Behind Closed Doors of Desire

Chapter 1

### Lady Seraphina

In the high-stakes world of finance, Lord Rowan stood out—not just as a banking magnate, but for his striking looks and cool demeanor. Despite being young and successful, he was an enigma, seemingly devoid of romantic interests since his early marriage. His colleagues speculated that his married life lacked any spark; it was all business and no play.

That was until one day, a well-known gossip blog made a shocking revelation: the celebrated actress, Lady Seraphina, was spending the night at the private estate of the married financial tycoon, Lord Rowan. The post accompanied a tantalizing clip.

In the video, the notoriously solitary Lord Rowan was seen with his arm wrapped protectively around her, bent low to kiss her soft lips. The hashtag #LordRowanAdultery trended almost instantly, sending the internet into a frenzy.

Just as the scandal brewed, Lady Seraphina confidently went live on her social media, her calm demeanor infuriating those who thrived on the drama. Pulling out a set of documents from her desk—the deed to a property, their marriage certificate, and even a birth certificate—she faced the camera and stated, “So what? I returned to the States with my husband. What does it matter to you?”

Meanwhile, the quiet Lord Rowan, who rarely made public statements, broke his silence to post a heartfelt message on the Western Chronicle. “Happy third anniversary, dear Lady Seraphina,” he wrote, tagging her with a romantic photo.

In it, she was perched on his shoulder, and he was gazing up at her with eyes that sparkled like stars.

The online community exploded with reactions.

Here was the once distant and reserved man, publicly celebrating his wife, as if to declare that she was indeed the center of his universe.

A clash unfolded between the notorious beauty, known for her fierce ways, and the quiet but doting tycoon—a tale of romance wrapped in scandal, with sparks flying from every corner.

#### Note:

1. This story is a one-on-one romantic comedy. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real people.

2. The protagonist's name is inspired by antiquity.

3. The narrative does not involve time travel, only memory exploration.

Chapter 2

The walls of the examination room were adorned with anatomical charts, and the faint scent of antiseptic filled the air. A polished wooden table displayed a sign that boldly proclaimed, "Gynecology Clinic."

This was a hospital.

Suddenly, a gust of cold air from the air conditioning brushed against Lady Seraphina's bare skin, causing her to shrink instinctively. As she glanced around, the surroundings made her momentarily freeze.

She struggled to open her eyes; her dark pupils reflected confusion as she turned to the imposing man beside her.

He was dressed in a plaid suit, his expression stern as he stared at her.

Under the harsh lights, Lady Seraphina's beautiful face appeared almost ghostly pale. Her naturally fair skin held a sickly hue, and her long, raven hair cascaded evenly over her delicate shoulders. Adorned in an off-shoulder gown, her elegant neck resembled that of a swan.

"Lady Seraphina, didn't you insist that you were falsely accused? What on earth is going on?" Sir Eldred scrutinized her disheveled state, his face taut as he thrust a medical file at her.

Lady Seraphina took the file with confusion. Wasn’t she just cramming for her upcoming SAT, barely managing to keep her eyes open as she studied late into the night? How could she have ended up here in a gynecology clinic being scolded?

She instinctively lowered her gaze and froze at the file: Lady Seraphina, Female, Age 28, diagnosed with excessive sexual activity that needs to be regulated... dated May 2019.

May 2019.


How could it be ten years later?

Her vision blurred, and she took deep breaths to steady herself.

Next, she assessed the man beside her. He wore a plaid suit, his stature short and slightly overweight, with a pink dress shirt straining at his belly. Everything about his appearance and manner seemed completely at odds with her tastes.

Yet the tone he used as he questioned her felt exactly like that of a husband confronting his wife about infidelity.

He couldn’t possibly be...

Lady Seraphina parted her lips, a sense of dread creeping in. "You are... my..."

Sir Eldred interrupted her sternly, "Lady Seraphina, don't play dumb with me. There are a bunch of reporters waiting outside for your diagnosis. If they find out, well, your star power will be ruined."

As her experienced manager, Sir Eldred hadn’t had a peaceful night's sleep since signing her on. For years, he had tirelessly maneuvered through her endless scandal management.

Managing her was incomparably more exhausting than juggling ten other clients combined.

Lady Seraphina was undeniably stunning, with a chilling elegance that caught the eyes of many, a naturally gifted star face coveted by the entertainment gods.

It was her image and grace that drew his attention initially, and he had high hopes for her. He dedicated years to nurturing her talent, providing a plethora of opportunities. He had elevated her from a nondescript background to becoming a renowned actress and social media sensation. Despite a slew of controversies and rumors, that didn’t stop her meteoric rise. Yet now, a serious PR crisis had emerged.

A well-known media outlet had been trailing her for three long months, ready to unveil a disturbingly chaotic lifestyle with all the proof to back it up.

Chapter 3

Lady Seraphina swore to Sir Eldred that she would go to the hospital to get a check-up, intending to clear her name after the latest scandal. After all, as someone wrongfully accused, she needed the most reliable report to counter those baseless claims.

However, the test results ended up making her look foolish instead.

Sir Eldred anxiously paced back and forth in the examination room. Listening to his words, a look of doubt crept onto Lady Seraphina's face.

“A star on a chaotic path…”

Her thoughts were a jumbled mess as the realization slowly dawned on her, and she stammered, “I... I’m going to be a grandmother star…?”

With a cynical smirk, Sir Eldred shot back, “If we don’t resolve this, you’ll be washed up faster than you can say ‘grandmother star.’”

Seeing her innocent expression, Sir Eldred reached into his pants pocket.

Lady Seraphina couldn’t even begin to articulate her feelings. Grateful for the understanding behind his gesture, she pondered the possibility that they had no emotional ties. Otherwise, she'd really start questioning her choices over the past decade and whether her tastes had ever truly changed.

“What’s with that look? Are you judging Granny? She hasn’t judged you yet.” Sir Eldred glanced at her, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and handing it to her. “Take a look at The Western Chronicle. You’re trending number one.”

As she took the handkerchief, Lady Seraphina's eyes were suddenly glued to the screen.

The headline was glaring: “# Chaotic Life of Rising Star Lady Seraphina: The Grand Inn Suite in Disarray! #”

Her gaze shifted down to the woman in the photo.

It was her face, yet it didn’t feel like her at all.

Her features were almost unchanged, yet her aura was completely different.

In her mind’s eye, she remembered herself as a fragile girl, always wearing oversized school uniforms, swaying in the wind as if she could be blown away, with a pale complexion that spoke of ill health.

But the woman in the photograph wore a dazzling red high-low gown that accentuated her figure beautifully. She was standing in front of the radiant Grand Inn, surrounded by a cohort of well-trained bodyguards, exuding confidence and poise.

Her red lips curved slightly as her long, dark waves cascaded effortlessly, creating an image of dazzling beauty with an overwhelming presence. The elegance she wore echoed the qualities Lady Seraphina had envied at eighteen.

She opened the camera function on her phone, staring at the exact likeness of the woman in the picture in disbelief.

She had indeed become… her.

As she scrolled upwards, her eyes fell on her now generously endowed chest, prompting her to close her eyes in despair. “How did I end up with such an overtly glamorous look?”

She had once been the ethereal little fairy of her youth.

“What nonsense are you spouting?” Sir Eldred quickly interjected, clearly offended by her self-deprecation. “You can undermine your intelligence all you want, but don’t ever insult your looks.”

In his eyes, Lady Seraphina could be criticized for anything.

But her beauty was off-limits, not even for herself.

Sir Eldred lifted his chin high with haughty pride. “Remember, you were just crowned the Asia’s Most Beautiful.”

Lady Seraphina was left speechless. How could that haughty tone belong to someone who could call themselves Asia’s Most Beautiful?

At that moment, the noise outside the examination room grew louder and more insistent.

Chapter 4

The Chronicler’s arrival caused a stir outside the examination room, as if they were about to storm in at any moment.

Sir Eldred's face turned a shade of green that hinted at his growing anxiety. “This is a mess; even the Chronicler is here,” he muttered under his breath.

Lady Seraphina remained silent, clearly not interested in engaging with his comment. Her gaze swept around the room, and then fixated with intensity on the doctor, who was unhurriedly jotting down notes in his lab coat.

When Sir Eldred noticed her staring into space, he suppressed his desire to smoke and rolled his eyes at the Squire. “What are you daydreaming about?”

Lady Seraphina flashed a sly smile, her stunning eyes lighting up. “I have an idea.”

Moments later, the door to the gynecological examination room swung open.

Two doctors in lab coats and large face masks walked past, seemingly oblivious to the crowd of reporters loitering nearby. Lady Seraphina felt her body tense up a bit.

This was the sort of scene she’d only ever seen in tabloids involving A-list celebrities.

Sir Eldred noticed her discomfort and gently tugged on her sleeve. Leaning in, he whispered urgently, “Don’t look at them. Let’s get out of here.”

They had barely stepped out of the throng of reporters when a voice rang out, cutting through the air like a knife. “Hey, you two in the lab coats, stop right there!”


Before she knew it, Lady Seraphina was yanked away at breakneck speed, with a wave of reporters pursuing them like ravenous zombies. She couldn’t believe how easily she was sprinting in her stiletto heels, as if she had practiced this escape countless times.


Once safely inside the chauffeur-driven car, away from the chaos, Lady Seraphina curled her delicate legs up on the spacious seat, feeling small and fragile, overwhelmed by the sudden whirlwind of events.

While the earlier escape had been exhilarating, she still hadn’t fully come to grips with the massive changes in her life. How could she have transformed from an innocent eighteen-year-old girl into a figure whose life was a chaotic web of scandals?

Scrolling through The Western Chronicle on her phone, with Sir Eldred’s hand resting gently on her shoulder, she couldn’t help but glance at the increasingly caustic comments filling her feed. Nibbling on her lower lip, she softly asked, “Am I really that kind of person?”

Sir Eldred cast a sidelong glance at her phone, noticing a few remarks that had clearly caught her attention.

“Little Angel of Yang Zhi Gan Lu”: “Lady Seraphina had such a good hand and butchered it. Instead of honing her craft, she’s busy looking for publicity; disgusting.”

“Guarding the Pot Wait for the Rabbit”: “Assistant’s life is so messy it’s almost comedy. Why hasn’t she taken the time to clarify any of this?”

“My Boyfriend is Sir Sweet": “Lol, hasn’t Lady Seraphina’s crazy life been going on for a while? It’s ridiculous she’s pulling him into her drama."


Sir Eldred raised an eyebrow, noticing the lingering frown on her face. “Seraphina, did something really get to you today? You never cared about these kinds of haters before.”

Lady Seraphina lowered her gaze, her voice barely above a whisper. “Oh, but now I do.”

“That doesn’t help. Get it together; there’s no way Lord Rowan is going to sever ties with you.”

Lady Seraphina lifted her head, confusion clouding her features. “Who’s Lord Rowan?”

Sir Eldred felt a tug at his heart as he saw the faint blush creeping across her cheeks. He knew that, despite how glittering her career seemed from the outside, the struggles and challenges were something they alone could understand.

Chapter 5

Lady Seraphina rubbed her aching forehead, recalling her knack for landing in the tabloids. Every time she co-starred with a handsome actor, rumors of a romantic connection would swirl around her. Whether it was a top-tier star or some little-known rookie, the chemistry was always apparent.

Ironically, her striking looks, while undeniably beautiful, often made her come off as too intimidating, leading to a less-than-warm reception from the public. Her reputation in the industry was precarious, as many fans labeled her as someone who might be trying to seduce their favorite actors.

Then there was White the Squire, another actress whose chaotic assistant left her life in shambles daily. Just as Seraphina thought about this, Sir Eldred, a close friend, suddenly frowned. He had a gut feeling that something was off with the doctor, so he returned her assistant, who had been sent by Lord Rowan personally.

"Here you go," he said as he handed back her device. "By the way, Rowan called you today."

Seraphina still felt dazed, taking the sleek, pink diamond-encrusted device from him. It was luxurious; she had never seen anything like it, let alone owned one. It felt even nicer than the outdated gadget she used to scroll through the Western Chronicle.

It was as if she had fallen into a ten-year sleep and woken up in a whole new world. Yet one thought broke through her bewilderment: Rowan.

Her long lashes fluttered as that name echoed in her mind. It sounded more glamorous than the shimmering gadget she now grasped. She lowered her gaze to the device, feeling slightly dazed.

After a moment, Sir Eldred noticed she was hesitating to return the call to Rowan and gently chided her, “You two have been married for a couple of years now—why do you keep sulking like it's the end of the world?”

Wait, married?

Panic surged as Seraphina inadvertently tapped the screen, freezing her polished fingers at the sight of the missed call notification—Grandma Merritt.

She stood frozen in time, her heart racing.

Sir Eldred persisted, "Just call him back; try being sweet for a change. You can clear up the rumors in the tabloids, and he’ll understand..."

Seraphina could barely comprehend. She couldn’t believe it—somehow, in ten years, she had transformed into a notorious figure in the entertainment industry and had landed a marriage with someone. And that someone was none other than Lord Rowan.

Just then, her device buzzed violently on her lap.

The glowing screen displayed the call—Grandma Merritt.

Her eyes fell an inch further, landing on a handsome man's face that appeared alongside the number.

Oh my goodness!

Instinctively, she tossed the device away, her expression one of shock.

Waking up to find herself married was bad enough.

Yet, the worst was realizing she was tied to the unpredictable man known as Rowan.

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