Between Duty and Desire

Chapter 1

Set against the backdrop of an unequal society governed by alpha and omega dynamics, the story follows Sir Alaric and Lord Ewan in a tale of unexpected love.
In the depths of a patriarchal society, Sir Alaric—once a member of the struggling lower class—rises to prominence and finds himself bound to the aloof Lord Ewan, a paragon of refinement and grace. Their relationship commences with an arranged marriage, spurring a journey from obligation to affection that shatters societal norms. The masterful age gap adds a layer of emotional complexity, as Sir Alaric’s relentless devotion is both his strength and his vulnerability—a perfect example of a loyal hound willing to do anything for his love.
The chilling autumn air wrapped around Starhaven as Sir Alaric gripped the cold iron gate of Hawthorne Manor. As he stepped inside the opulent entryway, his heart beat faster—not from fear, but from anticipation. The echo of his boots against the marble floor resonated like an impending storm. He couldn't shake off the feeling that today would change everything.
Across the sprawling estate, Lord Ewan stood looking out over the meticulously cropped gardens, his silhouette sharp against the vibrant hues of fall. Ewan was everything Alaric had yearned for—dashing, sophisticated, and painfully elusive. Yet, there was a storm brewing inside him, a tug on his heart that pushed him toward this destined encounter.
"Sir Alaric," Ewan’s voice cut through the silence like the sudden jolt of an electric current. With a cool demeanor, he turned away from the window and faced Alaric. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Alaric’s breath caught. He had rehearsed this moment a thousand times and yet, the words danced on his tongue like butterflies refusing to land. “I came to talk about our... arrangement.”
Ewan raised an eyebrow. “Our arrangement? You mean this charade of a marriage?” His tone was clipped, masked with thinly veiled disdain. “What more is there to discuss? We're bound by duty, nothing more.”
Duty. The word echoed ominously in Alaric's mind. To Ewan, their union was merely a transactional obligation, but to him, it offered a glimmer of hope—a flicker of love that might ignite in the cold shadows of convention.
“There’s more to this than mere obligation, Ewan,” Alaric insisted, stepping closer, his heart pounding like a drum. “We could forge an understanding, a partnership beyond societal expectations.”
Ewan’s expression didn’t waver, but the flicker of curiosity in his eyes caught Alaric off guard. “You speak as if you know the world we inhabit, Alaric. This isn’t a fantasy. We’re simply pawns in a relentless game of power.”
Alaric had heard tales of the game that encompassed their lives. He knew the stakes—they were ensnared in a world where alphas and omegas wed for convenience, never for love. Yet, looking into Ewan’s emerald eyes ignited determination within him. “I refuse to believe that,” he declared, passion flaring in his voice. “What if we write our own rules?”
Ewan regarded him silently, his expression inscrutable. The atmosphere crackled between them—a mixture of tension and unspoken longing. Alaric realized he was standing at the edge of something profound, where the obligations planned for them collided with their deeply buried desires.
“Are you prepared to risk everything?” Ewan challenged, a challenge beneath his elegant poise. "This would mean defiance—against tradition, against family, against the very fabric of society that binds us."
For a moment, Alaric hesitated, aware of the dangerous depths of their situation. But deep down, he was ready to stake everything for this chance. “Without risk, we face a life devoid of love. I’m willing to face whatever comes our way for you, Ewan.”
Ewan blinked, his wall of indifference wavering, revealing flickers of uncertainty mixed with a dawning awareness. Alaric, buoyed by his newfound courage, stepped closer still, willing to embrace whatever struggle lay ahead.
“I chose this life, not for power, but for a bond that transcends titles,” Alaric murmured, barely above a whisper. “What do you desire most?”
Ewan remained silent for what felt like an eternity, grappling with the vulnerability that Alaric’s words laid bare. The space between them felt charged with electric possibilities—a connection waiting to be ignited.
“You are a fool,” Ewan finally said, but Alaric could see the hint of a smile ghosting across his lips. “An enticing, maddening fool.”
“Then let me be the one who leads the way, Lord Ewan.” With those words, they crossed the boundary between obligation and desire, ready to navigate the tumultuous path their hearts had carved out—a journey fragile yet fierce amidst a society that sought to suppress them.
In this unexpected alliance, lulled by unraveling intricacies of affection, the world around them began to fade, leaving only the promise of what could bloom amidst the chaos of their lives.
Their tale had just begun.

Chapter 2

“Good evening, ma’am. Please sign for this package.”
After a long winter, the capital of the Republic of Starhaven, Peacegate, finally welcomed the arrival of spring.
It was a March evening in 4102 D.C., and as usual, Lady Hawthorne was tending to her garden at Hawthorne Manor, trimming the branches with care. A sleek black magnetic levitation car silently arrived at the entrance, and two men got out. They flashed their credentials to the security guard and were led by the elderly butler towards Lady Hawthorne, who was still focused on her pruning.
“Ma’am, these gentlemen are from the National Security Bureau,” the butler announced with utmost respect, interrupting her thoughts.
Lady Hawthorne looked up, her demeanor cool as she regarded the two serious-looking men before her. “Are you here about Gareth? What more could I possibly say that I haven’t already told you? If you’re asking about Gareth’s situation, has there been any resolution from the National Security Bureau? Should I increase my monitoring of him, or are you planning to send him for some sort of reform? After all, he is a former general who supported the dictatorship, and I hope you’ll consider his contributions…”
Before she could finish, the lead man in black suddenly smiled, a move that chilled her. “Lady Hawthorne, we represent the National Security Bureau to inform you that after investigation, Gareth has been found guilty of treason and was executed this morning at ALPHA Special Prison. Since you remain his legal partner, we are here to return his ashes.”
As he spoke, he raised the small black box in his hand, while another officer produced a document and a pen.
“If you would kindly sign here, it will help us conclude our duty.”
Normally composed, Lady Hawthorne felt her world crash around her. She stared blankly at the box containing Gareth’s ashes, feeling the weight of disbelief that the man she had argued with just a month ago had been reduced to mere remains.
The butler noticed her distress and quickly reached for the box, gently asking, “Ma’am, are you alright…?”
Lady Hawthorne couldn’t bring herself to touch that small container of Gareth’s ashes. After a moment of shock, her typically serene demeanor transformed into a rare display of fury.
“You executed him without a trial. What power do you have to do this? Do you still consider your country's laws legitimate?” Lady Hawthorne was enraged, her eyes narrowed as she bore down on the two National Security Bureau officials.
“Lady Hawthorne, your position at the Omega Rights Protection Center does not provide you insight into the operations of the National Security Bureau. Since the exposure of the treasonous Alpha coalition led by Sir Cedric, President Dorian has authorized the Bureau to investigate, judge, and act against any implicated Alpha. Such treason cases are tried in secrecy to avoid sympathy from other planets towards the oppressive regime. While the President is merciful, we must ensure the stability of our hard-won government, and unfortunately, strict punishment is necessary against those involved in treason. Surely, as an Omega, you can understand that. Besides, were you not the one who revealed the evidence of Gareth’s treasonous activities? Your tip-off enabled the National Security Bureau to dismantle this conspiracy of Alpha imperialists.” The lead officer explained calmly, aware that their power under President Dorian had surpassed even the Congress, putting them beyond legal accountability.
Lady Hawthorne was momentarily rendered speechless by his last statement.

Chapter 3

As an Omega, Lord Ewan had endured a decade of oppression after the failure of the First Equality War. During that time, the Omegas were stripped of their societal roles, reduced to little more than adjuncts to Alphas and heavily controlled as breeding instruments. In those ten years, he had lost not only his kind and honorable partner but also his freedom and dignity, forced into a bond with the brutish Gareth, with whom he even bore children. Just as he began to accept Gareth, he discovered that Gareth, as an Alpha, was unable to thrive in a society that aimed to empower Omegas. Instead, Gareth had allied himself with the remnants of the imperial dictatorship, even plotting to break out the demons who had blood on their hands from the Equality Party's slaughter.
Lady Hawthorne could not stand idly by; thus, she chose to report Gareth. She knew well the implications; previous cases had shown that Alphas accused of treason faced severe penalties, often escalating their level of surveillance and stripping them of political rights and personal freedoms. However, she would never have anticipated that the new government, which proclaimed justice and tolerance, would deny Gareth any chance for redemption.
"This is truly unfortunate. Perhaps you’re curious why the treasonous Alpha from before only faced an upgrade to Level One surveillance while Gareth is sentenced to death. To be frank, Gareth was a significant military figure for the dictatorial regime; his capability and respect made him a greater threat than an ordinary Alpha. Under directives from the Presidential Palace, we had no choice but to proceed with the execution in accordance with current laws," a Security Bureau officer shrugged, displaying an air of helplessness.
"Enough of your explanations. I understand," Lady Hawthorne responded, closing her eyes to inhale deeply. When she opened them again, her striking gaze had regained a calm demeanor.
She swiftly signed the document before her, then took the wooden box containing Gareth's ashes from the butler and turned to leave.
Meanwhile, Isolde, unaware of the turmoil unfolding in the garden, sat on the sofa, bored and engrossed in a cartoon. If Gareth were here, they could be playing basketball together. When Lady Hawthorne walked in with a somber expression, he jumped off the couch and dashed over. "Mom, Mom, when's Dad coming back? You said he'd be back soon!"
Lady Hawthorne sighed, placing Gareth's ash box on the table before embracing her son.
As an Alpha, Isolde looked just like Gareth, perfectly inheriting his appearance and even the same spirited temperament.
"Sweetheart, your father... he might not be coming back," Lady Hawthorne struggled with her conflicting feelings. On one hand, as a beneficiary of Omega rights, she must uphold the nation's highest interests—political stability. On the other, as Gareth's partner, she had experienced his fierce protection and affection throughout those arduous years, which spared her the suffering that many other Omegas faced. Though she could never love Gareth like his first partner did, she still harbored feelings for this passionate young Alpha.
“W-why…” Six-year-old Isolde didn't grasp the weight of his mother's words. Children's thoughts are often simple, and they seek clarity until it's achieved.
"He’s... passed away." Lady Hawthorne's gaze fell as she noticed the diamond ring on her finger, one that belonged to her first partner. Gareth had voiced his wish for her to wear a ring many times, but she had always hesitated, preoccupied with thoughts of Ethelred.
"Passed away means Dad's dead? Like Uncle Roderick?" Isolde's eyes filled with tears. He had heard adults speak of loss, recalling the last time he saw his father’s friend, Sir Roderick, who was found dead last year, his arms and legs bound in icy chains yet still warm in embrace.
Lady Hawthorne nodded, and Isolde immediately burst into tears, throwing himself into her arms, calling for his father. Gareth had promised to return soon to teach him basketball, yet here he was, a liar.
Lady Hawthorne didn’t explain Gareth’s death to Isolde. She had a reputation for being unyielding, but she felt her heart soften at the sight of her son’s anguished face.
Once Isolde had been taken upstairs by the nanny for a rest, she remained seated on the sofa, fixedly staring at Gareth's ash box. Here was the robust Alpha she once knew, confined in this small box. The once-mighty warrior with S+ combat capabilities had met such an unceremonious end.
Time passed, and the old butler quietly entered. At this moment, no one dared disturb the lady of the house.
"Ma'am, it's getting late. Please take care of yourself," he offered quietly.
Lady Hawthorne rubbed her forehead and sighed, "Uncle Li, I never intended for him to die. According to protocol, he should only have faced strict surveillance. How could it have come to this..."
The butler nodded understandingly. "I know you had feelings for General Gareth. But no one expected he would do something so foolish, putting you in a difficult position. However, death is final. We should prioritize arranging for General Gareth's affairs."
Lady Hawthorne's gaze drifted back to the ash box. After a moment of silence, she suddenly smiled wryly. "He always wanted me to wear a wedding ring from him, but I was preoccupied with Ethelred, and I never agreed. Please take a bit of his ashes and arrange for a diamond to be made into a ring. It's the least I can do for him now."

Chapter 4

In Washington D.C., the year is 4095. Five years have gone by since the Equality Revolution swept through society, witnessing its rise and fall. With the backing of the Caesar Star, Governor Baron Felix successfully quelled the uprising led by his partner, Lord Dorian, further tightening his grip on the Omega population in Starhaven. The Omegas were forced into the background, stripped of their social and political freedoms, as they were relegated to their roles as mere bearers of offspring. This led to the shocking enactment of the Omega Compulsory Protection Decree, which established the absolute supremacy of Alphas and propelled the Betas into positions of increased authority over Omegas.
This controversial decree outlined several draconian regulations:
First, all Omegas in Starhaven are mandated to bond only with Alphas for their first pairing. If an Omega has not secured a suitable Alpha by their twentieth birthday, they will be subjected to government-appointed pairings. Should they fail to achieve a match after three attempts, they would be marked as inferior, facing severe consequences, including a sentence to serve time in Special Prison for neglecting their societal duties. Additionally, in cases of widowhood, Omegas under forty must comply with this regulation, although those already bearing Alphas are exempt.
Second, Alphas are designated as the dominators and protectors of Omegas. They are responsible for shielding them from outside pheromones and may resort to physical restraints when deemed necessary.
Third, Omegas are required to comply unconditionally with the management and protection of Alphas, overseen by Guardians, primarily Betas. Any disobedience results in corrective measures from Alphas, including restraint, while physical harm against Omegas is strictly prohibited.
Fourth, Alphas are obligated to ensure thorough protective measures for Omegas during their heat cycles. This includes establishing designated protection rooms, acquiring necessary protective equipment, and ensuring the welfare of Omegas throughout this period, subject to routine evaluations by the Omega Protection Council.
Fifth, during heat cycles, Alphas must administer pheromone injections at least once—failing to do so allows the Omega to file a complaint with the Protection Council.
Sixth, Omegas are forbidden from appearing in public without an Alpha's accompaniment; if they must go out alone, they must wear protective restraint gear and be supervised by Guardians.
Seventh, as integral contributors to the procreation of quality offspring, Omegas are entitled to comprehensive respect. Disrespect or harm directed towards an Omega is classified as a level-one crime.
The severity of this decree, championed by Baron Felix and supported by the powerful Nine Great Houses, particularly the Hawthorne family, has affected every Omega without exception.
Lady Hawthorne, cousin to Baron Felix, was unable to comprehend his cousin's extreme mindset. Although she suspected a hidden disdain for Omegas—despite their genetic potential being no less significant than that of Alphas—she reflected on her vibrant past. Before the Equality Revolution, she had been a professor at the Starhaven Conservatory, inheriting her father's noble title and relishing a life of romance and freedom as a countess. However, in the aftermath of the revolution, she was stripped of her title due to her Omega status, which was forcibly transferred to her Alpha brother. By the age of thirty-two, she was pressured into pairing with an Alpha, opting for her longtime friend, General Ethelred of the Military Mech Command Center, to avoid government pairing.
As it turned out, Lady Hawthorne’s choice bore fruit; even under the looming shadow of the Compulsory Protection Act in Starhaven, she experienced meticulous care from Ethelred. Despite the conditions imposed by the governor, Ethelred, as an imperial soldier, did not align with Baron Felix's extremist views. In their shared haven, he refrained from enforcing the compulsory laws on Lady Hawthorne, even neglecting to employ a Guardian to impose protective restrictions on her.
This would later serve as evidence of Ethelred’s breach of the Omega Compulsory Protection Decree.

Chapter 5

In the early summer of 4095, Lady Hawthorne was inside Hawthorne Hall, gracefully playing "Starshine Serenade" for Ethelred when Gareth, the commander of the Military Mech Command Center, arrived with a squad of armed soldiers. Lady Hawthorne recognized this young man; he had no noble lineage but had gained fame through his exceptional bravery in the conflict-ridden Saga Satellite. His outstanding achievements had propelled him rapidly through the ranks.
"General Ealdred, I've been dispatched by the Governor. Please come with me to the Governing Palace for questioning," Gareth said, a smirk on his face as he observed the couple relaxing in their opulent surroundings. His visit was not a courtesy call.
Ethelred sensed the looming danger the moment he saw Gareth surrounding their estate with troops.
The suppression of the Equality Revolution was just the beginning; Baron Felix, the Governor, had been engaging in purges throughout Starhaven to solidify his absolute power and promote his so-called Alpha hierarchy. Anyone who dared to defy him, or who was connected to the Equality Party or the opposition, whether Alpha, Beta, or Omega, faced severe consequences.
Disillusioned by Baron Felix's policies, Ethelred had formed covert ties with the Equality Party two years prior. As an Alpha, he didn't want to position himself against the Omega community; instead, he sought to help restore the original civilization and equality of their planet.
"Just wait until I finish this piece," Ethelred replied calmly, raising a hand. He turned to Lady Hawthorne, seated at the piano, giving her a reassuring nod and smile.
Lady Hawthorne had an inkling of what was to come, but the resolute look in her lover’s eyes nudged her fingers back to the keyboard, pouring pure emotion into the music.
As the final note echoed through the air, its sweet melody gradually faded.
Ethelred straightened his coat and stood tall, his imposing figure softened by the warmth in his gaze as he looked at Lady Hawthorne.
"Lady Hawthorne, I need to accompany him for a moment. Get some rest tonight," Ethelred said softly, moving closer to wrap his arm around her waist.
"Will you be alright?" Lady Hawthorne asked anxiously. Over the years, countless events surrounded her that made her uneasy seeing her love step into such danger.
"Of course," Ethelred replied, trying to reassure her with a light-hearted grin. Suddenly, he leaned in, giving Lady Hawthorne a lingering kiss. Even though her estrus hadn't arrived, it served to mark her in a way that could soothe her emotions for the time being.
Gareth stayed back, patiently taking in the bittersweet farewell between the two, though his brown eyes remained locked on Lady Hawthorne.
"Whatever they ask you, just say you don’t know," Ethelred whispered in her ear before turning and walking towards Gareth.
The moment Ethelred stepped out of Hawthorne Hall, he was immediately surrounded by armed soldiers. He glanced back at Lady Hawthorne, who was trying to follow but was held back inside. He offered her a reassuring smile before calmly submitting to having magnetic handcuffs placed on him and being escorted to a waiting riot control vehicle.
Gareth didn’t follow, showing a marked interest in Ethelred’s partner instead of fulfilling his orders to apprehend his superior.
"What crime has he committed?" Lady Hawthorne’s composure cracked as she confronted Gareth, her worry boiling over.
"Mr. Hawthorne, I’m only here to escort General Ealdred. I have no knowledge of anything beyond that," Gareth replied, maintaining his cool demeanor. He noted the frostbitten beauty of Lady Hawthorne and added with a smile, "You may need to bear some discomfort in the coming days. Without an Alpha’s protection, the Warden will oversee your safety."
As Gareth finished speaking, two Warden officers in silver uniforms strolled into the hall. Given Lady Hawthorne's mere B-level combat prowess, these two elite Wardens were more than capable of keeping her secure.
"Ordinarily, you'd be taken to the Omega Protection Center for temporary holding. However, the Governor, considering your noble status, has permitted you to remain at home while you await the resolution," Gareth explained. Recently returned from the Saga Satellite, he was confident this assignment would smooth his political path.
"Should I thank the Governor, then?" Lady Hawthorne scoffed, her worry for Ethelred’s safety overriding her usual composure. At that moment, she had never felt such disdain for her powerful cousin.

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