Beyond the Frozen Heart

Chapter 1

**Title: Rebirth and Revenge: Love After Marriage**
In a previous life, Aveline D'Aubigny only sought someone with whom to share a lifelong bond. He defied imperial orders in pursuit of this love, only to meet a tragic end at the hands of the very person he loved. Given a second chance, he chooses to follow orders, no longer seeking anything more than to protect his family and seek revenge, hoping simply to live a stable life. Little did he know, destiny had other plans and he would once again encounter his fated partner.
Lucius Firehart had always known that as a member of the royal family, he would never have control over his own marriage, so when the imperial edict arrived, he accepted it without concern.
**The Frosted Tower**
In the fifth year of The Kingdom of Aztlan, Emperor Justian passed away. Lucius Firehart ascended to the throne as per the late emperor's wishes, cracking down on the court with swift justice. He rounded up dozens of officials, accusing them of greed and corruption, leaving the entire court in fear, with no one daring to disobey the emperor's command.
Within the crumbling walls of The Frosted Tower, dust lay thick everywhere, while a few stubborn blades of grass had made their way through cracked stone. Aveline D'Aubigny, clothed in a coarse burlap tunic, sat on the ground, staring vacantly at those resilient spears of grass.
Occasionally, a rat scurried by, but he remained motionless.
Suddenly, the heavy door creaked open with a loud groan, startling both the frantic rats and Aveline. He looked up to see a messenger of the emperor approaching.
“Criminal D'Aubigny, kneel and accept your sentence,” the eunuch mocked Aveline.
With an expressionless face, Aveline rose from the ground, eyeing the messenger.
The eunuch felt a flicker of fear, but still signaled to the guards behind him, who rushed forward and forced Aveline to his knees.
Satisfaction gleamed in the eunuch’s eyes as he opened the imperial decree and began to read aloud.
“By the grace of heaven, the emperor commands: Queen Isabella, out of jealousy has harmed the virtuous, defiled the heir, and conspired with enemy nations to ruin The Kingdom of Aztlan. Though I am grateful for her long service, I shall refrain from execution; instead, she is to be relegated to commoner status and imprisoned in the Frosted Tower. Thus it is decreed.”
After the proclamation, the eunuch glanced disdainfully at Aveline, placing the decree before him before turning to leave. His high-pitched voice trailed behind as he mocked, “Enjoy your time in the Frosted Tower. Chancellor's Manor has been completely dismantled; you must live on well, or there will be no D'Aubigny left to speak of.”
Aveline listened to the sound of the door closing and lifted his gaze to the outside world for a moment before lowering it to the decree before him. With a hollow laugh, tears streamed down his face.
How ironic that Aveline D'Aubigny, who had been so clever in life, met such a tragic end at the hands of the one he loved most. The man he had devoted himself to had turned out to be ruthless and unfaithful. The Chancellor's Manor, his family's pride, had only fallen because Lucius feared that Aveline, his male consort, would obstruct his ambitions.
Aveline closed his eyes, reminiscing about how Lucius Firehart had led him to this despair.
He recalled a day beneath the blooming cherry blossoms when Lucius, with eyes full of love, took his hand and promised, “Aveline, I love you. I will marry you. Trust me, from this day on, you are the only one for me.”
That was why Aveline had defied the sacred will, placing his entire family in peril to marry Lucius Firehart.
But what happened afterward? After he stepped through the doors of the manor, Lucius’ reasoning when introducing other women was ridiculed.
“Aveline, these marriages are just temporary. Once I solidify my power, you will be my only queen. Just wait a little longer.”
Eventually, even the comforting words ceased; he was told not to cause trouble, though Aveline never sought conflict. It had always been others who provoked him.
He once wondered why, as the second son of Chancellor's Manor, he would compete with women over trivial matters in the back garden.
When he was wronged, he never received the chance to defend himself. They simply imprisoned him without explanation.
Now, reflecting back, it was clear that Lucius had grown utterly tired of him. Despite his parents and siblings advising him not to trust Lucius too deeply, he had stubbornly planned their future together, leading him to this dire outcome.
Love truly blinded him, making him unable to distinguish between ally and enemy.
On the seventh day after the decree was read, the massive doors of the Frosted Tower swung open, revealing Lady Seraphina, perhaps now to be called Queen Seraphina.
She left her attendants behind and strutted into the room, then plopped down in front of Aveline, an air of triumph about her as she announced, “Your Majesty, or should I now call you Aveline? How does it feel to be in the Frosted Tower? My stay at Phoenix Palace is quite comfortable.”
Aveline scoffed, “You needn’t flaunt your triumphs before me; I have never desired such a position.”
He had never sought wealth or status; all he wanted was a lifelong partner. Lucius had once promised that, which was why he had endured.
Sabrina Rayne—the name now barely registered as a memory—didn’t twist Aveline’s feelings for long. Seeing that she failed to provoke a reaction, her expression morphed momentarily before she smiled and said, “Let’s talk about something else: Chancellor's Manor has been completely dishonored; the bodies lie discarded at The Forgotten Gravesite, without even a grave marker to remember them.”
Upon hearing the name “Chancellor's Manor,” Aveline’s eyes bore into her, burning with rage.
Sabrina reveled in Aveline's agitation, leaning closer and whispering, “The documents about enemy correspondence? All orchestrated by King Alaric. He never cared for you, merely used you.”
Aveline let Sabrina’s whispers wash over him, his hand stealthily withdrawing a sharpened piece of wood he had crafted during his days of confinement. With all the strength he could muster, he drove it into Sabrina's neck.
“Then may you join them in their tomb.”

Chapter 2

As the eunuchs outside the room witnessed the scene unfold, they quickly called for help but hesitated to enter, fearing the sheer terror etched on Aveline D'Aubigny's face.
Upon barging in, Aveline found himself engulfed in a torrent of blood. A twisted smile crept across his lips as a glimmer of madness sparked in his eyes. "I had planned to die alone, but I didn’t expect to take someone with me," he muttered. He met his demise at the hands of the guards rushing in, and in his last moments of blurry consciousness, images of his long-lost parents and brother materialized before him.
After Aveline D'Aubigny passed away, his spirit lingered in the air, yearning to find his family in the forgotten gravesite, yet he could not drift beyond the bounds of King's Landing. He bore witness to Sabrina Rayne’s burial, complete with the honor befitting a queen, while his own body was carelessly discarded. Merely a week after both of their deaths, a new queen was proclaimed.
Aveline laughed bitterly, "Such a cold-hearted person—how long can they hold the throne? The Realm of Aztlan is doomed to crumble." Days turned into an indistinct blur as he roamed King's Landing, his memories fading and the notion of time slipping away. No longer searching vainly, he stood sentinel by his own corpse, awaiting someone to retrieve him.
He did not know how much time had passed when he sensed his strength waning, his ghostly shape nearly transparent. Just as he was about to lose his grip on consciousness, he noticed a figure hastening towards him.
He could not discern their face, but he caught a glimpse as they covered his decaying body with a cloth and gently cradled it away, fading into the distance.
In August, the sweltering heat was unbearable; even the grass wilted under the blazing sun. At Chancellor's Manor, ice was brought into every room except for Lucius Firehart's, where there was nothing but warmth.
Lady Colette sat by the bed, her heart heavy as she wiped her tears, struggling to contain her grief.
"Why hasn't Fiona woken up? They said once the fever broke, she'd be fine. How could she have fallen into the ice cellar like that?" Lady Margaret lamented, tears spilling down her cheeks once more.
Lord Elias D'Aubigny stood beside Lady Margaret, reassuring her with a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Fiona will be fine; don’t worry too much. You should rest; she'll need your help when she wakes up."
Lord Edgar D'Aubigny guided Lady Margaret out of Aveline's room, the worry still stark on her face.
In his haze, Aveline barely registered his parents’ voices, mistaking it for a fate in the afterlife. When he finally opened his eyes, however, he found himself not in a terrifying underworld, but in his own familiar room in Chancellor's Manor.
Disbelief struck him, and he sat up abruptly, surveying his surroundings. A rush of joy flooded through him as he threw off the covers, noticing a mirror on the desk. Staring back was the seventeen-year-old version of himself. He stumbled back, falling onto the bed, overwhelmed by laughter and tears that blurred his reflection.
“Fortune has smiled upon me, granting me a second chance. This time, I will not repeat my past mistakes.”
Suddenly, footsteps echoed outside, followed by a cheerful exclamation, “Young Master, you’re awake! That’s wonderful! I’ll go tell Lord Edgar and Lady Margaret right away!”
Aveline snapped back to reality, lowering the mirror as he watched Cyrus Ashwood, the maid, dash away, his mind racing with thoughts.
Cyrus Ashwood was tied to Lucius Firehart; they found her three years ago during a pilgrimage to The Serene Abbey, where she collapsed on the path. Seeing her plight, his mother had taken her home to nurse her back to health.
After recovering, Cyrus had insisted on staying in Chancellor's Manor as a maid, claiming she had no family left. His mother, soft-hearted, welcomed her into their household.
Reflecting back, Aveline realized that he only understood the true implications of Cyrus being linked to Lucius Firehart after learning the latter's real identity. Lucius Firehart must have had eyes on Chancellor's Manor long before; it explained why Cyrus incessantly praised him. Eventually, Aveline too had developed a warped sense of intrigue for Lucius.
His rebirth had coincided precociously with his plunge into the ice cellar; surely, it had to be planned by Lucius—how else would it align so perfectly? He fell, and moments later, the cellar was sealed as Cyrus called Lucius to rescue him just before he blacked out.
In those naïve moments, he’d trusted Cyrus implicitly, never questioning the odd details. With clarity now, he recognized Lucius’s cunning strategy; this time, he would not fall into his trap.
Outside, hurried footsteps approached with Lord Edgar's anxious voice cutting through his thoughts. Aveline set down the mirror, shifting his focus toward the door.
“My son! How are you? Let me see you!” Lady Margaret burst in, seizing Aveline as she meticulously checked him from head to toe.
Aveline’s heart swelled with emotion as he looked at his mother and father standing before him. Tears glistened in his eyes as he grasped Lady Margaret’s hand. “Mother, I am fine. Thank you for worrying, but you should sit down.”
Lady Margaret complied, but her grip remained tight on his hand, fear clearly etched on her face. “You scared me to death! Just be careful in the future, alright?”
Aveline nodded, then suddenly seemed to remember something. He turned to Lady Margaret, “Mother, I need a few more people to help me. I used to think having too many attendants was bothersome, but now I see it’s wise to have more hands on deck, especially so Cyrus isn't overwhelmed.”
Cyrus Ashwood’s eyes brightened momentarily before she bowed her head, attempting to mask her emotions.
Lady Margaret exchanged surprised glances with Lord Edgar. Typically, Aveline preferred solitude, and he only had a couple of young servants and one maid attending to him.

Chapter 3

In the garden of Aveline D'Aubigny, there had originally been two maids attending to her, and with the addition of Cyrus Ashwood, there had been three in total. However, after an unfortunate incident involving the two maids, only Cyrus remained.
Lady Margaret had offered to appoint additional maids to Aveline’s household, but Aveline conveyed her wish to keep things simple, insisting that one maid was sufficient for her needs.
"Since you’ve made up your mind, I will have Steward Jareth select some suitable candidates for tomorrow. You can choose who you like to assist you," Lady Margaret said without much thought. She trusted Aveline knew what was best for her household.
“Thank you,” Aveline replied, then added, “Just make sure they are discreet and come from reputable families. There's no need for anyone overly skilled.”
Lady Margaret lingered in Aveline's room for a while longer, watching as Aveline took her medicine, and after reminding her to rest, she left.
“Lady Aveline, is it because I didn’t serve you well that you intend to dismiss me?” Cyrus knelt before her, tears streaming down her face, clearly feeling wronged.
Aveline regarded Cyrus coolly until the maid's tears had subsided. When it seemed Cyrus could cry no more, she spoke, "You're overthinking it. What happened recently was indeed alarming, and I thought it might be too much for you to manage alone. I only wished to give you some help."
Still doubtful, Cyrus lifted her head and looked at Aveline with red-rimmed eyes. “Is that true, Lady Aveline? You truly aren’t dissatisfied with me?”
Aveline watched her with a hidden smirk. Outwardly, however, she maintained her gentle demeanor. “Of course not. You should stand up now. Even if I bring in new help, they won’t surpass you.”
Cyrus wiped her tears and, feigning acceptance, rose to her feet, though she still appeared somewhat pitiful standing aside.
“I just took my medicine and feel a bit tired now. Please step outside for the moment. I’ll call you when I need you,” Aveline said, seeking an excuse to dismiss Cyrus.
“Of course, I’ll wait just outside. Call for me whenever you need, Lady Aveline,” Cyrus bowed to Aveline before leaving.
As Aveline watched Cyrus depart, her smile vanished. In her past life, Cyrus had used that very look of vulnerability to elicit her sympathy.
When the two maids had initially met their misfortune, her mother had also suggested assigning another maid to her. But, just like now, Cyrus had knelt before her, crying, insisting that she could manage alone.
Seeing Cyrus’s tearful face back then, Aveline had also declined her mother’s suggestion, using her preference for solitude as a reason. Lucius Firehart must have foreseen this outcome long ago.
Yet now, Cyrus’s pitiful demeanor served no purpose for her. Aveline had sworn never to trust her again and vowed to prevent anyone from causing her further harm.
**Establishing Authority**
Lady Margaret instructed Steward Jareth to select new maids for Aveline, and Jareth acted promptly. By the time Aveline rose the next morning, the selected candidates were already gathered in the garden.
There were twenty youths in total, ten maids and ten footmen, all handpicked according to Aveline's specifications.
The news that they could potentially serve in the household of the second son thrilled them. Everyone in the manor knew that Aveline was the easiest to please and that she was generous and charming in appearance.
However, Aveline cherished her tranquility. Typically, she managed with just three servants, and they were eager to impress her and secure their place by her side.
They had been waiting outside for an hour before Aveline finally emerged, ordering a footman to set up a chair and table under the shade. After settling in, she surveyed the eager assembly before her.
Aveline was not one to sleep in. She had been awake long before their arrival, purposely delaying her appearance. People knew she was easy to get along with, and that could sometimes encourage deception aimed at her.
At times, being congenial did not serve her well; she recognized the need for a firm stance.
Once seated, Aveline leisurely sipped her tea, showing no sign of eagerness to speak.
After a while, Steward Jareth wiped the sweat from his brow and cautiously ventured, “My lady, are you pleased with the selections?”
Aveline set down her book and stared at him, causing Jareth to sweat visibly, his words dying on his lips.
Among the crowd, muttering and complaints began to circulate softly.
Aveline smirked and rose, brushing off her clothes. “If anyone here feels displeased, you are free to leave now. There will be no penalties.”
In an instant, the garden fell silent, everyone holding their breath, fearful that Aveline might pinpoint their whispered discontent.
“Good,” Aveline resumed her seat and took the ledger from Jareth’s hands, where records of each candidate’s background and their roles in the estate were carefully noted.
After reviewing the list, she scrutinized the gathered candidates and noticed one maid at the back standing with a stern expression, as if she belonged to a different world.
“Come forward,” Aveline commanded, pointing to her.
Jareth hesitated and inquired, “My lady, do you truly wish for her?”
Aveline’s gaze pierced through him, lacking any visible emotion. “What? Do I need your approval for my choice? Am I not in charge here at Chancellor’s Manor?”
Fearing for his position, Jareth nearly kneels, hastily clarifying his intent was not to undermine her.
As their exchange unfolded, the chosen maid stepped forward, displaying an unbothered, emotionless demeanor.

Chapter 4

“Your servant pays her respects to Young Master,” she knelt before Aveline D'Aubigny, bowing her head obediently.
“Rise,” Aveline leaned back slightly, inquiring, “What is your name, and what did you do before?”
“Replying to the Young Master, I do not have a name. My sister used to call me 'Ugly,' and I was responsible for cleaning the front courtyard,” she answered, steady and unyielding, without a trace of flattery in her tone.
“Very well,” Aveline contemplated for a moment and declared, “From now on, you will be called Lyra Ashwood. You will serve alongside me, is that acceptable?”
“Yes,” Lyra replied, bowing again, accepting her new name with grace: “Lyra is at your service, Young Master.”
Next, Aveline selected two more maids and four young boys, not choosing anyone the steward had suggested.
Before they departed, Aveline spoke meaningfully to the group, “Remember, you are now servants of Chancellor's Manor. If any of you wish to leave, you may approach me, and I will request your freedom from my mother so you may go where you desire.”
“However, should you choose to remain in Chancellor's Manor, do not harbor any treachery. We do not keep disloyal servants here.” At this point, Aveline turned to look at Steward Jareth, as if seeking his concurrence: “Isn’t that right, Steward?”
“Yes, yes, indeed, Young Master,” Steward agreed hurriedly, nodding along. He dared not even breathe wrong. He sensed a change in Aveline—though he spoke with the same gentleness as before, there was a new commanding presence about him, his gaze piercing as if he could see through anyone. It unnerved Jareth to the point of muteness.
Moreover, none of the people Aveline chose aligned with the steward's preferences, further enforcing the feeling that something within Aveline had shifted.
Once everyone left, Aveline instructed Cyrus Ashwood to obtain Lyra’s contract from their mother. Cyrus, looking for an excuse to slip away, readily dashed out, oblivious to the implications of being the one to fetch the contract.
Aveline’s gaze darkened as he watched her rush off. She was hurrying to meet someone, he suspected.
Glancing at Lyra, who still stood by, he said, “Come inside. I have something to discuss with you.”
With her head bowed humbly, Lyra followed him into the inner chamber.
Once Cyrus left Aveline’s estate and found herself alone, she quickly slipped out of the manor and into a desolate courtyard.
“Greetings, Prince Victor Ember. I beg your forgiveness for my tardiness,” Cyrus knelt upon entering, apologizing to the figure inside.
“Aveline, how has he been? Why did someone inform me that he has chosen to seek out new attendants? You have lost his trust, it seems,” Lucius Firehart cast a cold glance at Cyrus, his tone icy.
Cyrus trembled slightly, stammering, “It seems Young Master was spooked by the incident in the ice cellar. He wishes to gather more people to serve him. That does not mean he no longer trusts me; he has said I'm still his chief maid, and nothing will change that.”
Lucius appeared somewhat satisfied with her explanation, softening his tone a little but still not motioning for her to rise. “Hmm, I’ll reluctantly trust you. Keep a close watch on Aveline. As for the other maids, you know what to do. I expect you not to disappoint me.”
“And in a few days, find a way for Aveline to fall ill again,” he instructed before rising and exiting the room.
“Yes, I will not let the Second Prince down,” Cyrus replied, still kneeling.
Once Lucius departed, Cyrus collapsed onto the floor for a moment before regaining her footing. She straightened her clothes and retraced her steps back to the manor.
After the two had left, a figure emerged from the shadows nearby, holding a fan, flicking it lightly with a glimmer of interest in his eyes.
At the Third Prince’s Tower, Benedict Firehart had just finished dealing with some royal affairs when his path was obstructed by none other than Galen Firehart.
“Brother, you won’t believe what I just saw!” Galen exclaimed, brimming with excitement.
Benedict knocked gently on Galen’s head and tried to sidestep him, continuing on his way. “I don’t want to know. If you won’t be serious, then stop wasting my time. Be careful—Eldest Brother might hear about your antics and scold you again.”
“C’mon! Wait up! I’ll eat with you!” Galen dashed after him.
Once their meal arrived, Galen sent the servants away and began recounting his day’s discoveries.
“Brother, you won’t believe it! I just saw Prince Victor Ember plotting something with that, um…” Galen scratched his head, having forgotten whom Lucius had mentioned.
“Oh, wait! I think it was Lord Edgar D'Aubigny’s second son, Aveline D'Aubigny. They’re scheming to make him ill again. I wonder what our second brother’s game is.”
Benedict paused mid-bite, darting a glance at Galen. “And what does this concern you? Aren’t you afraid your brother will find out? You’ve already been punished by Father once too many.”
“It’s none of my business,” Galen said, fanning himself dramatically. “But it’s spreading around the palace that Father intends to arrange a marriage for you with Lord Edgar D'Aubigny’s second son. I suppose our second brother has caught wind of that and wants to make his move on Aveline.”
Benedict’s hand faltered for a moment before he resumed eating, acting nonchalant.
Seeing his brother’s lack of response, Galen closed his fan and leaned closer, curious. “Brother, why aren’t you reacting? This is supposed to be a match made for you!”
“As princes, are our marriages truly ours to decide?” Benedict replied, his tone flat, as if he were commenting on the weather. “Father must have his own reasoning for this; I merely have to obey.”
“Ever since the Kingdom of Aztlan was founded, there has been a clear rule that marrying another man forfeits one’s claim to the throne. Father’s intention here—isn’t it clear?” Galen questioned, worry tinging his words.
“Having Eldest Brother suffices. I have little interest in the throne; marrying a man could simply ease Father’s doubts,” Benedict remarked indifferently.

Chapter 5

Aveline D'Aubigny understood the weight of the marriage arrangement his father had bestowed upon him. Ever since the queen’s death, King Alaric had not named a new consort. Now, with three legitimate princes in the palace, the situation had become complicated. Galen Firehart, the adopted son of the late queen, had openly declared his desire to lead a life of leisure as a noble rather than pursue the throne.
That left only himself and Prince Maximilian. Aveline sensed that his father favored Prince Maximilian for the crown; however, the king seemed wary of inciting jealousy. Thus, he arranged this marriage to signal his intentions.
It mattered little to Aveline, as he had no ambitions for the throne himself. Accepting the marriage proposal would merely affirm his position to his father.
Yet, his heart ached for the D'Aubigny family's younger son, a talented individual with immense potential. Aveline wondered what had compelled his father to make this choice. Should Prince Maximilian ascend the throne, he imagined that the D'Aubigny heir could leave without much fuss if he requested it.
Then there was Prince Victor Ember. Wasn’t he known for his relentless ambition? He knew that marrying a male spouse would sever his claim to the throne; why, then, was he so keen on courting the D'Aubigny heir, Aveline?
After finishing dinner, Galen Firehart exchanged a few casual words with Aveline before hastily leaving the dining area, off to who knows where.
Aveline took his completed duties to the Prince's Keep, where he would need to discuss the situation with Prince Maximilian. What Prince Victor Ember intended needed deliberation.
Later, Aveline guided Lyra Ashwood into one of the inner chambers, instructing her to rest and prepare for her duties the next day.
Once Lyra had left, Aveline began counting the days. In his past life, he had once been betrothed to Prince Cedric, but his heart was then set on Prince Victor Ember, making that engagement impossible. He still recalled how, by some unknown means, his father had persuaded King Alaric to revoke that decree.
However, since then, King Alaric had seemed to take issue with the Chancellor's Manor, applying pressure that ultimately led to its downfall. The house suffered a terrible fate after Prince Victor Ember's treachery resulted in their ruin.
Calculating the timeline, Aveline realized that his marriage contract was indeed set to be announced in September; with August drawing to a close, it was no wonder Prince Victor Ember was so anxious. Given the circumstances, Aveline considered yielding to King Alaric’s wishes and marrying Prince Lucien.
In his past life, Aveline had encountered Prince Victor Ember, Prince Maximilian, and Prince Cedric numerous times, and he could see that Prince Maximilian would undoubtedly be a wise and just ruler.
Prince Cedric had his merits, too. Aveline recognized that he would never betray those who had been kind to him as Prince Victor Ember did. In that past haze of confusion, Aveline had been unable to discern true virtue.
This time, he decided to act for the greater good and support Prince Maximilian’s rise to power. Once the prince claimed the throne, Aveline would simply seek permission to depart. After all, he believed Prince Maximilian would not oppose him. But would Prince Cedric accept this arrangement? Aveline knew the customs concerning male spouses and inheritance rights in Aztlan.
He felt it was crucial to meet Prince Cedric once the betrothal was finalized, to clarify their situation to smooth future endeavors.
As he reflected, Aveline remembered it was also necessary for him to visit Lunar Hall soon to relay some urgent matters.
“Second Young Master, your father requests you in the Study,” a servant interrupted his thoughts.
“Understood. I’ll be right there,” Aveline replied.
In the Study, Lord Edgar D'Aubigny awaited him, concern etched on his face.
Upon entering, Aveline greeted his father, who motioned for him to sit across from him.
After a moment's pause, Lord Edgar finally spoke, “Fiona, today King Alaric expressed his desire to arrange a marriage between you and Prince Cedric. What are your thoughts on this?”
Aveline was taken aback; this was a turn he hadn't expected. In his previous life, such announcements were delivered directly, with no discussion involved. Could it be that his reincarnation had altered the course of events?
He remembered that previously, he had been shuttled out of the manor by Cyrus Ashwood and encountered Prince Victor Ember. Lord Edgar had never liked Aveline’s association with Victor, leading him to hold off on discussing any such matters with Aveline, until simply waiting for the royal decree to be issued. Ultimately, that decree had become moot.
This time, with the assistance of servants, Lyra Ashwood wouldn’t be there to facilitate another unexpected encounter with Prince Victor Ember.
Aveline blinked, regaining his composure, and replied, “Father may decide; I have no objections to it.”
Lord Edgar misread Aveline’s momentary surprise as a reaction to the proposal. Guilt weighed heavily on him; he understood that, standing in their position, even if Aveline was reluctant, they could not oppose the king's wishes.
Though King Alaric had asked in a seemingly casual manner, Lord Edgar realized that the king had likely already made his decision. The D'Aubigny family, no matter how they felt, could not resist his will, and thankfully it was Prince Cedric, not Prince Victor Ember, awaiting this union.
“Very well then. We’ll wait for the marriage decree to be issued. Just...” Lord Edgar sighed, “I fear this will be a burden on you. It’s my failing as a father that I cannot allow you to choose your own fate.”
“Do not blame yourself, Father. I understand the king's will must be followed; I do not feel wronged.” Aveline comprehended his father's predicament. In his previous life, he had been blinded by affection for Victor, pressing his father into a corner.
Now clear-headed, Aveline resolved not to place his father in such dilemmas anymore, nor jeopardize the safety of everyone in Chancellor's Manor.
Later that evening, after conversing with his father, Aveline shared dinner with Lady Margaret before finally returning to his quarters.
Lyra Ashwood awaited him with her servitude bond. Seeing him, she hurried over, "Young Master, were you eating with Lord and Lady D'Aubigny?"
Aveline took the bond from her, casting a sidelong glance at Lyra. “Since when has my whereabouts required your reporting?”
Lyra fell to her knees in apology, “Forgive me, Young Master. I overstepped.”
“Hmm.” Aveline folded the bond and glanced down at the kneeling Lyra, saying, “Do not ask such questions again. Rise.”
With a lowered head, Lyra stood up, eager to inquire about dinner but halted as Aveline spoke. “I wish to rest. Inform everyone not to disturb me.”

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