Bound by Secrets and Shadows

Chapter 1

**Title: Seven Years of Marriage: The Illusion of a Substitute**
*In a world where love is entangled with fate, two men discover the true meaning of their bond while confronting the shadows of their pasts.*
**Perspective of Landon:**
Landon always believed it was enough to be treated like a stand-in for his wife’s deceased “White Moonlight.” After seven years of marriage, he couldn’t have imagined the shocking truth: White Moonlight was alive, and now, a ticking clock counted down to their inevitable reunion.
His wife, Sebastian, had the audacity to openly confront him about it. She was demanding Landon’s help to navigate a hormonal phase upon White Moonlight's return, her reasoning being that once marked, one could never be free of their Alpha. Here he was, wedged between love and duty, feeling more like a pawn in their game than a genuine partner.
On the surface, he agreed to assist, but deep inside, Landon plotted three ways to protect his heart.
1. Find White Moonlight first and eliminate him.
2. Use amnesia to wipe Sebastian’s memory of him.
3. Time-travel back to when they were children, and nurture a younger version of Sebastian while dealing with White Moonlight once and for all.
Yes, you heard that right. He discovered he could travel back to the past every night.
**Perspective of Sebastian:**
Every year of his childhood, Sebastian encountered a striking man for a fleeting forty hours. The man taught him, planned his future, and provided him with everything he needed, but in return, Sebastian was tasked with finding someone named “Sebastian.”
Eventually, he regretted the bargain. Years later, he had taken the place of that person, living a love-filled life with Landon. However, on their seventh anniversary, White Moonlight resurfaced. Now, Sebastian had two strategies of his own:
1. Find and kill White Moonlight first.
2. Use emotional manipulation to reclaim his standing.
**A Little Scene:**
Sebastian: "A hundred percent compatibility comes with a lifelong mark that can’t be erased. If I want to break free from the Alpha’s dependency, it seems I have no choice but to destroy that gland."
*Landon couldn’t believe it.* He felt threatened. Sebastian wanted to continue using him as a tool, as soon as that darned White Moonlight reappeared. How had he become just a part of their game? There was no way he would consent to this.
*Sebastian, meanwhile, thought to himself,* If I lose you, I won’t survive. Yet, even so, would you still choose White Moonlight over me?
*Landon clenched his fists in frustration, gritting his teeth and replying,* “Fine, I understand.”
*Inwardly, he was screaming,* This is infuriating! You’re just banking on the fact that I love you. I won’t let you succeed; it’s time to take out that cursed White Moonlight.
*Sebastian fretted,* He must think I’m a burden, standing in the way of his reunion with White Moonlight. Damn it, I’ll deal with White Moonlight myself!
*And somewhere else in the expanse of time, White Moonlight existed without even knowing it.*
*Location: Executor's Tower, Central District*
“Lord Landon, are you here to pick up Executor Gerald from work? You’re early today,” one staff member remarked.
“Yeah, just a little,” Landon replied, forcing a laugh. “I heard someone was bullying my dear Executor Gerald, so I thought I’d check in on him.”
The staff were wide-eyed. Who would dare mess with that menace?
Since Executor Gerald had assumed his position, the Tower had become solely his domain. Those who opposed him didn’t just lose their jobs; many were exiled to some desolate land, never to be seen again.
“Guess you have a thick filter for your Executor Gerald," one staffer chuckled, carrying pastries as they proceeded toward the Chamber of Records.
Suddenly, two figures emerged around the corner: Eldrin, clad in crisp white, strode with purpose, his long legs moving quickly, while his flustered companion Baldwin hurried alongside, trying to communicate something urgent.
Eldrin glowered, firing back with rapid retorts that only seemed to deepen Baldwin's distress.
From afar, they looked like a storm brewing in a teacup.
However, when Eldrin's gaze met Landon's, his expression softened slightly.
Landon rushed over, wrapping him in an embrace, noticing the fatigue etched on Eldrin’s face. “Did they give you a hard time again?”
He shot a pointed look at Baldwin, who looked like he was seconds away from crumbling under pressure.
The implication was clear: *You think you can bully my partner?*
The onlooking staffers whispered to each other, aghast at the scene. Anyone could see who was truly struggling here.
With a gentle laugh, Sebastian reassured, “It’s fine; I can handle it.”
Walking side by side down the hall, landon looked every bit the businessman with his tailored suit and glistening accessories, while Sebastian, in his white uniform and silver hair restrained, appeared like an ethereal figure from a different realm. It was as if they were from entirely different worlds, yet shared an unbreakable bond.
Entering the Chamber of Records, Landon handed Sebastian a small cake. "Thought you could use this; I picked it up on my way."
Sebastian paused momentarily, “Thank you.”
Landon leaned in, resting his forehead against Sebastian’s, affectionately touching their noses. “You know I want more than just a ‘thank you.’”
Sebastian opened his mouth as if to respond, but no words came. Landon quickly pivoted the conversation, seeking to lighten the mood.
“You really don’t need my help?” he inquired.
Sebastian shook his head. “I can manage.”
Landon studied him, those hazel eyes deep and soft, devoid of any Alpha arrogance but flooded with an overwhelming sadness.
It had been seven years, and they had built a life together, surrounded by reminders of their love and commitment, yet the specter of a past they both hoped to escape loomed ever larger.

Chapter 2

In the realm of the Star Network, Landon and Sebastian were known for their affections, a spectacle enjoyed by many. Yet deep down, Landon understood he had never truly entered Sebastian's heart.
Each time Landon proclaimed their love publicly, a wave of shame washed over him. It felt like the more he longed for Sebastian's genuine affection, the more he needed to prove it to the world. Thankfully, Sebastian, with his kind nature, always played along with Landon's charade.
Their car stopped outside a flower shop they frequented on their way home. Turning his head, Landon let the soft glow from the store illuminate Sebastian's weary face. He noticed Sebastian leaning slightly, quietly closing his eyes. The usual sternness in his expression faded, revealing a boyish vulnerability.
Perhaps it was the favoritism Sebastian had shown over the years, or merely a desperate attempt to hold onto something as fragile as hope—like a drowning man grasping for a last straw—Landon sat in the darkness, feeling the chill of uncertainty behind his eyes.
"Sebastian, you're too tired today. Let's skip the flowers," he whispered.
Sebastian's lashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes. "We’re getting flowers. Wait here, I'll be right back."
As he reached for his seatbelt, Landon leaned over to unbuckle it for him. In that instant, Landon's smile faltered but quickly returned to normal. "Let’s go together."
Flora, the gentle Omega florist, greeted Sebastian upon his entrance, handing him a bouquet of Frosted Blue Roses she had prepped earlier. "Executor Grant, may your luck shine bright, and may your marriage bloom with happiness," she said with a beaming smile.
Since their marriage, Sebastian had made it a point to order a bouquet from Flora every day—except when Landon was away on business trips. They had built a solid rapport, with Flora knowing Sebastian's schedule like clockwork. Whenever Landon was out, Sebastian always found a way to drop everything and follow him, ensuring he could present one Frosted Blue Rose to Landon daily.
Landon vividly remembered a Sunday early in their marriage, just three months in. They had basked in the freedom of a weekend, staying up late the previous night in reckless abandon. But that morning, an urgent message from his Alpha mother had him scrambling to the Realm of Shadows to reclaim goods stolen by the Stellar Raiders.
Seeing Sebastian fast asleep, Landon hated to wake him. So, he left a note and departed. Just fifteen minutes before midnight, Sebastian appeared before him in his Mech, soaking wet from sweat, hair tousled, face pale and trembling.
The first thing he did upon seeing Landon was thrust a blooming Frosted Blue Rose into his arms, then crashed into him, shaking uncontrollably.
Landon felt the warmth of tears trickling onto his neck.
He cried.
In that moment, Landon understood—he could never measure up to that man.
He wrapped his arms around Sebastian and murmured a promise, "From now on, I'll take you with me on my business trips. I’ll tell you everything."
Every word felt like a fresh wound, slicing deeper into his heart.
That bastard, the one who had allowed Sebastian to grow dependent on him, was he the reason for this? Did he bully him? Manipulate him? Did he threaten Sebastian, saying he wouldn’t get flowers if he didn’t behave?
Sebastian held the Frosted Blue Rose out to Landon, who accepted it with a smile, lowering his gaze to sniff the delicate petals. "Thank you, Sebastian. I love it."
Sebastian's lips curled into a soft smile in return, and he turned to pay with his wristpad.
Flora watched them, a hint of envy evident in her eyes. "You two are such a lovely couple."
"Oh, by the way, I'm moving tomorrow. If you want flowers, Executor Grant, you'll have to go to another shop," she added.
Sebastian's gaze sharpened as he asked, "Are you facing any difficulties?"
This concern stemmed from his knowledge that Alpha's would likely resist the Equality Bill he had a hand in drafting, possibly leading them to harass Omegas.
While he had proposed the Omega Protection Act to safeguard them, there was no guarantee every Alpha would comply. Human nature often dabbled in a sense of impunity.
Flora shook her head quickly, "No, no—it's only about the law you enacted today. I’m going back to school to enhance my qualifications. I plan to work at the Landon Foundation afterward."
At the bill's inception, the Landon Foundation had eagerly stated their intention to employ exceptional Omegas. Still, many Omegas had only received education on cooking and flower arranging. They’d need to study to meet job requirements.
The Landon Foundation, after all, wasn't entirely charitable; they had standards to uphold.
Sebastian's spirits lifted a bit. "That's a good thing! Good luck on your journey."
After bidding Flora farewell, they returned home. Landon leaned in and placed a kiss on Sebastian's forehead. "Go freshen up. I’ll have dinner ready for us soon."
"Are you cooking?" Sebastian inquired.
"Yeah," Landon replied.
Though their smart home assistant typically handled meals, Landon only cooked when he had the time on weekends. Sebastian loved Landon's dishes, claiming they had a certain homely essence.
Unfortunately, Landon could never taste the difference between his cooking and the assistant's recipes. He wondered if perhaps that was the essence of idealism.
Dinner was two sides and a soup—a simple enough meal but comforting.
Sebastian, usually reserved during dinner, began sharing thoughts on various topics, breaking from his usual silence. Landon engaged sincerely, happy to be a good conversational partner. Yet, as the meal progressed, Sebastian’s mood darkened, the light in his eyes dimming until he could no longer muster a smile.
"Landon, are you feeling off today?"
After a pause, Sebastian probed.
Instead of responding directly, Landon asked, "We’re not having lunch together tomorrow, are we?"
The day before the commemoration.
December 15—Sebastian's day of mourning for his White Moonlight.

Chapter 3

On this day, Sebastian sat before the gravestone of the Rugged Man all day long, a Frosted Blue Rose and a Strawberry Cake prepared carefully at his side.
It had been a full sixteen years since that man’s death, and this year marked the seventh year of their marriage. Sebastian carried on unfazed by the elements.
Landon recalled that in their second year of marriage, Capital City faced an unprecedented cold wave. The temperature plummeted to thirty degrees below zero, with snow piled up to knee-high. Even so, Sebastian still left for work bright and early that day.
At the time, the snow hadn’t yet reached such extreme levels; it was just a light dusting. Landon, worried about the cold, bundled Sebastian in warm clothes and expertly wrapped a furry scarf around half of his face. Then he headed off to work.
Landon wasn’t the type to let things slide easily. The thought of his wife honoring her late boyfriend left him fuming, and he buried himself in work to distract himself. It wasn’t until his colleague Quentin nudged him for lunch that he snapped back to reality, sadness lingering in his heart. Glancing out the window, he realized the world outside had turned into a vast white expanse, the snow falling heavily like down feathers.
Inevitably, thoughts of Sebastian crept in. He figured that Executor Grant was too sharp to still be working outside in this frigid weather, but then he remembered that in their first year of marriage, Sebastian—the exceptional Executor Grant—had chased him for half the galaxy in a mech, just to deliver a flower every day. The uncertainty lingered.
Suddenly determined, Landon shot up from his seat and headed outside. The drive to the graveyard took about twenty minutes, and when he arrived, he found Sebastian, nearly buried in snow, sitting atop the gravestone.
With his exceptional Omega physique, Sebastian was impressively resilient, but he still looked delicate like any other Omega, his otherworldly beauty refined by his high rank. The silver-haired beauty sat in a blanket of white, surrounded by gravestones draped in snow. Most of his face was concealed behind the fluffy scarf, save for a portion that flushed red from the cold. His eyes were fixed on Landon, vacant and still, like a snow-carved statue.
Landon trudged through the snow towards him, his feet leaving a trail of footprints in the otherwise untouched drift. Snow settled in his hair and on his face as he drew closer, joining the growing blanket around Sebastian. Finally, Sebastian broke the ice with their first words of the day.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
Landon nearly stumbled back in frustration.
Luckily, Sebastian wasn’t insistent about staying out in the wintry chill indefinitely. Otherwise, Landon would have likely unleashed his pent-up anger.
Years down the line, even if they hadn’t separated, their relationship would never have bloomed into the tender harmony it had now.
The snow was too deep, and that day, Landon ended up carrying Sebastian out of the graveyard, his husband’s form slung over his back. Sebastian bit down hard into his neck, a sharp pain coursing through him.
It left a lasting mark.
Sebastian muttered something, but Landon—numb from the cold—didn’t catch it. All he knew was that afterward, Sebastian’s demeanor changed.
He became more even-tempered, less moody.
Landon explained it to himself as a testament to their relationship, thinking perhaps Sebastian was finally willing to accept him.
For a moment, Sebastian was lost in thought, the sadness in Landon’s voice echoing in his mind. It struck deeply, as if he were submerged in the endless depths of the ocean, powerless to breathe, merely waiting for the inevitable.
There was a reason for that sadness; anyone who had endured such a brutal loss would develop shadows in their mind.
Thus, Sebastian avoided discussing it in Landon’s presence.
Sebastian longed to comfort him but saw that Landon had returned to his usual self, though now with a hint of disappointment. “Just the thought that we can’t have lunch together tomorrow makes me really sad. I’m not even hungry right now.”
That made Sebastian chuckle. He promised to visit him at work for lunch the next day.
Seeing Landon lighten up was good enough for him.
After dinner, Landon headed upstairs to shower. When he emerged wrapped in a bathrobe, he found Sebastian on the edge of the bed, obliviously focused on his holographic screen, frowning slightly, clearly upset.
As Landon towel-dried his damp hair, he sauntered over, carelessly dropping the towel, and knelt on the bed, pushing Sebastian back against the cushions.
Sebastian gracefully set aside his holographic device and tilted his head up, meeting Landon for a kiss.
The two shared an unspoken rhythm, kissing with their eyes open, gazing into each other's eyes as if competing to see who could widen their gaze more. The bright light of the room illuminated them, and they could see the reflection of one another in their eyes.
In that moment, a wicked joy swelled within Landon.
Look at you—kissing and holding the person before you. It’s me, not him.
The treacherous thrill bubbled beneath the surface, hidden from their partner’s perception. After a soft, loving kiss laced with tenderness and reassurance, Landon brushed a finger over the moisture on Sebastian’s lips. “Is there anything I can do to help you?”
The Executor Grant, who seemed unreachable in his clarity by daylight, gazed back at him, eyes still shimmering with warmth. His lips were slightly parted, glistening, “You’ve helped me so much already.”
Landon cradled his face. “We’re married, bonded for life. What’s mine is yours—always. Don’t hold back with me.”
For a moment, Sebastian’s expression paused. He had always known that Landon’s words weren’t completely reliable; he was aware that the current situation was merely a replacement for the other person. Yet, he couldn’t help but let himself drown in the comfort of it.
He tilted his head back and smiled. “Alright, I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
But Landon was no longer the same proud man he had once been. After seven years together, he could see through Sebastian’s eyes, perceiving the unvoiced sentiments there.
A sense of indifference, a veil of distance.
With a sense of retribution, Landon embraced him, burying his face in Sebastian’s neck. His damp hair inadvertently brushed against Sebastian’s warm skin, sending a chill that made him uncomfortable.
Sebastian, however, tolerated the affectionate maneuver.
After a while, Landon pulled away, tucking Sebastian into the blankets before going to dry his hair.
They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s warmth, an unaffected serenity enveloping them.
The next morning, as the first light crept in, Sebastian woke up while Landon remained soundly asleep. One of Landon’s arms lay beneath Sebastian’s head, while the other wrapped around his waist, holding him close. The air was imbued with the gentle warmth of a winter sun, relaxing every beat of Sebastian’s heart.

Chapter 4

Sebastian carefully eased Landon’s arm off his waist, mindful of not waking him, and headed to the adjacent bathroom to get ready. Once he was washed up and dressed, he tiptoed across the plush carpet in their bedroom, stopping at the bedside to plant a gentle peck on Landon’s lips.
After seven years apart, Sebastian still loved him deeply.
“I fall more in love with you every day.”
A light dusting of snow had fallen overnight, and as Sebastian stepped outside, everything was coated in crisp white frost. He wasn’t in his usual sharp suit; instead, he wore a heavy down coat, a snug hat, and a scarf that partially obscured his face, ensuring he wouldn’t be recognized on the streets.
Given the current climate, Landon was justifiably concerned that a handful of Alphas might try to harm Sebastian. He had not only assigned him a Beta bodyguard equipped with high-end weaponry, but also deployed a squad of robotic sentinels fitted with advanced weapon systems.
Sebastian valued his life and accepted these measures of protection without hesitation.
When he arrived at the cemetery, he found it securely surrounded.
He quickly located the headstone and placed a Frosted Blue Rose at its base, pulling out a cushion from his pocket to sit down as if reuniting with an old friend to reminisce.
The face on the tombstone bore an uncanny resemblance to Landon, smiling brightly and radiantly, a version of Landon that Sebastian knew he would never see again.
In truth, Sebastian knew there was no real need to mourn here; the person he sought had returned to him. Paying respects to a lifeless stone felt utterly pointless.
His purpose for coming had long changed.
During the first two years after their wedding, he had been there to vent. Sebastian was someone who held grudges; he wouldn’t confront Landon about the chasm between them. Instead, on anniversaries, he would sit in the graveyard, listing Landon's faults and counting the moments that caused him heartache, from dawn till dusk.
Then he would return to face the facade of Landon's smile.
Later, perhaps out of some unspeakable understanding, he began to share the good memories of Landon instead, recounting all the wonderful moments they had over the past year. With every visit, he left feeling hopeful about the future.
Then he would go home again, back to the illusion of Landon’s smile.
Sebastian retrieved Landon’s favorite chocolate cake from his pocket and savored each bite while recounting Landon’s virtues over the last year.
“At first, I was worried that if you resisted those rules, I might give up. I would have, even though it would have hurt me.”
“But you unconditionally supported me, even when it went against your instincts. Are you starting to forget that jerk and actually like me, Landon? You’ve said a total of three hundred and fifty-six times this year that we’re in love and will always be together.”
It was a Friday, and Sebastian had taken the day off early, while Landon hadn’t. Typically, he would be buried under the chaos of work on such a day.
But, Landon had spent the night plagued by nightmares, and upon waking, it was nearly noon. His heart sank as he opened his device to find over twenty missed calls from Quentin. He hadn’t heard any of them.
Landon thought, Maybe he didn’t just fall asleep — he might have been out cold.
Rubbing his temples, he sat up, still haunted by the echoes of his bad dream.
He dreamt that Sebastian had died.
In the dream, he didn’t even like Sebastian at first. They had married due to genetic compatibility, but Sebastian refused to warm up to him, leaving Landon indifferent and distant. During Sebastian’s heat cycles, he took devastating suppressant drugs, locking himself in his room while Landon silently watched him suffer.
Despite their perfect genetic match, they acted like two unrelated roommates, unconcerned with each other’s plight.
By the time love blossomed, it was too late; Sebastian’s body, ravaged by past hardships and suppression, succumbed too soon to death.
Every time Landon remembered the lifeless, pale face of Sebastian from his dream, his heart would ache.
He desperately wanted to see Sebastian, urgently.
Landon activated his device, the blue screen flickering to life, and dialed Sebastian’s number.
“Darling, pick up the phone! Darling, pick up the phone! Darling…”
Landon had recorded that message himself, and just as Sebastian’s face appeared on the screen, the door swung open. Sebastian stood there, bundled up in heavy clothing.
He pulled down his scarf, revealing warm, smiling eyes, his demeanor clearly cheerful. “What’s up?”
In an instant, Landon sprang to his feet, becoming a flicker of light before he was at Sebastian's side, gently tapping his cheek with his finger.
Soft, warm.
So different from the dream.
“Are you okay?” Sebastian asked, his brow furrowed with concern.
Landon replied, “Just checking if you’re warm enough. You look good.”
Sebastian nuzzled against Landon’s finger, his cheeks brushing softly. “You still haven’t told me why you called.”
Landon chuckled, “Can’t I just wanted to talk to you?”
Sebastian hurriedly clarified, “That’s not what I meant!”
Landon took his hand, leading him to the bed. “I know, I was just teasing you. I was just worried you forgot about that promise you made me yesterday.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I would never forget; I never forget my promises to you.”
Never forget.
Yes, so you won’t forget the commitments you made to him, steadfastly ensuring those promises are honored in your own way.
Landon smiled as he leaned closer to Sebastian, who instinctively parted his lips, and then...
He was bitten playfully.
Sebastian’s grin began to fade.
The moody little nuisance.

Chapter 5

After dinner, Landon helped Sebastian put on his scarf and hat, watching as he climbed into the car before heading back to the office to manage some business.
Quentin had been trying to reach the CEO all morning but couldn't get through. He found himself wondering if perhaps the CEO had been kidnapped, especially after last night’s incident at Executor's Tower that had already made its rounds on Star Network.
Landon caught Quentin's eyes and smirked slightly. "I’ve been swamped this morning. I didn’t hear the comm on.”
Quentin replied, “Good to hear you’re okay.”
Landon stayed in the office for an hour and a half, increasingly frustrated. He realized he couldn’t focus on the reports anymore and decided to give up.
He opened a group chat named “Starlit Sea.”
【Master of the Global Network】: Let’s go grab some drinks at Nightshade Bar.
【Fearsome Space Pirate】: Sounds good! I’ll take the Dawnbringer over. Make sure to open the back door for me.
【Lovesick and Hopeless】: Aw, are you heartbroken? Don’t worry, I’ll fly over to be your strategist.
【Fearsome Space Pirate】: Come on, our Landon doesn’t do the lovesick thing. Get your act together; my wife watched your drama last night and has been crying since. Her eyes are still puffy!
【The Grim Reaper Shoots Me A Glance】: He’s beyond messed up; he has a corpse obsession. It’s horrifying.
【Lovesick and Hopeless】: How is that messed up? Just think about it—the beautiful person lying there, pale and silent, breath long gone. The jerk who hurt him is filled with regret now, helpless in his embrace. OMG, just imagining it makes my heart race in a good way.
Messed up. Not appealing at all.
Landon couldn’t shake off the memory of that dream, and his mood worsened. He shut down his comm and headed out to the bar.
Nightshade Bar was located in Central District, a high-end establishment catering to the powerful and influential, known for its discretion in private booths.
Landon arrived, already downing a stack of strong drinks before the other three showed up.
Seven years.
He had spent a full seven years trying to help Sebastian forget someone from his past.
Landon felt exhausted; he didn't want to give up on Sebastian; he was just… heartbroken.
He knew Sebastian had given him everything he could offer. They had professed their love for each other in the world's spotlight at a grand wedding, promising forever. They had also embraced in the midst of a starry night, sharing their passions.
They occupied each other’s lives without leaving any space for anyone else.
What else could they do? They were already deeply bonded, fiercely entwined.
Yet, there remained a thin veil between them, something prickly that couldn’t be touched or grasped, like a lump in the throat.
Others couldn’t see it, but those inside felt no bravery to pry.
All they could do was maintain a polite distance, while outsiders looked on with envy.
By the time the other three arrived, Landon was already tipsy, slumped on the soft single sofa, head down, looking rather pathetic.
Alden, the one cheekily named “Lovesick and Hopeless” in the chat, was a popular screenwriter known for his melodramatic stories on Star Network. Although some viewers believed his plots were just senseless heartache, he always garnered impressive viewership whenever a new series launched.
Seeing Landon like this, Alden immediately understood his turmoil. With a sympathetic glance, he patted Landon’s shoulder and eagerly gave him some advice. “After all these years, that so-called 'White Moonlight' might as well have been buried long ago. If you don’t want Executor Grant to keep paying respects, it’s easy—dig up the grave, smash the headstone. Then, on the anniversary, he’ll only be left to mourn over you, his stand-in!”
The air immediately fell silent, and the other two friends stared at him incredulously, accusing him, “You’re insane!”
Alden chuckled, downing his drink. “Just tell me if I’m wrong.”
Landon silently shot a glance at the gleeful Alden, his voice hoarse. “But that 'White Moonlight'—he might not be dead.”
Everyone's faces turned pale with shock. “Wait, the gravestone has been there for years. Don’t tell us he’s alive!”
Tears streamed down Landon’s aggressive face. “I refuse to believe he’s gone every year. I’ve been searching for that person’s whereabouts all this time, and my people recently found out he’s been spotted in a Realm of Shadows. They might have pinpointed the target and are currently tracking him.”
The group was speechless.
Caleb narrowed his eyes and whispered, “What’s the worst that could happen? If that 'White Moonlight’ has been dead for so long, let him keep dying. If you’re worried about Sebastian finding out, I’ll help you.”
Doctor Harper chimed in, “Wait, this is crazier than Alden!”
Alden placed an arm around him. “You don’t understand. During times like this, you have to be ruthless. Otherwise, when Sebastian retrieves that 'White Moonlight,' with his obsession for that figure, poor Landon, the stand-in, will be left to sob through the rest of his life.”
Alden shook his head as if envisioning Landon’s wretched future of being forsaken.
Doctor Harper protested, “Why is everyone so negative? Can’t it be that Sebastian finally realizes his feelings for the 'White Moonlight' were never love, and that his true love is right here with you?”
Landon’s mind flooded with memories of Sebastian’s lingering gestures reminiscent of 'White Moonlight,' the promises they made, and the habits they had unconsciously formed together—each silently invading their everyday lives.
That person's presence was so powerful it was now hard to distinguish which habits belonged to him and which ones Sebastian had assumed he inherited from 'White Moonlight.'
Seven years was enough to transform anyone.
It was laughable that no matter how convincingly a stand-in could perform, he would never compare to the original.
Landon scoffed, laced with irony. “A mere stand-in, yet foolishly chasing after true love? How ridiculous.”

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