Whispers of Hawthorne Havering

Chapter 1

After what felt like an eternity, Lily Everhart finally landed in Hawthorne Havering after the long flight from Merrimont. As she disembarked, she caught sight of her friend Vivian Fairchild waiting eagerly, dressed in a beautiful white dress that danced gently in the breeze.

"Hey, you finally made it! I've been waiting forever! Come here and give me a hug!" Vivian exclaimed, arms wide open. Lily rushed into her friend's embrace, relief washing over her after the long journey.

Draggin her suitcase behind her, Lily stepped out into the bright blue sky. She closed her eyes and breathed in the familiar air, savoring every moment. It had been five long years since she last set foot in this beautiful city, and now she was back.

At the Imperial Inn, Vivian had organized a lavish welcome back feast for Lily.

“Dig in, darling! We’ve got so much to celebrate!” Vivian said, beaming at Lily as she pulled out her compact mirror to check her makeup.

Lily chuckled at her friend's antics. “You know, Fairchild, your dad has been nudging you about that blind date. What’s the latest? Are you going to meet the guy or not?”

That was the primary reason they had rushed to the Inn; Vivian's father had insisted she attend the dinner with her potential suitor, emphasizing just how impressive the man was.

With a sigh, Vivian slumped back in her chair. “Who knows when he’ll show up? The scheduled time has already passed. I was hoping it would just be a nice dinner between us, but I guess my dad had other plans.”

Just then, Vivian's phone buzzed, snapping her out of her thoughts. She answered quickly, her eyes widening as she listened intently. After a moment, she almost jumped out of her seat.

“Oh my God, I’m so excited!” she shouted.

“What’s going on? You’ve got me curious,” Lily said, intrigued by Vivian's sudden burst of energy.

Vivian leaned forward, gripping Lily's hands tightly, practically vibrating with enthusiasm. “You won’t believe this! The producer just called me! They’re making a new movie, and they want me to audition for the second female lead! Can you believe it? This is huge!”

Lily's eyes lit up. “That’s incredible, Fairchild! Congratulations!”

“Ha! This is my first step towards making my dreams come true! The lead role is played by Isabelle Nightingale, the biggest star right now! If I nail this audition, I could finally break into the industry,” Vivian gushed, her excitement infectious.

“Awesome! But... you still have that blind date to think about,” Lily reminded her, a smirk dancing on her lips.

“Oh shoot, you're right!” Vivian said, snapping back to reality. “But I can’t worry about that right now. I have to hurry and get ready for the audition.”

“Wait, what about your blind date?” Lily asked, but Vivian was already gathering her things in a flurry.

“Gotta run! I can’t be late!” she called over her shoulder.

Left alone at the dining table, Lily glanced at her phone, noting that over an hour had passed and her friend’s date still hadn’t arrived. Could this guy really be worth all the fuss? She had a gut feeling that someone who couldn't even show up on time wasn’t someone Vivian should be getting involved with.

As she pondered over the situation, a waitress approached and placed a glass of red wine in front of her.

“Hi there! Here’s your red wine. Enjoy!”

“Oh, thank you!” Lily said, taken aback for a moment before smiling at the waitress.

As she lifted her glass, the familiar taste of the wine stirred memories and feelings from her time away. While she waited for Viv to return, she contemplated her friend's future… and her own.

Chapter 2

The Imperial Inn’s selection of red wines was nothing short of exquisite, each vintage a rare treat. As Lily Everhart raised a glass of the finest red to her lips, she took a moment to savor the aroma before indulging in a sip. She assumed this drink was ordered by her friend Vivian Fairchild before she left, so she didn’t think much of it.

After a few rounds, Lily felt satisfied—the Imperial’s reputation for fine wine was well-deserved. However, it wasn't long before she started to feel a bit dizzy; the wine was stronger than she expected. Rubbing her eyes, she found herself resting her head on the dining table.

Moments later, a group of eight men in sharp suits approached. The tallest among them, an older gentleman, leaned over the table to inspect the slumped figure of Lily. "Get her to Suite 606," he commanded.

By ten that night, the city was cloaked in darkness. A sleek, elongated silver limousine pulled up outside the Imperial Inn, followed by several black luxury cars. The sight was nothing short of spectacular, prompting the inn’s staff to rush forward in greeting.

As multiple bodyguards emerged from the cars to survey the surroundings, they confirmed everything was clear. Finally, the door to the silver limo swung open, revealing a striking man dressed in a long dark coat. He wore sunglasses that barely concealed his chiseled features, his short hair meticulously styled. Even shrouded in darkness, his commanding presence radiated an icy aura, making it hard for anyone to approach.

“Welcome, Lord Aiden Coldbrook. Here’s the key to your suite. We’ve prepared the most luxurious room we have at the Imperial Inn, and we hope you enjoy your stay tonight,” the inn’s attendant said respectfully while handing him the key.

“Thank you,” he replied in a voice that was both indifferent and magnetic, leaving the staff momentarily speechless. He barely acknowledged the attendant, casting a swift glance at his bodyguard instead.

The bodyguard stepped forward, took the key, and promptly placed it behind Aiden as they moved onward. The other bodyguards followed suit, falling into position around him, ensuring the inn and its surroundings remained secure.

As the automatic doors of the Imperial Inn opened, Aiden and his entourage proceeded inside. The staff stood aside, offering respectful greetings to this distinguished guest.

They reached the elevator, where the bodyguards remained outside, letting only one of Aiden’s aides accompany him inside. After pressing the button for the sixth floor, known for its luxurious 'Room of Secrets,' it wasn’t long before they arrived at their destination.

As Aiden stepped out of the elevator, the aide quickly retrieved the key and opened the door, bowing slightly. “Lord Aiden Coldbrook, after you.”

Aiden glanced at his aide, then replied coolly, “You can leave now, Henry.”

“Understood, Lord Aiden Coldbrook,” Henry replied before stepping aside.

With a quiet thud, the door to the Room of Secrets closed behind Aiden, the force adding an unexpected echo in the otherwise hushed corridor, but he paid no mind to whether it might disturb anyone else.

Upon entering, Aiden flicked on the lights, removed his sunglasses, and tossed his coat onto the couch. He casually discarded his tie as well, loosening his collar and rubbing his shoulders. The day had been long and exhausting; it was time for a refreshing shower and some much-needed rest.

Just as he was about to step into the bathroom, he noticed a beam of light spilling from the master bedroom.

Chapter 3

Strange, why is there a light on in there?

Maxwell Bright paused for a moment, then walked over to investigate. He opened the door to his bedroom, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm hue that felt almost dreamlike.

As he stepped inside, he caught sight of a figure sprawled across his luxurious king-sized bed. His normally serious expression shifted to one of confusion and curiosity. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was a woman! What on earth was happening?

The woman lay soundly asleep, seemingly oblivious to his arrival. Maxwell approached the edge of the bed, scrutinizing the beauty before him. She was deeply asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically.

Her long, dark hair framed her delicate features, and her porcelain skin glowed even more under the dim light. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, which only added to her allure.

She was indeed a stunning woman; even a brief glance drew Maxwell in. However, he couldn't shake the question swirling in his mind. Why was she in his bed? Was this all some elaborate setup? Did she know he was coming tonight and decided to welcome him like this?

He frowned, irritation stirring within him. It annoyed him to think that someone would go to such lengths to please him; it only reminded him of how he had been treated by sycophants in the past.

"Ugh!" he scoffed, his face darkening with distaste.

After a moment’s contemplation, he found himself studying the woman again. Though a blanket covered her, he could see her smooth, fair shoulders. The sight was tempting and provocative. What if he lifted the blanket? He might uncover an even more enticing sight.

In his thoughts, he swallowed hard, feeling his breath quicken. "What’s happening to me? Why do I feel this way?"

Still, he didn’t leave; instead, he sat on the edge of the bed, gazing intently at her face. Despite not wearing much makeup, her natural beauty captivated him. Unable to resist, he reached out, lightly brushing his fingers against her cheek. The softness was intoxicating.

Inspired, he decided to pull back the blanket. He was not disappointed. Her figure was alluring, and a small smile crept onto his lips—he was clearly pleased.

As the blanket shifted, the woman stirred, brushing against his chest. Apparently sensing warmth, she nestled closer to him.

"Lord…" she murmured sleepily, her voice barely a whisper.

Maxwell chuckled softly at her adorable reaction. "Well, this is a rather unique welcome, isn’t it, Vivian?"

After a few seconds of silence, the woman remained cuddled against him, closer still. She truly was enjoying this.

There was no denying her beauty—the way her lips looked so inviting was more than he could handle. Even though she was still asleep, he felt a strong pull. Tonight, he could indulge a little; he decided they would spend this moment together.

With a rush of thoughts and emotions, he leaned down and kissed her. The gentle warmth of her lips sent a shiver down his spine. It was a sensation he had never experienced before; he had never been one for spontaneous displays of affection, but tonight, that all changed.

Outside the window, the stars seemed to shine even brighter.

Afterward, Maxwell turned away from the bed, quietly dressing himself as the reality of the situation sank in. He glanced back at the woman who remained sound asleep, wondering what the morning would bring.

Chapter 4

As dawn approached, Alaric glanced sideways, his brow furrowing at the sight next to him. The bed was a chaotic mess, sheets stained with deep red splotches. It seemed that in his brashness, he had left a mark—not simply a remnant of the night with Isabelle, but a hint of how reckless he could be! But hadn't Angela arranged everything just so? Perhaps it was her wish too, considering the night's events. Despite this, he couldn’t help but feel a stirring attraction towards Isabelle. There was something intoxicating about her—her essence still lingered on his lips; she was indeed an enticing woman.

It was nearing three in the morning when Alaric decided to leave the Imperial Inn. After stepping into the elevator, he noticed the lobby bustling with staff who seemed to anticipate his arrival.

“Lord Aiden Coldbrook, it’s an honor to have you at our Inn! If only you could stay a while longer, I’d…”

The front desk clerk beamed, all practiced smiles and eager flattery.

Aiden simply pulled his coat tighter and casually replied, “I appreciate it, but I have matters to attend to.”

The clerk attempted further flattery, but Aiden had already vanished through the exit. His subordinates outside spotted him and rushed to form a protective circle around him, ushering him into the shadowy depths of the night.

The moment the automatic door of the Inn closed behind him, the atmosphere shifted—there was an eerie stillness.

In the lobby, once certain Aiden wouldn’t return, the clerk obsessed over his phone.

“Hello, he’s left,” he said into the phone.

Hanging up, a wicked grin appeared on his face.

Streetlights raced by like illuminated specters as the cityscape melted into the background, finally halting at the opulent Garden Manor. One of the waiting servants opened the car door with a trembling hand as a visibly irate woman stepped out, her anger palpable. The staff scurried to keep up with her pace.

“Old Father, are the rumors true?” she demanded as she entered the lavish sitting room.

The middle-aged man barely glanced up from the economics tome in his hand, a slight lift of his brow suggesting he was somewhat aware.

“Mhm,” he mumbled, a vague acknowledgment.

“It’s Grace. How could you do this to your own flesh and blood?” The woman’s appearance was striking, her face pale as a winter’s morning, contrasted by her vivid attire.

“Come now, it’s a harsh world. If I don’t take a firm stand, I won’t be able to protect her. She is my daughter, after all. Who gets to say who shares her bed?” His finger gestured outside, toward the city ablaze with lights.

“The Coldbrook Clan dominates half of this city, while the rest has some dealings with them. If she can rise to that rank, it’s a fortune for our family.” His voice was measured, cold.

The woman stilled, tears welling in her eyes.

“Yet she’s still just a girl,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

Her father regarded her with an impassive expression, eyes as deep as an endless pit.

“Women often lament over decisions made that they didn’t deem fair, but the world you live in demands strength in alliances. The mere fact that the Coldbrooks would even consider my offering is commendable.” A cruel smile danced across his lips.

Though she understood his reasoning, it struck a nerve. The tug of familial love fought against the harshness of their business decisions—a timeless conflict between kinship and ambition.

“What will she think of this when she grows up?” The woman’s voice quivered.

“Eventually, she’ll grasp my reasoning... my sacrifices,” he asserted, conviction heavy in his words.

“None of this matters if we can unite the Fairchild and Coldbrook names. In this city, wealth determines fate. As my daughter, she has no bargaining chips.”

He spoke with cold resoluteness, making her feel small in the face of his beliefs, caught somewhere between familial loyalty and the unyielding hood of ambition.

Chapter 5

The woman wandered through the Gardens for what felt like hours before finally pulling out her phone and dialing a number.

It connected.

“Fairchild, I’m so sorry, Angela,” she said, struggling to keep her voice steady, but that voice on the other end—Cedric—still sounded half-asleep.

“Angela, go to bed already. It’s late, you’re going to be dead on your feet after today’s audition,” he said casually, the indifference in his tone grinding against her nerves.

“But that Lord Caldwell... he—”

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The call ended abruptly.

Audition? What audition? The woman felt herself falling into a haze, her face going pale as the pieces began to scatter. The Inn wasn’t part of the Fairchild family, was it?

Time slipped away as the cool night breeze danced through the window curtains, subtly shifting Lily Everhart’s silhouette and casting confusion across her mind. She felt disoriented, strange rays of light probing her senses.

She blinked awake, panic rising in her throat—surely, this wasn’t right.

But as she began to gather her thoughts, it seemed last night hadn't just been a dream; she clearly remembered a man in her space, heavy breaths echoing against the walls, stirring long-buried feelings within her.

What was that deep, magnetic voice calling to her?

No way. This has to be a dream, right?

Her head felt heavy—like it was packed with lead. Being single was hard enough without dreaming of a steamy encounter with an incredibly seductive man.

Lily propped her eyelids open, her body feeling as if it’s made of cement. The Inn’s bed was just too inviting, yet strangely, the atmosphere still carried a hint of that intoxicating scent that wafted around her.

Wait, this can’t be real!

As her uncertainty bubbled to the surface, her eyes widened, disbelief clawed at her gut. Had that really happened?

The pristine white sheets of the Inn's bed were suddenly marred with what looked like blood—frighteningly fresh streaks across the bedspread, leading sinisterly down towards the blankets below.

Murder scene? Impossible!

Lily’s mind raced and her body began to ache in places that left her questioning everything.

“Oh my God!” she gasped, her face paling to ghostly white as she scrambled, half-mad, to retrieve her phone that had slid under the bed.

The screen glowed with missed calls—so many that it made her stomach twist uneasily.

“Fairchild, I—”

She struggled to find the words, her thoughts a messy jumble of panic. How could she even explain this? She could only recall that handsome figure pressing down on her, a hand cupping her cheek, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

“No, this is all a mistake. It can’t be real. None of it is real,” she shouted, echoing her disbelief.

Vivian Fairchild jumped at her outburst.

“Lily! What the hell? You scared me! I’ve been ringing your phone off the hook; do you know how worried I was?”

Vivian’s voice dripped with anxiety and just a touch of irritation.

“I—I don’t know how to tell you. It’s like I woke up at the Inn, but then... everything’s a blur,” she admitted, struggling to piece together last night’s memories.

“What the hell were you doing last night? I thought you’d gone missing! I almost called the cops,” Vivian said, her worry swiftly morphing into frustration.

Lily felt her nerves fracture as she attempted to remember what had happened before she had crashed. Did she meet anyone after leaving Vivian?

Yes! She had gone to that restaurant to meet with a guy... except he never showed. Tardiness was usually a red flag, and now she was plagued with more questions than answers.

But her thoughts flitted back to that blood-red wine they had so eagerly drunk the night before—its sharp sweetness lingered in her mouth like a haunting melody. She carefully reminded herself, No more imported wine if it can lead to a blackout.

“Hey, I’m talking to you. Can you get a grip, Lily?” Vivian pressed, attempting to pull her friend from her spiral of confusion, but Lily seemed trapped within her own tangled thoughts.

“I just woke up. Please don’t worry,” she murmured, the trembling undercurrent of anxiety escaping her lips as she finally calmed herself enough to breathe.

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