their tight financial situation, when Alexander, who had even less, offered to tutor her and Isabella, her father couldn’t refuse.
With a good teacher, Evelyn thrived, often working on problem sets into the late hours, and one night, after she had already said goodnight to him, she sneaked out of bed to study with the light on, only to be caught by Alexander.
They exchanged glances for what felt like an eternity; the disappointment mixed with concern in his eyes overwhelmed her, followed by an unmistakable hint of tenderness and reassurance.
Ever since, every time she encountered such expressions from Alexander, a part of her mused that if he ever entered the entertainment industry, what would become of the notion of a leading man?
“Evelyn, I admire your dedication, and I know how badly you want to get into a great school. But you’re still young, and your chronic illness can be serious if not monitored properly. I worry about your health, but I also respect your choices. We can take our time; I’m with you no matter how you choose to study, as long as you’re taking care of yourself.”
Alexander continued his gentle monologue for over ten minutes before he glanced at the clock. He squeezed her hand, guiding her to the edge of the bed. “Look at me, rambling on and keeping you up. I know you can handle your sleep schedule, Evelyn. I trust you to do the right thing.”
His soothing words nearly lulled her to sleep, and she couldn’t help but comply.
From then on, whenever they disagreed, Evelyn would leverage this emotional appeal, her tone almost pleading as she weaved her case. No matter how stubborn she was, Alexander never retaliated; he simply reassured her with countless soft words, “I support your choices, no matter what.”
With many years of shared experiences, she was sure of his profound affection for her. Yet, she couldn't shake off a lingering doubt. Why did her boyfriend, when in a relationship, feel different compared to others she’d observed, where one typically exhibited a slightly more assertive demeanor?
As the distance between them stretched, Alexander wrapped up his heartfelt confession. “I tend to overindulge in my thoughts, don't I? Sorry, Evelyn, get some rest. I won’t keep you any longer.”
“I promise I’ll ask Sir Adrian for a day off to see the doctor tomorrow,” Evelyn reassured him. “It’s my choice, so you don’t need to worry.”
Were other couples like this? Evelyn had observed plenty where one person was more dominant in the relationship. Yet, these couples often remained intact and sweet; so why was Alexander never that way?
After years of connection and mutual support, her certainty about his love was unshakeable. But sometimes, upon realizing how differently he engaged with her, she found herself questioning what was off.

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