Breaking Bonds of Blood and Betrayal

Chapter 1

A deafening clap of thunder split the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a torrential downpour began.
In such wretched weather, the gates of Ironhold Keep in South Silverhaven creaked open.
“Once you step out, you’d better try to be a decent person. Don’t go doing those heinous things again,” the grim-faced guard said, handing Elysia Everhart an umbrella. His eyes flickered with pity and disgust as he looked at her frail figure, but those emotions vanished in an instant.
“Thank you.”
Elysia calmly accepted the umbrella and stepped through the prison gates into the furious wind and rain, undeterred by the miserable weather, her heart swelling with joy.
For three whole years, she had languished in this dark, oppressive place, stripped of her freedom.
From the age of eighteen to twenty-one, she had fallen from the heights of being a celebrated socialite, admired and adored, to that of a ruthless murderer, reviled by many.
The descent from paradise to hell seemed almost trivial.
And her life had been irrevocably shattered by her time in prison.
A black car waited just outside.
As she exited, a middle-aged man emerged from the vehicle, unfolding his black umbrella. He approached Elysia, expressionless, and said flatly, “Miss Everhart, Lord Corvus sent me to bring you home.”
Elysia paused, and then a grin lit her features.
With beauty that could captivate any eye, her long, narrow eyes held an undertone of enduring bitterness and scorn. “Home? I can actually go back?”
“Lord Corvus insists. After all, you were raised in House Everhart. You’ve paid your dues for what happened three years ago, and as long as you apologize to Isolde Fairbairn, we can consider the matter closed.”
“Apologize.” Elysia’s tone was gentle. “Sure, I’ll apologize.”
The man’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at her acquiescence.
Three years prior, everyone knew the infamous Elysia Everhart, who had been spoiled by Lord Corvus and wielded her status like a weapon. She’d never lowered herself to apologize to anyone. But it was evident that her time in prison had tempered her once-proud spirit.
As this thought crossed his mind, the man’s gaze softened. It appeared this once arrogant young lady had indeed learned her lesson; otherwise, she wouldn’t have become so docile.
Elysia noticed his change in demeanor but paid it little mind. Once inside the car, she stared apathetically out of the window at the rain-slick streets rushing by.
Her mind revolved around the apology he mentioned, and she caught a glimpse of her reflection on the window glass.
Her slender, exquisite eyes glimmered darkly with mockery.
Who was she supposed to apologize to?
As thoughts of Isolde Fairbairn crossed her mind, the color of hate washed over Elysia’s hazel eyes.
She had never imagined that her life would crumble at the hands of an inconspicuous woman.
Even the man who had once doted on her could turn overnight, condemning her to the merciless jaws of prison.
In those cold, unforgiving walls, she swore that if she made it out alive, she would tear the mask from Isolde Fairbairn’s face and repay every humiliation she had endured tenfold.
“Miss Everhart, when you return, make sure to apologize to Isolde Fairbairn in front of everyone. That way, all your past sins will be forgiven,” the man continued, his tone devoid of warmth. “Isolde Fairbairn is a good girl. I hope this time you can truly turn over a new leaf.”
The car navigated through well-groomed tree-lined streets until it arrived at Everhart Manor.
As the torrential rain turned into a gentle drizzle, Elysia stepped out of the car. She gazed with indifference at the home she had lived in for eighteen years, her hands clenched into tight fists, veins bulging.
“Miss Everhart, everyone is inside waiting for you,” said Alfred the Steward, who stood by the door. His face, once warm and cherishing, now bore a frown and detached demeanor, a stark contrast to the fondness he used to show her.

Chapter 2

Elysia shot a cold glance at the old man, knowing full well that he had always been a fickle observer. With her once celebrated status as the Everhart heiress crumbling, there was no need for him to curry favor anymore. He would likely delight in kicking her while she was down to please his powerful backers. Reflecting on her past at Everhart Manor, she felt like a fool for her misplaced trust.
How could she have viewed the wolves as family and the tigers as sisters?
Without these so-called family members, how could Isolde have so easily set her up, leaving her with no way to defend herself?
Everhart Hall.
Even in stormy weather, the curiosity of onlookers could not be quelled.
Upon learning that today marked Elysia's release from jail, nearly everyone with a connection to the Everhart family couldn't resist gathering to gloat. The living room was packed to the brim.
As soon as Elysia stepped inside, dozens of eyes fell on her, filled with curiosity, disdain, and malicious glee.
Except for one.
Sitting in the center of the room was a man whose face radiated aggression, commanding such respect that even the head of the Everhart family was relegated to the sidelines offering feeble compliments.
With dark hair and piercing emerald eyes that sparked with predatory intensity, he resembled a beast lurking in the night, instilling fear in all who met his gaze. Dressed in a tailored black shirt and matching slacks that accentuated all the right parts, he exuded a dangerous, languid charisma that demanded submission from anyone standing before him.
Cedric Stormwind, the king at the apex of the hierarchy, notorious as "Sir Thaddeus." He was recognized as Silverhaven's very own living nightmare.
Elysia’s eyes remained locked onto him, the moisture pooling in her eyes betraying the illusion of composure she tried to maintain.
“Elysia, it’s good to have you back,” a sudden voice broke through the tense atmosphere. A woman with delicate features and a sweet smile approached, gracefully pushed in her wheelchair by a servant. She settled beside Cedric and added, “Today is a day of celebration for you. I wanted to have Father throw you a welcome home party, but Cedric insisted that you apologize to me first before being welcomed back into the Everhart family.”
Isolde’s voice was as melodious as ever; her gentle smile conveyed a sense of helplessness. “We grew up together, you know I’d forgive you regardless of whether you apologized. It’s Cedric who’s making a big deal out of this; please don’t hold it against him.”
“Isolde, how could you say that?” Marcus Everhart, the family patriarch, glared at Elysia with disgust. “It’s only fitting for this ungrateful daughter to apologize to you. You’ve brought shame to the Everhart name. Hurry up and apologize to your sister!”
Elysia looked at the man she once called her father. Now, having seized all her assets, he wore his disdain for her openly.
Taking a deep breath, she averted her gaze from Cedric and walked toward Isolde, who waited for her expected submission. But just as everyone anticipated an apology, Elysia swiftly raised her hand and slapped Isolde across the face with a sharp crack.
Looking down from her elevated stance, she chuckled coldly. “Apologize? You think you’re worthy of that kind of respect?”

Chapter 3

No one expected Elysia Everhart to emerge from three years in prison and still act so brazenly.
Not only did she refuse to apologize to her victim from years past, but she even dared to slap Isolde Fairbairn in front of a crowded room.
The shock that rippled through the audience quickly turned to outrage.
Relatives from House Everhart began to voice their anger, fuming with indignation.
“A murderer strutting around after serving time? Elysia Everhart really knows no shame. She’s been spoiled rotten. She still thinks she can act like that entitled little princess she once was.”
“With Lord Corvus protecting her back then, it’s a different story now that Isolde is his fiancée. Just wait and see; Lord Corvus will not let her off easily.”
“Elysia, you’ve crossed the line. Three years ago, you bullied Isolde, knowing she’s soft-hearted, and ruined her legs. Now, you’re still pushing her around? Are you really that deluded?”
Marcus Everhart was livid, striding forward to strike this rebellious daughter, but Elysia adeptly dodged his hand.
Casting a cold gaze over the assembly, her eyes finally landed on the pitiful Isolde, and she sneered, “Isolde, stop playing the innocent flower. You can trick everyone else, but not me. Your heart is more venomous than a viper’s. Now that I’m out of prison, I’ll make sure you pay for what you did.”
“Cedric,” Isolde whimpered, visibly shaken, as she leaned into Cedric Stormwind's embrace, her eyes misty. “I never thought Elysia would hate me so much.”
“This is insanity. Utter insanity.” Marcus was trembling with fury.
To have his own daughter defy him like this in public was utterly mortifying.
Cedric Stormwind, sitting regally on the sofa, merely watched the unfolding drama with a stony expression. As Isolde’s voice quivered with distress, his gaze locked onto Elysia with a chilling intensity that felt like an immovable glacier, his voice deep and magnetic, “Get on your knees and apologize to Isolde.”
Elysia flinched, incredulous that the man who had always coddled her was now defending that green tea b*tch, her eyes burning with rage as she shot back, “Cedric Stormwind, what did you just say?”
Lord Corvus’s words were rarely repeated, and the room fell hushed.
Cedric’s loyal right-hand man, who knew the weight behind his words, stepped forward and forced Elysia down to kneel in front of Isolde.
Elysia struggled fiercely; even on her knees, she refused to bow her head, her eyes glossy with grief and disappointment as she looked at the once-supportive man. With a voice thick with anguish, she demanded, “Why should I apologize for something I didn’t do? Cedric Stormwind, why don’t you believe me? Why?”
Even after being sent to prison by this man, Elysia could scarcely fathom Cedric standing against her now.
Once, he had sworn to cherish her forever, but now he believed her guilty.
Three years of bottled anguish had left her desperately questioning herself but never discovering the answer.
As she raised her voice in defiance, those present couldn’t help but be struck by her audacity.
In all of Silverhaven, few dared to call Lord Corvus by his full name.
“Elysia, it’s been three years, and you still haven’t learned your lesson.”
Cedric rose and approached her, looking down from his height.
His green eyes sparkled like an unfathomable abyss, revealing nothing of what this king-like figure truly thought.
Isolde stroked her bruised cheek gently, her voice soft and soothing. “It’s okay, Cedric. If Elysia refuses to apologize, let’s not force her. As her older sister, I should be the bigger person.”
Her soft, demure tone painted her as the perfect, forgiving sibling.
Yet Elysia felt an overwhelming wave of nausea rise within her.
“Until you apologize, you will remain on your knees.”
Cedric's cold voice cut through the tension.
Once more, Elysia fought against the restraining grip of his loyal friend, unable to move an inch.
Seizing the moment, Marcus stepped forward and slapped her across the face, his booming voice filled with fury, “You ungrateful child! After everything, you still act this way.”

Chapter 4

"If it weren't for Lord Corvus, I'd have kicked you out of here long ago! Who could ever welcome you home? Your sister is being generous enough, and yet here you are, with such a cold heart, daring to lay a hand on her. Are you even human?" Marcus Everhart struck Elysia Everhart hard, sending pain radiating through her head as her fair cheek began to swell visibly.
Elysia smirked defiantly, “You’re right. I’m not human, and you’re no better.”
She lifted her gaze to Cedric Stormwind and suddenly burst into laughter.
She should have realized it long ago—three years ago, she had nothing. Coming back here was just a flicker of that last, lingering affection for this man.
Surviving that treacherous place where people were devoured whole, the innocent girl who had once been spoiled and naive was long gone.
She returned to reclaim what rightfully belonged to her.
“Are you crazy? Truly insane,” Marcus snarled, striking her again with venom in his words. “Maybe I should have suffocated you at birth. Now even your own father is cursing at you.”
Elysia looked at him with disdain, her split lip oozing blood that trickled down her chin.
After three years in prison, she was far leaner than before, and life had not been kind to her.
People murmured and cast scornful glances her way; her very name seemed to repulse them.
But what did it matter?
Cedric Stormwind had accused her of failing to learn from her mistakes, and yes, she was never one to play it safe.
Apologizing to Isolde Fairbairn? Ha! She would rather die.
“Cedric…” Isolde Fairbairn sighed, speaking softly, “I don't want to pressure Elysia into an apology. How about we let her kneel here for one night as her form of atonement? We can spare her, right?”
“Let this beast off with just a night of kneeling? Don’t forget, she’s the one who crippled you, Little Seraphina. Kindness has its limits. Just look at her! She shows no remorse for you and holds a grudge for her time locked away.”
Marcus’s gaze was tender as he looked at Isolde Fairbairn, and one might think he was her real father.
Others who had gathered nodded in agreement.
Isolde Fairbairn had been left with permanent damage; the once beautiful girl now depended on a wheelchair to move.
Truly, this child was still too kind.
The crowd murmured with disdain, their gazes toward Elysia thick with contempt.
Cedric Stormwind frowned at the comments, his tone icy as he replied, “If that pleases you.”
With that, he turned and strode away.
With his departure, the oppressive air in Everhart Estate lifted slightly.
Marcus Everhart glared at Elysia. “You just stay here and atone. You can rise only when Little Seraphina forgives you.”
As Cedric Stormwind’s people lingered, Marcus restrained himself from striking Elysia further.
Isolde Fairbairn smiled faintly, maneuvering her wheelchair toward Elysia’s direction. She turned to the two men restraining Elysia, saying, "Let me have a private word with Elysia."
“Miss Fairbairn, the floor is yours.”
Understanding her intent, they took a few steps back while still keeping a firm grip on Elysia, ensuring she could not harm Isolde.
Elysia glared at Isolde, her expression dark with hatred.
But Isolde seemed unbothered, leaning in close to whisper in a tone only they could hear. “I’m engaged to Cedric… Elysia, you’re still so foolish; in this lifetime, you will never win against me…”

Chapter 5

Elysia Everhart's light brown eyes narrowed sharply, fixating on the insincere face of Isolde Fairbairn.
Her hands, bound and trembling, formed tight fists. If it weren't for Cedric Stormwind's men restraining her, she would have gladly smashed her fists into Isolde's face.
"I don't believe it."
Elysia gritted her teeth and pronounced the words with fierce clarity.
Isolde, with a satisfied smirk, surveyed Elysia's ashen face, casually brushing a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. Sighing, she feigned helplessness. "Elysia, I know you've always had feelings for Cedric. But... so much has happened over the years. Even with the hurt you've caused me, I've always regarded you as a sister. You and Cedric were childhood sweethearts—friends, almost family. I genuinely hope you can bless our relationship."
"Sisterhood? Give me a break. Isolde Fairbairn, your deceitfulness makes me sick."
Elysia’s eyes reddened, disgust coiling in her gut at Isolde's pretense.
Isolde shook her head with a 'you're beyond help' expression and began to turn her wheelchair away.
Before she left, she made sure to sweetly address Cedric's men. "You know how Cedric can get. Once Elysia has been kneeling long enough, just let her return. Don’t make it too hard on her."
"Yes, Miss Seraphina."
Cedric Stormwind’s right-hand men were a pair of twin brothers.
Valerian Hawthorn and Gabriel Hawthorn.
Tall and muscular, they were both strikingly handsome.
Isolde’s words, on the surface, appeared magnanimous, but they served as a warning to the twins—make sure Elysia stays kneeling.
After all, these two had once been on decent terms with her.
With them watching, Elysia was forced to kneel in the center of Everhart Hall for an entire day on the cold marble floor before a servant finally dragged her back to her room.
Returning after three years, Elysia found her bedroom claimed by Isolde. Now, she resided in a makeshift storage room hastily prepared by the estate's staff—besides a simple bed, there was little else.
The space was cramped and dim, even worse than the rooms the estate's staff occupied.
Elysia felt the pain radiating from her knees, lying on the small bed barely over four feet wide, her delicate face paler from hunger after not eating for too long.
As her stomach grumbled, she stared at the white ceiling, and a bitter laugh escaped her lips.
This place, where she had lived for eighteen years, now bore no traces of her past self after merely three years' absence.
All her belongings had been discarded by Marcus Everhart's orders, as if Elysia Everhart had never existed.
Even after experiencing Marcus's cold indifference during her three years at Ironhold Keep, being treated this way upon returning home felt like a sharp stab in the heart.
This was supposed to be her home, yet she felt less than a stranger.
Remembering the years when she had treated Isolde, the serpent at her side, as a true sister, she almost wished she could crush her past self for being so gullible.
She hated that she had welcomed a wolf into her home, blind to their intentions.
Elysia forced a bitter smile.
Isolde's mother had been a close friend of Elysia's mother. When her mother passed away when Elysia was only ten, Isolde's mother, Seraphina Brightstar, had frequently come to Everhart Manor to care for her. Over time, Isolde’s mother and Marcus had become involved.
Before that entanglement, both Seraphina and her daughter had treated her beautifully, to such an extent that Elysia naively accepted Isolde as her step-sister.
Little did she know, human hearts could be so treacherous.
To achieve their ends, the mother and daughter duo had deceived her for years, only revealing their true faces when it was too late—sending her spiraling from elation into despair.
"I'm so hungry..."
Tears misted in Elysia’s eyes. Despite the hardships she had faced at Ironhold Keep, lying alone in this small room still stirred a deep and unexplainable discomfort.

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