Bound by Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

Liam Hawthorne had been ordered by his father to marry Edmund Blackwood, the powerful younger brother of Prince Alaric from the Kingdom of Linsburg.
To Liam, Edmund was nothing short of a ruthless madman. He wielded power so great that even the king showed him deference. Anyone who stood in his way quickly became a victim, regardless of their age or gender, with violence a common occurrence at Prince Alaric's Manor. Even those closest to Edmund were not spared from his cold resolve.
Still, Liam felt indifferent; Edmund wasn't the partner he had chosen. While their union could serve a purpose, he had no emotional ties, and whenever it was convenient, he would push Edmund aside. This back-and-forth began to stir something in Edmund, even if he often grumbled about it.
**Before Establishing Their Relationship:**
Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Edmund confronted Liam: “Am I nothing more than a tool for you to achieve your goals?”
Feigning confusion, Liam replied, “Duke, what else could you want?”
Edmund’s gaze hardened. “You have no real feelings for me.”
With a smirk, Liam responded, “Whatever emotions you desire, I can deliver.”
Edmund was left speechless.
Moments later, Liam found himself pushed onto the bed, leading to an unexpected encounter.
**After Establishing Their Relationship:**
Edmund asked, “Madam, why haven’t you asked me for anything lately?”
Liam responded, “Didn’t you say I treat you like a tool?”
“If you wish, I would gladly do anything for you,” Edmund shot back.
“Is that so?” Liam raised an eyebrow.
“Indeed, it’s been three days since you requested my assistance.”
Liam sighed, “There’s nothing to be done…”
Liam fell silent, struggling to grasp the situation.
**Witnessing a Murder:**
Yes, Liam was getting married—yes, a man marrying into the Kingdom of Linsburg. The reasoning behind this peculiar arrangement remained a mystery.
He knew there were two candidates chosen from the Royal Family: one was his younger sister, Clara Hawthorne, while the other was himself. He could guess the motivations behind it.
The Kingdom of Eldoria, his homeland, was a nearly forgotten small nation that, due to a moment of impulsiveness, had clashed with Linsburg and suffered a decisive defeat. The only way out was to marry off a royal to secure a respite.
Liam's mother, Lady Beryl, came from humble beginnings. Despite spending eight years in the royal palace, she had never risen above an ordinary lady-in-waiting, Lady Kira. She endured years of hardship without achieving even a minor noble title. Moreover, there weren’t many princesses in the Kingdom of Eldoria. Clara was the only unmarried princess left, while the others were either too young or already wed, which rendered them irrelevant in this political marriage.
If the kingdom desired an alliance, they could have easily selected some royal daughters. Yet, they had chosen him, a man, which was truly perplexing. Even more bewildering was Linsburg’s agreement, citing their open-minded culture as the reason behind accepting this unusual arrangement.
Liam’s betrothed was the influential Edmund Blackwood, while Clara was to marry Edmund's brother, the reigning king of Linsburg, Rowena Blackwood, as his beloved consort.
Liam didn’t dwell too much on the marriage; it was more about leaving his mother, Lady Beryl, behind that weighed heavily on him.
On the day of the wedding, Liam found himself in the wedding chamber of Prince Alaric's Manor. Dressed in elaborate bridal attire, he felt an invisible weight pressing down on him. The older women monitored his every move with hawk-like vigilance, leaving him anxious and awkward.
Having sat in silence for nearly two hours, the sounds of the lively celebration outside clashed sharply with the stillness in his room.
Unable to bear it any longer, he announced, “I need to step out for a moment.”
With a piercing glare, one of the matrons responded, “Young Master, you cannot leave. This is not the Kingdom of Eldoria; you must adhere to the customs of Linsburg.”
“My legs have gone numb; I just want to stretch,” Liam complained, gesturing at his cramping limbs with annoyance.
The woman, however, seemed unfazed and continued to ignore his plea.
What kind of situation was this? Did even a mere maid have the audacity to bully him?
He simply couldn’t comprehend it.
Then, suddenly, a voice from outside called, “Lady Sylvia, the arrangements for the front courtyard have been made. Butler William requests your presence.”
Lady Sylvia’s stern expression shifted slightly as she left the room.
Once she was gone, a timid maid lifted her gaze to meet Liam’s eyes.
“Master, while Lady Sylvia is away, you can take a walk in the garden. You won't run into any trouble if you stay away from the front area.”
Liam turned to the girl, noticing her intelligence shining through her bright eyes. Her delicate features and peach-like complexion also caught his attention. Intrigued, he felt a flicker of warmth towards her. “Sounds good. What’s your name?”
The young maid bowed slightly, responding with respect, “I am Isabella Fairchild. I was assigned to manage the household, but today Butler William has designated me to assist you. Please, allow me to show you around.”
Nodding in acknowledgment, Liam rose and began to stroll with her. Although wrapped in voluminous wedding garments, his stature remained impressive, exuding a subtle elegance.
The garden was lush and inviting, with ancient trees towering above. They walked through a bamboo grove, illuminated by the moonlight, arriving at a quaint bridge spanning a gentle stream. Liam paused, admiring the scenery, and murmured, “This place is beautiful; let’s take a moment to rest here.”
Isabella smiled and replied, “This is the largest courtyard in the estate; if we walk a bit further, we’ll reach the library.”
After sitting for a moment, Liam felt a need to loosen up and stood. However, as he took a few steps, a strange murmur from behind a low wall caught his attention—a hushed conversation seemed to be taking place.
“Is someone there?” Liam glanced at Isabella, who merely shook her head in response.

Chapter 2

Liam Hawthorne crouched in a shadowy corner behind a low wall, the moonlight casting a faint glow that offered him a semblance of cover.
The moon hung hazily, yet it illuminated two figures standing across from each other, their movements tense and unnatural. Most chilling of all, a body lay sprawled on the ground between them.
Liam held his breath as his gaze zeroed in on the two men. He watched, heart pounding, as one of them, a tall figure with a sharp, angular face, lunged forward with a sword, delivering a quick, lethal thrust to the man on the ground. Without flinching, he tossed the sword to his companion nearby, who expertly wiped the blade clean with a handkerchief, as if such gruesome acts were part of an everyday routine.
On his first day at Duke's Residence, Liam had stumbled upon a murder scene. While this wasn’t his first experience with violence, the atmosphere was thick with danger, sending chills racing down his spine.
Just as he thought about making a discreet exit, a glint of metal caught his eye and a sharp chill raced up the nape of his neck. Almost instinctively, he looked up, only to find a cold blade poised dangerously at his throat.
Liam felt his body stiffen momentarily, paralyzed with fear. He barely dared to breathe, terrified the blade would slice through his skin at any moment.
Next to him, Isabella Fairchild seemed to quickly recognize the threat. She reacted with grace, her voice dripping with respect and caution. “Alistair Woodridge, this is Princess Celestia, the sixth princess of the Kingdom of Eldoria. You mustn't be disrespectful.”
But the man, unmoved by her words, continued to advance.
As he closed the distance, Liam got a clear look at the newcomer—a striking man with a polished, unyielding face that had an aura of coldness about it. It was enough to send a wave of fear through him.
“Duke Edmund.”
Isabella immediately knelt.
So this was Edmund Blackwood, the Duke, standing before him, with Alistair Woodridge—a name Liam recognized from Elena Rivers’ whispers—at his side.
“What are you doing here?” Edmund’s voice was devoid of warmth, cutting through the night like a blade, sending shivers up Liam's spine.
Before he could respond, Isabella interjected. “My lord, it was I who suggested taking him out for some fresh air.”
Edmund narrowed his eyes, allowing a moment of silence before he commanded dismissively, “Get rid of them.”
Alistair communicated understanding with a slight nod before raising his sword toward Isabella.
In an instant, Liam moved to shield her, asserting, “If you're going to kill someone, then make it me.”
Isabella's eyes widened in shock at his display of bravery.
Despite facing down Edmund Blackwood, Liam remained acutely aware that Edmund would not easily end his life—not now, at least.
Tension filled the air, thick enough to be sliced. After a brief silence, Edmund waved a hand, signaling Alistair to lower the sword. The metallic clink of the blade hitting the ground echoed in the stillness, marking the confrontation's end.
Just as relief washed over Liam, Edmund's hand shot out, gripping his throat with an iron-like grip that made it hard for him to breathe. His icy eyes bore into Liam's, voice dripping with authoritative menace. “For the sake of the Kingdom of Eldoria, consider yourself lucky this time. Now get back inside.”
With that, he flung Liam roughly to the ground and turned away, departing with an air of finality that left the night heavy with silence and dread.
“Insane,” Liam groaned, sprawled on the gravel path. Each stone felt like a needle piercing his body as he watched Edmund fade into the shadows, muttering bitterly to himself.
What does any of this have to do with me?
“Are you alright, sir?” Isabella whispered, her voice trembling slightly.
With her support, Liam slowly got to his feet, brushing off the dirt and confusion. A flicker of doubt crossed his mind, prompting him to ask, “Is he always like this?”
“Yes, our Duke is always unpredictable,” Isabella replied, nodding solemnly. After a pause, gratitude flickered in her gaze. “If it weren’t for you, sir… things could have taken a darker turn.”
As she spoke, her voice grew thick with emotion, clearly shaken by the earlier scene.
Ultimately, worry creased Isabella's brow as she cautioned, “What happened tonight, I fear, may not bode well for me. Duke doesn’t tolerate loose ends. You must never mention this in front of him, sir.”
“Don’t worry. I have no interest in his affairs,” Liam reassured her.
Relieved, Isabella seemed to relax.
That night, Liam Hawthorne did not encounter Edmund Blackwood again. He had no idea where the Duke retreated to after the confrontation and didn’t particularly care. To share a roof with a madman was a far more daunting prospect.
Days of celebration wore heavy on Liam. Though he no longer donned the weighty wedding attire, exhaustion clung to him like a shroud. Over the past few days, he had been engulfed by endless rituals—prayers, palace visits, and gift distributions—many of which he had to manage personally.
Utterly spent, he collapsed on the edge of his bed, murmuring, “The customs in Linsburg Realm are truly tedious. It’s nothing like back in Eldoria; our wedding day involves little else after the initial bustle.”
As he lamented, Isabella chuckled softly. She delicately poured a cup of tea for him and said, “Indeed, the wedding customs here are numerous. This afternoon, you’ll also need to go to the palace to receive your rewards. But that means you’ll have to go with Edmund.”
Liam’s moment of joy evaporated at the mention of Edmund Blackwood. The thought of being in his presence again made his heart race; the drink in his hand suddenly tasted bitter.
“Because today’s gifts come from Queen Regalia. And the Duke is her literal son, so he must attend,” Isabella explained with a calm nod.
“I’ve always wondered why it doesn’t seem to bother Edmund that I’m a man. Could he possibly have a soft spot for males?”
Liam’s curiosity piqued at the mention of Edmund.
Isabella, insight flickering in her eyes, responded slowly, “The Duke’s desire for a princess is simply for a pleasant companion who will be obedient. The partner’s gender holds no significance for him.”

Chapter 3

Jasmine paused for a moment before continuing, "Right now, King Alistair and Duke Edmund, though brothers by blood, have always had a strained relationship. A marriage alliance might be seen as a peace offering, but it inherently means one side is pulling the other into its sphere of influence. Duke Edmund, wielding significant power, isn’t keen on allowing King Alistair to monopolize the control of the Kingdom of Eldoria. That’s why he’s resorted to this desperate measure."
Hearing this, Liam Hawthorne couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth, his heart a mix of emotions. He wasn't entirely clueless about politics; he just hadn’t delved deeply into the rifts within the royal family before. Still, it surprised him how much Jasmine, a mere maid, seemed to know.
At last, he looked at Jasmine and said, "I see. But let’s set that aside for now. Once the reward ceremony is over, will I be able to see my sister?"
He had little interest in the power struggle; his primary concern was his sister's safety.
In the midst of a heavy atmosphere, Jasmine shook her head gently, a look of helplessness crossing her face. There was a hint of contemplation in her gaze as she looked at Liam Hawthorne, slowly saying, "Typically, the day when the concubines can reunite with their families is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. By my count, there are still six months to go."
Liam didn’t have the luxury of waiting that long. Even if he couldn’t see her, he just wanted to send a letter. Six months felt like an eternity.
Jasmine hesitated for a moment, seemingly weighing her words: "If this is something Duke Edmund brings up, there might be a chance."
At her words, Liam fell into thought, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation, as if he were exploring some critical issue deep within his mind.
Just then, the voice of Butler William broke through his thoughts. "Sir, it’s time to depart. Duke Edmund is waiting for you outside."
Jasmine immediately stepped forward to smooth Liam's clothes.
They hurried to the front of the estate and found an elaborately decorated carriage waiting for them. The carriage was adorned with intricate carvings, and the wheels were made of fine mahogany, every detail exuding nobility and luxury. Through the sheer curtains, Liam could faintly see Edmund Blackwood seated within.
As he climbed the wooden steps, Liam gently lifted the curtain and entered the small space. His gaze naturally fell on Edmund Blackwood, sitting across from him.
This was the first time he truly saw Edmund Blackwood’s face. The evening before had masked all details in shadow, but now, in the bright sunlight, Edmund’s features were fully revealed.
His face was as smooth and chilling as cold jade, giving off a somewhat forbidding aura.
Liam silently chose a corner seat, stealing a glance at Edmund Blackwood. Their eyes unexpectedly met, and an unspoken tension hung in the air.
"Duke Edmund, there’s something I wish to discuss with you."
Liam’s voice was slightly awkward as he spoke.
Edmund Blackwood did not respond immediately. Instead, he slowly raised his gaze, which resembled a deep, cold abyss, signaling Liam to continue.
Feeling the weight of that gaze, Liam pressed on. "After the reward ceremony, I’d like to visit my sister. I need to know how she’s faring."
"What does this have to do with me?" Edmund's icy tone sliced through the air like a winter’s chill, causing Liam to shiver.
Liam had anticipated Edmund’s refusal, but he needed something from him now, and challenging him outright wouldn’t be wise.
Jasmine had mentioned that Edmund Blackwood desired someone compliant. With that in mind, Liam pivoted. "Duke Edmund, my sister and I are in a foreign land, and we are all each other has. If you can help me meet her, I would do whatever you ask."
At this, Edmund’s demeanor slightly changed. He tilted his head, though his expression was tinged with displeasure. Liam began to worry—did Edmund dislike this arrangement?
Deciding to take another approach, he continued, "If you find that too inappropriate, I suppose I could ask King Alistair instead. If he grants my request, I’ll be forever grateful—truly unforgettable."
He emphasized the words "eternally grateful," as if subtly hinting at something deeper.
Edmund Blackwood caught the underlying meaning in Liam’s implication; he wasn’t a fool. He recognized that if Rowena Blackwood were to fulfill Liam's request and Liam was truly grateful, his loyalties would naturally lean toward her. This would position Edmund at a severe disadvantage, especially in the power dynamics of Eldoria.
However, Edmund was a man who never put himself in a vulnerable position.
With a chilling laugh, Edmund suddenly grasped Liam by the collar with such force that Liam felt utterly powerless. Their faces were so close that Liam felt the warmth of Edmund's breath against his skin.
"I have little patience for pretentiousness," Edmund said softly, each word sharp as a winter's arrow striking directly at Liam’s heart.
"You may plead with Rowena Blackwood if you wish and see if she’ll help you."
Though Edmund considered Liam’s words, to him, all of it was just empty talk in the face of absolute power.
Liam fell silent, well aware that his threats held no weight against Edmund Blackwood.
Frustration coursed through him, and he returned to his seat, mentally strategizing other possible courses of action. This invitation to the palace was a golden opportunity—one he couldn’t afford to miss.
Before long, the luxurious carriage glided gracefully through the bustling streets, arriving at the magnificent Royal Palace. Each brick and tile of the palace exuded an aura of grandeur, leaving visitors in awe. Even the grand entrance seemed to showcase the splendor and authority of the monarchy.
At the palace gates, a eunuch in a blue robe was waiting. He was Master Ferdinand, a favored attendant of Queen Regalia.

Chapter 4

As the carriage came to a halt, the curtain was gently drawn aside, revealing Edmund Blackwood and Liam Hawthorne stepping out in succession.
"The servants have been waiting here for quite some time," a voice greeted warmly.
“Master Ferdinand,” Edmund acknowledged with a slight nod, his demeanor unusually chilly towards this man who seemed to hold a position of importance. Liam, ever perceptive, noted the subtle tension in Edmund’s gaze—an almost imperceptible hostility lurked beneath the surface.
Master Ferdinand’s association with Queen Regalia, and his tangled relationship with Elena Rivers, puzzled Liam.
But Master Ferdinand seemed unperturbed as he turned to Edmund with a broad smile, saying, “Duke Edmund, Queen Regalia has been in the Hall of Mellow Wisdom for quite a while now. Please, allow me to guide you there.”
Following their guide, Edmund and Liam navigated through a labyrinth of palace walls. Sunlight filtered through the glazed tiles overhead, casting intricate patterns on the cobblestones of the courtyard. Majestic palaces towered around them, their ornate rooftops glinting gold in the sunlight. The bricks of the courtyard walls appeared to tell tales of forgotten epochs, while a formation of palace maids and eunuchs stood in disciplined silence—heads bowed, expressions blank, resembling statues frozen in time.
The Hall of Mellow Wisdom was where the king would take care of state matters after court, but today, it was reserved for an important ceremony.
This ceremony was the final step in the wedding process. After Queen Regalia proclaimed her decree, she would present a jade plaque to Lady Adeline, symbolizing that this individual was now officially recognized as part of the royal lineage.
At that moment, the grand doors of the Hall stood shut. Master Ferdinand stepped forward and announced their arrival, and the doors slowly creaked open.
“Duke Edmund, please go ahead,” Master Ferdinand gestured.
Edmund shot a glance at Master Ferdinand—one filled with disdain and indifference—but did not show much emotion. “Thank you, my Lord,” he replied coolly.
With that, he stepped into the Hall of Mellow Wisdom.
Inside, the atmosphere felt heavy, almost stifling. It was as if every bit of air had been suspended, creating a sense of unease. Yet this feeling was something Edmund seemed used to.
Queen Regalia sat poised upon her ornate throne, her lavish garments shimmering under the palace lanterns. Her expression was inscrutable, an enigma that made it difficult to decipher her true feelings. From the moment Liam stepped into the Hall, he could feel Elena Rivers’s unwavering gaze fixed upon him.
With measured steps, Edmund and Liam approached the center, kneeling on the cold marble floor. A eunuch stood off to the side with the decree, his face somber as he began to read. Each word resonated in the vast, echoing chamber with clarity and strength.
Silence engulfed the hall once the decree was read. Liam approached Elena Rivers, ready to claim the jade plaque from her hand.
As Elena handed it over, her voice came softly yet pointedly. “I haven’t had the chance to ask how Prince Alaric treats you.”
Liam hesitated, the air thickening with unspoken tension. After a moment, he replied cautiously, “He’s fine.”
Elena’s tone sharpened slightly. “Yet I’ve heard that on your wedding night, Prince Alaric did not share your bed. Is that true?”
Initially, Liam thought Elena's inquiry was merely nagging, but now, the implication was clearer. How did she know about the lack of consummation? Had she arranged for someone to spy on him at Prince Alaric’s Manor? Was it Isabella Fairchild or someone else? His mind raced with confusion as silence enveloped him.
Elena pressed on, “It seems what I've heard is accurate. If you think Prince Alaric is unkind to you, you can always tell me. There are many worthy suitors in this world, and if you want, I can arrange a suitable match for you.”
Liam couldn’t miss her veiled hint, subtly advising him to choose wisely when it came to alliances.
Stealing a sideways glance at Edmund, he saw the man furrow his brow, displeased. It was evident that Edmund’s issues weren’t just with Rowena Blackwood, but also with Queen Regalia.
Though Edmund seemed no saint, neither was Elena. Faced with this manipulative woman, Liam knew he must retain control over his own choices.
“Queen Regalia,” Liam ventured, a smile playing at his lips, “how is it you know about that night? Did you have someone watch me and Duke Edmund at Prince Alaric's Manor?”
His directness caught Elena off guard.
She frowned slightly, clearly not expecting such a challenge. Of course, she wouldn’t admit to any surveillance, but she also recognized Liam's potential worth as a royal and chose not to sever any possible alliance. “No such thing, I assure you. I’m simply interested in your answers.”
“Then why don’t you trust me, Queen Regalia? I not only shared a bed with Duke Edmund, but we were intimate. Shall I go into more detail for you?”
He paused for effect, letting his gaze roam the spectators. They all understood his innuendo, and the hushed murmurs confirmed what he had suggested.
A flicker of discomfort crossed Edmund’s face, his brow knitted in contemplation as he met Liam’s gaze, filled with an unreadable complexity.
“Listen, I only wish to caution you,” Elena said, her tone cool and warning. “Choose wisely who you follow, or it may define the rest of your life.”
Liam couldn’t suppress a bitter laugh inwardly. This Queen Regalia acted as if she cared for him, yet her real concern was about control—her subtle reminder that he should align with her instead. He understood her game but chose not to confront her directly. Instead, he smiled and linked his arm with Edmund’s. “Don’t worry, Queen Regalia. I and Duke Edmund have a strong bond; he is my ideal partner.”

Chapter 5

Elena Rivers decided to temporarily abandon her plans for persuasion after her initial attempts fell flat.
As she exited the Hall of Mellow Wisdom, the sun was dipping low on the horizon. The air felt lighter, a welcome respite from the stifling atmosphere inside.
Ahead, Edmund Blackwood suddenly stopped, causing Liam Hawthorne to nearly collide with him.
"You certainly know how to tailor your words to your audience," Edmund remarked casually, glancing back at him.
Liam shrugged his shoulders, a teasing lilt to his voice. "If I truly agreed with Queen Regalia, I suspect Duke Edmund wouldn’t let me off so easily. The Duke wants an obedient princess, and I’m sure he doesn’t want me causing any trouble. I’m just playing along to protect myself."
Edmund offered no rebuttal, simply fixing his deep-set gaze on Liam. There was an intensity in Edmund’s eyes, one that made Liam’s heart skip a beat. He felt compelled to lower his gaze, dodging that penetrating stare.
After a moment of silence, Edmund spoke again. "You have one hour to visit your sister. When the sun sets, I will be waiting for you by the palace gates."
With that, he turned away, leaving Liam with a sense of surprise over Edmund's abrupt kindness. It felt unexpected, yet perhaps it was a sign that the Duke was loosening his guard. Forgetting his worries, Liam hurried after the palace servant who was leading him to the inner chambers.
The palace in the Linsburg Realm was a stark contrast to that of the Kingdom of Eldoria, lacking any vibrant exuberance. It was so quiet that it felt foreign—few servants roamed the halls, and the silence was almost oppressive.
Guided by the servant, Liam soon arrived at Blossom Hall, the residence of Clara Hawthorne.
Inside, the decor was elegant and dignified. The fragrance of blooming flowers permeated the air, creating a serene atmosphere that felt like a hidden sanctuary.
There weren’t many maids in Blossom Hall; each was preoccupied with their own tasks. Liam approach an attendant busy with her duties, announced himself, and waited patiently at the door.
Moments later, soft footsteps echoed from within and gradually drew nearer.
The grand doors of Blossom Hall creaked open, and beams of sunlight streamed through the gap, bathing the entrance in a warm glow. In that spotlight stood a striking figure.
It was Clara Hawthorne, no longer the innocent girl in a pale yellow dress. Now, she adorned herself in a resplendent light red gown, adorned with intricate peony embroidery, exuding elegance and nobility. Her headpiece shimmered, catching the light, yet her face still bore a gentle beauty—albeit with hints of maturity and sorrow in her expression.
Clara’s eyes widened upon seeing Liam, and tears began to cascade down her cheeks as if she couldn’t hold them back any longer.
"Brother, you finally came to see me," she trembled, enveloping Liam in a tight embrace as if they hadn’t seen each other in years.
Liam’s heart ached at the sight of her. He understood that the current circumstances were beyond their control. Before he could reply, Clara took his hand, pulling him eagerly into the palace. "Hurry, brother! I have so much to tell you!"
Inside, they settled at a small table in a quiet corner of the palace. Liam’s gaze was filled with concern as he asked, "How has the Emperor of Linsburg treated you?"
Clara nodded slightly, her tone more composed than before. "It’s mostly fine; I have everything I need. But since I arrived, I’ve never actually seen him. Maybe that's for the best; I wouldn’t want to meet him anyway."
She sighed before continuing, "To be honest, my well-being is secondary. I miss our mother... and I miss Young Li."
Young Li was Noble Lianna, the man Clara had been destined to marry.
"I can only wonder how Mother and Young Li are faring."
A frown crossed her features as sadness washed over her.
“By the way…” Clara suddenly turned serious, her eyes locking onto Liam’s. "How is the Duke treating you? I overheard Maid Jade saying Prince Alaric isn’t exactly easy to deal with. Has he made things difficult for you?"
Her tone was laced with worry.
At her words, Liam couldn’t help but force a smile, though it was tinged with bitterness. It wasn’t so much that Alaric was a bad person; Liam just felt he wasn’t good either.
But he couldn't share the complexities surrounding Edmund Blackwood with Clara. Instead, he replied, "Prince Alaric has been respectful. Our interactions have been courteous enough."
His tone was cold, hinting that he preferred not to delve deeper into that topic.
A silence fell between them. Then Clara pulled out a letter from a small drawer and handed it to Liam. "Brother, this is a letter I wrote to Young Li. Now that I’m a noble, this can’t be discovered by anyone else. The words inside are codes we shared; he’ll understand immediately."
Liam took the letter, slightly puzzled. Opening it, he found the contents were written in a unique code. Frowning, he looked back at Clara, asking, "You want me to deliver this for you?"
Clara nodded earnestly, saying, "Yes, I have no way of sending it myself. You’re my only hope."
Liam paused for a moment before agreeing, "Okay, I’ll help you with this. You can count on me."
As they settled into a comforting rhythm of conversation, sharing fragments of their lives, the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the floor. Liam caught sight of the fading light, and anxiety gripped him; he knew he had to make his exit.
"Clara, it’s getting late. I need to go."
Her face fell, a hint of disappointment creeping in. "But brother, you’ve just arrived. Don’t leave so soon."
Liam’s heart ached as well; he longed to linger a while longer with Clara. Yet, he couldn’t risk angering Edmund Blackwood. He understood all too well that failing to return on time could provoke the Duke’s wrath, making further pleas impossible.

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