Between Love and Secrets

Chapter 1

This tale unfolds a new love after marriage, also known as "My Husband is an Elite."
Alexander came from a modest background and experienced a sudden transformation from a Beta to an Omega at the age of fifteen. This drastic change, combined with his new school environment tailored for Omegas, created various challenges that made it difficult for him to find a partner. At nineteen, he was unexpectedly arranged to marry William, an Alpha from a prestigious family, and they relocated back to his hometown of White Dragon Keep due to William's job transfer.
Unbeknownst to William, who intended to use his wife’s identity as a cover for an assassination plot, Alexander had his own hidden agenda driven by a thirst for revenge…
A blend of mystery, sweetness, and the unique ABO narrative, with new chapters updating at eleven AM each day.
The story springs from the perspective of an ordinary person, humorously critiquing the complexities of the ABO world.
This narrative serves as a companion piece to "The Life of an Atypical Omega," sharing subtle connections.
**Content Tags:** Romance, Mystery, ABO, Drama, High Flower, Love After Marriage
**Keywords:** Main Characters: Alexander, William | Supporting Characters: Victor, Anna | Other: Nanzhi, Atypical ABO, Sweetness, Happy Ending
**One-Sentence Synopsis:** A post-marriage love story entwined with suspense and warmth, set against the backdrop of family and agriculture.
Amidst the serenity of Eldoria's southwestern coast, lies White Dragon Keep.
Dragon's Peak stretches into Seafarer's Bay, bifurcating White Dragon Keep into two distinct halves: a bustling harbor on one side and fertile farmland on the other, known for its abundance of fruits and flowers.
This magnificent Dragon's Peak resembles the head of a dragon dipping into the sea, with its body meandering through the land and leading deep into the grand Whispering Clouds Mountains to the southwest.
Despite its equatorial proximity, the area's climate remains temperate year-round, seldom exceeding thirty degrees Celsius, with the lowest temperature around twenty.
A wealth of resources makes this small city of just over a million residents a coveted destination, offering low living costs and less financial pressure. Consequently, White Dragon Keep has been recognized as one of the most beautiful and livable cities, celebrated for its rich tourism assets.
However, recent developments have shifted the landscape.
In the Whispering Clouds Mountains, a monumental project—one designed to span a century—has begun under the Empire, with White Dragon Keep lying a mere hundred kilometers away. Resources flood into White Dragon Keep’s port by sea, then are transported by rail to the construction site. With the project’s completion, White Dragon Keep's strategic importance will soar, leading to its designation as a special economic zone several years ago.
This massive undertaking has attracted a wave of migrant workers, invigorating an already thriving tourism and service industry.
Over recent years, housing prices have skyrocketed, jumping from an initial four thousand per square meter to a staggering thirty thousand, with government measures just barely curbing the rise.
Crime rates, already a concern for the city as it transitioned into a tourist hub, have spiraled further downward following the influx of over one hundred thousand newcomers, leading to a surge in criminal activity.
On a morning like any other, Old Man Reed, a routine fishing enthusiast, arrived at his usual spot by the sea at dawn. As he set up his gear and organized his bait, a strange glint caught his eye near some rocks not far off. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was the shimmering fabric of a woman's skirt.
Given the notorious crime wave in White Dragon Keep, including reported murders and bodies being disposed of at sea, Old Man Reed's instincts kicked in. Alarmed, he called out to fellow fishermen nearby. One of his better swimmers quickly paddled over to investigate and paled as he called out to others searching the area, "It's a woman... she's dead."
The police arrived slowly, moving with the weight of bureaucracy, as they dragged the body ashore, snapping photos and running facial recognition checks that left them in a frenzy. Slowly, the reality of the situation began to dawn on Old Man Reed and the other witnesses—they were embroiled in something significant.
Though the body was waterlogged beyond recognition, whispers began to circulate.
"She looks strikingly like Mayor Montgomery."
With that assumption circulating, the internet lit up with searches, each comparison concluding more fervently that the body was indeed that of Mayor Montgomery.
Mayor Montgomery was a female Beta in her fifties, a self-made achiever who had risen through local politics, deeply loved and admired by the residents of White Dragon Keep.
The news of the deceased woman quickly spread, igniting a media frenzy. By the time the city government attempted to manage the narrative, it was already too late.
A lifelong single, the Mayor lived alone in an apartment downtown. Dressed in an evening gown, her drowning seemed improbable, prompting rampant speculation that she had been murdered to silence her. Calls for a transparent investigation grew louder, with groups forming to demand a meticulous inquiry into her death and swift justice for the perpetrator.
In response, the White Dragon Constabulary reached out to the state government for assistance. However, the state’s designated investigators failed to produce any tangible leads to share with the public, forcing them to seek help from The Grand Inquisition in Cloudhaven.
The Grand Inquisition is the Kingdom of Eldoria's top investigative body, rarely engaging in local cases unless they are of paramount importance.
William, vice director of the Special Investigations Unit for The Grand Inquisition, is the youngest to hold such a position at just 29. Thanks to him, the unit has gained a reputation among various departments as it leverages psychological data analysis to develop effective tactics.
Yawning broadly, William stepped out of the information analysis room and onto the corridor, where he unexpectedly ran into James Swift, the director of Unit Eight.
James, dressed casually in unkempt clothes, bore a scruffy stubble, presenting a stark contrast to William, who managed to maintain a polished appearance even after days of overtime.

Chapter 2

In the building of the Special Investigations Unit, James Swift's presence had become a common sight; everyone was used to it. William always maintained a neat and clean appearance, complemented by a hint of cologne, which set him apart among the rough-and-tumble crowd, making him seemingly out of place.
"Your therapist, William, is quite the snob. Who has time to spray on cologne these days?" James remarked as he walked by, unable to resist throwing a jab.
William, known for his reserved demeanor, merely shot James a cold glance. With his fair smooth skin, deep gray-blue eyes, soft black hair, straight nose, and full lips, William's striking looks were often a topic of hushed chatter. Colleagues jokingly referred to him as the 'Most Beautiful of the Investigative Bureau,' or simply "William the Gorgeous," a title he deeply resented. He hated the way those rugged men who shared the same building dirtied his living environment, and he found their penchant for nicknames intolerable. Consequently, his demeanor towards them reflected his displeasure.
"I'd rather be picky than join those who think going unshaven is fashionable," William quipped back.
James instinctively brushed his hand over his unshaved stubble. Banter between them was a regular affair, and he brushed off the comment.
"Didn’t they send you to White Dragon Keep? Why are you still hanging around here?" James asked, raising an eyebrow.
William removed his white glove from his right hand and rubbed his dry eyes with the left. "That case isn’t worth much investigation. They just sent me out because it's gotten too tangled."
Turning his gaze back at James, he probed, "Isn't that near your hometown? If you all can’t handle it, why did you send me out? Shouldn't you go?"
James chuckled, "It’s tricky for sure. But, from what Sister Lynn said, you're a good fit for it. Just make sure you've got safety on your mind—if anything else comes up, you can reach out to me."
William rolled his eyes at the praise. "Sister Lynn said that? More like you just did."
"I'm heading over tomorrow. I've already arranged for someone to go ahead," he added dismissively.
James waved his hand. "I’ll get busy then."
"Ha," William huffed discontentedly.
As James was about to leave, he remembered something. "I heard you got married, is that true?"
William maintained an impassive expression. "Can’t a guy get married?"
James scrutinized him from top to bottom, noticing how his polished appearance likely made him more appealing to Omega types. Nonetheless, he wasn’t envious. "Didn’t expect you to tie the knot so soon and keep it under wraps. No heads-up, no dinner? That’s just rude."
William replied, "I’ll have everyone over for dinner once I’m back."
James pressed on, "No wedding ceremony?"
William shrugged. "I'll think about it."
James sighed. "I’m still single, yet you’re already married. At least you can ask me to be your best man now."
"Ah," William thought to himself, pondering the absurdity of that comment.
He nearly rolled his eyes but settled on a resigned response. "Your marriage has nothing to do with me. But if I ever do throw a wedding, you could be my best man."
“Just don’t forget,” James insisted, inserting a mock lament. "Sending you off to White Dragon Keep so soon after tying the knot—it just seems wrong. Separating you from your spouse like that isn’t fair."
William clarified, "He’ll be coming with me to White Dragon Keep."
James looked genuinely surprised. "Taking your partner to such a far-off location? Is it really that lovey-dovey after an Alpha and Omega get together?"
He intended to say, “Are you really that whipped? Won’t this mess with your work? Didn’t peg a workaholic like you would end up here.”
William asserted, "The situation at White Dragon Keep is complicated. Sister Lynn has tasked me to stay for a while—likely a year or two. Isn’t it appropriate to bring my family?"
James reached out, attempting to drape an arm over William's shoulders. "You’re making a huge sacrifice…”
William, despite being shorter and much thinner than the imposing James, evaded him in a swift motion, putting a distance of at least three feet between them.
Looking at his empty outstretched hand, James said, "Uh... your obsession with cleanliness is a bit much. My hands are clean."
"Not that I care," William replied coolly. "I've got to pack. Catch you later. When you visit your hometown, come to White Dragon Keep; I’ll treat you to some seafood."
At nineteen, Alexander, as an Omega, was considered ‘delicate’ in the social structure where Omega were often viewed as weaker. In a world where most Alphas and Betas were just starting college around his age, an unwed Omega like him was an oddity.
At Highspire Academy, Alexander wasn’t odd in age for a regular student, but since those at the academy who reached eighteen without engagement were few, and those who were nineteen without a match were even more scarce, it painted an unusual picture.
Highspire Academy was the most prestigious Omega-only school located in the capital, Cloudhaven.
The oldest student there who hadn’t engaged was a legend named Delilah, a twenty-seven or twenty-eight-year-old who had never been matched. Teachers often cited him as a cautionary tale to scare Omega students: “You don’t want to end up like Delilah, do you?”
In truth, if Alexander could choose, he wouldn’t want to engage either. So, all the Omega hoping to avoid marriage looked to Delilah as a figure of reverence, some even printing his image to wear, believing it could bring them luck, strength, and protection.

Chapter 3

Alexander was packing his things in his dorm room.
He had been assigned a marriage this month, and he and his legal husband had received their marriage certificate just a few days ago, although they had only met twice, both briefly.
After those hurried encounters, Alexander didn't feel as though the man named William, an Alpha, had fallen in love with him, nor did he believe he had developed feelings for him. Despite William's notable good looks and reputedly impressive background, with a great job to boot, Alexander couldn’t shake the feeling that he was simply a lucky pick in a game of fate, or so everyone else opined.
The timeline was rushed; they had not held a wedding ceremony, and now, William was relocating to White Dragon Keep for work. Alexander was expected to pack up and move with him.
Innkeeper Edna, a kind-hearted Beta in her forties with a slightly plump figure and an ordinary appearance, finished her chores and came to help Alexander with his packing. She wasn't just a staff member; she cared about the students and was well-liked, especially by the sensitive Omegas, who could easily sense kindness. Alexander was no exception.
"I can't take these with me. Edna, please sell them as second-hand goods. They might as well be put to good use," he said, handing her a large bag filled with items he couldn't take along.
This was the typical routine for students departing from here. Although Highspire Academy was a prestigious institution in the country, the staff, including Edna, didn't earn much. Accepting what they could for second-hand items was a welcome boost.
"These are mostly your belongings. You should consider mailing what you can to your new home," Edna replied.
Alexander waved his hand dismissively. "No need. It’s too far, and the postage will be expensive. Remember, I'm going back to White Dragon Keep."
Edna's face fell slightly at his words. "White Dragon Keep? That's a bit out there, isn't it? I've heard the lifestyle is quite different from ours in Cloudhaven. You might not adjust well. Plus, I've seen online that many over there have rather primitive habits—like going shirtless in public and indulging in raw foods. And the safety isn’t great either; theft and violence seem to happen frequently. I even read about their mayor being murdered! What a frightening place. You’d better talk to your husband and persuade him to transfer back here as soon as possible. Cloudhaven is the heart of this country after all—there's no place like it."
Alexander fell silent at this.
White Dragon Keep was his hometown, where he had lived until he turned fifteen and transitioned from a Beta to an Omega. It had a warm climate year-round, abundant fruits and vegetables, and was located near the sea with cheap, plentiful seafood. The Cloudserpent Mountains offered skiing in winter, and summers brought mushroom foraging in the rich mountain terrain. He could live off the delicious mushroom sauces for an entire year…
Thinking about returning to White Dragon Keep eased much of his anxiety about suddenly marrying a stranger and living with him.
Of course, Alexander acknowledged that White Dragon Keep had its share of safety issues. He had grown accustomed to it, too. People who had never ventured out of Cloudhaven often held a sense of superiority, believing that anywhere beyond the capital was just a rough, uncivilized place.
He chuckled softly and said, "Edna, you seem to forget that I'm actually from White Dragon Keep. I’m just a country boy heading back home, which sounds pretty good to me."
Edna’s posture shifted slightly, a bit shy. "Well, the countryside has its advantages; the air is clean, and the cost of living is low, unlike the high-pressure life in Cloudhaven."
In fact, Alexander had already sent some items ahead to White Dragon Keep, following the address William had provided. William had assured him that arrangements had been made for their new place, and there would be someone there to receive his things.
The address was atop a famous hill in White Dragon Keep, a place Alexander visited with his father when he was younger. Despite William's ethereal presence, Alexander found himself reassured by these small gestures, leading him to believe that William might actually make a good partner.
Having comfortable thoughts about his new life, Alexander didn’t mind the unavoidable interactions that lay ahead with this unfamiliar person.
After sorting through most of his belongings for Edna to sell, he only needed to take two suitcases with him.
Once he finished packing, all that was left was to wait in the dorm. William had mentioned he’d send a car to pick him up for the airport.
Edna said, "Listen, don’t think I’m being nosy, but I just want the best for you, Alexander. As an Omega, the most important thing is to start having kids soon, and ideally, you should have an Alpha child. Only then can life feel secure."
Even though that was the societal consensus, it was also the last thing Alexander wanted to hear.
He didn’t refute Edna's words directly; instead, he nodded thoughtfully.
Just then, his wrist communicator lit up with a message from William. "My car just entered the school gate and will arrive at your dorm soon. I can’t come inside, so please come down."
Feeling a wave of nervousness, Alexander turned to Edna. "He’s coming to the dorm now. I need to head out."
Alexander had completed all the necessary procedures, ready to leave. While his closer classmates had paired off and left ahead of him, he was the last one remaining. Though he had spent four years of his life here, he found little regret about leaving.
Edna escorted him downstairs. They had only waited a moment in front of the building when a sleek black sedan pulled up, closely followed by a school security vehicle.
It wasn’t a weekend, so other students were still in class, leaving the dorm eerily quiet.

Chapter 4

The driver was a Beta male. He stepped out of the car and approached Alexander respectfully, lowering his voice. “Lady, Sir is waiting for you in the car. Are these your two pieces of luggage? Let me take them.”
Alexander was accustomed to handling everything himself, so he felt somewhat uncomfortable being treated with such deference. He steeled himself against the awkwardness, calmly handing his suitcases to the driver. “I’m leaving now, Edna. If I get the chance to come back, I’ll stop by,” he said to the innkeeper.
Alexander nodded and settled into the back seat of the car, assisted by the driver.
Seated opposite him was a tall Alpha in a sharp black suit, working on a tablet. As Alexander entered, the Alpha stored the sleek device away and extended a hand, perhaps to assist him. Alexander, not understanding the gesture at that moment, awkwardly sidestepped and closed the door by himself.
The Alpha seemed momentarily startled before speaking. “We’ll head straight to the airport. Do you have good friends you want to say goodbye to?”
Alexander shook his head. “They’re all married and not at school anymore.”
The Alpha nodded. “Alright, then we’ll go directly.”
“Okay,” Alexander replied softly.
Despite their marriage, Alexander felt a strong sense of unfamiliarity between them; in reality, they were as good as strangers, having only met twice. He sighed inwardly.
Fortunately, the Alpha carried a botanical scent that wasn’t overly aggressive—Alexander found it tolerable. Otherwise, he didn’t know how he would get through their initial time together.
As the car drove out of Highspire Academy, class was letting out, and they passed numerous students walking on the nearby sidewalk. Highspire Academy was a prestigious school for Omegas, and naturally, all the students were Omegas.
Being an Alpha, it was only natural for him to be attracted to Omegas; Alexander expected William would be distracted by the sight of so many Omegas together, but to his surprise, William barely glanced before turning his attention back. “Will you miss this place when you leave?” he asked Alexander.
Taken aback, Alexander hadn’t expected William to ask him such a question.
Of course, he felt some sadness. It was rare to genuinely love a place like Highspire Academy, a melting pot for Omegas. It seemed highly likely that anyone who would miss it was probably only doing so out of fear of the unknown that lay ahead.
As an Omega, Alexander was hesitant to share his true feelings, fearing he wouldn’t be seen as gentle or compliant. Feeling shy, he responded quietly, “I suppose I might.”
William sighed. “Because I’m being transferred to work at White Dragon Keep, I think it would be best to find an Omega from there, someone who wouldn’t struggle too much adjusting to that life. I hope you won’t resent me for taking you away from here.”
Alexander noticed during their previous meetings that William embodied the essence of a “noble son”—everything about him, from his clothing to his demeanor and speech, was meticulous and courteous. This meticulousness made Alexander, who came from a working-class background, feel both out of place and intrigued.
“No, of course not! I’m happy to go home, really. Thank you for choosing me,” Alexander quickly reassured him.
The Kingdom of Eldoria was vast, covering 90% of the continent—it was the largest country on the planet.
Cloudhaven was in the northeastern part of Eldoria, while White Dragon Keep was situated in the southwestern region. The flight from Cloudhaven to White Dragon Keep took about five hours on the fastest planes available.
White Dragon Keep wasn’t particularly large, with a population of only two million. Direct flights from Cloudhaven to White Dragon Keep were limited, with only one or two medium-sized flights running each day—definitely not in a more comfortable large plane.
However, for Alexander, it didn’t matter. He was unaware of the differences between various types of aircraft. In his limited experience, he had only flown once before, being taken from White Dragon Keep to Cloudhaven.
At the airport, Alexander learned that he wasn’t just traveling with William, but also with a Beta servant, a man in his fifties who was waiting with their luggage.
William introduced him. “Alexander, this is our butler, James. You can just call him James.”
The older man bowed respectfully to Alexander, then asked for his contact number before introducing himself. “Lady, it’s an honor. I’m Steward Edward. I’ve been taking care of Master William for a long time now. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me; I’ll do everything I can to help.”
Alexander wasn't used to such respect from anyone, especially someone older than himself. He quickly replied, “Thank you! I look forward to having your support.”
“Not at all, not at all,” Steward Edward said.
The three of them waited in the private lounge of the first-class terminal as staff offered them meals with warm hospitality. This was all quite new for Alexander, who had never experienced such treatment before, nor did he think he ever would.
A beautiful attendant shot a curious look at Alexander before approaching William, sweetly suggesting different types of coffee and asking which one he preferred.
Alexander wondered if he was overthinking things, as he felt that the attendant’s flattery crossed a certain line.
Steward Edward approached him, blocking his view of William and the attendant. He leaned in a little, apologizing quietly, “It’s a five-hour flight from Cloudhaven to White Dragon Keep. That’s a long time to endure. It would normally be best to arrange for a private flight so you could get some decent rest. Unfortunately, the private flight schedule from Cloudhaven has been terrible lately, and although William's influence got us this arrangement, the soonest we could manage was for tomorrow. But Master William insisted we leave today, so we had no choice but to book this flight. Master William is just like that—impatient. I hope you don’t feel troubled by it."

Chapter 5

Alexander sat quietly, unsure of how to respond. He thought to himself that these were trivial matters; after all, having a plane ride to White Dragon Keep was all that truly mattered.
He recalled how some teachers at school would frequently say, “You are Omega, born with privileges and luxuries. How many Alphas strive to marry you to secure their lineage? Even if you didn’t know where you came from before, you'll find yourself among nobility eventually. Such fortune is beyond us Betas to even dream of. If you feel confined by schooling, then you truly don’t know how good you have it.”
Alexander felt the sting of their sarcasm deeply and sighed internally, replying quietly to Steward Edward, “I don’t care about that. You don’t need to either.”
He certainly didn’t believe that Steward Edward genuinely wanted to apologize, nor did he think William was really short-tempered. But he couldn’t understand why Edward felt the need to address him with those words. To him, these minor issues didn’t require explanation—perhaps it was just the peculiar “etiquette” and “face” unique to noble families.
He understood that the Williams were indeed a notable noble family, but he hadn’t realized they would have so many rules.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed a staff member still smiling at William. He thought how difficult her job must be; no doubt she had to exert extra effort in her courtesy since William was a noble.
At that moment, William suddenly turned his gaze toward him.
William's eyes were a steely gray-blue, reminiscent of inorganic gems—precious yet cold. Alexander was taken aback by the depth of his stare.
William rose and sat next to Alexander, leaning in to ask, “Is something wrong?”
Alexander shook his head, hastily responding, “Nothing at all.”
William scrutinized him further, and upon seeing no signs of trouble, he fell silent.
Alexander noticed that while William appeared elegant and refined, quite unlike the stocky Alphas, the aura he projected was nonetheless imposing. Alexander's heart raced; he realized he might be a bit afraid of William despite the latter’s continuous politeness and lack of aggression.
As it neared boarding time, Alexander pulled his Omega cloak tightly around him, covering himself completely. This cloak not only concealed the generally shorter Omega's appearance but also kept their pheromones from escaping.
William had initially stood waiting for Alexander but, under Steward Edward’s cue, he then stepped forward to adjust Alexander’s cloak. The closeness allowed Alexander to catch a whiff of William's refreshing cedar-like pheromones, making his cheeks flush.
It seemed William was also affected by Alexander’s pheromones. When Alexander looked up, he noticed a softness in William’s gaze that hadn’t been there before.
Alexander recalled the teachers saying that as an Omega, their pheromones were their strongest weapon, “No Alpha can resist.”
Though Alexander hadn’t believed it before, perhaps there was some truth to it when he was facing William now.
The two were seated in the front row of first class, in a private cabin designed for an Omega and their guest.
Once on the plane, Alexander sensed the presence of a few other Alpha pheromones nearby. William sensed it too and promptly shut the cabin door. After a moment of silence, he asked Alexander, “Are you feeling uncomfortable?”
Having spent his early teenage years in the wild, Alexander thought of himself as a mountain person, connected to nature, embracing the world around him. The stink from the barn couldn’t touch him; there was no way he would ever be bothered by the pheromones of a few Alphas.
He figured it wasn’t only him; even the most delicate Omega likely wouldn’t feel discomfort from sensing Alphas outside of family and mates. Most of their “discomfort” stemmed from an upbringing where being graceful and submissive was expected, along with being “fragile” and “sensitive.”
Alexander pondered whether he should pretend to feel unwell or just say he was fine.
His hesitation lingered too long, leading William to assume he was having a hard time. He promptly shed his suit jacket, draping it lightly over Alexander’s shoulders and asking, “Is this better?”
Alexander could smell the faint scent of William’s aftershave along with his pheromones.
No matter what, William’s thoughtfulness was always moving. With every gentle action, Alexander felt his initial wariness towards him begin to dissipate.
After a while, a flight attendant arrived to offer service. Probably due to an Alpha seated on the other side of the aisle, the cabin door was opened again. Alexander frowned at the sudden intrusion, realizing his narrow experiences had primed him poorly; some Alphas’ pheromones really were quite uncomfortable.
One such scent was overwhelmingly rusty, tinged with a metallic odor that felt nauseating and highly aggressive, making him dizzy.
Previously, William had been speaking with the attendant at the door but quickly denied her service, stating, “We’ll call if we need anything; you don’t need to check in on us.”
He promptly shut the cabin door and turned to see Alexander almost gagging, holding a hand over his mouth.
With a sinking heart, William became flustered, asking, “Are you going to be sick?”
Feeling William draw near, his arm around Alexander’s shoulders, the calming effect of William’s pheromones washed over him like a calming tide, making him feel better.
Driven by instinct, Alexander wrapped his arms around William’s waist, burying his face in his embrace. At least, despite not being close to William previously, he found comfort in William’s pheromones, which helped ease his physical discomfort.

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