Beyond Friendship and Regret

Chapter 1

On a bright spring morning, Evangeline Lynwood felt the warmth of the sun as she glanced through the blue-tinted windows of Lynwood Tower, gripping a resignation letter tightly in her fist. Today, she had decided to take a leap of faith for the very last time. With a deep breath to steady her nerves, she pushed through the company’s front door, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling her senses.

At the office, however, things were not as she had anticipated. Instead of the usual solitude of the private office where William Emberton typically pondered and sketched, there he stood, animatedly discussing something with a few sharply dressed middle-aged men. It appeared he was in the midst of a critical conversation.

Before she could speak, William turned to her, his expression both triumphant and a bit wild. “Evangeline, you’re just in time! I’ve announced the company’s dissolution. I’m negotiating with a new buyer!”

“Dissolution?” The word hit her like a brick. This was the first time she had ever heard William utter such news, and yet it felt surreal to hear it now. She instinctively tucked the resignation letter behind her back, maintaining her casual demeanor as she donned her trademark cheerful smile. “So, you’re off on another adventure?”

His face lit up. “I’ve heard the call of Rob Lake! I can’t wait any longer!”

Evangeline fought the urge to roll her eyes. So he had waited, which meant she would have to wait another year or so for him to tire of his escapades and return. But today was not about him; she had come to confront him with a decision. Still, she remained supportive, the loyal friend she always had been, and turned to leave.

As she strolled past the trash bin, she decisively tossed in the envelope that bore the words “Resignation Letter.” Today marked the 4,746th day since she decided this man was her forever. Thirteen years spent supporting William through setting up and shutting down four different companies.

This morning, she had carried her resignation letter in hopes he would finally realize their relationship went beyond mere friendship and childhood ties. She had hoped for an acknowledgment of the bond they once shared. But as she approached the confrontation, he had already surrendered the throne, leaving her with a cold finality.

Evangeline took a deep breath. She had lost this battle. She had always been poor at pressuring him for more than he was ready to give.

Having prepared for various aspects of her resignation long before today, she didn’t waste time packing her things. Instead, she immediately grabbed her suitcase and boarded a plane back to England.

Once on the flight, she slipped on her sleep mask and caught up on much-needed rest. When the plane landed, she re-emerged as the lively Evangeline Lynwood.

Returning to London felt oddly bittersweet. The promise of her intended fiancé had fizzled out, leaving her with little motivation to return to Lynwood Manor. Arriving in the city just as the sun was setting, Evangeline sent her luggage to her pre-booked apartment and wasted no time in heading to her favorite pub.

It had been two years since she last visited The Time Tavern, and although the decor remained the same, it felt different. The bartender was new, and she realized that none of her familiar friends were there to share in her thoughts and woes. A wave of nostalgia washed over her, prompting Evangeline to order a staggering number of drinks.

She started with a Suze, a bitter orange liqueur, moved to a lime-flavored Gimlet, and topped it off with a creamy Grasshopper. Each glass was emptied quickly, her sorrow fueling her drinking.

Exiting the pub with reddened eyes, she couldn’t help but berate herself for developing such a talent for holding her liquor. Now, she found herself caught between wanting to cry and wishing for a wild night to drown her thoughts away.

Wandering the streets, Evangeline felt magnetically drawn to Lynwood Manor. Memories flooded her mind, though the streets she walked along now felt almost foreign. A solitary streetlamp flickered, illuminating the soft glimmer of an unattended student’s backpack by a narrow alleyway.

Suddenly, shouts and curses echoed from deep within the shadows—unmistakably rough male voices. Out of sheer instinct, she pulled out her phone flashlight and directed it toward the commotion, only to find four men surrounding another, fists raised aggressively.

Feeling a rush of adrenaline, her earlier anger sparked. Grabbing an old mop discarded on the ground, she charged into the fray and swung at the nearest attacker, catching him off guard. The element of surprise propelled her forward, even as the thugs quickly sputtered protests in response to her unexpected interference.

Her training as a black belt in Taekwondo kicked in instinctively; she traded blows and retaliated with practiced ease, channeling her pent-up frustration. The resolute fury bubbled within her as she fought, heart racing like a true warrior on a battlefield.

To her surprise, the men quickly assessed the situation and simply retreated, cursing as they went. Fueled by a mix of impulse and urgency, Evangeline rushed forward, intent on checking on the stranger they had been belting around.

Dropping the mop, she quickly approached the victim, already dialing for emergency help. But upon closer inspection, she gasped in disbelief, “You’re a man?”

Chapter 2

Years later, Evangeline Lynwood often found herself thinking about that man from that fateful night.

He was a mess, with a bruised face and disheveled clothes, and despite her support to help him out of that dark alley, he hadn’t even uttered a “thank you” before turning to leave. But she couldn't let him go.

“What’s your name?” Her eyes were drawn to a familiar tattoo peeking from behind his ear, and her body trembled slightly, her voice shaking as she spoke. Could it really be him? She could hardly believe it.

“Chinese girl?” He turned his head slightly, his face half-lit and half-shadowed in the night, making it hard for Evangeline to read his expression. All she could hear was his question.

She tightened her grip on his arm, urgency rising within her. “I—I’m from Linwood City, maybe we’re from the same neighborhood?”

At her words, he froze, his head snapping back to look at her, incredulous.

Finally, she saw his face clearly. It was similar but different from her memories. She remembered him as a boy sporting a buzz cut, bold and carefree, yet a bit ignored by the world. Now, his hair had grown long, covering half his forehead, falling into a messy style. But his sword-like eyebrows, sharp cheekbones, and thin lips were unchanged.

Two years had passed, and she'd finally found him.

“What are the odds?” he sighed, bemused.

Evangeline stared at his face in disbelief, and after a moment, he seemed to notice her relentless gaze with distaste.

“Are you going to stand here drooling over me until the cops show up?” he said coldly, his eyes now distant and guarded.

“The cops?” she glanced around nervously.

“You didn’t call them?” He slowed his pace, turning back to her with a scrutinizing look.

Realization struck Evangeline; she should have called for help first before rushing to save him! Embarrassed, she admitted, “I was so focused on getting to you that I completely forgot to call!”

“Oh. Let’s go then.” He made a move to pull his arm away, as if to dismiss her.

But Evangeline wouldn’t let him leave. Instead, she walked closely behind him, questioning anxiously, “Do we live in the same neighborhood? What’s your name? Where do you live? I can give you a ride home. Should we go to a hospital? Are you really alright?”

As he walked, she could see he stumbled a bit, but he maintained his pace. It seemed like he thought something terrible was chasing him, prompting him to move faster.

Evangeline, on the other hand, was determined to stick by him. With her soft-soled shoes, keeping pace was no struggle. He stumbled, forcing her to catch him now and then.

“Why are you following me, a woman, late at night?” Eventually, he snapped when she steadied him yet again.

Still supporting him as they crossed the street, she found she couldn't meet his gaze, murmuring, “I—I just want to make sure you get home safely!”

Before he could argue, a blinding light approached.

“Watch out!” He spun around and pushed her aside with all his strength, staggering from the momentum, and then fell.

The deafening screech of brakes tore through the air, accompanied by panicked screams from the crowd. The chaos erupted as a car veered off course, crashing into the lamp post nearby.

Evangeline was shaken, glancing at the car mangling itself against the metal pole and gripping the nearby railing as she breathed heavily, thankful to only have grazed her skin.

“Thank you!” She winced at her palm, feeling the sting of blood, before chasing after the man who was now trying to move forward.

He seemed worse for wear now; his jacket was dirty but intact, while his jeans were ripped and hung off him like a beggar’s clothes.

“You don’t have to—this is your debt being paid,” he said with ice in his tone, but there was a hint of ease in his voice.

Her heart ached for him, yet she insisted on following.

After turning a few corners, the sudden downpour hit as he exclaimed, “It’s raining! And you, a woman, are still planning to head back home?”

Evangeline wiped the rain from her face, lifting her chin defiantly. “I—I just want to see where you live first!”

“Do you seriously think I’m in any state for you to check my place? Look at me!” He scoffed, drenched in rain, bitterness in his voice.

He mistook her dutiful following for loneliness. She felt slighted, shaking her head. “I know it’s late, but I just want to see your place! I don’t want to take any more detours. You should’ve turned left at that corner earlier; there are no houses around here!”

He finally relented, allowing her to guide him back to that intersection, leading them toward his home.

He fumbled for his keys, but as soon as he unlocked the door, he collapsed.

“William Emberton!” Evangeline gasped, hurriedly catching him as he fell into the house. He fainted, oblivious to her concern, or he would have questioned how she knew his name.

She stumbled in the dim light, aware that she didn’t know where the light switch was. Relying on the faint outside glow, she guided him to a bed.

“William Emberton, are you alright?” She gently patted his face, feeling his skin burn with fever.

He had a high temperature...

Chapter 3

Evangeline Lynwood had thought about sneaking a peek into William Emberton's place before planning her approach to him, but it seemed tonight was the perfect opportunity. She flipped on the light, quickly found a towel and an ice pack in his small, tidy apartment. It didn't take long for her to patch him up, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination as she kept swapping out the compress.

The room was small, typical of a run-down neighborhood, but William had managed to keep it in order despite the peeling paint and drips from the ceiling. There were even a few well-placed bowls to catch the leaks. Evangeline sat on the worn couch, the only piece of furniture apart from the bed, listening to the rain tapping against the metal bowls outside.

The dim light flickered ominously, indicating that the bulb might be on its last leg. Unable to resist, Evangeline reached out to grasp William's cold hand gently, her fingers tracing over the winged tattoo behind his ear. This man, the one she had searched for over two years, was the source of her deepest regrets. In her reckless youth, she had inadvertently shattered his dreams, and now he lay before her, vulnerable and in pain.

As the night dragged on, her heart weighed heavy with remorse. She could only focus on caring for him, hoping it would somehow atone for her past mistakes.

The next morning, Evangeline was dozing off against the sofa when she felt a gentle nudge. Rubbing her eyes open, she was startled to see William's handsome face close to hers—he seemed to be just as surprised.

"You’re awake?" they both asked in unison, though the tones were worlds apart—hers filled with concern, his cold and distant.

Evangeline quickly sat up, putting on a reassuring smile, “Are you still feeling feverish? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”

William picked up the cold towel and waved it in front of her, raising an eyebrow. “You stayed here last night to take care of me?”

She smoothed her hair nervously. “Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I owe you one,” he said, but with a hint of self-deprecation. “I don’t know how I can repay you. Any suggestions? Just a heads up, I’m broke. Also not really interested in women, if you were thinking that.”

“You’ve got the wrong idea!” Evangeline exclaimed, flustered. “I-I was just being kind…”

She faltered under his scrutinizing gaze, her mind racing. How could she tell him they had a history? Or would it be better to create a lie, to convince him she was just a good Samaritan?

“Look, what’s your angle? I just want to know how I can repay you for this,” he pressed, impatience creeping into his tone.

“What about being friends?” she blurted out, unthinking, her heart racing.

A look of disbelief crossed his face. “I'm not that interested in having female friends, actually. What kind of suggestion is that?”

Evangeline blinked in surprise but then laughed it off, a cheeky grin spreading across her face. “I get it. No worries! Just throwing it out there. It’s just friendship, after all. I have no intentions of making any advances!"

William stared at her, utterly baffled, before rolling his eyes and retreating to the bathroom.

Once he emerged, he noticed Evangeline hadn’t left yet. She stood on his balcony, seemingly entranced by the line of pots overflowing with flowers.

“Still hanging around?” he snapped, not attempting to hide his irritation.

She pointed at the colorful blossoms. “I noticed you like gardening. Beautiful tulips.”

He paused, reluctant, before shaking his head. “That’s not mine.”

“But there’s no one else here,” Evangeline pointed out.

“They were here when I moved in,” he rebutted brusquely.

Her keen observation made him uneasy; if he acknowledged her kindness, he feared he’d have to respond in kind, and he wasn’t prepared for that.

Chapter 4

Evangeline Lynwood's sudden appearance was unexpected, and William Emberton couldn't help but be cautious—her enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming. Stretching and inhaling the fragrant air, she flashed him a bright smile. “I've remembered your Manor and your name, Sir! Out of respect for your privacy, I didn’t check your phone, so I didn’t get your number. Just tell me your phone number, and I’ll be on my way!”

The rosy flush from his feverish night had faded, and his voice now had a strong timbre, signaling that he was feeling much better. Thankfully, the injuries from last night weren’t severe—Uncle and his friends hadn’t beaten him too badly, and his first aid kit was well-equipped with all sorts of medications. Besides, she had done a bit of patching up herself.

Now, all she needed was his phone number, and she could temporarily relax before leaving. Evangeline handed her phone to him, urging, “Go ahead and input your number, but don’t just type in any random digits! I'll call right away to verify!”

William sighed in exasperation, a playful pout forming on his lips that emphasized a small dimple on his left cheek. “You have a cute little dimple; you must look charming when you smile,” she couldn't help but compliment.

“I can introduce you to even better-looking guys,” he shot back with a serious expression as he returned her phone.

Clearly, he still thought of her as one of those women. Evangeline pressed the call button, and sure enough, his phone buzzed in his pocket. “Save my number! I’m—” she paused for dramatic effect, “I’m Alisa!”

She genuinely wanted to befriend him but didn’t dare reveal her real name yet.

“William Emberton,” he replied easily, stating his full name as if it were no big deal.

Embarrassed, Evangeline laughed awkwardly. “My real name is not as nice, so I just said that!”

Upon realizing he had saved her number, he placed the phone back in front of her face and asked, “Can I leave now?”

With a shy chuckle, Evangeline nodded, grabbing her bag to head out.

“If you need anything, feel free to reach out! I’m the first Chinese person in London!” she called back as she stepped out.

William replied with mounting impatience, “I know you're new here, but Evangeline, everyone knows how to navigate this city; how could you be a rookie?”

Evangeline chuckled, “We’re all part of the same community! We should look out for each other…”

But before she could finish, he slammed the door shut, creating a startling echo in the hallway.

“How rude!” Even her normally sunny disposition felt upset. With a twinge of frustration, Evangeline tried to reassure herself, “Well, I owe him that much!”

London, known as the Misty Vale, was indeed living up to its name. After a night of heavy rain, the morning was shrouded in thick fog. As she stepped out of William’s Manor, she intended to scout his neighborhood and chat with his neighbors, but the gloomy mist extinguished her curiosity.

On the cab ride back to her apartment, she felt restless, anxiety gnawing at her like a troublesome itch. Thoughts swirled in her mind—she thought her forced marriage arrangement had fallen through, only to find William, of all people. Suddenly, her day turned from worry to purpose, igniting a determination in her gut.

Once she returned, she enlisted Aunt Mildred to help clean her room. Meanwhile, she made instant noodles and booted up her laptop. Evangeline threw herself into searching for jobs in England.

In the afternoon, her phone rang, causing her heart to leap unexpectedly. She steadied herself like a soldier bracing for battle and answered, “Hello? What’s up, sis?”

“Hey, are you free to discuss something? I was going to ask about bringing that boyfriend you’ve been talking about back home… when’s a good time? Should I book the tickets?” A sweet voice came from the other end.

Here we go, she thought. But Evangeline managed to keep her tone light, “Let's hold off a little longer. Work has been crazy; we are both swamped! We’ll definitely be back before next Sunday—Dad's birthday!”

The gentle voice on the line continued, “Well, you know Dad and Mum are already planning the engagement party! They want to fly back and host it in England.”

Evangeline’s expression darkened immediately. “But my boyfriend’s life and career are back home! It’s not like it’s something I can just force him to do because of others…”

“Exactly! All the more reason for you to bring him back first. You both need to figure out the best way forward before they make any arrangements. Engagements aren’t to be taken lightly…”

Evangeline interrupted her, craving some excuse or another, and finally said, “I’ll think about it—gotta go! I have a doctor’s appointment.”

The voice on the other end felt awkward but complied, “Okay, let’s chat about this more later. Just remember having your boyfriend over for a while is also what big bro wants…”

“I understand! Just focus on not letting him bully you!” As she finished, she offered one last piece of advice to her sister.

Chapter 5

Evangeline Lynwood found herself caught in the web of a restructured family. Her mother, Clara Windham, and father, Nathaniel Lynwood, were both on their second marriages. This made Clara the stepmother of Evangeline, while Grace Windham, Clara’s daughter from her previous marriage, was Evangeline’s half-sister. Henry Lynwood, the eldest son of Nathaniel from his previous marriage, harbored deep resentment towards Clara and her daughter, often taking it out on Grace. He thrived on making Grace's life miserable, even sabotaging her budding relationships. Surprisingly, despite the animosity between Henry and Grace, Evangeline shared a close bond with her sister, who was gentle and soft-spoken, always choosing to endure Henry's jibes with grace and dignity.

Evangeline, on the other hand, had no qualms about standing up to her brother. Each time she witnessed his cruelty towards Grace, she would confront him, only to be met with his scorn. Sadly, with her frequent trips back to England, she was left worried about Grace’s wellbeing, concerned about her sister constantly being under Henry’s thumb.

With her credentials in hand, Evangeline aspired to make her mark as a journalist at The Crow's Quill. She was fed up with a life revolving around a man and desperately wanted to reclaim her independence as a reporter. The very thought of being a journalist had her rifling through her phone, fixating on the name “William Emberton” on her screen. If she hadn’t pursued journalism, their paths wouldn’t have intertwined—yet, now it was too late, and the distant memory of their once vibrant friendship weighed heavily on her conscience.

In a moment of impulse, her finger drifted and dialed his number, only to be met with silence. After waiting in frustration, she shot off a text: “Still owe me, huh? How come you can’t even pick up the phone now? How am I supposed to get my money back? A real man stands by their word. Are you even a man if you can’t follow through?”

She felt a twinge of panic, dreadfully aware of the thought that he could vanish from her life again, leaving behind a life of regrets. Her frustration erupted into a message that filled the screen.

Finally, her phone rang, and her heart raced as she saw his name flash. "Hello? William Emberton!" she started, a bit more aggressively than intended.

“Sorry, Alisa,” he replied, his tone polite but cool, “I was in a meeting about something important and didn’t hear my phone. What’s up?”

His calm demeanor only fueled her embarrassment. “Um, just a minor thing…” she stammered, trying to collect her thoughts. “I think I left something at your place! I need to come pick it up!”

There was a noticeable silence on the other end, followed by William’s smooth voice. “Sorry, I’m at my Uncle's. What did you leave? I can look for it and send it to you.”

Relief washed over her at the thought of him coming over, but she realized she hadn’t actually left anything behind. “Nah, it's okay! I’ll figure it out myself! What time are you back tonight?”

“Midnight,” he replied. “Do you want to wait until then? I’ll be around before 8 AM tomorrow.”

“That late? What are you even doing at night?” she exclaimed, surprised.

He sighed, his patience waning. "Work. I’ll be back around 12. See you in the morning."

Before she could respond, the call ended with a tone. What a grumpy man!

As sleep took her, she adjusted to the time difference. When her alarm rang at six the next morning, she jumped out of bed, reminding herself of the plans she had made with him. She hurriedly dressed and made her way to the supermarket, snagging a classic English breakfast that included a buttery scone topped with melted cheese and a cup of Australian white coffee—simple, yet comforting.

Evangeline knew his taste in food was sophisticated, but living in England for so long, he had likely adapted to the cuisine. She hoped her purchase would hit the mark.

Just as she knocked on his apartment door, it swung open, revealing none other than William, clad only in a bath towel, his hair tousled and bare chest exposed. For a split second, Evangeline thought she had the wrong apartment.

“Sorry, I must have gone to the wrong place!” she said hastily, glancing up at the door number, verifying she wasn’t misreading.

“Carlo di Rossi! Is that a woman at my door?” a familiar voice boomed from within.

So, she hadn’t barged in on the wrong apartment after all. She raised an eyebrow. Did William really live alone? She had observed closely the other night, and there hadn’t even been a spare toothbrush in sight.

William emerged from his room, finally dressed, and cut in, “Dear, she says she’s made a mistake. But I have no clue if you’re the one I’m waiting for or not!”

Evangeline stood flabbergasted, her heart racing as she grappled with the sudden shift in her morning. What was happening?

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