Marked by my professor

Chapter 1

Skylar’s POV

“Remy is not your mate.”

In a daze, a distant and ethereal voice echoed in my mind.

Remy is not my mate? How is that possible? We love each other so much.

He was once my best friend and now my most intimate lover. As fellow alphas, our fathers have a great relationship. I always believed he would become an exceptional alpha, and I am his one and only luna. Together, we would build a strong pack. Although I have not yet received my wolf, I never doubted this.

I tried to see the source of the voice, but thick fog surrounded me, obscuring her face. I could only see a vague, large figure. Beast-like, not human.

A sudden surge of joy made me dizzy, but I couldn’t be sure. “Are you my wolf?” I asked.

Heaven knows how much I want to receive my wolf. I am about to turn eighteen, yet there is no sign of my wolf awakening. If a werewolf doesn’t receive their wolf by their eighteenth birthday, they may never get one. According to them, some werewolves are “born defective,” and the Moon Goddess did not bestow her blessing upon them.

My mother thinks I shouldn’t worry too much. She always gently reassures me, “You are the daughter of the most powerful alpha, and you will have the most powerful wolf. She just awakens a little slower.”

Sigh, if she knew how vicious those people’s words were, she might understand my anxiety and concern. But she doesn’t need to know. I don’t want to worry her.

The shadow in the fog didn’t respond. I took a few steps forward and asked louder, “Are you my wolf? Why can’t I see you?”

She finally spoke, her voice filled with sorrow.

“Find our mate. Only he can awaken me.”

Her figure suddenly receded further away, and the fog grew thicker.

“Wait! You haven’t told me who he is!”

In my panic, I opened my eyes. Above me was the familiar ceiling of my dorm room. My roommate Belinda likes to put plant wallpaper on the ceiling, saying it makes her feel safe as if she’s in a jungle.

It was just a dream. I felt dejected. I almost thought I was finally going to receive my wolf.

The conversation in the dream left me vaguely uneasy. Who is the mate she spoke of? Is Remy really not my destined one? With only two weeks until my eighteenth birthday, where can I find him?

I groaned and fell back onto my pillow.

The alarm clock buzzed under me. I glanced at the time, damn! I was going to be late. Next was Professor Thompson’s class. That strict old man would definitely not give me any participation points if he caught me.

I rushed out of the dorm and sprinted down the campus avenue, finally making it to Statler Hall five minutes before class. Seeing Remy made me happy. His embrace could make me forget the nightmare that nearly made me late. But seeing the woman next to him, I wished the dream was damned true.

Remy, the bastard who swore last week he would only love me forever, now had his arm around a stranger’s waist, laughing and kissing her.

My anger peaked when I recognized the woman’s face.

If I had to name the person I hated most in this life, Sophia Statler would be at the top. Sophia Statler, the two-faced bitch, the social butterfly who loves sleeping with different men. Everyone at Solstice Shifter Academy knew her name—not for her academic achievements but because she was a Statler. She was the daughter of the academy’s owner, Richard Statler, which gave her the power to act as she pleased. And she never hid her disdain for me, since I always won the scholarship as the top student, and the teachers liked me.

“High and mighty nerd.” She loved calling me that.

Remy saw me and looked momentarily flustered. “I can explain…”

“Shut up! You disgusting liar! I should claw out my eyes rather than believe you!” Tears uncontrollably streamed down my face.

“Skylar, instead of blaming others, why don’t you look at yourself? Do you really think anyone could love a loser like you who doesn’t even have a wolf? One squeeze, and your fragile neck would snap like a turkey’s. If I were you, I’d tuck my tail and run instead of making a fool of myself.”

Suppressing my anger, I retorted, “Collecting garbage men and sleeping with them is your kink, Sophia. I hope Remy’s pathetic minute satisfies your huge appetite.”

“Pfft.” A nearby stranger couldn’t help but laugh.

Remy grabbed my wrist. “A minute? You wouldn’t even kiss me. Stop acting like you know men, Skylar. Your acting is as bad as your figure.”

His baseless accusation fueled my rage.

I walked up to the stranger who had been watching, yanked down his tie, and kissed him hard. He wore a wide-brimmed hat, the brim shading his upper face, revealing only his slightly stubbled, chiseled jaw and Greek-like nose.

When I kissed him, I smelled cinnamon. Perhaps an unusual cologne, I guessed.

Nice taste, I liked it.

My first kiss went to a man I didn’t even know. But strangely, I didn’t mind the feeling of kissing him.

No time to think, I turned and loudly said to Remy and Sophia, “After experiencing a night of pleasure, who cares about that pathetic five minutes? Remy, your bed skills are as disgusting as your character.”

“You disgusting slut!” Remy charged towards me. But the man beside me said, “Sir, this is a school, not a dueling ground. Remember you’re a gentleman before laying a hand on this poor lady.”

Remy stormed off angrily, and Sophia frowned, giving me the middle finger, “Skylar, we’ll see.”

The drama ended, and I barely wiped away my tears before apologizing to the man I had just offended, “I’m sorry, sir, for what just happened. It was an accident. If your girlfriend needs an explanation, I’m willing to provide one.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend.” He approached, his tall figure imposing. The cinnamon scent grew stronger. His deep voice sounded threatening, “But lying is not a good habit, young lady.”

My face turned red.

He lifted the brim of his hat slightly. I finally saw his eyes: blue, deep like a lake.

I was stunned.

Was it my imagination?

I seemed to have seen these eyes somewhere before.

Chapter 2

Kael's POV

How many years has it been since I last touched a woman? Even I can't remember.

As the alpha of the Frostvale Pack, my responsibilities are heavy and burdensome. Over the years, I have treated myself like a tireless working machine, making me almost forget that I have emotional needs as a man.

The woman in front of me is young and innocent, fresh and juicy like a medium-rare steak. The moment she kissed my lips, a strong scent of lilac surrounded me, making me want to savor her taste.

Fresh meat. She awakened long-dormant physical desires in me.

But I held back. Her inexperienced kiss showed she was not someone who would casually have a one-night stand with a stranger on the street.

A whole night of pleasure?

What a clumsy lie. If we really spent a whole night together, she wouldn't be able to get out of bed the next day.

When a man sees a delicate and beautiful flower, he doesn't want to protect her; he wants to tear her apart.

Her tear-streaked eyes were like two glistening ambers. If I hadn't seen John approaching, I wouldn't have minded seeing them shine even more.

I licked my increasingly sharp wolf teeth, suppressing my agitation, and tried to appear serious: "Using an innocent stranger to get back at your cheating boyfriend, miss, is not a moral thing to do."

Guilt flashed across her face, and she hurriedly explained, "Sir, I admit it was reckless, but I was just so angry..."

I tipped my hat and said, "But your kiss was enough as compensation. It tasted quite nice. Goodbye, beauty."

Before she could react, I quickly walked away.

I shouldn't have said something so flippant if I remembered my position. But for some reason, I wanted to see her embarrassed and angry. Just thinking about it made my heart itch.

I must have suppressed my desires for too long.

John had clearly seen everything that had just happened. He wore his usual scholarly glasses, tall and thin, with a perpetually worried expression. I understand that as people age, they have more concerns, but according to other colleagues, he looked like this when he first started ten years ago.

John said to me, "Kael, you're now a professor of combat at Solstice Shifter Academy, not a student here. What I mean is—you sometimes need to be mindful of your behavior, uh, including your attire."

Following his gaze, I looked down and sheepishly touched my nose. Okay, I wasn't dressed like a professor. Wide-brimmed hat, jeans, T-shirt instead of a shirt. I looked more like a cowboy than a university professor. Although I've been a combat professor for nearly half a semester, I'm still not quite used to the role. But fortunately, I don't have a class today, so I can dress casually.

I have almost no friends. This allows me to not care about others' opinions.

John continued, "Who was that woman? Your new girlfriend?"

I looked back. She was already gone.

"No," I denied briefly, "just a stranger and a small misunderstanding."

His eyes held a warning, "You know professors and students are forbidden from dating, right?"

This made me uneasy. God, she better not be a student here, or I'd be in big trouble.

"She’s definitely not a student," I muttered.

"That's good," John smiled, "The position of luna in the Frostvale Pack has been vacant for a long time. I think you should start looking for a wife. A pack without a luna is unstable. Has Rocky given you any indication? About your mate?"

Rocky is my wolf. Since I got him, he's never told me anything about my mate.

Destined mate? Just an ancient trick. The Moon Goddess sometimes makes mistakes, pairing two completely incompatible people—like my father and mother.

They were supposed to love each other but ended up hating each other, wishing for each other's death.

I never believed in fate. It only mocks me.

I didn't bother responding to John, but once he starts talking, it's hard to stop. "Hey Kael, sometimes you have to marvel at the Moon Goddess's arrangements. My wife was once my good friend's ex-girlfriend. From the moment I saw her, I fell deeply in love. Though it cost me my good friend, I gained a beautiful wife. Who can say that's not a good deal? I bet you'll meet someone you want to spend your life with too."

"Sorry," I stopped and looked at him coldly, "I don't expect love. My pack doesn't need a luna."

His mouth dropped open. "Why? I thought everyone needed love."

"As an alpha, my work is exhausting enough. Life would be much easier if it were just academic." I patted his shoulder.


He wanted to say more, but I said I had a meeting to attend and walked away.

Love, love. Why does everyone need love? Why does everyone think I need love? I hate being associated with "love."

Because I'm not born out of love. I'm born out of hate.

* * *

Skylar's POV

His gaze was intense, contrasting sharply with his serious tone. He was young and much more handsome than Remy. But that wasn't why he attracted me. What truly drew me in were his blue eyes.

And his soft lips. For some reason, part of me was stirring.

Why did Remy never make me feel this way?

He said, "Tears are precious. It's not worth being sad for someone who betrayed you."

Then he said, although my action was offensive, the kiss was enough as compensation.

My face flushed again.

By the time I reacted, he was already gone.

I looked at my watch. Fine, I was thirty minutes late. Professor Thompson was never lenient about giving failing grades. But the thought of being in the same classroom as Remy made me feel that even a zero would be better.

Remy and Sophia, those bastards. I swear I will get back at them.

Sophia always mocked me for not having a wolf? Well, I'll show her that even without a wolf, I can still beat her to a pulp.

I've decided. I'm switching to combat classes. Just thinking about the look of frustration on Sophia's heavily made-up face makes me feel great.

My father is the best alpha in the region. He taught me fighting skills and courage.

I've never feared any challenge because I am an alpha's daughter, born a warrior.

Chapter 3

Skylar's POV

"Are you sure you want to transfer to the combat class?" Ms. Claire peered at me through her round glasses. She was the teacher in charge of student affairs. "You haven't received your wolf yet, which means you might fail."

"Yes, Ma'am," I nodded firmly.

She put down the file she was holding and rested her chin on her hand, looking at me. "Can you tell me why, Skylar?"

I didn't want to tell her the truth. Should I say that Remy betrayed me and I'd rather take a silver bullet to my temple than share a class with him?

No way. That would be too humiliating.

I made up an excuse. "Well... I think Professor Thompson is too strict. I might not meet his expectations."

Sorry, Professor Thompson.

Ms. Claire looked regretful. "I'm sorry to hear that. But I heard he likes you very much."

I feigned a sigh. "Sometimes, the higher the expectation, the stricter the requirements. But he is definitely a good professor, no doubt about it."

"Alright. According to the academy's rules, every student has the opportunity to change classes before mid-term. If you insist, I can transfer you to the combat class, but..."

I bet her expression had a hint of schadenfreude.

"Professor Kael, who teaches the combat class, is even harder to deal with than Professor Thompson. He's younger, but young people don't empathize with other young people. Be prepared—three students have already requested to transfer out of his class this week."

She handed me the new schedule as she spoke.

I took it and said playfully, "Then I hope he's a young handsome guy."

Ms. Claire laughed. "That's the least of your worries. His looks are as high as his standards for students."

"Then there's nothing to worry about," I shrugged. "All the teachers at the academy like me. I'm sure Professor Kael will be no exception."

But when I saw Professor Kael's face, I hoped he would never like me.

Oh my God! How could he be the stranger I kissed yesterday?

How could I have kissed my professor?

Suddenly, Remy didn't seem so terrifying anymore.

But seeing Sophia's disgusting face, I mustered the courage to put on a stiff smile. "Good morning, Professor Kael. I'm the new transfer student, Skylar."

The wide-brimmed hat was gone, replaced by more formal attire—if sportswear could be called formal. At least he didn't look like a western drifter anymore.

Perhaps from a recent combat demonstration, his sports jacket's front was soaked with sweat, outlining his muscular chest. Paired with his tan skin and handsome face, I couldn't help but blush.

Wake up, Skylar. This is not the time to be lovestruck!

He looked surprised to see me, but he quickly frowned. "You're not suitable for this class. You haven't received your wolf yet."

I was about to ask how he knew I hadn't received my wolf, but then I remembered he was there when Sophia and I argued yesterday. That explained everything.

Sophia. All my bad luck is related to her.

I tried to defend myself. "The combat class requires partners for fighting. I think I can cooperate with my partner in human form."

"Impossible." He rejected me flatly. "The strength of wolf form and human form are on completely different levels. And partners get the same final grade. Who would want to partner with you?"

He looked around. Everyone was silent.

"I will." A timid voice broke the silence in the arena.

"I am willing to partner with Skylar."

It was a she-wolf. She said her name was Aurora. She had heard of me and knew I was the top student at the academy. She believed in my abilities.

"Don't worry, you'll get your wolf eventually." She patted my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile.

I was grateful. We worked well together. She was surprised by my agility, and I praised her as an excellent fighter.

The harmony was broken by a voice like a crow's caw. "An alpha's daughter reduced to partnering with an omega, how laughable."

Sophia had a talent for being quickly disliked wherever she went.

Aurora was surprised. "You're an alpha's daughter? I thought you were at most a beta."

I smiled apologetically at her. I didn't like flaunting my father's alpha status, and I didn't think omega and alpha couldn't be friends. If anyone still held onto ancient hierarchical beliefs, I suggested they befriend vampires. No race loved discussing pure bloodlines more than those who kept company with graves.

I stood in front of Aurora and retorted to Sophia. "How about we make a bet? See if your wolf teeth fall out from laughing or from my punch."

Sophia was enraged and sneered. "Remy left you, so you're desperate to hook up with other men? Skylar, if everyone knows you kissed your professor, how can you still stay at the academy?"

I nearly spat the words through clenched teeth. "Don't you dare mention Remy's name in front of me, you bitch!"

At that moment, the bell rang. Kael announced that it was time for free combat.

"Who's first?" Kael asked.

"Me." I raised my hand and glared at Sophia. "Sophia Statler is my opponent."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Arrogant fool."

Aurora anxiously grabbed me. "You don't have to fight Sophia for me. The gap in your abilities is too big."

"Trust me," I patted her hand and gave a confident smile. "My father is Alpha Benjamin."

We stood on opposite sides of the combat ring, facing each other.

The students below buzzed with discussion. Some mocked me for being arrogant and ignorant; others cheered for Sophia, urging her to knock out all my wolf teeth; some sympathized with me, feeling Sophia was too much, as it was clear I would lose miserably.

I blocked out all the voices and focused on the wolf in front of me, almost five times my size, scanning for her potential weaknesses.

The fight began, and I pretended to be outmatched, quickly getting crushed by Sophia.

The audience jeered.

"Twist her wrist, Sophia!"

"Show her what you've got!"

"Nice move!"

Sophia, getting cocky, slowed down her attacks. She decided to torture me slowly.

Now's the time!

I seized the moment, attacking her slightly sluggish right leg. As she cried out in pain, I grabbed her chest fur and punched her nose, making her see stars and accidentally fall off the platform.

The arena fell silent.

I stood on the stage, panting.

I won.

Moments later, a roaring cheer erupted.

Sophia transformed back into her human form, her nose bleeding. Humiliated, she tried to attack me again, but Kael stopped her.

"Well done, Skylar." His voice carried approval. "You're the first werewolf I've seen defeat a wolf in human form."

"Did I hear wrong?" Aurora muttered. "Professor Kael never praises any student."

At that moment, everyone's phones rang simultaneously.

They exchanged looks and whispered, giving me strange glances. I was confused.

"Bzzz-bzzz-bzzz—" My phone buzzed too.

I pulled out my phone and saw a message from an unknown sender.

It was a photo of me kissing Kael.

Chapter 4

Skylar's POV

I stood frozen in place. How could this be? Who took this photo?

In the picture, my cheeks were flushed, my eyes closed, lost in the kiss with Kael. He looked surprised, clearly not expecting me to suddenly kiss him.

My sudden transfer, Kael's praise, and this kissing photo—it was hard not to connect the dots.

Many people made sounds of realization.

"No wonder she suddenly transferred to the combat class. She was after Professor Kael."

"It's hard to imagine he would do something like this... Isn't it against the rules for professors to date students?"

"Guys, this is juicy. I'm tweeting this!"

I didn't dare to look at Kael's expression.

Not far away, Sophia watched me triumphantly, waving her phone.

It was her! That bitch! I should have torn her to pieces!

Kael's stern voice rang out. "A poorly photoshopped image fooled you all?"

"Professor-student relationships are forbidden, remember that." He held up his phone. "This fake photo is so poorly done that it's easy to see through. If I find out who spread it, I will take legal action."

His righteous words even made me doubt if yesterday's mishap really happened.

But seeing Sophia's disappointed face, I trusted my memory. I really did kiss my professor.

Professor Kael... I turned my gaze back to him. He looked so young. How did he become a professor at Solstice Shifter Academy?


"What a pity. I really thought you kissed him," Aurora said, smacking her lips regretfully.

Class was over, and everyone was packing up to leave the arena. Thankfully, no one doubted the photo was real.

Even though it was.

I said nervously, "He's our professor."

"He's not just a professor, he's the alpha of Frostvale Pack. Skylar, I wouldn't be surprised if you fell for him. The youngest professor and the youngest alpha—oh, he'd make a perfect mate! Can you believe he's only twenty-three?"

"Frostvale Pack?" I frowned.

That pack didn't have a good reputation. Its previous alpha, Lycan, was a tyrant. Though he died over a decade ago, his name was still taboo in public. He was a terrifying person who sought to use the power of the Wolarna wolves to control the world. At his peak, even the King Pack had to bow to him.

Compared to others, I had more reason to despise him—Lycan had once taken my mother from my father's side and forced her to marry him.

Yes, my mother was a Wolarna wolf.

"Want to grab lunch? I love the salad at the west cafeteria. The beef is cooked just right," Aurora's invitation interrupted my thoughts.

I said, "Maybe next time. I have something to do."

After everyone left, I slowly walked over to Kael. He was changing clothes.

He had the sexiest abs I'd ever seen. His whole body looked like a piece of cinnamon chocolate, making me want to take a bite.

"Professor Kael, about the photo... I'm sorry. But I swear it wasn't me who took it." My voice was barely louder than a mosquito.

He pulled his head through his shirt, his hair slightly tousled, giving him a rakish charm.

"You're Alpha Benjamin's daughter, aren't you?" He didn't respond to my apology, asking directly.

I was surprised. "You know me?"

"Your fighting style has Benjamin's mark, easy to recognize."

He said Benjamin was the best warrior and the strongest alpha he'd ever seen.

"I'm glad to hear you say that." Praise for my father always made me proud.

"But Miss Doukas, I suggest you drop this class. Although your combat skills are excellent, you're at a significant disadvantage in strength. You can't always expect to defeat your opponents through luck," Kael said sternly.

"I don't think it was luck," I retorted, feeling angry. He underestimated me.

"If I hadn't stopped it in time, do you think you could have withstood a few more moves from Sophia's attacks? Real battlefield combat is not as gentle as in class."

Alright, I admitted that. But I was still not convinced.

"I will get my wolf, soon. My eighteenth birthday is in two weeks."

He shrugged. "Alright, then I'll extend my early congratulations. Hope she's a strong one."

His tone sounded as if he hadn't been invited to the birthday party, which he should have been.

"Many alphas will attend my birthday party. Didn't you get an invitation, Alpha Kael?"

He paused, seeming to struggle with the transition from Professor Kael to Alpha Kael. But he quickly nodded, indicating he had been invited.

"Are you planning to come?" I asked cautiously. For some reason, I wanted him to come.

He was noncommittal. "It depends. I don't like crowded places, and I'm usually busy on weekends."

I felt a bit disappointed. But I was eager to know another answer, so I asked, "Have we met somewhere before?"

Your scent is familiar. Of course, I didn't dare to say that.

His expression became odd.

"Are you hinting at what happened yesterday?"

My face turned red to my neck. How could I be so dumb? Did Remy take my brain when he left?

I stammered, "Of course not... Yesterday was an accident. It's better to forget it. I'm going to lunch. Have a nice day!"

Maybe it was my imagination, but as I left, I heard him chuckle softly.

* * *

Third Person POV

"Can you stop targeting Skylar?" Remy said to Sophia.

He was annoyed. He didn't want to get involved in women's fights. If Sophia hadn't thrown herself at him, and if Skylar hadn't refused to sleep with him, he wouldn't be with Sophia.

Sophia was a perfect example of beauty without brains.

"I heard you were invited to Skylar's birthday party?" Sophia's snake-like legs wrapped around Remy's waist, breathing hot air into his ear. "Take me with you."

Remy frowned. "If you plan to ruin the party, I advise against it."

"How can you think that of me?" Sophia protested. "I just want to meet your father. He will be there, right?"

Remy rolled his eyes. "Need I remind you? We are not in a relationship."

Sophia snorted. “You’re never this cold in bed.”

“If you agree to take me to Skylar’s birthday party, I’ll fulfill any request you have.”

Remy’s eyes lit up. “Any request?”

Sophia licked his earlobe seductively. “Of course. Any request.”

Remy was just a fool who thought with his dick instead of his brain, Sophia thought.

With so many people at the party, who would know if she did something?

Skylar, that worthless girl, better never get her wolf.


Chapter 5 (1)

Skylar's POV

There was another dream.

In the dream, I was still a little girl. I didn't know where I was, only that someone ahead of me was crying.

I followed the sound. It was a boy.

I squatted down and asked him, "Why are you crying? Where are your parents?"

He buried his head in his knees, his voice muffled. "They said my dad is a bad person."

"Who are 'they'? Did they abandon you here?"

He didn't answer my question, just kept talking to himself. "They also said I'm guilty and shouldn't have been born."

This was nonsense. Every child is their parents' treasure. They are born with blessings, how could they be guilty?

"Then let your dad rip their mouths off," I said angrily. If Benjamin knew someone criticized his precious daughter like that, he'd flip their jaws without hesitation.

"My dad is dead." His voice was choked with sobs. "They said he killed many people when he was alive."

"You know what my dad says? He tells me that everyone is an individual, not just a continuation of their parents' lives." I sat down next to him as I spoke.

I told him many things about Benjamin until his shoulders gradually stopped shaking.

When I said I had to go, he grabbed me and asked, "Are we friends? No one wants to be my friend."

"Of course." I took his hand and drew a moon on his palm. "The Moon Goddess will bless every kind person with happiness. You'll become someone different from your dad and earn everyone's respect."

He finally looked up.

His eyes were filled with tears, like fine amber.

He had blue eyes, deep like a lake.

"Knock, knock, knock." A knock on the door woke me up.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"I guess someone forgot that the day after tomorrow is an important day." My mom's gentle voice came from outside the door. "Get up, we have a lot of preparations to do."

Mom brought me the dress I was going to wear for my birthday party the day after tomorrow.

I looked at the woman in the mirror with a slender figure, fair skin, and dressed in a grand gown. She was quiet and elegant, making me feel like she was a stranger.

I made a funny face at the mirror, my freckles around my nose jumping. This made me look more like a seventeen-year-old girl.

"Two days until you're eighteen," Mom corrected me as she adjusted the waist of my dress.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Mom, do you know Kael... I mean, the alpha of Frostvale Pack?" I asked casually.

She stopped adjusting my dress.

"Why the sudden question?"

I regretted it a bit. I shouldn't have mentioned Frostvale Pack, it would remind her of Lycan.

I pushed through, "I heard Dad invited him too. I only knew he was a professor, not that he was an alpha."

Alpha of Frostvale Pack.

Mom sighed. "He's Lycan's son."

My eyes widened, my mind blank.

I murmured, "Lycan's son... then why would Dad..."

Her eyes softened as she looked at me. "Kael is different from his father. He's an excellent alpha. I think that's why your father associates with him. He's an honorable man, without prejudice."

I sighed in relief.

But then Mom changed the subject. "When do you plan to tell me about your breakup with Remy?"

I was shocked. "Who told you? I haven't mentioned it to anyone."

She smiled confidently. "Never expect to hide anything from a mother."

"Alright." I conceded. "He cheated. So we broke up peacefully."

The cheating was true. The peaceful part was false.

I wished I could stab his heart a few times with a silver dagger.

Mom wanted to comfort me, but I quickly said, "I'm not sad. Maybe we weren't right for each other. Besides, if he hadn't pestered me, I wouldn't have agreed to date him."

Saying this made me feel better. Because I really did like him once.

Mom lovingly touched my face, like when I was a child.

"So when do you plan to tell your father about this?"

"Oh, he doesn't need to know. My breakup with Remy is our business. I don't want it to affect his friendship with Alpha Richard."

Alpha Richard is Remy's father. He is Dad's best friend.

Mom sighed. "Alright, I promise you."

She tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear and murmured lovingly, "Sweetheart, sometimes I wish you weren't so sensible."

My eyes stung. I pressed my forehead against hers.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll take care of myself. I'll make you and Dad proud."


The birthday party was lively; almost all my friends and family were there.

"Hey, let's see who this princess is."

"Sky, you're even more beautiful than I imagined."

I turned around to see my two good friends, Brianna and Rosie. We were the trio. Brianna was sharp-tongued, Rosie more composed.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll get your wolf," Brianna comforted me.

Rosie nodded. "I got my wolf after my eighteenth birthday too. But she's stronger than other wolves."

"It was at seventeen," Brianna mercilessly corrected her, making a face at me. "You know, Rosie has always had a bad memory."

Rosie, angry, tried to hit her.

I laughed and stepped back, only to bump into someone I absolutely didn't want to see. Sophia.

I almost wanted to cut off the skin that touched her.

"What are you doing here?"

I remembered she wasn't on the guest list.

Sophia squinted her eyes maliciously. "Remy brought me to meet his father. Are you jealous, you pathetic weakling?"

"You better remember this is my birthday party. And the weakling you mentioned beat you to the ground a few days ago," I retorted without hesitation.

Sophia sneered. "If ambush counts as strength."

I didn't want to ruin my birthday party. Sharing the same air with her made me sick. I just wanted to walk away.

I warned her, "If you want to target me, go ahead. But as long as I'm here, you won't bully Aurora again."

"That pathetic omega? She's not even worth lifting a finger for."

"You better remember that." I glared at her. "Or you'll learn the meaning of 'regret'."

Sophia crossed her arms and looked at me, her voice like a snake's hiss. "We'll see."

I sat at the bar, drinking. I could barely hold back my urge to scream at Remy. Did he not know how much I hated Sophia? How dare he bring her to my birthday party?

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone I never expected to see—Professor Kael.

I thought he wouldn't come. Despite my surprise, a faint, inexplicable joy filled my heart. It felt sweet, like a freshly baked Basque cheesecake.

But when he saw me, he merely nodded lightly, showing no intention of talking to me.

My heart sank again.

Maybe he was here only out of respect for my father, not for me.

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