The Alchemist's Secret Among Shadows

Chapter 1

In a world where magic slowly fades into obscurity, a unique and cunning figure emerges. Meet **Avan D'Radel**, the Epicurean Alchemist, a master of turning decay into wonder. With a remarkable command over otherworldly entities and an unmatched brilliance in alchemical arts, he navigates a chaotic reality filled with danger and opportunity.
Companions surround him—each more compelling than the last. Among them is the mesmerizing heiress of the **Succubi Clan**, who brings with her the allure of enchantment and power. **Emmeline**, a fierce warrior adorned with wings of light, stands beside him as a steadfast ally. Their adventures are often filled with laughter and unexpected twists, with **Nyx Lark**, the enigmatic dark sorceress, weaving shadowy spells that complement their escapades.
As they traverse the expansive Empire of **Varlost**, seeking to unveil ancient secrets, they find themselves embroiled in treachery. The ambitions of the **Holy Faerie**, led by **Reginald the Brave**, clash with those of the **Dark Faerie** legions that threaten to engulf the realms in darkness. Meanwhile, **Hector**, a genius inventor, modifies their powerful artifacts, enabling Avan to push the boundaries of alchemical prowess.
In this tapestry of ambition and rivalry, captivating destinies intertwine. The bold and resourceful **Heroine**, driven to seize every opportunity for glory and profit, stands at the forefront of their adventures. Her heart beats strongest amidst battle's thunder and laughter’s melody, forming unbreakable bonds with her companions.
As they delve deeper into forbidden realms and uncover relics of unimaginable power, the conflicts escalate. Their adventures will lead them to confront surprising adversaries—ancient evils intent on reclaiming dominion over all they hold dear.
This tale merges humor with high-stakes action, where loyalty will be tested and alliances formed amidst uncertain horizons. It’s a journey that promises both joy and peril, with unexpected twists that will leave readers enchanted.
In the heart of the **City of Feberlin**, the stage is set for a showdown like none other. The vibrant locales of the **Silverleaf Grove** and the sacred **Faerie Sanctum** contrast sharply against the backdrop of darkness looming at the borders of their world. Will friendship and cleverness outsmart the shadows?
With a tale rich in magic, adventure, and the complexities of the human heart, **Avan D'Radel** and his companions will take readers on an unforgettable journey through a world brimming with wonder and peril. Their adventures are just beginning, but glory awaits those who dare to challenge fate.

Chapter 2

The full moon hung high in the sky as we traveled home in a carriage across the desolate hills late into the night. The occasional crack of the whip and the rumble of the wheels created an ethereal rhythm that felt almost surreal.
October was approaching, yet the air remained unseasonably warm, especially inside the carriage with a stunningly beautiful woman beside me.
“Young Master Thorne, the shipment of Arcane Stones, while lucrative, is shrouded in uncertainty, and it might not be easy to sell.”
In the spacious carriage, which was large enough to stretch out in, it was just the two of us: me and her. She was Emmeline, my assistant and secretary, a girl we had taken in and raised from childhood as part of our family.
With her short golden hair, a friendly yet strikingly gorgeous face, and a revealing sapphire gown that showcased her ample curves and long legs, even I—who’d spent five years with her—found it hard to look away.
“I’m sorry, Emmeline. I didn’t realize the meetings would run so late.”
“You're being too kind, Young Master Thorne. It's part of my duties.”
I leaned back on the soft sofa opposite her, cautiously diverting my gaze from that alluring hemline, fidgeting with a ring on my middle finger as I let my eyes drift outside, taking in the night.
Emmeline smiled lightly, showing no displeasure when I evaded her probing. Since she had been assigned to my side, she had found it increasingly difficult to read my thoughts—perhaps I had made it intentionally difficult for her to guess.
I hailed from the illustrious D'Radel family, a prestigious family with military authority in the Empire. Sent to the Chiarlia Military Academy, the nation’s most elite school, I chose to pursue studies in summoning and alchemy—subjects considered beneath the interest of my family. This decision led to a fierce argument with my father, who, despite his status as the Imperial general, was little more than a curmudgeon.
My academic performance had always languished at the bottom; I simply detested the mundane assignments and exams. Even now, I clung to the title of an over-aged student who had failed to graduate, shattering a 1,100-year-old record for the longest time spent in school without a degree.
Yet, just as everyone labeled me the family disgrace, fate had other plans. My family’s political adversaries used me as a pawn, sending me to the desolate northern border town of Feberlin City, where I was pitted against an invading orc horde of 150,000 with just 5,000 lowly troops.
Initially meant to be a death sentence, fate turned in my favor. Today, I sat comfortably in this carriage, and it was no stretch to know what transpired back then. Thanks to that war, I was granted the title of lord of Feberlin County and bestowed with the rank of baron. The very Chancellor who had sought to send me to my doom was now a joke in our family, garnering chuckles from my father and brother when recalling his astonished face.
“Emmeline, how are preparations for the Harvest Festival coming along?”
“Rest assured, Young Master Thorne, everything is proceeding smoothly. About 80 percent of major merchants nationwide have responded to our invitations, and I estimate attendance will be no less than 75 percent. Moreover, the festival arena to the north of the capital is nearing completion and should be finished within a week. Preparations for the procession, fireworks, and various ceremonies are also underway, with practice sessions already in progress.”
“Good to hear. I hope the heat will let up by then.”
In the Empire, the Harvest Festival was the grandest event of the year, held annually but in different locations each time. Ever since I took charge five years ago, our once-fading county had experienced a remarkable revival. Dubbed the "Waste City" back then, Feberlin had shockingly risen to become the third-largest city in the nation, generating 175 percent of the national economic revenue.

Chapter 3

This year, I claimed the honor of hosting the Harvest Festival, triumphing over fifty-six rival counties with ease, thanks to my wealth and influence. What many underestimated was my talent in alchemy, a peculiar secret behind my unexpected success.
It all began when I aimed to create an unparalleled aphrodisiac. Countless failed experiments later, I stumbled upon unanticipated byproducts, one of which was a life-enhancing potion—not for the deceased, mind you—dubbed "Erectile Power." Alongside it, I formulated stamina-boosting oil, breast enhancers for women, and a fat-burning tonic.
During this time, I came across a merchant’s daughter named Amelia, wrongfully accused of treason. I leveraged my family’s power to lift the dark cloud over her life and subsequently invested in her family's struggling business. In return, she secured the exclusive distribution rights to my alchemical creations.
When these products hit the market, their popularity exploded beyond my wildest dreams. I never imagined such a substantial need existed in the Empire regarding intimacy and personal health.
"Emmeline, when do we expect the Everly Merchant Guild?" I inquired, restless with anticipation.
"They will arrive by tomorrow evening. I've arranged for a specialist to greet them, and I will inform Young Master Thorne right away," she replied promptly.
As I gazed at Emmeline, her beauty was impossible to ignore. Not only was she striking, but her efficiency was unmatched; I had yet to find anyone capable of filling her role.
Perhaps it was the growing warmth of the carriage or thinking about the Everly Guild representative, but I suddenly felt dizzy, overwhelmed by an urge I couldn’t resist any longer.
“In the name of Avante, summon the Snowball!” I commanded.
In an instant, a small, pure white fluffy ball materialized in my palm, freezing the air slightly as the discomfort receded. Emmeline, seated opposite me, wore a blend of surprise and admiration as she watched the magical reveal.
This was the first time in five years I performed a summoning spell in her presence.
“I never thought you’d use that spell in front of me, Young Master,” she said, her voice tinged with awe.
“Really? I apologize. My interest usually lies only in women and gold,” I retorted with a smirk.
She stared at me in disbelief for a heartbeat before shooting me a reprimanding glance. Her expression sparked an unfamiliar sensation in me—tonight felt undeniably special.
I let the petite fluff dance in midair as Emmeline, captivated, gazed at it affectionately. Despite being a failed experiment, I still took pride in my creativity; its charm compensated for its limited abilities.
While her eyes remained transfixed on the Snowball, I glanced beneath her skirts, curiosity overtaking my decorum.
Immediately, Emmeline’s demeanor shifted, leaving me embarrassed and perplexed.
Had she caught me...?
I tore my gaze away, finally noticing the strange magical surge pulsating outside the carriage.
I bolted out and borrowed a knight's steed, a surge of urgency propelling me forward. Suddenly, a blinding light pierced the night sky ahead, and without hesitating, I raced toward it.
**Chapter Two: The Grizzled Hermit**
While my sword skills may not be the greatest, I was confident in my horsemanship; I spent far more time riding than training with swords. A gust of wind whirled past my guardians as I glimpsed a figure in the distance, blood spilling from it as it collapsed onto the forest floor in a desperate struggle.
Don’t let the title fool you; I could see clearly that the being on the ground, half-dead, was a faerie. Though her body was bloodied and beaten, my seasoned instincts assured me she was female, undoubtedly not a hermit.

Chapter 4

Just as I was nearing the location of the Holy Faerie, a blinding bolt of lightning shot out from the direction she had come, aiming directly at the fallen Holy Faerie.
It was clear that the arrival of an expert was imminent. The intensity of that lightning indicated that the magic user was far beyond ordinary levels—at least several ranks stronger than I.
Feeling the urgency, I quickly conjured my strongest defensive spell—Earth Wall. A towering wall, over twenty feet high, rose up from the ground beside the Holy Faerie, perfectly deflecting the lightning and channeling its energy safely into the earth.
Five figures emerged slowly from the nearby woods, causing a jolt of alarm in me.
All five were Dark Faeries, unmistakably recognizable by their black hair and darker skin compared to the usual pure, vibrant colors of Holy Faeries. They exuded a menacing aura, easily distinguishing them as foes.
Their leaders were a strikingly handsome man and a captivating woman. My eyes focused on the woman, and my surprise stemmed from her extraordinary presence. I’d seen many beautiful women and even encountered some equally stunning Holy Faeries before, but the unique air of confidence and pride she radiated was something I’d never encountered in my life.
Not only was she breathtakingly beautiful, but there was an incongruity about her that set her apart. While most Holy Faeries possessed a natural and humble demeanor, this Dark Faerie exuded an aristocratic pride, as though her very existence was a marvel among mortals.
Her skin shone compared to her companions, enhancing her outstanding presence among them. I sensed an unusual connection between her and humanity—a relationship far beyond mere encounters.
"What are you staring at?" She suddenly snapped at me, catching my attention. Without warning, she swung a blade infused with electric energy directly toward my eyes.
Momentarily stunned, I hadn’t anticipated that this striking beauty would be a swordswoman of the Dark Faeries. I hastily tumbled off my steed to evade her lethal strike. The blade zipped past me, and before I could hit the ground, my horse met the same fate, its head severed clean off, blood spraying through the air.
The sound of swords unsheathing echoed as over thirty knights who had accompanied me formed a fan-shaped defensive line behind me, standing resolutely against the five Dark Faeries.
"Listen, human," the male companion of the Dark Faerie said in a calm voice, his tone oozing condescension. “This is a matter regarding the Holy Faerie. Leave now if you don’t wish to meet your end.”
Despite the overwhelming magical prowess of the Holy Faerie kin, the pressure exerted by this duo felt palpable. Even with over thirty elite knights at my back, their confidence was hardly shaken.
Suddenly, I threw my head back and laughed heartily, slowly rising to my feet and nonchalantly brushing the dust off my clothes, then casually raising an irreverent middle finger at them.
The moment the Dark Faeries registered my gesture, their expressions shifted drastically.
Their reactions weren’t solely due to my impudent action but rather the darkly gleaming magic ring encircling my finger—a relic worth a king’s ransom.
The elements of darkness and light are among the rarest forces, and artifacts containing both are fewer than fifty across the entire continent, each possessing unique powers.
The Dark Faeries recognized the gravity of this situation. If I tapped into the high-pressure dark energy within the ring, no one could predict the ensuing chaos.

Chapter 5

"I don’t care if you’re fairies or some other kind of creatures. You come to my territory to fight and kill, and even dare to attack me openly. You're incredibly reckless."
A stunning fairy, with icy beauty, cast a chilling glare that filled the room with an aura of deadly intent. But the male fairy finally met my gaze, pondering for a moment before responding.
Nyx. That’s what they called the breathtaking female fairy.
"This useless creature? Why should we be afraid of him? I don't believe for a second that he has the guts to unleash that cursed ring."
"Haha, well spoken! I might have lacked courage before, but seeing such a beauty accompany me into the fray, I feel fearless now. Ladies and gentlemen of the court, do you recognize these dark fairies for what they are?"
The knights behind me responded in unison, unified.
"Intruding upon human soil and attempting to assassinate the lord of this domain is clear evidence of your declaration of war against our nation."
The five fairies all exchanged glances, but I didn’t give them a moment to think. I began channeling my magical energy into the enchanted ring. Dark energy erupted from the crystal, engulfing my form in a wave of black light. At the same time, I signaled to my knights, who began to retreat, preparing to flee.
With our numbers, we couldn’t hope to defeat them. But if we made a hasty escape, they wouldn’t have the means to stop us. Should my comrades return to Feberlin City and testify that I was slain by dark fairies, then the dark fairy clan would face our nation’s wrath. My father and brother’s one hundred thousand dragons would undoubtedly wage a fierce battle against them.
Under my strong assertion, I saw a flicker of surprise and respect in the male fairy's eyes as he remarked:
"You're Avan D'Radel, the lord of Feberlin."
"Indeed, that's me."
"Meeting you in person is far more impressive than just hearing your name. We sincerely apologize for our earlier rudeness, and hope you’ll forgive us, esteemed lord..."
The male fairy's tone suddenly turned courteous, speaking in a more roundabout manner. Yet, I caught a hint of mockery gleaming in the eyes of the fairy beside him. Something didn’t sit right. I glanced at the female fairy lying on the ground, struggling for breath, and cursed his cleverness in my mind. He was using flattery and nonsense to buy time, hoping that she would die before help arrived.
"I’ll count to three. If you’re not gone by then, you can face the consequences. One... two..."
With a shrug and a flick of his dark cloak, the male fairy turned and left with a smirk, accompanied by his fellow kin.
"Impressive as always, Avan. I am Eldorin Treeborn, the General of the Dark Fairy Clan. I am sure we will meet again in the future."
I ignored him, moving towards the fallen fairy instead. The surrounding knights instinctively formed a protective circle around me.
As I had seen, she was indeed female. Blood smeared her face, but her beauty still shone through the injuries.
This gamble might just pay off. If she turned out to be a dragon, that would be trouble.
"Young Master Thorne, let her pass on comfortably."
From beyond the knight's circle, Emmeline stepped forward, carefully assessing the injured fairy's wounds. Her left arm was severed, her right eye punctured, and blood spilled from her ears, likely due to ruptured eardrums. Coupled with her extensive internal injuries, saving her seemed nearly impossible. Even if we managed to prolong her life, her longevity would be marred with suffering. That was probably why Emmeline suggested letting her die peacefully.
In an instant, I was reminded of something I dreaded to recall.
"Ice coffin."
I didn’t respond to Emmeline; I merely uttered those two words. The two accompanying middle-ranked mages immediately stepped forward without hesitation, casting a water spell enchanted with ice, encasing her critically injured body and severed limbs in frozen tranquility.

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