Between Promises and Heartaches

Chapter 1

A year had passed since the arranged marriage of Leonard and Charles Zhou, yet they remained courteous to each other.

Leonard knew that there was someone else in Charles's heart, and he was aware that she couldn’t forget her first love.

One day, he said, “If you really can’t adjust, I can set you free.”

Leonard smiled at him, “Thank you.”

Before the divorce papers could be officially signed, she moved out of the villa to a place at Cloudstone Apartments. It was there she unexpectedly encountered Richard Lane, her first love. To her surprise, he was still single.

Her friend asked, “Do you still have feelings for him?”

She looked down and smiled slightly. “I want to give it another try.”

In a car a short distance away, Charles Zhou raised the window, his expression as cold as ice.

Upon returning home, Leonard turned on the lights only to find Charles slumped on the couch, eyes closed, seemingly asleep. She walked over, intending to ask how he got there, but before she could speak, he pulled her into an embrace.

Feigning indifference, he said, “Richard was here; I came to check on you.”


Leonard had always thought their relationship lacked emotion, merely two people fulfilling their needs, but ever since she moved out, Charles's involvement in her life had only intensified.

The next morning, she woke up with a heavy heart and confronted him. “You can’t keep doing this.”

Charles lowered his gaze, his tall frame completely overshadowing her as one hand gripped her waist while he kissed her ear, deliberately misinterpreting her words, “Not comfortable?”

At first, Charles had genuinely considered letting her go, but the moment she moved out, his rationality slipped away.

* #Gentle and Soft Little Angel x Ice Cold and Possessive Timon#

* - Sweet Romance, Happy Ending

* - No Wavering Plot, Just Misunderstanding

* - Marriage First, Love Blossoms Slowly

* - Female Lead is Soft-Hearted and Kind, Will Not Change but Will Love Herself More, Handle with Care

* - Contains Backstories Involving Exes and Complications, Approach with Caution

* - Thanks to my readers, much love!

**Content Tags**: Elite Family, Love Story, Sweet Romance, Light-hearted, Marriage Before Love

**Keywords**: Protagonist: Leonard | Supporting Character: Charles Zhou | Others:

**Brief Summary**: Tomorrow is also not suitable for our divorce.

**Theme**: Cherish life, embrace goodness.


**Chapter 2**

This year’s first snowfall arrived fiercely.

Chapter 2

Leonard stepped out of the hospital, the thick snow crunching under her boots. She tightened her scarf around her neck, freeing one hand to shove her medical report haphazardly into her bag.

Her period was over two weeks late, and this morning’s realization had drenched her back in cold sweat.

She and Charles Zhou had been married for three years without a child, and now they were discussing divorce. If a little one suddenly popped into the picture, it would just be too much drama.

Luckily, that wasn’t the case—thank goodness, or it would have felt like a soap opera.

If she’d known, she would have just taken a pregnancy test at home to avoid this trip.

Lost in thought, she recalled the last time she and Charles had been together. It had been one of those infuriatingly chaotic days at the office that had pushed her to come to the hospital. There was an unsettling tension—something was off in her usually composed marriage.

Even in their detached relationship, they had shared so much over the years. Back when they shared a home, they could hardly go a week without being in each other’s space. But just a month after moving out, Timon felt like he loomed over every aspect of her life.

It seemed like everywhere she turned, there he was.

Perhaps three years of marriage had really felt like an eternity.

As the icy wind bit through her clothing, she awkwardly juggled her phone between her ear and shoulder, rummaging through her bag for her car keys.

Even the car she drove was a gift from him.

A white Porsche Taycan, all electric. Her friend Lydia Simmons had almost cried over the purchase, lamenting the loss of the good old gas-powered cars. But Leonard never dared to say anything negative about Charles Zhou—he had an icy demeanor that sent chills through her bones. One slip of the tongue, and she feared she’d be frozen out for good.

Aside from his relentless seriousness, Charles was also significantly older—seven years her senior.

She hesitated, considering whether she should return the car to him. After a moment, she decided against it. Though he presented himself as a gentleman, beneath that facade lay a stubborn, domineering man who always had the final say.

The ringing of her phone pulled her back to the present.

“Hey, babe! When are you coming back? I’m starving. Let’s go out to eat! I heard there’s a new hot pot place near Owen’s place.” Samantha Brooks had just woken up after a long night at work, her voice a little raspy. “Oh, and you got a package delivered. When I brought it in, I saw a gift at the front door from downstairs. He thought no one was home and didn’t knock. He said it’s for some renovation they’re doing in the next couple of days. Pretty polite of him, huh?”

Finally digging out her car keys, Leonard responded, “Sure! I need to swing by the shop first. I’ll be home in about twenty minutes. Get dressed and meet me downstairs; I should be there soon.” She added curiously, “How have you been resting lately?”

Samantha’s side of the line was filled with the sound of rustling sheets. It seemed like she still hadn’t managed to shuffle out of bed.

Chapter 3

“It's all good. I’ve finished everything. The team lead gave me a couple of days off, and my apartment is finally ready. I'll use this time to move in, and after that, I won’t be bothering you,” Leonard said, a hint of relief in his voice.

“I don’t mind at all; I have plenty of rooms. You could stay as long as you want. Why don’t we just stay at The Inn for a few days?” Samantha Brooks replied, genuinely wanting to keep him close. Then she suddenly realized, “Oh wait… are you worried that Charles might show up?”

Samantha chuckled softly. “It’s impossible to hide anything from you. To be honest, your decorating style gives me the weird feeling that I’m living in the Lady Owen Home. It’s just too uncomfortable for me.”

The Cloudstone Apartments were indeed in Charles Zhou’s name but had been transferred to her long ago. It happened one day when she casually mentioned that she didn’t own any property in her name. Charles transferred the entire Mistress suite to her in one go.

This particular apartment was the smallest one available, but it was closer to her shop, which is why she decided to move there. Owen's place hadn’t been renovated in a long time, and Leonard hadn't made any changes to it; the cold gray tones reflected Charles’s minimalist design. Although she added some soft furnishings, it still exuded Charles's style.

Leonard sighed heavily, feeling as though he had been branded by Charles – everywhere he turned, there were reminders of him. Especially since they weren’t officially divorced yet. Charles mentioned that they hadn’t signed a prenuptial agreement, and various matters needed to be resolved, which could take time – anywhere from a month to potentially five months.

It had already been a year since their separation, and Leonard wasn’t keen on stretching it out longer, so he hadn’t raised any objections. He thought it best not to linger in an uncomfortable situation. Until the divorce was official, she was still Charles Lydia – and they were still legally married.

Samantha had valid concerns, and he respected that.

He didn’t push her. Samantha worked for Brooks Enterprises, which had recently transferred her to Fallhaven. The company was housing her temporarily with roommates, so she found her own place to avoid the cramped space. The previous tenant had just moved out, and her belongings were still on their way from City A; she really wasn’t short on housing.

“When the time comes, I’ll help you move,” she finally offered.

“Sounds great!” Samantha responded cheerfully.

After hanging up, Leonard returned to the shop to take some pictures of a proposal he needed to send to a client.

With winter setting in, business often slowed down, so he had let his staff take a break early. He only came in for occasional work.

The street was bustling; Leonard drove along Little Heart, navigating through the narrow lanes bustling with pedestrians and cars. When he first arrived, he was too intimidated to drive there, but now he could maneuver with ease.

As usual, he took a turn, not heading back to Charles's Westhill Villa, but instead towards Cloudstone.


“Lydia went to the hospital today,” reported Miles Howard, staying in front of Timon’s desk.

“Obstetrics,” he added, casting a quick glance at Timon.

Behind the sturdy wooden desk, Charles Zhou sat straight as ever in his tailored suit, gold wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, casting a stern and cold profile. Every time Miles stood there, he felt the tension rise.

It’s no wonder Lady Mabel couldn’t stand him.

Chapter 4

Charles Zhou hesitated over the document he was about to sign, his pen hovering above the page as dark ink began to blot its way onto the pristine surface. A memory flashed in his mind—his last encounter with Lydia, a month ago at his birthday party, which had ended in a blur of too much alcohol. They had both crashed at Old Wu Manor, but his mood had been far from celebratory. He had leaned back, half-closed eyes, pretending to rest. She had come over, thinking he was asleep, and gently loosened his tie and the collar of his shirt…

He realized that day, maybe he had crossed a line.

Frowning, he set the pen down and asked, “What’s the outcome?”

Miles Howard shook his head, mentally chastising himself for having no idea. Recently, he hadn't had any reason to contact Lydia.

But facing Charles, he felt the need to elaborate, so he added, “She seemed calm when she left the hospital.”

The ambiguity of his words hung in the air, open for Charles's interpretation.

Perhaps nothing had happened.

Or perhaps Lydia simply didn’t care about the child, whether it was there or not.

Leonard had moved out, and while a pang of discontent stirred within Charles, he knew Timon wouldn’t rest easy without someone keeping an eye on things—too close for comfort, yet too far to intervene. It was a frustrating situation.

Charles tugged at his collar, his Windsor knot loosening slightly. Suddenly, a thought struck him. “Call her.”

He felt restless, wanting to let things be, but his memory of her stubbornness gnawed at him. Lydia may have seemed fragile and compliant, yet inside, she was remarkably headstrong. If he ignored her, she would undoubtedly take matters into her own hands and make some foolish decision.

Miles paused for a moment, surprised, yet he remembered someone saying it wasn’t his business anymore now that she had moved out.

But unwilling to defy him, he dialed Leonard’s number. It rang until a busy signal blared back at him, indicating it was unavailable. “Try again later,” it instructed. Before Timon could speak up, Miles repeated the action a couple of times, still without success.

Charles's expression darkened further, impatience rising in him. He leaned back, half-closing his eyes. “You can leave.”

Miles let out a breath of relief and lowered himself slightly. “Just call if Timon needs me.”

As he exited, he gently shut the door, feeling the pressure in the room drop dangerously low.

Charles picked up his phone from the table, glancing at the untouched notifications. There were none—she hadn’t reached out to him once.

It had been half a month since she had moved out, and before that, she had only contacted the housekeeper once to check on a delicate orchid, worried it would suffer due to negligence. She used to manage everything; perhaps she feared her hired help wouldn't offer the same care.

A few days prior, there had been an incident at the store, and today, she was supposed to be at the hospital.

In the past, she would have shared everything with him; now, though, she seemed determined to distance herself.

Without the divorce papers in hand, it felt as if she had already cut ties with him.

Charles pressed his lips together, brows furrowing as he let his phone slip back onto the table. He put aside the ink-stained papers, reaching for the internal phone line to request a reprint. Picking up his pen, he returned to signing the document.

Minutes ticked by, and finally, the weight of his mounting agitation became unbearable. He hurled the pen down onto the table, producing a muted thud.

He grabbed his phone and scrolled to the top of his contacts, dialing Leonard’s number again.

Chapter 5

Samantha Brooks couldn’t sit still as she prepared for the day, brushing her teeth while simultaneously scrolling through her phone to call Leonard. She couldn’t resist chatting with him about everything and nothing at all.

Leonard, wearing his Bluetooth headset, engaged with minimal enthusiasm.

Suddenly, the topic shifted to Charles Zhou. “Can you believe him?” Samantha said, her voice tinged with frustration. “He talks about marriage like it’s a simple negotiation. ‘Let’s get married’ one moment, and ‘let’s get divorced’ the next. It just seems too easy for him.”

Leonard shrugged with a resigned smile. “It’s not exactly like that. We honestly don’t have any major conflicts. We just weren’t meant to be together, and it’s probably for the best if we go our separate ways.”

The whole mess began at Leonard’s birthday party, where Charles’s family made snide remarks about Leonard, hinting at infertility. Charles, failing to stand up for her, remained silent while they stung her with their words.

Samantha was surprisingly okay with it; as long as Charles didn’t push her, she could laugh off what anyone else said.

But Lady Eleanor Zhou wasn’t satisfied with that. When she found a moment alone with Charles, she whispered her opinion, “If only Grandfather could see what’s going on…” She pretended that Charles was romantically involved with someone outside the family, still wrapped up in old grudges against him.

Just then, Charles asked why she didn’t speak up when they were belittling her.

Leonard shook her head. “It wasn’t necessary.”

At the Stone banquet, Charles had snapped, letting a tirade fly that turned the celebration into chaos. Leonard had to intervene to save face, leaving the party without causing more of a scene.

He had been drinking and, half inebriated, asked Leonard if she thought they were avoiding conflict because they just didn’t care.

Leonard hesitated before murmuring, “It’s a bit of both.”

That night, their intimate moments felt like contrasting emotions—her desires clashing with his need to prove something. They found themselves tangled in each other, yet there was an undeniable distance.

As exhaustion washed over her, Leonard contemplated their connection. They shared a physical ease that felt almost natural, but she thought of Julian Ray, the one who had broken her heart. She realized she wasn't hopelessly reliant on anyone anymore. She didn't want a divorce; it felt wrong to throw it all away lightly. After all, the marriage had come about through Richard Lane’s insistence, making it hard for her to feel justified in stopping it herself.

With a softer tone, Leonard suggested, “You know, you really can be with the person you actually love. No one’s stopping you from pursuing happiness.”

Charles had been caught in a whirlwind of family pressures when they married, with Lord Thomas Zhou on his deathbed and a vast fortune at stake. Pairing together was his way to secure his standing in the family, making his marriage feel more like a transaction than a union.

Now, Charles found clarity. He turned to her after a thoughtful silence, “Ning, how do you feel about me?”

Leonard dropped her gaze, embodying the earnestness that Charles needed. “You’ve been really good to me.”

In his presence, she oscillated between being somewhat aloof like a carefree soul and a studious, loyal partner while distinctly failing to be the wife he needed.

She was still young, perhaps never having truly envisioned what it meant to be married to him.

Swallowing his unsaid words, Charles stood up and stepped out to the balcony, flicking the ash off his cigar as he collected his thoughts. When he turned back, he said, “If you’re really struggling, I can give you your freedom.”

A genuine smile crossed her face, one that seemed a long time coming, as if waiting her entire married life to hear this. It felt like chains were breaking as she replied, “Thank you.”

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