Blooming Secrets of the Heart

Chapter 1

**Title: Married to the Empire’s General After Pretending to Be a Beta**
Elysia Fairchild was no stranger to hardship. Orphaned after her grandfather Harold’s death, she had been living a quiet life running a flower shop in Lowland, a modest planet that felt a world away from grandeur. To avoid the complexities of being an Omega, she presented herself as a Beta, navigating the challenges of her new life while keeping a low profile. After all, she had traveled from another life, one where birthing children was not part of her plan.
All Elysia wanted was to tend to her flowers, occasionally livestreaming from her garden, reveling in the simplicity of her day-to-day existence. But life had other plans. To her disbelief, the war hero, General Cedric, set his sights on her, demanding her hand in marriage.
“You have to pretend to be my Omega,” he instructed with a seriousness that both perplexed and frightened her.
Elysia’s eyes glazed over. This was not how she envisioned her life. But the debt she owed him from their previous encounters kept her compliant. Under his watchful eye, she found herself donning delicate lace gowns and adopting a soft, feminine demeanor, all while enduring Cedric’s insistence on how an Omega should behave—sipping tea elegantly, practicing a graceful walk, and most importantly, simulating a pregnancy.
“Just until I return from the battlefield, then it will all be over,” she reminded herself, feeling the walls of expectation begin to close in around her.
Yet, in this bizarre roleplay, she began to feel something shift within her. As the months passed, uncertainly grew in her stomach. Was it possible she was really pregnant?
As the day of their annulment approached, Elysia made the radical decision to keep this news to herself. Maybe raising a child alongside her flowers wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief upon returning to her flower shop, feeling the weight of the world lift. Just then, however, Cedric returned. His grim expression cut through the joyful atmosphere as he stormed into her home from the military celebration still buzzing with excitement.
On the Star Network, a million viewers held their breath as the notoriously stoic general hesitated at her door.
“Knock already!”
“Seriously, who knew an Alpha could have a wife?”
“You were fierce against the bugs! Just go in!”
“Wait a minute, isn’t this the flower shop owner’s place?”
As speculation and disbelief filled the chat, Cedric silently commanded respect.
“Any challengers can step forward,” he said coolly, and the comments instantly quieted — no one dared to test their luck against an Imperial General.
Elysia could hardly handle the scrutiny, her heart racing at the thought of being exposed. Would they recognize her?
In the charmingly delicate flower shop, adorned with vibrant plants and blooms that transformed the space into a whimsical fairy-tale realm, Elysia sparkled as she engaged with her livestream audience.
“Let me show you the beauty of the Gabriel’s Rose,” she said, expertly showcasing a soft pink bloom with hints of shimmering silver— a rare breed in their galaxy.
“Isn’t it stunning?” she continued, her voice soft but confident. “This variety has its own charm, a perfect gift for those secret crushes, symbolizing silent love.”
Momentarily, her audience fell into a flurry of excitement.
“How much for that? I want to give it to my crush!”
“Can I pay you extra for a personal delivery?”
Elysia chuckled softly, the requests igniting blushes across her cheeks. “I’m just a regular person, really. Unfortunately, I can’t take orders from too far away. My planet isn’t equipped for long-distance shipping, and quality packaging is an issue.”
She smiled at the thought, her heart fluttering at the enthusiastic comments, yet she was beginning to embrace the Real Elysia, a blend of Omega and Beta, wrestling with her feelings in this unexpectedly tangled life.
“Thanks for joining me today! All the flowers are from my garden; I’m looking forward to seeing you next time!”
As she concluded her stream, a familiar sense of uncertainty settled over her heart. What did the future hold? Would she confront the truth of Cedric’s return? Would the web of lies she'd spun unravel, or could she sustain this masquerade?
Only time would tell.

Chapter 2

"I wonder where the Little Proprietor lives. Not even intergalactic couriers can reach him."
“Little Proprietor, let’s chat a bit more. I’m feeling really sad today; I just had a breakup and I’m crying.”
Just as Elysia Fairchild was about to close the livestream, her fingers hesitated. She murmured softly, "Don't be sad. Let’s talk a little longer."
**The soft-hearted Little Proprietor.**
“LOL, Little Proprietor, don't let yourself be fooled. So many people are heartbroken today.”
“Hahaha, that’s just how it is. Pretty much half the galaxy is heartbroken, you know?”
“What else did you expect? The legendary Alpha is getting married—who isn't heartbroken?”
Elysia was puzzled by these messages. She had little understanding of the outside world, preferring to spend her days in Elysia's Florist, tending to her plants rather than comprehending the drama unfolding around her.
Yet, one thing was clear to her: everyone understood the reference to the famed Alpha. The term "Alpha" referred to the top-tier males in this world, radically different from the one she had grown up in, where humans had six genders, including male and female ABOs who all played specific roles in society.
This new world presented a bewildering challenge for Elysia as she processed one significant truth—she was a male Omega.
More alarmingly, male Omegas had the ability to bear children.
Elysia shivered at the thought.
Thanks to the support of her Grandfather Harold, she had managed to disguise herself as a Beta since childhood; in her eyes, that was the norm in her previous world.
Even though Omegas were afforded social privileges due to their unparalleled mental strength, Elysia chose the unremarkable path of a Beta.
Shaking her head, she got swept up in the rapid-fire chat stream.
It seemed everyone was distraught about the Alpha’s impending marriage.
"It’s Lord Cedric, the Empire’s general, who is getting married. The Emperor and Queen Isolde are helping him choose an Omega. I heard they must be beautiful, elegant, and of noble blood."
"Of course, he’s a legendary Alpha. If his Omega were ordinary, the public wouldn’t accept it."
"The chosen one won’t settle for just anyone. I’m really heartbroken."
"Oh my gosh, he’ll definitely make waves as the general’s wife. I want to see what she looks like!"
“My girlfriend has become a recluse because of this.”
"Well, what can you do? That’s Lord Cedric for you."
Lord Cedric.
Elysia instinctively tensed. She knew this man well—he had once saved her life and that of her Grandfather Harold. The Wasteland she had lived in had collapsed under the siege of the Star Raiders, and it had been General Cedric who led the charge to liberate their home.
Without him, both she and Grandfather Harold would have perished in the chaos of war.
Elysia stared at the comms on her device. He was getting married. That was wonderful.
She joined the chat with fervor, declaring, "The general is a truly great person, and his Omega will be the best Omega in the world."
The fans in the stream immediately chimed in.
“Exactly. He deserves the best Omega!”
"Agreed with the host, just followed you!"
"It's thanks to families like the Quigleys who provided the Empire with the strength to fight back against the Star Raiders, allowing us to enjoy today’s peace."
“Lord Cedric has been fighting since he was fifteen, losing both father and grandfather in battle, and now he’s carrying the burden of saving us all.”
"Let’s also remember Lord Cedric’s exceptional genes; it’s necessary for him to marry. The main planet is saying if he doesn’t have heirs, he won’t be allowed on the battlefield."
"Wow, so the Empire is forcing him to have kids to preserve those genes?"
"They’ve prepared five years for this final battle; they fear for his safety, worried such strong genes might fade away."
"Oh my gosh, how sad. That’s why he has no choice but to marry."
Elysia widened her eyes, entirely unaware that Lord Cedric's engagement was driven by this obligation.
She frowned, thinking of the cold yet steadfast man, now bound by such practicalities. It seemed absurd to her that even an Alpha general was subject to such pressures.
In this world of ALPHA and OMEGA dynamics, premium AS and OS were seen as rare resources, thus almost every pairing was a calculated marriage meant to produce the best offspring.
How woeful for such a powerful Alpha who couldn’t escape this fate.
As she looked into the mirror, Elysia, while not conceited, recognized her own pleasant appearance. If the general was being pressured into marriage, then what fate awaited her, an unremarkable Omega without influence?
Taking a deep breath, Elysia vowed never to disclose her true identity. She was a Beta—always would be.
“May the general marry someone he loves, the best person in the world,” Elysia stated with utmost sincerity, completely oblivious to a viewer’s remark that momentarily paused the streaming chat.
Someone asked, “Is everything okay with the Little Proprietor?”
The comments flowed in—“Yeah, it seems like he took a deep breath, and now the screen is shaking.”
"Right? I could even feel the Little Proprietor trembling through the screen."
“Is something happening?”
Elysia stared at the message that appeared on her device, her heart stopping as if she felt a current of turmoil.
"How can this be?"
Her fingers curled involuntarily, revealing a glimpse of her unease on the livestream.
**Lord Cedric:** “Is this a good time? I need a favor.”
**Lord Cedric:** “If you don’t mind, would you marry me?”

Chapter 3

Elysia Fairchild instinctively scanned Lord Cedric's account and muttered, "No way, could it be that his account was hacked?"
But who would even dare to hack a general's account?
The man in front of the screen slightly tilted his head, his sharp hearing immediately catching Elysia's words. He had intended to savor the moment, but what he saw next made him frown. Elysia was clumsily bidding farewell to her fans before hastily shutting down her livestream.
He tossed his sensor aside in frustration, turning to the quiet Sir Reginald beside him. "If Queen Isolde insists that I marry, then I will."
The room erupted into chaos. No one had expected him to capitulate so quickly, and yet his commanding presence stifled any attempts at protest.
After all, they had come here, nervously observing him as he seemed absorbed in his duties, not daring to utter a syllable.
Once they stepped out of the office of the youngest general in the Empire, a collective breath escaped everyone and palpable excitement took over their faces.
This man had finally shown a willingness to marry.
But the question loomed: who would be the bride?
Members of the Royal House of Lancaster exchanged glances, uncertainty etched on their faces.
“Should one of us go ask him?”
“Absolutely not, are you willing to do that?”
“No, no, no! Standing next to him is terrifying enough.”
Forget it. He would marry, and they would have to relay the news to Queen Isolde. They needed to hurry back with this good report.
Meanwhile, in the distant wasteland, Elysia seemed oblivious to the excitement brewing in the Capital City.
Watching Lord Cedric initiate a video call left her feeling completely at a loss.
What was going on?
Maybe she could just pretend she hadn’t seen it.
The first video call didn’t connect.
When the second call chimed in, Elysia’s soft voice floated through, “Hello?”
She still maintained her position from the livestream, completely unaware that the camera wasn’t focused on her. Instead, it captured her fuzzy slippers, her pretty, rounded toes dusted with a hint of pink, momentarily halting the viewer on the other side.
Elysia noticed Lord Cedric's throat subtly bob, and his eyelids lowered, prompting her to realize the camera wasn’t capturing her after all.
As the camera shifted, a handsome young man appeared, making Lord Cedric sit up, his small face showing fleeting terror. His almond-shaped eyes captured a near-perfect curve, shimmering black with curiosity, lips compressed in a question.
What was that question?
Lord Cedric's gaze never wavered as he patiently awaited Elysia to repeat herself.
Faced with the imposing figure on the screen, Elysia felt her heartbeat escalate; his stature and charisma dwarfed her own.
No, he could take on twenty of her at least.
Gathering her composure, Elysia asked again, “Lord Cedric, did you perhaps send that message to the wrong person?”
“No,” he replied, his tone indifferent. “It was meant for you.”
Elysia pieced together the relationships in play. In a world where Omegas were rare, a top Alpha like Lord Cedric had to secure an heir before a great war, else the Royal House of Lancaster alongside the research institute would bar him from deploying, aiming to preserve critical genetics for the Empire's future.
With a significant war approaching, Lord Cedric must marry—and soon have a child.
Calculating the time, there was less than a year until The Star Raiders planned their next offensive; everything had to fall into place quickly.
But therein lay the conundrum.
She wasn’t the Omega that an Alpha needed.
For a brief moment, Elysia felt a pang of guilt—as far as appearances went, she was clearly not.
“Lord Cedric, but I’m a Beta,” Elysia couldn’t help but interject, her voice trembling slightly.
The air felt charged; this exchange echoed familiarity.
Three years prior, in the Wasteland crumbling under The Star Raiders' siege, fifteen-year-old Elysia had crafted a makeshift stretcher to carry her unconscious Grandfather Harold to a temporary relief station.
The Imperial Army was supposed to arrive, yet remnants of The Star Raiders continued their onslaught, killing and looting. Elysia had to get them to the relief station—where there was water and doctors capable of saving her grandfather.
Despite the challenge, Elysia pressed on, his frail shoulders raw and bleeding, stark against his white attire.
When they neared the relief station, they stumbled upon a group of ruthless Star Raiders preparing to ransack the place.
One of them spotted Elysia’s face and his eyes ignited with greed. Forget the medical supplies; capturing this boy, touted as a top Omega, would secure a fortune and assure a life of comfort thereafter.
Elysia suddenly realized his mask had slipped; he had been too weary to notice it was missing.
The Star Raiders advanced, guns raised, shouting, “Hey, beautiful! Don’t run! Didn’t think we’d find a treasure like you in the Wasteland. What a score!”
Before he could flee, the Raider collapsed to the ground, breathless.
But the one who stepped forward next was far more menacing, bloodied and imposing, sharp gaze fixed on Elysia.
Instinctively, Elysia recoiled, like a small creature cornered by a predator.
As the man approached, Elysia noticed how terrifyingly handsome he was.
“I’m not an Omega, I’m a Beta,” he stammered, searching for reassurance in the eyes of the man who towered over him.
Even the best Beta didn’t compare to the rarity of an Omega.
Fear gripped him; he had no wish to be sold off or used as a breeding vessel.
But the man wasn’t swayed by his protests; he merely asked, “What’s your name?”
“Elysia Fairchild.”
The man nodded, even as blood continued to pour from hidden wounds, he swept Elysia up into his arms, tenderly taking the stretcher from his grasp, effortlessly transporting both Elysia and Grandfather Harold back to the relief station.
It wasn’t until they arrived that Elysia realized the man before him was Lord Cedric—the heir to the Imperial Army, the Empire's most esteemed Alpha.

Chapter 4

"Thank goodness Lord Cedric was here treating the wounds, or we would have been ambushed by the Star Raiders."
"Damn those Star Raiders! Why won't they just leave? The Imperial Army has arrived."
"What can we do? It's not like the higher-ups care about us in this Wasteland. If it weren't for the Quigley Family's insistence on protecting Imperial citizens, we would have been abandoned long ago. The troops they sent are already a joke."
"Who can blame us for living in the harshest Wasteland? Nothing grows here, and only the most desperate people would choose to call this place home."
"Yeah, the Royal House of Lancaster has always deemed us a burden."
"At least we have the Quigley Family."
Elysia Fairchild strained to listen to the gossip while casting furtive glances at the man who was rebandaging his wounds.
Grandfather Harold had already been taken to the Emergency Chamber, which allowed him to breathe a little easier.
The physician, Alaric, who had been with the Quigley Family for quite some time, said incredulously, “This isn't a modeling shoot; we’re treating a wound, not posing for a photo!”
Alaric's teasing demeanor towards Lord Cedric reflected a level of camaraderie that only a handful of people shared with him.
Lord Cedric turned his head slightly, positioning his most handsome profile toward that direction.
Alaric nearly burst out laughing as he remarked, "So, the peacock is displaying his feathers."
Elysia was oblivious to their banter and rushed over when he saw Grandfather Harold being wheeled out from the emergency room.
The nurse trailing behind said, "He's getting old and suffered quite a scare. We managed to save him, but the medicines available in the Wasteland are limited. If we're lucky, we may receive supplies from outside."
Elysia's heart ached seeing Grandfather Harold still unconscious, but he managed to say, "Thank you so much, really."
The nurse softened at Elysia’s plight, her voice gentler, “Find a place for your grandfather to rest. You should take a breather too.”
"I'll let you know as soon as we have new supplies."
Elysia thanked her again, striving to hold back his emotions, though he felt as fragile as a scared little animal.
Having lived in his previous life for twenty years, he had never seen real artillery or ammunition, nor had he ever experienced war.
Taking a deep breath, Elysia pushed his grandfather’s movable hospital bed, trying to find a quiet spot in the crowded Temporary Relief Station. He wanted to make his grandfather as comfortable as possible despite the chaos.
Yet, as he pushed, Elysia realized it didn’t feel as heavy as before. Just earlier, it had taken a handful of nurses to move it.
A man nearby spoke up, “That corner looks good.”
Elysia jumped a little, glancing over to see the man effortlessly maneuver the hospital bed into the corner. He even managed to find some curtains to create a small partition.
In the tumultuous Temporary Relief Station, it was as good as it got.
But Lord Cedric seemed a little dissatisfied.
Then again, Elysia understood the Wasteland was low on resources.
Watching the man deftly finish the task, Elysia's eyes lit up with appreciation, “This is perfect, thank you so much.”
Lord Cedric looked down at him with a smile, “You haven’t asked my name.”
As Elysia opened his mouth, Cedric continued, “I’m Lord Cedric.”
After that, he asked, “Are you a Beta?”
Elysia nodded.
Lord Cedric tilted his head slightly, his gaze holding a meaning Elysia couldn’t decipher.
Reflecting on his own past three years, Elysia suddenly understood why Cedric's earlier question felt so familiar. He’d explained his Beta classification to Lord Cedric more than once.
In truth, General Cedric didn’t linger long in the Wasteland’s Temporary Relief Station. Before his wounds had healed, he had set out to clear the remaining Star Raiders and rush to battle after hearing news of his father's ambush. He had faced the main forces of the Star Raiders soon after.
Eventually, peace returned to the Wasteland, and miraculously, Grandfather Harold received a supply of medicine.
Although his grandfather’s health continued to decline after that skirmish, he stayed with them for two more years, and Elysia was grateful for that.
Now, three years later, Elysia faced General Cedric with renewed determination, “I am a Beta.”
“You should marry an Omega, then.”
Elysia assumed Lord Cedric had forgotten he’d mentioned being a Beta.
In this world, a top Alpha typically marries a top Omega to ensure stronger offspring and carry on superior genetic traits.
After Elysia’s differentiation into an Omega at twelve, he decided firmly he would be a Beta.
Grandfather understood; in the chaotic Wasteland, a striking Omega would undoubtedly attract danger. Therefore, they manipulated the registration to ensure their safety, knowing Wasteland’s population control wasn’t strict.
Little Elysia even cultivated a plant that could suppress pheromones. Thus, to everyone, he appeared as a quintessential Beta.
He spoke with conviction, firmly believing he wasn't an Omega and had no desire for children.
Surely General Cedric must have forgotten he once made this statement.
However, Cedric's expression remained unchanged as he said, “I know.”
“You know I’m a Beta.”
He knows.
He knows and will still marry.
Elysia suddenly felt anxious, instinctively wanting to decline, but to his surprise, General Cedric lowered his eyes and said, “Just consider it a favor.”
Then, Lord Cedric spoke in a low tone that shocked Faithful Steward Thomas, who had just entered.
“Getting married is a response to Queen Isolde’s pressures.”
Can we even say that?
“They're forcing my hand; I can’t step onto the battlefield without a spouse.”
What are you saying? They’re both so capable. How were we not informed?
“You understand how critical the upcoming battle is for me. Can you help me with this?”
“Pretend to be an Omega and marry me.”
Once Cedric finished, he glanced at his subordinate, who could barely hold back laughter. One officer even mouthed, “Are you serious?”
Meanwhile, Elysia fell deep into thought. Of course, he recognized how pivotal the battle was to General Cedric.
Three years ago, General Cedric’s father had died at the hands of the Star Raiders' leader; Cedric was determined to avenge him.
General Cedric had done him a favor; if not for his intervention, he and Grandfather would have perished long ago.

Chapter 5

Elysia Fairchild couldn't shake the feeling of indebtedness. He was certain he would repay this life-saving favor.
Queen Isolde was infuriating, using his precarious situation to threaten General Cedric.
Elysia's expression softened as he looked at Lord Cedric, feeling a pang of sympathy. The poor Alpha, as formidable as he was, still faced threats from those in power.
Perhaps it was Queen Isolde herself who feared General Cedric's reputation.
Confused by the tenderness he felt, Lord Cedric instinctively lowered his gaze, continuing, "It’s just a fake marriage. Once we win the war, we can divorce automatically."
“At that point, you can have half my possessions.”
“Which includes more than a dozen properties back on the main planet.”
“And the most cutting-edge starship."
"Plus, the rare Blue Haven plant seeds.”
The mention of Blue Haven plant seeds lit up Elysia’s eyes.
He wasn’t just after the seeds — even if it was to repay a debt, he felt all the more compelled to go through with this marriage.
The jaws of Lord Cedric’s subordinates nearly dropped in astonishment. Marrying the likes of him was an irresistible proposition across the stars. Nobles and royals alike would be willing to do anything to get close to Lord Cedric.
Who was behind the screen, pulling his strings like this?
After ending the video call, Elysia rolled on his bed, hugging a plush toy, completely awake and unable to sleep. It was only as dawn approached that he finally drifted off, but not without a peculiar dream.
He found himself in a past life, wandering through the sprawling Botanical Gardens of Yunnan with his family. His father, a botanist, showed him every plant, sharing countless fascinating facts. His mother, a renowned Greenery Artisan, could turn withered plants into household treasures that thrived without water or fertilizer, attracting buyers from near and far.
Growing up in such an environment, Elysia had naturally developed a green thumb, often cultivating beautiful flowers even as a child. But tragedy struck when he lost his life in a car accident at age twenty, just as he heard his parents’ anguished cries.
When he opened his eyes again, it was a millennium later. Humanity had entered an intergalactic era with a new ABO classification, but Blue Haven was long gone, merely a footnote in ancient history.
In this world, Elysia had lost his parents at birth, raised by his Grandfather Harold. Humanity had developed the ability to travel freely between planets, classifying them from A to F based on their livability and opulence. Elysia and Grandfather Harold were stuck on a level F planet, the Wasteland, a grim and chaotic border zone of the Intergalactic Empire with abysmal living conditions.
Fortunately, Elysia had always been skilled with flowers and plants, managing to carve out a niche amidst the scarcity of greenery on their desolate planet. Life remained relatively stable after the Quigley family sent troops to reclaim the Wasteland from the Star Raiders, and his situation improved.
Little Elysia had even started a livestream shop, selling his best plants to those beyond the Wasteland, generating additional income while staying under the radar of the locals. Although Grandfather Harold's illness required a substantial amount of intergalactic currency, Elysia’s hard work kept them afloat.
But last year, Grandfather Harold passed away, leaving Elysia to manage Elysia's Florist, striving to live discreetly.
To him, life felt satisfying enough. He thought of hiding his Omega identity and living quietly for the rest of his days.
In his dream, the younger Elysia was diligently tending to his small greenhouse, nurturing vibrant flowers. Suddenly, a stern man appeared, looking down at him with a frown. “You’re a Beta.”
"Want to get married?"
Elysia jolted awake.
What a nightmare to have while trying to rest.
Sighing, he realized dawn had already arrived. He turned over, trying to squeeze in a bit more sleep, but now his mind was racing.
He worried endlessly.
How did he agree to this?
Were those Blue Haven plant seeds truly that important?
Elysia buried his face in his blankets, contemplating just how vital they truly were.
In this advanced intergalactic age, technology was leaps and bounds ahead, yet plants, especially the Blue Haven species, were incredibly rare. Not only could he not afford them, but even if he could, there was no reliable delivery service willing to venture into Wasteland territory.
If helping General Cedric was the best outcome, then all the better.
Last night, General Cedric had meticulously explained why they needed to marry, why he had to pretend they were expecting a child. It was all part of a battle strategy to avenge his father.
Involving someone from the main planet could expose their plans; hiring an Omega could be unsafe, as the pheromones between Alphas and Omegas could complicate things. As an unfamiliar Beta from a remote planet, Elysia was the ideal candidate. He wouldn’t be influenced by a strong Alpha’s pheromones, minimizing the risk of unforeseen complications.
Those from the central realm wouldn’t find Elysia’s faults easily.
He had already forgotten most of what was said, with one statement echoing the most clearly.
Elysia was the best choice.
Beyond this, he had never forgotten about the Temporary Relief Station incident from years ago. Afterward, he managed to cultivate a few valuable plants, creating miniature green landscapes just like his mother used to, shipping them to Lord Cedric for a decent sum.
However, the last time he sent them, the local Private Courier Company warned him that they could not guarantee delivery. After all, by then, Lord Cedric had taken over his father's position as a general, receiving gifts from countless people daily.

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