Late for the Academy

Chapter 1

“Oh no! Oh no! I’m late!”

Isabella pedaled her bicycle like a bat out of hell, desperately clutching a piece of bread between her teeth. She kept glancing at her watch, counting down the seconds as she rode faster.

“Damn it!”

She had completely forgotten that today marked the start of the new school semester, still recovering from last night’s party that had stretched on well past midnight. A moment of panicked reflection crossed her mind just as a black sedan appeared in her path, barreling toward her like a freight train. Without a second to spare, Isabella shouted, “Get out of the way! You’re going to hit me!”



Clearly, her warning fell on deaf ears. The collision was imminent; her bike and the car crashed together, sending Isabella flying through the air!

“Oh! Ouch ouch ouch!” The bicycle tipped over beside her as she landed ungracefully on the ground, rubbing her aching leg.

The car door swung open, and the driver stepped out, taking in the sight of Isabella sprawled in front of the vehicle. His expression was a mix of concern and annoyance.

“Hey! Didn’t you see me coming?”

What?! She couldn't believe it.

Fuming, Isabella shot back, “Me? I’m not the one who needs glasses! You, and your fancy lady friends, are the ones who are blind!”

“You...” The driver was sputtering with anger now.

“Whatever!” Isabella rolled her eyes and, seeing the seconds ticking down on her watch, jumped up despite the pain in her leg.

This was bad, really bad! If she calculated right, she still had five minutes left after she left her house. With her ‘light speed’ riding, she should have made it to the Academy on time—she was supposed to be there in seven minutes—and here she was, caught up in this ridiculous accident.

With time slipping away, her brain raced to devise a plan. The only thing she could think of was: Isabella, you’re toast! You’re late!

No time to waste!

In a moment of determination, she bent down, righted her bicycle, and without another thought, hopped back on.

“Hey! You can’t just leave like that! Apologize, you uncouth girl!” The driver yelled in frustration, his face turning crimson.

But Isabella was already speeding past him, zeroing in on her destination.

“Master! What are we going to do?” The driver exclaimed, looking bewildered as he turned to the passenger perched in the back seat.

“Just go! To the airfield,” replied a handsome young man, his fingers pressed against his temples like he had a headache. “We only have three minutes left.”

The sleek car shone brilliantly under the sun as it took off down the road.


Standing at the Academy Gate, Isabella faced the imposing stone archway. She glanced at the stern faces of the faculty members and the tables piled high with books and supplies, feeling crushed by her overwhelming embarrassment.

She had finally made it!

But she was late! Oh my god, how could she have let this happen?!

“What do I do now?” she fretted, her anxiety turning her stomach into knots as she paced back and forth.

Chapter 2

At the Academy Gate? That’s totally doable. Isabella thought it would be just her luck if the head scholar caught her and criticized her for being late!

Climbing the fence…

Isabella stroked her chin, her wide, bright eyes scanning the area around the Academy. Suddenly, they lit up.

Climb the tree, hop the fence, and sneak into the Academy? What a brilliant plan! Plus, that spot just happened to be a blind spot for both the surveillance cameras and the head scholar!

She let out a mischievous giggle.

Dodging the sharp gaze of the head scholar, Isabella quickly locked her bike and hurried to the blind spot. Once she confirmed no one was watching, she confidently jumped onto the tree trunk, her body moving with remarkable agility.

In a quick motion, she tossed her backpack down and leaped after it, landing softly on her feet. Wiping her brow, Isabella barely had time to catch her breath before she picked up her backpack and dashed toward the Teaching Hall!

The time on her wristwatch startled her.

Oh my gosh! How can time fly by so fast!? Did ten minutes really just slip away while I climbed a tree and hopped a fence?! This can’t be happening!

It’s the first day of school, and if she was right, everyone would be gathered in the Auditorium right now!

With that thought, Isabella raced toward the Auditorium!

Inside, the scene was a bit chaotic but thrilling. The room teemed with her upperclassmen and the new faculty—physicians filling the ranks like a refreshing breeze.

Standing at the podium, Headmaster Gregory was introducing the newbies to the wonders of the Academy of Elegance. For Isabella, one of the most anticipated new recruits, she was alarmingly late!

Cramming to the back, Isabella’s eyes shone as she soaked in the lively atmosphere. Her heart raced with excitement, but it also leaped in shock.

“Melody?! Melody?!!”

A distant call echoed from the last row. A young maiden seated in the penultimate row, hearing her name, turned with curiosity.

“Isabella?!” The voice was familiar, and it was Evelyn.

Isabella's eyes grew wide. As Evelyn glanced around, confirming all the scholars were intently listening to the speech, she waved Isabella over eagerly. “Over here!”

Isabella scampered over, and just as she reached Evelyn’s side, she received a surprise gift—a candied chestnut!

Her eyes sparkled with delight as she savored the treat, but before she could fully relish it, Evelyn unleashed her fierce nature.

“Isabella! Where have you been?! You’re so late! And you didn’t answer my calls! You’re really pushing it, aren’t you?!”

Tears sprang to Isabella’s eyes as she pointed to herself sheepishly, knowing she was at fault. “Evelyn…”

“Explain!” Evelyn snapped.

Isabella hastily defended herself. “I got a bit carried away yesterday and completely forgot today was the first day of school!”

Evelyn shot her an incredulous look. “What could possibly be so pressing that you’d forget today?!”

“Umm…!” Isabella squirmed under the intense gaze. Did Evelyn really need to use such logic on her?

She hated being grilled like this, especially since she was also one of the top students in her class.

As the two friends argued, suddenly, Evelyn’s demeanor shifted, and she straightened up in her chair, maintaining a poised posture.

Isabella blinked in confusion. What caused Evelyn to transform from her animated self to a model student?

A brief moment passed before Isabella caught sight of Evelyn slyly winking at her.

More astonished than ever, Isabella turned her head to see the intense gaze that sparked worry down her spine. There, standing right behind her was a stern-looking young maiden, impeccably dressed, with glasses perched on her nose, hair neatly pulled up, and an intensely serious expression!

Isabella’s face drained of color. “…!!!”

What do I do with a scholar right behind me?! This is urgent!

Is there anyone more unfortunate than someone who already crashed on the first day of school only to end up being nabbed by Lady Margaret?! Breathe!

Chapter 3

After the welcome ceremony for the new physicians, Isabella found herself nervously invited to have tea with the esteemed Professor Cedric in Lady Margaret's office.

The Professor had an intimidating glare that seemed to pierce through her. Isabella's throat went dry as she weakly called out, “Professor?”

With a thunderous voice, Professor Cedric bellowed, “You were late on the very first day of class!?”

Isabella's heart raced, and she stammered, “…sorry…”

His gaze intensified, as his palm slapped down emphatically on the table, “Isabella, you better give me a flawless explanation!”

Oh no, this was bad!

The Professor was furious!

Eventually, under Lady Margaret's sharp scrutiny, Isabella could only hang her head in defeat...

Lady Margaret adjusted her glasses and said, “Your actions have clearly violated several decorum rules in this institution. Given it's your first offense, I’ll let you off with just a deduction of points.”

What a relief!

Isabella's heart soared with joy! She was grateful to have such a kind Professor!

However, Lady Margaret's next words felt like a thunderclap, “But don’t get your hopes up! You’re still required to write a two-thousand-word reflection within three days. If you fail to complete it… well, you’ll have to deal with the consequences!”

It felt like the sky had fallen, crashing right on her. Isabella thought the whole world was collapsing around her!

A two-thousand-word reflection!

What happened to having a kind Professor?


As she dully returned to the classroom afterward, Isabella slumped into her seat, looking as despondent as ever.

Evelyn, her concerned classmate, jumped over to her. “Melody, what did the Professor say to you?” She scrutinized Isabella's troubled expression and asked, “What’s with that face?”

Isabella pointed to her throat, “Young Leif, you have to help me this time!”

Evelyn replied, “...what?”

Nothing good ever came from it!

Isabella pleaded, “I know you’re the best at writing!”

Evelyn was only thinking about how she was not!

Isabella explained her predicament. To her surprise, when Evelyn heard about Lady Margaret’s two-thousand-word assignment, her face paled.

“Uh... just get started on it... I’ll see how I can help…,” she muttered hesitantly.

Isabella gasped, “...what?!”

This was supposed to be the support of a true best friend, right?

Was this really how her friend would just abandon her like that?

Three days flew by like an arrow, and somehow, Isabella managed to finish and submit the reflection to Lady Margaret just in time.

Seeing a less stern expression on Lady Margaret’s face finally made her breathe a sigh of relief.

With that, the tardiness incident had come to an end.


Several days later, as the school year began, the Dormitory of Elegance was under renovation, meaning Isabella and Evelyn would need to wait a few more days before moving in together. The two stood at the gateway of the Academy of Elegance, gaping at the throng of students outside, resembling a sea of bodies pushing to get in.

Isabella nervously asked, “Young Leif, is there some kind of big news at Academy lately?”

Evelyn shrugged, “Not that I know of.”

“Then why is everyone acting so crazy?”

Did they all think they could just skip school like this?!

Isabella silently complained in her heart.

Even if everyone gathered at the Academy was their fellow students from the Academy, shouldn’t that delay keep them all from getting to class?!

Chapter 4

As the bell for the last class of the day approached, the crowd at the Academy Gate finally began to disperse. Isabella let out a sigh of relief as she pulled Evelyn into the bustling campus. Today, she had genuinely worried she’d end up late to class due to the delays caused by the throng of students and staff. After all, she just wanted to focus on her studies and carve out a path towards becoming a respected physician, just like her father.

During the lunch break, Isabella, Evelyn, and their roommate Sophie headed to the cafeteria for a bite to eat. However, an unexpected incident loomed on the horizon. Isabella heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind her and, out of curiosity, turned her head to catch a glimpse of a sharply-dressed young man emerging from the crowd. He pointed directly at her, his expression intense, shouting, "It's you!"

What on earth? Isabella thought, bewildered. She glanced at Evelyn and Sophie, seeking their understanding, but they were equally confused. The young man continued, his voice accusatory, "It's you! The girl who hit my Young Master's car and ran away that day!"

Isabella frowned, her face twisting in disbelief. This had to be a joke, right? She had hit a car? When had this happened? But as the pieces began to fall into place, she realized he was referring to the incident on her first day at the Academy -- the day she had rushed to make it to the entrance ceremony and unintentionally brushed against the carriage driven by the young master’s coachman.

Understanding finally dawned on her. She wiped the sweat from her brow and managed to calm her racing heart, addressing the coachman whose attention was still fixed on her. "I sincerely apologize, Adrian! I didn’t mean to cause any trouble that day."

By now, other students had gathered, drawn by the commotion, some even pulling out their phones to capture the moment. The scene became more chaotic as laughter, whispers, and the clicking of cameras surrounded Isabella.

Just then, the crowd shifted as more voices of excitement erupted from behind. Isabella turned quickly and pressed her hands against her ears to block out the shrill screams. Although the young man was undeniably handsome and exuded charm, his looks did nothing to ease her annoyance.

Ilking over the two friends beside her, Isabella urged them to move closer. “Guys, we should get out of here.”

“Wow, he’s really something!” Evelyn gasped, mesmerized by the striking young man who had just captured the crowd’s attention.

Sophie, however, remained focused, scanning their surroundings. “Melody, we should take this opportunity to slip away. If that coachman is still agitated, the best course of action would be to avoid causing a scene. We can discuss it later, out of sight.”

Isabella totally agreed. She admired Sophie’s composed approach and nodded, gripping her friends’ hands as they weaved through the throngs of onlookers. With all eyes on the young man, it was the perfect moment to make their exit before the situation escalated further.

Chapter 5

As Sir Cedric stood among the gathering crowd, his aura shone brightly, captivating the attention of everyone present. In that moment, Isabella discreetly slipped away with her friends, Evelyn and Sophie, melding into the sea of onlookers.

Just before they vanished, Isabella couldn’t resist glancing back one last time. To her surprise, Sir Cedric—known as the Great One by many—turned his gaze directly towards her, their eyes locking in a moment that felt electric. Isabella’s heart raced; she hurriedly shushed Evelyn, placing a finger to her lips in a silent plea for quiet. With a playful blink and a glance filled with excitement, she stole away with her friends, eager to escape the growing tension.

Unbeknownst to her, Sir Cedric’s clear, untroubled eyes flickered with a hint of surprise and intrigue as he watched her disappear.

Later, while recounting the event to Evelyn, Isabella was met with a look of disbelief. Evelyn, ever the jokester, remarked, “Next time, wear sunglasses! If you crash into anyone’s car, I won’t be able to help you out!” Despite the humorous delivery, Isabella couldn’t shake a feeling of unease brewing in her gut.

The unexpected news spread quickly across the Academy of Elegance. The legendary Principal Gregory had reportedly arrived on campus, igniting a buzz among the students. Rumor had it that all the young aspiring graduates were practically vibrating with excitement. Mischievous boys began scattering love letters crafted by infatuated classmates across the hallways, each note floating through the air like confetti.

For Isabella and her friends, this was nothing unusual. The Principal, well-known for his strict demeanor, combined with his remarkable intellect, had always been the subject of fascination among the student body. Master Harold, their stern teacher, seemed particularly uptight as he reprimanded one of his pupils.

“Thomas! Your studies are the least of my concerns right now. Why did you come to registration so late?!” Master Harold’s voice boomed in the Teaching Hall.

The students exchanged glances, anticipating the response. Thomas stood tall and unapologetic. “Because, sir, quite honestly, I couldn’t be bothered!” His words hung in the air, daring anyone to challenge him.

“Studying is a prison. Why would anyone willingly step into a cell?” he added with a dramatic flourish.

Even Master Harold, infamous for being disciplined, couldn’t contain a chuckle, further surprising everyone. The tension broke, replaced by laughter echoing through the hall.

The unexpected twist left everyone bewildered. It dawned on them: Principal Gregory was not just an excellent scholar; he seemed to have zero interest in conforming to the expected norms of academia. It left the studious types pondering their own dedication and momentarily wallowing in envy.

Thomas, with his carefree approach, served as a stark contrast to Isabella, Evelyn, and the other diligent students who genuinely desired to excel.

As whispers of gossip continued to swirl, two other figures began to emerge in the conversations—the astonishing Sir Gareth and the enigmatic Alaric.

The news spread like wildfire among the girls, each name igniting their imaginations, dreams, and aspirations. With so much swirling around them, Isabella wondered if grace, charm, and talent would propel her to stand in the limelight.

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